Integrating Autonomy Search engine

Hi All,
Could someone guide me how to integrate SAP NW 04 with Autonomy Search. It would be of great help if you could get me relevant documentation links about integrating SAP EP 6.0 with Autonomy.
Thanks and Regards,

Hi Karsten,
Thanks for that and I have got the Zip file downloaded. But as one of my collegue was trying for a google search integration My Index server has come down and I get the following error."class com.sapportals.trex.TrexException" and "HTTP server error: 502 (Errorcode 7266)". My TREX monitor dosent display the index server and obviously no info/entry on Queue server. I am debugging that now.It would be of great help if you can guide me in troubleshooting it. But as such I would like to know how Integration of Autonomy as a separate, non-KM iView could be done.
Thanks in advance,

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    I came across information in the Oracle Portlet catalog the other day, and I saw something about Verity. For more information, go to the following site:
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    excellent, thanks again!
    "Mika" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Portal search portlet which comes with sampleportal is configured ready tomake
    keyword searches to autonomy dre databases.
    You can find more information from:
    I hope this helps.
    Regards, Mika
    "Markus Blumrich" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Mika - yah I agree, and thanks for the info. Which example search portlet
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    example code for the autonomy index search. Are you referring to sample
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    "Mika" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    It's really confusing because BEA doesn't have instructions or manulsto
    search engine. Autonomy pdfs comes bundled with Portal but Portal
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    All you can do is read the ODBCFetch manual and try to get it indexyour
    table. Then look at example search portlet source and build your ownseach
    Regards, Mika
    "Markus Blumrich" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Is there a background somewhere on how the autonomy search indexing
    works with the portal? I see autonomy's documentation, and the
    sparse BEA docs on how to turn the search services on/off but I can't
    an overview on how this is all supposed to fit together.
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    setup to index words within the content instances' binary components
    power point files etc)? If so - how do I access this index / perform
    actual search on my content with the help of this index?
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    Hello Thilo,
    I tried to deploy the original package, but unfortunately I got also an error with this package.
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         at com.sapportals.wcm.repository.runtime.CmSystem.getResource (
         at com.sapportals.wcm.repository.runtime.CmAdapter.getResource (
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    Hi T.J.,
    the session object itself is normally not the problem. Have you checked that your dynamic WebRM has ha valid cache life time? Nevertheless the cache for the dynamic WebRM should have a life time value of at least 1 min or more (depending on how long you expect your users to browse on the search result)
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    Message was edited by: Thilo Brandt

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    I don't know about the metadata mapping,
    but you can definitely index the FatWire local
    data directory with the search engine.
    Just specify "file:///.../<fatwiredir>" as starting point for your search robot.
    Alex :-)
    PS: After "Sun Forum Accounts Update" I couldn't login to this forum and at SUN
    no one cares - they just ignore my mails. "Thanks a lot" for supporting free community!
    (Check my old profile at <>)
    OK. I have now a new account and I will try to help you out here...

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    Hi Priyapravas,
    With the SAP NW Enterprise Search 1.0 we are supporting (out of the box) search for a bunch of Business objects like Customer, Vendor etc..  with the help of SES. SES is a part of the NW2004s and ERP 2005.  For the earlier R/3 versions above 4.6 we are providing the search functionality on Business Objets by leveraging the  BI extractor mechanism and TREX.  Also to a large extent existing BAPI can be leveraged for searching the backend. 
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  • Integration with Search

    Does Portal integrate with Other Search engines?

    Does Portal integrate with Other Search engines? Portal is integrated with UltraSearch in Oracle 9ias.
    We also work with partners to integrate their search engines, for example, Autonomy, Verity, Alta Vista, Xerox AskOnce, Inktomi, divine and others. Go to the Portal Catalog to find out more about these partners.

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    Any advice would be much appreciated.
    Message was edited by: jessicanutrition

    jessicanutrition wrote:
    Is there a settings page within iWeb that manages this?
    Jessica ~ Welcome to the discussions. Most built-in templates have a large header caption at the top of the page and there's the Page tab in iWeb's Inspector — see the section "1) iWeb Page Titles" in this article:
    _SEO For iWeb: How to get your iWeb Websites into Google & Other Major Search Engines_
    Their free _iWeb SEO Tool_ says this:
    "Your meta description is a short description of your webpage content. Like your title tag, and all other meta tags, it should be unique for each one of your webpages. Provide a short description of what visitors should expect to see on your webpage. Search engines will use your description meta tag in the search results page right underneath the title tag."
    Also see this article by Google:
    _Changing your site's title and description in search results_
    ...Found by doing THIS.
    In other site builders, such as the free Weebly, SEO is integrated:
    By the way, rather than posting your URL like this:
    ...include the prefix to make it conveniently clickable:

  • Search engines for iweb

    ok, ok how do I get my sight to the search engines. cant seem to figure it out.

    Welcome to the discussions. See this article:
    _SEO For iWeb: How to get your iWeb Websites into Google & Other Major Search Engines_
    Or, if you want a website builder with integrated SEO, try _Sandvox Pro_:

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    I want to be able to index, html, pdf, doc and query the results via a
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    Wes Hewatt wrote:
    Jay Zimmett <[email protected]> wrote:
    Can anyone recommend a search engine, with java api access that will
    with weblogic 8.1?
    I want to be able to index, html, pdf, doc and query the results via
    java api.
    ThanksWebLogic Portal includes Autonomy's DRE.

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