Insert new node into XML

I am trying to read some xml into an xmltype variable in pl/sql and then add a new node to that xml before returning it. The original xml held in xmlcol column on xmltab table could look something like this:
          <Street>Fake Street</Street>
</MyMessage>The pl/sql code would look something like this:
procedure xmltest (in_activity in varchar2,
                            out_xml out xmltype) is
cursor c_xmldata is
select xmlcol
from xmltab;
v_xmldata  xmltype;
open c_xmldata;
fetch c_xmldata into v_xmldata;
close c_xmldata;
-- ** manipulate the xml to add a node called Activity and its value after the Subject Address
-- ** then output the updated xml as out_xml
end;So my output xml would look like:
          <Street>Fake Street</Street>
  <Activity>Client contacted</Activity>
</MyMessage>Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Have you looked at this thread?

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    I'm currently trying to use depthFirstEnumeration() to add and delete nodes for a simple JTree. I've written a method to handle this, but it keeps coming back with an exception saying that 'new child is an ancestor'.
    All I'm trying to do is add and delete nodes from a JTree using add and remove buttons within a swing program. When a user adds the new node the JTree needs to be updated with new labels in sequential order dependent upon a depthFirst traversal of the JTree.
    My current code for the add button is as follows,
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) 
            DefaultMutableTreeNode selectedNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)tree.getLastSelectedPathComponent();
            Enumeration e = rootNode.depthFirstEnumeration();
                if (selectedNode != null)
                    while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
                    // add the new node as a child of a selected node at the end
                    DefaultMutableTreeNode newNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)e.nextElement();
                     // treeModel.insertNodeInto(newNode, selectedNode, selectedNode.getChildCount());
                    //System.out.print(newNode.getUserObject() + "" + newNodeSuffix++);
                    String label = "Node"+i;
                    treeModel.insertNodeInto(newNode, selectedNode, selectedNode.getChildCount());
                      //make the node visible by scrolling to it
                    TreeNode[] totalNodes = treeModel.getPathToRoot(newNode);
                    TreePath path = new TreePath(totalNodes);
            else if(event.getSource().equals(deleteButton))
                //remove the selected node, except the parent node
        } As you can see in the above code, I've tested the incrementing of the new nodes in a System.out.print() statement and they appear to be incrementing correctly. I just can't see how to correctly output the labels for the nodes.
    Any help and advice always appreciated.

    This is about the 5th posting on the same question. Here is the link to the last posting so you can see what has already been suggested so you don't waste your time making the same suggestion.
    The OP doesn't seem to understand that nodes don't just rename themselves and that renderers will only display the text of the current node. If you want the text displayed to changed, then you need to change the text associated with each node, which means iterating through the entire tree to update each node with new text. Then again, maybe I don't understand the question, but the OP keeps posting the same question without any additional information.

  • Insert Node into XML using XPATH

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    After that the parent node of the attributes should be inserterd in a goal XML with a repeating node structure.
    Whats the right way to set a node to a certain position in the goal XML?
    Now the only thing i'm getting is erros about transaction:
    Caused by: javax.resource.ResourceException: Transaction is not active: tx=TransactionImple < ac, BasicAction: a307d1e:fd15:4d35c503:1351f50 status: ActionStatus.ABORT_ONLY >
        at org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.TxConnectionManager.getManagedConnection(TxConnectio
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    You can always append new nodes which has a unique tag name (this won't get overwritten).
    Which means, each time when you add a node, it should have tag name which has not already present within the same parent node.
    Later you can replace the tag name with the actual name by using XSL transformations.
    I've tried this in one of my project and worked fine.

  • Inserting new records into database table at runtime

    Hi all ,
    How to insert new records into database table at runtime on click update?

    Hi Sasikala,
    Just for your understanding am giving a sample code snippet which you can use to read the contents of your Table UI element & save the data on to your database. Suppose you have a button up on pressing which you want to read the data from your screens table & save on to the database then you can proceed as shown below:
    1) Obtain the reference of your context node.
    2) Fetch all the data present in your table into an internal table using methods of if_wd_context_node
    3) Use your normal ABAP logic to update the database table with the data from your internal table
    In my example I have a node by name SFLIGHT_NODE and under this I have the desired attributes from SFLIGHT. Am displaying these in an editable table & the user would press up on a push button after making the necessary changes to the tables data. I would then need to obtain the tables information & save on to the database.
    data: node_sflight           type ref to if_wd_context_node,
            elem_sflight           type ref to if_wd_context_element,
            lt_elements            type WDR_CONTEXT_ELEMENT_SET,
           stru_sflight           type if_main=>element_sflight_node,
           it_flights             type if_main=>elements_sflight_node.
    "   navigate from <CONTEXT> to <SFLIGHT_NODE> via lead selection
        node_sflight_node = wd_context->get_child_node( name = 'SFLIGHT_NODE'  ).
       lt_elements = node_sflight->get_elements( ).
    "   Get all the rows from the table for saving on to the database
        loop at lt_elements into elem_sflight.
          elem_sflight->get_static_attributes( importing static_attributes = stru_sflight ).
          append stru_sflight to it_flights.
    " Finally save the entries on to the database
        modify ZSFLIGHT99 from table it_flights.
        if sy-subrc eq 0.
    However a word of caution here.... SAP doesn't ever recommend directly modifying the database through an SQL query. You would preferably make use of a BAPI for the same. Try go through Thomas Jung's comments in [here|modify the data base table which is comming dynamiclly;.

  • Must insert new content into body element-

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    Any clues?
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Must insert new content into body element-
         at javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader.generateEndsSpecsForMidInsert(
         at javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader.<init>(
         at javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader.<init>(
         at javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument$HTMLReader.<init>(
         at javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument.getReader(
         at javax.swing.JEditorPane$

    I ran into the same problem. I wanted to display programmatically created content which had images loaded from the jar file. I found that the following works, but I don't know why other ways fail.
    URL url = getClass().getResource("page.html");
    InputStream pageInput = getClass().getResourceAsStream("page.html");
    // Read and modify page.html into variable "content"
    html = new JEditorPane("text/html", "");
    ((HTMLDocument) html.getDocument()).setBase(url);

  • How do I add (or insert) a node into an XML document with JSTL?

    Dear all,
    I am trying to use JSTL to store some data from a form into XML. However, I have read many articles in JSTL and only found that it can only be, as far as those articles are concerned, used to "read" data from XML files, but not "write" to them.
    Am I missing something in JSTL? Or, if I want to write to an XML file (e.g., insert a new node, or modify a node's data), will I have to write my own bean and then use <c:usebean />?
    Thanks very much in advance.

    JSTL is not a programming language in and of itself. It is intended to help you to write scriptlet free JSPs.
    JSP pages (by one school of thought) are intended to function as the "View" in a Model-View-Controller architecture.
    Being a view, JSP pages should be able to look at things - but not touch.
    The standard pattern is to go to a servlet first, which invokes the logic, and then forwards to a JSP for rendering.
    Editing XML by adding new nodes etc etc is thus a function of the java code layer - servlet/action whatever you want to call it.
    Giving you the power to edit XML documents via JSTL (ie on a JSP page) takes away from purity of the MVC design.
    Hence why they don't provide the tags for manipulating XML, and only provide the database tags with a disclaimer that they should only be used for prototypes/trivial apps!
    JSTL is designed to replace scriptlet code on a JSP page.
    It can replace 99% of scriptlet code. The other 1% shouldn't be on the JSP in the first place :-)

  • How to add a new node into existing XML Document

    I have a very simple question. I use XML as input argument for PL/SQL procedure that inserts data into the corresponding table. All I have to do is to add a new tag for Primary Key column and put sequence.NEXTVAL - value into it.
    -- Add <ID_table_name> value </ID_table_name> ??????
    I've parsed XML, but I couldn't find the way how to insert the new NODE.
    If you know how to use packages XMLDOM, XMLParser for this purpose, please help me!
    Oracle version 8.1.7

    DOMParser parser=new DOMParser();
    XMLDocument xmlDocument=parser.getdocument();
    Node node=xmlDocument.selectSingleNode("/ROWSET/ROW");
    Element element=xmlDocument.createElement(String tagName)

  • Inserting a node in XML and retaining the doc type

    Hi All,
    I want to insert one new node in an XML. Using the following code I can do that. But the problem is if the XML has doc type declaration then its giving me problem. After inserting the node the transformer is removing my doc type declaration from the XML. I have to retain the doc type definition (including entity declaration) as it is in the original XML file.
    The following is the code that I'm using.
    Document vDoc = null;
    try {
    // Contruct the DOM document
    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
    vDoc = builder.newDocument();
    Node vFormNode = vDoc.createElement("Form");
    // Convert into a String the DOM document
    TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
    Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer();
    DOMSource source = new DOMSource(vDoc);
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    StreamResult result = new StreamResult(sw);
    transformer.transform(source, result);
    catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());
    }The doc type def. in the original file is some thing like this.
    <!DOCTYPE article SYSTEM "someurl/TFJA.dtd"[
    <!ENTITY T0001 SYSTEM ".\BTN_A_000112809_O_XML_IMAGES\BTN_A_000112809_O_T0001.gif" NDATA GIF>
    <!ENTITY F0001 SYSTEM ".\BTN_A_000112809_O_XML_IMAGES\BTN_A_000112809_O_F0001g.gif" NDATA GIF>
    <!ENTITY F0002 SYSTEM ".\BTN_A_000112809_O_XML_IMAGES\BTN_A_000112809_O_F0002g.jpg" NDATA JPEG>
    ]>I know that I can set up the doc type definition in the new XML using the following properties of the transformer.
    transformer.setOutputProperty( OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM,"article" );
    transformer.setOutputProperty( OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC,"my DTD def");
    I cannot hard code the DTD def. as it can vary from one XML to another. Using doc.getDocType() I can get the doctype of the original XML. But is it is not returning the complete def. including entities declaration. Its giving me "someurl/TFJA.dtd".
    Is there any way to retain the complete doc type in the original XML file? I don't have much experience in XML and this issue is eating my head.. Also do I have to modify the DTD to accommodate the new tags added in order to make it a valid XML?
    Any help and sample code would be highly appreciated.

    I also had similar requirement and when searching i came across this post. Later i found the solution for this. Instead of hardcoding the doctype you can get it from Document as follows..Snippet from the code i used..
    DocumentType doctype = document.getDoctype();
    if(doctype != null) {
                   String id = doctype.getSystemId();
                   if(id == null || id.length() == 0)
                   transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM, id);
                   id = doctype.getPublicId();
                   if(id == null || id.length() == 0)
                   transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC, id);
    Hope this helps.

  • Add node into XML Model

    Hi all,
    i would like to add datas into my xml model but i don't manage to do it.
    Here is the context :
    -I have an xml file which represents a tree
    -When the xml model is loaded, i bound it to a tree
    -Then i add nodes to my tree ( aNode.addNode(new Node ) )
    When adding a node, i would like the node to be represented to my model;
    e.g : before adding a node
    <node name="node1">
         <node name="node1_1"/>
         <node name="node1_2"/>
    after the node is added :
    <node name="node1">
         <node name="node1_1"/>
         <node name="node1_2"/>
         <node name="new node"/>
    I have tried  xml setProperty:
    Can somebody help me to achieve this?
    best regards,

    Thanks for this fast reply, i try it and i come back to you
    Edit :
    Here is my xml file :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <objectSet version="">
        <aRoot code="testCode" reference="0123456789" description="TestDescription"
            <component name="MyCompo1" type="MyCompo1Type">
                <component name="MyCompo2" type="MyCompo2Type">
                    <property name="myProperty2-1" type="string" value="null" />
                    <property name="myProperty2-2" type="string" value="null" />
                    <property name="myProperty2-3" type="string" value="null" />
                <component name="MyCompo3" type="MyCompo3Type">
                    <property name="myProperty3-1" type="string" value="null" />
    I made a button with the fellowing function attached :
    aTestFunction: function(oEvent){
            var tree = this.byId("myTree");
            var oModel = tree.getModel();
            var pty = oModel.getProperty("/aRoot/MyCompo1"); // Empty; path is not good
            var pty1 = oModel.getProperty("/aRoot/component");//something but only whitespaces when printing
            console.log(pty1);// a lot of whitespaces (9lines of different sizes)
            pty1.push("node");//Error, pty1.push is not a function
    The argument of pty1.push is not good, but the function cannot be even called.
    Another try?

  • Refresh jTable after inserting new data into the Database

    Hey all,
    I'm using Netbeans 6.5 to create a Desktop Application which is connected to a Java DB (Derby).
    The first simple steps were all very successfull:
    Create the jTable and bind it to the Database => everything works fine. When the application starts it correctly shows all data from the database.
    The problem starts when I try to insert new data to the database.
    For that reason I've created textfields and a button "Save". When I press the button it successfully inserts the data to the database but they are not displayed in the jTable (when the application starts they are all there, they are not updated at runtime) . I've tried table.invalidate() and table.repaint() but they just don't work.
    Any help will be GREATLY appreciated. But please have in mind that most of the code is Netbeans-generated and most of it not editable.
    Many thanks in advance.

    Once again you are right my friend. I jumped to conclusion way too fast, when I shouldn't. (Give me a break, I've been busting my head with this well over a week). The response I saw when I did that was that indeed a line is added to the jTable. Because I falsly set the index of the object to be added to be second to last the row appeared on the table, what I didn't see at the time was that the last one disappeared. Hmm...
    A new adventure begins...
    So after a few hours of messing around with it here are my observations:
    1) It was not an observable list. When I add the new element with employeesList.add(newEmp); , the table gets notified but a get a bunch of exceptions:
    xception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 84, Size: 84
            at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(
            at java.util.ArrayList.get(
            at org.jdesktop.swingbinding.impl.ListBindingManager$ColumnDescriptionManager.validateBinding(
            at org.jdesktop.swingbinding.impl.ListBindingManager.valueAt(
            at org.jdesktop.swingbinding.JTableBinding$BindingTableModel.getValueAt(
            at javax.swing.JTable.getValueAt(
            at javax.swing.JTable.prepareRenderer(
            at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableUI.paintCell(
            at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableUI.paintCells(
            at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableUI.paint(
            at javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI.update(
            at javax.swing.JComponent.paintComponent(
            at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(
            at javax.swing.JViewport.blitDoubleBuffered(
            at javax.swing.JViewport.windowBlitPaint(
            at javax.swing.JViewport.setViewPosition(
            at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI$Handler.vsbStateChanged(
            at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI$Handler.stateChanged(
            at javax.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel.fireStateChanged(
            at javax.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel.setRangeProperties(
            at javax.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel.setValue(
            at javax.swing.JScrollBar.setValue(
            at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI.scrollByUnits(
            at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI$Handler.mouseWheelMoved(
            at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI$MouseWheelHandler.mouseWheelMoved(
            at apple.laf.CUIAquaScrollPane$XYMouseWheelHandler.mouseWheelMoved(
            at java.awt.Component.processMouseWheelEvent(
            at java.awt.Component.processEvent(
            at java.awt.Container.processEvent(
            at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
            at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
            at java.awt.Component.dispatchMouseWheelToAncestor(
            at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
            at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
            at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
            at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(
            at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(
            at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(
            at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
            at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(
            at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
            at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
            at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(
            at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
            at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
            at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 84, Size: 84
            at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(
            at java.util.ArrayList.get(
            at org.jdesktop.swingbinding.impl.ListBindingManager$ColumnDescriptionManager.validateBinding(
            at org.jdesktop.swingbinding.impl.ListBindingManager.valueAt(
            at org.jdesktop.swingbinding.JTableBinding$BindingTableModel.getValueAt(
            at javax.swing.JTable.getValueAt(
            at javax.swing.JTable.prepareRenderer(
            at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableUI.paintCell(
    ... and a lot morewhich from my poor understanding means that the jTable succesfully notices the change but it is not able (??) to adjust to the new change. What is more interesting is that when I plainly add the element to the end of the list (without an idex that is), a blank row appears at the end of my Table. The weird thing is that I've bound the table to some text fields below it, and when I select that empty row all the data appear correctly to the text fields.
    I tried going through:
                    org.jdesktop.observablecollections.ObservableCollections.observableList(employeesList).add(newEmp);as well as
                    help = org.jdesktop.observablecollections.ObservableCollections.observableListHelper(employeesList);
                    obsemployeesList = org.jdesktop.observablecollections.ObservableCollections.observableList(employeesList);
                    obsemployeesList.add(newEmp);and I still get the same results (both the exeptions and the mysterious empty row at the end of the table
    So, I'm again in terrible need of your advice. I can't thank you enough for the effort you put into this.
    Best regards,
    Edited by: tougeo on May 30, 2009 11:06 AM
    Edited by: tougeo on May 30, 2009 11:21 AM
    Edited by: tougeo on May 30, 2009 11:30 AM

  • Insert new row into oracle databse through application module usng ADF Form

    I am using Jdeveloper 11.1.2. I am a beginner. I had tried in-built createInsert and commit method to add new row into oracle DB. For that, I had created ViewObject, VOImpl and AMImpl. Then, I created to jsf page. On first page, I dragged and dropped createInsert fn and VO(as ADF-readonly table) from DC Palette. and on second page, I dragged and dropped my VO(as ADF-Form) and commit (as Button) from DC palette. I created task-flow for it. when i click on createInsert button, i redirected to second page. where i filled all the required information on form. After filling, when i clicked commit button, i redirected to first page.(coz i created task flow to return first page after commit). New row is inserted into ADF-table, but when i checked my oracle DB, there was nothing added.
    Thus, I want to use custom method to insert row into OracleDB. So how can i get this? what are the steps required to do this? what programming codes required in and Or is there any other steps to do this?
    please provide me detail steps and programming code for bean, amimpl or for VOImpl or EOImpl.
    please help me.

    To insert a row into the db you have to use a VO which is based on an EO (entity object). There is no java class (or impl) needed. You can all do this decoratively.
    All you have to think of is the PK of the new row. You can use Groovy for that (
    The rest is like you described it yourself. Drag the Vo onto the page, drop it as read only table, drag the createInsert onto the page as button and set up the navigation. On the second page drag the same VO onto the page and drop it as ADF Form. drag the commit operation onto the page as button and setup the navigation back to the first page.

  • Crashes when inserting new pages into Templates from CS6

    InDesign CS6 is crashing frequently when page numbers or blank pages are inserted into an InDesign Template file, The problem persists for many different users on several platforms and operating systems.

    I have continued to have the same problems since I originally posted, including after the 7.0.2 update, though I have not tested EVERY scenario I did the first time after updating. Has anyone else seen improvement after the update? (I got the 7.0.2 update download via the built-in Adobe updater, not from the website, so I'm not sure where to locate it there).
    I am sorry to hear others having similar or the same issue, but hopefully it is helpful to have a thread going where all those experiencing this can add to the list until it is recognized as a bug. And fixed! Though it does not resolve the actual problem, two work-arounds we are using to function in the meantime are to (1) always make a really long document to start with, with all the pages we think we'll need and more and (2) have a new, blank InDesign document with several pages open and drag pages from the blank document into your working document. This is a way to "add" blank pages when they are needed without inserting new pages in any of the traditional ways (which cause crashes). I also always send the crash report in to Adobe and encourage others to do the same.
    If you have not already, all of you also having this problem could post a "bug report" here:

  • Insert HTML Page into XML CDATA Tag

    Hi Guy
    I have a very big problem.
    I create a little web site and I use XSL + XML to produce output.Now I
    want to add a part of html page into xml tag to use a custom page section.
    But i find a problme,
    see the example :
    I use this xml :
    <html><![CDATA[<B>Hello World</B>]]></html>
    trasform xml with xsl page
    and my output into html browser is (&lt);B(&gt);Hello World(&lt);/B(&gt);(please remove the bracket( ) while reading the text to understand my problem)
    my BOLD html tag is not parse by browser because xslt parser trasform
    my special tag into other tag.
    I want output like this:
    <b>Hello World</b>
    But it's coming like (&lt);B(&gt);Hello World(&lt);/B(&gt); (please remove the bracket( ) while reading the text to understand my problem)
    Can you help me ?
    this is my trasformation function :
    private Transformer getXSLTransformer (xslFile) throws
    XSLTransformerConfigurationException {
    try {
    Transformer transformer = null;
    tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
    transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(new
    StreamSource(xslFile)); // load xslFile from disk
    } catch (TransformerConfigurationException tce) {
    throw new XSLTransformerConfigurationException(tce.getMessage());
    return transformer;
    public String myTrasform(String xml,String xslFile) throws Exception {
    StringWriter outputString = new StringWriter(512);
    Transformer transformer = getXSLTransformer (xslFile);
    transformer.transform(new StreamSource(new StringReader(xml)), new
    return outputString.toString();
    Thank's in advance.
    Edited by: Mc_Kuruvi on Jun 14, 2009 3:47 AM

    Oracle® XML DB
    Developer's Guide
    10g Release 1 (10.1)
    Part No. B10790-01
    December 2003
    1. "Do I use sqlloader and what datatype?"
    Use XMLType
    2. "I have embedded graphics so do the images get stored separately or does the entire page get stored as a BLOB datatype?"
    Page 827:
    The Oracle XML DB native datatype XMLType helps store and manipulate XML. Multiple storage options (Character Large Object (CLOB) or structured XML) are available with XMLType, and administrators can choose a storage that meets their requirements. CLOB storage is an un-decomposed storage that is like an image of the original XML.

  • Insert Encoding tag into xml file. ?xml version="1.0"?

    I am using oracle 10g.
    I am using dbms_xmlgen.getxml function to generate xml data for oracle tables. I use utl_file to write data back into xml file.
    Oracle is generating the file in the following manner...
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    I want to change the following xml header to have encoding information in it as follows...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding = "AL32UTF8"?>
    How do I achieve that?
    Any suggestions?

    I want to change the following xml header to have encoding informationIn 10g I think you could use a xmlroot hack:
    SQL> select xmlroot(xmlelement(e, dummy), version '1.0" encoding="AL32UTF8') xml from dual
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="AL32UTF8"?>              
    1 row selected.

  • How to insert new record into altered table

    I am using JDBC with MySQL. I altered existing table and want to insert new record using java class. But it is not possible.How to do?

    How is it "not possible"?
    Either modify the Class for the new fields, or give the new fields default values (if applicable). If the type of an existing column has changed, then only the first option is available.
    Where's the problem?

Maybe you are looking for