IPhone 4 IOS5.1 Screen blacks out

Hi all. I've updated my IOS to 5.1 on my iPhone 4 and I'm getting a repeated issue where the screen will randomly go black very quickly as if it's gone to sleep. It happens predominantly whilst using the camera but on occassion whilst using various apps. I've tried touching the screen to 'wake' it but that doesn't work and I can only reactivate the phone by pressing the home button which brings the phone back to the homescreen.
The camera also takes a long time to wake. Often it will open and display the closed apperture image for a good few seconds.
Is it worth my while downgrading to IOS 5.0 and waiting for a bug fix?

I am having the same issue on 5.1.1 (Snowbreeze jailbreak, BB 04.12.01) It has shut down 4 times, usually while using the camera. The screen goes black, or to multicolored stripes. It will only come back with a hard reset. Is this a software issue since others seem to be experiencing similar symptoms?

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    If this problem occurs while calling then please do the following
    Hold your phone in the hand and try calling to your home no(dont take it near to your ear)
    Iphone should not blacks out (if it works as per this step)
    let your home phone keeps ringing and now lift your phone near to your ear
    now you should see your phone should blacks out
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    if this is not the case then take to Apple store
    Hope your phone works ... njoy

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    1st, u could just restart ur home, pressing the home and power botton together for few sec,if it wont work .....
    2nd, try restore ur phone with itune, and it ****** me off last time when i dont normally backup with my itune after the icould thing showup, so restore with icloud backup wont 100% work, if not just try restore from older icloud backup. if it still wont work.....
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    - A reset. Nothing is lost
    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory settings/new iPod
    If you still have the problem that indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    If not under warranty, Apple will exchange your iPod for a refurbished one for this price:
    Apple - Support - iPod - Repair pricing
    A third-party place might be less expensive. Here is one. Google for more.
    iPhone Repair, Service & Parts: iPod Touch, iPad, MacBook Pro Screens

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    You are still under warranty.  Call Apple Care. Make sure you get a case number as all repairs have an additional 90 days of warranty. 
    #1 - You have 14 days from the date of purchase to return your computer with no questions asked.
    #2 - You have 90 days of FREE phone tech support.
    #3 - You have the standard one year Apple warranty.
    #4 - If you've purchased an AppleCare Protection Plan, your warranty last for 3 years.   You can obtain AppleCare anytime up to the first year of the purchase of your computer.
    Take FULL advantage of your warranty.  Posting on a message board should be done as a last resort and if you are out of warranty or Apple Care has expired.

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    Hi Julie,
    Obviously no one can predict with certainty what the future will bring, but if I were in your shoes, I would certainly think there was worse to come.
    Many things could be causing this, but it sounds like a short circuit or bad connection, possibly with the display cables running through the hinges, or where they connect to the logic board. It could also be a sign of the display dying, though they usually just get dimmer and dimmer or simply die.
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     first of all my laptop is : HP Pavilion dv6-6160se Entertainment Notebook
    to the problem now
    A few days ago my laptops screen started  out of a sudden shutting down/turning black( no lights at all ). This was happening while using the laptop at random. The screen  had no lights, and if i use a flashlight on it there is nothing. like its turned off completelly.
    Before this happens. Ths behavior varies. Sometimes it flickers from my desktop to a black screen then back on and some times not. Most of the times screen changed to a radom color (green mostly) then becomes black/shuts down.
     NOTE: The laptop keeps runing, i can hear the videos playing so it probably isnt a gpu chip or gpu issue , music and games.
    I searched the web for all kind of reasons that this could happen and tried some of the fixes .
    Here are everything i tried and all or the details i could accumulate in past coupe of days:
    1. If the screen flickers , blacks out and then turns back on i get a message that gpu drivers have stopped working and recovered (  on both amd and intel ).
    2. If the screen blacks out, on rare ocasions if you close the laptop lid and let the laptop go to sleep , when waking up screen works again ( noticable due to screen moving)
    3. I tried installing 4 different drivers all with clear install. ( didn't work)
    4. I tried to  to recover system with restore point. ( didn't work)
    5. I tried to lower the screen brightness. ( didn't work)
    6. tried this trick: 
    Turn off laptop
    Remove battery
    Hold the power buttong for 30-45 seconds
    Plug-in the charger ( dont put the battery in )
    Turn on laptop and see if it works.
    Very Noticable details:
    7.  Since  on of the rare fixes requires to move the lid  i tried shaking the screen a bit or pushing it slightly to different directions. This actually  does the trick and turns the screen back on ( i am right now typing  this after using this "trick"
    So, with this one as a hint there are a couple of stuff i have in mind but i am not sure  and need help since i am not a technician.
    a) There is a loose LCD cable and when i type a little vibration moves it and ends up in a black screen.
    b) I read that if you use a flashlight and you cant see  your desktop it means its a bad inverter.
    c) Can the inverter have a lose cabe instead of the lcd ?
    That's all the feedback i could give you that i can recall now.
    Currecntly the screen looks ok ( maybe its the certain angle it has after i moved it  so i would aprecciate a fast reply before  it goes black again
    EDIT: Tried to play a game for a few mins and i got the black screen again. Closed the lid  so the laptop goes in sleep mode then opened it and it worked. Just for the records.
    EDIT#2: Just tried to play a game again. got the blackscreen, shaked the screen a bit and it worked but for the 1st time i get the message " Application has been blocked from accessing graphics hardware" , Can it be that its the GPU after all or maybe drivers? 
    EDIT#3: Tried to play a game again and it seem to trigger the issue . ( i am currently running the laptop with only the intel drivers installed)
    thanks in advance
    P.S. Please feel free to ask me any question if you need more information, i am not a laptop expert but i know   more than the average person
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hi @Ntas 
    I have read through your post and it seems there are a couple of possibilities, and I noted that you have already tried several of the things I would normally suggest.
    I will however post some of those links anyway for you to review, it is always possible there may be something in one of them that may have been missed or may inspire an idea of the cause. Since you mentioned that sometimes just moving the screen will cause the problem or make it disappear, that does seem like either a loose connection or maybe something like pressure on a part of the display causing the issue.  Of course that last part may just mean the display is on its last legs, but hopefully not.
    First I will give you a link to the service manual, to help you check the connections. Just be careful to read the sections on precautions, to protect yourself and to prevent any other damage.This manual is also useful in that it lists all the compatible parts, so if the display is defective you could use this guide to help order a compatible replacement if you choose to do so. HP Pavilion dv6 Notebook PC - Maintenance and Service Guide
    Here are some other sources, that may be helpful to you.
    Resolving Problems with Notebook Displays (Windows 7 and Windows 8)
    Diagnosing a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) for Damage
    Also for your convenience here is the drivers page for your notebook.
    HP Pavilion dv6-6160se Entertainment Notebook PC Drivers
    I hope this all helps.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click Accept as Solution if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click Kudos Thumbs Up on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    Anybody know what happen if iphone can not power On (black-out)? only connected external power source then it will show connect to itune. 
    all information lost & software can not be restored (Error 1611). Thanks.

    error 1611 http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3694#error1611

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    What to Do When Your iPad Won't Turn On
    http://ipad.about.com/od/iPad_Troubleshooting/ss/What-To-Do-When-Your-Ipad-Wo-No t-Turn-On.htm
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    iPad Frozen? How to Force Quit an App, Reset or Restart Your iPad
    http://ipadacademy.com/2010/11/ipad-frozen-how-to-force-quit-an-app-reset-or-res tart-your-ipad
    iPad: Basic troubleshooting
     Cheers, Tom

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    Hi Vaish,
    I’d like to help you with this issue as we can try to increase the Brightness of the screen from the power options while plugged in,
    And then please if still the same we can try to uninstall the Lenovo Energy management and reinstall it back:
    Lenovo Energy Management for Microsoft Windows 8
    Lenovo Energy Management for Microsoft Windows 7
    Hope the information helps. Let us know.
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    Follow @LenovoForums on Twitter!

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    The problem does not exist when I start windows xp through VMware Fusion.
    Did anyone encounter the same problem??
    I just bought the iMac a few days.

    Thanks for your reply, I have a wireless mouse/keyboard & called manufacturer to test both & they told me to plug the wired ones in & they did not work & the laptop has no plug for wired ones because those have rounded ends, laptop has wrong size/shape usb ports, so there is no way to test them on laptop, so now I'm hoping you or someone has an idea of what to do next, thank you for your ideas.
    Teddy2014 wrote:
    had the same issue, un plugged mouse, reconnected in another port and it worked. Bought another mouse, all is well

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    Can anyone advise if their are any OTA updates or downloads that will sort this out or is it just a "live with it" firmware flaw?

    Try do the soft reset (Restore Factory Settings in the Settings). If it still doesn't work well, try to do the hard reset. Before doing this, please create a backup as the hard reset will remove all your files.
    If the hard reset does not even help, you may have to take the phone to the nearest Nokia Care.
    Let me know if it works.
    If I have helped you in any way, give me a kudos!

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