Input and output streams

I am struggling with this, if any of you have any advice I would appreciate it.
I am creating a java server that can communicate with a client over tcp sockets and to a device through a serial port. I have have the TCP part all set up. I found this packet and code to be able to communicate through a serial port.
it works by itself, but I don't think I can make it work with my server because I am already using a for the tcp portion of it. In the long run what I want to be able to do is take information from the socket connection, play with it a little bit, and then send it out the serial port to the device.
Is it possible to convert this code to instead of asking for input from the keyboard, to take a string that I can pass in from somewhere, or if something comes in on the serial port to write it to a string or something?

Sorry I was so vague.
this code that i found on the website, creates a connection with the serial port, then it waits for input from the keyboard. once that input comes in, it sends out that stuff through the serial port. I want it to instead of wanting for input from the keyboard, to check to see if there is something in a string or something, if there is write it out to the serial port.
Basically instead of having a listener constantly waiting for input from the keyboard, be able to call a method from the rest of my program to send stuff out the serial port.

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  • Java Input and Output streams

    I have maybe simple question, but I can`t really understand how to figure out this problem.
    I have 2 applications(one on mobile phone J2ME, one on computer J2SE). They commuinicate with Input and Output Streams. Everything is ok, but all communication is in sequence, for example,
    from mobile phone:
    form computer:
    reply = in.readUTF();
    if(reply.equals("GETIMAGE")) sendimage()
    But I need to include one simple thing in my applications - when phone rings there is function in MIDlet - pauseApp() and i need to send some signal to Computer when it happens. But how can i catch this signal in J2SE, because mayble phone rings when computer is sending byte array? and then suddnely it receives command "RINGING"....?
    Please explain how to correcly solve such problem?

    TCP/IP is not a multiplexed protocol. And why would you need threads or polling to decipher a record-oriented input stream?
    Just send your images in packets with a type byte (1=command, 2=image, &c) and a packet length word. At the receiver:
    int type =;
    int length = dataInputStream.readInt();
    byte[] buffer = new byte[length];
    int count, read = 0;
    while ((count =,count,buffer.length)) > 0)
    read += count;
    // At this point we either have:
    // type == -1 || count = -1 => EOF
    // or count > 0, type >= 0, and buffer contains the entire packet.
    switch (type)
    case -1:
    // EOF, not shown
    case COMMAND: // assuming a manifest constant somewhere
    // process incoming command
    case IMAGE:
    // process or continue to process incoming image
    }No threads, no polling, and nuthin' up my sleeve.
    Modulo bugs.

  • MultiThreading with Input and Output Streams

    I have a problem and I think it's because I'm not coding correctly. Please help me if you can understand what I'm doing wrong.
    I have a server that spawns a separate thread to go off and collect data from a serial port. It also waits to accept connections from any client and if a connection is made it will send that data to the clients connected.
    There is data constantly coming in through the serial port. It is output through a DataOutputStream so when the thread is created in the server, I pipe it into a DataInputStream. I do does because I want the server to then read in the data from the inputstream and then send it out to all my clients.
    So far, the way I have it set up seems to do this. But my problem occurs when I try to close a client connection. Instead of removing the socket connection it gives me an error that it can't send data to the client, but it shouldn't be sending data to the client because I just closed it. I realize this is probably because I'm still constantly receiving data from my inputstream and the connection was closed so it can't send that data to the client. I know I need to either close the stream or close my socket but I don't know where this needs to be done. I'm stuck on the correct way to fix this.
    My second problem is the initial connection made to receive data from the inputstream. This is probably because I'm not very familiar with how input/output streams work. But instead of just sending the client the current data being received in real time, it'll send all the data that's buffered in the inputstream. I don't want all the data that's been collecting to go to that first client. I only want the recent data that is coming through while the client is connected. Does this make sense? Because after I make a second client connection I don't have this problem because the InputStream is no longer buffered up. Should I be using something else besides the DataInputStream?
    I feel like I'm going about this the wrong way. Please advise. I'm shy about showing the code but I've included the bulk of it here in hopes that someone will see what I'm doing wrong. The only part that's left out is the thread that reads from the serial port. I don't seem to have any problems with that thread.
    import javax.comm.*;
    import java.util.*;
    // DataServer waits for a client connection
    class DataServer
         static final int PORT = 7;
         // The ServerSocket to use for accepting new connections
         private ServerSocket ss;
         // A mapping from sockets to DataOutputStreams. This will
         // help us avoid from having to create a DataOutputStream each time
         // we want to write to a stream.
         private Hashtable outputStreams = new Hashtable();
         // The inputstream that will receive serial port data through a
         // piped inputstream
         public DataInputStream datalogger;
         // Constructor and while-accept loop all in one.
         public DataServer() throws IOException
              try {
                   // Creating pipe to convert the outputstream from the
                   // RS232 Thread to an inputstream for the server to read
                   PipedOutputStream pout = new PipedOutputStream();
                   PipedInputStream pin = new PipedInputStream(pout);
                   // The inputstream that will receive data from the RS232Thread
                   datalogger = new DataInputStream(pin);
                   // Spawn the thread that will read data through from
                   // the TINI serial port
                   new RS232Thread( pout ).start();
                   // Begin listening for connections and send data
              } catch (IOException ioe) {
                   System.out.println("Error >> DataServer::DataServer()");
              } finally {
                   try     {
                        System.out.println( "Closing >> DataServer::DataServer()" );
                   } catch (IOException i ) {
                        System.out.println( "Error2 >> DataServer::DataServer()" );
                        System.out.println(i); }
         private void listen() throws IOException
              // Create the ServerSocket
              ss = new ServerSocket( PORT );
              // Inform that the server is ready to go
              System.out.println( "Listening on " + ss );
              // Keep accepting connections forever
              while (true) {
                   // Grab the next incoming connection
                   Socket s = ss.accept();
                   // Inform that connection is made
                   System.out.println( "Connection from " + s );
                   // Create a DataOutputStream for writing data to the
                   // other side
                   DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream( s.getOutputStream() );
                   // Save this stream so we don't need to make it again
                   outputStreams.put( s, dout );
                   // Create a new thread for this connection, and then foret
                   // about it
                   new ServerThread( this, s );
         // Get an enumeration of all the OutputStreams, one for each client
         // connected to the server
         Enumeration getOutputStreams() {
              return outputStreams.elements();
         // Send a message to all clients (utility routine)
         void sendToAll( byte[] b ) {
              // synchronize on this because another thread might be
              // calling removeConnection() and this would screw things up
              // while it walks through the list
              synchronized( outputStreams ) {
                   // For each client...
                   for (Enumeration e = getOutputStreams(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
                        // ... get the output stream ...
                        DataOutputStream dout = (DataOutputStream)e.nextElement();
                        // ... and send the message
                        try {          
                             dout.write( b );
                        } catch(IOException ie) {                     
                             System.out.println( "Error >> ServerThread::sendToAll()" );
                             System.out.println( ie );
         // remove a socket, and it's corresponding output stream, from the
         // list. This is usually called by a connection thread that has
         // discovered that the connection to the client is dead.
         void removeConnection( Socket s ) {
              // Synchronize so it doesn't mess up sendToAll() while it walks
              // down the list of all output streams
              synchronized( outputStreams ) {
                   // Inform about removal
                   System.out.println( "Removing connection to " + s );
                   // Remove if from our hastable/list
                   outputStreams.remove( s );
                   // Make sure it's closed
                   try {
                   } catch( IOException ie ) {
                        System.out.println( "Error closing " + s );
         // main - Opens a server socket and spins off a new thread each time
         // a new client connection is accepted on this socket.
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
              System.out.println("Starting DataServer version 1.0 ...");
                   new DataServer();
              catch (IOException ioe)
                   System.out.println( "Error >> DataServer::main()" );
    class ServerThread extends Thread
         //The Server that spawned this thread
         private DataServer server;
         // The Socket connected to the client
         private Socket socket;
         public ServerThread( DataServer server, Socket socket )
              // save the parameters
              this.server = server;
              this.socket = socket;
              // Start up the thread
         // This runs in a separate thread when start() is called in the
         // constructor
         public void run() {
              try {
                   // The inputstream receiving data from the global inputstream
                   // that is piped to the RS232 Thread
                   // ???? is this where i'm messing up ???
                   DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream( server.datalogger );
                   int num = 0;
                   byte[] d = new byte[1];
                   // read from the inputstream over and over, forever ...
                   while( ( num = ) > 0 ) {
                        // ... and have the server send it to all clients
                        server.sendToAll( d );               
              } catch (IOException ioe) {
                   System.out.println( "Error >> ServerThread::run()" );
              } finally {
                   // The connection is closed for one reason or another,
                   // so have the server dealing with it
                   System.out.println( "Closing" );
                   server.removeConnection( socket );

    A couple of things to note...
    First, you are looping infinitely in your server's constructor. Since the constructor is never completing, your server object is never completely constructed - this may cause indeterminate behaviour when you pass a reference to the server to another thread.
    Second, I would recommend fixing your issues by modifying your design somewhat. The design I would recommend (read: The design I would use) is:
    A server object, with a public listen method. The constructor spawns a thread to constantly read from the serial port and forward the data read back to the server, via a multicast (sendToAll) method.
    The listen method sets up a server socket to accept connections, and in a loop opens client sockets and stores them in a set.
    The multicast method iterates through the list of open client sockets, and for each in turn confirms that it is still open. If open, send the data down the socket's output stream; if closed, remove the socket from the set.
    Note that this design includes only two threads - the main thread listens for and accepts new socket connections, while the extra thread collects data from the serial port, multicasts it to all of the open sockets, and removes all of the closed sockets. If you require to perform any other communication with the sockets, it may be necessary to create a thread for those sockets, to facilitate reading from their input streams, but in the given design, this is not necessary.
    I hope this helps,

  • Pipes (Input- and Output-streams) to a Process are not closed

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    I have a long-living server-process that opens external programs with
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    of the external program I use stdin and stdout. I close all streams in
    finally-blocks, so there should not be any open stream.
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    correctly. But sometimes some of them left open. I check that with
    the linux command-line tool lsof. So over time the number of open
    pipes increases and eat up all file-handles till an IOException (too
    many open files) is thrown.
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    are cleaned up after a GC-run. But over time - not all.
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    lsof for the java-process, after many GC-runs).
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    anybody seen this before?

  • Input and Output Stream conversion

    I have problem. In my application I should change OutputStream to InputStream and vv. I try to explain it using easy example.
    I am creatin xml document and using XMLOutputter (I am using org.jdom parser) I could write it to file using FileOutputStream, but first I'd like to encrypt this file. For that reason I need InputStream. I write this file on disc, next i read this file, encrypt and write again and at last delete the unencrypted file. Could do It without writeing unencrypted file on disc? Maybe using only streams? Pleas help me, how to do it. Maybe I should convert OutputStream to InputStream.
    When I reading information from encrypted file I have the same problem - streams conversion.

    I wrote an article about how to convert an OutputStream to an InputStream. You can read the article at:
    It discusses three methods for conversion: byte arrays, piped streams, and circular buffers.

  • Synchronize input and output tasks to start at the same sample point [C++ NI_DAQmx Base]

    I'm trying to initiate the analog input and output streams to start reliably at the same sample. I've tried triggering the output from the start of the input using the following code [NI-DAQmx Base 2.1 under Mac OS X with an M-Series multifunction board]. It compiles and runs, but gives an error message at the call to "DAQmxBaseCfgDigEdgeStartTrig". Any suggestions about synchronized I/O on this platform?
    #include "NIDAQmxBase.h"
    #define DAQmxErrorCheck( functionCall ) { if ( DAQmxFailed( error=( functionCall ) ) ) { goto Error; } }
    int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    // Task parameters
    int32 error = 0;
    TaskHandle inputTaskHandle = 0;
    TaskHandle outputTaskHandle = 0;
    char errorString[ 2048 ] = {'\0'};
    int32 i;
    time_t startTime;
    // input channel parameters
    char inputChannelList[] = "Dev1/ai0, Dev1/ai1";
    float64 inputVoltageRangeMinimum = -10.0;
    float64 inputVoltageRangeMaximum = 10.0;
    // output channel parameters
    char outputChannelList[] = "Dev1/ao0, Dev1/ao1";
    char outputTrigger[] = "Dev1/ai/StartTrigger";
    float64 outputVoltageRangeMinimum = -10.0;
    float64 outputVoltageRangeMaximum = 10.0;
    // Timing parameters
    char clockSource[] = "OnboardClock";
    uInt64 samplesPerChannel = 100000;
    float64 sampleRate = 10000.0;
    // Input data parameters
    static const uInt32 inputBufferSize = 100;
    int16 inputData[ inputBufferSize * 2 ];
    int32 pointsToRead = inputBufferSize;
    int32 pointsRead;
    float64 timeout = 10.0;
    int32 totalRead = 0;
    // Output data parameters
    static const uInt32 outputBufferSize = 1000;
    float64 outputData[ outputBufferSize * 2 ];
    int32 pointsToWrite = outputBufferSize;
    int32 pointsWritten;
    for( int i = 0; i < outputBufferSize; i++ )
    outputData[ 2 * i ] = 9.95 * sin( 2.0 * 3.14159 * i / outputBufferSize );
    outputData[ 2 * i + 1 ] = -9.95 * sin( 2.0 * 3.14159 * i / outputBufferSize );
    // ------------------- configure input task -----------------------
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseCreateTask( "", &inputTaskHandle ) );
    printf( "Created input task\n" );
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseCreateAIVoltageChan( inputTaskHandle, inputChannelList, "", DAQmx_Val_RSE, inputVoltageRangeMinimum, inputVoltageRangeMaximum, DAQmx_Val_Volts, NULL ) );
    printf( "Created AI Voltage Chan\n" );
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseCfgSampClkTiming( inputTaskHandle, clockSource, sampleRate, DAQmx_Val_Rising, DAQmx_Val_ContSamps, samplesPerChannel ) );
    printf( "Set sample rate\n" );
    // ------------------- configure output task -----------------------
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseCreateTask( "", &outputTaskHandle ) );
    printf( "Created output task\n" );
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseCreateAOVoltageChan( outputTaskHandle, outputChannelList, "", outputVoltageRangeMinimum, outputVoltageRangeMaximum, DAQmx_Val_Volts, NULL ) );
    printf( "Created AO Voltage Chan OK\n" );
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseCfgSampClkTiming( outputTaskHandle, clockSource, sampleRate, DAQmx_Val_Rising, DAQmx_Val_ContSamps, samplesPerChannel ) );
    printf( "Set sample rate\n" );
    // trigger output when input starts
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseCfgDigEdgeStartTrig( outputTaskHandle, outputTrigger, DAQmx_Val_Rising ) );
    printf( "Set output trigger\n" );
    // ------------------- configuration -----------------------
    // write output signal
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseWriteAnalogF64( outputTaskHandle, pointsToWrite, 0, timeout, DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber, outputData, &pointsWritten, NULL ) );
    printf( "Write output signal\n" );
    // set up input buffer
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseCfgInputBuffer( inputTaskHandle, 200000 ) ); // use a 100,000 sample DMA buffer
    // initiate acquisition - must start output task first
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseStartTask( outputTaskHandle ) );
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseStartTask( inputTaskHandle ) );
    // The loop will quit after 10 seconds
    Dr John Clements
    Lead Programmer
    AxoGraph Scientific

    Hi Michael,
    First of all, thanks very much for taking the time to investigate this problem! Much appreciated.
    You asked for "an actual error code you got and any description that is given". The full output from the program that I posted earlier in this thread is appended to the end of this message. In summary, following the call to...
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseCfgDigEdgeStartTrig( outputTaskHandle, outputTrigger, DAQmx_Val_Rising ) );
    ... with ...
    char outputTrigger[] = "Dev1/ai/StartTrigger";
    ...the error message is ...
    DAQmxBase Error: Specified route cannot be satisfied, because the hardware does not support it.
    You asked "specifically which M series device you are using"? It is the PCIe 6251 (with BNC 2111 connector block). I'm testing and developing on an Intel Mac Pro (dual boot OS X and Windows XP).
    You asked for "the location you pulled the code from". Here it is...
    ...specifically from the file "Multi-Function-Synch AI-AO_Fn.c".
    I adapted the NI-DAQmx calls to their NI-DAQmx Base equivalents.
    Finally, you asked "Is the trigger necessary, or do you just need to know that the measurements are running on the same clock?". I believe that some kind of sychronized trigger is necessary in my situation (correct me if I'm wrong). Timing is crucial. Say I initiate an analog output stream that delivers a voltage command step 5 ms from the onset. I need to record the response (analog input stream) so that its onset is accurately aligned (synchronized) at 5 ms. A typical recording situation would stimulate and record a short data 'sweep', then wait for the (biological) system to recover, then stimulate and record another short sweep, and repeat. I need all the recorded sweeps to align accurately so that they can be averaged and analyzed conveniently.
    I definitely do not want my customers to rely on an expensive external TTL pulse generator to initiate and synchronize each 'sweep'. That would effectively eliminate the cost advantage of an NI board, as well as adding unnecessary complexity in setup and use. It would be a show-stopper for me.
    It seems perverse, but would it be possible to use a digital output channel connected directly to a digital input chanel to trigger the input and output streams?
    Full output from test program. Compiled with gcc 4 under OS X...
    [Session started at 2007-05-23 14:17:01 +1000.]
    LoadRuntime: MainBundle
    CFBundle 0x303cc0 (executable, loaded)
    _CompatibleWithLabVIEWVersion: linkedAgainst: 08208002
    _CompatibleWithLabVIEWVersion: result= false, mgErr= 1, theActualVersion= 00000000
    _CompatibleWithLabVIEWVersion: linkedAgainst: deadbeef
    _CompatibleWithLabVIEWVersion: Reseting Linked Against
    _CompatibleWithLabVIEWVersion: linkedAgainst: 08208002
    _CompatibleWithLabVIEWVersion: result= true, mgErr= 0, theActualVersion= 00000000
    _CompatibleWithLabVIEWVersion: linkedAgainst: 08208002
    _CompatibleWithLabVIEWVersion: result= true, mgErr= 0, theActualVersion= 00000000
    CFBundle 0x313760 (framework, loaded)
    {type = 15, string = file://localhost/Library/Frameworks/nidaqmxbaselv.framework/, base = (null)}
    2007-05-23 14:17:02.248 test-ni[4445] CFLog (21): Error loading /Library/Frameworks/LabVIEW 8.2 Runtime.framework/resource/nitaglv.framework/nitaglv: error code 4, error number 0 (no suitable image found. Did find:
    /Library/Frameworks/LabVIEW 8.2 Runtime.framework/resource/nitaglv.framework/nitaglv: mach-o, but wrong architecture)
    CFBundle 0x1751fdc0 (framework, not loaded)
    Created input task
    Created AI Voltage Chan
    Set sample rate
    Created output task
    Created AO Voltage Chan OK
    Set sample rate
    DAQmxBase Error: Specified route cannot be satisfied, because the hardware does not support it.
    test-ni has exited with status 0.
    Dr John Clements
    Lead Programmer
    AxoGraph Scientific

  • Java Sockets and Output Streams

    Hi All,
    I am beginning sockets programming and I have a problem. If there is a server listening in the background for incoming connections and say for example 4 client programs programs which we shall call client1...client4 connect. How best can I capture the output streams associated with these newly created sockets so that the server can send back isome nformation to say clients1 and client4 only which is not seen by clients 2 and 3. Similarly I would like the server to send some infor to clients 2 and 3 only which is not seen by client1 and client 4.
    Currently I have the server listening part as shown below, but not too sure how to add DISTINCT output streams for 1 and 4 on one hand and 2 and 3 on the other.
    // bind socket to a port number
    ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(portNo);
    // create socket to listen to client connection
    while (true) {
    //listen to an incoming connection
    System.out.println("chatroom server waiting for incoming connections");
    Socket incomingSocket = serverSocket.accept();
    //launch new thread to take care of new connection
    chatRoomThread chatThread = new chatRoomThread(incomingSocket);
    //go back and wait for next connection
    Please help.

    HouseofHunger wrote:
    yes thats exactly the way I have my in and out streams, in the run method, but that doesn't help me in filtering traffic, in other words I am saying 2 clients, client1 and client4 for example should share a common in and out stream so that they will see eact other's messages... makes sense.....?No, doesn't make sense. That's the wrong design. Each socket should have its own input and output stream (yes, I know, that's been said several times before). If messages going to client1 should also be sent to client4, then whatever writes the messages to client1's output stream must also write them to client4's output stream. Trying to make those two output streams actually be the same output stream is the wrong way to do that. Just have the controller send the messages to whoever is supposed to get them.

  • Separate thread for input stream and output stream.

    Hi Techies,
    In a socket connection, can we run the input stream and output stream in separate threads. actually in my case, the input stream will be getting the input regularly and output stream will send data very rare. so if i impelment them in one class then unless there is data to send output stream will be blocked. i was thinking to impelment both the streams in separate threads. is it a good way? so how to implement it. your guidance will be of great help.
    thanks in advance.

    JavaBreather wrote:
    Hi Techies,
    In a socket connection, can we run the input stream and output stream in separate threads.I would say this is the most common way of handling sockets and threads. esp pre-NIO.
    Iis it a good way? so how to implement it. your guidance will be of great help.Once you have a socket, create two threads, one which does the reading and one which does the writing.
    You could use BlockingQueues to abstract access to these threads. i.e. the reading thread reads something from the socket and adds it to the BlockingQueue. The writing thread take()s something froma second BlockingQueue and writes it to the Socket. This way you add things to write or get thing to process by looking at the BlockingQueues.

  • How to control (the input and output) EXE file after I call it using exec?

    I knew that I can use runtime.exec() to call one EXE file, and this works. But this EXE has two characteristics:
    1. After this exe starts, it asks user to input number such as 1 or 2 onto computer screen, then press return. Then the exe will start the calculation.
    2. after it starts calculation, it prints 3 columns of numbers onto the screen.
    My two questions are:
    1. How to use java to input the number such as 1 or 2 automatically? this EXE can not work like this in DOS command line:
    C:> file.exe parameter
    The parameter is the number such as 1 or 2 that I wanna input.
    2. how to redirect the 3 columns of numbers from computer screen to txt file?
    My colleague can solve these two questions using Mathematica. So I know that definitely there is at least one solution for it. I just can not do it using Java. This wierd exe file bothered me a lot and I really wish that I can get help from someone in java community.
    Thank you!

    When you call Runtime.exec, you get a Process object. (I presume something similar happens when you use ProcessBuilder.) Process has methods with names getOutput, getInput, and getError. These correspond to the standard input, standard output, and standard error streams of the spawned process.
    You can read and write to the process on the streams corresponding to input and output that the process writes to the console.
    In fact, you should be grabbing and reading the output/error streams anyway, because of the points raised by the Traps article. Google "Java Runtime exec traps" and you'll probably get a link to this JavaWorld article, which describes common Runtime.exec problems and how to solve them.
    Edited by: paulcw on Jun 15, 2010 4:09 PM

  • Fileinput and output stream

    hi. i was trying to learn this fileinput and output stream in java. i was trying to solve this exercise problem in which a user need to ask for the inputfile (Which i have created mydata.txt which has 5 positive numbers and 5 negative numbers ). my program will ask the user for the input file and then output the results in 2 seperate files one output will be for positive integers which the program will extract from myData,txt and negative integers to another output file. i am very confused. my program does not give me any error msgs but outputs a number 0.
    import java.util.Scanner;
    class fileEg {
         public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException
         int num=0, num1;
         Scanner user = new Scanner(;
         String inputFileName, outputFileName, fileName;
         System.out.println("Input File Name ");
         inputFileName = user.nextLine().trim();
         File input = new File (inputFileName);
         Scanner scan = new Scanner(input);
         System.out.print("Output File Name: ");
        outputFileName = user.nextLine().trim();
        File output = new File( outputFileName );     
        PrintStream  print = new PrintStream( output );     
        while(scan.hasNextInt()) {
             if(num == '+') {
                  print.println( "the numbers are " + num);
             else {
                  print.println("The numbers ares " + num);
    }any help will be really appreciated. any theories or example.

    import java.util.Scanner;
    class fileEg {
         public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException
         int num;
         Scanner user = new Scanner(;
         String inputFileName, outputFileName, negativeFileName;
         System.out.println("Input File Name ");
         inputFileName = user.nextLine().trim();
         File input = new File (inputFileName);
         Scanner scan = new Scanner(input);
         System.out.print("Output File positive Name: ");
        outputFileName = user.nextLine().trim();
        File output1 = new File( outputFileName );     
        PrintStream  positiveNumbers = new PrintStream( output1 ); 
        System.out.print("Output File negative Name: ");
        negativeFileName = user.nextLine().trim();
        File output = new File( negativeFileName );     
        PrintStream  negativeNumbers = new PrintStream( output ); 
    while(scan.hasNextInt()) {
             num= scan.nextInt();
             if (num >0) {
                  positiveNumbers.println( "the numbers are " + num);
             } else {
                  negativeNumbers.println("The numbers ares " + num);
    }Thanks paul
    Message was edited by:

  • How can I use a different driver for audio input and output?

    I did a search of course, and came up with something about an aggregate. I have no idea what this is, how to do it, or if it would even work for me.
    What I am trying to do is:
    1) Record into Logic Express using my Tascam US-122.
    2) Have playback come out of my computer sound system, not the Tascam.
    If I go over to the Audio setup window, I can only record when the driver is set to Tascam US-122. Likewise, I can only listen to sound when my Built-In Audio is selected. It gets rather annoying going between the two.
    So, would this aggregate thing solve my problem? If so, how do I do it? Thanks for any help!

    Yes it should do what you want.
    Go to "Audio Midi Setup", and go to the Audio menu and click "Open Aggregate Device Editor". The interface is pretty simple but if you do get stuck, just use the help function in Audio Midi Setup, as it has a step by step guide.
    Then when you return to logic, go to the Preferences>Audio>Drivers section and select Aggregate Device as the new driver rather than either the built in sound or the tascam. Then the inputs and outputs will apply to BOTH devices.

  • SSIS: How to use one Variable as Input and Output Parameter in an Execute SQL Task

    i need your help,I'm working on this issue since yesterday and have no idea how to deal with it.
    As I already said in the tilte i want to start a stored procedure via a Execute SQL Task which has around 15 prameters. 10 of these should be used as input AND output value.
    As an example:
    i have three  Variable:
    var1    int        2
    var2    int     100
    var3    int     200
    the stroed procedure:
          @var1 int
          @var2 int output
          @var3 int output
            SET @var2 = @var2 * @var1
            SET @var3 = @var3 + @var1
    So in the Execute SQL Task i call the Stored Procedure as follwos:
        Exec sp_test  @var1 = ?, @var2 = ? output, @var3 = ? output
    (I use an OLE DB Connection)
    The parameter mapping is as follows:
    User::Var1        input                   numeric              0                 -1
    User::Var2        input/output         numeric              1                 -1
    User::Var3        input/output         numeric              2                 -1
    Now my problem. If i set  Var2 and Var3 as Input parameter the values are still the same after running the package. If i set them to a output value the are both Null because the procedure doesnt get any values.
    I already tried to list them a second time - like
        User::Var2        input                  numeric              1                 -1
        User::Var2        output                 numeric              1                 -1
    or i use a new variable
        User::Var2                  input                  numeric              1                 -1
        User::Var2Return        output                 numeric              1                 -1
    but i alwas get the error
    "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done."
    Has anybody an idea how I can solve this problem?
    Thanks a lot.
    Kind Regards,

    Hi Alain,
    thx for your answer.
    I have around 15 procedures called one after the other to calculated and modify my values. Each procedure is responsible for an other but overlapping set of variables. So i thought it would be a good idea to call them one after the other with the needed variables via a execute sql task.
    So if i use a result set, how i get my stored procedure to return 10 values? I would have to use a Function instead of a procedure, wouldn't i?
    As if i have 15 procedures this would be a lot of work.
    But thanks a lot for the idea. I think an other idea would be to create one function which calls all stored procedures and returns all the calculated values as a result set, wouldn't it?.
    Kind Regards.

  • How can I make Apple Earphones be the Input and Output for Audio

    I have some older headphones and they aren't compatible with a Mid 2010 (Intel Core i3) 21.5 Inch iMac
    Is there some way to make Apple Earphones be the Input and Output for Audio in the iMac
    This is a problem for me personally as when I am talking to someone on Skype the iMac picks up the In-built Microphone audio, and yes the headphones I'm using do work straight from the iMac as audio output
    Any help is appreciated

    you can connect the headset to something like this e-Mic-Audio-Y-Splitter-/381100440348
    and then connect the mic to the input and the headset to the headset port

  • How to use a bluetooth cellphone for audio input and output

    Hello, I was wondering how to set-up my Mac Book so that I can use my bluetooth cellphone for audio in and audio out. Ideally, I would like to use my handset for talking on iChat and Skype. Has anyone had any luck doing this? When I bond my cellphone these optiosn do not appear. I know that this is easy to do on a Windows machine but I am not sure about how to do it on my Mac Book.

    Yes it should do what you want.
    Go to "Audio Midi Setup", and go to the Audio menu and click "Open Aggregate Device Editor". The interface is pretty simple but if you do get stuck, just use the help function in Audio Midi Setup, as it has a step by step guide.
    Then when you return to logic, go to the Preferences>Audio>Drivers section and select Aggregate Device as the new driver rather than either the built in sound or the tascam. Then the inputs and outputs will apply to BOTH devices.

  • How do I create an xControl with multiple inputs and outputs?

    i am trying to write a new Xcontrol Element. In the data model I can create data types using the cluster to create compound types, eg an int and an int array. But how do I create an xcontrol which has multiple data inputs and outputs?
    Kind Regards

    Limping_Twerp wrote:
    Alright: I see: An xcontrol is either an input OR an output. How do I achieve an output? Secondly: So you are saying the only Elements that can have multiple inputs and outputs are VIs?
    Can you take a few steps back and explain what you are actually trying to do. SubVIs and Xcontrols have nothing in common and it is not clear why you even try to compare them side by side (e.g. in terms of the number of connectors).
    Your questions about input or output tell us that you seems to have some misconceptions about xcontrols. Xcontrols are like regular controls, except they have some built-in intelligence that you can program. Most front panel object can be either controls or indicators and the same is true for Xcontrol. You create an Xcontrol, and after placing it on the front panel you can decide if it should be a control (where the code reads the value) or an indicator (were the code writes values to it). When you define the xcontrol facade, you also need to program how the visuals change if it is changed from control to indicator or vice versa.
    As a first step, you should opend the example finder and look at some xcontrol examples.
    Again, what are you actually trying to do? 
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