IPhone Tip #1

To measure your iPhone typing skills in terms of words per minute, tap Safari and visit iphonetypingtest.com - another good iPhone typing trainer can be found at: voxifera.com/itypex

fun little toy thank you

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  • Hi, for Iphone tips page "see when a message was sent " , then how do I know that the message has been read?

    for Iphone tips page "see when a message was sent " , then how do I know that the message has been read? Thanks  

    Hi Bhavesh,
    Please see my replies inline:
    > 1. If i remember your ealier thread correct also, I
    > would suggest that you drill down in Where Did the
    > Error Occur. Instead of no restriction, select
    > Adapter Engine and also your Corresponding Adapter
    > and then trigger the error message and check if the
    > alert is triggered.
    When I click on "Where did the error occur" -> "Adapter Engine", I do not have a choice of errors from the dropdown. I only see one option "*".
    Is this right?
    > 2. ><i>When I click on "Alert Inbox" ->
    > "Subscription", I get a message "The table does not
    > contain any entries". Is this correct?</i>
    > Yes this is correct. You have defined in your alerts
    > as the option as FIED RECIPIENTS. You also have
    > options like Reciepients via User Role and
    > Subscription Authorization in ALRTCADTDEF.
    I see.
    I've also managed to overcome this problem by selecting "Subscription Authorization" in the Alert Category Definition page, and entering SAP_XI_MONITOR as one of the roles.
    After that, I am able to see a the alert category defined. By default it's already subscribed, because I'm using the same user - PISUPER.
    I saw in another post that the option "Suppress Multiple Alerts of this Rule" should be left unchecked. I tried that, but I still do not see any alerts raised in ALRTDISP.
    What did I miss?
    Please help.

  • More iphone tips--a great place to check out

    This has some nice shortcuts or tips you might not know about.

    Agreed! The punctuation trick is sweet - should quiet all those Blackberry-double-tap-spacebar-for-period fanatics.

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    Found this link among many other hits for the same with a Google search for "helpful iPhone tips".

  • Not only is the iPhone 6 unlocked, but the t-mobile phones work on verizon!

    if someone makes a youtube video or writes a news story about my post, this time around i really would appreciate some credit.  saying rigor mortis  from apple discussions' is good enough.
    it turns out that the iPhone 6 and 6 plus model numbers #1459 and #1522 are universal. and both have the CDMA radio enabled. However, Sprint models are still separate as far as i know. i did not test Sprint. but as far as AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon, go , it is the EXACT same phone. i was playing around with my iPhone 6 on launch day. i wanted to see if "ask maggie" was right and the phone was locked to a specific carrier. i tried the T-Mobile and AT&T sims that i had. they do not have service.
    however when i inserted my LIVE and ACTIVATED Verizon Sim into my iPhone 6 , my iPhone suddenly became a verizon iPhone. i was able to Place and Receive calls using CDMA, i was able to use DATA services, and i was able to send SMS messages. i assumed that VoLTE was not enabled. and it  was not. i assumed
    that you had to buy a Verizon model to get Volte. but i was wrong. it just took a while to activate. and i did see use VoLTE in settings, for Voice and DATA
    however, since the IMEI and MEID serial numbers are not listed with Verizon, you are not able to either Sign up to verizon, or to transfer service to your new iPhone 6. your service is still tied to your SIM card. and when the iPhone 6 is running and active with your sim card, your device listed on "MY Verizon" will be shown as NON VZW device and it will only show the sim card. but a pre-activated sim card pulling from another device will work in the iPhone 6.
    this is just like the iPad Air and the iPad Mini Retina. the only difference between these phones is the serial number is put in some list that tells someone which
    carrier it supposed to belong to, and if it is locked or not. and which sim card came with the device. other then that. there are no technical differences between them. except for sprint of course.
    whenever i inserted a new sim card into the iPhone 6, it automatically got carrier settings and changed its baseband.

    the iPhones 5, 5c and 5s, were all shipped with CDMA disabled in GSM iPhones. this is the first iPhone ever to come out where the CDMA radio was not disabled. that is why i posted this thread. because a lot of people assume that the CDMA is still disabled and they are repeating things from previous models of the iPhone, without bothering to check. if i have offended you by wanting to post a message so more people would know what exactly that LTE page says then I apologize. Heck, I'm seeing a lot of web pages like modern reader that are still telling people they have to wait a few months for apple to release the unlocked iPhones.
    which is totally untrue.
    here is a good thread where you can see people just assuming that the CDMA was disabled. and the phones had different base bands.
    the iPhone 6 sees your sim card and as long as its unlocked, downloads the new baseband on the fly. i don't know if this is a new feature
    with all the viral news about bend gate, i don't understand why you seem to want to criticize my positive post and suggesting that apple gives away this information. with all the bad news about bend gate and 8.0.1 bugs. its very hard for a single person like me to get a positive iPhone experience out and offer iPhone tips.
    when the iPad air and iPad mini retina came out, the universal support of T-Mobile - Verizon - AT&T and even sprint (under some circumstances) was big news. but now that we have bend gate and iOS 8.0.1 and bloggers who are just copying and pasting what the other blog says. no one seems to notice that the CDMA is turned on.

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    No easy way to do it like on the EVO or droid X which both have HDMI mini out for that exact same purpose. Apple wants you to buy their overpriced cables instead and then only display it in 480p max. YAY thanks apple for taking 2 steps backwards. I think apple just adopted the HDMI format for the mac mini but before it was nothing but the old OUTDATED DVI connection, lame. Try this link below. If it works for 3gs it should work for your iP4.
    http://justanotheriphoneblog.com/wordpress/iphone-tips/iphone-3gs-tip-how-to-tra nsfer-video-from-iphone-to-mac-quickly
    I know there is an app called QIK video pro that will record videos and let you stream them over your wireless network.
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    The fix described here might solve this YouTube connection error:
    good luck

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    No easy way to do it like on the EVO or droid X which both have HDMI mini out for that exact same purpose. Apple wants you to buy their overpriced cables instead and then only display it in 480p max. YAY thanks apple for taking 2 steps backwards. I think apple just adopted the HDMI format for the mac mini but before it was nothing but the old OUTDATED DVI connection, lame. Try this link below. If it works for 3gs it should work for your iP4.
    http://justanotheriphoneblog.com/wordpress/iphone-tips/iphone-3gs-tip-how-to-tra nsfer-video-from-iphone-to-mac-quickly
    I know there is an app called QIK video pro that will record videos and let you stream them over your wireless network.
    If you have a pc and a ps3 you can download the videos you took on your iphone to your pc and stream them to your ps3 using a free program called tversity or just put the avi files on a thumbdrive and plug and play via your ps3 or the usb input on your tv as long as its in a format your pc can handle and display. Confusing yet?

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    try clearing history and internet cache in your safari options in the setting menu... This can cause the Safari App to crash
    Also doing a reset cant hurt either
    hope this helps
    If this does not help you may want to do a restore from within iTunes
    and if none of the above helps then contact Apple 1-800-myiPhone
    hope this helps

  • When I try to sync my iPhone I get the message: The iPhone cannot be synced. You do not have enough access priveleges for this operation.

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    The iPhone won't sync anymore.  How can I fix this?

    This works even for my ipod on my computer. I recently time machined myself and when i open intunes it always does all that backgroud magic and  pops up saying "....You do not have enough access priveleges for this operation."
    It turns out i don't need that, because i do not use sync. I do not sync. I don't use the sync. I abstain from getting my sync on...etc.
    The first solution posted above works, i'll repeat it but  credit goes to King_Penguin a true friend from the motherland! Just find this one file and delete it.
    "I've found this which may (or may not) help : http://www.itjungles.com/iphone-tips/fixed-iphone-sync-error-you-do-not-have-eno ugh-access-privileges-for-this-operation . There's also this thread where the person had the same problem (though on Mac not Windows) http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=997075"
    I'll save you the legwork, heres what you'll find at that first link, and it works. Win the game!
    "When iTunes attempt to perform a photo synchronization for the first time it will try to create a folder on the computer called "iPod Photo Cache". You normally can located at:
    >User>Pictures>iPhoto Library>iPod Photo Cache.
    To fix this error just delete the folder."

  • TIPS For New Users (maybe some old users too)

    Tips for the new user. Most new Iphone users will be limited to 200 messages per month unless you opt to pay for more. If you find this is not enough and you would like unlimited FREE to SEND messages, check this out. Create a new address in your contact list using their cell phone number plus @teleflip.com. Example [email protected] Now send all the E-MAIL messages you want (e-mail is unlimited on Iphone) to this new address and the message will be delivered into their message box within seconds and it is FREE. The receiver will be charged as receiving one message but you will be charged with nothing.
    Looking for free hot spots for faster Internet connections in your area. Check out the web site jiwire.com. This information is also free.
    When typing in text in just about any application in Iphone, there is NO scrolling back to correct errors that you did not catch on the fly without deleting text. TIP: Place your finger on the cursor in the text screen and hold it. A small magnified spot will open with a cursor. Drag and drop the cursor to where ever you want to start your edit.
    If you are not familiar with POD CAST, you are missing a free treasure of information and entertainment. In ITunes, click on the ITunes Store. Then on the left side of the newly opened window, click on POD CAST. Here you will find many FREE POD CAST that you can subscribe to. There are also other sources for POD CAST but this is the easiest to get started on. Once you subscribe to a POD CAST, you can always cancel if you find it is not to your liking. Your selection will be downloaded to ITunes and then to your IPhone the next time you sync. I find these to be very informative and entertaining when I am waiting for the wife while she is shopping or killing time waiting for my next flight out. They can also be viewed while flying because they are already on your Iphone.

    Tips for the new user. Most new Iphone users will be limited to 200 messages per month unless you opt to pay for more. If you find this is not enough and you would like unlimited FREE to SEND messages, check this out. Create a new address in your contact list using their cell phone number plus @teleflip.com. Example [email protected]. Now send all the E-MAIL messages you want (e-mail is unlimited on Iphone) to this new address and the message will be delivered into their message box within seconds and it is FREE. The receiver will be charged as receiving one message but you will be charged with nothing.
    Looking for free hot spots for faster Internet connections in your area. Check out the web site jiwire.com. This information is also free.
    When typing in text in just about any application in Iphone, there is NO scrolling back to correct errors that you did not catch on the fly without deleting text. TIP: Place your finger on the cursor in the text screen and hold it. A small magnified spot will open with a cursor. Drag and drop the cursor to where ever you want to start your edit.
    If you are not familiar with POD CAST, you are missing a free treasure of information and entertainment. In ITunes, click on the ITunes Store. Then on the left side of the newly opened window, click on POD CAST. Here you will find many FREE POD CAST that you can subscribe to. There are also other sources for POD CAST but this is the easiest to get started on. Once you subscribe to a POD CAST, you can always cancel if you find it is not to your liking. Your selection will be downloaded to ITunes and then to your IPhone the next time you sync. I find these to be very informative and entertaining when I am waiting for the wife while she is shopping or killing time waiting for my next flight out. They can also be viewed while flying because they are already on your Iphone.

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    How about these:
    Apple - iPhone 5 - Learn some helpful iPhone tips and tricks.
    50 iPhone 5 tips and tricks - Opinion - Trusted Reviews

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