IPad and osx comparability

Love my iPad
Loosing my love for apple.
Before purchasing iTunes updated so it was compatible with iPad
What happened - come to synch and needs osx5
I am running 4
Apple now only selling snow leopard. Choice only appears to be second hand copy on eBay.
Why doesn't apple sell (or even give away) old software like osx 5?
Why is not compatible with 4?
Come on apple - loyal advocates like myself are being badly treated I feel!

You are just talking to other users like yourself here, not Apple, and none of us know the answers to your questions. Apple did publish iPad system requirements Jan. 27, 2 months before release, so customers could consider that before purchasing.
Here is where to give Apple your views on all that:

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    I have new a Mac Mini Server. With my MBP I can connect to the server, iCal and Addresses syncs fine between Server and MBP.
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    Not exactly true. Right now - yes there is no sync between address book and OSX Server, however, since you have a 10.6.X server CardDAV is a function that is supported.
    iOS 4.0 (which is due for the iPhone in a week or so) does have built in support for CardDAV accounts.
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    See if the suggestions offered here help.
    More details on your upgrade would help. For example, did you upgrade to Mavericks from Snow Leopard or did you simply upgrade from 10.9.0 to 10.9.1.

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    on Mac OS X there is no icloud enabled apps at this time. iWork09 for Mac wont sync your data to iCloud.
    To get documents to the cloud and thus to your IOS5 devices you need to visit www.icloud.com/iwork and manually upload your files  ( or use drag and drop from Mac Desktop to the browser ).
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    You are a bit early.
    Wait for a few month.  iCloud Photo Library (Beta) and the Photos.app for Mac are being beta tested now and will be available soon on your Mac. Then you can store your photo library in iCloud and keep optimised versions of your photos on your Mac locally, with the full sized versions in iCloud. And all your devices will be able to access the photos in iCloud.
    See Apple's preview of the new Photos for Mac:  http://www.apple.com/osx/photos-preview/
    Fill your library, not your device.
    iCloud Photo Library can help you make the most of the space on your devices. When you choose "Optimize Mac Storage", it stores all your full-resolution photos and videos in iCloud in their original formats, while keeping storage-saving versions on each device. When you make an edit, the original image will download automatically. You get 5GB of free storage in iCloud — and as your library grows, you have the option to choose a plan for up to 1TB.
    and also:  Photos for the Mac Is Clean, Fast, Connected — and Unfinished
    The iPads and iPhones can already do it, but the Mac can only access this library using the web interface,  see:  iCloud Photo Library beta FAQ
    Use the time, till Photos will be released, to consolidate your photo library. Get all places and faces tagged, all keywords, titles,  and ratings ready, duplicates removed, events and albums well structured, and when Photos will be released, you can simply let it migrate the iPhoto or Aperture library to iCloud Photo Library.  Enable "Optimize Storage" and you will be able to have the bulk of your photos in iCloud.

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    It is erratic, obscure and totally unreliable as well as being a huge waste of my time.
    If I follow the iTunes instructions as well as the iCloud.com instructions generally nothing happens.
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    According to the settings it says it is sharing with the iPod Touch, but nothing happens.
    Previously a few events appeared belatedly at some later time, often after the event they were supposed to announce. Currently nothing is syncing.
    Most frustratingly I can't sync my Address Book/Contacts so have to manually include all the contact info in all my individual devices and systems.
    Has anybody got a surefire method of making the sync happen?

    Csound1 wrote:
    PeterBreis0807 wrote:
    My take on what is supposed to happen is that the data is stored in Apple's iCloud server no matter how you put it there.
    That's correct but your 10.6.8 machine has no way to put it there unless you manually enter it on the website.
    That to sync data from iCal and Address Book in Snow Leopard to the iCloud server you must manually register and connect to the iCloud.com website which I have done.
    You can't sync from Address Book or iCal in Snow Leopard.
    PeterBreis0807 wrote:
    My take on what is supposed to happen is that the data is stored in Apple's iCloud server no matter how you put it there.
    That to sync data from iCal and Address Book in Snow Leopard to the iCloud server you must manually register and connect to the iCloud.com website which I have done.
    The syncing to the same data in Mountain Lion is done via the System Preferences > iCloud, which I have done.
    Supposedly that means the data on the iCloud server is then shared between the iPod Touch, SL and ML, but it is not.
    Because data entered on the SL machine never makes it from iCal or AB to iCloud or from iCloud to AB or iCal, the link breaks there.. You can use a 3rd party app (Soho) and use it instead of AB and iCal.
    But the problem exists on ML as well.
    I get only some Contacts and iCal events transferring.
    What you are seeing is probably from SL account which I use 95% of the time. Particularly my Address Book entries. I hardly entered any of those in ML, they virtually all come from SL and seem to have transferred previously. Possibly before the latest iOS updates, but I can't swear to that as I didn't check before/after.
    The vast majority of my Address Book entries appear in both iCloud.com and my iPod Touch, but not my latest changes.
    This is far from the "It just happens!" promised by Apple.

  • Handoff: No connection between iPad and iPhone

    Handoff: No connection between iPad and iPhone (IOS 8).

    Hi raydela,
    I understand your calls aren't being transferred between devices.
    Check out the troubleshooting in this article.
    Get help using Continuity with iOS 8
    If a call doesn't transfer to your other devices, or you don't see the Handoff icons
    Make sure that your devices are using iOS 8 or later by going to Settings > General > Software Update.
    Check your settings:
    Go to Settings > Wi-Fi and turn on Wi-Fi if necessary.
    Go to Settings > Bluetooth and turn on Bluetooth if necessary.
    Make sure your iOS devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network by going to Settings > Wi-Fi and comparing the name of the network each is on.
    Go to Settings > General > Handoff & Suggested Apps and turn on Handoff.
    Go to Settings > Phone and turn off Wi-Fi Calling.
    Best Regards,

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    Have got Keynote in my mac. Downloaded keynote for my ipad and I had to pay for it. is it not supposed to be free since i have a version of it in my macbook?

    No, those are different apps... The one for your Mac is the computer version, and looks different. Both are developed for their separate OS's: iOS and OSX.

  • IPad (and iPhone 4) upload speed on wi-fi very slow - any thoughts?

    Both my "i devices" - an iPad and iPhone 4 are very slow for upload speeds on wi-fi. For example, here are the results of using speedtest.net on my iMac 21.5", iPhone 4 and iPad just now:
    iMac: download 38.39 Mbps, upload 19.22 Mbps (so the wi-fi network itself has good upload speeds)
    iPhone 4: download 21.17 Mbps, upload 0.39 Mbps (why so slow?!)
    iPad: download 23.66 Mbps, upload 0.71 Mbps (why so slow?!)
    The wireless router is an Airport Extreme updated to the latest firmware.
    I've seen screenshots of other people's iPad and iPhone speedtest.net tests where the upload speed over wi-fi doesn't suffer compare to download like mine does, by a factor of 54!
    I've seen postings here and there by people with similar problems. Are there any solutions? Are my iPad and iPhone 4 bad? Are they incompatible with my Airport Extreme? Are there "settings" somewhere that can help with the problem?
    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Hi, Carolyn.
    Perhaps so. Maybe there are certain kinds of connections which are better suited for iPads and iPhones than others. But the download speed on neither device seem to have problems. It's just the upload speed.
    I did try several channels yesterday - 6 through 13 - but it didn't seem to make a difference.
    Why would trashing my Mac preference files and restarting my Mac help anything? My Mac isn't having any problems.
    Oh, by the by, on my iPhone at least I already tried resetting Network preferences. I even did a Reset > Erase All Content and Settings and re-installed my iPhone 4 from scratch. While still in a "vanilla state" before restoring from my backup, I tried testmyiphone.com via Safari and got similar results - very poor upload.
    The 3G connection also fluctuates between "so so" (1-2 Mbps down, 0.8 Mbps up) and really horrible (0.2 Mbps down and 0.05 Mbps up).
    I did just try your suggested "reset networks" on my iPad. This time I got a download of 13.26 Mbps and upload of 2.2 Mbps on the first test. On the 2nd test I got about the same download, but an upload speed of just 0.63 Mbps.
    So something's still wrong.

  • No Connection beween iPad and Pc

    Deat all my IPad and my pc Windows 7  is Not able to Push contacts or calender notes and so on. I did the Installation as described but it is Not wolkig nö Connection bewegen pc and iPad  have anybody any Ideal about my Problem. Tanks for your comments

    Hi raydela,
    I understand your calls aren't being transferred between devices.
    Check out the troubleshooting in this article.
    Get help using Continuity with iOS 8
    If a call doesn't transfer to your other devices, or you don't see the Handoff icons
    Make sure that your devices are using iOS 8 or later by going to Settings > General > Software Update.
    Check your settings:
    Go to Settings > Wi-Fi and turn on Wi-Fi if necessary.
    Go to Settings > Bluetooth and turn on Bluetooth if necessary.
    Make sure your iOS devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network by going to Settings > Wi-Fi and comparing the name of the network each is on.
    Go to Settings > General > Handoff & Suggested Apps and turn on Handoff.
    Go to Settings > Phone and turn off Wi-Fi Calling.
    Best Regards,

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