Ipad 2 crash with mail and contacts

Help, my mail, contacts and calendar settings now won't open after updating to new software (iOS 5). Tried rebooting, tried restoring - nothing working!

Hey Mook,
Have you managed to sort it? I ended up ringing the Apple helpline and he talked me through a few things. If I can remember rightly I backed up what I needed and then did a restore through itunes. At the point where it asks 'do you want to back up from.....' he told me to unplug it. It seemed to do the trick.
As I can't remember al the steps exactly I advise you to call the Apple help!
Good Luck.

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    1.      Log onto Outlook Web Access
    2.      Top right hand part of the screen select "Options"
    3.     Select "See All Options"
    4.      Select "Phone" menu
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    Please follow these directions to delete the Mail "sandbox" folder.
    Back up all data.
    Triple-click the line below to select it:
    Right-click or control-click the highlighted line and select
    Services ▹ Reveal
    from the contextual menu.* A Finder window should open with a folder named "com.apple.mail" selected. If it does, move the selected folder — not just its contents — to the Desktop. Leave the Finder window open for now.
    Quit and relaunch Mail, and test. If the problem is resolved, you may have to recreate some of your Mail settings. You can then delete the folder you moved and close the Finder window. If you still have the problem, quit Mail again and put the folder back where it was, overwriting the one that may have been created in its place. Post your results.
    Caution: If you change any of the contents of the sandbox, but leave the folder itself in place, Mail may crash or not launch at all. Deleting the whole sandbox will cause it to be rebuilt automatically.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C). In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar, paste into the box that opens (command-V). You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.

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    7. Calendar event reappears on my iPhone
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    This step-by-step article describes how to copy or how to move your Personal Address Book (PAB) from one computer to another
    On all installations, including those with no e-mail accounts, Microsoft Outlook creates a default Outlook Address Book. The Outlook
    Address Book consolidates all your Outlook Contacts folders. The Outlook Address Book is a virtual address book instead of a physical address book because Outlook does not store the Outlook Address Book as a file that is separate from your data store. The
    Outlook Address Book provides a view to your Contacts folders. 
    Unlike the Outlook Address Book, a personal address book (PAB) is a physical address book that Outlook stores on disk that is separate
    from your data store. You can add one PAB to an e-mail profile, and use the PAB to store additional contact information.
    You can use the PAB to store personal addresses or to store other contact information that you want to keep separate from your other
    Outlook data. Additionally, you can use a PAB to share addresses with other users. The PAB uses a .pab file name extension, and Outlook creates the PAB file when you add the PAB to your e-mail profile.
    How to identify the PAB file that your e-mail profile uses
    Start Outlook.
    On the Tools menu, click E-mail Accounts.
    Under Directory, click View or change existing directories or address books, and then click Next.
    Under You can choose a directory or address book below to change or remove it, click Personal Address Book, and then
    click Change.
    Note the path of your PAB file that is in the Path box. You will require this information to find the PAB file in step 3 in the "How to copy the PAB file to
    a second computer" section of this article. 
    For example, C:\Exchange\Mailbox.pab indicates that a PAB named Mailbox.pab is located on a Microsoft Exchange folder on your drive C.
    Click OK, and then click Finish to close all dialog boxes.
    On the File menu, click Exit.
    How to copy the PAB file to a second computer
    Quit all e-mail programs.
    Start Microsoft Windows Explorer.
    In the Folders pane, expand the folders to locate the PAB file whose path you took note of in step 5 in the "How to identify the PAB File that your e-mail profile
    uses" section of this article.
    Copy the PAB file to a 3.5 inch disk, and then use that disk to copy the PAB file to the second computer. Note the path of the PAB file on the second computer. 
    For example, if you copy the PAB file named Mailbox.pab to a folder that is named Address Book on drive C, the path of the address book is as follows:
    C:\Address Book\Mailbox.pab
    Alternatively, if your two computers are on the same network, you can copy the PAB file from the source computer to a network share on the second computer.
    For more information about how to perform this task in Microsoft Windows, see your Windows printed documentation or your online Help. 
    Note You can save the PAB file in any folder on the destination computer as long as you remember the location.
    How to configure your second computer to use the new PAB file
    If you do not have the Personal Address Book service in your e-mail profile on the second computer, you must add the service before
    you can add the new PAB file to your profile. To add the Personal Address Book service for the new PAB file, follow these steps:
    Start Outlook.
    On the Tools menu, click E-mail Accounts.
    Under Directory, click Add a new directory or address book, and then click Next.
    Click Additional Address Books, and then click Next.
    In the Additional Address Book Types box, click Personal Address Book, and then click Next.
    In the Path box, type the path of the PAB file that you copied to the second computer in step 4 in the "How to copy the PAB file to a second computer" section
    of this article. Alternatively, you can click Browse to locate the PAB file.
    Click OK.
    If you receive the The E-mail account you have just added will not be start until you choose Exit from the file menu, and then restart Outlook prompt, click OK.
    On the File menu, click Exit, and then restart Outlook. Your new PAB is now available.
    If you have the Personal Address Book service in your e-mail profile on the second computer, you can change the service to use the
    new PAB file. To change an existing Personal Address Book service to use the new PAB file, follow these steps:
    On the second computer, start Outlook.
    On the Tools menu, click E-mail Accounts.
    Under Directory, click View or change existing directories or Address Books, and then click Next.
    In the Outlook processes e-mail for these accounts in the following order list, click Personal Address Book, and
    then click Change.
    On the Personal Address Book tab, type the path of the PAB file that you copied to the second computer in step 4 in the "How to copy the PAB file to a second
    computer" section of this article. Alternatively, you can click Browse to locate the PAB file.
    Click the PAB file, click OK, and then click Finish.
    On the File menu, click Exit.
    Quit and then restart Outlook. Your new PAB is now available.
    Note There can be only one Personal Address Book service per e-mail profile. There is not a method for merging
    one PAB file with another. You can use the Outlook Import and Export Wizard to merge the active PAB entries in your Contacts folder. 
    Additionally, you can add both recipients and distribution lists to contacts that are in the Personal Address Book interface in
    Microsoft Office Outlook 2003. 
    For more information about the Outlook Import and Export Wizard, click Microsoft
    Office Outlook Help on the Help menu,
    type Outlook Import and Export Wizard in
    the Search for box
    in the Assistance pane, and then click Start searching to
    view the topic.

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    [NAND] start:220 this 0x9c0b6c00 PROVIDER=0x9c0b5c00 flashmedia=0x9c0b5c00
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    [NAND] WMR_Start:174 FIL_Init   [OK]
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    Many thanks,

    Have you tried resetting it? I.e. Hold down the sleep/wake button and the Home button simultaneously until you see the Apple logo appear, then release them and see if the iPad will startup okay.

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    Just a guess but if the exchange account is from your employer, your employer may have installed a security profile to your device preventing you from adding or editing contacts in the exchange account by removing the Default Account setting.  You would need to check with your employer's IT department to confirm this.  You could also test this by adding a Gmail account and turning on contacts syncing with Gmail to see if the setting reappears.

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    facing the same problem, it was syncing prior to my upgrade to Lion. have you managed to find a solution?

  • Problems with Mail and Safari

    I'm running OS 10.11 and am having some consistent problems with Mail and Safari on my MacPro Dual 2.66. Here they are:
    Sometimes, for no apparent reason, selecting these applications from the dock no longer opens the application (or a new window if already opened), but causes them to be revealed in the finder.
    In Safari, when this problem occurs, another symptom seems to be that new windows will ONLY open in a new tab, even though I have preferences set to open links in a new window. If I click on a bookmark within a folder in the bookmark toolbar, Safari will open ALL the bookmarks in the folder in new tabs!!
    In Mail, when I open my Inbox, clicking on various messages will highlight (in blue) ALL the messages I'm clicking on, instead of simply displaying the highlighted message in the reader.
    The only way to get things back to normal is to reboot my machine, which is getting to be a total drag, especially since this seems to happen fairly often.
    One other thing that may be related- if my screen saver is running, and I move the mouse to go to an active screen, the computer will "freeze." It stays like this indefinitely- I figured out that if I press the button on the machine itself it will go to sleep, and I can wake it up and then everything is fine, but I don't understand what's going on.
    I have tried using Disk Utility and Disk Warrior, and have used OnyX to clean out my system cache and aall sorts of other stuff, but to no avail.
    Is anybody else experiencing any of this? I'm starting to get really frustrated. Thanks for any advice.

    I had posted earlier that I had Flash payer problems and then QuickTime and PDF preview problems too, on my Intel PowerMac. I could not figure out what the problem was, because fixing permissions and moving plugins did not work. Console indicated that the Quicktime components were not found, with the problem in a webkit pref file somewhere (nil field value). Anyway, I bailed and reinstalled Leopard from a 10.5.0 DVD, and then updated using the combo updater to 10.5.3. Everything worked. Then, after the 'Java for Mac OSX 10.5 Update 1', it all broke again. This time, repairing permissions resulted in:
    User differs on "System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.4.2/Home/lib/jvm.cfg", should be 0, user is 95.
    User differs on "System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.4.2/Libraries/classlist" , should be 0, user is 95.
    Now it all works again. This is obviously a flaw with the Java update, and also somehow Disk Utility did not find it earlier. Anyway, take a look at reverting the Java update, or manually changing user for those files (I suppose user 0 is root, but maybe it is nobody).

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    in apple store no ipad unlock for cellular if i bring it with cellular from america does it work in JORDAN ??

    US iPads are not locked to a carrier. Don't buy a Verizon or Sprint model, though.

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