IPhone 5C - Camera Issue

Had my iPhone 5C for about 3 months now, but I've only recently I've noticed a problem with the main camera. Every time I try and take a video I get a loud white noise hissing sound that I can't seem to get rid of. It's so overpowering that I can't even hear the sound of my own voice when I playback a video, let alone anything else.
The front facing camera on the other hand is fine and has no problems. I'm not really sure what's wrong with the phone, thinking maybe there's a problem with the internal microphone, but I don't know this for certain. Is there a way to resolve this issue or will I have to take my iPhone for repair?
Any help on this would be appreciated.

I have attached a print screen which will show what the issue is!

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    Thannks & regards,

    That often happens with cameras when you take pictures of a computer screen. LCD screens "flicker" and the camera will often catch the flicker.

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    when your r on your camera app, press and hold the sleep/wake button and after 4 secs you'll see the red slide of power off option. without sliding that, just press and hold the home button until the camera app quits. This will reset the app.
    If this doesnt work, go to your comp and delete the softwareupdate.ipsw file from itunes media folder (if you've previoulsy updated or restored) and do a restore. this will download a new update file from apple server that will be error free.

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    Have not seen this issue, but keep an eye on it so to not miss the warranty period. If it does it again, take it to apple and get a replacement.

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    ( jpND01 ) try going into Game Center, and see if your camera has an image in that App. By no means is that a fix, it just lets you know that your cameras are working. There aren't any of the cool (New Camera App) features there, just snap a picture for Game Center Profile.
    Note: I am a member of Game Center, the Add Photo to ID comes right up when you open the App, don't know if that option is there if a none member.

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    I don't see anything, but I might be blind. If there's a bit of blurring on the edge, it's easy to crop.
    The reason it might be blurry is because of how the iPhone takes a photo. You might think it's an instant capture of the whole scene, but it actually quickly captures the image from left to right. You might be seeing a small amount of jiggling as the image is captured. A real camera, using a CMOS image detector is much faster. A good digital camera can go up to ISO 6400 with 1/1000 speed (OK, only in very bright light).
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    Thanks everyone, and Happy Holidays to all!

    Hi KiltedTim. Thanks, yes, I will definitely have to do this if I can't get rid of it - just so annoying, because won't be able to go for a while, until after the Christmas holidays, which means I'll be without my cool iPhone camera!
    Also - the one thing I forgot to mention in my original post is that I took several photos which all came out perfectly. The issue only happened after the first time I switched HDR mode on and then turned it back off.
    Thanks for your help,
    Any more suggestions out there anyone? Thanks all!

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    Why didn't Apple put the flash away from the lens to avoid this issue?
    Sample 1 without flash:
    Sample 1 with flash:
    Sample 2 without flash:
    Sample 2 with flash:
    Message was edited by: Venomrush

    I thought this was a problem when I first used my flash, but realized I had my finger too close to the flash and it was reflecting off of my finger.. Just make sure the light is not bouncing off of something in the environment that is close to the LED i.e. fingers..

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    Thank you for your help.


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    well I thought that the iPhone is supposed to be held in a way that the two loudspeaker buttons are on top (just as you would take a picture with a regular camera) when you take a picture. Isn't this correct??

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    after this issue i take it to service center they replaced my phone and gave me a new one
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    now what to do

    Basic troubleshooting from the User's Guide is reset, restart, restore (first from backup then as new).  Try each of these in order until the issue is resolved.

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    Hi. Is this still happening? I'm a journalist with TomGuide.com tracking iPhone 6 camera issues. Does it look anything like the situation in this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLv1OneOI6U
    Thanks. Sean

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    I would have had the phone looked at long before a month of problems.
    First thing to try is to reset your device. Press and hold the Home and Sleep buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo appears. Let go of the buttons and let the device restart. See if that fixes your problem.
    If that doesn't help Make an appointment at an Apple Store to have your device examined by a technician. Or contact Apple Support. You phone is under warranty and someone at an Apple store can help you.

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