Is there a way to exit the Lion Installer back to 10.6.8?

Lion won't install (says the disc needs to be repaired).  Is there a way to exit the installer and return to Snow Leopard?

strangest thing... i found my original leopard disc and restarted my macbook while pressing the option key.
i options on the HD, Lion USB Key, or Leopard on disc appeared.
i cliclked on leopard  and the instal started to progress as normal. i read through all the on screen info.  i was a little concerned about loosing everything on my HD, so stopped before doing the install and decided to restart. 
again i held down the option key and just for the **** of it clicked on the Lion USB key.
what do u know, it installed!!!!  the only issue was the time, the screen said 36 minutes, was over an hour.
but its all up and runniing and im happy again and no need to travel to the apple store!!!
hope this is somewhat helpful

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