Iphone4, starts and stops charging every second.

super frustrated here. I have an iPhone 4. I recently replaced the battery in an Apple store. for the first 2 weeks everything was fine, but recently everytime I plug it in to charge it vibrates twice to indicate that its charging then stops and starts again about every 1-2 seconds. I have taken it to apple so they could re seed the battery and clean out the ports and make sure its nothing on the wear and tear end but nothing works. and since my warrenty is out im out of luck in terms of a free swap. has anyone heard of this issue or any fixes? is it a hardware issue or could it be software? maybe a bad app install? any thing helps here. thanks

I checked today
the battery started the charging loop at 99%, BUT (each time it re-started charging) there was 1 hour left for full charge.
I hope somebody can help me

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    - quit messages app to clear it out
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    I have the same problem. I bought the same type of Speck Candy Shell case that I had for my 3GS iPhone. The $34.00 Lighting to 30-pin adapter will not fit through the case and into the IPhone 5. I just talked to Apple support and after being on hold 5 mins while the tech talked to her supervisor, the Apple solution is "take your case off the phone when you want to use the adapter". I hope thousands of us complain and Apple fixes this. If Apple had not been so secretive and talked to accessory manufacturers they would of know that the Adapter they designed was faulty. Now I how to drive to an Apple store to return the Adapter to get my money back. Only the USB cable will fit through the case into the iPhone 5.
    Bad Adapter design my Apple. Thats what happens when you design a product for millions of people - in a secretive bubble.

  • Reset song start and stop times

    Resetting start and stop times for all songs.
    Hi. I recently trialled a DJ BPM matching software product and unknown to me, it scanned all my songs and in the majority of cases, put new start and stop times (in seconds) so now when I play my songs in iTunes, they either start to play early and/or stop playing before they are complete.
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    You might be able to use this script to reset the start/stop times to zero.  Try with a small selection and see if it works for you.

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    Try this  - Reset the iPad by holding down on the Sleep and Home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons. (This is equivalent to rebooting your computer.) No data/files will be erased.
     Cheers, Tom

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    The first thing to check would be your internet download speed, you can do this at www.speedtest.net.
    1080p HD movies require a recommended speed of 8 Mbps, 720p HD movies require a recommended speed of 6 Mbps, while SD movies require a recommended speed of 2.5 Mbps.

  • Start and stop a loop automatica​lly subtractin​g at each iteration

    Hi there,
    I know that there are some topics about it, but I could not find any solution, especially because I use the version 7.1 and cannot open new version files.
    My problem is as follows:
    I need to charge a tank from 6 to 10 in the morning, every day during 3 days. The process must start and stop automatically, which means, no bottoms to start or stop. The start and stop conditions come from the hour.
    I start with a big loop of 72 iterations, which corresponds to 72 hours.
    The tank must start at level 6 every time it starts.
    After the start, 1 unit must be subtracted in each iteration. Which means, that at 6 am the tank has level 10, at 7 am level 9 and so on. In the end, at 10 am the tank level is equal to 2.
    In the next day, the process must start again and the tank must start at level 6.
    Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
    Go to Solution.

    While this may work it can be improved significantly. This really isn't a state machine. This is basically the same as your flat sequence with the exception of using a While loop with a Case statement to implement each frame.
    You should define what your actions are and create a typedefed ENUM naming them. State names of 1 through 24 are meaningless. Not to mention in your code many of the cases are duplicates of others. That would mean that all of those can be one state with logic to determine what action/state comes next. A properly defined state machine would not need the outside For loop. Without knowing your specific needs some examples of reason state names would be the following: Start, Stop, Exit, Error, Initialize, Get Tank Level, Fill Tank, Drain Tank, Idle, etc. Can you see how these are easier to understand than 1 through 24.
    There are lots of examples of state machines here. Try a search and take a look at some of them.
    Mark Yedinak
    "Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
    Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot

  • Starting and stopping triggered samples

    The ESX24 Sampler claims to be a plug-in that functions exactly like a sampler should. Previous to Logic Pro 7, I used a SP-606 sampler that had three different ways a sample could be played:
    1. drum - this function played the sample as long as the button (or note) was held down then stopped playing once released
    2- trigger - this started the sample and let it play until the end of the entire audio region
    3- loop - this looped the sample based on the specified start and stop points.
    However under the second function, trigger, you could trigger the sample to start and stop and restart and stop every time you hit the sample button or sent a note.
    Does logic have this function anywhere in the ESX24?
    for instance if i had a 15 second long sample and sent a midi note from a controller to start it...how do i stop it and restart it at will?
    the only functions I see available in Logic are the 'drum' function (where the sample releases and stops as long as you hold down the note) and the trigger function (but in Logic a second trigger does not stop the sample ----
    it triggers a second sample to play again --so that multiple samples are playing simultaneously)
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Start Oracle RAC Database and Listener
    Follow Oracle Database Documentation on starting and stopping Oracle Database
    To ensure Oracle Warehouse Builder Runtime Services
    Log on to the Database machine Platform as the runtime repository owner.
    Run the ORACLE_HOME\owb\rtp\sql\servie_doctor.sql script.
    Note: The runtime repository owner is dwh_ws_owner and it is database user.
    Starting Oracle BI Infrastructure
    •     Login to Oracle BI Server
    •     Navigate to location /home/oracle/..
    •     Execute Script startBI.sh for Starting Oracle BI Services
    If you have to start Services Manually -
    Order of Starting Processes on BI Servers
    •     Oracle Business Intelligence Server
    •     Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services
    •     Oracle Business Intelligence Scheduler
    •     Oracle Business Intelligence Cluster Controller
    Use the script in sequence with parameter start
    •     Navigate to location /home/oracle/biserver/OracleBI/server/bin directory
    •     ./run-sa.sh start
    •     ./run-saw.sh start
    •     ./run-sch.sh start
    •     ./run-ccs.sh start
    Stopping Oracle BI Infrastructure
    •     Login to Oracle BI Server
    •     Navigate to location /home/oracle/scripts
    •     Execute Script stopBI.sh for Stopping Oracle BI Services
    If you have to stop Services Manually -
    Order of Starting Processes on BI Servers
    •     Oracle Business Intelligence Cluster Controller
    •     Oracle Business Intelligence Server
    •     Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services
    •     Oracle Business Intelligence Scheduler
    Use the script in sequence with parameter start
    •     Navigate to location /home/oracle/biserver/OracleBI/setup directory
    •     ./run-ccs.sh stop
    •     ./run-sa.sh stop
    •     ./run-saw.sh stop
    •     ./run-sch.sh stop

  • Start and Stop Trigger using PXI-6120 and DigitalSta​rtAndStopT​rigger.vi not working :-(

    I've been trying for a while now to get my PXI unit to capture a waveform between a Start and Stop (Reference) Trigger using the NI example DigitalStartAndStopTrigger.vi downloaded from the NI website. However, whilst the start trigger and stop trigger seem to be working i.e. the VI runs and stops at  the correct times there is never any data read from my DAQmx compatible PXI-6120 card. So I can see the VI is running around the aquisition loop but the Property Node AvailSampPerChan is always returning zero... this has me slightly puzzled. I thought this might just be a driver issue so I've updated my box to the following software versions (see below) and installed the latest drivers e.g. DCDNov07.exe (also from the NI site) but nothing has changed.
    my software as of now.
    Labview 7.1 (with the 7.1.1 upgrade applied)
    DAQmx 8.6.0f12
    Trad DAQ 7.4.4f7
    before I updated I had the same problem but with the following versions:
    Labview 7.1 (with the 7.1.1 upgrade applied)
    DAQmx 8.5.0f5
    Trad DAQ 6.9.3f4
    So to cut a long story short I still have the same problem with the triggers... does anybody have any ideas what is going wrong?
    To add insult to injury it the traditional DAQ example ai_start-stop_d-trig.vi was almost working correctly before I did the upgrade. It had the strange behaviour of capturing the AI0 channel but on the wrong edges (e.g. if I set Start on Rise and Stop on Fall it would do the opposite, Start on Fall and Stop on Rise).
    I'm going to leave my box doing a mass compile over night but i'd really like it if someone could suggest a solution or point me in the right direction.
    Many thanks,

    Hi Graham
    I'm out of the lab today but I'll try and answer your questions as best I can...
    1) What are the values you have set for Buffer size, Rate, samples per read and post trigger Samples?
    At the moment I have all the values (e.g. sample rate, buffer size etc) unchanged apart from the ones I mentioned in my previous post (see above). I have in the past played around with changing the buffer sizes and rates in the example VI but as this appeared to have no effect on the behaviour I now have them setup as in the download.
    2) Does the program end after the stop trigger is implemented?
    Yep, if I toggle the trigger line high then low I see the program exits the read loop and the VI stops running as expected.
    3) Lastly can you give me the details of triggering method. Are you
    using a digital train of users set digital pulses? how long is the
    program running.I'm using the WriteDigChan.vi to manually toggle the first digital line of the PXI-6733 card which is wired directly to PFI0 of the PXI-6120 card. Generally, I just start the VI running  and then toggle the line high, wait a couple of seconds and then toggle it low.
    To me it all looks like it should be acquiring samples but as I said yesterday it just refuses to fill the buffer with any data (and hence no samples are read).
    Any ideas? and thanks for you help,

  • How to start and stop an embedded sound

    I'm putting a sound of a cat purring in the intro to my animation. I've been asked to make it possible for viewers to turn the sound on and off with buttons. I can do it with an outside sound file by using URLRequest.
    Is there a way to start and stop the sound if it is embedded in my library? If so, can someone give me that script.

    Hello mnemo,
    You can use your digital signal to stop your generation with the following property node
    Jean-Baptiste C.
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    >> Téléchargez dès maintenant toutes les présentations techniques !

  • How to start and stop a queue in ECC??

    Dear all,
    I have a problem regarding the Start and Stop of queues in ECC. Whenever I change the data in ECC (for example extension of a material to a new distribution chain, or Creating a quotation which has to trigger a corresponding quotation in CRM), replication is not happening to CRM. On analysis of the outbound queue in ECC, we are finding corresponding ernties for the material / quotation. On dbl cliking an entry, we are able to see the queue in STOP status. When tried to reset status and activate, system throws a message saying GENERIC STOP SET.
    1) How to overcome this problem?
    2) How to START or STOP a queue (for Eg: R3AD*) in ECC? 
    Please respond.
    Every point you share will fetch so many points / lot many smiles to you (No surprises.. I am plagerizing the famous quote on SDN)

    Dear Chandra,
    Thanks for ur quick response. I have awarded you a sixer. Ofcourse, the content is much richer than that. But if i award 10, thread has to be closed. So that stopped me from awarding that
    Dear all,
    Can someone else share their views?

  • Batch file to start and stop

    Hi All,
    Can we create a batch file to start and stop the services. I need to start all the services like shared, essbase, eas, planning, webanlysis and financial reporting, and at also need to stop them using windows batch file.(Using windows 2003 server....service pack 1). Any help would be appreciated.

    The simplest script would be something like this. Save it as a .bat file, set all your services to manual and then set up a scheduled task to run this script when the computer starts.
    ::          Startup Script for Hyperion Services          ::
    date/t >> startup.log
    time/t >> startup.log
    echo "Starting Hyperion Services" >> startup.log
    net start "Hyperion S9 OpenLDAP" >> startup.log
    net start "Hyperion S9 Shared Services" >> startup.log
    :: Insert pause of 5 seconds to ensure HSS has finished starting
    ping localhost -n 6 >nul
    net start "Hyperion S9 BI+ Analytic Services 9.3.1 - Essbase" >> startup.log
    net start "Hyperion S9 Administration Services ATS5" >> startup.log
    net start "HyperionRMIRegistry" >> startup.log
    net start "Hyperion S9 Planning" >> startup.log
    net start "Hyperion S9 Provider Services ATS5" >> startup.log
    net start "Hyperion S9 Apache 2.0" >> startup.log
    net start "Hyperion S9 BI+ 9.3 Core Services 1" >> startup.log
    :: Insert pause of 10 seconds to ensure Core has finished starting
    ping localhost -n 11 >nul
    net start "Hyperion S9 BI+ 9.3 Workspace" >> startup.log
    net start "Hyperion S9 BI+ 9.3 Financial Reporting Java RMI Registry" >> startup.log
    net start "Hyperion S9 BI+ 9.3 Financial Reporting Print Server" >> startup.log
    net start "Hyperion S9 BI+ 9.3 Financial Reporting Report Server" >> startup.log
    net start "Hyperion S9 BI+ 9.3 Financial Reporting Scheduler Server" >> startup.log
    net start "Hyperion S9 BI+ 9.3 Financial Reporting Web application" >> startup.log
    net start "Hyperion S9 BI+ 9.3 Web Analysis" >> startup.log
    date/t >> startup.log
    time/t >> startup.log
    echo "Finished Starting Hyperion Services" >> startup.log
    echo "###################################################################" >> startup.log

  • Starting and stopping stream capture repeatedly

    I am building a vmail server that captures an incoming, continuous RTP voice stream from a hardware phone and records portions of that stream to disk, based on control messages received (like record/stop buttons for a continuous RTP stream).
    The first time I record, the sound file on the file system is well formatted. Subsequent recordings result in headerless audio files (although the audio data is correctly output to file otherwise).
    The problem is that I need to get header information written to the audio files for subsequent recordings.
    Here is a bit of source code to show how I am starting and stopping recording. At this point, the processor is already created and realized and the MediaLocator is previously initialized:
         MediaLocator recordedML ;
         public void startRecording() {
              try {
                   DataSource ds = null;
                   ds = processor.getDataOutput();
                   recordingDataSink = Manager.createDataSink(ds, recordedML);
                   // starts sticking captured data into a file
              } catch (IOException e) {
              } catch (NoDataSinkException e) {
         public void stopRecording() {
              try {
                   recordingDataSink = null;
              } catch (IOException e) {
    Calling startRecording() and stopRecording() the first time results in a properly formatted sound file on the file system, captured from my incoming RTP stream.
    Calling startRecording() and stopRecording() subsequent times results in headerless audio files.
    So the problem seems to be that subsequent calls to processor.getDataOutput() result in a DataSource that doesn't print a file header.
    What I have tried includes:
    -recreating the processor, but this doesn't work because it seems you can only do this once for a single incoming stream - the processor never reaches the configured state a second time.
    -reconfiguring the processor or re-realizing the processor, which doesn't do what I want either.
    One way that I think this would work would be to write out the audio header manually after the capture is complete, but this seems like a gross hack and I would rather do it through JMF.
    Is there a way to fix this via JMF? Is this a JMF bug or is it intended to work this way?

    Hi, I am unfortunately unable to help you but perhaps you could help me. I have a Java GUI that I want to enable to record voice from a mic at the click of a button (stopping automatically if possible) and save to a defined file in the code. Would you be able to help me here? I have tried different source and rejigged things but I cannot seem to get anything working.
    Any help gratefully apreciated.

  • Starting and Stopping FMLE from command line yields corrupt .flv files

    I am using FMLE to record and live stream TV content. In order to this I am remotely calling FMLEcmd in order to start and stop encoding processes. The problem that I am running in to is that the .flv files generated are corrupt. The odd thing is that if I use the exact same profile XML from the GUI, then the encoding process works just fine and results appear as intended.
    Here is the way my workflow works:
    I start the process by calling
    FMLEcmd /p C:\lighttpd\htdocs\xml\default.xml /l C:\lighttpd\htdocs\logs\log.txt
    then at the conclusion of the recording I call
    FMLEcmd /s "C:\lighttpd\htdocs\files\default.flv"
    When I attempt to open the files using FFmpeg I get a codec error saying that no codecs were detected. When I attempt to open the files in VLC I get a error saying that the media types are "Undf". When I attempt to open or modify the files with flvtool2 I get an end-of-file error. My guess is that my stop command is incorrect and somehow abruptly stopping the stream, but I don't know another way to stop the stream. Do I need to specify a specific stream duration in the XML and make sure to call the stop command *after* the duration has been reached? What would cause this codec corruption when the same profile works properly from the GUI?
    Here is the profile I am attempting to use.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
            <device>Osprey-440 Video Device 1A</device>
            <device>SigmaTel Audio</device>
                <keyframe_frequency>5 Seconds</keyframe_frequency>
                <quality>Best Quality - Lower Framerate</quality>
            <directory>C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Videos</directory>

    If issue of corrupt file after cmd line not in GUI mode. Are you using some automation to copy/paste output flv to someother location?
    AFAIK, after placing stop command, FMLE took some time to write proper EOF in FLV. wait ~10 sec for FMLE to complete file writing process and than play in FLV PLayer.
    I tried manually with steps you mentioned and it's working fine for me.I playerd file in Applian Flash PLayer. "http://www.applian.com/flvplayer/"

  • Starting and Stopping a Timer in Java Card + GSM

    I seem to not be able to start a timer that my applet has
    allocated using the PRO_CMD_TIMER_MANAGEMENT
    pro active command. I want to for example set the timer
    interval to 5 seconds and I understand from the gsm
    specs that the TLV value should then be {(byte) 0x00,
    (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x05} as the hour is zero, the minute is
    zero and the seconds = 5 .
    The command qualifier I set to 0x00 to start the timer and
    I set it to 0x02 to stop the timer. The start and stop I
    control from two menu items. From the GSM spec the first 2 bits
    control the timer and the remaining 6 are RFU (reserved for future use),
    now I assume I can then set the RFU bits to 0.
    I then have a EVENT_TIMER_EXPIRED in my processToolkit which then plays a tone.
    The tone proactive command works but I dont seem to be able to start the time or
    stop it ?
    HELP ?
    is there any suggestions or any error in my reasoning here ?

    I tried your solution but it seems to have no effect (?)
    This is the log entry of the comms during sneding of the timer start
    (Notice that where you have the Timer Identifier tag = A4, here it is
    24 and where you have Timer Value Tag = A5, here it is 25 - these tags and the APDU's are generated with the GSM java card libs in the development kit I'm using.....) It seems to go through but the TIMER_EVENT_EXPIRED never happens....Help ? Have a look at the source code I included (maybe I'm doing something wrong)....
    **THE APDU's
    A0 12 00 00 13
    //     RAPDU = D0 11 81 03 01 27 00 82 02 81 82 24 01 01 25 03 00 00 10
    //     SW = 9000
    A0 14 00 00 0C 81 03 01 27 00 02 02 82 81 03 01 31
    //>>Terminal response
    //     SW = 9142
    byte[] valCurrentCallUnit = {
    (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x10
    }; //i.e. 1 second
    timerHandle = reg.allocateTimer();
    proHdlr.appendTLV((byte) TAG_TIMER_IDENTIFIER,timerHandle);
    proHdlr.appendTLV((byte) TAG_TIMER_VALUE,valCurrentCallUnit,
    (short) 0, (short) 3);
    result = proHdlr.send();
    //the following is not suppose to be required according to GSM 11.14
    //IN THE processToolkit method, I have:
    public void processToolkit(byte event) {
         EnvelopeHandler envHdlr = EnvelopeHandler.getTheHandler();
         ProactiveHandler proHdlr = ProactiveHandler.getTheHandler();
         ProactiveResponseHandler rspHdlr;
    switch(event) {
    proHdlr.appendTLV((byte) TAG_TIMER_IDENTIFIER,timerHandle);
    proHdlr.appendTLV((byte) TAG_TIMER_VALUE,valCurrentCallUnit,
    (short) 0, (short) 3);
    result = proHdlr.send();
    } /** switch event */
    }/** processToolkit */
    Any help would be appreciated....

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