Hi there,
I have been reading a trying to understand how can I include a BOOLEAN column to my promgram but it it pretty hard, anybody can help me to do this change, just i'm using SQL to populate this JTABLE and I'm using this code:
I need add my BOOLean code to the first position, also I will need to read this information selected....
String url = "jdbc:odbc:bradygirls";
Ex1Con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:as400:",
Ex1Stmt = Ex1Con.createStatement();
Ex1rs = Ex1Stmt
.executeQuery("SELECT plt,AUT,STY,cuo,(totcut/12),(totrec/12) FROM QGPL.OPENCUT99 WHERE PLT=32 AND TOTREC>0");
int li_row = 0;
while ( {
myTable.setValueAt(Ex1rs.getString(1), li_row, 1);
myTable.setValueAt(Ex1rs.getString(2), li_row, 2);
myTable.setValueAt(Ex1rs.getString(3), li_row, 3);
myTable.setValueAt(Ex1rs.getString(4), li_row, 4);
myTable.setValueAt(Ex1rs.getInt(5), li_row, 5);
myTable.setValueAt(Ex1rs.getInt(6), li_row,6);

I would advise against mixing the JDBC code with the
GUI code.
Split them up. Use a table model to store the data
and use the tutorials as reference. You have been
given links to them several times:
Why, you don not advise to do that?

Similar Messages

  • Adding a Column to a JTable

    I have a simple gui where I query a database and return a result set in a JTable using a table model. I would like to be able to add a new column with checkboxes as the first column in the table. I've seen examples using checkboxes with boolen data from the database, but this column is not being returned from the database it is a new added column.
    The first task is to add the column and I am struggling with this. My code is below.
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.GridLayout;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
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    public class DatabaseTest extends JFrame {
      private QueryTableModel qtm;
      public DatabaseTest()
        super("JTable Test");
        setSize(350, 200);
        qtm = new QueryTableModel();
        JTable table = new JTable(qtm);
        JScrollPane scrollpane = new JScrollPane(table);
        JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
        p1.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2));
        p1.add(new JLabel("Click here to Query the DB: "));
        JButton jb = new JButton("Search");
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          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        getContentPane().add(p1, BorderLayout.NORTH);
        getContentPane().add(scrollpane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
      public static void main(String args[]) {
        DatabaseTest tt = new DatabaseTest();
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;
    class QueryTableModel extends AbstractTableModel {
      Vector cache;
      private int colCount;
      private String[] headers;
      Statement statement;
      private static Connection conn = null;
      public QueryTableModel() {
        cache = new Vector();
      public String getColumnName(int i) {
        return headers;
    public int getColumnCount() {
    return colCount;
    public int getRowCount() {
    return cache.size();
    public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {
    return ((String[]) cache.elementAt(row))[col];
    public void Query() {
    cache = new Vector();
    try {
    statement = conn.createStatement();
    ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("Select username from dba_users where rownum < 6");
    ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData();
    colCount = meta.getColumnCount();
    // Now we must rebuild the headers array with the new column names
    headers = new String[colCount];
    for (int h = 1; h <= colCount; h++) {
    headers[h - 1] = meta.getColumnName(h);
    while ( {
    String[] record = new String[colCount];
    for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
    record[i] = rs.getString(i + 1);
    // Add column code here?
    } catch (Exception e) {
    cache = new Vector(); // blank it out and keep going.
    }Not sure how to add the column. I've tried a few variations of the following code with no luck:TableColumn tc = new TableColumn(0, 120);
    table.getColumnModel().addColumn(tc);Any help would be appreciated.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    The first task is to add the column Well, I like the suggestions from the link given in the above posting :-) It shows you how to dynamically alter the TableModel after its initial creation, and is probably the best generic solution.
    But, just so you understand better how a TableModel works I"ll just put another thought in your mind. Maybe in this case you just create the TableModel correctly the first time so you don't need to do a dynamic change. The TableModel doesn't know where the data came from. It doesn't care that it came from a ResultSet. All it knows it that you have data in an array. So whats to prevent you from hard coding the first column to contain Boolean data?
    {code}headers = new String[colCount+1];
    headers[0] = "Boolean Column";
    for (int h = 1; h <= colCount; h++)
    headers[h] = meta.getColumnName(h);
    while (
    String[] record = new String[colCount+1];
    record[0] = new Boolean.FALSE;
    for (int i = 1; i <= colCount; i++)
    record[i] = rs.getString(i);

  • How can I Maximize a Windows and include a check box into my jtable

    Hi there,
    I have made a program to show a JTABLE it is working well, I'm talking about show information(DATA), my question is related with MAXIMIZE my jframe or window, how can I do that???
    other question is related with include or add a new column to my jtable, the goal here is achive include a check box column to select a recorde from my jtable..
    Some advise...
    here is part of my code
    public static void main(String args[]) throws SQLException {
    JFrame myFrame = new JFrame("Scan cut ");
    Container content = myFrame.getContentPane();
    content.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    SendNotifyB = new JButton("Send Notify");
    //content.add(new JButton("Send Notify"));
    //content.add(new JButton("Add O-S-T"));
    SendNotifyB .addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
    JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Type Odds");
    JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Type Seconds");
    myFrame.getContentPane().add(new AS3());

    public class MyTableRenderer extends javax.swing.JCheckBox
      implements javax.swing.table.TableCellRendererand
    myTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(some value).setCellRenderer(new MyTableRenderer());I'll leave the maximizing and other code up to you as an exercise.
    Message was edited by:

  • How to fix the value of first column in the JTable in java swing for every

    Hi ,
    I have a swing page that have table panel in which there is a table of size 7x4 now when I click on the perticulat row then that row data will displayin the table like that the selected row become the second column in the new table and the fist column of this table will remain constant for all the entry but the second column update according to the roe which is selected .How it is possible .
    Thanks in Advace,

    One thing you can do is to prevent the user from editing that column and programatically supply the values of that column yourself.
    JTable table = new JTable() {
       public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) {
           if(col == 0) {
              return false;
           return super.isCellEditable(row, col);
    };This allows you to prevent the user from editing the column information so you can supply some sort of a default value for the column always

  • Help for adjusting columns of a JTAble in a Table Model

    Hello community,
    In order to have a good display of by DataBase in a JTable, I've wrote some code to adjust columns in function of datas. Those datas are displayed with a TableModel ( which I've declared in a class JDBCAdapter ).
    When I start my application, I call adjustColumns(), and all is great but when I add information to my DB and display it, the columns of my JTable return to default width...
    So I want to incorporate my function adjustColumns in my TableModel, and I need help...
         void adjustColumns()
         // Ajuste les colonnes aux donnes pour que tout soit visible
         int nbRow,nbCol;
         nbRow = JTable1.getRowCount();
         nbCol = test.getColumnCount();
         for ( int i = 0; i < nbCol; i++ ) column = null;
         column = JTable1.getColumnModel().getColumn(i);
         int dataLength = 0;
         for ( int j = 0; j< nbRow; j++ )
         FontMetrics fm;
         int dataLengthTmp;
         String valueTable;
         fm = JTable1.getFontMetrics(JTable1.getFont());
         if ( test.getValueAt(j, i) == null )
         System.out.println("Valeur nulle...");
         dataLengthTmp = 0;
         valueTable = test.getValueAt(j, i).toString();
         dataLengthTmp = fm.stringWidth(valueTable);
         System.out.println(valueTable + " = " + dataLengthTmp);
         if ( dataLengthTmp > dataLength )
         dataLength = dataLengthTmp;
         if ( dataLength != 0 )
    column.setWidth(dataLength + 5);
    import java.util.Vector;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class JDBCAdapter extends AbstractTableModel {
    Connection connection;
    Statement statement;
    ResultSet resultSet;
    String[] columnNames = {};
    Vector rows = new Vector();
    ResultSetMetaData metaData;
    public JDBCAdapter(String url, String driverName,
    String user, String passwd) {
    try {
    System.out.println("Ouverture de la connexion a la base de donnee...");
    connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, passwd);
    statement = connection.createStatement();
    catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
    System.err.println("Cannot find the database driver classes.");
    catch (SQLException ex) {
    System.err.println("Cannot connect to this database.");
    public void executeQuery(String query) {
    if (connection == null || statement == null) {
    System.err.println("There is no database to execute the query.");
    try {
    resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query);
    metaData = resultSet.getMetaData();
    int numberOfColumns = metaData.getColumnCount();
    columnNames = new String[numberOfColumns];
    // Get the column names and cache them.
    // Then we can close the connection.
    for(int column = 0; column < numberOfColumns; column++) {
    columnNames[column] = metaData.getColumnLabel(column+1);
    // Get all rows.
    rows = new Vector();
    while ( {
    Vector newRow = new Vector();
    for (int i = 1; i <= getColumnCount(); i++) {
    // close(); Need to copy the metaData, bug in jdbc:odbc driver.
    fireTableChanged(null); // Tell the listeners a new table has arrived.
    catch (SQLException ex) {
    System.err.println(ex+" query = "+query);
    public void executeUpdate(String query) {
    if (connection == null || statement == null) {
    System.err.println("There is no database to execute the query.");
    try {
    // close(); Need to copy the metaData, bug in jdbc:odbc driver.
    fireTableChanged(null); // Tell the listeners a new table has arrived.
    catch (SQLException ex) {
    System.err.println(ex+" query = "+query);
    public void close() throws SQLException {
    System.out.println("Fermeture de la connection a la base de donnee... Bye !");
    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
    // Implementation of the TableModel Interface
    // MetaData
    public String getColumnName(int column) {
    if (columnNames[column] != null) {
    return columnNames[column];
    } else {
    return "";
    public Class getColumnClass(int column) {
    int type;
    try {
    type = metaData.getColumnType(column+1);
    catch (SQLException e) {
    return super.getColumnClass(column);
    switch(type) {
    case Types.CHAR:
    case Types.VARCHAR:
    case Types.LONGVARCHAR:
    return String.class;
    case Types.BIT:
    return Boolean.class;
    case Types.TINYINT:
    case Types.SMALLINT:
    case Types.INTEGER:
    return Integer.class;
    case Types.BIGINT:
    return Long.class;
    case Types.FLOAT:
    case Types.DOUBLE:
    return Double.class;
    case Types.DATE:
    return java.sql.Date.class;
    return Object.class;
    public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) {
    try {
    return metaData.isWritable(column+1);
    catch (SQLException e) {
    return false;
    public int getColumnCount() {
    return columnNames.length;
    // Data methods
    public int getRowCount() {
    return rows.size();
    public Object getValueAt(int aRow, int aColumn) {
    Vector row = (Vector)rows.elementAt(aRow);
    return row.elementAt(aColumn);
    public String dbRepresentation(int column, Object value) {
    int type;
    if (value == null) {
    return "null";
    try {
    type = metaData.getColumnType(column+1);
    catch (SQLException e) {
    return value.toString();
    switch(type) {
    case Types.INTEGER:
    case Types.DOUBLE:
    case Types.FLOAT:
    return value.toString();
    case Types.BIT:
    return ((Boolean)value).booleanValue() ? "1" : "0";
    case Types.DATE:
    return value.toString(); // This will need some conversion.
    return "\""+value.toString()+"\"";
    public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int column) {
    try {
    String tableName = metaData.getTableName(column+1);
    // Some of the drivers seem buggy, tableName should not be null.
    if (tableName == null) {
    System.out.println("Table name returned null.");
    String columnName = getColumnName(column);
    String query =
    "update "+tableName+
    " set "+columnName+" = "+dbRepresentation(column, value)+
    " where ";
    // We don't have a model of the schema so we don't know the
    // primary keys or which columns to lock on. To demonstrate
    // that editing is possible, we'll just lock on everything.
    for(int col = 0; col<getColumnCount(); col++) {
    String colName = getColumnName(col);
    if (colName.equals("")) {
    if (col != 0) {
    query = query + " and ";
    query = query + colName +" = "+
    dbRepresentation(col, getValueAt(row, col));
    System.out.println("Not sending update to database");
    // statement.executeQuery(query);
    catch (SQLException e) {
    // e.printStackTrace();
    System.err.println("Update failed");
    Vector dataRow = (Vector)rows.elementAt(row);
    dataRow.setElementAt(value, column);
    Thanks to help me.

    OK. I have read your code sample again. It looks like the JDBCAdapter class is reloading table data in the executeQuery method. Why not call adjustColumns at the end of this method after the new rows and columns are loaded? Perhaps it also should be called at the end of executeUpdate. Have you tried doing that?
    I would still set
    JTable1.setAutoCreateColumnsFromModel (false); to prevent Java from readjusting the size automatically at some other time.

  • How can I use a column header to select columns in a JTable?

    I've been working for ages on this, but I still can't come up with a suitable solution. What I want to be able to do is select a column header from a JTable, which in turn would select the corresponding column in my JTable. I cant seem to do this with a mouse listener, and I can't see how to toggle the buttons of the header either.
    Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

    I have both row and columns selected depending on what you do in the JTable. Here's my code:
    where you init your JTable add:
    addressTable = new JTable(addressTableModel, addressTableColumnModel);
    JTableHeader th = addressTable.getTableHeader();
    th.addMouseListener(new tableHeaderMouseAdapter(addressTable));
    addressTable.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(new selectionListener(addressTable));
    tableHeaderMouseAdapter looks like this (it should look familiar):
    private class tableMouseAdapter extends MouseAdapter
         private JTable tableView;
         public tableMouseAdapter(JTable newTableView)
              tableView = newTableView;
         public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
              int selectedRow = tableView.getSelectedRow();
              if ((e.getClickCount() == 1) && (selectedRow != -1))
                   tableView.setRowSelectionInterval(selectedRow, selectedRow);
                   tableView.setColumnSelectionInterval(0, tableView.getColumnModel().getColumnCount() - 1);
    selectionListener looks like this:
    private class selectionListener implements ListSelectionListener
         private JTable tableView;
         private boolean changingSelection;
         public selectionListener(JTable newTableView)
              tableView = newTableView;
              changingSelection = false;
         public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e)
              if ((!changingSelection) && (tableView.getSelectedColumnCount() < tableView.getColumnCount()) && (tableView.getSelectedRowCount() < tableView.getRowCount()))
                   changingSelection = true;
                   int selectedRow = tableView.getSelectedRow();
                   if (selectedRow >= 0)
                        tableView.setRowSelectionInterval(selectedRow, selectedRow);
                   tableView.setColumnSelectionInterval(0, tableView.getColumnModel().getColumnCount() - 1);
                   changingSelection = false;
    I'm sure there is a better way to do this, but it's the first thing I could get to work.
    Use this code at your own risk. I make no claims about this code whatsoever.

  • Show hidden columns in a JTable

    I have a requirement for hiding some columns of a JTable and showing them back based on user actions.
    I have gone through some topics about hiding columns. which can be done by table.removeColumn();
    But when I use table.addColumn(); it adds the column at the end of the table.It should add in the same location as the previous column.
    How to show /reveal the hidden column back?.

    * This code contains a table model that allows you to
    * specify the columns to be hidden in a boolean array.
    * To use the model:
    *       model = new MyTableModel(data, columnNames);
    *       table.setModel(model);
    * The most important method in the model is "getNumber()", which converts a column number
    * into the number corresponding to the data to be displayed.
    * Visible columns can be dynamically changed with
    * model.setVisibleColumns(0, column0.isSelected());
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    public class Hide_Columns extends JFrame {
        public Hide_Columns() {
            setTitle("Hide columns");
            model = new MyTableModel(data, columnNames);
            getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(table), BorderLayout.CENTER);
            for( int i=0; i<4; i++ ){
                final JCheckBox columnX = new JCheckBox("Column "+i);
                final int col = i;
                columnX.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                        model.setVisibleColumns(col, columnX.isSelected());
            getContentPane().add(toolBar, BorderLayout.NORTH);
            model.addRow(new Object[]{null,null,null,null});
        public static void main(String args[]) { new Hide_Columns().setVisible(true); }
        private JTable table = new JTable();
        private  JToolBar toolBar = new JToolBar();
        private   MyTableModel model;
        /** This is the data of the table*/
        private  Vector<Object> data = new Vector<Object>();
        /** Column names */
        Vector<String> columnNames = new Vector<String>();{
    class MyTableModel extends DefaultTableModel {
        /** Shows which columns are visible */
        private   boolean[] visibleColumns = new boolean[4];{
            visibleColumns[0] = true;
            visibleColumns[1] = true;
            visibleColumns[2] = true;
            visibleColumns[3] = true;
        public MyTableModel(Vector<Object> data, Vector<String> columnNames){
            super(data, columnNames);
        protected void setVisibleColumns(int col, boolean selection){
            visibleColumns[col] = selection;
         * This function converts a column number of the table into
         * the right number of the data.
        protected int getNumber(int column) {
            int n = column;    // right number
            int i = 0;
            do {
                if (!(visibleColumns)) n++;
    } while (i < n);
    // When we are on an invisible column,
    // we must go on one step
    while (!(visibleColumns[n])) n++;
    return n;
    public int getColumnCount() {
    int n = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    if (visibleColumns[i]) n++;
    return n;
    public Object getValueAt(int row, int column) {
    return super.getValueAt(row, getNumber(column));
    public void setValueAt(Object obj, int row, int column) {
    super.setValueAt(obj, row, getNumber(column));
    public String getColumnName(int column) {
    return super.getColumnName(getNumber(column));

  • How to get all the values in one column of a JTable

    How to get all the values in one column of a JTable as a Collection of String.
    I don;t want to write a for loop to say getValueAt(row, 1) eg for 2nd column.

    I don;t want to write a for loop to say getValueAt(row, 1) eg for 2nd column. You could always write a custom TableModel that stores the data in the format you want it. It would probably be about 50 lines of code. Or you could write a loop in 3 lines of code. I'll let you decide which approach you want to take.

  • How to set default values for boolean columns

    I'm trying to deploy some content types and columns into a site with a feature. All it's ok, except that I'm trying to set a default value for boolean columns with no success.
    I've tried to set default value at column level:
    <Field ID="{EFE23A1D-494E-45cf-832E-45E41B17F0CF}" Name="ScopeSpanish" DisplayName="Se publican noticias en español"
    Type="Boolean" Hidden="FALSE" Group="Columnas ShaCon" >
    and at content type level:
    <FieldRef ID="{EFE23A1D-494E-45cf-832E-45E41B17F0CF}" Name="ScopeSpanish" DefaultValue="TRUE" Required="TRUE" />
    But in any case, when i create a new item with this content type, default value is applied.
    Can anyone tell how to set default values for boolean columns?
    Thanks in advance,

    In the field definition you can set
    How to set the default value Null?

  • Need to include a new column in a tablecontrol in Standard transaction O4L4

    Could you please help me 'how to include a new column in a tabale control in standard screen'. The module is 'Bulk Shipment', transaction code is O4L4.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Gaurav,
    For example...
    Consider seeded VO is XXXVO and we added a new column to the XXX by extending XXCHRXXXVO(extended VO).and the we gone thru the full substitution process..
    Now new requirement came as add a new column to extended VO - XXCHRXXXVO.Can you please tell in this example scenario? It will be good if you provide the inputs...

  • How can I add custom right-click-menu to column headers in JTable?

    Can anyone point me to a topic on how to customize a popup menu for column headers in JTable? Specifically, I want to add things like "auto-size column" and "hide column".

    Right-click on your table.  Then go to Advanced->Runtime Shortcut Menu->Edit.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

  • How to create Hyperlink column in a JTable

    Can anyone help in creating a hyperlink column in a JTable.
    Thanks in advance,

    If the parent is an Applet it is very simple .
    catch the mouse click on columns and execute the following code
    String url = getValueAt(i,j);
    URL(url ), "_blank");
    thatz all .
    if ur program is an application use this getRuntime.exec() and use parameters to rundll32.exe url and iexplore.exe in Windows platform,
    if u have still doubts plz get back to me
    Renjith K.V

  • Looking for component: flexible rows like columns in a JTable

    I need a swing component to display several rows which can be moved up and down, the height resized, interchanged with the mouse like the columns in a JTable. But there is no need for columns. I think there is no standard swing component.
    Any ideas, resource hints?
    Thanks, Ulrich

    One more piece of advice. It is not very easy to get "pre-written custom components". Most developers do things to meet their own needs and these may not be exactly what you are looking for. The best thing to do is to try to develop this yourself. It will give you loads of experience and in later programmes you may write, based on the experience you obtained from the "pain-staking" development process you'll know how to go round these problems quicker and may be able to help others also.
    So just start writing some stuff. You may end up finishing sooner than you think. And remember forum members are always ready to help with problems (accompanied by minimal code examples of the actual problem).

  • How to set a JRadioButton as a column in a JTable

    Hello Friends,
    I need a help in JTable.
    I want to have a Radio button as a column of a JTable.(The Other Columns should be Strings).
    The heading of the Column which has the RadioButton is "Select" which means that I can select only one radiobutton at a time.
    Could you please give me a solution on this.
    I would appreciate if u give me the code for this, as it is very urgent.
    Thanks in Advance,

    use a TableCellRenderer and CellEditor as described in
    Propably you need to track the selected button yourself, e.g. by using an int value representing the row selected.

  • Right Justify a column in a JTable

    I formatted a decimal number and want to put it into a column in a JTable. Unfortunately, the value is being left justified. How do I make the data for the column right justitified?

    Thank you both for your answers. I had looked in the tutorial, but could not find the area for justifications. I did have a table model with a getColumnClass too, but didnt realize that I didnt have to use the actual data type's class to render the justification.
    Looking back at the tutorial, I now find that ImageIcon is supposed to be used for centering, but this didnt work. It wiped out the data for the column I tried to use it on rather than justifying it left or right. Any ideas how to get centering to work?

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    I was setting an IPad up on Itunes for the first time. I was told that the user did not have an apple accout so clicked New User in ITunes. After I did this and setup the account my friends spouse does have an apple account with an Iphone. The apps o

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    <br> Hello,<br> <br> I am developing a C#.NET application that uses the CR2008 SP2 .NET libraries. This application performs some database updates and uses CR2008 SP2 to run 7 different reports and export the results to PDF files. This application is

  • Dynamic Internal Table in Function Module

    Hi, I am developing a function module which is similar to GUI_DOWNLOAD. So , In My function module I would like to pass the internal table dynamically.I saw the paramter DATA_TAB in the function module GUI_DOWNLOAD. But there is no type associated wi

  • ValueChangeListener not invoking backing bean method

    Hi Everybody I am using a valueChangeListener attribute with <h:selectOneListbox>. As i am using onChange, the form is getting submitted but the associated backing bean method is not getting invoked. My JSP code: <%@ taglib uri="

  • Sessionid in JSP with several domain. HELP!! HELP!!! HELP!!!

    Is it possible to set up the sessionid? My problem is, i get the sessionid and i would like to "call" the session with the specified id in another page. I have to work like this because the session have to share beetween two domain. So, i save the se