Is there Key Event in J2ME?

Hi there,
Is there key event in j2me? It seems we only can get event from Command.
By the way, there is only few messages in KVM disscussion home. I thought J2ME is getting more popular recently, So we should have more people in Forum.
However, Microsoft put more on WinCE; and Qualcomm has BREW for wireless device. Do you think Java will win?

why don't you look in the specs B4 posting.
you'll actually SAVE yourself time ;-)

Similar Messages

  • I need to disable key events - J2ME

    Is there anyway, in J2ME, to disable key events while processing a current key? I want to avoid queing up of key events and then re-enable key events when I am done handling the current key.
    public void keyPressed(int keyCode) {
    switch (keyCode) {
    case -50:
    // I want to disable key events here
    // process this key
    // re-enable key events

    I had tried using a boolean to skip avoid the key as you suggested. That does not work. It seems as if the keys are only being processed in a serial manner. By that I mean the keyPressed method is not receiving the second and third keys while I am processing the first. So when I am done processing the first key I set isOkayToProcess=true and then the second key comes in.

  • Unable to find Key Events when there are multiple Commands

    I've developed a simple J2ME Appln containing 3 commands
    for ex- Exit,Help and Info(all with same priority).
    As there are 3 commands, Exit command is present at the left and the other two namely Help and Info have been listed under Menu and this Menu command is presented at the right.
    My MIDlet class has extened MIDlet and implemented CommandListener. Using CommandAction(), I'm able to generate action for Command press and i've also created a nested class which extends Canvas so, using keyPressed and keyReleased, I'm able to find the Key Press Events.
    Now, my appln needs to find just the key press events. After i press the Menu command, the two commands namely Help and Info are listed. In tht screen, I need to find out whether any other key events are being generated but my keyPressed and keyReleased are not being called.
    Please provide me solution ASAP.

    I'm going to make a few assumptions:
    1. The menu you're describing is the automatically generated one caused by having more than two commands.
    2. The subclass of Canvas is the currently active Displayable (otherwise you won't get any key events at all).
    If this is the case (and someone correct me if I'm wrong), key events are being handled by the phone's subsystem to drive the menu, which means there's no way to get them. The way I've approached this kind of problem is to create my own menu painting and handling code and incorporated it into the Canvas. Then, make one Command called 'Menu' and have it invoke your custom menu code.
    I realise this isn't an ideal solution, but it's something.

  • Macbook misses some key events for a few seconds

    I have noticed that for last two months or so something strange happens to my Retina MBP. Once in a couple of days it stops responding to some key events. It is like it handles only one keypress out of 4-5. Nothing seems to be wrong with the keyboard and it is not about a particular key or keys. And about 10-15 seconds later everything goes back to normal. I do not see any suspicious messages in the logs, the computer is connected to the power supply...It happens just by itself in the middle of the day, when I am typing.
    Almost looks like some interrupts get lost by the system while it is busy with something else. But I have checked the load level and running processes - nothing interesting there....And whatever it is - it happens during a very short period of time.

    No, I have not returned my MBP yet. In fact, I would rather avoid doing this unless I am convinced if it is a hardware issue. And I do believe it is not. Just recently I have spent some time investigating it and I have found very stroing correlation between the moments when this happens and these messages in the kernel log:
    Jan 13 10:49:54 mbp-wifi kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(96471) deny mach-lookup
    Jan 13 10:54:31 mbp-wifi kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(96499) deny mach-lookup
    Jan 13 10:54:31 mbp-wifi.home sandboxd[96499] ([96497]): mdworker(96497) deny mach-lookup
    Jan 13 10:54:31 mbp-wifi.home sandboxd[96499] ([96498]): mdworker(96498) deny mach-lookup
    Jan 13 10:56:32 mbp-wifi.home sandboxd[96504] ([96503]): mdworker(96503) deny mach-lookup
    Jan 13 10:56:32 mbp-wifi.home sandboxd[96504] ([96502]): mdworker(96502) deny mach-lookup
    And I have also noticed that my Spotlight database gets reconstructed too often, which means it gets corrupted.
    From all this I conclude that it is most likely the software issue and it seems to be linked to spotlight. I saw people reporting similar things. So now I am researching on how to fix it without disabling the spotlight.
    In general, I believe that the quality of Apple software is going down, it is not like 4-5 years ago And Apple does seem to care less and less about it.
    If in your case it happens all the time, not just once in a while, and you see that a particular key has problems - it is possible that we are talking about the different issues and yours might be really about the keyboard.

  • KEY events in MIDlets

    Hello all,
    I am basically new to J2ME MIDP development and also new to this
    forum. So apologies if this has already been covered or turns out to
    be a stupid question :) Here goes:
    I am trying to develop a MIDlet where I have a Form to accept certain
    values from the user. This is fairly straightforward and is easy to
    create with the high level Form a and TextField objects.
    Now, I wish to add a functionality to my MIDlet, in which, the user
    can press a specific key.. say the "Select" key or the "Call" key.. at
    any time during the form to start another thread of operation which
    performs something totally different... say for example, the user is
    entering values into the form and in between somewhere he presses this
    specific key and the phone start playing music. I hope you get my
    Basically I want to listen for key pressed or key held events on a
    Form object. Now I understand that Key events can be found only on the
    low-level Canvas based UIs. So is it possible to do it with Screen class

    You can try to use a CustomItem. What events will be delivered to the custom item depends on the implementation, though. Also these events will be only delivered when the CustomItem is focused.
    Have a look at the J2ME Polish GUI for using CustomItems for MIDP/1.0 devices as well.
    Best regards,

  • How to consume key events

    I would like to create a subclass of TextBox that only allows numeric input. My idea was to provide my own onKeyType() handler and consume any key events that do not correspond to digits. However, I can't find any way to consume key events from further processing. How do I do this?
    Are there any other suggestions how to accomplish the task of providing your own filter concerning valid key input?

    I also wanted a kind of validators for the TextBox class of JavaFX. So I've tried solving the problem using the SwingTextField class and some Java APIs. The following is my code for a SwingTextField accepting only digits, but I do want it to be much simpler.
    import java.awt.AWTEvent;
    import java.awt.event.AWTEventListener;
    import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
    import java.awt.Toolkit;
    import javafx.ext.swing.SwingTextField;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javax.swing.JComponent;
    class DigitKeyEventHookListener extends AWTEventListener {
        public-init var  source:JComponent;
        public  override function  eventDispatched( event:AWTEvent):Void {
            if (event.getSource().equals(source)) {
                var keyEvent : KeyEvent = event as KeyEvent;
                var keyCharacter = keyEvent.getKeyChar();
                var isDigit = false;
                var code = keyEvent.getKeyCode();
               if ((KeyEvent.VK_0 <= keyCharacter) and (keyCharacter <= KeyEvent.VK_9)) {
                       isDigit = true;
                if ((code ==KeyEvent.VK_DELETE) or (code ==KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE)) {
                    isDigit = true;
                if ((code ==KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) or (code ==KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT)) {
                    isDigit = true;
               if (not isDigit) {
    function createSwingTextField() : SwingTextField{
        var field = SwingTextField {
        var listener =  DigitKeyEventHookListener{
            source: field.getJTextField()
        Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener(listener, AWTEvent.KEY_EVENT_MASK);
        return field;
    Stage {
        title: "Digit Box"
        width: 200
        height: 80
        scene: Scene {
            content: createSwingTextField()

  • No key event when compose keys are pressed

    I am supporting a legacy application for Sabre which maps some of the keys differently. For example, on a French keyboard the Compose key which is used to put a ^ on top of the vowel characters is to be remapped to produce a special character called a "Change Character" that has a special use for reservation agents that use Sabre
    The problem is, the first time you press the ^ compose key there is no key event apparently because the VM figures it doesn't yet know what key to report, it is expecting you to press a character such as 'o' and then you get an 'o' with a '^' on top of it.
    If you press the ^ compose key a second time, you get the following key events:
    On the screen you will see two ^ characters appear. Currently I remap the ^ character to the "Change Character", and I suppress the second keyTyped event so that I only get one character. The problem is that the user ends up having to press the key twice to get one "Change Character."
    I have no fix for this problem because there is no key event produced when they press the ^ compose key the first time.
    By the way, this behavior appears to have been introduced with jdk 1.3. The older jdk did produce a key event the first time you pressed the compose key. I would expect that this behavior was considered to be a bug and was fixed in jdk 1.3.
    Is there some other way to detect when the user presses a compose key? If not, is it possible for future jdk releases to report a keyPressed event when a compose key is pressed? This event would not cause a character to appear on the screen, but would allow programs to detect when the compose key is pressed.
    There is already a key on the French keyboard that behaves this way. It is the key to the left of the '1' key and it has the pipe symbol on it. If you press Shift plus this pipe key, no character is produces but a keyPressed event with a keycode of 222 is produced. I merely point this out to show that there is a way to report key events whithout producing output on the screen.
    Thanks, Brian Bruderer

    I don't know if this actually helps, but it seems that you can bind an Action to a dead key like the circumflex of the French keyboard
    Keymap keymap = textPane.addKeymap("MyEmacsBindings", textPane.getKeymap());
    Action action = getActionByName(DefaultEditorKit.beginAction );
    KeyStroke key = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_DEAD_CIRCUMFLEX);
    keymap.addActionForKeyStroke(key, action);I saw this on a Swing tutorial and modified it slightly. Have a look at it :

  • Is using key events really that hard?

    I am trying to implement a keyListener for my application, and it seems
    way harder than it should be. My application is simple: A JFrame
    with one button and one JPanel upon which I draw. When I click
    in the JPanel and type, I want things to happen.
    After much looking, it seems I have to not only implement KeyListener,
    but also MouseListener, so when the mouse enters I can call
    That seems to work sometimes, but not when I leave and come back,
    and not always when the application first appears.
    So do I also have to implement FocusListener?
    Why is this so hard to do? MouseListener is very easy to implement,
    but KeyListener seems to be a huge pain in the butt.
    Can someone point me to a simple tutorial or example that just
    has a few swing elements, and processes key events?
    I feel like with Java I often try enough things until it finally works,
    and never really understand why, and what it was that fixed it.
    The documentation and API does not fully describe everything one
    needs to know to use the API "properly". Am I the only one frustrated
    by this? I have programmed in Java/Swing for years, and JUST LAST
    WEEK discovered that when implementing paint in swing, one should
    override paintComponent and not paint. But then why does overriding
    paint usually work? There are too many quirks in Java that let you
    get away with doing things wrong, and then suddenly, your application
    is broken. It wouldn't be so bad if the API was more clear on some of
    these suble issues.

    How to Use Key Bindings

  • Lag on key press (key event)

    Hello, I am currently working on a simple game in Java. I've used Java's Key_Pressed in Key Event to control a ship moving back and forth with the up and down keys. I've noticed that when a key is pressed there is a short pause before the ship actually moves. What can I do to avoid this pause?

    The "repeat rate" for holding a key down is controlled by the OS.
    You should not be relying on multiple KeyEvents to move your component as the repeat rate will vary from machine to machine. Actually you should not be using KeyEvents anyway you should be using [url]Key Bindings
    On keyPressed binding you would start a Timer and then on keyReleased you stop the Timer. You can then control the interval at which the Timer fires so you game will be consistent on all machines.

  • Focus problem using key event

    There is an application I've created uses key event that needs your help.
    As you know, that setting 'Mnemonic' to a JButton object makes the button accessible by a key mentioned in the parameter as the following ->
                   OkButton.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_O);Now, pressing 'Alt' and 'O' keys together will do the same action as the 'OKButton' does.
    But as of me, I think pressing two keys together is not a complete handy job.
    So, is there any code that will do the same, by pressing only the 'O' key ?
    Ok! I know that there is something to be taken care of; that is, if I want the button to react by pressing only the 'O' key the button must be in focus [value returned by the method [code]isFocusable() for the button must return true.]
    Then how the 'Mnemonic' works ?!! When 'Mnemonic' do something, button does not have any focus.
    Only, I press the Alt+O and the work done successfully! No need to take care wherever the focus is. So, is there any way to do alike, where I don't have to manage the focus subsystem?? I would only press the 'O' key and the task will be done.
    Please send a sample code. Thanks!

    I suggest you look into Key Bindings:
    "How to Use Key Bindings"
    Here is a short demo program that uses Key Bindings to do what you describe:
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class PressOTest extends JFrame {
        public PressOTest() {
            super("Press O or C");
            // Action that will be associated with the OK button and with
            // the 'O' key event
            Action okAction = new AbstractAction("Ok") {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(PressOTest.this, "Ok!");
            // Action that will be associated with the Cancel button and with
            // the 'C' key event
            Action cancelAction = new AbstractAction("Cancel") {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(PressOTest.this, "Cancel!");
            // Register Key Bindings for the 'O' and 'C' keys:
            InputMap im = getRootPane().getInputMap(
            ActionMap am = getRootPane().getActionMap();
            im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_O, 0 ), "ok");
            am.put( "ok", okAction );
            im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_C, 0 ), "cancel");
            am.put( "cancel", cancelAction );
            // Create and add OK & Cancel buttons:
            JButton okButton = new JButton(okAction);
            JButton cancelButton = new JButton(cancelAction);
            Box box = Box.createHorizontalBox();
            box.add( Box.createHorizontalGlue() );
            box.add( okButton );
            box.add( Box.createHorizontalStrut(10) );
            box.add( cancelButton );
            box.add( Box.createHorizontalGlue() );
            getContentPane().add( box );
            setSize(300, 300);
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            new PressOTest().setVisible(true);

  • Handling Enter key event in JTable

    This is particularly for the user "VIRAVAN"...
    I have followed your method ,and got results too.. but the
    processKeyBinding(.. method is called 4 times,same problem addressed by you before, but I didn't understood it...
    Please help me...
    Here is my code...
    protected boolean processKeyBinding(KeyStroke ks, KeyEvent e,int condition, boolean pressed)
    if (ks == KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER,0))
    int selRow = getSelectedRow();
    int rowCount = getRowCount();
    int selCol = getSelectedColumn();
    String val =(String)getValueAt(selRow,selCol);
    boolean b= getCellEditor(selRow,selCol).stopCellEditing();
    System.out.println(rowCount-1 + " "+ selRow + " " + getSelectedColumn());
    if((!val.equals("")) && selRow==rowCount-1)
    System.out.println(rowCount-1 + " "+ getSelectedRow()+ " " + getSelectedColumn());
    blank1 = new String[columns];
    for(int p=0;p<columns;p++)
    // dataModel.fireTableStructureChanged();
    else if(ks ==KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_1,0))
    System.out.println("One One One One ");
    return super.processKeyBinding(ks,e,condition,pressed);

    It's been a while since I looked at the code, but essentially there are three key event types:
    1) key pressed,
    2) key typed,
    3) key released.
    So I would expect the processKeyBind to see all three of them. However, ks==KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER,0) is true only when a key typed event is detected (the other types can be ignored by passing it up the food chain where they will eventually be consumed). Now...., if I understand you correctly, you want to terminate edit on the present of Enter key, right? Here is how I'd suggest you do:
       protected boolean processKeyBinding(KeyStroke ks, KeyEvent e, int condition, boolean pressed) {
          if (isEditing()) {
             Component editorComponent=getEditorComponent();
             return true;
          return super.processKeyBinding(ks,e,condition,pressed);
       }Ok.... now, it appears that you want to do something else also... i.e., add a new row to the table if the editing row is the last row and the editing column is the last column of the last row. You can't do that in the same thread (i.e., you must wait until the update in the current thread is completed). So, what you must do is use the SwingUtilities.InvokeLater, like this:
       protected boolean processKeyBinding(KeyStroke ks, KeyEvent e, int condition, boolean pressed) {
          if (isEditing()) {
             Component editorComponent=getEditorComponent();
             if (getEditingRow()+1==getRowCount() && getEditingColumn()+1==getColumnCount()) {
                SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                   public void run() {
    // put the code for adding new row here
             return true;
          return super.processKeyBinding(ks,e,condition,pressed);
    PS: posted code is untest but should work!

  • [JS] Tab key event (ScriptUI)

    If set to 'window' or 'palette' type, a ScriptUI Window can't receive 'Tab' key events on WinXP.
    Is this the same with other OS?
    Is there a workaround?

    Here's the thread about the bug
    It really was and is a big problem for me and soesn't seem to be getting fixed any time soon
    Steven Bryant

  • Help with understanding key event propagation

    I am hoping someone can help me understand a few things which are not clear to me with respect to handling of key events by Swing components. My understanding is summarized as:
    (1) Components have 3 input maps which map keys to actions
    one for when they are the focused component
    one for when they are an ancestor of the focused component
    one for when they are in the same window as the focused component
    (2) Components have a single action map which contains actions to be fired by key events
    (3) Key events go to the currently focused component
    (4) Key events are consumed by the first matching action that is found
    (5) Key events are sent up the containment hierarchy up to the window (in which case components with a matching mapping in the WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW map are searched for)
    (6) The first matching action handles the event which does not propagate further
    I have a test class (source below) and I obtained the following console output:
    Printing keyboard map for Cancel button
    Level 0
    Key: pressed C
    Key: released SPACE
    Key: pressed SPACE
    Level 1
    Key: pressed SPACE
    Key: released SPACE
    Printing keyboard map for Save button
    Level 0
    Key: pressed SPACE
    Key: released SPACE
    Level 1
    Key: pressed SPACE
    Key: released SPACE
    Printing keyboard map for Main panel
    Event: cancel // typed SPACE with Cancel button having focus
    Event: save // typed SPACE with Save button having focus
    Event: panel // typed 'C' with panel having focus
    Event: panel // typed 'C' with Cancel button having focus
    Event: panel // typed 'C' with Save button having focus
    I do not understand the following aspects of its behaviour (tested on MacOSX although I believe the behaviour is not platform dependent):
    (1) I assume that the actions are mapped to SPACE since the spacebar clicks the focused component but I don't explicitly set it?
    (2) assuming (1) is as I described why are there two mappings, one for key pressed and one for key released yet the 'C' key action only has a key pressed set?
    (3) assuming (1) and (2) are true then why don't I get the action fired twice when I typed the spacebar, once when I pressed SPACE and again when I released SPACE?
    (4) I read that adding a dummy action with the value "none" (i.e. the action is the string 'none') should hide the underlying mappings for the given key, 'C' the my example so why when I focus the Cancel button and press the 'C' key do I get a console message from the underlying panel action (the last but one line in the output)?
    Any help appreciated. The source is:
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class FocusTest extends JFrame {
         public FocusTest ()     {
              setTitle ("FocusTest");
              setLocationRelativeTo (null);
              setSize(325, 160);
              setVisible (true);
         public static void main (String[] args) {
              new FocusTest();
    private void initComponents()
         JPanel panTop = new JPanel();
              panTop.setBackground (java.awt.Color.RED);
    JLabel lblBanner = new javax.swing.JLabel ("PROPERTY TABLE");
    lblBanner.setFont(new java.awt.Font ("Lucida Grande", 1, 14));
    lblBanner.setHorizontalAlignment (javax.swing.SwingConstants.CENTER);
              panTop.add (lblBanner);
              JPanel panMain = new JPanel ();
              JLabel lblKey = new JLabel ("Key:");
              lblKey.setFocusable (true);
              JLabel lblValue = new JLabel ("Value:");
    JTextField tfKey = new JTextField(20);
    JTextField tfValue = new JTextField(20);
    JButton btnCancel = new JButton (createAction("cancel"));     // Add a cancel action.
    JButton btnSave = new JButton (createAction("save"));          // Add a sve action.
              panMain.add (lblKey);
              panMain.add (tfKey);
              panMain.add (lblValue);
              panMain.add (tfValue);
              panMain.add (btnCancel);
              panMain.add (btnSave);
              add (panTop, java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH);
              add (panMain, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
    setDefaultCloseOperation (javax.swing.WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
    // Add an action to the panel for the C key.
              panMain.getInputMap (JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW).put (KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_C, 0), "panel");
              panMain.getActionMap ().put ("panel", createAction("panel"));
              // FAILS ???
              // Add an empty action to the Cancel button to block the underlying panel C key action.
    btnCancel.getInputMap().put (KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_C, 0), "none");
    // Print out the input map contents for the Cancel and Save buttons.
    System.out.println ("\nPrinting keyboard map for Cancel button");
    printInputMaps (btnCancel);
    System.out.println ("\nPrinting keyboard map for Save button");
    printInputMaps (btnSave);
              // FAILS NullPointer because the map contents are null ???
    System.out.println ("\nPrinting keyboard map for Main panel");
    // printInputMaps (panMain);
    private AbstractAction createAction (final String actionName) {
         return new AbstractAction (actionName) {
              public void actionPerformed (java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
                   System.out.println ("Event: " + actionName);
    private void printInputMaps (JComponent comp) {
         InputMap map = comp.getInputMap();
         printInputMap (map, 0);
    private void printInputMap (InputMap map, int level) {
         System.out.println ("Level " + level);
         InputMap parent = map.getParent();
         Object[] keys = map.allKeys();
         for (Object key : keys) {
              if (key.equals (parent)) {
              System.out.println ("Key: " + key);
         if (parent != null) {
              printInputMap (parent, level);
    Tim Mowlem

    Use the [url]Code Formatting Tags so the posted code retains its original formatting.
    1) In the Metal LAF the space bar activates the button. In the Windows LAF the Enter key is used to activate the button. Therefore these bindings are added by the LAF.
    2) The pressed binding paints the button in its pressed state. The released binding paint the button in its normal state. Thats why the LAF adds two bindings.
    In your case you only added a single binding.
    3) The ActionEvent is only fired when the key is released. Same as a mouse click. You can hold the mouse down as long as you want and the ActionEvent isn't generated until you release the mouse. In fact, if you move the mouse off of the button before releasing the button, the ActionEvent isn't even fired at all. The mouse pressed/released my be generated by the same component.
    4) Read (or reread) the [url]How to Remove Key Bindings section. "none" is only used to override the default action of a component, it does not prevent the key stroke from being passed on to its parent.

  • On Key Event change sprite and sound

    I can't sort this out for the life of me.
    I have this at the moment....They are cast member scripts.
    There are four movies that switch on mouse clicks along with
    their associated sound.
    Trouble is that they are different sizes and the largest
    stays on the screen behind the new clip.
    I tried an unload
    but wherever I put it it did not work.
    I am new to Director and using ver11
    I have put the first clip on channel 1 and its sound on sound
    channel 1. Then that has a cast memeber script to swap the sound
    and image from the cast.. Each clip has a cast member script to
    move to the next clip.
    I did post earlier in the 'basics' a similar problem but have
    as yet found no solution.
    I really do need to have the changing of clips and of sound
    driven by key events. But I cannot get any key
    event to be recognised by director when the projector runs..
    Where does one put key.up and key.down in director?
    I really am stuck here and truly any help would be great

    You can place 'on keyUp' or 'on keyDown' event handlers on
    any sprites
    that would normally get keyboard input (i.e. editable #text
    or #field
    sprites as well as certain #flashComponents). You can also
    make a
    "movie-wide" control by putting an 'on MouseUp'handler in a
    script. This event will happen if there is no editable text
    item on the
    If you want to use a global keyDown handler, you need to set
    up 'the
    keyDownScript' (refer to the help file for explanation and

  • Javafx multiple key events

    I have created a program in which a scene have two objects, and each object reacts when certain key is pressed, for example, when 1 is pressed , object 1 prints it's state,a and when 2 is pressed object 2 reports its state, but the program only work for object which is declared first in the scene
    following is an illustration
    import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    * @author Vaibhav
        scene: Scene{
            content: [
                    onKeyPressed: function(ex:KeyEvent):Void{
                        println('first rectangle');
                    onKeyPressed: function(ex:KeyEvent):Void{
                        println('Second rectangle');
    }but it prints only for fist rectangle , is there a workaround

    Only the object, which has the focus, can react on key events. Apparently in your case the first object has the focus, therefore the second one does not receive the events. You can set the focus manually with requestFocus().

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