Is carbonite a safe enough backup to proceed with an upgrade from leopard to snow leopard?

I am confused if I am going to lose all my files when I switch OS'

Just a note about Carbonite and iPhoto libraries:  the library structure of an iPhoto library is not maintained when backing up to Carbonite so restoring the library as a working one is not possible.  That's why rkaufmann87's suggestion of an external HD is so valuable. 

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    Let me just give you the breakdown:
    Snow Leopard (10.6) needs to be purchased. You need Snow Leopard because it has the Mac App StoreAlternatively, you could get the Lion USB drive, but much more expensive
    Once you have installed Snow Leopard, open the Mac App Store and find OS X Lion. This downloads OS X Lion Installer. After the download finishes, click on it, follow the steps and the installation begins!
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    I like KT's advice, and would add some words from a very knowledgeable mac person - John Gruber @
    I Believe in Murphy’s Law
    Friday, 26 October 2007
    Here’s how I recommend installing major new OS releases for typical users. (Atypical users would include anyone who ran developer seeds of the OS.)
    First, make a complete backup of your current boot volume to an external FireWire drive using SuperDuper. (Carbon Copy Cloner would be my second choice.)
    If you don’t back up daily — or at least very regularly — you’re foolish. If you don’t back up before upgrading your OS, you’re really foolish. I use SuperDuper’s “Smart Update” feature to clone my boot volume every night — the “smart” aspect is that it only changes the files that have changed since the previous backup. Before I install an upgrade, I quit every running app and run a fresh backup to create a snapshot of my boot volume. That way, if anything goes wrong, I can revert to exactly the state the system was in before installing the upgrade.
    Next, boot from your external backup volume to make sure that it works. What you want to see is something that looks exactly like booting from your regular internal hard drive. Since I’ve been using SuperDuper, this has always been the case — I have never failed to successfully boot from my backup drive. Better safe than sorry, though, so I never skip this step.
    Next, shut down the computer, and unplug the external backup volume. The odds of an OS installation corrupting a plugged-in FireWire volume are very small. The odds of an OS installation corrupting a FireWire volume that is not plugged in are zero.
    Then boot from the installer DVD, follow the on-screen instructions, and perform a default upgrade. The default upgrade is the best choice for most users almost all the time. The reason Apple makes it the default and most obvious way to upgrade is that it’s the most convenient, and most tested upgrade path.
    Update 28 Aug 2009: Starting with Snow Leopard, instead of booting from the DVD directly, you should instead pop in the installer DVD and launch the “Install Mac OS X” app on the disc. This will reboot your machine from the DVD, yes, but first it will download any necessary software updates that have come out since the disc was pressed. It’s a subtle but very nice improvement to the installer.
    Arguments that there is something mysteriously dangerous or deficient about the default upgrade procedure — and that you should do a clean install instead, followed by tedious hours manually migrating software and data and preferences from your old installation — are voodoo. Apple’s installer engineers spend a ton of time making the default upgrade procedure as convenient as possible.
    If you’re not a typical user; like, say, if you’ve been running pre-release developer seeds of Leopard, or if you’ve diddled with your 10.4 system software in unholy ways and really would like a factory-fresh start with 10.5, then I recommend the Archive and Install option. (That’s what I do, when upgrading from previous developer seeds.)
    So, in short:
    Do a complete backup clone to an external FireWire drive.
    Test that the backup is indeed bootable and up to date.
    Unplug the backup drive.
    Pop in the installer DVD and launch the “Install Mac OS X” app.
    If anything goes wrong in step 4, you have nothing to worry about, because you know that you have a complete, bootable backup.
    Most people, of course, skip directly to step 4. And the odds are it’ll work out just fine for them. I say, why take a chance?

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    Dear user52,
    Let me give an example.
    SOURCEDB> create table dept(deptno number,dname varchar2(10)) tablespace PRODDATA;
    Table created;
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    Hi Reuben
    I think other folk have covered the potential 'gotcha' of data loss by suggesting you do a back up first. I went from Tiger to Snow Leopard directly by way of the family boxed set on both a MacBook and an older Mac Mini. Of course there is no "Time Machine" app on Tiger so back up consisted of copying all personal data to an external drive and copying it back after completing the OS upgrade by installing from the DVD. I didn't attempt to update AND keep any data, the thought of a nice, clean, new installation was irresistable.
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    Hi Stefan,
    Thanks for taking the time to reply to my question! Although I think your steps will "work", per se (and I will try them out as soon as I can), I'm something of a purist in regards to my backups and so this method seems a little hackish as opposed to a process that actually images the volume in question (I'm also curious from a technical perspective, as the Boot Camp Assistant Beta used to allow for a dedicated MacintoshDrivers disc to be burned from it—I liked that method better, to be honest).
    Thanks again! I'll keep checking back here for other comments, and will let you know how the method you suggested works out.
    Best wishes,

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    Only if your data has any value to you.
    If everything works perfectly, you should lose nothing.
    If anything goes wrong, it is possible to lose data.
    Personally I don't want to trust my data to everything working perfectly so I back it up.
    As to the question of dual ethernet ports, you don't need them actually. If you create a LAN with a router then the multiple ports on your router will allow you to connect to both the internet and disk at once.

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    My iTunes Library is on my computer, I have done a backup manually, and all of my music is on an external hard drive (as well as my iTunes library).

    Thanks a lot Recycle bin is empty, I will move some files from the C drive to an external hard drive, then do the update, and then move the files back. Any files you recommend not moving to the external hard drive at all?

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    What do you think? Will my hard drive be secure enough?

    It all depends on how sensitive that data is. The chances of that data on a zeroed-out hard drive can be recovered are close to nil. But the chances are not actually nil.
    For a quick & dirty solution, ensure all your sensitive files are in your home folder. Then turn on FileVault. Choose the "secure erase" option when turning it on to ensure that the moved files are completely wiped out. Choose a very strong password; something like dUcr5Faw2uG2cubr.
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    I have the error message "Not enough storage. Cannot backup, not enough backup space in ICloud . . . ", but now the "close" and "settings" buttons don't respond and I cant get the IPad to open so I can go change settings. What do I do?

    For a "hard" restart of your iPad just press the home and power button at the same time and hold it for at least 10-15 sec. until it restarts.

  • Firefox will not open at all, and wen I try to uninstall it tell me that Firefox must be closed to proceed with te uninstall even though it is not open.

    I click on Firefox and notihing happens. I have tried to uninstall the program so that I can reinstall it, but wen I try that, it tells me
    "Firefox must be closed to proceed with the uninstall. Please close Firefox to continue."
    But the program is not running. It won't let me open it either. I have college lectures that can only be viewed on Firefox, so I am not able to do my homework. Please help.

    This may be a number of things, but conflict is most common, so here are some suggestions that may help you get to the bottom of the matter:
    Be sure that a firewall is not blocking the startup of Mozilla. Some firewalls will come with "self defense" mechanisms for spyware/malware, but these programs can also isolate useful programs as well. Norton 360, Comodo Internet Security, Zone Alarm, AVG antivirus and McAffee Internet Security Suite incorperate these methods among several others.
    Basic solution: To get around this type of blocking you will have to disable the self defense mechanism in your firewall or add an exception for firefox.exe.
    In depth instruction for Windows users:
    ''''''This may be hard to follow, because the posting tool does not recognize spaces, but here goes...THIS IS NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED.''''''
    1)Open the mozilla browser. When nothing happens...go to next step.
    2)hold CTRL, ALT and the DELETE key together. In XP you will get an immediate task manager window...Go to next step. Under Vista or Windows 7 you will get a login screen that has a START THE TASKMANAGER button at the bottom. You will push this button then go to the next step.
    3)In the Windows Task Manager click the Processes tab.
    4)Run down the list and find all occurrences of firefox.exe
    5)right click each firefox.exe and from the drop down list choose End Process Tree then answer YES or OK to the prompt box.
    Firefox is now closed...Now we can determine the issue.
    6)Start firefox in safemode by clicking on START or the WINDOWS ORB to open the START MENU.
    8)Find the MOZILLA FIREFOX folder and click on it
    9)Choose Mozilla Firefox (Safe Mode).
    10)When the prompt box appears check the boxes next to the following:
    a)Disable all add-ons
    b)Reset toolbars and Controls
    c)Reset all user prefrences to Firefox defaults
    11)Click on the CONTINUE IN SAFE MODE BUTTON at the bottom.
    If firefox opens, you have a plug-in that is causing your issue. If it does not then repeat steps 1-5 and then move on to step 12.
    12)After all instances of firefox.exe have been ended, go to START and choose CONTROL PANEL from the start menu right hand side. XP users go to step 13...Vista users choose SWITCH TO CLASSIC VIEW on the left hand side then go to step 13...Windows 7 users choose USE LARGE ICONS from the drop down list at the upper right hand side then go to step 13.
    13)Double click the WINDOWS FIREWALL icon (around the bottom of the list) and check to see if it is ENABLED. If it is not enabled, Enable it. Windows 7 and Vista users: Answer YES to enable this option ANYWAY, if you get a prompt warning of dual firewall conflicts then move on to step 14.
    14)Find your security center icon in the taskbar, Usually next to the clock. Right-Click the icon and choose EXIT, DISABLE (Temporarily), or CLOSE.
    15)Once you are sure that your Security Suite/Antivirus software is disabled, then Start Firefox in regular mode.
    If firefox opens, you have a firewall or defense conflict and need to get your documentation to find out how to allow EXCEPTIONS to the software or internet access list. You can use firefox with these settings in the meantime, but you will not have antivirus protection. Free antivirus-only programs are available at the following locations:
    NOTE: If you choose to use an antivirus only program in conjunction with windows firewall, you must remove any other antivirus programs from your computer and restart the system BEFORE you install the new antivirus software or you WILL have problems with your system SPEED and FUNCTIONALITY. Do so by going to START then choose CONTROL PANEL then choose ADD OR REMOVE PROGRAMS in XP or PROGRAMS AND SETTINGS in Vista or Windows 7 then find you program in the list. Right click it and Choose UNINSTALL or REMOVE. Be sure to RESTART the system BEFORE you choose to install the new software.
    If NONE of the above has worked, then you very likely have a corrupted installation or your system may be comprimised by RootKIT or Trojan infection.
    Please download and complete a full scan with the tool below. REMOVE ANYTHING IT FINDS then restart the system and remove and reinstall firefox then attempt to open it again:
    Good Luck to all. I hope that his has been helpful.
    Senior Tech

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