Is anyone else experiencing lagging/freezing??

It happens to me all the time, and basically renders anything I watch (netflix/itunes) unwatchable. The bizarre thing is that my wireless computer and xbox work perfectly w/ regard to the internet ... Any ideas? I have the latest firmware.

Ericmusic wrote:
It happens to me all the time, and basically renders anything I watch (netflix/itunes) unwatchable. The bizarre thing is that my wireless computer and xbox work perfectly w/ regard to the internet ... Any ideas? I have the latest firmware.
The ATV2 likes to connect to N wireless, albeit at slow speeds. It also doesn't seem to like certain routers from the posts I've seen. I think users should restore their ATV2 to ground zero. I did it to all three of mine to make sure they weren't the issue. It turns out my cable run and modem were causing issues, not the ATV2.

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