Interactive Form - button SubmitToSap - OnSubmit event is not triggered

Please help to resolve triggering OnSubmit event problem.
I created a test Webdynpro with UI element InteractiveForm.
The InteractiveForm properties are:
- displayType = native
- enabled is checked.
OnSubmit event  a method is called. The method contains very simple code so I could debug and see if the event is triggered.
The form was created in SFP with  Layout type = Native.
The form properies are:
Default Lang = Javascript.
Default run =  at client
Preserve scripting changes to form when saved = Manually
I have inserted Webdynpro script thru SAP Utilities menu.
The form has SubmitToSap button and Textfield.
So now i am trying to debug WDA.
At runtime WDA opens Adobe form.
If I enter data into Textfield and then click SubmitToSap button  -  OnSubmit event is triggered. I am happy.
Then I run WDA again. This time I click  SubmitToSap button  right away without entering data into Textfield. OnSubmit event is NOT triggered this time.
Is something wrong with my form properties?
Thank you very much,

Manas, you are right.
OnSubmit event was not triggered unless U enter value into Textfield because the Textfield property was "Requiered".
Also just for clarification the form Layout type  is ZCI Layout (not Native like I said above).
Thank you!

Similar Messages

  • Top-of-page event is not triggered

    I have a problem with top-of-page event. I have a report that shows the results in ALV grid display. But I use "REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY" not OO alv and there is only one screen with number 1000. On the menu toolbar there is a button that prints the data of ALV in a list using "write" statement. While writing , "top of page" event is not triggered. I expect that it is triggered at the first "write" statement but isn't. Is there anyone who knows the cause of this problem?
    The code is below.
    Tables ...
    TABLES : mara , makt , ekko , ekpo , zzith_yukh , lfa1 , t001w  , lips ,
             eket .
    global variables
    DATA : BEGIN OF list OCCURS 1,
           zztahsk LIKE ekko-zztahsk ,
           zterm LIKE ekko-zterm ,
           txz01 LIKE ekpo-txz01 ,
           name1 LIKE lfa1-name1 ,
           menge LIKE ekpo-menge ,
           meins LIKE ekpo-meins ,
           fyukl LIKE zzith_yukh-zzdel_flag ,
                             " Yüklenmiş miktar var göstergesi ...
           inco1 LIKE ekko-inco1 ,
           netwr LIKE ekpo-netwr ,
           waers LIKE ekko-waers ,
           bedat LIKE ekko-bedat ,
           zzontar LIKE ekko-zzontar ,
           slfdt LIKE eket-slfdt ,
           tname1 LIKE t001w-name1 ,
           banfn LIKE ekpo-banfn ,
           ebeln LIKE ekko-ebeln ,
           ebelp LIKE ekpo-ebelp ,
           lifnr LIKE ekko-lifnr ,
           mtart LIKE mara-mtart ,
           matkl LIKE mara-matkl ,
           ekgrp LIKE ekko-ekgrp ,
           matnr LIKE mara-matnr ,
           eknam  LIKE t024-eknam,
           bukrs  LIKE ekko-bukrs,
           zzbltur LIKE ekko-zzbltur,
           END   OF list         .
    ALV fields
    TYPE-POOLS : slis.
    DATA : gt_fields TYPE  slis_fieldcat_alv OCCURS 1 WITH HEADER LINE .
    DATA : gt_events TYPE  slis_t_event.
    DATA : gs_layout TYPE  slis_layout_alv.
    DATA : gv_title  TYPE lvc_title VALUE 'Günlük Depo Sayım Miktarları'.
    DATA : gt_top_of_page TYPE slis_t_listheader.
    selection screen
    *Satınalma organizasyonu
    *Satınalma grubu
    *SAS no
    *Dosya no
    s_bukrs FOR ekko-bukrs .
    s_ekorg FOR  ekko-ekorg OBLIGATORY MEMORY ID eko ,
    s_ekgrp FOR  ekko-ekgrp ,
    s_lifnr FOR  ekko-lifnr ,
    s_ebeln FOR  ekko-ebeln .
    Define Katalog
    DEFINE fill_catalog .
      gt_fields-fieldname  = &1.
      gt_fields-tabname    = &2.
      gt_fields-seltext_l  = &3.
      gt_fields-seltext_m  = &3.
      gt_fields-seltext_s  = &3.
      gt_fields-checkbox   = &4.
      gt_fields-cfieldname = &5.
      gt_fields-ref_tabname  = &6.
      gt_fields-ref_fieldname  = &7.
      gt_fields-edit       = &8.
      append gt_fields .
      clear gt_fields .
    Modify Catalog
    DEFINE modify_catalog .
      gt_fields-seltext_m = &1 .
      modify gt_fields  transporting seltext_m where fieldname = &2 .
      write 'top of page'.
      PERFORM top-of-page.
      PERFORM get_data.
      PERFORM listele .
    *&      Form  listele .
    FORM listele .
      PERFORM get_events .
      PERFORM alv_list_header.
      PERFORM get_field_catalog USING 'LIST' .
      PERFORM display_alv    .
    ENDFORM.                    " listele.
    *&      Form  getfield_Catalog
    FORM get_field_catalog  USING p_tabname .
      fill_catalog :
    'EBELN'   'LIST' '' '' '' 'EKPO' 'EBELN'   '' ,
    'ZZTAHSK' 'LIST' '' '' '' 'EKKO' 'ZZTAHSK' '' ,
    'ZZBLTUR' 'LIST' '' '' '' 'EKKO' 'ZZBLTUR' '' ,
    'MATNR'   'LIST' '' '' '' 'MARA' 'MATNR'   '' ,
    'MATKL'   'LIST' '' '' '' 'MARA' 'MATKL'   '' ,
    'TXZ01'   'LIST' '' '' '' 'EKPO' 'TXZ01'   '' ,
    'NAME1'   'LIST' '' '' '' 'LFA1' 'NAME1'   '' ,
    'MENGE'   'LIST' '' '' '' 'EKPO' 'MENGE'   '' ,
    'MEINS'   'LIST' '' '' '' 'EKPO' 'MENGE'   '' ,
    'FYUKL'   'LIST' '' '' '' 'ZZITH_YUKH' 'ZZDEL_FLAG'   '' ,
    'INCO1'   'LIST' '' '' '' 'EKKO' 'INCO1'   '' ,
    'NETWR'   'LIST' '' '' '' 'EKPO' 'NETWR'   '' ,
    'WAERS'   'LIST' '' '' '' 'EKKO' 'WAERS'   '' ,
    'BEDAT'   'LIST' '' '' '' 'EKKO' 'BEDAT'   '' ,
    'ZZONTAR' 'LIST' '' '' '' 'EKKO' 'ZZONTAR' '' ,
    'SLFDT'   'LIST' '' '' '' 'EKET' 'SLFDT'   '' ,
    'TNAME1'  'LIST' '' '' '' 'T001W' 'NAME1'  '' ,
    'BANFN'   'LIST' '' '' '' 'EKPO' 'BANFN'   '' ,
    'EKNAM'   'LIST' '' '' '' 'T024' 'EKNAM'   '' .
      gt_fields-ddictxt = 'M' .
      MODIFY gt_fields  TRANSPORTING ddictxt WHERE fieldname NE space.
      modify_catalog 'Yükleme No'            'VBELN'   .
      modify_catalog 'Malzeme Türü'          'ZZBLTUR' .
      modify_catalog 'Malzeme Tanımı'        'TXZ01'   .
      modify_catalog 'Satıcı'                'NAME1'   .
      modify_catalog 'Teslim Şekli'          'INCO1'   .
      modify_catalog 'Döviz Tutarı'          'ZZTOPLAM'.
      modify_catalog 'Döviz Kodu'            'WAERS'   .
      modify_catalog 'Siparişi Veren'        'TNAME1'  .
      modify_catalog 'Tahmini İthalat Trh.'  'SLFDT'   .
      modify_catalog 'İthalata İntikal Trh.' 'BEDAT'   .
      modify_catalog 'Dosya Onay Tarihi'     'ZZONTAR' .
      modify_catalog 'Talep No'              'BANFN'   .
      modify_catalog 'Dosya Sorumlusu'       'EKNAM'   .
      modify_catalog 'Yük.Göstergesi'        'FYUKL'   .
    ENDFORM.                    " getfield_Catalog
    *&      Form  display_alv
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM display_alv .
      DATA lv_repid LIKE sy-repid .
      lv_repid = sy-repid .
      CLEAR gs_layout.
      gs_layout-zebra                 = 'X'.
      gs_layout-colwidth_optimize     = 'X'.
          i_callback_program       = lv_repid
          i_callback_pf_status_set = 'SET_PF_STATUS'
          i_callback_user_command  = 'USER_COMMAND'
          is_layout                = gs_layout
          it_fieldcat              = gt_fields[]
          it_events                = gt_events[]
          t_outtab                 = list[].
    ENDFORM.                    " display_alv
    FORM set_pf_status USING  iv_nodisplay TYPE slis_t_extab.
      SET PF-STATUS 'STANDARD' ."excluding iv_nodisplay.
    ENDFORM.                    " SET_PF_STATUS
    FORM user_command  USING iv_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm
                      rs_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
      CASE iv_ucomm .
        WHEN 'PRINT'  . PERFORM print_data .
      ENDCASE       .
    ENDFORM.                    "USER_COMMAND
    FORM get_events .
      DATA: ls_event TYPE slis_alv_event.
          i_list_type = 0
          et_events   = gt_events.
      READ TABLE gt_events WITH KEY name = slis_ev_top_of_page
                               INTO ls_event.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        MOVE 'ALV_TOP_OF_PAGE' TO ls_event-form.
        APPEND ls_event TO gt_events.
    ENDFORM.                    " getevents
    FORM alv_list_header .
      DATA: ls_line TYPE slis_listheader.
      CLEAR ls_line.
      ls_line-typ  = 'S'.
      ls_line-key  = 'Sat&#305;nalma Org.:'.
      CONCATENATE s_ekorg-low s_ekorg-high
      INTO ls_line-info SEPARATED BY '/'.
      APPEND ls_line TO gt_top_of_page.
      ls_line-key  = 'Sat&#305;nalma Grubu.:'.
      CONCATENATE s_ekgrp-low s_ekgrp-high
      INTO ls_line-info SEPARATED BY '/'.
      APPEND ls_line TO gt_top_of_page.
      ls_line-key  = 'Sat&#305;c&#305;.:'.
      CONCATENATE s_lifnr-low s_lifnr-high
      INTO ls_line-info SEPARATED BY '/'.
      APPEND ls_line TO gt_top_of_page.
      ls_line-key  = 'SAS No.:'.
      CONCATENATE s_ebeln-low s_ebeln-high
      INTO ls_line-info SEPARATED BY '/'.
      APPEND ls_line TO gt_top_of_page.
    ENDFORM.                    " alv_list_header
    FORM alv_top_of_page.
          it_list_commentary = gt_top_of_page.
    ENDFORM.                    "TOP_OF_PAGE
    FORM get_data .
      DATA : BEGIN OF tr ,
              menge LIKE eket-menge ,
              dabmg LIKE eket-dabmg ,
             END OF tr ,
             zzfiilytar LIKE zzith_yukh-zzfiilytar  .
    *- Get data ...
      SELECT *
        FROM ekpo AS a
       INNER JOIN ekko AS b ON bebeln = aebeln
      WHERE b~ebeln IN s_ebeln AND
            b~bukrs IN s_bukrs AND
            b~loekz EQ space   AND
            b~lifnr IN s_lifnr AND
            b~ekorg IN s_ekorg AND
            b~ekgrp IN s_ekgrp AND
            a~loekz EQ space   AND
            a~elikz EQ space .
      LOOP AT list .
        CLEAR tr .
        SELECT menge dabmg
          INTO tr
          FROM eket
         WHERE ebeln = list-ebeln AND
               ebelp = list-ebelp.
          tr-menge = tr-menge - tr-dabmg .
        IF tr-menge LE 0 .
          DELETE list .
        ELSE .
          list-menge = tr-menge .
          IF tr-dabmg GT 0 .
            list-fyukl = '*' .
          ENDIF .
          SELECT SINGLE butxt INTO list-tname1 FROM t001
            WHERE bukrs = list-bukrs .
          SELECT SINGLE slfdt INTO list-slfdt FROM eket
          WHERE ebeln = list-ebeln AND
                ebelp = list-ebelp .
          SELECT SINGLE name1 INTO list-name1 FROM lfa1 WHERE lifnr = list-lifnr.
          SELECT SINGLE mtart matkl INTO (list-mtart,list-matkl)
          FROM mara WHERE matnr = list-matnr .
          SELECT SINGLE eknam INTO list-eknam FROM t024 WHERE ekgrp = list-ekgrp .
          MODIFY list .
        ENDIF .
      ENDLOOP      .
    ENDFORM.                    " get_data
    FORM print_data .
    PERFORM top-of-page .
    malzeme türü 1005 ler yazd&#305;r&#305;l&#305;r
      PERFORM yazdir_1005 .
    malzeme türü 1005 olmayanlar yazd&#305;r&#305;l&#305;r
      PERFORM yazdir_ne_1005 .
    Sat&#305;nalama gruplar&#305; bilgisi yazd&#305;r&#305;l&#305;r
      PERFORM yazdir_ekgrp .
    ENDFORM.                    " print_data
    FORM top-of-page .
      WRITE AT 40 'Sevkiyat Bekleyen Malzemeler' COLOR COL_HEADING .
      WRITE :  180 sy-uname , sy-datum , sy-uzeit.
      NEW-LINE .
      ULINE 0(229) .
      WRITE :/2 'Rapor Kodu..............:' , (10) sy-tcode .
      WRITE :/2 'Sat&#305;nalma Organizasyonu.:' , (10) s_ekorg-low, '/', (10) s_ekorg-high .
      WRITE :/2 'Sat&#305;nalma Grubu.........:' , (10) s_ekgrp-low, '/', (10) s_ekgrp-high .
      WRITE :/2 'Sat&#305;c&#305;..................:' , (10) s_lifnr-low, '/', (10) s_lifnr-high .
      WRITE :/2 'Sat&#305;nalma Sipari&#351; No....:' , (10) s_ebeln-low, '/', (10) s_ebeln-high .
      NEW-LINE .
      ULINE 0(229) .
    Ba&#351;l&#305;klar yaz&#305;l&#305;r
      WRITE :
      /(10) 'SAS NO.' CENTERED,
      (6)  'TAHS&#304;S'  CENTERED,
      (5)  'ÖDEME'   CENTERED,
      (5)  'Bel.T'   CENTERED,
      (25) 'MALZEME' CENTERED,
      (25) 'SATICI' CENTERED,
      (12) 'M&#304;KTAR' CENTERED,
      (3)  'BRM' CENTERED,
      (3)  'G' ,
      (7) 'TES.&#350;K.' CENTERED,
      (16) 'DÖV&#304;Z TUTARI' CENTERED,
      (3)  'DB.' CENTERED,
      (13) '&#304;TH.&#304;NTK.TRH.' CENTERED,
      (13) 'DOSYA ON.TRH.' CENTERED,
      (10) 'TAHM&#304;N.&#304;TH.TRH.' CENTERED,
      (20) 'S&#304;PAR&#304;&#350; VEREN' CENTERED,
      (10) 'TALEP NO.' CENTERED,
      ULINE 0(229) .
    ENDFORM.                    " top-of-page
    FORM yazdir_1005 .
      DATA ebeln LIKE list-ebeln  .
      SORT list BY zzbltur matnr .
      temp[] = list[] .
      DELETE temp WHERE mtart <> '1005' .
      LOOP AT list WHERE mtart = '1005' .
        CLEAR list-netwr .
        IF ebeln NE list-ebeln OR ebeln EQ space .
          REFRESH total . CLEAR total .
          ebeln = list-ebeln .
          LOOP AT temp WHERE ebeln = list-ebeln .
            list-netwr = list-netwr + temp-netwr  .
            CLEAR total .
            total-txz01 = '*** TKNK.MLZ. TOPLAMI ****' .
            total-meins = temp-meins .
            total-menge = temp-menge .
            COLLECT total .
          ENDLOOP                               .
          PERFORM write_list USING '1'  .
          LOOP AT total .
            PERFORM write_list USING '2'  .
          ENDLOOP .
          AT END OF zzbltur .
            ULINE 0(229) .
          ENDAT .
        ENDIF .
      ENDLOOP .
    ENDFORM.                    " yazdir_1005
    FORM write_list  USING    flag .
    flag 1 1005 için yazd&#305;rma
    flag 2 ise ara toplam
      IF flag = '1' .
        WRITE :
        /(10) list-ebeln ,
         (6)  list-zztahsk,
         (5)  list-zterm,
         (5)  list-zzbltur ,
         (25) list-txz01,
         (25) list-name1,
         (12) list-menge,
         (3)  list-meins,
         (3)  list-fyukl,
         (7)  list-inco1,
         (16) list-netwr,
         (3)  list-waers,
         (13) list-bedat,
         (13) list-zzontar,
         (10) list-slfdt ,
         (20) list-tname1,
         (10) list-banfn ,
         (18) list-eknam .
        FORMAT RESET .
      ELSEIF flag = '2'  .
        WRITE :
        /(10) '' ,
         (6)  '' ,
         (5)  '' ,
         (5)  '' ,
         (25) total-txz01,
         (25) '' ,
         (12) total-menge,
         (3)  total-meins,
         (3)  '' ,
         (7)  '' ,
         (16) '' ,
         (3)  '' ,
         (13) '' ,
         (13) '' ,
         (10) '' ,
         (20) '' ,
         (10) '' ,
         (18) '' .
        FORMAT RESET .
      ELSEIF flag = '3'  .
        WRITE :
       /(10) '' ,
        (6)  '' ,
        (5)  '' ,
        (5)  '' ,
        (25) total-txz01,
        (25) '' ,
        (12) total-menge,
        (3)  '' ,
        (3)  '' ,
        (7)  '' ,
        (16) total-netwr ,
        (3)  '' ,
        (13) '' ,
        (13) '' ,
        (10) '' ,
        (20) '' ,
        (10) '' ,
        (18) '' .
        FORMAT RESET .
      ENDIF .
    ENDFORM.                    " write_list
    FORM yazdir_ne_1005 .
      DATA matnr LIKE list-matnr .
      SORT list BY zzbltur matkl matnr .
      temp[] = list[] .
      DELETE temp WHERE mtart = '1005' .
      LOOP AT list WHERE mtart <> '1005' .
    Her yeni Malzeme için ara toplam yaz&#305;l&#305;r
        IF matnr NE list-matnr AND matnr NE space .
           REFRESH total . CLEAR total .
    Toplamlar al&#305;n&#305;r
          LOOP AT temp WHERE matnr = matnr .
            CLEAR total .
            total-netwr = temp-netwr  .
            total-menge = temp-menge  .
            total-txz01 =  '***     TOPLAM        ****' .
            COLLECT total .
          ENDLOOP                          .
          LOOP AT total .               .
            PERFORM write_list USING '3'  .
          ENDLOOP                       .
          ULINE 0(229) .
        ENDIF                      .
        PERFORM write_list USING '1'  .
        matnr = list-matnr            .
      ENDLOOP                           .
    Toplamlar al&#305;n&#305;r
      LOOP AT temp WHERE matnr = matnr .
        REFRESH total . CLEAR total .
        total-netwr = temp-netwr  .
        total-menge = temp-menge  .
        total-txz01 =  '***     TOPLAM        ****' .
        COLLECT total .
      ENDLOOP .
      LOOP AT total .
        PERFORM write_list USING '3'  .
      ENDLOOP       .
      ULINE 0(229)  .
    ENDFORM.                    " yazdir_ne_1005
    FORM yazdir_ekgrp .
      DATA: BEGIN OF total OCCURS 1 ,
            eknam LIKE list-eknam   ,
            zzbltur LIKE list-zzbltur ,
            sayi TYPE i ,
            END  OF  total          .
      DATA: BEGIN OF gtotal OCCURS 1 ,
            eknam LIKE list-eknam   ,
            zzbltur LIKE list-zzbltur ,
            sayi TYPE i ,
            END  OF  gtotal          .
      DATA: bltur LIKE zzith_bltur OCCURS 1 WITH HEADER LINE .
      DATA: len TYPE i  .
      DATA: wa LIKE total.
      REFRESH temp .
      SELECT * INTO TABLE bltur FROM zzith_bltur .
      CLEAR bltur .
      MOVE : 'ZZZZ'   TO bltur-zzbltur ,  " Sat&#305;r toplam&#305; için ...
             text-002 TO bltur-zztanim .
      APPEND bltur .
      CLEAR list   .
      SORT list BY eknam ebeln .
      LOOP AT list .
        CLEAR : total, gtotal .
        total-eknam = list-eknam .
        total-zzbltur = list-zzbltur .
        total-sayi  = 1 .
        COLLECT total   .
        total-eknam   = list-eknam .
        total-zzbltur = 'ZZZZ' .
        total-sayi  = 1 .
        COLLECT total   .
        gtotal-eknam = text-001 .
        gtotal-zzbltur = list-zzbltur .
        gtotal-sayi  = 1 .
        COLLECT gtotal   .
        gtotal-eknam = text-001 .
        gtotal-zzbltur = 'ZZZZ' .
        gtotal-sayi  = 1 .
        COLLECT gtotal   .
      ENDLOOP      .
      ULINE AT /1(145).
      WRITE :/
      sy-vline , (15) 'Dosya Sorumlusu' , sy-vline .
      LOOP AT bltur .
        WRITE :(15) bltur-zztanim  , sy-vline .
      ENDLOOP  .
      ULINE AT /1(145).
      FORMAT RESET   .
      total-zzbltur = '0001' .
      MODIFY total TRANSPORTING zzbltur WHERE zzbltur = space .
      gtotal-zzbltur = '0001' .
      MODIFY gtotal TRANSPORTING zzbltur WHERE zzbltur = space .
      SORT total BY eknam .
      LOOP AT total  .
        AT NEW eknam .
          WRITE :/
          sy-vline , (15) total-eknam COLOR COL_HEADING ,
          sy-vline .
          LOOP AT bltur   .
            len = sy-tabix * 18 .
            len = len + 3 .
            CLEAR wa .
            READ TABLE total INTO wa WITH KEY zzbltur = bltur-zzbltur
                                              eknam   = total-eknam .
            WRITE AT len(15) wa-sayi NO-ZERO.
            WRITE sy-vline .
          ENDLOOP    .
        ENDAT      .
      ENDLOOP .
      LOOP AT gtotal  .
        AT NEW eknam .
          WRITE :/
          sy-vline , (15) gtotal-eknam ,
          sy-vline .
          LOOP AT bltur   .
            len = sy-tabix * 18 .
            len = len + 3 .
            CLEAR wa .
            READ TABLE gtotal INTO wa WITH KEY zzbltur = bltur-zzbltur
                                               eknam   = text-001    .
            WRITE AT len(15) wa-sayi NO-ZERO.
            WRITE sy-vline .
          ENDLOOP    .
        ENDAT      .
      ENDLOOP .
      ULINE AT /1(145).
    ENDFORM.                    " yazdir_ekgrp

    In the function  use the top-of-page event as follows:
                    I_BYPASSING_BUFFER          =
                    I_BUFFER_ACTIVE             =
                    I_INTERFACE_CHECK           = ' '
                 I_CALLBACK_PROGRAM          = 'ZRPMSLM'
                    I_CALLBACK_PF_STATUS_SET    = ' '
                    I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND     = ' '
               <b>  I_CALLBACK_TOP_OF_PAGE      = 'TOP'</b>
    Define whatever to appear in top-of page in a subroutine named TOP.
    Hope this helps.
    Reward if helpful.

  • Control not going from Adobe Interactive form to ABAP WD Event handler

    I am facing an issue with adobe interactive forms and WD ABAP integration.
    The buttons in adobe interactive form when clicked is going round and round and the control is not going to the ABAP code(WD ABAP event handler code whatsoever). I have also set the debugger but the control is not moving to the ABAP code from the adobe interactive form.
    Can anyone help me what can be the issue here and how can I resolve the same?

    Hi Babi,
    In the adobe form layout library Use the Submit(which internally means submit to SAP) button from the Webdynpro Native category.
    Only this button action can connect adobe to web dynpro.
    Whenever we click on this particular button the event will be trigger in the ONsubmit event of interactive form UI element in the webdynpro.There we can write our abap code.Hope this will help you.
    Simi A  M
    Edited by: amsimi on Mar 22, 2011 11:37 AM

  • Adobe interactive form(ABAP WD)size is increasing & not opening from EP UWL

    Hello All,
    Adobe interactive form (ABAP WD) size is increasing after cleansing data from MDM and the form is not opening from portal UWL.
    Same application is working fine in Dev and Qa environment. In dev and QA the form size is around 150 KB after cleansing data from MDM. Some reason in production it is more than 2 MB. FYI - We have multiple app servers in production.

    Hi Babi,
    In the adobe form layout library Use the Submit(which internally means submit to SAP) button from the Webdynpro Native category.
    Only this button action can connect adobe to web dynpro.
    Whenever we click on this particular button the event will be trigger in the ONsubmit event of interactive form UI element in the webdynpro.There we can write our abap code.Hope this will help you.
    Simi A  M
    Edited by: amsimi on Mar 22, 2011 11:37 AM

  • Javascript embedded in button pl/sql event handler not being executed

    Javascript calls not working from pl/sql button event handler. What am I missing? Are specific settings needed to execute javascript from pl/sql proceedures?
    Example: Want to toggle target='_blank' off and on in a button pl/sql event handler to open url call in new window & then reset when processing submit is done & the app returns to the form.
    portal form button's pl/sql submit handler:
    htp.p('<script language=JavaScript>') ;
    htp.p('"_blank"') ;
    htp.p('</script>') ;
    PORTAL.wwa_app_module.set_target('') ;
    htp.p('<script language=JavaScript>') ;
    htp.p('"_blank"') ;
    htp.p('</script>') ;
    end ;
    Putting the following in the button's javascript on_click event handler works great:'_blank'
    to force opening new window with a call in the button's submit pl/sql code via:
    PORTAL.wwa_app_module.set_target('') ;
    but then the target='_blank' is left on when the submit is done & we return to the form.
    putting the above javascript as a function (called fcn_newpage) elsewhere (e.g., after form opens) & calling in the submit pl/sql with
    htp.p('fcn_newpage') ;
    also doesn't work.
    Metalink thought this was an application issue instead of a bug, so thought I'd see if anyone knows what's going wrong here. (Portal

    thanks for your discussion of my post.
    Please clarify:
    "htp.p('fcn_newwindow') sends a string":
    What would you suggest the proper syntax for a function fcn_newwindow() call from a pl/sql javascript block that differs from
    htp.p('<script language="Javascript">') ;
    or more simply
    htp.p('fcn_newwindow') ;
    More generally, what I'm trying to figure out is under what conditions javascript is executed, if ever, in the pl/sql of a button (either the submit or custom event handler, depending on the button).
    I've seen lots of posts asking how to do a simple htp.p('alert("THIS IS TROUBLE")') ; in a pl/sql event handler for a button on a form, but no description of how this can be done successfully.
    In addition to alerts, in my case, I'd like to call a javascript fcn from a pl/sql event handle that would pass a URL (e.g., where the javascript fcn executed The API call to set_target(URL) in pl/sql has no ability to open in a new window, so calling that is inadequate to my needs and I must resort to javascript.
    Its clear in the PL/SQL of a button, you can effect form components since p_session..set_target & p_session.get_target set or get the contents of form components.
    So to see if javascript ever works, I tried to focus on something simple that only had to set what amounts to an enviromental variable when we returned to the form after a post. I chose to try to change the html value of TARGET from javascript in the PL/SQL button because it doesn't need to be implemented until we finish the post and return to the form.
    So I focused on a hack, setting this.form.TARGET='_blank' in the on_click event handler that forced every subsequent URL call or refresh of the form to be a new window. I then wanted to turn off opening new windows once I'd opened the URL call in a new window by setting TARGET='' in the portal form. I can achieve what I want by coding this.form.TARGET='' in the javascript (on_focus, on_change, or on_mousedown, ...) of every form component that might refresh the form. However, that is a ridiculous hack when a simple htp.p('<script>') ; htp.p('""') ; htp.p('</script>') ; at the end of the button's pl/sql event handle should do the same thing reliably if javascript ever works in the pl/sql event handler.
    If we didn't have access to form components through p_session calls, I'd assume it was a scope issue (what is available from the pl/sql event handler). But unless my syntax is just off, when, if ever, can javascript be used in a portal form's pl/sql event handler for a button?
    if I code a javascript funtion in the forms' pl/sql before displaying form:
    htp.p('<script language="JavaScript">') ;
    htp.p('function fcn_new_window(URL)') ;
    htp.p('' ) ;
    htp.p('</script>') ;
    the function can be called from a button's on_click javascript event handler:
    but from the same button's pl/sql submit event handler this call doesn't work: htp.p('fcn_new_window("")')
    So my questions remain: Is there other syntax I need, or does javascript ever work properly from the pl/sql of a form button's event handler? If it doesn't work, isn't this a bug that should be fixed by Oracle?
    I can probably figure out hacks to make things work the way I need, but executing javascript from pl/sql event handlers seems to be the expected way to affect portal html pages (forms, reports, ...) and it seems not to work as expected. I don't feel I should have to implement hacks for something as simple as calling a javascript function from pl/sql when almost every example I've found in metalink or the forums or Oracle Press's "portal bible" suggests using javascript from pl/sql via the utility htp.p() to effect web page components in portal.
    My TAR on the subject, while still open, returned the result basically: "We can reproduce your situation. Everything looks okay to us, but we can't explain how to use javascript where you want or point you to any documentation that would solve your problem or expain why it should not work the way you want it to. We don't feel its a technical issue. Why don't you post the problem on the portal applications forum."
    I'm hoping I'm just missing something fundamental and everything will work if I implement it a little differently. So if anyone sees my error, please let me know.
    by the way, not sure this is germain, but in reference to your comment:
    "redirections in pl/sql procedures give a peculiar result. in a pl/sql procedure, usually, portals give the last redirection statement and ignore anything else coming after it."
    if I try to raise an alert:
    htp.p('alert("you screwed up")');
    in a pl/sql event handler, it still doesn't raise the alert, even though its the last thing implemented in the event handler. But if I set the value of a text box using p_session..set_value_as_string() at the same spot, it correctly sets the text box value when I return to the form.

  • Interactive Forms within an Acrobat Portfolio--- why not??

    I have a student asking why she isn't able to save a group of interactive forms within an Acrobat Portfolio, and have the Tracker recognize the responses to the form. Sounds as if this shouldn't be a problem. But...
    I've tried it myself, and it appears that when working from within a Portfolio, I have no access to the "Distribute Form" command. Is this correct or is it a bug?
    If I skip the Distribute Form option and instead upload the Portfolio to, I *am* able to fill out the form and hit "submit". It *does* submit a reply to my email address, in the typical .fdf format. When I go to my email address I can download the .fdf file to my local machine, but after that the system seems to break down.
    TheTracker has no clue that any response has occurred.And when I try to "compile returned forms", the .fdf  files are not recognized: I cannot import the response.
    Is it because there was no "Distribute Form", that the Tracker doesn't recognize responses?
    It would seem like the most useful thing to be able to send a variety of forms to new employees in the Portfolio format. Can it be done? And how?
    Thanks! I hope someone can help, or at least clarify. The student will be back tomorrow and I'd love to have a reply for her.

    Hi "critter_monster" It is by design that the distribute options is not available for files that are in a Portfolio. You can only distribute forms that are not attached to a portfolio. Since tracker only tracks forms distributed the the distribution workflow, it is expected that it would not recognize the .fdf from the submit button.
    Adobe does have a "wish list" form that you can submit feature requests through. You can always submit a request for that functionality. The form is here:

  • Form Button running Script that does not complete Progress Bar

    Currently I have created a form using the System.Reflection.Assembly which includes a textbox and button.   The button calls a script with a progress bar using the write-progress method, but when the progress bar completes it does not go away.
    Any assistance is appreciated.   As the code is quite long and in several files I have posted some of the code below.
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing")
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
    $getVMware = Join-Path -path $ScriptPath -ChildPath "bin\get-vmhosts.ps1"
    Add-PSSnapin VMware.VIMAutomation.Core -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
    $objForm.Text = "VMware Script - Created by Walter Beach"
    $objForm.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(650,390)
    $objForm.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"
    $AuditButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $AuditButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(310,80)
    $AuditButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
    $AuditButton.Text = "Audit"
    $AuditButton.Add_Click({ get-vmhosts | set-vmdnsservers -DNS $DNS })
    Function set-vmdnsservers
    $i = 0
    write-host ""
    Write-Host "Configuring DNS Server " -NoNewline
    $Input | ForEach {
    IF ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 3) { Write-Progress -activity "Configuring DNS Servers" -status $_ -PercentComplete (($i++ / $itemCount) * 100) } Else { ticker }
    $_ | Get-VMHostNetwork | Set-VMHostNetwork -DnsAddress $DNS | Out-Null
    } # End For Each Loop
    } # End of set-vmdnsservers

    You need to put a final call to Write-Progress with the -Completed switch, probably right after your ForEach loop, in this case:
    $Input | ForEach {
    IF ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 3) { Write-Progress -activity "Configuring DNS Servers" -status $_ -PercentComplete (($i++ / $itemCount) * 100) } Else { ticker }
    $_ | Get-VMHostNetwork | Set-VMHostNetwork -DnsAddress $DNS | Out-Null
    } # End For Each Loop
    Write-Progress -Activity "Configuring DNS Servers" -Completed

  • Custom action event does not triggers

    Hai ,
    i have BAPI which results the data in a table when the screen loads initially .after i will inster one record to this bapi clicks on save the record is going to saved .
    i have a button (refresh ) on the same table when user clicks the refresh button the inserted record has to populate in the table.
    Table form -> create toolbar -> refrsh -> custom action -> self
    in event trigger i have selected refresh .im passing the input values again to same bapi as  date1 , date2 , pernr .
    im not able to see the updated record in the same table .
    when i refresh the browser iam able to see the updated record in the table
    any inputs .
    Regards ,
    venkat p

    Hai Govindhu ,
    timer doesnot works for me .
    signal in & signal out i have taken passed similar parameters , signal out event name is Refresh ,
    wht abt signal in event does not takes as it mask ,
    any inputs for this .
    Regards ,
    venkat p

  • Radiobutton during at selection-screen event is not triggered

    Hi experts,
    I have this event:
    perform f_file_sel.
    I want to select a file according to the radiobuttons on the selection screen, but during the f_file_sel form I recognized, that the radiobutton which I selected is not triggered.
    It's only triggered after 'start-of-selection'.
    How can I force the program to trigger it when f_file_sel is processing?

    SELECT-OPTIONS : so_matnr1    FOR  mvke-matnr MODIF ID id1,
                                    so_matnr2   FOR  mara-wrkst MODIF ID id2.
                              rb_var TYPE c RADIOBUTTON GROUP rbg.
        IF rb_mat EQ c_x.
          IF screen-group1 EQ  'ID2'.
            screen-input = '0'.
        IF rb_var EQ c_x.
          IF screen-group1 EQ 'ID1'.
            screen-input = '0'.
    Apply this piece of code to your requirement with files in place of fields.Hope your issue will be resolved.

  • Workflow WS00000038 Purch.Req - Event REJECTED not triggered

    Hi Friends!
    (SAP ECC 6.0)
    (Tcode SWE3 - BUS2009-REJECTED is active)
    When using WS00000038 Purchase requisition we have problem when an item is REJECTED.
    the Event that is triggered is BUS2009-SIGNIFICANTLYCHANGED. This leads to that the Workflow end up with status  COMPLETED and NO further handling of the actual Rejection that were made.
    IF BUS2009-REJECTED were triggered instead, then WS00000038 would have followed another path in the workflow which is to handle the REJECTION via another TASK.
    Why is BUS2009-REJECTED not triggered when button "REJECT" Requisition is pressed (ME54N).
    Best regards

    In this aproval step within WS00000038 it is actually ME54N that is called.
    The result in the task of the workflow is an EXTERNAL EVENT that is triggered.
    In my case it is BUS2009-SIGNIFICANTLYCHANGED that is triggered instead of BUS2009-REJECTED.
    this is what causes my Workflow WS00000038 to choose the wrong path.
    Does anyone have a solution of how to get BUS2009-REJECTED triggered via ME54N when I actually press button to REJECT and then SAVE.
    Best reg

  • Event OnInputProcessing not triggered ..... please help, it's urgent

    hi all,
    i have a problem in my bsp page.
    in my bsp page, there is a button which is clicked, a new pop up window will appear. after the pop up window closed the caller window will be submitted.
    after submitted, the server side script ( ABAP Code in event OnInputProcessing & OnInitiallization will be run ).
    in order to be able to do this, i used java script. and it's already works well.
    the problem is : there is 1 record that the ABAP code in event OnInputProcessing is not run. I have set break points on one of code in event OnInputProcessing, but it seems event OnInputProcessing is not triggered. if i also put the break point in event OnInitialization, it will stop in the break point in event OnInitialization.
    is there any clue why this happened ?
    please help, it's urgent because it's happened in my production system
    many thanks in advance

    hi Raja,
    thanks for the respond.
    the code is already works for 2 years and just 1 record of ... perhaps thousands record that used the same code.
    for other record, it go to event OnInputProcessing
    but just this 1 record it won't go to event OnInputProcessing.
    any clue ?
    please help

  • OIM 11gR2 - RoleUser PostProcess Event Handler not triggered

    I'm trying to create a postprocess event-handler for RoleUser entity so that when a role is assigned (or removed) to a user an UDF is populated with the list of its roles.
    I developed my event-handler and registered it following instructions on but the event-handler is not triggered.
    I've read and tried a lot of things but nothing seems to work.
    I use System.out.println() and a Logger in the event-handler methods as well as breakpoints debugging via Eclipse, all this indicates the event-handler is not triggered.
    I checked the event-handler is registered by using getEventHandlers(RoleUser,CREATE) method on IAMAppDesignMBean through Enterprise Manager. Result is :
    Note that I dont understand why the handler appears four times..
    Also, when I unregister it, it still appears one time.
    Here is my event handler XML file (in META-INF folder of the plugin zip) :
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
      xsi:schemaLocation=" orchestration-handlers.xsd">
      sync="TRUE" />
    plugin.xml file (root of plugin zip) :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <oimplugins xmlns:xsi="">
      <plugins pluginpoint="oracle.iam.platform.kernel.spi.EventHandler">
      name="Myhandler" />
    Java code (in a JAR in lib folder of plugin zip) :
    public class MyHandler implements PostProcessHandler {
    public EventResult execute(long processId, long eventId, Orchestration orchestration) {
      System.out.println("Inside EventResult execute ");
      LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Inside eventResult execute");
      // Some code
      return new EventResult();
    public BulkEventResult execute(long processId, long eventId, BulkOrchestration orchestration) {
      String operation = orchestration.getOperation().trim().toString();
      System.out.println("<---------- Calling " + getClass().getName() + ": Operation[" + operation + "] Execute ---------->");
      LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Inside BulkEventResult execute");
      // Some code
      return new BulkEventResult();
    Maybe I'm missing something ? Any help would be really appreciated
    EDIT :
    Also note that I see these messages in the logs but I'm not sure it concern my event handler from what I read on some pages :
    XML schema validation failed for XML eventhandlers and it will not be loaded by kernel.
    [CALLBACKMSG] Found 0 possible matches for applicable policies for step POST_PROCESS, entity RoleUser, operation CREATE.
    Related link : Post process event handler when a role is created or modified in OIM

    I eventually got it working but I'm not sure of how.. !
    I changed the name of the handler (it was not "MyHandler" but something very long, I shortened it). I copy and paste exactly what was described here : Post process event handler when a role is created or modified in OIM. I did purge cache. I tried to apply it on another entity (Role), it was triggered, then I applied it back to RoleUser and it still works.
    If it can help someone, my plugin zip contains :
    plugin.xml :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <oimplugins xmlns:xsi="">
      <plugins pluginpoint="oracle.iam.platform.kernel.spi.EventHandler">
      <plugin pluginclass=""
      version="1.0" name="RoleUserProcessor" />
    META-INF/EventHandlers.xml :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <eventhandlers xmlns=""
      xsi:schemaLocation=" orchestration-handlers.xsd">
      <action-handler class=""
      entity-type="RoleUser" operation="ANY" name="RoleUserProcessor" order="9999"
      stage="postprocess" sync="TRUE" />
    lib/xxx.jar/ :
      public EventResult execute(long processId, long eventId, Orchestration orchestration) {
      LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Execution RoleUserProcessor EventHandler (mode non bulk)");
      String operation = orchestration.getOperation().trim().toString();
      LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Operation : " + operation);
      return new EventResult();
      public BulkEventResult execute(long processId, long eventId, BulkOrchestration orchestration) {
      LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Execution RoleUserProcessor EventHandler (mode bulk)");
      String operation = orchestration.getOperation().trim().toString();
      LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Operation : " + operation);
      return new BulkEventResult();
    Thank you
    Also, a thing that may help some people, I found out that the ORCHEVENTS table in OIM schema contains the history of handlers triggered.

  • Interactive PDF–buttons working in preview but not in PDF

    I have a series of buttons that reveal hidden graphics. One of those hidden graphics is a background layer, in a separate layer, that should appear when a button is clicked. It is showing up, but in front of all other content, even though the layer is in the background. I have nothing else on the background layer. Also, the preview in InDesign shows this working properly, it's the exported Interactive PDF that is having problems. Any suggstions?

    Show/hide buttons can let you show and hide graphics which have been themselves turned into buttons. But in InDesign, they cannot control the visibility of layers. I think that's because of the way buttons are handled in the PDF file. I think the buttons themselves are seen as a separate layer above the "content" of the PDF.
    You can change layer visiblity with buttons but not in InDesign. You have to do it in Acrobat.
    Create your layers in InDesign. Export as a PDF but in the Export Adobe PDF dialog box, you must select Acrobat 6 compatibility and check Create Acrobat Layers. This takes InDesign layers and makes them PDF layers which you can work with in Acrobat.
    You can either create the buttons in InDesign or in Acrobat, but controlling layer visibility isn't an available action in InDesign. So you'll need to change their action WITHIN ACROBAT.
    In Acrobat, you can choose View > Navigation Panels > Layers. You can turn the eyes on and off to control visibility like in InDesign. Then set the layer visibility the way you want the first button to set and set the action for the first button to be Set Layer Visibility. When you click Add. It sets the visibility to the current state. Repeat the process for the second button.
    In InDesign CS5, to export buttons you'll need to choose File > Export > Adobe PDF (Interactive). Check Acrobat Layers.

  • Interactive form works in Reader 7 but not in Pro 7 or Standard 7

    I have created and interactive pdf form to send to users. Everyone can open and fill in the form. But people who have Acrobat Pro 7 and Acrobat Standard 7, can fill in the form, but not all the data is saved.
    Any thoughts on what is causing this and how to fix?

    The binding determines whether the data in the field should be written to the data dom or not. A value of Normal indicates that you want the dta written to the dom and it will follow the hierarchy set in the hierarchy view of Designer. If you set it to None that indicates that you do not want the data written to the dom. You can bind the field to other inbound streams but that is another topic.
    The Data Dom is what is used to store all of the data in the form. It is what is used to make the data structure of the data file that is saved or submitted.
    Does that help?

  • PrintJobFailed,printJobCompleted,printJobCanceled events are not triggering

    In my application we are printing some data. For that we are adding PrintStatusTracker listner class which impliments PrintJobListener to DocPrintJob.
    Now the problem is... after print is given i am getting only 2 events triggered in PrintJobListener i.,e printDataTransferCompleted, printJobNoMoreEvents even though it is failed to print. But other events like printJobFailed, printJobCompleted, printJobCanceled are not at all triggering.
    Please help me in this.
    Edited by: Bamgaram on Dec 31, 2009 9:12 AM

    Hi Andrew,
    I dont know how to post an SSCCE. if u want code pls find below.
         import javax.print.*;
         import javax.print.event.*;
         import javax.print.attribute.*;
         import java.awt.print.*;
         import java.awt.*;
         import java.awt.geom.*;
         import java.awt.event.*;
         import javax.swing.*;
         public class PrintJob {
         static class MyComponent extends JPanel
         implements Printable {
         Font theFont = new Font("Serif", Font.ITALIC, 48);
         public void paint(Graphics g) {
         String msg = "Hello, Printer";
         FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
         // Center line
         int width = getWidth();
         int stringWidth = fm.stringWidth(msg);
         int x = (width - stringWidth)/2;
         int height = getHeight();
         int stringHeight = fm.getHeight();
         int ascent = fm.getAscent();
         int y = (height - stringHeight)/2 + ascent;
         g.drawString(msg, x, y);
         g.drawRect(x, y-ascent, stringWidth, stringHeight);
         public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pageFormat, int pageIndex) {
         int x = (int)pageFormat.getImageableX();
         int y = (int)pageFormat.getImageableY();
         g.translate(x, y);
         if (pageIndex == 0) {
         return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS;
         } else {
         return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE;
         public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
         final JFrame frame = new JFrame("Printing Graphics");
         Container contentPane = frame.getContentPane();
         final Component printIt = new MyComponent();
         contentPane.add(printIt, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         JButton button = new JButton("Print");
         contentPane.add(button, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
         ActionListener listener = new ActionListener() {
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
         DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PRINTABLE;
         PrintService printService =
         DocPrintJob job = printService.createPrintJob();
         PrintJobListener pjlistener = new PrintJobAdapter() {
         public void printDataTransferCompleted(PrintJobEvent e) {
         public void printJobCompleted(PrintJobEvent objPJEvent) {
         public void printJobFailed(PrintJobEvent objPJEvent) {
         public void printJobNoMoreEvents(PrintJobEvent objPJEvent) {
         PrintRequestAttributeSet pras =
         new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
         DocAttributeSet das = new HashDocAttributeSet();
         Doc doc = new SimpleDoc(printIt, flavor, das);
         try {
         job.print(doc, pras);
         } catch (PrintException pe) {
         frame.setSize(350, 250);;

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