Is method hide depricated??

Hi guys,
I am using this.hide() to hide the Jframe. because i don't know how to unload it while other things are running. It raises a warning of deprication of the hide method. What its replacemnt? and what is a better way to unload a JFrame while others are running?

Try to invoke setVisible(false) on your frame, it should have the same effect as the hide() method.
Hope this helps,

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    Hi All,
                I use setStatus on MainScreen to add some image ButtonFields to my status bar.
                It shows up fine.
                But when I override paint method , it hides all the icons I added using setStatus.
               Any clue on this ? Thnx in advance.
              Here is my paint method:
    protected void paint(Graphics graphics) {
    Bitmap image = ImageUtility.loadBitMap("header2.jpg");
    graphics.drawBitmap(0, 0, 500, image.getHeight(), image, 0, 0);
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    protected void paint(Graphics graphics) {         
             Bitmap image = ImageUtility.loadBitMap("header2.jpg");
             graphics.drawBitmap(0, 0, 500, image.getHeight(), image, 0, 0); for(int i =0; i < 5; i++ ){           fieldList.drawListRow(fieldList, graphics, i, 50 + (i*50), 20);

    Try Calling super.paint at the start or at the end ... it should do the trick

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    line1 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method hide through a reference with static type Class.
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    Any help or suggestions as to what is happening would be appreciated.

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        private boolean canExecute()
             if(lastDate != null)
                  Date now = new Date();
                  Date changeSession = new Date(now.getYear(), now.getMonth() , now.getDay() , 3 , 0 , 0);
                  if(now.after(changeSession) && lastDate.before(changeSession) )
                       return false;
                       return true;
                  return false;
        }How should I do that?

    Notice that when objects/methods are depricated, the new API says they are depreicated and what to use in their place.

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    refer this
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
      < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
        <af:document id="d1" title="#{lcRes['page.title']}">
         <af:resource type="javascript">
            function hide(evt){
          <af:form id="f1">
            <af:commandButton partialSubmit="true" id="cb1">
                <af:clientListener method="hide" type="action"/>
            <af:inputText id="itToHide" value="xx" label="this will hide" clientComponent="true"/>

  • SetVisible against show and hide

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    Hello, the way I see it, setVisible is just a nicer way of setting visibility than show() and hide(). Anyway, the way setVisible is implemented in the Component class is :
    public void setVisible(boolean b) {
    }So I don't believe you should be experiencing any difference between show() and setVisible(). As to the change in positions of components, you might find the actual implementation useful:
        public void show(boolean b) {
            if (b) {
            } else {
        public void show() {
            if (!visible) {
                synchronized (getTreeLock()) {
                    visible = true;
                    ComponentPeer peer = this.peer;
                    if (peer != null) {
                                              this, parent,
                        if (peer instanceof LightweightPeer) {
                    if (componentListener != null ||
                        (eventMask & AWTEvent.COMPONENT_EVENT_MASK) != 0 ||
                        Toolkit.enabledOnToolkit(AWTEvent.COMPONENT_EVENT_MASK)) {
                        ComponentEvent e = new ComponentEvent(this,
                Container parent = this.parent;
                if (parent != null) {
        }I left out the hide() code, since it is quite similar. Anyway, if you are interested in this code you can always look it up - it's avaliable.
    Hope this helped, laginimaineb.

  • Hiding methods

    Hello again world.
    Let me first say that I have searched the forum for previous discussions of this topic. Since they just added to my confusion, please allow me to start from square zero.
    According to the Java Language Specification:
    If a class declares a static method, then the declaration of that method is said to hide any and all methods with the same signature in the superclasses and superinterfaces of the class that would otherwise be accessible to code in the class.
    But, the following code:
    public  class  Hide
      public  static  void  main(String[]  params)
        Alpha  alpha = new  Alpha();
        Beta  beta = new  Beta();
        Alpha  chi = beta;
    class  Alpha
      public  static  void  hiddenMethod()
         System.out.println("Alpha Hide"); // I don't see where this is hidden from anything
      public  void  overriddenMethod()
         System.out.println("Alpha Ride");
    class  Beta  extends  Alpha
      public  static  void  hiddenMethod()
         System.out.println("Beta Hide");
      public  void  overriddenMethod()
         System.out.println("Beta Ride");
    }produces the following output:
    Alpha Hide
    Alpha Ride
    Beta Hide
    Beta Ride
    Alpha Hide
    Alpha Ride
    Alpha Hide this is the line I don't understand
    Beta Ride
    Alpha Hide
    Alpha Ride
    If anything looks hidden, it looks like "chi.hiddenMethod()" is hidden from itself - which I think is the opposite of what the Spec says.The way I interpret the Spec is that the call "super.hiddenMethod()" should either fail or call Beta's method if Alpha.hiddenMethod() has truely been hidden from chi's scope.
    So my question is in two parts:
    1. What am I missing?
    2. What practical use is there in hiding methods anyhow? Since hiding is said to only work with static methods, why bother hiding? If you need it, invoke the static method with a class name qualifier. If you don't need it, don't code it.
    I'm confused.
    Thank you one and all.
    Ciao for now

    There is a big difference:
    There is no way to invoke the
    overriddenMethod() method of class Alpha
    for an instance of class Beta from outside
    the body of Beta, no matter what the type of
    the variable we may use to hold the reference to the
    It is allways possible to invoke the
    hiddenMethod() method of class Alpha for
    an instance of class Beta from outside
    the body of Beta.
    Hope that helps a bit.Given that, and what you observed in your test program, I can see why the term "hiding" is confusing. After all, it looks like the static method is the one that's not hidden, since you can get to it if you want to.
    I think the idea is that the child class' method "hides" that of the parent class--i.e. if you call Child.hidden() on a Child class that doesn't have its own version of that static method, you'll get the one in the parent class, but if you call Child.hidden() on a child class that has its own version, its version "hides" the parent's version. You can still get to the parent's version by calling Parent.hidden, but from that one perspective of the Child class, Parent's method has been hidden. So from Child's perspective, if Child doesn't have its own method, it sees the parent's, and if it does, its version hides that of Parent.
    That description (except for the part about being able to get to the Parent method) could apply equally well to an overridden method--that is, if the terms were switched, it wouldn't necessarily make any less sense than it does now.
    So why are the terms applied the way they are? I don't know, but I hope that, even if you don't think "hiding" is the best term for what's going on, you can see that there's at least some logic behind it.

  • How can I find out if a user has an active session

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    list of all the session objects avaliable in the sever at that perticular moment?
    In J2EE 2.1 I found the class "javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionContext" with the method "getIds()"
    that returned all the session Id's. By using the method getSession(java.lang.String sessionId)
    from the same class, you could then retrieve the sessionObject.
    But these methods are depricated (and want to be able to use the
    latest version of J2EE).
    Is there any other way to do this?
    I'm using JBoss application server.

    Check out HttpSessionListener ->
    Essentially what you have to do is implement this interface. You also have to register the listener in your web.xml, like this:
    </listener>sessionCreated() will get called each time the app server creates a session and sessionDestroyed() will get called each time the app server invalidates a session. You could have a Map that contains all the active sessions, and a method for printing a list of all of the active sessions.

  • What is the Popup class used for

    I always thought that a Popup should have some basic functionality, such as the pupup should close when:
    a) the escape key is pressed
    b) the popup loses focus
    The popup class provides none of the above functionality and in     fact seems to require some obscure code to
    even get the keyboard focus to work properly.
    Using a JWindow seems to provide the same functionality as a Popup.
    JPopupMenu seems to support both of the above requirements.
    Run the following program:
    a) click on each of the buttons
    b) click on an empty part of the frame
    It appears to me that whenever you need a "popup" you should use a JPopupMenu.
    Is the Popup class good for anything? Does it provide any functionality that I am not aware of?
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    public class PopupTest extends JFrame
         String[] numbers = { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five" };
         public PopupTest()
              getContentPane().setLayout( new FlowLayout() );
              JButton popup = new JButton("Popup as Popup");
              popup.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              JButton window = new JButton("Window as Popup");
              window.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              JButton menu = new JButton("PopupMenu as Popup");
              menu.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
         private void popupPopup(ActionEvent e)
              JList list = new JList(numbers);
              PopupFactory factory = PopupFactory.getSharedInstance();
              Popup popup = factory.getPopup(this, list, getLocation().x, getLocation().y);
              Window window = SwingUtilities.windowForComponent(list);
              if (window != null)
         private void windowPopup(ActionEvent e)
              JList list = new JList(numbers);
              JWindow window = new JWindow(this);
              window.setLocation(getLocation().x + 200, getLocation().y);
         private void menuPopup(ActionEvent e)
              JList list = new JList(numbers);
              Component c = (Component)e.getSource();
              JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu();
    , 0, 0);
         public static void main(String[] args)
              PopupTest frame = new PopupTest();
              frame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
              frame.setSize(500, 200);
              frame.setLocationRelativeTo( null );

    you'd use Popup like JPopupMenu does, via a PopupFactoryYes you can get the Popu from the PopupFactory, but I think you are missing the point of my question. Popup has two methods, hide/show. It provides no other funtionality. I must write code to handle the escapce key and close the popup when it loses focus.
    When I use a JPopupMenu and add a component to the menu, it appears to add some listeners to the component to handle the escape key and loss of focus.
    I think it's safe to say that you're right when you say that it's preferable to use
    JPopupMenu (my experience as well).That was my conclusion, but I was just wondering it I was missing anything.
    It turns out that there are used in tooltips which, by essence, don't need any
    input from the user (whether keyboard or mouse) I guess thats what I was missing, only use a Popup in tooltip type situations.

  • Problem in exporting data to excel in nwds 7.3

    Hi All,
    I was using the following code for exporting data to excel in NWDS 7.3
    private IWDCachedWebResource getCachedWebResource(byte[] file, String name,
    WDWebResourceType type) {
    IWDCachedWebResource cachedWebResource = null;
    if (file != null) {
    cachedWebResource = WDWebResource.getWebResource(file, type);
    return cachedWebResource;
    I was getting the error in the following line cachedWebResource = WDWebResource.getWebResource(file, type); when I clicked the quick help it ststed the getWebResource method is depricated.  Kindly provide some assistance on what is the new method in its place.
    Thank you
    Preet Kaur

    Hi Ganesh,
    Thanks that worked fine, but when we go further we are facing problem ie
    byte[] excelXMLFile;
    IWDCachedWebResource cachedExcelResource = null;
    String fileName = dataNode.getNodeInfo().getName() + ".xls";
    try {
    // create Excel 2003 XML data as a byte array for the given context node,
    // attributes and headers
    excelXMLFile = toExcel(dataNode, columnInfos).getBytes("UTF-8");
    // create a cached Web Dynpro XLS resource for the given byte array
    // and filename
    cachedExcelResource = getCachedWebResource(
    excelXMLFile, fileName, WDWebResourceType.XLS);
    // Store URL and file name of cached Excel resource in context.
    if (cachedExcelResource != null) {
    // Open popup window with a link to the cached Excel file Web resource.
    } else {
    "Failed to create Excel file from table!", true);
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    e.getLocalizedMessage(), true);
    } catch (WDURLException e) {
    e.getLocalizedMessage(), true);
    The above bold lines also would need to be converted to inputstream, but not sure how to correct that
    We are following the below pdf for the implementation.
    Thank you
    Jaspreet Kaur

  • The Thread which won't let go...

    I posted very late last night and those who responded were a big help. Still, even though I changed my code I'm worked my way right around into a big circle and the exact same stopping point. Here is some sample code to try to simplify my complication.
    I'm attempting to complete an assignment (due in a few hours) lol... which is supposed to be an "application" not an "applet". It's a lesson in multi-threading. Supposidly there is a main thread which drives everything, several processing threads and a thread which prompts for input. I've got the Thread which prompts for input working just fine as well as the others. However, whenever one of the processing threads begins to process the data, I get no further DOS prompt from my input object until that Thread has completed. I'm going nuts trying to figure out how not to have this happen.
    I'll make an attempt at a simplified version of what's happening below:
    class mainThread impliments Runnable(){
        public void run(){
               //call inputThread object
               //call processorThread object
        public void dataProcessor(){
            //processes data & calls on other methods & objects
            //to help
    class processorThread impliments Runnable(){
    //several of these objects are created to process data
    class InputThread impliments Runnable(){
    //has two methods as given to us by instructor
        public String method1(){
            //involks prompt requesting Strings or characters from user
            //  returns String
        public int method2(){
            //involks prompt requesting integer from user
            //  returns int
    }The problem is when processorThread object is called, everything stops and waits for it to complete. Help!!

    A thread has 3 elements;-
    - start()
    - run()
    - stop()
    controlled by boolean values if(myInt==myCondition){
      myThread.stop();   // method is depricated as it may not stop 'cleanly' and thrfr = memory prob's
      nowPutTheCatOut - etc
    // Better method;-
    public void start() {
    // X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*Hope that helps

  • How to stop a thread in java 1.5 on windows

    Hi All,
    I am using Java 1.5 on windows plateform. I want to stop all the threads which belongs to a particular process when the timeout occurs. In java 1.5 stop() method is depricated and interrupt method just sets the flag and does not stop the thread actually.
    Is there any way to destroy the thread permenently. I am using TheadPool Executor class.
    Rinku Garg

    I am having a timer task which is scheduled to run after some fixed time interval when the process started.
    Now this timer task when started, should destroy the active threads of the request. When the request is timed out then the thread is action should termininate.
    In my case run method of particular thread had already made a call to Database through DAO when the time out occurs. So how can I set up a loop in run method which I found on google.
    thread.stop() is deprecated.
    thread.destroy() is deprecated.
    I used thread.interrupt() but it does not stops the thread.
    Please help me in this scenario.
    Rinku Garg

  • ER: Accessing the Current Database Transaction (11g)

    We need to write some additional code to run DML against databese.
    We need to use a connection object.
    In ADF dev guidesome recomemnd foolowing code. But this method is needed very carefull use . there is many Poolling problem occurs.
    In my opinion a default app module method as getCurrentTransection will be very usefull.
    private Connection getCurrentConnection() throws SQLException {
    /* Note that we never execute this statement, so no commit really happens */
    PreparedStatement st = getDBTransaction().createPreparedStatement("commit",1);
    Connection conn = st.getConnection();
    return conn;

    It is by design that we do not make the "raw" JDBC connection easy to access. We provide DBTransaction methods that allow you to create prepared statements and/or callable statements if you need to. These methods hide the implementation complexity that in a web environment, you might be using a different JDBC connection object on each request, and tries to prevent inexperienced users from accidentally caching a reference to the JDBC connection object somewhere in their code.

  • ConcurrentModificationException in RequestContextImpl class

    Am currently getting a ConcurrentModificationException thrown by the
    notifyRequestCompletionListeners method of the RequestContextImpl
    The context is:
    A JSP includes two JSP fragments, containing tiled views bound to
    primary models and surrounded by jato:context tags, to
    enable/disable the display of one or the other.
    The observed behavior is as follow:
    a) Despite a JSP fragment doesn't need to be displayed (i.e.
    beging<>Display method returns false), the associated tiled view is
    though instanciated.
    How come childs are instantiated though not used ?
    I thought JATO instanciates resources only when needed - or is it
    maybe because the JSP fragments are statically bound - translation-
    time includes ?.
    b) While in notifyRequestCompletionListeners method of the
    RequestContextImpl class, a requestComplete() triggers the
    instantiation of a tiled view, which sets a primary model in its
    constructor, which is added to the request context. This triggers
    the ConcurrentModificationException. The exception happens when the
    tiled view contains a HREF (commenting the HREF out in the
    registerChildren method, hides the problem).
    How is it that instances are created during the
    notifyRequestComplitionListeners method, and why only when the tiled
    view contains HREF ?

    I don' t have a lot of time right now, but some comments until I have more
    I am getting a ConcurrentModificationException thrown by the
    notifyRequestCompletionListeners method.
    The context is a JSP including two JSP fragments surrounded
    by "content" tags and containing tiled views with HREF childs.
    The observed behavior is as follow:
    a) Although a JSP fragment is not displayed, i.e. begin<>Display
    method returns false, the corresponding tiled view class is though
    instantiated.The question is when is it instantiated? I would expect it to be
    instantiated on the subsequent request back to the server, but not during
    the response/rendering phase (when the content tag comes into play). The
    built-in mapRequestParameters() logic is not smart enough to skip mapping
    values for registered containers. You may be able to encode a value in the
    page that indicates the non-displayed views and avoids registering them for
    that request. To do this, would want to use the optional constructor for
    the ViewBean that takes a RequestContext:
    public class MyViewBean extends ViewBeanBase
    public MyViewBean(RequestContext context)
    if (context.getRequest().getParameter(TILEDVIEW1_SHOWN)!=null)
    Get the idea? This is just a thought, I haven't thought it through
    completely. In the future, would could perhaps encode this information
    transparently for you and take advantage if it during parameter mapping.
    I thought JATO instantiates childs only when needed ?
    Is it because the JSP fragments are translation time includes ?
    b) While iterating over the request completion listeners in the
    notifyRequestCompletionListeners method, a new completion listener is
    added, causing the ConcurrentModificationException. The completion
    listener, which is the primary model of a tiled view, is added when
    registering a child that is a HREF bound to this primary model.
    Commenting out the registration of the HREF child in the tiled view
    hides the problem.Patient: "Doctor, my arm hurts when I do this."
    Doctor: "So don't do that."
    Are you saying the registration is happening automatically and unavoidably
    as a result of some JATO behavior, or are you intentionally adding a
    listener during notification?
    Should not all required childs be instantiated before the
    notifyRequestCompletionListeners method is called ?Generally, yes, though if your listener makes a getChild() call on a child
    that wasn't previously instantiated, it would cause that child to be
    Why does a HREF trigger the instantiation of a model and not a static
    text child for instance ?
    For more information about JATO, including download information, pleasevisit:

  • Javascript error: object expected

    i used two javascript show(),hide(id) methods for particular page items... i had called those methods from the templates bcoz im passing some id from the template that is needed in the page level javascripts...
    now my problem is for some i didnt not implemented those methods hide(id) & show() bcoz it is not needed for me in that page , but its showing me error saying 'Object Expected' .. how can i overcome this problem...
    do i need to override the method in each n every page... is there any alternate solution for this...

    >> but its showing me error saying 'Object Expected' .. how can i overcome this problem...
    Another option is to condition these show/hide functions. You can use something like this:
    if ($x(‘id’)){
    }That will prevent the functions from running if the element ID ‘id’ is not rendered on the page.
    Please remember to mark appropriate posts as correct/helpful. For the long run, it will benefits us all.

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