IPhone video specifications

I downloaded a TV show from iTunes that has a resolution of 853x480.
According to the iPhone tech specs, 640x480 is the maximum resolution allowed for iPhone video.
However, iTunes allows me to sync it with my iPhone.
I have my own personal video that is 720x480 (in Quicktime format).
iTunes will NOT let me sync it with my iPhone. To make it iPhone friendly, iTunes lowers the quality to 640x426.
How come iTunes has no problem syncing the 853x480 video? It clearly breaks the limit set in the Tech Specs.

have you tried the 'create iPod or iPhone version' in iTunes? first, click on a video file and then click on 'advanced' in the menu bar, and select 'create iPod or iPhone version'. does that help?

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    Actually, this is the best way to get feedback to Apple for this. Apple employees only moderate this forum for abuse and violations of the terms of use.

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    Yes, there are programs that will put a movie on a DVD.   I have tried most of the other substitutes including Toast, Burn, and others.  None of them come anywhere near the ease-of-use and power of iDVD. IDVD is specifically designed to work with iMovie.
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    Thanks Tom. (BTW, love your book!)
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    Dixon John
    What iPhone version do you have?
    I need specific answers to help, and I want to help.
    Information such as
    There is no setting in project settings for the iphone.
    is not going to help me help you. I know what the program has to offer. I need to know how best to apply that to what you have in the way of video properties. And, we will not know that until you share that information with us. If you do not know the properties of your video, we will help you find that information. I suspect it is 1080p (1920 x 1080 @ 29.97 progressive frames per second), but suspect is not good enough as a base for troubleshooting.
    You say the Timeline won't render
    a. is there an orange or no colored line over the Timeline content?
    b. do you have the gray tabs of the Work Area Bar set to span the entire content of what is to be rendered?
    What does the Timeline content look like at playback without VideoStabilizer? Does it playback at all? I imagine it should since you are applying a Video Stabilizer to it.
    After you apply the VideoStabilizer, are you applying the detaults or customizing the settings for it? If customizing, in what way? The VideoStabilizer probably has the most dramatic affect (increasing) on rendering time for Timeline content to which it is applied. The nature of the clip plus the VideoStabilizer settings may have created this
    with stabilizer the video wont play,
    I think you get the idea of what is involved. Please allow us to help you sort out the details which you have on this  and which we need for you to share with us to help you.
    Add On...I have tested iPhone 5 video on Premiere Elements and found it to work. The classical issue with cell phone video is report of out of sync audio. If not corrected by correct Premiere Elements project settings, several of such users have found resolution in the matter by changing the variable to constant frame rates. Programs such as QuickTime Pro has been mentioned in this context. Also, use of Handbrake in this matter has help some.

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    I am only speculating here since I don't have an iPhone, but in general you can not automatically geotag videos simply because video files do not have standard EXIF-type tags within which to add information like coordinates.
    I suppose Apple could add specifically Apple-only tags to their iPhone generated videos that could also be read by iPhoto, but likely do not because they want to use industry standard formats.
    So I think the answer to your question is that video formats do not support tags so no where to store GPS coordinate data.

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    Video formats supported: H.264 video, up to 1.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Low-Complexity version of the H.264 Baseline Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats; H.264 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Baseline Profile up to Level 3.0 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats; MPEG-4 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats
    So, if you render an mp4 file to these EXACT specs, you can play it on your 3G iPhone when imported through iTunes. However, if you try to play this EXACT file through the dropbox app, you get an error message.
    Anyone else run into this or am I the only one?
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    The Samsung integrated unit in 3GS is actually capable of doing much more than officially allowed. The reason Apple limited its performance is to conserve battery, i.e. while it's capable of playing 1080p, it wouldn't make any sense on such a small display and would just waste battery life. It can even do HD capture, but iPhone's camera is not good enough for that.
    Now, I'm not sure if I exactly get what you mean. Does third party video playback API not support same formats as Apple's own playback?
    Was this limited to Dropbox? Dropbox does some little things to your files, for example it drops the EXIF data from images to save space.
    You also drop a line about 3G and 3GS, how is that related?

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    I spent 2.5 hours of quality time with the Genius bar this morning.  We reinstalled Lion and after that the suggestion was to trash and re-install Aperture, but that would require my disc and of coruse a trip home.   Mail doesn't seem to still have the issues with iPhone movies that it had - but Aperture is still not happy.
    Did as instructed and dragged Aperture 3 to the trash, did the empty trash option, restarted and reinstalled.   Then did a software update to catch the new update for Aperture and it found that.   Interestingly when I did start it up after that it DID NOT ask me for my key - so clearly some elements were left over.  
    Now upon retstarting Aperture 3 once again I find that I can still see my old movies (their thumbnails show up) but I still can't play them.   The new test movie is there but still generates the popup regarding it being an Unsupported Video Format.
    And it's not just my iPhone.   Video sent via email from another iPhone can play as an attachment, or when dragged and dropped to the desktop, but once imported into Aperture is once again proclaimed to be an Unsupported Video Format.  
    Hoping someone out there knows how to resolve this....

    For some reason it just started to work now. Have no idea what didn't work before.

  • I want to automatically extract my iphone-videos from the iPhoto library since I have way over 25 000 objects in there. Afterwards I would like to import them into iMovie. Anyone having an idea?

    Dear all,
    I want to automatically extract my iphone-videos from the iPhoto library since I have way over 25 000 objects in there. Afterwards I would like to import them into iMovie. Anyone having an idea? Or is there no possibility to do so?
    Thanks in advace

    File -> New Smart Abum
    Photo -> Is -> Movie
    and export those:
    This User Tip
    has details of the options in the Export dialogue.

  • What's the best way to import and manage iPhone video?

    I don't really want to use iPhoto for importing video - it doesn't seem like it's built with that in mind even though it's the default option for importing both photos and videos. It doesn't have very good (if any) options for filtering just videos or just photos, either when viewing or importing. And I don't want to have videos all jumbled in with photos in my iPhoto library.
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    I considered Clipstart but it commits a cardinal sin when it renames all my videos in the Finder to a sequential numbering that begins at 01.mov for each new day, creating hundreds and thousands of identically titled movies in the video library, albeit in their own folders, but chaos if you want to search in Spotlight or anything.
    So I'm left with Image Capture, which gives me complete control of what I import and where it goes. The problem is that it too doesn't offer a filter for seeing just the videos or just the photos on my iPhone. My photos are all being imported automatically by Photostream so I only want to grab the videos. If I set 'view by width' it seperates out the videos because they have no width tag, but then they aren't displayed by date order so I can't easily find the new videos I've not imported before.
    So... what do you do?

    That's exactly the sort of crafty workaround I like. I didn't know they were all tagged, but that would definitely work. I'd still love a dedicated app that did it really well, or more love given to that side of things in iPhoto. iMovie is too hefty for just managing them.
    Is iPhoto properly built to handle management of iPhone video, by the way? I didn't want to use it because it didn't seem like it was, and also because I sync my iPhoto library with Dropbox and video would more than treble the size of the library so I manage it from the Finder mostly, importing clips to iMovie if I do want to edit something (rarely).

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    It sounds like you to 5 separate videos. If you start recording, then stop it, then start it again, you will have 2 videos. Not 1. As for splicing them together, you will need a video editing package for your PC. I don't know if Windows Movie Maker (or whatever they're calling it now) can handle this or not. On a Mac, I'd say just use iMovie.

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    You need an app like Toast by Roxio (http://www.roxio.com/enu/products/toast/default.html).  You would use Toast to burn the videos to a DVD-R disc.

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    How do I convert my iphone video (.mov) to .flv files?

    Or try to search in the App Store.
    I am using ifunia media-converter, the one that got from Mac App Store, successfully converted dvd and HD video for me, seems it support converting mov to flv.

  • IPhone video H.264 will not play in iPhoto '11 Slideshow

            I use iPhoto to organize videos and .jpgs; I take videos both with a Sony camera and my iPhone. I often trim videos in iPhoto and then play them as part of a Event or Album, along with .jpgs, using the SlideShow feature before moving on to iMovie or Keynote. Recently I have encountered difficulties with iPhone H.264 videos, particularly in vertical format -- they simply won't play in the iPhoto simple SlideShow and lock it up (a simple X then ends the SlideShow and iPhoto is no longer locked). The vertical iPhone videos work in iMovie if I simply move them there. I have not detected any problems with the Sony videos, which are invariably horizontal. I am not experiencing any other iPhoto issues although my library is >125GB.
         Any Suggestions?
        Thanks for your thoughts.

         @#$^$%^ Computers!
         After I realized I could not determine the frame rate (to respond to your post), out of frustration I went back, restored the most troublesome video to original, closed iPhoto, re-opened iPhoto, re-trimed the troublesome video, and .... yep, you guessed it .... it worked fine. It had to be something in the trim process.
         I haven't taken time to check the others that were problematic, but I'm confident that was the problem.
         @#% how much of my time; how much of your time.....but, still far better than the years I spent watching a rotating hourglass.
         Thanks for your interest, your offer to help, and my best to you. (And, my apologies for failing to include the accent grave in your name previously.

  • IPhone video upside down in FF4

    When I put landscape iphone video to my .mac gallery is it upside down.
    Looks fine in chrome and safari and imovie.
    I checked the web.
    Some folks say that I should have taken the landscape video with the home button on the right (I did not).
    Others say the problem is the quicktime plug in in FF4.
    Does anyone know for sure?

    In response to Rudegar, I already checked my original movie in different browsers:
    See where I said:
    "Looks fine in chrome and safari and imovie."
    In any case, I did what I should have done before.
    I now made two very short movies, one with the home button on the right, one on the left.
    Then I tested, and it indeed is FF 4.
    All other browsers showed both movies fine.

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