In Pages, how to insert a PRINT-DATE field into a doc.?

Want to insert a field that will show the date of the doc's printing. 
In MS Word, this is known as 'insert print date'.
How to do so in Pages?  Thanks.

You can define placeholder text in Pages v5.5.2 in any of the six header/footer sections. Think of it as a a field code that when you click on it the text you enter replaces the placeholder text using the same style. By example, I placed a combination of text and placeholder text in the lower left footer segment.
The text and the brackets were selected, and then Format ▸ Advanced ▸ Define as Placeholder Text. Also, because it is in the footer, it is replicated throughout the document. Although you could Insert > Date/Time into this placeholder text, automation may be preferred. I have chosen to use the same date/time style as MS Word uses in its print date field code. You can only change placeholder text programmatically with Pages and AppleScript on Yosemite. Once I run the AppleScript, all placeholder tags are replaced as shown in this image:
You could make this an Automator Service (e.g. run AppleScript action with no input, and output replacement is checked). One could assign a keyboard shortcut to this service too. One click printed date stamp and document sent to default printer.
The AppleScript (Yosemite only).
property tagStr : "[print-date]"
--- used for testing ---
-- set f to POSIX path of ((path to desktop) as text) & "arg.pages"
-- set hf to POSIX file f as alias
set printDate to "" as text
set theTags to {}
tell application "Pages"
      -- open hf
      tell front document
           set theTags to the tag of every placeholder text whose tag is equal to tagStr
           -- Word print-date field code uses this 12-hour date/time format as mm/dd/YY 00:00 AM/PM
           set printDate to do shell script ("/bin/date +'%D %l:%M %p'") as text
           repeat with i from 1 to count of theseTags
                 set thisTag to item i of theseTags
                 set (every placeholder text whose tag is thisTag) to printDate
           end repeat
           -- use your own System Preferences printer name string
           tell application "Samsung ML-2950 Series (Sammy)"
           -- no print dialog
                print front document without «class pdlg»
           end tell
      end tell
      -- close front document saving no
end tell

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    No - the Word files do not need to be saved in any other format if you have Pages on your iPad. There are other apps that provide better compatibility than Pages but it will work for you. You have to have DropBox on your PC and the free DropBox app on the iPad to use DropBox to transfer files.
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    Below is the simple procedure. Try the below
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    If you want more examples you can refer below link
    multi-table inserts in oracle 9i
    Message was edited by: 000000


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    In future, please post Swing questions to the [Swing Forum.|]
    In short, your TableModel is probably a DefaultTableModel . Study its API.

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    Below method will create table when data is inserted from one table to another table. Its useful when you need exactly same datatype as source table.
    Use AdventureWorks2008R2;
    ---Insert data using SELECT INTO
    SELECT AddressLine1, City
    INTO BothellAddresses
    FROM Person.Address
    where City = 'Bothell';
    Select AddressLine1, City
    FROM BothellAddresses
    DROP TABLE BothellAddresses
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    ---Create Table
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    ---Insert into above table using SELECT
    INSERT INTO BothellAddresses(AddressLine1, City)
    SELECT AddressLine1, City
    FROM Person.Address
    where City = 'Bothell';
    Select AddressLine1, City
    FROM BothellAddresses
    DROP TABLE BothellAddresses
    Vishal Patel

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    Hi Alagappan ,
          In your view layout you take table UI element and then you bind it with some context nodes.
    The attributes of your nodes comes as a field.
    Now in these fields you can set various properties and image is one of them.
    Go to ->
    2. Right click on table -> Create Binding.
       Here you have to bind it with the appropriate context node.
    You will get two properties here
    a- Standard Cell Editor :- ( make it image )
    b- Standard properties :- ( If required set image properties ).
    3. If you want put image from out side then import it as a mime object and set the source of your table field ( used as a image )
    also have a look :-
    [Image Properties|]
    Hope this will solve your problem.
    Reply if any case of any issue.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Monishankar C

  • Send email including the data field into the html message body

    Hi all,
    I would like to send an email to each recipient once only, and including a data field into the html body message. I am not sure how to achive that with my current stored procedure.
    USE [CallManager]
    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[PersonalCallsReminder] Script Date: 08/27/2014 10:26:55 ******/
    -- =============================================
    -- Author: <Author,,Name>
    -- Create date: <Create Date,,>
    -- Description: <Description,,>
    -- =============================================
    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[PersonalCallsReminder]
    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.
    -- Email Users
    declare @email varchar(max)
    declare mycursor cursor FAST_FORWARD for
    FROM dbo.Calls_Mobile_Header INNER JOIN
    dbo.HumersStaffExtension ON
    dbo.Calls_Mobile_Header.TelNumber = dbo.HumersStaffExtension.telnr_prv COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
    GROUP BY dbo.Calls_Mobile_Header.RecordStatus, dbo.HumersStaffExtension.usr_id,,
    HAVING (dbo.Calls_Mobile_Header.RecordStatus = N'0') AND (NOT ( IS NULL))
    OPEN mycursor;
    FETCH NEXT FROM mycursor
    INTO @email
    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
    @profile_name = 'CallsManagement',
    @recipients = @email ,
    @body_format = 'HTML',
    @subject = 'Personal Calls Reminder',
    @body = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
    <title>Personal Calls Reminder</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
    font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
    font-size: 11pt;
    .auto-style1 {
    background-color: #FFFF00;
    <table style="width: 800px">
    <td>Dear,<br />
    <br />
    Please review your phone bills and submit your personal calls using the following link:<br />
    <a href="http://companyxyz/personalcalls/">Personal Calls</a></td>
    <table style="width: 800px">
    <td><strong>Kindly be informed that the deadline to process new bills is on the
    <span class="auto-style1">15th of each month</span>.</strong></td>
    <table style="width: 800px">
    <td>For assistance, please contact <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></td>
    <table style="width: 800px">
    <td><strong>*** This is an automatically generated email, please do not reply ***</strong></td>
    FETCH NEXT FROM mycursor
    INTO @email
    CLOSE mycursor;
    DEALLOCATE mycursor;
    Changing the query to the following:
    SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT, dbo.Calls_Mobile_Header.ExtractDate
    FROM dbo.Calls_Mobile_Header INNER JOIN
    dbo.HumersStaffExtension ON
    dbo.Calls_Mobile_Header.TelNumber = dbo.HumersStaffExtension.telnr_prv COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
    GROUP BY dbo.Calls_Mobile_Header.RecordStatus, dbo.HumersStaffExtension.usr_id,, dbo.HumersStaffExtension.res_id,
    HAVING (dbo.Calls_Mobile_Header.RecordStatus = N'0') AND (NOT ( IS NULL))
    Will provide me with the following results:
    email ExtractDate
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    Is it possible to send email to [email protected] once only including in the html message body the ExtractDate field results for July-2014 and August-2014? 
    I appreciate any assist on the issue.
    Thank you in advance.

    Refer the below code highlighted in bold.
    USE [CallManager]
    /****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[PersonalCallsReminder]    Script Date: 08/27/2014 10:26:55 ******/
    -- =============================================
    -- Author:  <Author,,Name>
    -- Create date: <Create Date,,>
    -- Description: <Description,,>
    -- =============================================
    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[PersonalCallsReminder]
     -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
     -- interfering with SELECT statements.
     -- Email Users
    declare @email varchar(max),@date datetime
    declare @temp table (email varchar(50), extractDate datetime)
    insert into @temp
      SELECT     TOP (100) PERCENT, dbo.Calls_Mobile_Header.ExtractDate
      FROM         dbo.Calls_Mobile_Header INNER JOIN
             dbo.HumersStaffExtension ON
             dbo.Calls_Mobile_Header.TelNumber = dbo.HumersStaffExtension.telnr_prv COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
      GROUP BY dbo.Calls_Mobile_Header.RecordStatus, dbo.HumersStaffExtension.usr_id,, dbo.HumersStaffExtension.res_id,
      HAVING      (dbo.Calls_Mobile_Header.RecordStatus = N'0') AND (NOT ( IS NULL))
      ORDER BY
    declare mycursor cursor FAST_FORWARD for SELECT DISTINCT email from @temp
    OPEN mycursor;
    FETCH NEXT FROM mycursor
    INTO @email
        DECLARE @date nvarchar(200)
        SELECT @date=Stuff((SELECT ',' + [extractDate]
                  FROM   @temp  where email = @email
                  FOR xml path('')), 1, 1, '')
           EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
                @profile_name = 'CallsManagement',
                @recipients = @email ,
                @body_format = 'HTML',
                @subject = 'Personal Calls Reminder',
                @body = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
    <title>Personal Calls Reminder</title>
    <style type="text/css">
     body {
     font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
     font-size: 11pt;
    .auto-style1 {
     background-color: #FFFF00;
    <div>Extract Date : ' + @date + '</div>
     <table style="width: 800px">
       <td>Dear,<br />
       <br />
       Please review your phone bills and submit your personal calls using the following link:<br />
       <a href="Personal">http://companyxyz/personalcalls/">Personal Calls</a></td>
     <table style="width: 800px">
       <td><strong>Kindly be informed that the deadline to process new bills is on the
       <span class="auto-style1">15th of each month</span>.</strong></td>
     <table style="width: 800px">
       <td>For assistance, please contact <a href="[email protected]:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></td>
     <table style="width: 800px">
     <td><strong>*** This is an automatically generated email, please do not reply ***</strong></td>
          FETCH NEXT FROM mycursor
          INTO @email
    CLOSE mycursor;
    DEALLOCATE mycursor;
    Regards, RSingh

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    01 JAN 1989 12:01:00.001 AM
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    FROM sa.drag;
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    ERROR at line 3:
    ORA-01855: AM/A.M. or PM/P.M. required

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    Many thanks in advance for anyone who can help me with this issue!

    Hey Mandy,
    Yes, both date fields are on the Master Page. The first one is set to "User entered - Required" and the second to "Calculated - User Can Override"
    And that's right, I used your script to calculate the second date field. The only thing I changed was the field name, and used 6 days instead since I wanted the calendar days to only run a full week, like start on a Monday and end on Sunday.

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    I am very new to Adobe Forms. I am supposed to come up with a working scenario of inserting few form fields into the SAP backend. Is this done through a BAPI call? Or is there any other way for this to achieve?
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    Please help.....
    [I went through the forum for this, but I did not get anything]
    Warm regards,

    in the livecycle designer under libary tab u have webdynpro tab--->choose submit to sap button and place it in the adobe form ur designing. u can use this button to trigger the code that u have written in webdynpro java.
    for eg if u have
    a value node details
    and under that two value attr fname,lname
    import the model (Insertdata---it has two import param fname and lname)u need for updating the data to r3 system.
    in the ctrller have a method submit.Here write the code to insert fname and lname into the db.
    IPrivateMyForm.IDetailsElement elem = wdContext.nodeDetails().currentDetailsElement();
    Insertdata_Input input = new Insertdata_Input();
    catch (Exception ex)
    { ex.printStackTrace();}
    ul bind details to the datasource.
    when u edit ur interactive ui element these attr(fname and lname) vl be visible under dataview tab u can drag and drop them to the form
    now add submit to sap button in ur form.
    this button correspond to the onactionSubmit dat u have written in the ctrller.
    so wen u click this the data vl be inserted

  • How to insert a table data into temporary table

    Can anyone help me to insert a table data into temporary table.

    If you could provide a (simplified) example of the data you have and the output you're attempting to get, that would probably be quite helpful. I'm not sure that I understand exactly what you're trying to do here...
    1) It sounds like you know the structure of the result set you're trying to generate. So it would be possible to create a temporary table once (at the same time that you create all your other tables) and write procedural PL/SQL code that would step through the data, write data to the temp table, select the data out of the temp table, and return a REF CURSOR. That would tend not to be the way that an Oracle developer would do things (there are exceptions, of course), but it would work.
    2) I don't see any inherent problems in using sub-selects and inline views to do whatever aggregation you're trying to do on the secondary tables, which would allow you to get the output in a single query. For example, given an ORDERS table and an ORDER_DETAILS table,
    SELECT o.customer_id, o.invoice_number, SUM( od.line_item_cost ) total_cost
      FROM orders o,
           order_details od
    WHERE o.order_id = od.order_id
    GROUP BY o.customer_id, o.invoice_number3) If you do need to use procedural logic, I would tend to look into the use of pipelined table functions or to read the data into an in-memory collection and to manipulate and return that collection.

  • How to insert values from different region into one table

    Hi everyone
    I have created a page which contains 4 html regions like region1,region 2 ...region 4
    in region 1 i created 2 text items like (emp_name,emp_id).
    in region 2 i created 2 date fields (start_date,end_date).
    In region3 i created a tabular form which contains(job , hire_date).
    in region 4 i created a textfield (%of Hike)
    So i want to create a button(submit) .when i press the button it will insert all the informations provided by the user in different regions will be inserted to a table called employee_information.
    Can i do this?
    If it is possible please tell me how to do this
    if not then tell me any alternative solution.

    Sabyasachi wrote:
    Hi fac586
    Can you please tell me step by step how to do it or can you please make an example in and give me the credentials so that i can know clarify my doubts.1. Create a Form using a Wizard. This will create the items and processes necessary to retrieve data from, and perform DML on, the table. The items will be contained in a single default region.
    2. Create custom HTML regions on page.
    3. Move items and buttons from the default region created by the Form Wizard by changing the Region value in the "Displayed" section of the item attributes page, or Page Items page; or reassign items to regions using the Reassign Region Items page.

  • How to insert a Bridge photo gallery into a webpage with Dreamweaver

    I have made the changes to the web gallery index page (from Bridge) as indicated in  in DW.  However, I normally do not use DW, but need to now.  I have the new web page where I want the gallery to appear, but am currently stuck.  I need a very clear, basic step by step instruction as to how to insert the gallery/index page.  Below is the DW code screen from the new page where I want it to appear (not sure if this is needed).  Thanks for your help!  Ron
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <title>Visual Arts Gallery Giselle M Olivera</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    .style5 {
      font-family: "Kunstler Script";
      font-size: 21px;
    .style7 {font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif}
    a:link {
      text-decoration: none;
      color: #000000;
    a:visited {
      text-decoration: none;
      color: #000000;
    a:hover {
      text-decoration: underline;
      color: #33FFFF;
    a:active {
      text-decoration: none;
      color: #000000;
    .style8 {color: #000000}
    <div align="center">
      <table width="227" border="1">
        <tr valign="top">
          <td width="217" align="center" valign="top"><div align="center"><span class="style7"><span class="style8"><a href="./">HOME</a></span></span> <span class="style8"><a href="./"><span class="style5">Giselle M. Olivera</span></a></span></div></td>

    First define your site folder in Dreamweaver.  Site > Manage Sites > New > Local Site.
    Also, to simplify things, you could use an <iframe> to bring your bridge gallery index.html page into your DW web page.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • How can I populate a date field when document is signed?

    I have 4 digital signature fields in a PDF form.  Next to each signature field is a date field (m/d/yyyy format).  I would like it so when the user signs the signature box that the date field next to it populates with todays date, then changes to read only (so it cannot be altered).
    In Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 I have this form and it has the following fields
    The Signature fields trigger a Topaz.GemSignPlus driver where the end user will be signing on an electronic signature pad.
    How can I use Javascript to detect when one of those Signature fields is populated and then fill in the date to the approrpiate date field?  I tried creating boolean variables initialized as false for each sig field.  Then when the signature is done I try to change it to true, but for whatever reason my javascript detecting the value doesn't do anything.
    I've searched the net endlessly for this solution.  I can't believe I'm having such a hard time finding an answer.  I mean how many places do you go where they ask you to "Sign and date here".  Every signature based document I've ever seen also requires a date.
    Anyway here's what I have.  In Document JavaScript functions I have a script name called populate date:
    function populatedate()
    var bSignature1 = new Boolean();
    var bSignature2 = new Boolean();
    var bSignature3 = new Boolean();
    var bSignature4 = new Boolean();
    if (bSignature1) {
        DateField1.value = util.printd ("m/d/yyyy", new Date());
    if (bSignature2) {
        DateField2.value = util.printd ("m/d/yyyy", new Date());
    if (bSignature3) {
        DateField3.value = util.printd ("m/d/yyyy", new Date());
    if (bSignature4) {
        DateField4.value = util.printd ("m/d/yyyy", new Date());
    In each signature field I have under the Signed tab "This script executes when field is signed:
    var bSignature1 = new Boolean(true);
    I'm trying to change it to true see.  My thinking is if its true than DateField1.value should print the m/d/yyyy in it from the built in Date() function.
    But maybe I am not getting this context correct.  I am new to Javascript in Adobe.

    It's quite a round-about script... Why not simply use the signature signing script to set the value of the date field? The correct syntax for that is:
    this.getField("DateField1").value = util.printd ("m/d/yyyy", new Date());

  • Adds a page when I insert a new/replacement field

    Actually, this form has been working, now it doesn't. I changed it from static to dynamic, but I don't know  if that is the issue.  I have full adobe, but the users of the form will have reader only.  In reader, there are a lot of problems with the form that work well in live cycle preview and in full adobe. what is the glitch?
    1. Had to change a required field to optional because when one went to email it (within reader), it did not recognize that the field was populated. It kept giving a warning that the field was required to be sent. It highlighted the date field.
    2. So I went back to live cycle to change the field to optional. Saved form. Back to reader and it still identified it as a required field.
    3. So I went back to live cycle, thinking that I might just delete the field and insert a new date/time field. Guess what, everytime I delete or insert a field, a whole blank page inserts itself before the form. This causes the form to go to 2 pages with the first page blank.
    I don't understand why the program automatically inserts a page especially when there is enough space to insert two more fields, much less delete one and replace it with the same size field.
    Can anyone explain why the form inserts a page just for replacing the field?
    In turn, why does the field keep saying it is required when i have already change the field to optional?  if I can figure that one out, I would not need to replace the field.
    the second problem that has just started is that the numerical field for HRN number (7 squares) keeps showing up like an odometer, with a comma. This number is not a counting number but an identification number and requires no comma.  I changed it to a text field, but it still will automatically put a comma in even though I have formatted it as just 99999999.  Why does it put the comma in as the tab to next field occurs.
    Message was edited by: jandob

    Does the inserted page have a lot of markup? I do not think the markup will insert.

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