IPhone administration from 2 machines

I'm a director of company and I own 2 computers. A 27" iMac at work and a 17" MacPro at home. I often want to load new content (movies/music) onto my iPhone at work. But as my phone is Synced with my home computer I loose all content if I Sync with my work computer to enable me to put the desired content on. I obviously have to go through the same process when I want to put content on at home after Syncing with my work computer. There has to be a more user friendly way to administer my content from 2 machines. Can anyone share how they would advise me how solve my issue?

well try the new 2.0.2 update and see if that makes a difference certainly can't hurt it seems

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    caxx wrote:
    Also very strange is that I don't have the folder "MobileSync" in /Library/Application Support/MobileSync on my computer. I can't find that folder anywhere.
    You need to go to ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/.
    The ~ indicates your User folder not the top level /Library/ folder.
    Click on the desktop, then hold Option and go to Finder menu Go and Library will be there (only when holding Option as it is hidden).

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    You don't really need to know where they are -- they're in a mailbox, just like any other mailbox, and can be browsed and restored like any "normal" mailbox.
    See #15 in the Frequently Asked Questions *User Tip,* also at the top of the +Time Machine+ forum.

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    Hi ...
    I've found a solution to my problem.
    Time Machine locates extenal HDD backups differently depending if they were done via a network or via a USB/FireWire/Thunderbolt connection.
    My initial backup was done via a direct Thunderbolt connection. I ran into the above issue b/c the second time when I tried looking for the backup file the HDD was conencted to my iMac and I was accessing it via a network conenction.
    I simply connected the drive directly to my MacBook pro and ... voila. I was able to see the backup, select the iPhoto library and begin the restore.
    Hope this helps.
    BTW - I found this out by reading the 'blue box' selection on this page: http://pondini.org/TM/E2.html
    (Thanks goes to Pondini!)

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    Please help or tell me what I should be doing instead.
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    Cheers in anticipation of your help

    Hi Lawrence. Thanks so much for that advice - I'm really grateful. I hope you don't mind me asking a couple more questions: I have found that folder via Finder - I clicked on Library then App Support then Mobile Sync and within that, there's a folder called Backup and within that, 4 files. I also tried accessing it via the Go/go to folder method you suggested (in case that revealed more which remain hidden unless I use your route) but I couldn't make that route work.
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    I hope the above makes sense. I'd be really grateful for any further advice.

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    I just restored my desktop calendar by unhiding the library. Then opened another window and put Time Machine in the dock. That way when I started Time Machine the hidden folder stayed open. Then it was just a matter of going back far enough before iCloud deleted stuff. But lots of things were duplicated because they are on both calendars.

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    Redownload all your purchased/free apps.
    How to redownload purchased apps from the App Store

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    Let me see if I've gotten this right! You want to remove an account from BOTH machines? Do this for your new machine first, then for the other.
    Click the Apple logo on the top left of the screen, System Preferences, Users and Groups (under Systems), unlock the lock in the window if its locked (you need to know the password), select the user that you wish to remove, and click the - sign next to the + sign for Login options. A window will pop up with some options. Select Delete this user and securely, and click 'Delete user'.
    After this, do an update from the App Store.
    Thats all there is to it.
    For the other machine repeat the process except for one thing. Before you delete the user in this case YOU, you will have to give Administrator priviledges to your son bu checking the box 'Allow user to administer this computer'.
    Do NOT do anything from Finder ... if you dont know how to fix the consequences of the problems caused.
    There is no need to unauthorize your iTunes account on your new machine. Do it on the old machine though.

  • Mail.app 4.1 does not work with 10.6.1 after restore from time machine

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    Detailed event log:
    2009-11-03 06:00 AM: Backup succeeded successfully via time machine on my time capsule
    2009-11-03 11:00 AM: Original laptop was broken. (Screen didn't work anymore)
    2009-11-03 03:00 PM: Got a temporary new Macbook Pro from my System Administrator.
    2009-11-03 09:00 PM: Successfully restored complete system on new temporary macbook using time machine with data of my time capsule. Everything looked the same (login image, installed applications, etc...). But when I tried to start Mail.app it gave me the above message.
    Can someone help me with this???
    Kind Regards,

    I've seen two possible solutions to this:
    1. Easier, but less likely to work - try to start mail from the Finder, rather than the Dock. If it works, replace the Dock Mail with the Finder one.
    2. More probably the solution: download and reinstall the 10.6.1 combo update. I know you shouldn't need to after a TM restore but ...

  • How do you delete file from time machine back up?

    How do you delete file from time machine back up?

    This from Apple KB Article  If Time Machine is not in your Dock, you can enter Time Machine from the Menu Bar or System Preferences.
    Deleting data from a Time Machine backup
    To delete all backups of one or more items from a Time Machine backup, follow these steps:
    Click the Time Machine icon on your Dock to enter the Time Machine restore interface.
    Click on the item you would like to delete. Command-click to select multiple items.
    Control-click (or right click) the highlighted item(s) and select "Delete All Backups of..." from the contextual menu, or select "Delete all backups of..." from the Action Item menu.
    Authenticate with an administrator password when prompted.

  • Restoring iCal from Time Machine

    I accidently deleted my calendars from iCal and then my blank iCal synced to mobileme and my iPhone so I lost everything. When I try to restore my iCal from Time Machine, it initially shows all my calendars when I open iCal, then it syncs to mobileme and I get a blank iCal again.
    Here's what I do:
    1. Quit iCal.
    2. Delete Calendar folder from Home>Library.
    3. Restore Calendar folder from Time Machine using the gear icon and "Restore to ..."
    Then when I open iCal it restores perfectly, then syncs to mobileme and erases again.
    After talking to an apple tech, he suggested going into iCal's preferences and deleting the mac.com and trying the above steps again. That doesn't work. I even tried going into System Preferences>MobileMe>Sync>Advanced>Reset Sync Data to replace info on mobileme with sync info from my computer. That didn't work either.
    What step am I missing to restore my iCal from Time Machine?

    You are welcome...thanks for your kind comments.
    I'm still having sync issues with MobileMe though, the "On My Mac" calendars aren't syncing to MobileMe.
    The "On My Mac" calendars will not sync to MobileMe. Did you complete Roger's checklist under the "Reconnect to the internet. Your MobileMe calendars will disappear as before. Now carry out the following process with each of the 'On My Mac' calendars:" paragraph?
    Syncing should be possible after carrying out those steps.

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    I had to erase my data to upgrade my iPhone software from an older version. I backed up first, but seem to have lost all my notes.   Does anyone know how retrieve my old notes?

    Is this the note you are referring to:
    Not sure if this can help you.
    I checked my notes. They are stored here:
    MacintosHD/Users/MYHOME/Library/Containers/com.apple.notes/Data/Library/CoreData /ExternalRecords/
    If I go tot this window on finder and enter Time Machine I can go back and find old notes...
    If so, am I doing this on my new hard drive on on the time machine? When I do this on the time machine, what is "my home"? Also, I am unable to find "containers".
    If I go to users/jeff/library, then I see components, compositions, contextual, etc, but not containers.

  • Multiple iPhone backups in Time Machine

    I have my wife's iPhone and she was charging it on our Mac via cable. Our iTunes is instructed not to sync automatically. We have two phones in iTunes. Child comes along and somehow resets or wipes phone: not sure which one.
    My question is, if I were to enter into Time Machine is it possible to discern which backup is for which phone? The phone is not synced often and I'm guessing the last one was in September, if she even synced at all during that month .
    I'm on os x10.8 which was a recent upgrade. Our previous version residing on Time Machine is SL. I have been told to be careful on the restore just in case we need to resort to other (cough) measures in order to (cough) the data.

    pcp0827 wrote:
    Is there a way to delete multiple backups in TIme Machine and not have to delete old files one by one by slow one by one?
    Yes, sort of.  You can delete indiividual backups, or all backups of selected items,via Time Machine.  See #12 in Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions.  You can only select one backup at a time, but they're deleted in a separate process, so you can select another before the first one completes.  When you exit from Time Machine, you may see one or more progress bars for the individual deletions.  (As noted there, never delete anything from your backups via the Finder.)
    But you really shouldn't have to do that.  Time Machine will delete your oldest backups automatically, when it needs room for new ones.

  • Recovering data from one machine to another

    Hi all;
    I've mentioned this in another thread but would really like to deal with it. Recently, I had to move my iPhone from one machine to another. All was well and I managed to move all my apps from one machine to the current one. The problem is with a purchased app called TripLog that stores data on driven mileage. On moving the app over, I didn't get the data.
    I contacted the software people and this is what I got:
    "As far as data, the iTunes software automatically backs up all data to the desktop. The "Apple data" (contacts, calendar, etc) are backed up to the corresponding desktop apps (Address Book, iCal, etc) but data from "3rd party" apps are backed up in an encrypted, totally nonaccessible (to anyone but iTunes) format. That is used by iTunes when you do a "Restore".
    "I would call Apple tech support if I were you, because unfortunately, that's all we know. The data IS somewhere on the desktop (I believe) but how you could transfer it to a new handheld I have no idea."
    So the question is, Where is that data stored? In my user/Music/iTunes/Mobile Apps folder there were three versions of this app. I tried moving them all over and kept getting dialogs asking me if I wanted to repace an older version with the newer ones I was moving over. Since my iPhone and the new host computer didn't have TripLog I assumed I should replace but now I am not sure.
    I can stil move over these files, but I have a feeling that they are not data so much as simply the app itself. Where is that data stored?
    For the record, I have moved files from an iMac G5 to a Macbook running 10.6.1 and iTunes 9.0.1 with an iPhone 3G running 3.0.1

    Many thanks!!! One more question; do I just move that file over and drag and drop or do I need to do an import into the folder, "Automatically Add to iTunes?" Further, will this affect all my data on the phone? For example, I have synced and made changes in things like iCal, Address Book, Mail, etc. Will the last few days be wiped out or replaced by the moved-in data?

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