Is Apple giving an update with Adobe Flash Player on iOS?

You know guys we all need Flash Player for documents and presentations! So please we need flash Player here on our iPhone and my other devices

Ansolmi77 wrote:
You know guys we all need Flash Player for documents and presentations!
No, we don't. I can create and edit docurments and presentations without Flash. What documents require Flash?

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  • Why the Apple products does not work with Adobe flash player?

    Could be better if the Apple products work with Adobe Flash Player, I know that Steve does not like to work with them, but I think will be necessary soon.

    From Adobe's own site:
    While Flash Player remains on Google Play for installation on Android devices that are certified by the manufacturer, installing Flash Player on an uncertified device may result in unexpected behavior and can potentially destabilize your device. A list of certified devices can be found at Flash Player WILL NOT be supported on any device shipped with or upgraded to an Android version beyond Android 4.0.x
    Further comments on what is the case on Android devices is irrelevant. Adobe has dropped further development of Flash for mobile devices and Apple has made no indications that they have any plans to do so themselves, so it is highly unlikely that there will ever be a native Flash player for any iOS device.
    'nuff said on the matter. Regards.

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    Model Name: iMac
      Model Identifier: iMac12,1
      Processor Name: Intel Core i5
    I reset my apple ID password here on the website, but my computer isn't recognizing my new password. what should I do? I just need to update my adobe flash player but it keeps asking me for my password but won't take my new password I just updated.

    "If you've forgotten the Apple ID password how did you log in to make the last post?"
    Exactly! The password I used to log on here and write my post I figured was the same Apple ID password I would use to reset my computer login password. But my computer isn't recognizing it as the correct password so it wont let me update my login password. I have 2 user accounts on my computer.
    As far as the link you provided, I already looked to that for help earlier. It states:
    Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Users & Groups, click the lock to unlock it, then provide an administrator name and password. Select a user, then click Reset Password.
    I did these steps, but I don't remember my admin password. The question is: How do I reset my admin password so I can reset my log in password.
    Is my admin password the same password I use to log onto this website to post questions? If so, like I said previously, I already reset that password and my computer isnt recognizing it.

  • Update problems with Adobe Flash Player preinstalled via Chrome. Can any one help?

    Dears, I am using the Chrome and it says it has installed the Adobe Flash Player and the auto updater. I selected to be advised every time an update is available, before it gets installed. During the start up of my Windows system (i.e. the "autoexec" run) the Flash Player auto updater  sometimes indicates there is an Adobe Flash Player update to be installed. Most of the time it is indicated BEFORE the autoexec finishes its sequence and thus still do not have an internet connection perfectly set up. At this point in time the adobe flash player auto updater window indicates there is an error and asks me to retry. Normally I wait a few seconds so the Autoexec run is finished and retry again. Most of the time the adobe flash player auto updater window indicates a second error message, claiming there is still an error. I have already attempted to connect the internet again and normally I am successful, indicating there is NOT a problem with the internet connection. At this point I give up trying to update the Adobe Flash Player and close the window. Can someone give me some light on how to fix this????

    The Adobe Flash Player updater DOES NOT update the PepperFlash plug-in in Chrome. Chrome uses a PPAPI plug-in and Adobe ONLY updates the NPAPI plug-ins for IE and other browsers. You can ONLY update the PepperFlash plug-in for Chrome by updating Chrome. The PepperFlash plug-in is a separate file in a separate folder location.

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    If you are not the administrator of this computer, you need the administrator to do this..

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    I am trying to update my adobe flash player and I am having problems logging on as I cannot remember my password…how do I reset that password

    OS X 10.7 Lion, 10.8 Mountain Lion, 10.9 Mavericks and 10.10 Yosemite
    Reset Password starting from Recovery HD
    Start the computer,then press and hold down command and R keys to start into recovery partition.
    When you see the Apple logo, release the keys.
    Wait until  OS X Utilities window shows up.
    Move the mouse to the menubar at the top and click "Utilities", then select "Terminal"
    from the drop down.
    Terminal window will appear.
    Type in   resetpassword   and press enter on the keyboard.
    Leave the Terminal window open.
    Reset Password Utility window will open with Macintosh HD selected.
    Select the user account from the popup menu box.
    Enter a new password.
    Reenter the new password for the user.
    Enter a hint.
    Click the "Save" button.
    Click  in the menubar and select Restart.
    Log in.
    If Keychain dialog box appears, select “Create New Keychain”.

  • I just bought an Ipad and find that it is not compatible with Adobe flash player which I need to play Bridge on line on BBO.  Is there a solution for this problem?

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    No Flash for iPads, iPhones, or iPods
    Here's why there's is no Flash available for iDevices or other mobile devices. Adobe was unable to provide a product that was suitable to the needs of battery powered mobile devices used for Internet browsing. Existing Flash technology used too much memory, ate battery life, and was buggy. Simply put Flash did not work well on mobile devices.
    Apple's Steve Jobs led the escape from Flash dependency when Apple introduced the iPhone, and later introduced the iPad. There was a hue and cry over the omission. Time proved Jobs was right on target.
    So this is why there is no Flash for your iPhone or iPad or iPod nor for most SmartPhones. Flash has been abandoned by many sites in favor of supported technologies such as HTML5 or by providing their own custom app.
    Here is Steve Jobs official comment on his momentous decision to omit Flash from iDevices: Steve Jobs on Flash.
    Here is Adobe's later announcement to cease development of Flash for mobile devices: Adobe on Mobile Flash.
    Now, you are not necessarily out on a limb. There are some apps that can display some Flash, but don't count on there ability to display anything using Flash.
    Apps that can display some Flash from the Web:
    Photon Flash
    Also, note that many sites that use Flash provide their own app for accessing their material. So check with your favorite sites and find out if "there's an app for that."

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    Apple dropped playback support for .swf formats in QuickTime almost ten years ago.
    Adobe Flash Player is the only way to view them.

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    This reply is to both of you trying to help me through my ordeal with Adobe Flash Player.  I followed both of your advices to no avail. I even enlisted the help of my husband to see if I was doing something wrong or missing a step. He assured me I was doing everything by the book.
    Well, bottom line is number
    1: I never found "Extensions Adds ons and Plug Ins" in Firefox. I looked everywhere and it's simply not on my screen. I opened everything, looked at every line, every box, every space (with my husband next to me looking also).
    Number 2: I got a message that reads: Firefox prevented this site (get from asking you to install software on your computer.
    By the way, I uninstalled Webroot at the beginning and never reinstalled it. Restarted my computer. Tried all the steps you guys suggested, restarted my computer I don't know how many times.
    One time I got Adobe Flash Player installed "successfully" and then I got excited and tried YouTube, videos on Facebook, CNN and guess what? Nothing. No Adobe Flash Player.
    By the way, my husband has the same problem at his work computer. He got an Information Systems technician to work on this and voila! he could not fix the problem either. Any other suggestions out there? If anybody from Adobe reading this?
    To say I am fed up is putting it mildly. I am so mad at Adobe for putting this piece of garbage out there.  I can only compare it to Vista.
    Oh by the way, I keep getting this notice that my" windows drivers are out of date" and guess what?  I have no idea which ones because they don't say. I checked my updates and supposedly I am up to date. I went to Microsoft and they have a million, so how am I supposed to know which ones?
    I am also upset at Microsoft, ha, ha.
    I am going to bed, tomorrow will be another day.

  • Microphone not working with Adobe Flash Player

    The microphone in my desktop pc works fine with kde and skype but not with Adobe Flash Player.
    The Microphone settings tab in the Flash Player detects a "Linux Microphone" and I can here my voice coming from the speakers but the Flash Player sound meter bar shows nothing.
    Any ideas where/what to look for?

    marymba wrote:
    i have the exact same problem. however, i only ever use firefox and i'm a complete novice when it comes to computers. can you explain the solution step by step? literally, pretend you're talking to a five-year-old because that's basically my skill level.
    Welcome to Discussions, marymba
    For your skill level, re-read the User Guide manual that came with your Mac and then use your Mac's "Help" to searches for basic info about any words you do not understand from my suggestions.
    If you need more help, spend some time studying subjects of interest from the link below:
      Click link-> <-Click link
    Mac 101 offers new users a great basic primer on using and troubleshooting your Mac.
    If the above do not give you the level of detailed information you need, you need more training than I could write here. If you do not have a Mac friend who can help you, your nearest computer store can help you find low or no-cost help sources such as: a local Mac Users' Group, Adult Education courses, or perhaps even a computer club in your area. You can also find help in books or magazines dedicated to using Macs.  Many are available from bookstores as well as from the on-line Apple Store at this link:
    If all else fails, contact your nearest Apple Store for info "onetoone" training described in this link:
    For Apple Store locations, see:
    EZ Jim
    Mac Pro Quad Core (Early 2009) 2.93Ghz w/Mac OS X (10.6.3)  MacBook Pro (13 inch, Mid 2009) 2.26GHz (10.6.3)
    LED Cinema Display  G4 PowerBook  1.67GHz (10.4.11)  iBookSE 366MHz (10.3.9)  External iSight

  • Firefox 3.6.23 having freezing and rebooting issues with Adobe Flash Player 11 Plugin

    Firefox 3.6.23 is experiencing constant freezing and rebooting issues with Adobe Flash Player 11 Plugin, not sure if it is a conflict issue or not.
    Since the update there had been no reported issues till today when the blue screen came up on me, this issue prior to plug in 11 had occurred at least 6 times, this issue only happens on firefox.
    I do not wish to update since recent firefox browsers seem to have a lot of ongoing issues.

    Anyone able to help please?


    We updated our Adobe Flash Player software to version and now out subwoofer doesn't want to work.
    We are running a Dell E310  PC that has Dell A425 30 watt 2.1  speakers with a subwoofer [cn-0w8037-71623-58H-2013  rev A00.]
    The stereo speakers work fine but the subwoofer has stopped.  It just sets there and quietly hums..There is no reset button for it to be reset.
    I believe alll three speakers come as a system and are called:a ZYLUX MULTI NEDIA COMPUTER SPEAKER SYSTEM POWERED SUBWOODER
    How do we turn the subwoofer back on?  Evem Kitty Wells sounds pretty good with the other two speakers with the subwoofer.
    I'm 73 years old nd still trying to learn this pc stuff.

    Hi again Jay,
    The Flash files that are in the SysWOW64 location, those files need to be there, but more complete info should be listed.
    Could you post back the complete info on the Flash .ocx, .dll & the .exe? Otherwise I have no idea what version you have.
    Also, go to Tools, Manage addons and look for Shockwave Flash Object. What version is it and is it Enabled?
    All of the above is important as they make up Flash Player. I do not need any Install log info, so please don't post that.

  • Having a problems with adobe flash player version

    I am having a probems with adobe flash player latest version.
    My laptop is Windows 7 64 bit operating system and Microsoft Internet Explorer is 32 bit.
    After i install the latest version, the advertisement which display in the web site are keeping flashing on my laptop screen.
    After i uninstall and re-install it back, the situation still remain same.
    Please advise.
    Thank you.

    I experienced the same problem on my Win7 Pro SP1 x64 lenovo T410 laptop with Intel HD Graphics.  There was no video driver update available.
    I followed the instructions in this topic: (step #4) and went back to version 10.2.
    Problem solved.  I just have to remember not to do any updates to flash player when prompted.  I'll come here first to make sure the problem is fixed.
    Message was edited by: nikki605  Forgot to mention, I'm using IE9 32-bit.

  • Having issues with Adobe Flash player hanging the browser

    Having issues with Adobe Flash player hanging the browser.
    WIN 7 enterprise 32 bit / Firefox 19.0.2 /
    Internal company website keeps giving attached screen shot error, and hangs the browser when error pops up.
    Steps taken:
    Uninstalled Adobe Flash player with the file “uninstall_flash_player.exe”
    Deleted provided directory in instructions
    "Copy and paste the following and click OK.
    Delete all the files in this folder."
    Rebooted PC and reinstalled the flash player directly from “”
    Re launched company website and received same error.
    Repeated above steps as well as uninstalled Firefox browser.  Even went so far as to remove all profile information to start fresh from all profiles on the laptop with the same results.
    Note: The web page will work without the flash player plugin, and my page doesn’t hang the browser. Required to open page in FireFox per company policy.

    I'm sorry you're encountering this.  Could you paste a few of the most recent report ID links displayed when you go to "about:crashes" in the Firefox address bar?
    As for workarounds, the first thing I'd suggest is trying our 11.7 labs release which you can get here:
    If that doesn't help, please try the troubleshooting steps outlined in this FAQ:
    How do I troubleshoot Flash Player's protected mode for Firefox?
    In particular, I'd recommend temporarily disabling protected mode (for troubleshooting purposes only) to see if that addresses the issue.

  • What does Apple have that compares to Adobe flash player ?

    What does Apple have that compares to Adobe Flash Player, I keep getting Blocked plugged message and it tells me to download Adobe Flash Player and when I do nothing happens.  Also when I purchased my iMac it came with Leopard osx system, last year I installed the Snow Leopard 10.6.3 system and since then cannot read CD's or DVD's from PC or my husbands new iMac with Mountain Lion system.

    There is no equivalent to Adobe's Flash Player. You either have it installed or not. For the reasons outlined below, Apple no longer sell Macs with Flash Player pre-installed, you have to obtain it from Adobe.
    Flash - Apple's official position:
    Flash v. HTML5 le-it-depends-.html
    Apple may have more reasons behind not installing Flash by default other than the stated reason of ensuring that users always have the most up-to-date version. Having Flash installed can cut battery runtime considerably—as much as 33 percent in our testing. With a handful of websites loaded in Safari, Flash-based ads kept the CPU running far more than seemed necessary, and the best time I recorded with Flash installed was just 4 hours. After deleting Flash, however, the MacBook Air ran for 6:02—with the exact same set of websites reloaded in Safari, and with static ads replacing the CPU-sucking Flash versions. -the-11-macbook-air.ars/3
    And this:
    You can check here:  to see which version you should install for your Mac and OS.
    You should first uninstall any previous version of Flash Player, using the uninstaller from here (make sure you use the correct one!):
    and also that you follow the instructions closely, such as closing ALL applications first before installing. You must also carry out a permission repair after installing anything from Adobe.

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