Integer part of number

Hi everybody,
How I can to get only integer part of real number in FormCalc?

I find a solution using a Floor(realnumber).

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    Thank you,

    SQL> select trunc(25.5) from dual;
    SQL> select trunc(-25.5) from dual;

  • Integer part only

    Hi everybody,
    I'm a brand new user of Labview (v 2009). I try to save some data from my electrometer (Keithley 617) in an array (time and electric current). And it works, I can see these data in a text file, with the time on the left, and on the right the value of the current. The issue is that I can only record the integer part. The current I try to record is something like 10E-12 A. So if I don't multiply the result by a constant of 10E15 for example, the result would be 0 instead of 0.00...004658 A. And it is the same for the time. I can see 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 instead of 1.034, 1.45, 1.89, 2.36, 2.98, 3.48, 3.95 for example. I've try to change the format, but it doesn't solve this problem of the integer part. I'd like to see the whole number (integer and decimal parts). Attached, please find my program. Also I attached 2 files. test01 is what I'd like to record, and test02 is what I currently record. Could you help me please ?
    Thank you !
    PS : I try to expose as best as I can my problem, I'm French...
    Go to Solution.
    Keithley 617a ‏27 KB
    test01.txt ‏3 KB
    test02.txt ‏1 KB

    Ok I think I found a solution. A double precision float "DBL" was missing just before the "measurement" part. I attach you my program and the results.
    Thank you for your help !!
    Keithley 617b ‏26 KB
    test02.txt ‏1 KB

  • How do you get the integer of a number with more than 10 digits

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    Thanks for the help
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    You can write a Parent script to represent Big Integers. I wrote some code to get you started. It consist of two classes - "BigInt" and "Digit".  At this point you can only add two "BigInts" and print out the value with a toString() function. Note that you pass a String to the "BigInt" constructor.
    In the message window you could enter something like:
    x = script("BigInt").new("999999999999")
    y = script("BigInt").new("100000000000000000004")
    z = x.add(y)
    put z.toString()
    And the output window will show:
    -- "100000001000000000003"
    Here are the two Parent scripts / Classes
    -- Digit
    property  val
    property  next
    on new me, anInt
      val = anInt
      next = 0
      return me
    end new
    -- BigInt
    property  Num
    property  StringRep
    on new me, aString
      Num =  script("Digit").new(Integer(aString.char[aString.length]))
      curNum = Num
      repeat with pos = aString.length - 1 down to 1 = script("Digit").new(Integer(aString.char[pos]))
        curNum =
      end repeat
      return me
    end new
    on add me ,  Num2
      curNum = Num
      curNum2 = Num2.Num
      result = curNum.val + curNum2.val
      if result > 9 then
        carry = 1
        carry = 0
      end if
      result = result mod 10
      sum = script("Digit").new(result)
      curSum = sum
      curNum =
      curNum2 =
      repeat while curNum.ObjectP AND curNum2.ObjectP
        result = curNum.val + curNum2.val + carry
        if result > 9 then
          carry = 1
          carry = 0
        end if
        result = result mod 10 = script("Digit").new(result)
        curSum =
        curNum =
        curNum2 =
      end repeat
      repeat while curNum.ObjectP
        result = curNum.val +  carry
        if result > 9 then
          carry = 1
          carry = 0
        end if
        result = result mod 10 = script("Digit").new(result)
        curSum =
        curNum =
      end repeat
      repeat while curNum2.ObjectP
        result = curNum2.val +  carry
        if result > 9 then
          carry = 1
          carry = 0
        end if
        result = result mod 10 = script("Digit").new(result)
        curSum =
        curNum2 =
      end repeat
      StringRep = ""
    end add
    on toString me
      StringRep = ""
      return StringRep
    end toString
    on makeString me, digit
      if not digit then
      end if
      put String(digit.val) after StringRep
    end makeString

  • Fix the integer part in a decimal numer

    i copy the following code from this forum
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    public class Decimal1
      public static void main(String[] args)
        JFrame f = new JFrame();
        JPanel panel = new JPanel();
        panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");   
        NumberFormatter nfr= new NumberFormatter(df);
        JFormattedTextField ftf = new JFormattedTextField(nfr);
        JLabel lFtf = new JLabel("JFormattedTextField");
        JLabel lTf = new JLabel("JTextField");
        JTextField tf = new JTextField(8);
    }i want the user to input the price (the format "99999.99", the integer part is less than 5 digits. the decimal part is fixed to 2 digits)
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    if the integer part is more than 5 is not allowed.
    for example 123456.45, 651433.44
    i try it with Document, buy it cannot work together.
    how can i to solve it?
    thank you!

    You might want to start looking at [url]the threads you've previously started on the topic.

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  • CREATE TABLE  integer  replaced by  NUMBER(38)..

    I am using Oracle Create a table using following query.
    VENDOR_ID integer,
    STATUS smallint DEFAULT 1
    Table Created.
    check the table structure using DESC VENDOR_MASTER_new
    It showing
    SQL> desc vendor_master_new
    Name Null? Type
    integer replaced by NUMBER(38)..
    if it is possible to make integer. help me resolve this issue.

    954124 wrote:
    I am using Oracle Create a table using following query.
    VENDOR_ID integer,
    STATUS smallint DEFAULT 1
    Table Created.
    check the table structure using DESC VENDOR_MASTER_new
    It showing
    SQL> desc vendor_master_new
    Name Null? Type
    integer replaced by NUMBER(38)..
    if it is possible to make integer. help me resolve this issue.
    That should be fine as number(38) is having one much bigger range than integer.

  • Get integer part of a double type value.

    double dblVal=150.50;
    how will i get the integer part only of variable dblVal?
    i want to get the 150 only. please help.

    Why would you want to do this? This can overflow your
    int for sufficiently large double values, even when
    using a long instead of an int.Maybe he previously did a range check or otherwise knows the range of possible values.

  • Getting the integer part of a float?

    This sure is a simple problem, but i couldn't find an appropriate methode or class so i just like to aks you, wheter you have an idea:^
    how do i get the integer part of a float? i mean, how do i get the "14" from the float "14.45698"?

    Sounds like you need to explicitly cast it to an integer, like this:
    double      number1 = 14.45698;
              int     number2 = 0;
              number2 = (int) number1;
    Hope this helps.

  • Returns the integer part of a real number

    I need to know an integer value as part of a real number, like this:
    double a = 0;
    double x = 0;
    x = 1500.00;
    a = (x / 1000);
    now "a" must be equal to 1.
    Pascal has a function INT (a = INT(x/1000)), and what about java ?
    Thanks for help,

    I need to know an integer value as part of a real
    number, like this:
    double a = 0;
    double x = 0;
    x = 1500.00;
    a = (x / 1000);
    now "a" must be equal to 1.
    Pascal has a function INT (a = INT(x/1000)), and what
    about java ? It is almost the same thing.
    double d = 1.5;
    int i = (int) d;

  • Want to truncate the integer part of a number

    hi gurus
    My requirement is round off a decimal value
    in such a fashion that
    if is 12.7767898 then convert to 12.50
    again if it is 12.498989 convert to 12.50.
    please help
    Thanks in advance

    You could do something like this:
    DATA: number(16) TYPE P DECIMALS 4.
               whole_part(16) TYPE C,
               remainder(4) TYPE C,
               value(20) TYPE C.
    MOVE number TO value.
    SPLIT value AT ',' INTO whole_part remainder.
    Then, examine the remainder:
    IF remainder(1) GE '5'.
      remainder = '5000'.
    * do something else
    CONCATENATE whole_part ',' remainder INTO value.
    In your data display method, display this character string (value) instead of the numerical value (number).
    This is a bit unfortunate because you have to type cast your value to string, but it works well enough. Just make sure you don't have any arithmetical operations on this newly created data field because you will get an exception.
    Also, please note that this is not the complete solution, but only to give you an idea.

  • How do you retain only fractional part of number

    If I have a number say 3.10383, how do I use only the fractional part? In other words, how do I get rid of the three? My ultimate goal is to add two values of hours, minutes and seconds, say 1 hour, 30 min, 4 secs plus 2 hours, 7 min, 2 secs as an example. Any help would be appreciated.

    afried01 wrote:
    If I have a number say 3.10383, how do I use only the fractional part?Most likely you want to do this:
    double x = 3.10383;
    double fracPartOfX = x - (int)x; //integer cast amounts to simple truncation You might as well check java.lang.Math, which contains methods like round, floor and their siblings.
    My ultimate goal is to add two values of hours, minutes and seconds, say 1 hour, 30 min, 4 secs plus 2 hours, 7 min, 2 secs as an example.Is the need for the fractional part trick related to actually performing the sum or just to displaying the results?

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    create table SYSTEM_PARAMETERS (
    ID INTEGER not null,
    NAME VARCHAR2(50) not null,
    constraint PK_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS primary key (ID)
    It runs ok, but when I look at the generated schema I found that the ID field is NUMBER(22,0) ?!?!?!?!?
    I really don't know y?
    I couldn't beleive myself, so I re-run the script again and the problem persists so I generated the DDL using QDesigner from Quest software tool from the generated schema and here is the script
    CREATE TABLE system_parameters
    (id NUMBER(*,0) NOT NULL,
    name VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL )
    ALTER TABLE system_parameters
    ADD CONSTRAINT pk_system_parameters PRIMARY KEY (id)
    I just deleted the storage options from the above script.
    Can anyone tell me y? and really I want it to be still INTEGER in DB, as I have third party tool that connects to this schema, and generates code depending on data type so it must stick with INTEGER not NUMBER(22,0).

    Two things are going on here.
    When a new file or folder is created, the group specified is inherited from its parent folder. So if some folder "foo" has the group "video" specified, then all new files created in that folder will also get group "video". It seems like you know this already.
    The problem you are having with TextEdit is that manner in which it saves new files. TextEdit creates a temporary directory first, saves the file there, and then moves the file to its proper destination folder as a final step. This is why it isn't getting the "video" group setting applied to it - it gets the "wheel" group from the temporary folder that it's really being created in. Some other Apple apps behave this way too - Safari when saving a web page to disk, for example.
    I have filed a bug report to Apple about this a long time ago. The report I filed was listed as a "duplicate". I don't know when, if ever, this will be fixed.

  • Dashboard Prompt - Integer field (material number) - remove commas

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    We have a problem with one number field that added as a prompt in the dashboard. This is an integer field contains Material numbers shows commas and we need to remove commas. Problem is we cannot cast it because we need to keep it as ineteger field to sort the column. Please advise to correct this either repository area or in the dashboard prompt sql statment that applicable to an **integer** field to remove commas.
    Appreciate all your help!!

    Thank You Svee. I have already tried override and treat number as number but that still showed the commas.
    What I was missing was clicking on save as the system-wide default. I never tried that before and this worked. I appreciate your help.

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    looks liek a ipad 2

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