Impossible de changer adresse id

je n'arrive pas a changer mon id qui est une adresse mail

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Similar Messages

  • Impossible to change Apple id for iCloud

    I have an Apple Id for iTunes on my MB and unfortunatlely I gave another email adress (this means another apple id was created) for iCloud.
    So I have 2 Apple Id, and of course I forgot the pwd of the second one (for iCloud) and it's just impossible to change it because for some unknowable reasons :
    1- the email confirmation to verify this mail address never arrives on my mbox !!!
    2- the asnwer to the private question is wrong !!! Awesome, i think i know my birthday but it seems like iCloud stored a wrong information !!
    So I just can't change neither the pwd of this second Apple Id neither the Id itself to come back to a simplier configuration : only one apple id ...
    Consequences are awesome :
    1- By default, appstore on the iPhone use the iCloud Apple ID --> I can't download anymore apps because i don't have the pwd
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    The most strangest thing is that on the website , I can log on with the iTunes apple Id  ....
    I called the hotline, they can't answer me and of course, there's no contact mail on iCloud website ....
    Please help ...
    Thank you

    From the knowledgeable Roger Wilmut:
    You can't change the primary email address, the one you created when you opened an iCloud account (or if you migrated from MobileMe the address you log in with) other than by opening a completely new account.
    However you can create three 'email aliases' - these are extra addresses, not accounts, which deliver into the same inbox as the main address.
    It's actually quite a good idea to give out an alias address rather than the main one, since these can be easily changed should you get spammed.

  • Impossible to change the Fontsize for a Radiogroup(with Submit).

    Impossible to change the Fontsize for a Radiogroup(with Submit).
    I have a Menue displayed from a Query like (select menue_title, id from lov_tabel)
    and displayed in a Report Region as a Radio group with Submit.
    The problem is, i've not been able to change the font size.
    What i' have tried.
    - Change the color works if i change "+Page Item"-> Element -> HTML Table Celle Attributes+ to
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    - If change in Application-> Shared Components-> Templates
    copy the Template "Reports Region" to "MenueReport",
    then change on "MenueReport"->Template
    value to      <table class="t6ReportsRegion" id="#REGION_STATIC_ID#" #REGION_ATTRIBUTES# summary=""
         *style="font-size:1.2em; color:#CC00CC; font-family:Verdana"*>
         <tr><td class="t6Header">#TITLE#</td></tr>
         <tr><td class="t6ButtonHolder">#CLOSE#   #PREVIOUS##NEXT##DELETE##EDIT##CHANGE##CREATE##CREATE2##EXPAND##COPY##HELP#</td></tr>
         <tr><td class="t6Body">#BODY#</td></tr>
         </table>     option style="font-size:1.2em; color:#CC00CC; font-family:Verdana" inserted
         and then change in the template for the report region the Option
         Edit Region->User Interface -> Template to "MenueReport".
         I see a new color but NO font-size will be changed!
    - I have changed the query to     SELECT  ' <font size="4">' || rt_name as x, rt_nr  FROM report_types order by rt_nr     But there is NO change of font size, and the Tag <font size= .. is deprecated.
    Used Version is Apex apex_030200 with Firefox 3.5.5 Windows.
    After all this failed attempts, i have no idea how to change the font for page to a larger size.
    Can anyone help me and explain how to change the font size in Apex for a Radiogroupe?
    Thanks in advanced

    Assign a [static region ID|] to the region containing the radiogroup.
    Place the following code in the HTML Header page property, replacing static-region-id with the ID given to the region:
    <style type="text/css">
    #static-region-id label {
    </style>after that how do we need to call this css
    and does it need to be called within the Region HTML table cell attributes of a region or in the HTML Form Element Attributes of the radio group items
    CSS isn't "called". Learn how [themes, templates|] and CSS are used to control the appearance of APEX applications.

  • Recently, there is a bug on my Mac OS X Lion, while trashing an iphoto the errant pic does not go to trash bin, but simply disappears! Which makes it impossible to change my mind. The trash remains empty, yet the pic is gone, and I never even emptied

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    Sorry - there have been no updates to that system for a long time
    Try to backup your iPhoto library and lanch iPhoto while holding the option and cannoned keys down - repair permissions and if needed rebuild the database

  • Impossible to change a Artwork

    first sorry for my English, I'm French and I hope to understand your futur answers.
    I use ITunes 12.1 et ITunes Match
    My problem :
    I have a lot of music without problem but for some of them, it's impossible to change the Artwork (I know the different way to do that).
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    I deleted this CD on my computer and in Itune Match. I redone all and I have the same problem...
    I tried also to change the format but no result.
    Could you help me?
    thank youvery much.

    Assign a [static region ID|] to the region containing the radiogroup.
    Place the following code in the HTML Header page property, replacing static-region-id with the ID given to the region:
    <style type="text/css">
    #static-region-id label {
    </style>after that how do we need to call this css
    and does it need to be called within the Region HTML table cell attributes of a region or in the HTML Form Element Attributes of the radio group items
    CSS isn't "called". Learn how [themes, templates|] and CSS are used to control the appearance of APEX applications.

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    Hope theres someone that knows whats the problem.. i need to open my old account asap..

    Hi Mark,
    To stop the pop-up, Go to System Preferences: Security. Check the box next to "Require password to unlock each secure system preference." Then lock Security.
    Try this cure for Security update...
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    Non ça n'a rien à voir. Il se peut que ta banque ne permet pas d'ajouter ta CB, moi j'ai du passer un coup de fil à la mienne pour qu'ils me permettent d'afficher ma carte sur mon compte iTunes. Essaie voir si ça marche?

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    Je ne peux enregistrer de nouvelle adresse pour remplacer l'actuelle qui n'est plus bonne.

    C'est au Service clientèle qu'il faut s'adresser, ici c'est un forum d'utilisateurs.
    Le service de Chat est très réactif :

  • How is it impossible to change the shipping method when Verizon Wireless is the one who screwed up?

    Verizon Wireless doesn't have an email address because they know they'd get inundated with their many dissatisfied customers. I used to say "I love Verizon Wireless!!" now when people ask why I'm still with Verizon I say, "Better the devil I know than the devil I don't." And that's what almost everyone I know says!!! Why are we paying for terrible customer service and terrible policies!!! Don't they get enough money from us without having to treat us like garbage?!?!?!
    Anyway, this is a bit of a rant, and I just hope someone sees it who can try to effect some change, although I doubt that's possible.
    I know this is probably not the best way to resolve my issue, but I've been on the phone with customer service for over an hour, and I don't have time to go through the proper channels to leave feedback that I'm not sure even gets reviewed.
    I ordered a new iPhone 5c on March 31st, through a promotion where I got the 32GB for free. Wonderful promotion, I was very excited, it worked out very well for me. I entered my credit card information to pay the $30 upgrade fee, which, quite frankly, should be illegal, and Verizon Wireless should be ashamed of themselves for charging customers to continue being customers. But that's a battle for another day.
    The iPhone 5c was on back order and was guaranteed shipped by April 18th. I'm a tax accountant, so it works out well that I was super busy and not staring at the mailbox during those 18 days. But every now and then I checked my order status and it was never updated with FedEx. So I was a little concerned. On Friday, April 18th at 6.06 EST, I called in and spoke with a woman who assured me nothing was wrong with my order, and by the time the weekend was over, I should have an updated status. I asked her to review it carefully because I was concerned that I hadn't received any kind of update. She said there was nothing in there to delay my order.
    Cut to Tuesday, April 22. I was perturbed, but not alarmed that I didn't have my new phone. Until my mother reminded me that she was getting my old phone, and her grace period ends on Friday, when she needs to either reconnect a phone, or start paying for service again, with or without the phone. So I called Verizon to find out what was going on.
    The $30 charge didn't go through, so they never sent my device out. There is no reason the charge didn't go through, I have confirmation that I entered my card information correctly, there was over $2,000 in that account. So nothing on my side was amiss. Nobody at customer service can figure out why the payment didn't process. And nobody has the authority to expedite the shipping of my new phone. Ashley had me on hold for over 10 minutes while she conferred with a supervisor. Then she hung up on me. An accident, I know, but she didn't try to call me back, or text me to give me a callback number (which I've been told is an option).
    So I had to call back in and explain this all over again to a new representative who was unable to transfer me to Ashley. And Ashley didn't put her correct inner email on my call record, so the new rep couldn't contact her. The new rep said all she could do was take the $30 payment, and then send my phone out. I was understandably upset at how I'd been hung up on, and previously lied to by the rep on Friday the 18th. But the rep insisted there was nothing she could do to expedite the shipping of my phone. I asked to speak to a supervisor, waited almost 20 minutes, which I understand.
    The supervisor gets on the phone, and insists there's nothing she can do to expedite the shipping of my phone. Even after I explained the whole story, she still couldn't do anything. Because I chose normal shipping when I ordered the phone, they couldn't change it to overnight shipping now without cancelling the order. But if they cancelled the order, then I wouldn't be eligible for the promotional price, since that promotion had ended. I find it hard to believe 1) that there is **nobody** at Verizon Wireless customer service who can contact the warehouse and ask them to overnight a shipment and 2) that there is **nobody** at Verizon Wireless who could cancel my original order, create a new order with overnight shipment, and then waive the price of the phone to be in line with the promotion/sale.
    I find it equally impossible to believe that in special circumstances, you can't forward the stock request to a store near me so I can pick up in person.
    And then, to make matters even more fun, the supervisor I was on the phone with told me I had to order asap, because the shipping cutoff had passed 15 minutes before, and there wasn't even a guarantee that my phone would be shipped out at the end of the day. So instead of getting my phone a week later than I should have, I'd be getting it over a week later than I should have. To further compound my anger and frustration, when I called Verizon on March 31st to ask a question about my update, I sat on hold for a few minutes and was transferred and then hung up on. So I was hung up on twice by customer service, and that still didn't get me what I wanted.
    Now, I know these are first world problems. But if consumers keep letting themselves get pushed around by the big monopolies who don't care about my $75 a month, then it will just get worse.
    Ask yourself: Would you stay with a company who treated you the way I was treated above?
    If you made it this far, thanks for reading.
    Soon to be a Former Verizon Customer

    I think most Verizon customers feel the same way:/  I was chatting with Verizon for over 2 hours and they still wouldn't help me.  Verizon Wireless and their customer service is TERRIBLE!!  I do not know why they still have customers.  I upgraded to the iPhone 5S end of December 2013.  I spent over $250 for the brand new iPhone 5S and only had it for 3 mos before I started having problems with it.  It is now June and am on my 3rd iPhone 5s.  This 3rd phone is having issues already, which will make it the 4th phone since I upgraded and the 3rd replacement refurbished phone they sent me.  I called today asking for a new phone.  I do not want any part of the iPhones anymore with as many problems as I have had.  I spoke to 3 different representatives, and none of them would help me.  I still have a year and a half at least left on my contract, so they are going to let me go through god knows how many more iPhones before my contract ends. They basically stated that if I wanted a different phone I have to pay full retail price for a new phone or else be stuck with replacement iPhone 5S' for the next year and a half.  Verizon is worthless!!  I'm thinking I'm going to switch carriers.  I spent so much money on a brand new phone when I upgraded and only had the new phone for 3 mos....that's just ridiculous and unfair and Verizon won't replace it with another brand new phone. I am stuck with refurbished iPhone 5S'. 

  • I can't see a message from my union because of problems with changed adress for pop-upwindows and some other issue

    I'm from Sweden and I'm having problems with a website my union has. I have been able to see messages from them before but they've changed their adress and on the site they tell people they have to put the new adress on the approved list for pop-up windows. I have done so but it's still not working. Maybe I've done it wrong, I don't know but it's annoying as hell that I can't see the messages they send.
    I really need help with this.
    Best regards,

    Many site issues can be caused by corrupt cookies or cache. In order to try to fix these problems, the first step is to clear both cookies and the cache.
    Note: ''This will temporarily log you out of all sites you're logged in to.''
    To clear cache and cookies do the following:
    #Go to Firefox > History > Clear recent history or (if no Firefox button is shown) go to Tools > Clear recent history.
    #Under "Time range to clear", select "Everything".
    #Now, click the arrow next to Details to toggle the Details list active.
    #From the details list, check ''Cache'' and ''Cookies'' and uncheck everything else.
    #Now click the ''Clear now'' button.
    Further information can be found in the [[Clear your cache, history and other personal information in Firefox]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!
    '''Try Firefox Safe Mode''' to see if the problem goes away. Safe Mode is a troubleshooting mode, which disables most add-ons.
    ''(If you're not using it, switch to the Default theme.)''
    * You can open Firefox 4.0+ in Safe Mode by holding the '''Shift''' key when you open the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * Or open the Help menu and click on the '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' menu item while Firefox is running.
    ''Once you get the pop-up, just select "'Start in Safe Mode"''
    '''''If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one. Please follow the [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] article for that.
    ''To exit the Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before opening Firefox for normal use again.''
    ''When you figure out what's causing your issues, please let us know. It might help other users who have the same problem.''

  • Impossible de changer les informations de mes films dans Itunes. Comment le faire de nouveau ?

    J'ai un problème.
    Dans ma bibliothèque Itunes, je suis dans l'incapacité de changer les informations de mes films. Quand je vais dans "Obtenir des informations", j'obtiens une fenêtre où tout est grisé et où il m'est impossible de modifier quoi que ce soit, alors que je pouvais le faire avant. Ce problème ne concerne même pas tous mes films, mais une grande majorité.
    Comment puis-je faire pour pouvoir à nouveau modifier les informations de mes films ?

    Le seul moyen "propre" que j'ai trouvé est d'en faire une définition de type, puis de la déconnecter. Après j'ai pu modifier les noms des pages.
    1. Sur la commande onglets, clic droit -> Avancé -> Personnaliser...
    2. Sélectionner "Définition de Type" dans le type de commande personnalisée. Supprimer la commande, puis en recréer une identique.
    3. Sauver le .ctl
    4. Retourner sur le VI. Clic droit sur la commande onglet -> Déconnecter la définition de type
    5. Normalement, on peut alors modifier les noms des pages.
    Sinon, il faut vider les pages, refaire la commande onglet, et re-remplir les pages...
    Eric M. - Application Engineering Specialist
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    Certified LabWindows™/CVI Developer

  • Impossible to change the selected modem in One Tou...

    From few weeks I lost the use of my N95 8Go to connect my Vista PC to Internet.
    The problem isn't the phone because the N95 can be used by my Macbook to connect to internet.
    I tried a lot of things:
    - uninstall the complete set for Nokia PC suite (Softwares, USB & Bluetooth drivers and evry thigs with the Nokia name)
    - Install the new Nokia OVI PC suite
    - delete all Bluetooth connection in the control panel
    - delete bluetooth association of my N95 with my PC and rebuild it via the Nokia assistant
    But the issue still in place.
    I noticed something interesting: when the nokia wizard has associated the N95 with Vista it tells that it has created  "Standard Modem over Bluetooh link #4" but when I launch the One Touch Acces application, the only connection I can use is a "Standard Modem over Bluetooh link#2".
    When I edit the "Standard Modem over Bluetooh link#2", it's linked to a #2 BT modem and I see the #4 BT Modem. If I link to the #4 BT modem, the problem is the same.
    Why is it impossible to view the #4 BT Modem in One Touch Acces?
    Linked to this issue, each time I try to connect to Internet I have the same error message, something like "Failed to connect to network. Modem is maybe used by another application or it is bad configured." (My message is in french).
    Please help, I really need to connect to Internet for work !!!

    I had a similar problem with a 5800. The solution for me was not to change the modem but to make the modem work.
    Go to  Control Panel - Network connections.
    In "Dial-up" find the modem it is attempting to connect with. There may be more than one here.
    Right-click and go to properties.
    You should uncheck a generic modem and check one with your phone model, mine was "Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Bluetooth Modem (COM 18)".
    Right-click connect should bring up the login box, depending on your phone co. there is probably no user or pass.
    Again depends on phone model but the number *99# works for my dial number to voda NZ.
    Connect - this should connect directly using GPRS/data over your phone as a workaround, even if you can't get the Nokia widget to do it for you.
    I did have to fiddle but ultimately this got rid of the message for me, and now the internet widget in PC suite works without the error.
    Message Edited by scaryb on 09-Jun-2009 01:03 PM

  • Impossible to change email address in my Apple ID account

    Helle everyone,
    I need to change my email adress on my apple ID account because I don't use this email anymore (let's call this email address: "#1"), but when I enter my new email adress (let's call this address: "#2") it says "this email adress (#2) is already used by an another apple ID account".
    So I try to connect myself with this email address (#2) and indeed I find that I did create an account under this email adress a long time ago, so I modify everything in the account, including the email adress to an old one I don't use anymore, and clear everything (because you can't delete the account apparently).
    Then I log back to my other account logging in with my #1 address, and try to change my email address in the account by changing it to the new email address (#2), but it STILL says "this email address  (#2) is used by another account) !!!
    So I try to log on to my apple ID using this email address (#2) but it says "the email address or the password is incorrect". Of course it's incorrect because I juste deleted it to use it elsewhere !!!
    Any suggestions to be able to use my real email address (#2) ??? Sorry if this is confusing but I tried to clarify a bit using #1 and #2
    Thanks !

    Everything that you bought with the old Apple ID requires that ID to be redownloaded, updated and to authorize your Mac s, PCs and iOS devices for use of the content. If you change the Apple ID on your iPad, you cannot change it back for 90 days.
    Open the App Store app, go to the Featured pane, swipe to the bottom, tap your old Apple ID and sign out. Tap again and sign back in with the new Apple ID.

  • HT5621 I have changed my apple how do I change the apple ID on my Ipad that it wants to use for login...its greyed out so impossible to change..

    I have changed my Apple how do I change the default apple ID on my Ipad....the apple ID is greyed out so cant change it...

    Tap on the id in Settings > iTunes & App Store and tap 'sign out' on the popup and then log back in with the updated version - if that is also greyed out then check to see if you currently have Settings > General > Restrictions > Accounts (under the 'allow changes' heading) set to 'Don't Allow Changes'

  • When using keynote 6.0 it is impossible to change the theme after 2 or 3 slights. when ı want to change a few slights theme, all of them changes. is there a way to manage it

    Hi there,
    My problem is this: "when using the keynote 6.0 (new version) ı want to use many themes however it is only possible to work with an only slight. in the former version we were able to choose many themes but not ı am stuck. I will be pleased if any of you can give me a short cut to change the theme from one to another without changing the formers.

    Keynote 6 can only use one theme in a presentation.This may change with the spate of updates promised over the next six months.
    If you have Keynote 5, you can still use that, its located in iWork 09 folder in the applications folder.

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