Is it possible to return an array of objects from a web service?

I have been trying to do this for a while now, and I have come to the conclusion that it may be impossible. To demonstate what I want to do I enclose a simple java file [1]. I have deployed this with Axis 2 and I enclose the responce [2], it is obciously not wat I want.
Is it porrible to do this? If so, how?
Thanks for any help,
package org.impress;
public class SampleObject {
     public SampleElement[] noParameters(){
          SampleElement[] retArray = new SampleElement[2];
          retArray[0] = new SampleElement();
          retArray[0].name = "one";
          retArray[0].value = "alpha";
          retArray[1] = new SampleElement();
          retArray[1].name = "two";
          retArray[1].value = "beta";
          return retArray;
     public class SampleElement {
          public String name;
          public String value;
     <ns:return type="org.impress.SampleObject$SampleElement"/>
     <ns:return type="org.impress.SampleObject$SampleElement"/>

Can anybody help me with the code of how to return a resultset from a web service. i have put the resultset data's in an object array and tried to return it, but in the client side no data comes ,,, i mean it is printed as null.... and plz tell me where to specify the return type of a object in the wsdl file....

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    I suggest you look into the JNI, Java Native Interface. The answer is yes.

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    for what it's worth, the same problem was reported by one of our developers, although the string size was considerably smaller (probably less then 1 MB). According to him, soap clients generated from apache tools could connect fine and process the XML records. JDev hung. We simply changed our use case to return smaller results sets, but perhaps you could also generate your clients with WSDL2Java rather then JDev (if it is a truly a bug in JDev SOAP)? Can you add record parameters to the payload, in order to limit the results and scroll between remaining rows?

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    m = new MyObject();
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    m.Name = result.result[s].Name;
    m.Type = result.result[s].Type;
    It also appears that you should create the WebService one
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    ws.wsdl = "";
    // this is the operation which is also stored in the
    singleton app class
    var op:AbstractOperation = ws.getOperation("GetModules");
    // elsewere in the app we get the operation refrence setup
    result and fault and call send, then copy the generic object into
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    I thought I would post this as I could find no such example
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    It's fairly easy.
    What I have done is created a WebService Controller (plain java class) which calls the methods (from the WS) programmaticly.
    Example :
    public class WSController {
        private final String WSDataControllerName = "ThisIsTheNameOfMyWebserviceDataControl";
        private List pnames ,ptypes ,params;
        public WSController() {
        public List getAllActioncodesFromWS()
           //start - WS empty params
            pnames = new ArrayList();
            params = new ArrayList();
            ptypes = new ArrayList();
            //end - WS empty params
            List actionCodes = new ArrayList();
                GenericType result = (GenericType)AdfmfJavaUtilities.invokeDataControlMethod(WSDataControllerName, null, "findActioncodesView1",pnames, params, ptypes);
                    for (int i = 0; i < result.getAttributeCount(); i++)
                        GenericType row = (GenericType)result.getAttribute(i);
                        Actioncode wd = (Actioncode)GenericTypeBeanSerializationHelper.fromGenericType(Actioncode.class, row);
            catch (AdfInvocationException e)
            catch (Exception e)
         return actionCodes;
        }I also defined a Pojo named Actioncode :
    Note that the attribute names are completly the same as the VO from the web service.
    public class Actioncode {
        String Actioncode,Descript1;
        public Actioncode() {
        public Actioncode(String Actioncode, String Descript1) {
            this.Actioncode = Actioncode;
            this.Descript1 = Descript1;
        public void setActioncode(String Actioncode) {
            this.Actioncode = Actioncode;
        public String getActioncode() {
            return Actioncode;
        public void setDescript1(String Descript1) {
            this.Descript1 = Descript1;
        public String getDescript1() {
            return Descript1;
    }Since the WS method returns a GenericType, you can 'convert' that object to an POJO.
    Read more about it here :
    I know the blog post is about iterating over rows in an iterator, but it's just to illustrate how you can work with the GenericType

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    <cfset pra = createObject("java","QueryUtil").init()>
    <cfset newQuery = CreateObject("java",
    <cfset newQuery.init( pra.getColdFusionQuery () ) >
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    import com.allaire.cfx //(cfx.jar for class Query used from
    public class QueryUtil
    public static coldfusion.sql.QueryTable
    getColdFusionQuery(java.sql.ResultSet rs)
    return new coldfusion.sql.QueryTable(rs);
    but when i run cfm page and coldfusion server tries to
    execute : "<cfset pra =
    createObject("java","QueryUtil").init()>" this error appears:
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    cause of this exception was that: coldfusion/sql/QueryTable.
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    Also I have tried to return java.sql.ResultSet directly to
    coldfusion.sql.QueryTable.init () with failure.
    Do you know some other solution?

    i print all my code execute a query to db and return a querytable
    java class
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import coldfusion.sql.*;
    public class Pratica {
    private HashMap my;
    private String URI,LOGIN,PWD,DRIVER;
    private Connection conn=null;
    //funzione init
    //riceve due strutture converite in hashmap
    // globals
    // dbprop
    public Pratica(HashMap globals,HashMap dbprop) {
    my = new HashMap();
    URI = "jdbc:sqlserver://it-bra-s0016;databaseName=nmobl";
    LOGIN = "usr_dev";
    PWD = "developer";
    DRIVER = "";
    // Carico il driver JDBC per la connessione con il database
    /* Connessione alla base di dati */
    if(conn!=null) System.out.println("Connection Successful!");
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    // Could not find the database driver
    System.out.print("\ndriver non trovato "+e.getMessage());
    catch (SQLException e) {
    // Could not connect to the database
    System.out.print("\nConnessione fallita "+e.getMessage());
    //funzione search
    //riceve un hash map con i filtri di ricerca
    public QueryTable search(/*HashMap arg*/) {
    ResultSet rs=null;
    Statement stmt=null;
    QueryTable ret=null;
    String query="SELECT * FROM TAN100pratiche";
    stmt = conn.createStatement();// Creo lo Statement per
    l'esecuzione della query
    // while ( {
    // System.out.println(rs.getString("descrizione"));
    catch (Exception e) {
    try {
    ret = Pratica.RsToQueryTable(rs);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    // ret=this.RsToQuery(rs);
    // this.close(); //chiude le connessioni,recordset e
    //retstruct CF vede HashMap come struct
    public HashMap retstruct(){
    //conversione resultset to querytable
    private static QueryTable RsToQueryTable(ResultSet rs)
    throws SQLException{
    return new QueryTable(rs);
    //chiura resultset statament e connessione
    private void close(){
    catch (Exception e) {
    coldfusion code
    <title>Test JDBC CFML Using CFScript</title>
    <cfset glb_map =
    <cfset dbprop_map =
    <cfset glb_map.init(glb)> <!---are passed from
    another page--->
    <cfset dbprop_map.init(glb["DBPROP"])>
    <cfset pra =
    <cfset ourQuery
    <h2>Error - info below</h2>
    <cfdump var="#cfcatch#"><cfabort>
    <h2>Success - statement dumped below</h2>
    <cfdump var="#ourQuery#">
    error at line <cfset pra =
    An exception occurred when instantiating a java object. The
    cause of this exception was that: coldfusion/sql/QueryTable.

  • Problem in passing/returning objects over dynamic web service call

    Hi Friends,
    I am beginner in java web service.
    Here is the problem I am facing when I pass/return user defined objects to remote web service method using dynamic we service call.
    The client can call the remote web service method in 2 ways.
    1. By generating client stubs using WSDL file
    - In this case, I am able to pass/return the user defined objects to remote method without any issue only when the server side web services are deployed in any server(jboss)
    - But in java 1.6 & above, the web services can be deployed without server using endpoint. In this case, I am not able to pass/return objects over web service calls.
    2. Without generating client stubs (dynamic web service call)
    - This will establish a connection at run time using the given WSDL file (I have attached the document). I have to form an XML(This will contain API name, arguments) string as input at run time
    - In this case, it allows only string as argument while passing & returning.
    Please let me know if you can help me on this.

    I'm not sure about your question, but this might help:
    You might also want to read on JAXB.

  • Creating an arrays of objects from a class

    I was wondering does any one know how to create an array of objects from a class?
    I am trying to create an array of objects of a class.
    class name ---> Class objectArray[100] = new Class;
    I cant seem to make a single class but i need to figure out how to create an array of objects.
    I can make a normal class with Class object = new Class

    There are four lines of code in your for-loop that actually do something:
    for(index = 0; index < rooms.length; index++) {
    /*1*/  assignWidth.setWidth(Double.parseDouble(in.readLine()));
    /*2*/  rooms[index] = assignWidth;
    /*3*/  assignLength.setWidth(Double.parseDouble(in.readLine());
    /*4*/  rooms[index] = assignLength;
    }1.) Sets the width of an object, that has been instantiated outside the loop.
    2.) assigns that object to the current position in the array
    3.) Sets the width of a second object that has been instantiated outside the loop
    4.) assigns that other object to the current position in the array
    btw.: I bet you meant "assignLength.setLength(Double.parseDouble(in.readLine());" in line 3 ;)
    Since each position in an array can only hold one value, the first assignment (line 2) is overwritten by the second assignment (line 4)
    When I said "construct a new room-object and assign it to rooms[index]" I meant something like this:
    for(index = 0; index < rooms.length; index++) {
        Room aNewRoom = new Room();
        rooms[index] = aNewRoom;
    }1.) Constructs a new Object in every iteration of the for-loop. (btw: I don't know what kind of objects you're using, so this needs most likely modification!!)
    2.) set the width of the newly created object
    3.) set the length of the newly created object
    4.) assign the newly created object to the current position in the array
    btw. this would do the same:
    for(index = 0; index < rooms.length; index++) {
        rooms[index] = new Room();
    }but be sure you understand it. Your teacher most likely wants you to explain it ;)

  • Is it possible to return a figure back to the database from a web service

    I have a REST web service setup that has 4 values
    Is it possible to use a db call to grab these 4 values that can be used in an insert to the database?

    If it were SOAP webservices there are other ways, but a simple REST you could do it like this:
    select httpuritype('').getxml()
      from dual
    /That gets you an XMLType object that you can then parse to get the results. For example using the XMLTable() function.
    You can see [url]an example of this method that I blogged about two days ago ;-)
    Edit: Fixed typo HttpUriTType -> HttpUriType ;-)
    Edit again: Fixed method name getxml()
    Edited by: Kim Berg Hansen on Oct 19, 2012 10:01 AM
    Edited by: Kim Berg Hansen on Oct 19, 2012 10:14 AM

  • Error while returning complex data type in a J2EE web service

    I am implementing J2EE web service which returns array of custom class object.
    I have implemented serializable interface to custom class, and also to session bean.
    But it gives the following error:
    Serializing object [Lcom.ltitl.j2ee.ejb.classes.ProjectDetails;@2a2289 fails. Nested message: XML Serialization Error. Object of Class [com.ltitl.j2ee.ejb.classes.ProjectDetails] does not have property [ObjId] of type [java.lang.Integer]. Check if the right object is passed to the serialization routine..
    As error stated about some property ObjId..I tried including such property in my class. But now it gave exception while deploying stating that ObjId already defined.
    Also I want to return multiple arrays of complex custom classes. i tried using vectors but didnt work. What is the method to return arrays of complex custom classes.
    Please help..

    Trying to create a web service that returns a Collection doesn't seem to be possible in Netweaver. The reason for this is that languages other than Java have difficulty in mapping Collections, amongst others, to their own native equivalents.
    There is a discussion on the subject here you may find useful:
    The short answer is to use object Arrays instead, or a custom class that contains an array of each type of object you would expect to find in your Vector
    Hope this helps

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    Debojit Sinha wrote:
    A greeting service where the client types a string(preferably a name), and the service returns "Hello, " followed by that name. I faced the error with returning objects when I tried to return the results of a query with a set of serialized JavaBeans passed into an arraylist. I don't have the complete error log with me now, but the error was generated when deploying with JDeveloper 11g, and it was something about JAXB content model error. Also, There was an error regarding javax.naming.Name saying that JAXB couldn't handle interfaces.yes, you can't return any interfaces. so, instead of returning a List, you have to return an ArrayList. if you use xjc to generate types from a schema, then it will normally generate a "wrapper" class around any collections (which will in turn hold a List).

  • Problem in fetching values from Java Web Service returning ArrayList

    Hi all,
    I am calling an External Java web Service from BPEL. That Java Web Service is returning an Arraylist.
    I am not able to assign the values returned by the Java web service to local String Variables of BPEL.
    Kindly help me...

    My problem has been resolved..
    I have used
    where count is the local int variable which contains the index value of the arraylist i.e. which index element we want to retrieve from arraylist.
    Edited by: user643533 on Sep 12, 2008 12:10 AM

  • Reading an Array of Objects from a .bin file!

    Hey, at the moment I'm creating a program whereby I write a set of objects onto a bin file, in this case an array of objects with a String name/county, and int population/area.... I'm not trying to read it back from the bin file and encountering trouble! I've managed to get it working using plain objects, however I want to be able to read in arrays of objects. The file itself compiles, however during running I get this error
    at RecordFiles.CoastalRead.main(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at bluej.runtime.ExecServer$
    Here is the program itself,
    public class CoastalRead {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            CoastalTowns towns[] = new CoastalTowns[50];
              towns[0] = new CoastalTowns();
              towns[1] = new CoastalTowns();
              towns[2] = new CoastalTowns();
              towns[3] = new CoastalTowns();
              towns[4] = new CoastalTowns();
              String name, county;
              int population, area;
            try {
                FileInputStream fileIn =
                        new FileInputStream("CoastalTownsBin.bin");
                ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(fileIn);
                for (int i = 0; i < towns.length; i++){
                 towns[i] =(CoastalTowns) in.readObject();
                   System.out.println("Deserialized File...");
                       System.out.println("Name: " +;
              System.out.println("County: " + towns[i].county);
         System.out.println("Population: " + towns[i].population);
              System.out.println("Area: " + towns[i].area);
    } catch (IOException i) {}
    catch (ClassNotFoundException c) {}
    +I'd appreciate a fast reply!+ And if someone needs the writing class I've used, I can post it asap.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    CoastalTowns towns[] = new CoastalTowns[50];
    towns[0] = new CoastalTowns();
    towns[1] = new CoastalTowns();
    towns[2] = new CoastalTowns();
    towns[3] = new CoastalTowns();
    towns[4] = new CoastalTowns();Why create an array with a size of 50 and then only fill 5 elements?
    Why bother filling any elements at all when you are reading the objects from a file?
    What happens if there are less than 50 objects in your file?
    I will assume CoastalTowns holds info about a single town, so why is it pluralised? Do you have a class called Dog or Dogs, Chair or Chairs, Person or People?
    } catch (IOException i) {}
    catch (ClassNotFoundException c) {}DO NOT swallow exceptions. At the very least put in a call to printStackTrace so you know if/when an exception occurs.
    I'd appreciate a fast reply!I typed as fast as I could but unfortunately I'm still and hunt and peck guy.

Maybe you are looking for

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