Insert date time into oracle database from jsp

pls tell me ,from jsp how can I insert datetime values into oracle database .I am using oracle 9i .here is codethat i have tried
<select name="date">
<option selected>dd</option>
<select name="month">
<option selected>dd</option>
<select name="year">
<option selected>dd</option>
here the jsp code
<% date= request.getParameter("date"); %>
<% month= request.getParameter("month"); %>
<% year= request.getParameter("year"); %>
{ Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); }
catch (ClassNotFoundException exception)
     Connection connection = null;
     out.println("connectiong the database");
connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@","scott","tiger");
out.println("connection getted");
     int rows = 0;
     String query_2 = "insert into mrdetails values(?)";
     String dob = date+month+year;
     prepstat = connection.prepareStatement(query_2);
     rows = prepstat.executeUpdate();
     out.println("data updated");
catch (Exception exception3)
out.println("Exception raised"+exception3.toString());

To insert date values into a database, you should use java.sql.Date. If it also has a time component, then java.sql.TimeStamp.
Your use of prepared statements is good.
You just need to convert the parameters into a date.
One way to do this is using java.text.SimpleDateFormat.
int rows = 0;
String query_2 = "insert into mrdetails values(?)";
String dob = date+"/" + month+ "/" + year;
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SImpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
java.util.Date javaDate = sdf.parse(dob);
java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date(javaDate .getTime);
prepstat = connection.prepareStatement(query_2);
rows = prepstat.executeUpdate();
out.println("data updated");Cheers,

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    Hai Franco,
    i put the wrong code. Here, is the Original Code.
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    Thanks in advance

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    Globalization forum?
    Globalization Support
    It works for SQL Developer, which does not depend on NLS_LANG, so I suspect a problem with your NLS settings.

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    I had all kinds of problems getting a datetime inserted into a SQl Server DB. Probably similar so this is what I do:
    String date = new String("01/01/97 12:00:00");
    stmt.setObject(1, date);
    I tried using TimeStamp's but found I got an occasional Fractional Truncation exception back from the driver. Never had a problem inserting a String using the setObject() method though.
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    There are three JDBC types relating to time:
    1] The JDBC DATE type represents a date consisting of day, month, and year. The corresponding SQL DATE type is defined in SQL-92, but it is implemented by only a subset of the major databases. Some databases offer alternative SQL types that support similar semantics.
    2] The JDBC TIME type represents a time consisting of hours, minutes, and seconds. The corresponding SQL TIME type is defined in SQL-92, but it is implemented by only a subset of the major databases. As with DATE, some databases offer alternative SQL types that support similar semantics.
    3] The JDBC TIMESTAMP type represents DATE plus TIME plus a nanosecond field. The corresponding SQL TIMESTAMP type is defined in SQL-92, but it is implemented by only a very small number of databases.
    In ur case pls use:
    good luck !
    ...san :--)

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    ok, thanks.
    I tried making a result set with the following:
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    ResultSet rst = stmt.executeQuery("select to_char(sysdate) from dual");
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    It breaks up somehow and doesn't get that result!

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    *" C:\\photos "*
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      try {                 // for restaurant System.out.println();System.out.println();System.out.println(); System.out.print("  Creating Statement for Photo...\n");             stmt2 = con.createStatement ();                       stmt2.executeUpdate("delete from PHOTO"); stmt2.executeUpdate("commit"); PreparedStatement stmt3 = con.prepareStatement ("INSERT INTO PHOTO VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");             System.out.print("  Create FileReader Object for file: " + inputFileName1 + "...\n");             FileReader inputFileReader2 = new FileReader(inputFileName1);             System.out.print("  Create BufferedReader Object for FileReader Object...\n");             BufferedReader inputStream2  = new BufferedReader(inputFileReader2);             String inLine2 = null;                         String[] tokens; //            String[] imageFilenames = {"c:\\photos\\in1.jpg","c:\\photos\\in2.jpg","c:\\photos\\in3.jpg","c:\\photos\\in4.jpg","c:\\photos\\in5.jpg", //  "c:\\photos\\in6.jpg","c:\\photos\\in7.jpg","c:\\photos\\in8.jpg","c:\\photos\\in9.jpg","c:\\photos\\in10.jpg","c:\\photos\\arb1.jpg","c:\\photos\\arb2.jpg", //  "c:\\photos\\arb3.jpg","c:\\photos\\arb4.jpg","c:\\photos\\arb5.jpg","c:\\photos\\den1.jpg","c:\\photos\\den2.jpg","c:\\photos\\den3.jpg", //  "c:\\photos\\den4.jpg","c:\\photos\\den5.jpg","c:\\photos\\hop1.jpg","c:\\photos\\hop2.jpg","c:\\photos\\hop3.jpg","c:\\photos\\hop4.jpg","c:\\photos\\hop5.jpg"};               File file = new File("C:\\photos\\in1.jpg");            \\ ( Just for example  )           FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(file);                         while ((inLine2 = inputStream2.readLine()) != null) {               tokens= inLine2.split(",");             st2 = new StringTokenizer(inLine2, DELIM);                                                             stmt3.setString(1, tokens[0]);               stmt3.setBinaryStream(2, fs, (int)(file.length()));               stmt3.setString(3, tokens[2]);               stmt3.setString(4, tokens[3]);               stmt3.setString(5, tokens[4]);               stmt3.execute(); //execute the prepared statement               stmt3.clearParameters(); 
    As i am able to enter one image file by above code in1.jpg in to the oracle database.... but i am not able to insert all the image file in to the tell me what should i do.... and can you give me the example on the basis of the above code of mine...
    do reply as soon as possible..

    jwenting wrote:
    that depends. Putting the images in BLOBs prevents the file locations stored in the database from getting out of synch with the filesystem when sysadmins decide to reorganise directory structures or "archive" "old" files that noone uses anyway.True, but it really comes down to a business decision (cost-benefit analysis). If you have the bucks, the expertise, and the time, go with the Blobs, otherwise go with the flat files.

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    Right now i can insert data into sql table everytime when the data changes but i also wanted to insert the date and time as well.
    Thank you in advance!

    I create a field that is a datetime and set the default value to getdate().  So everytime i make an entry into this database, it automatically adds a datestamp.

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    That's not a date. It's just a string. Convert it to a date using,
    DateTime d = DateTime.ParseExact("01022003", "MMddyyyy", null);
    Dim d As DateTime = DateTime.ParseExact("01022003", "MMddyyyy", Nothing)
    and then bind it to a parameter. ODP.NET will take it from there.
    You should never be hard-coding the date literal into your SQL query.

  • Inserting multiple records into a database from a table

    I have a dynamic table with rows upto 10. i am trying to insert all the records in these rows into a database ( msaccess)
    table name: Table1 ( in my form )
    Database table : movies_comments ( as posted in stefan's forums ).
    table columns: username, movieid, comments
    i am using the following code.
    Database.ExecSQL() function is as posted in stefcamerons forums.
    var tlength = xfa.resolveNode("form1.#subform[0].Table1.Row1[*]").length;"tlength is :" +tlength);
    for ( var i = 1; i <= tlength; i++)
    var username = xfa.resolveNode("form1.#subform[0].Table1.Row1["+i+"].user_name").rawValue;
    var movieID = xfa.resolveNode("form1.#subform[0].Table1.Row1["+i+"].movie_id").rawValue;
    var commentS = xfa.resolveNode("form1.#subform[0].Table1.Row1["+i+"].comment_").rawValue;
    Database.ExecSQL("INSERT INTO movie_comments (username, movieId, comment) VALUES ('username','movieID', 'commentS');");
    i am trying to insert multiple records using the code above. But i am getting error
    GeneralError: Operation failed.
    SOM expression returned list when single result was expected
    suggest me an alternate way to insert multiple records from a table into a database.
    thank Q

    figured it out. I changed the ...OR (alternative names = colname) in the recordset to ...OR (alternative names LIKE %colname%). Works like a charm now- the result of a good night's sleep.

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    How is it "not possible"?
    Either modify the Class for the new fields, or give the new fields default values (if applicable). If the type of an existing column has changed, then only the first option is available.
    Where's the problem?

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    All the attributes will be inserted in a single record.

    check this code
    Created on Oct 18, 2007
    To change the template for this generated file go to
    Window&gt;Preferences&gt;Java&gt;Code Generation&gt;Code and Comments
    package com.psft;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    @author BALU
    To change the template for this generated type comment go to
    Window&gt;Preferences&gt;Java&gt;Code Generation&gt;Code and Comments
    public class DataBaseDAO
         ResultSet rs;
         int qID = 1;
         int noOfChoices=0;
         Connection con;
         Statement stmt;
         public DataBaseDAO()
               stmt = con.createStatement();*/
               DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
               String s ="jdbc:oracle:thin:@";
               stmt = con.createStatement();
              }catch(Exception e){}
         public int register(String name,String pass,String emailid){
              int i =0;
                   PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement ("Insert into USERS(username,password,email) values (?,?,?)");
                   ps.setString( 1, name);
                   ps.setString( 2, pass);
                   ps.setString( 3, emailid);
                   i = ps.executeUpdate();
                   }catch(Exception e){
              return i;
    xxxxxx (please read forum rules)
    Edited by: Armin Reichert on Jan 17, 2008 10:17 AM

  • How to insert date into oracle database

    Hi, there,
    I want to insert date information to oracle database in a jsp page using JSTL. but always got wrong message:
    : Invalid column type
    I don't know how to convert java date type to oracle date type or vice versa. the following is the source code(all the fields of DATE_DEFAULT,DATE_SHORT,DATE_MEDIUM are oracle date type. and even I want to insert d instead d1, I got the same wrong message)
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
    <%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="sql" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="" %>
    Calendar now;
    Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance();
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    Hello World
    The current time is:
    <%= new java.util.Date() %></p>
    java.util.Date d=new java.util.Date();
    java.sql.Date d1=new java.sql.Date(d.getYear(),d.getMonth(),d.getDate());
    <sql:dateParam value="${d}" type="date" />
    <sql:dateParam value="${d}" type="date" />
    <sql:dateParam value="${d}" type="date" />
    thank you very much for the great help!!

    Hi, there,
    I want to insert date information to oracle database in a jsp page using JSTL. but always got wrong message:
    : Invalid column type
    I don't know how to convert java date type to oracle date type or vice versa. the following is the source code(all the fields of DATE_DEFAULT,DATE_SHORT,DATE_MEDIUM are oracle date type. and even I want to insert d instead d1, I got the same wrong message)
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
    <%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="sql" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="" %>
    Calendar now;
    Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance();
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    Hello World
    The current time is:
    <%= new java.util.Date() %></p>
    java.util.Date d=new java.util.Date();
    java.sql.Date d1=new java.sql.Date(d.getYear(),d.getMonth(),d.getDate());
    <sql:dateParam value="${d}" type="date" />
    <sql:dateParam value="${d}" type="date" />
    <sql:dateParam value="${d}" type="date" />
    thank you very much for the great help!!

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    Try UploadBean. It allows to upload files (from a browser) in Oracle.
    You will find JSP and servlet samples.

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