Is it possible to bind 3 T1 circuits for greater bandwidth?

I have 3 T1 circuits with 3 serial interfaces w/built-in DSU/CSU. Is it possible to bind these 3 circuits to increase the bandwidth?

Yes. You can group them together under
a mulitlink interface using MPPP (see the
multilink-group command).
You might try a test to compare this performance
against the performance of just using CEF switching.
Your BW is still fixed at 3 T1's either way,
but CEF may respond faster than MPPP.

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    ziggy wrote:
    I need to pass an instance of "Properties" to it but i dont want to change the signature of the method to add a new argument to it. I have been struggling with this for the last couple of days and have tried a couple of options - see
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    hi urbashi.......
          it is possible..
           you should first pass the id of he ui element and then bind it.
           for ex:
             if there is an input field, you can get the attribute that is bound, using cl_wd_input_field->bound_value.
             if you want to set an attribute, use cl_wd_input_field->bind_value.
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    PreparedStatement statement3 = connection.prepareStatement(url3);
    statement3.setString(1, "12/10/2008");
    statement3.setString(2, "12/10/2008");
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    Can you explain what you are trying to do from a business perspective?
    If you are creating a view, it doesn't make sense to pass bind variables to that DDL statement. The view definition itself is going to have to end up with hard coded date values there. So what possible benefit is there to using bind variables?
    As an aside, if you are using bind variables and you have DATE columns, you really want to pass in the proper data type (i.e. setDate or setTimestamp rather than setString). Otherwise, Oracle has to do implicit string to date conversion, which depends on the session's NLS settings, which is likely to be different on different client machines and lead to all sorts of odd errors and behaviors down the line.
    Are you trying to build a view that takes parameters? If so, there are a few options for that sort of thing.

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    First, the battery. The recalled battery replacements have not held up well, and, unfortunately, feedback on the Apple site isn't what I would call complementary about their batteries. When I replaced mine, I got a Newer Technology battery from OWC at . Mine has 104 cycles on it and 4113 mAh capacity.
    Now, charging. There are only 4 components in the charging circuit: Power adapter, DC-in card, battery and logic board. It sounds like your power adapter, being newer, is probably fine. Where the power adapter plugs into the computer, is that jack loose? If you put a pen or pencil on it and push it a little, gently, does it wiggle side-to-side? If so, your DC-in card may be bad. Assuming the battery stats are good and the battery is good, it should charge. Sooo, last but not least, is the logic board. Probably the best thing you can do is find a friend with a Powerbook or visit an Apple store or Apple authorized service provider to use another power supply that they know works (just to be sure) and a substitute battery (again, to be sure). If indeed yours are good, and I went through this a few months ago with one of our Powerbooks, you can replace the DC-in card, and if that doesn't work, then the logic board.
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    If you have the store replace the logic board, it will run you more than double what they charge to send it to the depot.

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    AND active = 1)
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  • The workflow could not update the item, possibly because one or more columns for the item require a different type of information. Outcome: Unknown Error

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    Side note - items created after the workflow throws this Unknown Error some seem to be working fine. 
    We have deleted the item in question and re-added it with no effect. 
    Based on what we were able to determine there don’t seem to be any consistency with how this issue is behaving.
    Any suggestions on how to further investigate this issue in order to find the root cause would be greatly appreciated?

    I understand that the reusable workflow doesn’t work properly now. Have you tried to remove the Update list item action to see whether the workflow can run without issue?
    If the workflow runs perfectly when the Update list item action is removed, then you need to check whether there are errors in the update action. Check whether the values have been changed.
    Entan Ming
    Entan Ming
    TechNet Community Support

  • The workflow could not update the item, possibly because one or more columns for the item require a different type of information using Update Item action

       I got error  "The workflow could not update the item, possibly because one or more columns for the item require a different type of information "I  found out the cause is  Update Item action       
    I need to update item in another List call Customer Report ,the field call "Issues"  with data type  "Choice"   to yes
    then the error arise .   please help..

    Thanks for the quick response Nikhil.
    Our SPF 2010 server is relatively small to many setups I am sure. The list with the issue only has 4456 items and there are a few associated lists, eg lookups, Tasks, etc see below for count.
    Site Lists
    Engagements = 4456 (Errors on this list, primary list for activity)
    Tasks = 7711  (All workflow tasks from all site lists)
    Clients = 4396  (Lookup from Engagements, Tslips, etc)
    Workflow History = 584930 (I periodically run a cleanup on this and try to keep it under 400k)
    Tslips = 3522 (Engagements list can create items here, but overall not much interaction between lists)
    A few other lists that are used by workflows to lookup associations that are fairly static and under 50 items, eg "Parters Admin" used to lookup a partners executive admin to assign a task.
    Stunpals - Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.

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    No, the camera connection kit only supports the copying of photos and videos to the Photos app, it doesn't support copying content off the iPad. For your second camera instead of the SD reader part of the kit, does the iPad to camera cable not work with it for direct transfer to the iPad ?
    For Lightroom and Nikon software again no - you can only install apps that are available in the iTunes app store on your computer and the App Store app on the iPad, 'normal' PC and Mac (OS X) software are not compatible with the iPad (iOS). There are some apps that perform fairly basic editing functions that are available in the store, but nothing as sophisticated as, for example, Lightroom.

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    hello sir/mam.
    i am selva, i am new to abap,
    is it possible to create many primary key for a table?
    please guide me.

    Hi Selva,
    Many Primary Keys = Composite Key.
    i.e some set of columns will enable you to identify a unique row from a set of rows in the table.
    This can be achieved by checking the primary key check box in se11.
    Hope it helps.
    Message was edited by: Maheswaran B

  • Is it possible to run TWO parellel configurations for one Object??

    SAP Gurus,
    We have a strange requirement from the client to have to configurations established in the system for one configuration object.
    Without taking much of your time let me paraphrase the requirements.
    The client is having two different types of putaway strategies in their current business process. And they toggle between these putaway strategies by reaching out to their production support group and they make configuration changes to have the other put away strategy
    One Step Putaway: GR area --> High Rack Storage
    Two Step Putaway: GR area --> Interim storage (area at the end of each aisle of high rack storage) --> High Rack
    Client wants to have two parallel configurations for both of these put away strategies and needs an ability to switch from one to another. This switching ability should be accessed from SAP screen without any IT intervention (no configuration)
    -  Switching ability should allow the warehouse manager to change from one step to two step put away strategies without any IT intervention.
    -  Switching ability should be accessed my SAP Screen (Z-transaction or something with a radio button to toggle around)
    Is it possible to have two configuration made for Putaway Strategies and switch them on/off depending on the warehouse needs??
    Your invaluable feedback on this will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks again folks,
    Edited by: Dhaval Joshi on Mar 4, 2008 12:09 PM

    Q1--I don't believe it is possible. An organization can have multiple licenses tied to its main email address, for example, but then they are assigned to the individual users.
    Q2--Yes, you would just need to log out of your account within the CC desktop app prior to logging in on the other account.
    If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

  • RE:Possibility of posting 2 IR's for one GR

    I have one issue related to a purchase order which consists of Service entry sheet.
    In the PO history tab we are able to see 1 GR, 1 IR's and 1Service entries.
    But the MB5S report shows the total of 2 GR'S and 1 IR's.
    I could found the details of this PO in ME2N  where there is
    1( entry sheet 1000006054)                   Amount 1000 usd
    1( GR =5000898940)   Amount 1000 usd and  Total variance through IR Amount 1000 usd  ( Total GR =2000 usd)            
    2 ( IR =5105627402  amt 1000     & 5105658726   Amount 2000 usd)
    Here my concern is. How is it possible to post 2 IR's for one GR. Can anyone explain me about this.

    Hi latha gaaru
    Pls add me in   [email protected]  (g-talk chat)
    I will ask my MM consultant and get abck to u

  • Possible to show file upload progress for web form submission?

    I just made a simple form as a test. There are 3 files being submitted here via a "web form".
    Files being uploaded in this case are of these sizes:
    I'm testing functionality that will let a print shop's clients upload their files. For larger files they'll use FTP but this "order form" does a lot of business for them so we're trying to replicate in BC.
    My problem is that I am wondering if there is a way to show the "upload progress" as a total %. Such as a visual status bar, etc.
    As of now the only way it's showing is in the default browser status bar (chrome in this case):
    I read somewhere that the limit is 150MB for an upload. Wondering if that means 150MB TOTAL as in 3 files combined in my case. Or If I chose to allow 3 files to be attached would it allow for 450MB?
    Also, if you do a user submitted web app instead and allow people to attach files that way, does the same file limit apply?
    My second issue is that the upload speed seems to be SLOW. I know it's not my connection because on my non BC site as well as another with the same form, the files upload fairly fast. But on BC it just crawls and on a few tests I get this:
    Any help or suggestions with the file upload progress as well as file upload speed would be appreciated.

    So if i have 3 files to be uploaded, the max allowed is 750MB correct? (just wondering if when uploading its 250mb total or per file).
    Guess i'll do something fake to make it appear its working with a loading graphic or something.
    My web browser (chrome in this case) shows the % uploaded. I wonder if all web browsers do the same. I havent tested yet.
    If only there were a way to have javascript or something grab that same #% from the web browser itself and just format it to appear where I want on the form along with the % uploading.
    Anyone know if that's possible?
    Here's where Chrome for mac shows it:
    If I could grab that (uploading 19%) from the browser and format it into css/html i'd be gold.
    Then find if similar browsers do the same and write some js for each browser specifically to grab it.
    In a perfect world at least....

  • Possibility to register Pre-/Post-Procedures for an SQL Template Handler

    I would appreciate to see the possibility to register pre-/post-procedures for an SQL template handler in ORDS 3.0.
    We use Oracle VPD/Row-Level-Security to secure data access. Hence a trigger sets a couple of attributes in the database session context at login time which are then used in static RLS predicates to limit which records the user can see/modify.
    With ORDS 3.0 all sessions are opened under the same technical user (e.g. APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER), hence all users have the same/no attributes in the session context and could see/modify all data.
    To avoid this situation, I need to set the attributes (e.g. the authenticated user) in the database session context before the actual query/plsql handler is executed.
    Also, resetting the session context after the handler is executed would be good.
    This scenario is in line with scenarios 'One Big Application User' and 'Web-based applications' in
    Different solution approach:
    Kris suggested to write a PL/SQL handler where the pre-procedure is called before the business logic procedure/query. This is ok for me as long as I modify data and only need to return no or little data.
    As soon as I need to return a lot of data (e.g. select c1, c19, c30 from t1), this approach will force me to write a lot of code in the PL/SQL handler in order to marshal the c1, c19 and c30 to JSON and put it in the HTTP response.
    But this is the beauty of ORDS - I can simply define a template, write a GET SQL Handler 'select c1, c19, c30 from t1'  and have the data available as REST service, without writing any code to write JSON marshaled data in the HTTP response.

    I tried to log the request at Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) but I could only start a new discussion: Possibility to register Pre-/Post-Procedures for an SQL Template Handler
    As I mentioned there, the PL/SQL handler approach works for me as long as I have no or only little data to send back to the client (e.g. put/post/delete succeeded or an error message why the call failed).
    If I need to return a lot of data from the PL/SQL handler I would need to, as far as I understand, to marshal the data to JSON and write it to the response body in the PL/SQL handler.
    I don't want to do the marshaling, because ORDS does it better.
    However, this works for me:
    I write a pipelined stored procedure that takes as input the attributes I need to set in the session context. I then can reference it in the SQL handler:
    select * from table(my_pipelined_function(:USER, ....)
    Now the JSON/HTTP response is created by ORDS again.
    I still needed to code a couple of lines, but it is way better than duplicating the functionality already existing in ORDS.
    With the hooks it would be perfect because I would not have to write any code (apart from the procedure to set the session context attributes), just configure the REST services in ORDS.

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