Is the powerbook g4 still wroth it

hi the 2005 models or should i just get a 2006 macbook

detour12 wrote:
hi the 2005 models or should i just get a 2006 macbook
Neither, they are all obsolete.
Vintage and obsolete Apple products:
Obsolete products are those that were discontinued more than seven years ago. Apple has discontinued all hardware service for obsolete products with no exceptions. Service providers cannot order parts for obsolete products. These include ALL G4 models. On November 23, 2011 all G5 models were declared as 'vintage'. Obsolescence cannot be far behind.
Time to start saving for a Mac from 2009 at the earliest.

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  • Are the powerbook g4 still wroth it

    i am looking to buy a mac for traveling and was looking at the powerbook g4

    This MacBook 2.4 GHZ Duo Core is pretty good.
    Would only take Mac OS X 10.7 as the highest OS version available, which at the moment is fine. Still a lot of software available for Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, which is helpful. Looks to be in clean condition.
    It's a pretty good price considering I've seen them for sale on eBay at a lot more money.
    The only thing to keep in mind, they have a tendency to break around the tracker pad edges. This one in the photo on eBay looks to be fine.
    2GB RAM, I'd would push it up to 4GB and install 10.7 Lion.
    A 30 day warranty is always helpful, should it be faulty.
    I'd say you would get a lot more use out of this MacBook with the vast available software, than that of a PowerBook G4

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    i will be using it on my desk
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    detour12 wrote:
    Will the PowerBook be good Enough
    No, not for long. Very out of date and officially obsolete.
    Vintage and obsolete Apple products:
    Obsolete products are those that were discontinued more than seven years ago. Apple has discontinued all hardware service for obsolete products with no exceptions. Service providers cannot order parts for obsolete products. These include ALL G4 and G5 models.

  • Is the Powerbook G4 still a good day to day computer?

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    Here is a list of the software I would use:
    MS Office 09 for Mac
    iWork 09
    Photoshop CS2
    iLife 09

    GNN Photography wrote:
    I have the oppertunity to get my hands on a used 2005 15" Powerbook G4 with leopard on it for $149, $100 with my student discount. Would this be a good computer for things like: web browsing, word and power point? Also do these do Pandora?
    The software you listed will only run on a PowerBook G4 if they still support PowerPC processors. I'm not sure if they do, you'd have to check each one's system requirements. You listed MS Office 09 for Mac, but there is no such thing. There is Office 2008 which does run on a PowerPC, and Office 2011 with does not. It looks like iLife 09 is going to work.
    If the software will run on a PowerPC, the G4 could be a good laptop. The biggest limitations will be heavy Flash like playing YouTube videos. HD video will be impossible. Pandora might work. For $100 it might be fine.

  • My Powerbook boots up every few times and the hardware test still gives me -9972 error

    René O'Deay wrote:
    My Powerbook G4 15" aluminum 1.67Ghz 10.3.9 Panther won't start up.
    (I did a backup on an external drive not long before it failed)
    have gotten lost in my research on apple forums and knowledge base.
    From the original install discs:
    The Hardware test gives the error.
    "2STF/8/3 ATA-100 ata-6-Master (-9972)"
    The Disc utility does see my harddrive but fails to repair with the messge:
    1 volume cannot be repaired,
    'Invalid  node Structure'
    Disk 'no valid packets (-9997)'
    I do have a useless partition from TechTool 4 and had successfully run the programs just before Powerbook failed.
    aid everything was ok, with no warnings.
    found somewhere a link to a hardware test code list, that said 9972 could be the cable (ribbon?) to the drive needed to be reset, replaced, or the harddrive replaced.
    our local New Orleans 'official' Apple Tech guy calimed it was the harddrive and not worth replacing.  he whined that it would take hours, tho the guys on ifixit claimed only half an hour.
    i have since got a refurb MacBook (even older it turns out) with Tiger, but I miss my 15 incher Powerbook. (on very tight budget)
    the battery got zapped by lightning last year and have struggled with it ever since. it won't fully recharge.
    Right now have got it on the AC without the battery to try to charge the backup battery.
    I have managed to restore it several times after crashing, inspite of my tech guy claiming otherwise. but have never really opened it up besides just looking at the memory slots. just one filled with 512 card.
    so any advice, or suggestions.
    I've been messing with my Power book for like 10 hours and finally finished replacing the hard drive. (just installing the software and all the updates took almost 2 hours by itself) Now it boots up every few times and the hardware test still gives me -9972 error.
    <Re-Titled By Host>

    My friend. Do not despair.
    Firstly, you have a backup. Kudos.
    Secondly, i suspect the hard drive in the machine is more than just a few years old. Hard drives die. I suspect the hard drive is the issue, not the cable.
    Thirdly, it is worth changing the hard drive and take the ifixit advice. Simple to change. If it will be your first time changing the hard drive, just be organized and follow the steps carefully.
    Now, before we decided it is the hard drive we need to confirm this.
    I would check if SMART reports favorable conditions for the drive. Disk utility can tell you.
    If good then I would zero out the drive. This allows the drive to excercise every sector and will build confidence of a well prepared drive going forward.
    You can then restore from backup.
    The other option is to replace the internal HD with a new one, perhaps with more storage.
    As an FYI, I replaced the drive on my powerbook G3 and it's faster, quite , has more storage and gives me some peace of mind. Worth the money. The little guy runs beautifully. 
    Sent from my iPhone

  • Bus powered external hard drives and the Powerbook G4 17 inch

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    PowerBook G4 17 inch   Mac OS X (10.4.1)  

    This also happens on the PB 15". It is perceived as a problem. If you check via the System Profiler you will likely see that the USB port output is 500mA. Most drives - in a USB or FW case - need 1A to boot. There are some drives that will boot with 500mA. If a 500mA drive is installed in the USB case it should boot off the bus power. If using a ext HD you can only boot the computer from the FW port and not the USB or PCMCIA slot.
    The FW port will power the ext HD. I do not recommend daisy chaining unless you use a powered FW hub. I blew 4 FW ports and had to replace the logic board 4 times but Apple Care paid for all the work. The newer FW ports are more robust but it is still a chance if you try to draw too much power.

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    If you need information on Powerbook, you might not getting any input here, beside apple already discontinued the Powerbook line.
    You can buy powerbook through refurbished program at apple store or from auction site or apple authirised re-seller that still have the old stock.
    But if you are refering the MAcBook, then you are in the right forum.
    There is 2 product line which is MacBook and MacBookPro, the MacBook almost identical with the pro machine except for the dedicated memory for its vga chipset on the pro, xpress card/34 slot, and fw800 at 17" models and several small feature like backlit keyboard etc.
    It is depend how you gonna use your Mac for and also your budget allocated. For most gamer and profesional heavier user they pick the MacBook Pro, while the relatively lighter user pick the MacBook.
    Both can be installed with xp using boot camp or parallel. So you still can use your pc software there.
    Whichever you choose, just be patient and try to get familiar first with OS X behavior before fire the frustation for not knowing the trick to achieve certain task using the Mac OS x that slightly differ from XP.
    But it is user friendly and most switcher feel no pressure and no trouble during that transition.
    Good Luck.

  • Is my dysfunctional Powerbook G4 still sellable?

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    I have heard a disturbing drilling sound internally in my powerbook, which has been shutting down on its own for the past few weeks. I have decided to let go of my dying 3-yr old powerbook and buy a new macbook. If I sell my Powerbook with an apparent dysfunctional harddrive, will anyone still buy it? And for how much approximately?
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Look at what they are selling for on ebay, and knock $200 off that - new drives run around $60 give or take, double that for installation and inconvenience. If you can run the Apple hardware test from DVD, you can demonstrate that the rest of the hardware is functional, also boot from the OS X DVD.
    If you sell the Powerbook with the dysfunctional hard drive, is there any personal data on it you don't want generally available? Me, I'm paranoid, so I'd either erase the drive or remove it before selling it. And if you're going to remove it, you can also replace it with a new one.

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    This is for a Mac that won't sleep.
    First, read things in Apple doc.#25801 on sleep settings.
    USB devices and hubs often cause Macs to not sleep or wake quickly from sleep (notably HP printers and scanners, HP all in ones, and Cannon scanners). Disconnect all USB except for keyboard and mouse and try. If it sleeps, add one back at a time testing after each one to find the culprit.
    If you've set your Mac to recieve faxes, it may not be able to sleep. It might also have a damaged preferences file.
    If you use your Mac for faxing, open System Preferences. click Print & Fax, click the Faxing tab, and uncheck the Recieve Faxes On This Computer box.
    If that does'nt work or you've never faxed on your Mac, go to Finder/Hard Drive /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration and delete the and files (if your Mac asks, type your admin. password).
    If the latter file isn't present in the folder, go to user name(probably your name)/Library/Preferences, delete the file, and reboot your Mac.
    Hope this helps!
    P.S. One member here reported this (Michael Gleason);
    "I have had this problem with my IMac G5. It is surprisingly irritating. LaCie's Silverkeeper backup software was the cause. By default it gave itself permission to wake up the computer to check if a backup was needed. Do you have this or a similar program installed which has scheduled activities including wake-up permissions as an option?"
    Dave Hamilton provided this link,, to a member, which addresses failure of deep sleep with some users that updated and added new FireWire and USB cards.
    tomhorvat adds this; After few days of messing around I found out that I had desktop background (wallpaper) set to change every 1 minute.
    After unchecking "Change picture..." in system preferences (under Desktop/Screen saver), my powerbook went to sleep all by itself.

  • Powerbook G4 still a sensible purchase ?

    Is it a wise decision to buy a one year old Powerbook ? It's a 1.67Ghz 15" Powerbook with 1440x960 resolution and a dual layer SD (the last of the Powerbooks actually). Will a Powerbook G4 with 2Gb of RAM still hold its own in a couple of years ? Is it sufficiently fast for iMovie and Final Cut Express and does it run HD movies without stuttering ? I can get one for an interesting price (about $200 less than the cheapest macbook).

    I think it all depends on what you're planning on using it for. My G4 1.67 is just under a year old, and I use it every day for Internet surfing, eMail, work (mostly documents), video editing in iMovie, iTunes, and iDVD authoring, and digital photography. I don't play computer games. I find that my PB is fast enough to meet my needs, and I have no intention of upgrading to a MacBook Pro for at least two more years. However, I am not a multimedia professional. If I were, I would want a much faster, more "modern" machine.
    So, if you're a typical home user with an interest in capturing memories in iMovie and iDVD, like to burn CDs off of iTunes, and spend a lot of time eMailing and web surfing, a PB G4 1.67 would be a good purchase, especially at the price you mentioned. If you want more professional video and multimedia power, go for a MacBook Pro. If you still want to save some money, get a refurbished one. It'll be good as new, will include AppleCare, and will save you a good chunk of change.

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    Hello, Pete. 
    Here is an article I would recommend going through when an iPod is not recognized by iTunes or the computer.
    iPod not recognized in My Computer and in iTunes for Windows
    Usually the resolution is updating the Apple Mobile Device Driver.  See the section labeled Verify that the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is installed > For Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8 > Update the Apple Mobile Device Driver.
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    Jason H. 

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    I've updated to the most recent version of iTunes and I can no longer see any of my old music on my mac.  All the music is still available on my ipad.  How can i download the music on my mac?

    First, are you positive it is really not there?  Have you looked in your iTunes folder in your Music folder, and in the media folders there? Do you see your media files?
    If your media are gone it is a lot easier to restore from a proper computer backup.  Your i-device was not designed for unique storage of your media. It is not a backup device and media transfer was planned with you maintaining a master copy of your media on a computer which is itself properly backed up against loss. Syncing is one way, computer to device, updating the device content to the content on the computer, not updating or restoring content on a computer. The exception is iTunes Store purchases which can be transferred to a computer.
    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer - - only purchases from iTunes Store
    For transferring other items from an i-device to a computer you will have to use third party commercial software.  See this document by turingtest2: Recovering your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device -

  • How do I delete a toolbar that was added by a plugin? Plug-in's been uninstalled, but the toolbar is still there and any new tabs open on their search engine (even though I have Tab Mix set to open tabs on a duplicate page). Help?

    Running Firefox on Windows XP3. I installed a plugin from, which they now require. (I've used that site for at least a year with no problem ever.) Everything was fine but it added a toolbar to my browser, and it seems to have reset Firefox somehow so that any new tab opens on "Searchqu", some low-rent search engine. I uninstalled the plug-in altogether, but the toolbar is still there, and I can't make the reset on the search engine go away. I use Tab Mix Plus (also never had this problem before with it), but no matter what I do, the tabs will not open to anything other than searchqu. (Tab Mix has the option to open to a duplicate tab - what it was using BEFORE all this - but changing that no longer has any effect.)
    Anyone know how to deal with a problem like this?

    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance).
    *Do NOT click the Reset button on the Safe Mode start window or otherwise make changes.
    You can also check for problems with the localstore.rdf file.

  • I am getting a pop up on my iPhone 4S asking password of my iCloud even though I feed the password but still keep on asking the same thing every second so I am not able to use my iPhone.

    I am getting a pop up on my iPhone 4S asking password of my iCloud even though I feed the password but still keep on asking the same thing every second so I am not able to use my various times it asks different passwords.

    Curretly, there is an iCloud blackout.  It started this morning around 2AM California time (Pacific), 5AM New York (Eastern).  A lot of people have been having issues all day, including me.  No iCloud services are online.  Even Find My iPhone is down.

  • I deleted some of my text message histories to get rid of 'other' space (6.33 gb). They were gone from iMessage, but they still showed up in search, so they were still taking up space on my phone. I synced my iPhone (4s) but the messages are still there.

    I deleted some of my text message histories to get rid of 'other' space (6.33 gb). They were gone from iMessage, but they still showed up in search, so they were still taking up space on my phone. I synced my iPhone (4s) with iTunes but the messages are still there. How can I get rid of these texts for good and have more space on my phone? 6.33 gb of other space is way too much, thats almost half of my overall available space (13.5 gb.) I don't want to reset my phone and lose all my other texts/ app progress/ photos. I do have backups, but when I restore from the backup the other space comes back along with everything else. What can I do to get rid of this other space and the 'deleted' text messages? (I'm running iOS 6.1.3 if that helps)

    But once again, I do not want to lose my other texts, app progress, and photos. I could sync the photos but i would still lose the app progress and texts. I would only restore if it was the only option left, but the other space, as already stated, isnt the main concern. The main concern is those 'deleted' texts. If they go, then a good size chunk of the other space goes. I know you CAN delete texts for good. It worked fine before. All i want to know is why its not working for me now, and how to fix it.
    I also know that when you delete texts on your iphone, they get marked for deletion, however they stay on your device (thats why they show up when you search for them.) then when you sync your device with itunes, the texts marked for deletion should disappear. When i synced they didnt disappear. Thats what i need an explanation/solution for. Why the texts marked for deletion didnt get fully deleted after the sync.

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