IPhone 6 display resolution 1136x640

My problem is the following, in the different benchmark apps over the AppStore, in all of it, my iPhone has lower resolution that the original resolution said by Apple, now my question, there's a posibility that my iPhone 6 was another model with the bad specifications?
I own the iPhone 6 model A1549 (unlock gsm t-mobile edition)
Thanks for any help you can bring

There is no lower resolution model. I think it's safe to say that whatever app you installed reporting the resolution is faulty.

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    <li>Full APEX version
    <li>Full DB/version/edition/host OS
    <li>Web server architecture (EPG, OHS or APEX listener/host OS)
    <li>Browser(s) and version(s) used
    <li>Region/item type(s)
    You've been posting here for years. You know this basic information is necessary to understand and reproduce problems.
    If you're looking for help it doesn't seem unreasonable that you make the effort to provide a full, clear but concise description of the problem or requirement.

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    Page 13
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    Hi there gen2014,
    You may find the information in the article below helpful.
    OS X Mavericks: Adjust your display resolution
    You can connect a second display and adjust its resolution. Once it’s connected, click Scaled, then select a resolution. Press the Option key while you click Scaled to see additional resolutions for the second display.
    If you continue to experience issues, take a look at the troubleshooting steps in the article below.
    Apple computers: Troubleshooting issues with video on internal or external displays
    -Griff W. 

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    Thank you,

    I have the exact same problem.
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    I am going to connect the screens in the following way:
    1x mini-dvi - HDMI to one screen.
    1x HDMI - HDMI to the other screen.
    Display Support:
    Dual Displays
    Resolution Support:
    *This model simultaneously supports 1920x1200 on an HDMI display or a DVI display using the included HDMI-to-DVI adapterand 2560x1600 on a Thunderbolt or Mini DisplayPort display or even a VGA display (with an optional Mini DisplayPort-to-VGA adapter, which is compatible with the Thunderbolt port).
    2nd Display Support:
    2nd Max. Resolution:
    *This model simultaneously supports 1920x1200 on an HDMI or a DVI display (using the included HDMI-to-DVI adapter) and2560x1600 on a Thunderbolt or Mini DisplayPort display or even a VGA display (with an optional Mini DisplayPort-to-VGA adapter, which is compatible with the Thunderbolt port).
    Thanks in advance

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    "Mac mini is designed to work with HDMI devices that comply with versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.2a, 1.3, 1.3a, and 1.4 of the HDMI specification."
    That should mean it should be able to support it, but I don't know : <
    HDMI version
    Date initially released
    December 9, 2002
    May 20, 2004
    August 8, 2005
    June 22, 2006
    May 28, 2009
    September 12, 2013
    Maximum clock rate (MHz)
    Maximum TMDS throughput per channel (Gbit/s) including 8b/10b overhead
    Maximum total TMDS throughput (Gbit/s) including 8b/10b overhead
    Maximum throughput (Gbit/s) with 8b/10b overhead removed
    Maximum audio throughput (Mbit/s)
    Maximum color depth (bit/px)
    Maximum resolution over single link at 24-bit/px[b]
    Maximum resolution over single link at 30-bit/px[c]
    Maximum resolution over single link at 36-bit/px[d]
    Maximum resolution over single link at 48-bit/px[e]
    Maximum 3D resolution (using a full resolution 3D format) over single link at 24-bit/px

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    Hello curtdav,
    It sounds like you are getting a graphical anomoly when unplugging an external monitor. I recommend these troubleshooting steps from the article named:
    Apple computers: Troubleshooting issues with video on internal or external displays
    Reset the system
    You can reset the Mac's parameter RAM and SMC.
    Reset the resolution
    Start by resetting the Mac's parameter RAM. If the display does not come up, was previously set to an unsupported resolution, and still results in no video:
    Start up in Safe Mode.
    From the Apple () menu, choose System Preferences.
    Choose Displays from the View menu to open the preferences pane.
    Select any resolution and refresh rate that your display supports.
    Restart your computer.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Take care,

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    Can anyone help me resolve this problem?

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    I have reached out  to this community as my Iphone display gone black and got the solution to keep home and power button pressed. It worked but I would like to know
    1. Why it went black and is there a permanent fix for this
    2.Will the IOS gets automatically updated as I feel the IOS was 5 when I got the phone in 2012 december
    3.Do you suggest 7.1 for Iphone 4

    1. There is no way of knowing. These things happen.
    2. The iOS only gets updated when you want it to be.
    3. You should always update to the latest iOS your phone will support. Apple do not write the updates to make your experience worse.

  • I purchased my iPhone from UK which is unlocked but Now I am back to My Origin i.e INDIA and unfortunately my iPhone Display get damaged and Now I have to Repair it but..... The Problem is "iSTORE in India Doesn't Helping me in this issue"

    I purchased my iPhone from UK which is unlocked.
    But Now I am back to My Origin Place i.e INDIA.
    And unfortunately my iPhone Display get damaged..  and Now I have to Repair it but.....
    The Problem is "iSTORE in India Doesn't Helping me in this issue".
    I would request APPLE please get this FIX as I am also your customer and now it is globalization.
    SO please find any way to get this fixed...
    Apple Customer care Please send me any Services note That I can show to iStore in India i.e (In Korum mall Thane, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India )
    So I can get my dispaly fixed in INDIA itself.
    Requested to please help me out of this issue..
    APPLE user

    They can provide some kind of way towards this solutions...
    1) Accept my UK iPhone in India courier it to Purchased Place (Repaired it)
    2) Accept my UK iPhone in India Take some difference assign me India iPhone.
    3) Accept my UK iPhone in India give me any option to ugreade to iPhone 5 (Indian).
    4) Accept my UK iPhone in India give me some Receipt (Courier me My new iPhone from UK).
    5) Approve my VISA for going to UK again as it not easy for INDIAN to go there with some kind of this Reason.
    6) Give the Postal Address where we can send our APPLE to get only Service and they can send it back to us if it got reparied.
    As no one would like to go UK only to Purchase APPLE..
    There are some personal reason they have to go to Other countries for ... and If some one is FAN of APPLE like me would do the same mistake that I have done..
    7) If the APPLE wanted to serve their customer they would have get to the solutions with their excellent mind.
         As far as I am concern I am just the USER of my FAV APPLE but.. .. I guess this policy would not keep me as the SAME FAN of APPLE as I am now...
    If this is not going to get solved I guess I have to start with other BRAND Like SAMSUNG S4 where I can get everything in my STATE..
    But YEH it not a right was to have this BAD policy.
    I just dont know why they are not coming ip with great solution for this issue in this tecnology world.
    Any help to find other BEST Brand who has awesome services..

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