Inserting Random Values

Hi there!
just a little question:
I want to insert into a table random values between -2 and 2, which shoul differ for every row. When I'm writing
  FOR n IN nodes LOOP
    FOR EACH n2 IN nodes2 LOOP
      IF (n2.layer_ = n.layer_ +1) THEN
        INSERT INTO nn2_links (lfdnr, sourceid, destid, weight, delta_weight, Zone_)
             VALUES (lfdnr#, n.nodeid, n2.nodeid, dbms_random.value(-2,2), 0, Zone#);
        lfdnr# := lfdnr# +1;
      END if;
  END LOOP; I'll get the same value for all records fullfilling the IF-criteria in the middle. What can I do? Must I write another loop?

OP states that she / he would like to have distinct values for every row but instead gets the same value for all rows.
To OP:
Sorry mel, not much help. Can't see the error in your script.
When I put a anonymous block together, it runs smoothly:
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> declare
  2  outn number;
  3  cnt number;
  4  begin
  5  cnt := 1;
  6  while cnt <=10 loop
  7     select dbms_random.value(-2,2) into outn from dual;
  8     dbms_output.put_line('Wert: '|| to_char(outn));
  9     cnt := cnt + 1;
10  end loop;
11  end;
12  /
Wert: 1,94760933757912513703045869459081746304
Wert: ,1850733416444459069798272966494986884
Wert: -1,28557676353717597230879638125649445416
Wert: -,20789721958144010481059709280045566588
Wert: -1,46550435548323732535026606603236048092
Wert: -1,48594688953909777344516402506798302304
Wert: -,2162809554864053530960985675499170964
Wert: 1,71049071188915501435899411045229762652
Wert: ,53354523369664937673204584890644358732
Wert: -,96917849158672171927090500710866039384
PL/SQL-Prozedur wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen.

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    But what I need is something like weighted random values. I need random values to be inserted into column, but I need e.g. 3 to be inserted more times than other values e.g. if i have 100 rows i want to have 3 in 50 random rows
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    You can do something like this:
    WITH     got_p_num     AS
         SELECT     LEVEL                         AS id
         ,     FLOOR (dbms_random.value (1, 19))     AS p_num
         FROM     dual
         CONNECT BY     LEVEL     <= 10
    SELECT       id
    ,       p_num
    ,       CASE
              WHEN  p_num     < 3     THEN p_num
              WHEN  p_num     < 12     THEN 3
                                     ELSE p_num - 8
           END     AS r_num
    FROM       got_p_num
    ORDER BY  r_num
    ;If you want the number 3 to appear on half of the rows; that means that, out of 18 random numbers, you expect 3 to occur 9 times, and the other numbers to appear once each. The query above generates random integers in the range 1 through 18 inclusive, and calls this number p_num. The CASE statement maps p_num to what you really want, a n integer between 1 and 10, with 3 occurring 9/18 (= 1/2) of the time.
    Instead of using a CASE expression, you might want to create a table, that has one row for every number that can be in the output, and the probability of picking that number. You could then join to that table to convert the raw random number to the id that you want.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Oct 6, 2011 3:36 PM

  • How to insert column values into database as rows

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    Lines Table:
    line_id, orcl_bank_account_num, product_type, service_type, lease_type,
    funding_type, cpi, billing_frequency_unit_cd , annual_due_date ,
    pricing_start_date, pricing_end_date, install_date, contract_end_date ,
    prdct_replacement_cost_amt, cradle_replacement_amt, supranet_contract,
    issuance_fee, board_inactive_date, header_id, creation_date, last_modified_date,
    created_by_nam, modified_by_nam, activeinactive_flg, prdct_bill_amt_yr1,
    prdct_bill_amt_yr2, prdct_bill_amt_yr3, prdct_bill_amt_yr4, prdct_bill_amt_yr5,
    prdct_bill_amt_yr6, prdct_bill_amt_yr7, prdct_bill_amt_yr8, activation_fee_yr1,
    activation_fee_yr2, activation_fee_yr3, activation_fee_yr4, activation_fee_yr5,
    activation_fee_yr6, activation_fee_yr7, activation_fee_yr8,
    In this table the columns structure is :
    -- PRDCT_BILL_AMT_YR (1 to 8) NUMBER(14,4)
    -- ACTIVATION_FEE_YR (1 to 8) NUMBER(8,2)
    I have one more table:
    PRDCT_INS_AMT               NUMBER(14,4)
    ACTIVATION_FEE_AMT          NUMBER(14,4)
    I want to insert prdct_bill_amt_yr (1 to 8) columns data into PRDCT_INS_AMT column. similarly activation_fee (1 to 8) columns data.
    But the data should be inserted based product_type, service_type, lease_type columns values. (These 3 columns may contain upto 45 combinations).

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    Boolean async) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult result) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior,
    RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SqlSession.ExecuteReader(SqlCommand
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    Are you trying to setup P2P? Could you explain the process you followed completely? By anychance you create the backup and then created the publication?
    Regards, Ashwin Menon My Blog - http:\\

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    I try my best find no solution
    plz give solution in either sql query or java method.
    thanks in advance.

    try this:
    Give a numeric row-id to each row of database.
    say (1-100) for 100 rows
    In the program use random function to get random number between 0 and 1. this value u multiply with 100(or total number of rows) and take integer value of it . u then perform sql query to select the a row which matches randomly genarated value with row-id assigned to each row of database

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    I created a global temp table and procedure to support web search form.
    and a search result report. The procudure
    gets search result from multip tables and
    insert into temp table --recordsearch. I can get value from temp table  by call procedure
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    However, I can not get this value by web report.
    How can I get this insert session value and pass to SQL query for report?
    (emp_id          VARCHAR2(200),
    ssn               VARCHAR2(9),
    fname          VARCHAR2(200),
    lname           VARCHAR2(200),
    m_name          VARCHAR2(200)

    it possible that your web form does not have a persistent, dedicated connection. if you have connection pooling for example, multiple sessions will see the same instance of the GTT, so if one deletes it, then nobody sees it (or you can see others data). if the connections are not persistent, then they can disconnect between calls, deleting the GTT table.

  • Inserting a Value into otherTable using an App. Proc. from a Date Picker

    I'm trying to call an Application Process that will insert an Attribute of a Row, into another table, after selecting a date from a Date Picker cell.
    I don't know why this shouldn't be possible. I think I've got all of my "Ducks in a Row", so to speak,
    but the Value that is being inserted into the other table is this:.. [object HTMLTableCellElement]
    (Ultimately, I'd like my Application Process to include Page element values with the insert as well, but I'm trying to handle one problem at a time)
    Here's a list of all the steps I've covered:
    1. I've Created an Application Process, (popDevices). The Process Point is "On-Demand". The Type is "PL/SQL Anonymous Block".
    The Process is defined as such:
    Insert into P_DEVICES
    ) values
    2. I've Included the Javascript in the Page HTML Header.
    The Javascript is written as such: (minus the tags)
    function popDevices(PART_NO)
    var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$x('pFlowId').value,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=popDevices',0);
    gReturn = get.get();
    get = null;
    3. I've included the following in the "Element Attributes" field of the Date-Picker Item (Date_Delivered).
    The Region Type is "SQL Query (Updatable Report)"
    A. A row does get inserted into the other (P_Devices) table,
    But the value of the Attribute from the Page Region is not valid.
    The Inserted value is this: [object HTMLTableCellElement]
    B. I have tried Every conceivable combination of characters in the "Element Attributes" field, such as:
    ...(PART_NO), (#PART_NO#), (||PART_NO||), (+PART_NO+)
    C. The Javascript in the Page HTML Header appears to be correct, since I have written it this same way for other applications without any problems.
    D. If this simply cannot be done by referencing the "onChange" Javascript from the "Element Attributes" field,
    Then can you help me to write the code into the Select statement of the region.
    Thanks for any help you can give me.

    This may not be the most direct approach to the solution. But, none the less, it is a solution.
    For those other novices, like myself, I hope this can be useful at some point in your development:
    A. To Insert into another tablle values derived from both; Page Item (i.e. P153_x) and Attributes of a Row in an Updatable Report from which I have selected the Date-Picker.
    B. I want the insert to occur automatically after the user Selects the date from the Date-Picker.
    1. I usea Javascript prompt window to prompt for information and store the information in Pre-Created Page Items.
    This is the Javascript as I've entered it into the Page HTML Header region: (Minus the Tags)
    function received_javaprompt () {
    var Serial_Number = prompt("Enter the Serial Number");
    var Bldg_Id = prompt("Enter the Bldg_Id");
    var Clst_Id = prompt("Enter the Clst_Id");
    $x('P153_SERIAL_NO').value = Serial_Number;
    $x('P153_BLDG_ID').value = Bldg_Id;
    $x('P153_CLST_ID').value = Clst_Id;
    2. I needed to identify the (Manufacturer and Part_No) Column Attribute in the Row from which I selected the Date-Picker.
    A. To do this, I enumerated the Columns in the order they were listed in the Select Statement of the region (Click on the Region Definition Tab).
    B. Then (Click on the Report Attributes Tab). Count, In the numerical order which these columns are selected, ONLY the columns that are Editable.
    C. When I counted down as far as the Column I wanted to capture the value of, Then I made a mental note of that number and used it in the following (2) Javascripts (findMaker and findModel).
    3. findMaker (Minus the tags)
    function findMaker (pThis) {
    var vRow ='_')+1);
    var Maker = html_GetElement('f15_'+vRow).value
    $x('P153_MAKER').value = Maker;
    4. findModel (Minus the tags)
    function findModel (pThis) {
    var vRow ='_')+1);
    var Model = html_GetElement('f16_'+vRow).value
    $x('P153_MODEL').value = Model;
    5. I added one more Javascript, to the Page HTML Header, that references the Application Process which will Insert the values into the "Other" table:
    function popDevices(P153_SERIAL_NO,P153_BLDG_ID,P153_CLST_ID,P153_MAKER,P153_MODEL)
    var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$x('pFlowId').value,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=popDevices',0);
    gReturn = get.get();
    get = null;
    6. I added the "onChange" process to the Element Attributes field of the Table item which utilizes the Date-Picker:
    A. Click on the Report Attributes Tab of the Region.
    B. Click on the Edit icon of the column which utilized the Date-Picker
    C. I added this "onChange" reference to the Element Attributes field, which is found in the Tabular Form section.
    7. The Application Process which inserts the collected data into the table is as follows:
    (Name= popDevices: Process Point= On-Demand: Type= PL/SQL Anonymous Block)
    Insert into P_DEVICES
    ) values
    Well, I hope this may help someone else like me.
    I usually arrive at my solutions by getting help here on the Discussion Forum and also Google. Google inevitably points me to a previous Apex Discussion Forum session.
    Edited by: garyNboston on Mar 15, 2010 10:55 AM

  • Insert a value of type Date/Time into a database

    I am trying to insert a value of type date time into an access database. What is the format needed to insert the date/time.

    I had all kinds of problems getting a datetime inserted into a SQl Server DB. Probably similar so this is what I do:
    String date = new String("01/01/97 12:00:00");
    stmt.setObject(1, date);
    I tried using TimeStamp's but found I got an occasional Fractional Truncation exception back from the driver. Never had a problem inserting a String using the setObject() method though.
    Hope this helps

  • Selecting random values from an array based on a condition

    Hi All,
    I have a small glitch here. hope you guys can help me out.
    I have an evenly spaced integer array as X[ ] = {1,2,3, ....150}. and I need to create a new array which selects 5 random values from X [ ] , but with a condition that these random values should have a difference of atleast 25 between them.
    for example res [ ] = {2,60,37,110,130}
    res [ ] = {10,40,109,132,75}
    I have been thinking of looping thru the X [ ], and selecting randomly but things look tricky once I sit down to write an algorithm to do it.
    Can anyone think of an approach to do this, any help will be greatly appreciated ...

    For your interest, here is my attempt.
    import java.util.Random;
    public class TestDemo {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            for (int n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
                System.out.println(toString(getValues(5, 25, 150)));
        private final static Random RAND = new Random();
        public static int[] getValues(int num, int spread, int max) {
            if (num * spread >= max) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot produce " + num + " spread " + spread + " less than or equals to " + max);
            int[] nums = new int[num];
            int max2 = max - (num - 1) * spread - 1;
            // generate random offsets totally less than max2
            for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) {
                int next = RAND.nextInt(max2);
                // favour smaller numbers.
                if (max2 > spread/2)
                    next = RAND.nextInt(next+1);
                nums[j] = next;
                max2 -= next;
            // shuffle the offsets.
            for (int j = num; j > 1; j--) {
                swap(nums, j - 1, RAND.nextInt(j));
            // add the spread of 25 each.
            for (int j = 1; j < num; j++) {
                nums[j] += nums[j-1] + spread;
            return nums;
        private static void swap(int[] arr, int i, int j) {
            int tmp = arr;
    arr[i] = arr[j];
    arr[j] = tmp;
    public static String toString(int[] nums) {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(nums.length * 4);
    sb.append("[ ");
    for (int j = 0; j < nums.length; j++) {
    if (j > 0) {
    sb.append(", ");
    sb.append(" ]");
    return sb.toString();


    HI ALL
    Can I INSERT a value at a particular index in a DDIC table via a workarea with similar structure.??
    like if I have a DDIC table with four feilds and creating a internal table and a workarea with similar structure.
    after fetching the values from DDIC table to our internal table and making some changes or wants to insert a values at a particular index. Then Cal I write like:

    You can insert or rather update the row of table desired by using Primary key combination..
    A Db table will have at least one primary key. So first select the desired record to be updated using
    unique combination of primary key to get the row you want to modify in work area then change the
    value of that field in work are and then use MODIFY db table from workarea.. Remembr you can't change primary key
    If key combination is not found in DB table mentioned in work area  then it will insert the row in ZABC..
    consider ZABC having 2 fileds AA and BB, then consider AA as primary key.. and BB as normal field..
    Consider row having value AA = 1 and BB = 2.
    data: wa_ZABC type ZABC.
    data: i_zabc type table of zabc with header line.
    Select single * from ZABC into wa_zabc where AA = '1'.
    wa_zabc-bb = '3'.
    modify ZABC from wa_zabc.
    if you want to change multiple lines in internal table and then update in DB table then use
    Modify ZABC from table i_zabc. after selecting value of zabc in i_zabc and then change
    value by loop .. endloop and then apply the Modify statement..
    Hope this solves your query..
    Uday Desai.

  • Inserting sequence value in a created column already table having some rows

    i have a table emp whish has already having rows in that table
    now i added one more column to that table with alter command and also i created sequence
    now i want to insert the value in that newly created column with sequencename.nextval??????

    insert into employees values (employees_seq.nextval);
    Here employees_seq is the name of the sequence.
    Asif Kabir
    17 (17 unresolved)
    -- Mark your answer as correct/helpful
    Edited by: asifkabirdba on Dec 22, 2009 3:39 PM

  • Inserting Dynamic Values in Annotations

    Hello everyone,
    Is there a way to insert a value to an annotation field through say a properties file or a from a constants class (interface)?
    Basically here is what I want to do. For example I have the entity class below,
    @Table(name="<get value from properties file or class>", schema="<get value from properties file or class>")
    public class Person implements Serializable {
        @Column(name="<get from properties file or class>")
        private String name;
    }I know what I want to do can be achieved through the orm.xml file, but through properties or constant class, is it possible?

    aviod multi post

  • How to insert bulk values in value mapping table at a time.

    Hi all,
    I hv one issue in value mapping i.e,
    I hv some bulk data in MS- Excel, i am unable to copy all the date from ecel to value mapping table.
    SO, How can i insert bulk values in my value mapping table at a time.
    plz, help me in this asap.

    hai mahesh check the below links,
    note:reward points if solution found helpfull.....

  • How to insert new values in dropdown box through coding

      I want to insert new values in dropdown box in a table.
    Please provide me the corresponding coding.i already did this code but result is empty dropdown.I mapped the context properly..
    int sklength=wdContext.nodeSkills().size();
          for(int i=0;i<sklength;i++)
        String getsub=wdContext.currentSkillsElement().getSubject();
             //IPrivateDetails1.INewskillElement el=wdContext.createNewskillElement();
             List lis=new ArrayList();
             IPrivateDetails1.INewskillElement el=wdContext.createNewskillElement();
    waiting for a positive reply......
    with regards,

    Too many logical errors to explian.
    Should be:
    IPrivateDetails1.ISkillsNode nSkills = wdContext.nodeSkills();
    IPrivateDetails1.INewskillNode nNewSkill = wdContext.nodeNewskill();
    int sklength = nSkills.size();
    boolean cppAdded = false;
    for(int i=0;i<sklength;i++)
      String getsub=nSkills.getSkillsElementAt(i).getSubject();
        List lis=new ArrayList();
        IPrivateDetails1.INewskillElement el1 = nNewSkill.createNewskillElement();
        IPrivateDetails1.INewskillElement el2 = nNewSkill.createNewskillElement();
      else if (!cppAdded)
        cppAdded = true;
        IPrivateDetails1.INewskillElement elCpp = nNewSkill.currentNewskillElement();   
        if (null ==  elCpp) {
          elCpp = nNewSkill.createNewskillElement();
          nNewskill.setLeadSelection( nNewskill.size() - 1);

  • How to insert a value from sequence in Bussiness Components?

    How to insert a value from sequence in Bussiness Components?
    I would like to do it, but without a triger that would do it before insert.
    I know that there is a type DBSequence in BC where you can insert a sequence name but it does not work when I type there my sequence name.
    Do you now how to fix that problem?

    The newer way to do it is to make the type DBSequence and enter the name of the Sequence object in the sequence field. It must match the same name of the sequence object in the database. Next, you have to create a before insert for each row trigger on the table. Basically, something like this:
    -- Assign the id from the sequence if null
         IF( :new.theme_id IS NULL ) THEN
              SELECT THEME_ID_SEQ.nextval
              INTO :new.theme_id
              FROM dual;
         END IF;
    In the above example, THEME_ID_SEQ is the seuence object name in the database. If you have the name right but it still fails, then the user you are logging in as probably doesn't have access to the sequence in the database.
    Hope this helps.

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