Installare PS con Photoshop Subscription Edition

Salve, non riesco ad installare PS con la mia Photoshop Subscription Edition perchè "l'abbonamento non viene trovato" Dove sbaglio? Grazie mille

Quando si immette l'ID Adobe viene visualizzato il messaggio di errore esatto che l'abbonamento non è stato trovato? Sei sicuro che non viene richiesto di inserire il numero di serie? Hai provato a fare clic sul pulsante Licenza questo software? Infine, se è possibile si prega di rispondere in inglese, questo è un forum in lingua inglese. Se si desidera rispondere in italiano, vi consiglio postando sul nostro forum internazionali a
When you enter your Adobe ID you receive the exact error message that the subscription is not found?  Are you sure you are not prompted to enter your serial number?  Have you tried clicking on the License this Software button?  Finally if you can please respond in English as this is an English language forum.  If you wish to respond in Italian then I would recommend posting to our International forums at

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    Regards Peter

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    Janne Markkanen, kuvittaja-graafikko, karikatyyripiirtäjä
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    UUTTA! Koira-karikatyyri tuotteet DogiStyle-verkkokaupasta!
    Arpit Kapoor kirjoitti 21.5.2012 kello 13.55:
    Re: Photoshop Subscription Edition > Creative Cloud
    created by Arpit Kapoor in Adobe Creative Cloud - View the full discussion
    Did you purchased PS CS5 or CS5.5 subscription?
    When exactly did your purchased that? Could you please specify the date?
    Have you been charged for the same yet? If you have, how much have you been charged?
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    Start a new discussion in Adobe Creative Cloud by email or at Adobe Forums
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  • Download Photoshop Subscription Edition

    is there a easy way to downlaod Photoshop CS 6 Subscription Edition?
    I get always Photoshop CS 6 Extended Edtion but I need normal Version. To Download the right Version is very
    confusing and unclear for me. I have use "Adobe Application Manager" and the "Adobe Download Assistent"

    Hi Rave,
    I have bought only Photoshop CS6 not the Creative Suite CS6 and not Photoshop CS6 Extended.
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  • We are unable to start your subscription for adobe photoshop cs5.1 extended subscription edition for

    we are unable to start your subscription for adobe photoshop cs5.1 extended subscription edition for mac

    For the best assistance, I recommend our chat support at Our chat representatives can provide a personalized experience to resolve the issue you have described.

  • Problem with Subscribing for Photoshop CS5.1 Extended Subscription Edition

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    Please help me soon and Thank you.

    For the best assistance, I recommend our chat support at  Our chat representatives can provide a personalized experience to resolve the issues you describe.

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    d1235234 can you please confirm that you are still installing Photoshop CS5?  All point product subscriptions were converted over a year ago to Creative Cloud point product memberships.  You should be able to utilize the directions listed at Install and update apps - if this is the case.

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    contact adobe support:

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    You simply download AAM as instructed in the link. Once you sifgn in with AAM, everything will be handled from there.

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    AcowanSF2 you have the subscription edition of Illustrator as well?  If so are you utilizing a firewall or making modifications to your host file which might be preventing the software from checking in to make sure your subscription is still valid?

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    Hope someone can help, thanks alot!

    I could finally fix the problem with the help of Adobe support. For everyone with the same problem:
    1. Deinstall Photoshop.
    2. Delete the following files (replace "Programme" with the Program Files-Folder of your language):
    C:\Programme (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\caps\"caps.db"
    C:\Programme (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\backup\"caps.db"
    C:\Programme (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\caps\"media_db.db"
    C:\Programme (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe PCD\"pcd.db"
    C:\Programme (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe PCD\cache\"cache.db"
    3. Redownload and reinstall Photoshop.
    4. Start Photoshop and login with your Adobe-ID.

  • Can't install purchased subscription edition of PS CS6

    1. I've been testing PS CS6 Extended for 30 days, trial period now ended. Software uninstalled.
    2. Purchased a monthly subscription (Photoshop CS6). I got a welcome email and a link to where I am supposed to download the software.
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    What do I do?
    Rgds Henrik

    I have tried that. I've upgraded to the lastest Application Manager. CS6 has now been installed through that application. When I get the trial ended popup window, I click on "License this Software" and use my AdobeID to log in. Then all I get is a field where Photoshop wants me to submit a serial number, which I don't have because Photoshop is supposed to "recoginize my subscription" which it clearly does not.
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    Adobe,  you really should work with serial numbers instead...this is a pain and I am loosing days of work because of this

  • CS6 Subscription Edition download

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    You can download the software from  You can find instructions for installing the software at

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    Now that we have your post in the correct forum, I have a few questions, please:
    What is the file format of this "manual?"
    What OS version are you running?
    If this is Windows (a PC), then what is that file format associated with in File Types? It is likely that the particular format has been associated with PsE. If that is not what you want, the association can be changed from the Control Panel, to link it to the desired program.
    Good luck,

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