Inconsistent results returned from the same query

My company has a oracle 8i DB as backend for the website it is currently hosting. I wrote a plain SQL select query to retrive results from a table. Usually the query returns 50 to 100 records. We build an xml based on the results and cache the xml for subsequent user hits.
But atleast once or twice a day we get a problem where it returns almost no records. So the resulting xml will be blank and from there on until we delete the cached xml the user sees the page as blank.
I wonder why this happens, does this happen because of more hits to the oracle database?. Or is it because of the indexes created on the table?. Is oracle not able to handle multiple user requests?. We get mostly like 10 to 20 people clicking at the same time. I don't know what is causing the failure.
Does any of you have this inconsistency problems with Oracle?
Thanks in advance

Please ask questions on Oracle Text (formerly InterMedia text) in the Oracle Text forum, you will get a quicker, more expert answer there.

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    Please post DDL, so that people do not have to guess what the keys, constraints, Declarative Referential Integrity, data types, etc. in your schema are. Learn how to follow ISO-11179 data element naming conventions and formatting rules (you have no idea).
    Temporal data should use ISO-8601 formats. Code should be in Standard SQL as much as possible and not local dialect. 
    What you did post is bad SQL. 
    The prefix “tbl-” is a design flaw called tibbling and we do not do it. We seldom use temp tables in RDBMS; it is how magnetic tape file programmers fake scratch tapes. 
    If the schema is correct, then SELECT DISTINCT is almost never used. 
    Your “bill_parent” looks like a assembly language bit flag; we never use those flags in SQL. 
    “Funding_Type_Status” is an absurd name for a table. A status is a state of being, not an entity. A type is an attribute property. So this table ought to be column that is either a “funding_type” or “funding_status” (with the time period for the state of being
    shown in other columns). But this hybrid is not possible in a valid data model. 
    Want to try again, with DDL and some specs? 
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

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    Thanks in advance!

    Please see posting
    Just a reminder, please search the forum before posting your question. It's quite likely that someone else has already asked the same question.

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         Can I define a query that will show more than one resultset (of similar structure), based on the different values of a particular characteristic?
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    Hi Satyajit,
    I hope i am getting your problem right.
    By saying "3 different resulsets based on x1, x2 and x3"
    did u mean to say that the list of key figures u have specified in your columns portion of your query should be displayed 3 times,First with x1, then with x2 and then x3.?
    If thats the case what u can do is drag the characteristic C1 into the columns section of your query designer and keep it in top , followed by the key figures.
    Then you can achieve the desired result..
    Hope it helps.

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    I need your help.
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    CURSOR v_cur IS
         select anon from TableA where aleg = somevalue;
    OPEN v_cur;
    FETCH v_cur INTO v_anon;
    :FIELD_IN_FORM := v_anon;
    CLOSE v_cur;
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    Hi Denes,
    Just starting with apex. I think I know how to show the results in a report region. I've simplified the posted question.
    A more detailed question would be: Suppose you have a region where you have put several text areas to accommodate the result of a multi-column query (lets say for TableA) that only returns one row, each column value returned put in a different text area. Also you want to show the values of other fields in TableB that depends on some value just retrieved from TableA and that you want all values retrieved (from TableA and the linked TableB) to be show in the same region. Is that possible? If yes, how?
    Thank you in advance

  • Different results for the same query and same data !  (oracle 9i)

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    The query gives 477 rows on my computer (correct answer), but no row on his! We have the same data! The only difference is the Oracle release : for him, for me.
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    I've rewritten the query with a NOT EXISTS, and now all is fine. (Less efficient but it works).
    I have no rational explication. Did I miss something ?
    Thanks for any answer.
    This is the query:
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    CRA, GRA, ...
    /* subselect */
    IN (
    FROM CRA b
    AND... /* other filters and joins */

    v9.2.0.1 was full of bugs. a lot of these bugs had to do with "incorrect results", typically associated with old stats or complex queries (certain types of subqueries were very likely to give wrong resutls, due to the way they were rewritten by the optimizer).
    apply the patch set

  • Compare two results from the same table

    i have two results from the same table that i would like to compare. below is my query and the results i want to compare
    SELECT tblItemRoutingBOM.ItemRevID, tblItem.ItemID, tblItem.PartNum, tblItem.ItemName, tblItem.ManufacturerPartNum AS [Mfg Part#], tblItemRoutingBOM.Quantity
    FROM tblItemRouting
    INNER JOIN tblItemRoutingBOM ON tblItemRouting.ItemRoutingID = tblItemRoutingBOM.ItemRoutingID
    INNER JOIN tblItem ON tblItemRoutingBOM.ItemID = tblItem.ItemID
    WHERE tblItemRoutingBOM.ItemRevID in (61,70)
    as you can see i am returning two records using the where clause
    ItemRevID, ItemID, PartNum, ItemName, Manufacturer, Mfg Part#, Quantity
    61,121,331503,.233 Aluminum Sheet,,1
    70,121,331503,.233 Aluminum Sheet,,3
    now what i am looking for is to combine these two together into one row with the following added.  two columns for each QTY, QTY1 = 1 and QTY2 = 3 with a third column added that is the difference between the two QTY Diff = 2
    Any thoughts?

    Here are the two statements that i want to combine, results for each are attached
    SELECT tblItem.ItemID, Sum(tblItemRoutingBOM.Quantity) AS SumOfQuantity, tblItem.PartNum AS [Part #],
    tblItem.ItemName, tblManufacturer.ManufacturerName AS Manufacturer, tblItem.ManufacturerPartNum AS [Mfg Part#]
    FROM tblItemRouting
    INNER JOIN tblItemRoutingBOM ON tblItemRouting.ItemRoutingID = tblItemRoutingBOM.ItemRoutingID
    INNER JOIN tblItem ON tblItemRoutingBOM.ItemID = tblItem.ItemID
    INNER JOIN tblUnits ON tblItem.UnitID = tblUnits.UnitID
    LEFT JOIN tblManufacturer ON tblItem.ManufacturerID = tblManufacturer.ManufacturerID
    WHERE tblItemRoutingBOM.ItemRevID=61
    GROUP BY tblItem.ItemID,tblItem.PartNum,tblItem.ItemName,tblManufacturer.ManufacturerName,tblItem.ManufacturerPartNum
    SELECT tblItem.ItemID, Sum(tblItemRoutingBOM.Quantity) AS Quantity, tblItem.PartNum AS [Part #],
    tblItem.ItemName, tblManufacturer.ManufacturerName AS Manufacturer, tblItem.ManufacturerPartNum AS [Mfg Part#]
    FROM tblItemRouting
    INNER JOIN tblItemRoutingBOM ON tblItemRouting.ItemRoutingID = tblItemRoutingBOM.ItemRoutingID
    INNER JOIN tblItem ON tblItemRoutingBOM.ItemID = tblItem.ItemID
    INNER JOIN tblUnits ON tblItem.UnitID = tblUnits.UnitID
    LEFT JOIN tblManufacturer ON tblItem.ManufacturerID = tblManufacturer.ManufacturerID
    WHERE tblItemRoutingBOM.ItemRevID=70
    GROUP BY tblItem.ItemID,tblItem.PartNum,tblItem.ItemName,tblManufacturer.ManufacturerName,tblItem.ManufacturerPartNum
    114,11,55002,Pepsi Blue Cap,NULL,
    117,5,331501,Marigold Yellow For ABS,NULL,
    121,1,331503,.233 Aluminum Sheet,NULL,
    125,2,331504,Velvet Vinyl .008,NULL,
    114,33,55002,Pepsi Blue Cap,NULL,
    117,15,331501,Marigold Yellow For ABS,NULL,
    121,3,331503,.233 Aluminum Sheet,NULL,
    125,6,331504,Velvet Vinyl .008,NULL,
    my returned result should combine above with two extra columns (two extra columns because i have two results to combine)
    114, 11, 33, 22, 55002, Pepsi Blue Cap, NULL,
    117, 5, 15, 10, 331501, Marigold Yellow For ABS, NULL
    121,1, 3, 2, 331503, .233 Aluminum Sheet, NULL
    125, 2, 6, 4, 331504, Velvet Vinyl .008, NULL
    Columns go as such, ID, QTY1 (for 61), QTY2 (for 70), Diff (QTY1-QTY2), PartNum, ItemName, Mfg, Mfg Part#
    IF the results from one of those two are empty then i would see something like this
    114, 11, 0, 11, 55002, Pepsi Blue Cap, NULL,
    117, 5, 0, 5, 331501, Marigold Yellow For ABS, NULL
    121,1, 0, 1, 331503, .233 Aluminum Sheet, NULL
    125, 2, 0, 2, 331504, Velvet Vinyl .008, NULL

  • Why do I get two different results from the same coefficients?

    I am getting two different results from the Polynomial Evaluation function.
    For the first one, I am getting the coefficients from a Polynomial Fit function.  I feed the coefficients from the Fit function into the Poly Eval function and get the correct result of 12.8582 when I evaluate 49940.
    For the second one, I create constant array of the SAME values that were returned from the Polynomial Fit function (i typed them in).  However, I am getting an incorrect result of -120.7913 when I feed the constant array into the Poly Eval function when I evauate 49940.
    How can this happen when I am using the same array values?
    Attached is an image of what I am explaining.
    Go to Solution.
    polynomial_evaluation.jpg ‏213 KB

    Hi Altran,
    are you sure about using the "same" coefficients?
    Did you compare them? Did you (atleast) set the display properties to 17 significant digits?
    Please attach a VI instead of a picture...
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

  • URGENT HELP:I want that the query should return in the same way

    I have a query
    select id from tableid where id in(350,241,251)
    This returns me in
    I want that the query should return in the same way as specified in "in" clause.
    ie output should be in 350,241,251.
    I would really appreciate if anyone can help.

    You can achieve what you want like this:
    select id from tableid where id in (350,241,251)
    order by decode(id,350,1,241,2,251,3)in this example the decode explicitly defines the order you want to retrieve the records in.

  • Optimize query results(timing) returned from custom search query

    Casey can you send the following to Oracle Support as soon as you can, we need their input on optimizing returning search results.
    To Oracle:
    We have noticed in the IdocScript reference guide that there is a way to optimize the query results returning to the user.
    Here is the scenario: We have created a custom web query where we send a query to the UCM and return a result using a custom template via url like so <matches> `AGREEMENT` <AND> xStateLeaseNum<matches>`00340`&ResultCount=30&SortOrder=Desc&SortField=dInDate&urlTemplate=/ucm/groups/public/documents/oos/hcst-search.hcst
    This works fine. The problem is that when a query is broader like xStateLeaseNum<matches>`00340`&ResultCount=30&SortOrder=Desc&SortField=dInDate&urlTemplate=/ucm/groups/public/documents/oos/hcst-search.hcst
    The query takes an extremely long time to execute and the results template sometimes never comes back, which seems like a timeout.
    Is there something else that we can do to optimize the query results?

    Hi John,
    What version of xMII are you using?
    Some things I would try:
    1. Clear the Java Web Start Cache - see if that makes any difference.
    2. If not, what happens if you save the query under a different name, and then try using it in a new transaction?
    3. Please feel free to enter you case into xMII Support via the SAP Support Portal if you are unable to make this work.
    Kind Regards,
    Diana Hoppe

  • SDO_FILTER and SDO_RELATE combined in the same query

    Is it possible to combine these two operations?
    I have a query that ideally should use SDO_RELATE for polygon data (some 25 million records). However it takes too long to run.
    For curiosity's sake I tried using SDO_FILTER and again this takes hours. Again for curiosity's sake I combined the two and records are returned in about 2 mins. Please see the query below (to simplify matters I have used point data).
    table t
    MDSYS.SDO_POINT_TYPE( 501900, 308000, null ),
    'mask=anyinteract querytype=WINDOW'
    ) = 'TRUE'
    MDSYS.SDO_POINT_TYPE( 501900, 308000, null ),
    'mask=anyinteract querytype=WINDOW'
    ) = 'TRUE'
    As I see it, in this case SDO_FILTER is doing the primary filtering part. SDO_RELATE is doing primary filtering again followed by secondary filtering the resulting data which is why it is quicker. The data does appear to be correct.
    Now am I barking up the wrong tree? Whether I am or not, why is this combination faster than individual use? I would appreciate any thoughts on this please.
    Cheers guys

    something else is going on, although without seeing the real query it is hard to know.
    SDO_RELATE is a supoerset of SDO_FILTER. With SDO_FILTER and index query is done, with SDO_RELATE an index query is done, then the relate is done on the geometries returned by the filter query.
    What kind of index are you using?
    What version of spatial are you using?
    Can you post the query window?
    Are your geometries valid?

  • How to compare two fields from the same table in the select statement

    Hi, friends
    I try to compare tow fields from the same table, but no result,
    For example, this
    data: cptotchek tyep i.
    select count(*) into cptotchek
    from aufk where erdat = aufk-idat2 .
    The result is  cptotchek = 0, but there are the records in aufk , where,  aufk-erdat = aufk-idat2.
    Please, help me, i don't use the loop statement for optimize my program.

    Hi  ,
           it will not return  any value   when you are using   column of same table 
           such as Date Field   , Because  while Using Aggregate Function  it will not check with self column
    .      For that you have to take data in one internal table and then you can work on it  .
         And if you are worried about Performance  it will not affect  , untill you are selecting only required data  .
    you can try this way  .
    data: cptotchek type i.
    types : begin of  w_aufk.
            include structure aufk  .
          types : end of  w_aufk .
    data : it_aufk type standard table of w_aufk with header line  .
    select * into corresponding fields of table it_aufk
    from aufk  .
    loop at it_aufk .
    if it_aufk-erdat  = it_aufk-idat2 .
    write : / it_aufk-erdat , it_aufk-idat2 .
    else .
    delete it_aufk .
    endif  .

  • How to retrieve multiple columns using "returning" in the Insert query.

    wanted to know how to retrieve multiple columns using "returning" in the Insert Query.
    For retrieving one column we write the query as follows:
    Insert into TABLE values(1,2,3,4) returning COLUMN1 into PARAMETER
    But can we retrive multiple columns in the same query?
    am using oracle 10g and coding in .NET

    You can definetely get multiple values from a single query using the 'returning' clause.
    Eg : insert into emp (empno, ename, job, deptno) values (7324,'ADAM','MARKETING',30) returning ename, deptno into var1, var2; PN : var1 & var2 to be declared as varchar2 & number respectively.
    More insight into the 'RETURNING' clause in this link.

  • Measure using UseRelationship not working well when sliced with attributes from the same table

    I have Measure created using the 'UseRelationship' Function, which uses a different datekey to link to the DateDim than the one the table is directly related by. The measure works as expected except in one scenario.
    If I browse the measure using an attribute from the same fact table then the attribute is filtered using active relationship whereas the measure is filtered using the inactive relationship as shown below:
    FACT(2 rows)(Active Relationship to Date using DateKey1)
    SNo     DateKey1     DateKey2     Geo        Amt
    1         20100101     20120101    India      100
    2         20100101     20120101    US         200
    If I browse the above measure in excel, with Year selected as 2012, I get 100+200=300. Now if I drag the Geo attribute against the measure I get 2 rows with 100 and 200.
    If I do the same in a power view report I don't get any results after dragging the Geo attribute, whereas I get the correct value of 300 without the geo attribute. I checked the DAX query which the power view generates and figured this is being caused because
    there are no rows in the table with DateKey1 having year 2012. I understand why this is happening this way in a DAX query and not in MDX, but shouldn't both behave in the same way and what is a work around.
    Sachin Thomas

    Sac, is this still an issue?
    Thank you!
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • Fetching a partial range of selected result rows from the client side

    It has been a while since I started trying to solve this Oracle puzzle.
    Basically, what I need it is a way to fetch from the client side a run-time
    defined range of result rows of a arbitrary SELECT query.
    In low-end databases like MySQL I can do it simply by appending the LIMIT
    argument to the end of the SELECT query statment passing the number of
    the first row that I want to be returned from the server from the total
    result rows available in the result set and the maximum number of rows
    that it may return if available.
    In higher end databases I am supposed to use server side cursors to skip
    any initial rows before the first that I want to retrieve and fetch only
    the rows I want up to the given limit.
    I am able to achieve this with PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL server, but I
    am having a hard time with Oracle. The main problem is how do I fetch
    result rows from a server side cursor and have their data returned to a
    client side in a result set like in a straight SELECT query?
    I was able to create a cursor and fecth a row into a server side record
    variable with the following PL/SQL code.
    CURSOR c IS SELECT * FROM my_table;
    my_row c%ROWTYPE;
    OPEN c;
    FETCH c INTO my_row;
    CLOSE c;
    I want to do this from PHP, so I don't have client side ESQL variables to
    store the result set data structure. Anyway, if I can do it just with
    SQLPlus I should be able to do it in PHP.
    If I do straight SELECT I can get the result set, but in a PL/SQL script
    like the one above I don't seem to be able to select the data in the
    fetched row record to have returned to the client. Does a straight SELECT
    query sends the result rows to a default client side variable?
    If anybody can help, I would appreciate if you could mail me at
    [email protected] because I am not able to access this forum all the time in
    the Web. BTW, is it possible to access this forum by e-mail?
    Thanks in advance,
    Manuel Lemos

    Hello Jason,
    On 03-Feb-00 05:34:14, you wrote:
    I'm not sure I totally understand your problem, but I think you might be able
    to solve it by using the ROWNUM variable. ROWNUM returns the sequenc number
    in which a row was returned when first selected from a table. The first row
    has ROWNUM = 1, the second has ROWNUM = 2, etc. Just remember that the
    ROWNUM is assigned as soon as it's selected, even before an order by. So if
    you have an order by clause, it'll mess it up. Here's an example. I hope
    that helps.I though of that before but it doesn't help because if you use ORDER BY the
    first result row might not have ROWNUM=1 and so on. Another issue is that
    I want to be able to skip a given number of result rows before returning
    anything to the client.
    The only way I see to do it is to get the rows with server side cursor.
    But how do I return them to the client? Where does a normal select returns
    the rows? Isn't there a way to specify that the fetch or something else
    return the rows there?
    Manuel Lemos
    Web Programming Components using PHP Classes.
    Look at:[email protected]
    E-mail: [email protected]
    PGP key:

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