Insert into Oracle Database using C#

Hi Everyone,
I am trying to take data from text box and list box and then insert them to Oracle database:
Text box data:
C# = tbEmployeeName
List box data:
C# = lbEmployeeGender
Here is my code in C#, can you guys help me with insert statement:
string oradb = "Data Source= oraDB;User Id=sm;Password=mypassword;";
OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(oradb);
OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandText = "Insert into USER.EMPLOYEE VALUES (tbEmployeeName.Text, lbEmployeeGender.Text)";
int rowsUpdated = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (rowsUpdated == 0)
MessageBox.Show("Record not inserted");

989630 wrote:
Hi Everyone,
I am trying to take data from text box and list box and then insert them to Oracle database:
Text box data:
C# = tbEmployeeName
List box data:
C# = lbEmployeeGender
Here is my code in C#, can you guys help me with insert statement:
string oradb = "Data Source= oraDB;User Id=sm;Password=mypassword;";
OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(oradb);
OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandText = "Insert into USER.EMPLOYEE VALUES (tbEmployeeName.Text, lbEmployeeGender.Text)";
int rowsUpdated = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (rowsUpdated == 0)
MessageBox.Show("Record not inserted");
You'll want to read up on using parameters (also known as bind variables) - these are critical for scalability in an OLTP-type system and helping guard against SQL Injection attacks. There's many sources out there, but here's a link to the Parameter Binding section in the ODP.NET Developer's Guide which is probably a good thing to become familiar with:
Here's your sample using bind variables:
string oradb = "Data Source= oraDB;User Id=sm;Password=mypassword;";
OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(oradb);
OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();
cmd.Connection = conn;
// Perform insert using parameters (bind variables)
cmd.CommandText = "Insert into USER.EMPLOYEE VALUES (:1, :2)";
// Here's one way to use parameters aka bind variables:
// Create parameters to hold values from front-end
cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("1",
cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("2",
int rowsUpdated = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (rowsUpdated == 0)
  MessageBox.Show("Record not inserted");
// don't forget to perform any clean-up as necessaryNote that I've just typed this into a text editor and not verified, so please excuse any typos you may find.
Also, I've allowed the default of OracleCommand.BindByName=false as I prefer that, though others certainly prefer setting it to "true". See the docs for what this means if you are not sure.

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    We are currently facing an issue of inserting greek characters into Oracle database using ICAN505.
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    When I insert using an insert statement directly ,the values get inserted properly into the DB table.
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    Please help....
    Thanks in advance !!

    Globalization forum?
    Globalization Support
    It works for SQL Developer, which does not depend on NLS_LANG, so I suspect a problem with your NLS settings.

  • Insert into oracle DB using vb2005

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    Imports System
    Imports System.Data ' VB.NET
    Imports Oracle.DataAccess.Client ' ODP.NET Oracle data provider
    Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
    Public Class Form1
    'System.Data.OracleClient lets you access Oracle databases.
    Public con As System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection = New System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection() 'Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection()
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
    Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
    Dim xlWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet
    Dim range As Excel.Range
    Dim rCnt As Integer
    Dim cCnt As Integer
    Dim Obj As Object
    xlApp = New Excel.ApplicationClass
    xlApp.Visible = True
    xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("c:\employee.xls")
    xlWorkSheet = xlWorkBook.Worksheets("sheet1")
    range = xlWorkSheet.UsedRange
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    For cCnt = 1 To range.Columns.Count
    Obj = CType(range.Cells(rCnt, cCnt), Excel.Range)
    End Sub
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    obj = Nothing
    Catch ex As Exception
    obj = Nothing
    End Try
    End Sub
    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim daOracle As New OracleDataAdapter
    Dim InsertCommand As New OracleCommand
    daOracle.InsertCommand = New OracleCommand
    '1.Create connection object to Oracle database
    Dim con As OracleConnection = New OracleConnection()
    '2.Specify connection string
    con.ConnectionString = ("Data Source=mgra;User Id=tmar; Password=grams")
    '3. Open the connection through ODP.NET
    Catch ex As Exception
    '4.display if any error occurs
    MsgBox(ex.Message, Microsoft.VisualBasic.MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "OraScan")
    '3.Create command object to perform a query against the database:
    Dim cmdQuery As String = "SELECT * FROM employee"
    InsertCommand.CommandText = "insert into meta_objecttypes values(4,'table','table','ERStudio','Demo')"
    daOracle.InsertCommand = InsertCommand
    ' Create the OracleCommand object to work with select
    Dim cmd As OracleCommand = New OracleCommand(cmdQuery)
    cmd.Connection = con
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
    'get the DataReader object from command object
    Dim rdr As OracleDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
    'check if it has any row
    While rdr.Read()
    End While
    ' Close and Dispose OracleConnection object
    End Try
    End Sub
    End Class

    For best results, please repost this to the ODP.NET forum.

  • Can select, but cannot insert into oracle tables using php.

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    I'm using PHP 5.2.3 with an oracle 9i DB.

    Here is the code that doesn't work. It works only with baninst1, no other username will work and all I do is change the my_username/my_password to something different. This is one example function where I try to do an insert, but it doesn't work on any of the tables I try.
    Thanks for looking.
    class Oracle {
         private $oracleUser = "my_username";
         private $oraclePassword = "my_password";
         private $oracleDB = "MY_DB";
         private $c = null;
         function Connect() {
              if ( !($this->c = ocilogon( $this->oracleUser, $this->oraclePassword, $this->oracleDB ) ) )
                   return false;
              return true;
         function AddNewTest($testName, $course, $section, $term, $maxAttempts, $length, $startDate, $startTime, $endDate, $endTime)
              $result = "";
              if( $this->c == null )
              $splitIndex = strpos($course, " ");
              $subjectCode = substr($course, 0, $splitIndex);
              $courseNumber = substr($course, $splitIndex + 1);
              $insertStatment = "insert into szbtestinfo(szbtestinfo_test_name,
                                                                values( '" . $testName .
                   "', '" . $courseNumber .
                   "', '" . $section .
                   "', " . $maxAttempts .
                   ", " . $length .
                   ", to_date('" . $startDate . " " . $startTime . "', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI')" .
                   ", to_date('" . $endDate . " " . $endTime . "', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI')" .
                   ", szsnexttest.nextval" .
                   ", '" . $subjectCode .
                   "', '" . $term . "')";
              //return $insertStatment;
              $s = OCIParse($this->c, $insertStatment);
                   $result = OCIExecute($s);
              catch(exception $e)
              return $result;

  • Insert data into oracle database using a PHP form

    I'm trying to enter data into my oracle database table using a php form. When I click submit no data is added. Could someone help me please. I'm new to php/oracle thing.
    NOTE: I don't have any problem connecting to the database using php.
    Here is the code I'm using:
    // just print form asking for name if none was entered
    if( !isset($query)) {   
    echo "<form action=\"$uri\" method=post>\n";
    echo "<p>Enter Name: ";
    echo "<input type=text size=100 maxlength=200 name=data value=\"$data\">\n";
    echo "<br><input type=submit name=submit value=Submit>\n";
    echo "</form>\n";
    // insert client's name
    $query = "INSERT INTO client (name) VALUES ($data)";
    // connect to Oracle
    $username = "xxxx";
    $paswd = "yyyyyy";
    $db_conn = ocilogon($username, $paswd, $dbstring);
    $stmt = OCIParse($db_conn, $query);
    OCIExecute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT);
    Thanks for your help. I will also appreciate a better was to do it.

    resumption and jer,
    Sorry I cannot format the code for easy reading!
    The page is submitting to itself. See action = \"$uri\". I used the same logic to enter SELECT querries into the database. It pulls and displays data back on the webpage. The code I used for this is below. Compare it with the one above for inserting data into the table.
    // connect to oracle
    $username = "xxxxx";
         $paswd = "yyyyy";
         $dbstring = "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)".
         $db_conn = ocilogon($username, $paswd, $dbstring);
    // username and password will be unset if they weren't passed,
    // or if they were wrong
    if( !isset($query)) {
    // just print form asking for account details
    echo "<form action=\"$uri\" method=post>\n";
    echo "<p>Enter Query: ";
    echo "<input type=text size=100 maxlength=200 name=query value=\"$query\">\n";
    echo "<br><input type=submit name=submit value=Submit>\n";
    echo "</form>\n";
    // remove unwanted slashes from the query
    $query = stripslashes($query);
    // run the query
    $stmt = OCIParse($db_conn, $query);
    OCIExecute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT);
    // Open the HTML table.
    print '<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">';
    // Read fetched headers.
    print '<tr>';
    for ($i = 1;$i <= ocinumcols($stmt);$i++)
    print '<td class="e">'.ocicolumnname($stmt,$i).'</td>';
    print '</tr>';
    // Read fetched data.
    while (ocifetch($stmt))
    // Print open and close HTML row tags and columns data.
    print '<tr>';
    for ($i = 1;$i <= ocinumcols($stmt);$i++)
    print '<td class="v">'.ociresult($stmt,$i).'</td>';
    print '</tr>';
    // Close the HTML table.
    print '</table>';

  • Inserting Multiple Images into oracle database using JDBC

    I wanted to insert multiple images into database using JDBC by reading it from the file... and i am passing photos.txt(my text file) as an input parameter... I have inserted all the values into the database except for the image part... this is my content of photos.txt file and i have copied all the images into the folder
    *" C:\\photos "*
    and i want to store in1.jpg,in2.jpg,in3.jpg,in4.jpg,in5.jpg into the oracle databse using JDBC.... i have tried a lot using BLOB column.... and i have created my table as
    Name BLOB,
    Tags VARCHAR2(40)
      try {                 // for restaurant System.out.println();System.out.println();System.out.println(); System.out.print("  Creating Statement for Photo...\n");             stmt2 = con.createStatement ();                       stmt2.executeUpdate("delete from PHOTO"); stmt2.executeUpdate("commit"); PreparedStatement stmt3 = con.prepareStatement ("INSERT INTO PHOTO VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");             System.out.print("  Create FileReader Object for file: " + inputFileName1 + "...\n");             FileReader inputFileReader2 = new FileReader(inputFileName1);             System.out.print("  Create BufferedReader Object for FileReader Object...\n");             BufferedReader inputStream2  = new BufferedReader(inputFileReader2);             String inLine2 = null;                         String[] tokens; //            String[] imageFilenames = {"c:\\photos\\in1.jpg","c:\\photos\\in2.jpg","c:\\photos\\in3.jpg","c:\\photos\\in4.jpg","c:\\photos\\in5.jpg", //  "c:\\photos\\in6.jpg","c:\\photos\\in7.jpg","c:\\photos\\in8.jpg","c:\\photos\\in9.jpg","c:\\photos\\in10.jpg","c:\\photos\\arb1.jpg","c:\\photos\\arb2.jpg", //  "c:\\photos\\arb3.jpg","c:\\photos\\arb4.jpg","c:\\photos\\arb5.jpg","c:\\photos\\den1.jpg","c:\\photos\\den2.jpg","c:\\photos\\den3.jpg", //  "c:\\photos\\den4.jpg","c:\\photos\\den5.jpg","c:\\photos\\hop1.jpg","c:\\photos\\hop2.jpg","c:\\photos\\hop3.jpg","c:\\photos\\hop4.jpg","c:\\photos\\hop5.jpg"};               File file = new File("C:\\photos\\in1.jpg");            \\ ( Just for example  )           FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(file);                         while ((inLine2 = inputStream2.readLine()) != null) {               tokens= inLine2.split(",");             st2 = new StringTokenizer(inLine2, DELIM);                                                             stmt3.setString(1, tokens[0]);               stmt3.setBinaryStream(2, fs, (int)(file.length()));               stmt3.setString(3, tokens[2]);               stmt3.setString(4, tokens[3]);               stmt3.setString(5, tokens[4]);               stmt3.execute(); //execute the prepared statement               stmt3.clearParameters(); 
    As i am able to enter one image file by above code in1.jpg in to the oracle database.... but i am not able to insert all the image file in to the tell me what should i do.... and can you give me the example on the basis of the above code of mine...
    do reply as soon as possible..

    jwenting wrote:
    that depends. Putting the images in BLOBs prevents the file locations stored in the database from getting out of synch with the filesystem when sysadmins decide to reorganise directory structures or "archive" "old" files that noone uses anyway.True, but it really comes down to a business decision (cost-benefit analysis). If you have the bucks, the expertise, and the time, go with the Blobs, otherwise go with the flat files.

  • Unable to insert rows into ORACLE database using ABAP code

    I am facing problem while creating a table in Oracle database with 15 attributes in a table. To create a table I am using the classes:
                      cl_sql_connection  -
    > to create the connection           
                      cl_sql_statement  -
    > to execute the query
    This I used by reffering the SAP program ADBC_DEMO. Without any trouble I am able to create a Table with 6 attributes by following the same procedure in ABCD_DEMO program but the same is not working for the table with 15 attributes .
    Please help me.

    here is my code.
    DATA: V_con_name TYPE dbcon-con_name,
          con_ref TYPE REF TO cl_sql_connection,
          sqlerr_ref TYPE REF TO cx_sql_exception,
          c_tabname  TYPE string VALUE `TO_DETAILS`,
          c_coldefs  TYPE string.
       V_CON_NAME = 'TVL-DSS-01'.
       concatenate '(LGNUM CHAR(3) primary key,'
                     'TANUM VARCHAR2(10),'
                     'FLAG  CHAR(1),'
                     'BDATU timestamp(3),'
                     'TAPOS VARCHAR2(4),'
                     'MATNR CHAR(18))'
                      'VLQNR VARCHAR2(10),'
                      'VLPLA CHAR(10),'
                      'VLBER CHAR(3),'
                      'NLPLA CHAR(10),'
                      'NLBER CHAR(3),'
                      'VDATE DATE(3) ,'
                      'BNAME CHAR(12),'
                      'VTIME DATE(4),'
                      'PROTYPEFLAG CHAR(1),'
                      'PROCOMFLAG  CHAR(1))'
                into c_coldefs separated by space  .
                 CREATE_TABLE USING con_ref c_tabname c_coldefs.
          CATCH cx_sql_exception INTO sqlerr_ref.
    form create
    form CONNECT using   p_con_name TYPE dbcon-con_name
                         p_con_ref  TYPE REF TO cl_sql_connection
                 RAISING cx_sql_exception.
      p_con_ref = cl_sql_connection=>get_connection( p_con_name ).
    endform.                    " CONNECT
    form create
    form   CREATE_TABLE USING   p_con_ref TYPE REF TO cl_sql_connection
                              p_tabname TYPE string
                              p_coldefs TYPE string
                      RAISING cx_sql_exception.
            l_sqlerr_ref TYPE REF TO cx_sql_exception,
            l_stmt       TYPE string,
            l_stmt_ref   TYPE REF TO cl_sql_statement.
    create a statement object
       l_stmt_ref = p_con_ref->create_statement( ).
    create the statement string
         'create table' p_tabname p_coldefs
         INTO l_stmt SEPARATED BY space.
    execute the DDL command; catch the exception in order to handle the
    case if the table already exists
          l_stmt_ref->execute_ddl( l_stmt ).
        CATCH cx_sql_exception INTO l_sqlerr_ref.
          IF l_sqlerr_ref->dbobject_exists = 'X'
             OR l_sqlerr_ref->internal_error = 1024.
          table already exists => drop it and try it again
              drop_table   USING p_con_ref p_tabname,
              create_table USING p_con_ref p_tabname p_coldefs.
            RAISE EXCEPTION l_sqlerr_ref.
    endform.                    " CREATE_TABLE
    please do help me

  • Unable to insert into oracle db using times ten

    I have a times ten 6.0 installation on my m/c connected to an oracle database. The database is a remote database. My application is deployed to oracle application server ( SOA). I am getting the following SQLException when I try to insert.the first row.
    java.sql.SQLException: [TimesTen][TimesTen 6.0.4 ODBC Driver][TimesTen]TT5105: OCI initialization failed. -- file "bdbEnv.c", lineno 275, procedure "ttBDbEnvAlloc"
    My env is as follows
    OS = Windows 2000
    DataSource = User DSN
    First Connection
    Permanent Data Store = 100
    Temporary Data Store = 50
    Connections = 20
    Synchronous write through cache
    I tried a select on the table before insert and it worked. Using ttisql I can insert into this table without any problem. Using a standalone java program I am able to insert data into this table. But from within an appserver I am facing this issue.
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Are you logged in as the user that owns that table?
    If yes, then there are no triggers on this table.
    That is true.
    You will need to populate the ID column with your insert statement.
    Just did that.
    Usually, the sequence is very similar to the table name.
    Yes I tried few of them in my sql query and it said "sequence cannot be found"
    Isn't there some way that it will list the name of the sequence currently being used in a table?

  • Insert into oracle lob using php odbc

    is there a way to insert a string > 4000 characters into an oracle lob using php without using oci8 extension? If so can somebody post some sample code to do it?

    Perhaps you could externally invoke Oracle's SQL Loader utility.
    What are you trying to achieve?
    -- cj

  • Sun Web Server 6.1 Insert into Oracle Database problem

    Hello there,
    I'm using Sun Java Studio Creator 2004Q2 Update 7, and trying to deploy to Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 SP3 without much luck.
    I am trying to use ojdbc14.jar and have included it in a lib directory added to Native Lib Path Prefix.
    DataSource Classname oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource
    URL jdbc:oracle:thin:@myserver:1521:myinstance
    JNDI Name jdbc/HBC
    In the constructor I have:
            // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Creator-managed Component Initialization">
            try {
                abcRowSet.setCommand("SELECT ALL ABC.TT.XX, ABC.TT.YY, ABC.TT.ZZ FROM ABC.TT");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log("TestEntry Initialization Failure", e);
                throw e instanceof javax.faces.FacesException ? (FacesException) e: new FacesException(e);
            // </editor-fold>
            // Additional user provided initialization code
             try {
             } catch (Exception ex) {
    Then in the submit button action I have:
            try {
            } catch (SQLException se) {
                error("ERROR SQLException: " + se);
                log("LOG SQLException: " + se);
                try {
                } catch (SQLException se2) {
                    log("ROLLBACK SQLException: " + se2);
    When I run this I get:
            [25/Apr/2005:20:32:41] info ( 2652): for host trying to POST /hbc/faces/TestEntry.jsp,
            service-j2ee reports: WEB2798: [/hbc] ServletContext.log(): LOG SQLException:
            java.sql.SQLException: Invalid operation for read only resultset: moveToInsertRowAlternatively (1) I have tried to have automatically generated rave connection pool / jdbc resources and copying over the driveradapter.jar but as we know that version is locked for embedded applications only (since Creator only includes the AppServer PE's driveradapter which cannot be deployed on WebServers).
    Alternatively (2) I have tried manually setting up the connection pool / jdbc resources and copying over the smutil.jar / smoracle.jar / smbase.jar but it complains about java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
    Is there a pain-free way to get Creator to play with Web Server 6.1 nicely? I seem to either run into Oracle THIN JDBC problems (main code above) or otherwise running into situations where Creator and Web Server 6.1 doesn't like each other (alternative 1 and 2).
    Thanks for your input
    Thomson K

    Hi there, sorry for the trouble. I found the following thread:
    I am using Oracle 8, I had followed the instructions in that thread and still get the error.. but you can ignore this thread for now I will pursue this in the other thread. Sorry for taking your time.

  • Re: Insert data into oracle database using a PHP form

    Hai its different for me, i want to display a data based on the input from php form. I see and trying your script but it didn't work.
    // just print form asking for name if none was entered
    if( !isset($query)) {
    echo "<form action=\"$uri\" method=post>\n";
    echo "<p>Enter Name: ";
    echo "<input type=text size=100 maxlength=200 name=data value=\"$data\">\n";
    echo "<br><input type=submit name=submit value=Submit>\n";
    echo "</form>\n";
    // Select statement
    $query = "SELECT * FROM animal WHERE skin=$data";
    // connect to Oracle
    $username = "xxxxxx";
    $paswd = "xxxxxx";
    $db_conn = ocilogon($username, $paswd, $dbstring);
    //$stmt = OCIParse($db_conn, $query);
    //OCIExecute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT);
    $stmt = OCIParse ($db_conn, $sql);
    OCIBindByName ($stmt, ":name", &$data, -1);
    OCIExecute ($stmt);
    OCILogoff ($db_conn);
    Could you please advice me ? whats wrong with that script ?

    What is the error you get? What solutions have you tried already?

  • Need help on interface to store images into oracle database using forms 6i

    i am using forms 6i and oracle 8i. i am able to store .jpg and other picture files into data my problem is how show and store the CAD/CAM drawings using forms. can any one help me please. is higher version is providing any new facility for this purpose?
    thank you

    thanks for your help.
    i am using client/server based application and cad/cam software was also installed on it. helper application means, the cad/cam software should provide some controls to view the drawings in other applications? am i correct.

  • Help on interface to store CAD/CAM drawings into oracle database using form

    i am using forms 6i and oracle 8i. i am able to store .jpg and other picture files into data my problem is how show and store the CAD/CAM drawings using forms. can any one help me please. is higher version is providing any new facility for this purpose?
    thank you

    thanks for your help.
    i am using client/server based application and cad/cam software was also installed on it. helper application means, the cad/cam software should provide some controls to view the drawings in other applications? am i correct.

  • Convert flat file to XML document and store into Oracle database

    I have a flatfile and created external table to read that file in Oracle
    Now I want to create an XML document for each row and insert into Oracle database, I think that XMLtype.
    Could you please provide me some information/steps.
    Is there performance issues, because everyday I need to check that XML document stored in the database against the in coming file.
    Thank You.

    Oracle 11g R2 Sun Solaris
    Flat file is | (pipe delimited), so I did create an EXTERNAL Table
    row1     a|1|2|3|4
    row2     b|2|3|4|5
    row3     c|6|7|8|9
    I want to store each record as XML document. So it will be easy to compare with next day's load and make insert or update.
    The reason is:
         First day the file comes with 5 columns
         after some days, the file may carry on some additional columns more than 5
         In this case I do not want to alter table to capture those values, if I use XML than I can capture any number of columns, CORRECT!. Please make me correct If I am wrong.
         This is the only reason to try to use the XMLType (XML Document)
         On Everyday load we will be matching these XML documents and update it if there is any column's value changes
    daily average load will be 10 millions and initial setup will be 60-80 millions
         Do I have anyother option to capture the new values without altering the table.
    Please advise!.

  • Uploading Data from a Flat file into Oracle Database

    I am a novice to Java . SO, please bear with me. I have a reqiurement where I have a flat file or excel file from which I need to read the data and insert into Oracle Database. The falt file will exist on the client machine. I have been reading and I see this can be done through I/O Streams. Correct me if I am wrong. I am looking for a sample code to get started. Any Java expert has an answer for it, I will appreciate it.

    Try UploadBean. It allows to upload files (from a browser) in Oracle.
    You will find JSP and servlet samples.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Error connecting SAP BW7.00/BI7.03 to R/3 4/7/6.20

    We recently installed SAPNW2004s from ERP2005 package with BI7.03 addon. Right now we are configuring the system to connect to R/3 system which is a 4.7 appl with 6.20 basis. I am getting below error on RFC connection setting via RSA1 t-code. "RFC us

  • Expense for the price difference by reversing entry of goods

    Hi Experts, There is an Expense for the price difference by reversing entry of goods.   Conceptually is this correct? Thanks in advance. José Luis

  • File port configuration - ALE

    Hi We are trying to configure the ALE setup. The data should be transferred to the application directory for the other server. Have created the file port, but getting the Idoc error 29. Please can u tell me the steps.. Thanks in advance! Sushmitha

  • Do Oracle Reports exist in Release 12?

    Hi, Does Applications Release 12 have Standard Reports in Oracle Developer Reports? Thanks, Salim

  • Does Firefox 8 allow java and google tool bar???

    '''Will fire fox 8 address the problem of enable java console for scrips and google tool bar ''' If not we wish to remain with fire fox 7 we were able to enable those extensions thank you.. [email protected]