Issue with AdvancedDataGrid in Flex SDK 3.3

Hello Forum,
I downloaded and installed Flex SDK 3.3. Once I pointed my environment to the SDK 3.3, compiler complained that it can’t find AdvancedDataGrid component in the path. After some investigation, I was able to fix this issue by downloading Flex 3.3 Data Visualization Components from Then I had to unzip downloaded file into the /sdk_3.3.0_install_dir/
I don't think I had to go through this in my previous installations - 3.2 and 3.1. Does anyone know the reason for this two step download and installation?
Also, I would like to use a new Vector class in my future development, does anyone know what version of  SDK provides it?
Much Appreciated,

If I'm not wrong Vector is a part of Flash Player 10, so it's no related to the SDK, and also in Flex Builder you can access all the new classes that are available in FP 10 but you don't get autocompletion for those new clases if I'm not wrong.

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    import java.awt.*;
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    public CardWindow() {       
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    cards = new JPanel();
    cardLayout = new CardLayout();
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    cards.add(createLastNamePanel(), "LastNamePanel");
    cards.add(createFullNamePanel(), "FullNamePanel");
    getContentPane().add(createButtonPanel(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    private JPanel createFirstNamePanel() {
    JPanel panel = new JPanel();
    JLabel lblDescriptionProjectName = new JLabel("Please enter your first name:");
    txtFirstName = new JTextField(20);
    return panel;
    private JPanel createLastNamePanel() {
    JPanel panel = new JPanel();
    JLabel lblDescriptionProjectName = new JLabel("Please enter your last name:");
    txtLastName = new JTextField(20);
    return panel;
    private JPanel createFullNamePanel(){
    JPanel panel = new JPanel();
    lblFullName = new JLabel();
    return panel;
    private JPanel createButtonPanel() {
    buttonPanel = new JPanel();
    btnPrevious = new JButton("< " + "Back");
    btnNext = new JButton("Next" + " >");
    btnCancel = new JButton("Cancel");
    btnFinish = new JButton("Finish");
    return buttonPanel;
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    private void resetButtonPanel(){
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    for(int i = 0; i < c.length; i++){
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    Object object = e.getSource();
    if (object == btnNext) {           
    } else if (object == btnPrevious) {           
    } else if (object == btnFinish) {
    } else if (object == btnCancel) {
    private void btnNextPressed() {       
    switch (iWizardStep) {
    switch (iWizardStep) {             
    private void btnPreviousPressed() {
    public void setFirstName(String value) {
    firstName = value;
    public String getFirstName() {
    return firstName;
    public void setLastName(String value) {
    lastName = value;
    public String getLastName() {
    return lastName;
    public static void main (String[] args) {
    CardWindow c = new CardWindow();;
    private CardLayout cardLayout;
    private JPanel cards, buttonPanel;
    private JTextField txtLastName, txtFirstName;
    private JLabel lblFullName;
    private JButton btnNext, btnPrevious, btnCancel, btnFinish;
    private String firstName = "";
    private String lastName = "";
    private int iWizardStep = 0;
    private static final int FIRSTNAMEPANEL = 0;
    private static final int LASTNAMEPANEL = 1;
    private static final int FULLNAMEPANEL = 2;

    Thanks for your reply. I tried requestFocus() and it gives the same results. Also Sun's 1.4.0 API ( mentions the following with respect to the requestFocus() method in the JComponent class:
    Because the focus behavior of this method is platform-dependent, developers are strongly encouraged to use requestFocusInWindow when possible.
    That is why I used requestFocusInWindow.

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    Add a random number as a parameter to the url.
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    Thanks in advance,

    Finally we figure out how to solve the issue.
    The packaging into native .deb installer fails as explain above because with the hole Flex SDK 4.5 (adt -version told
    The packaging is successfull if only Air SDK 2.6 is install.
    What is strange that both adt seems to be the same "" (found with "adt -version").
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    which contains a large list of archived SDK's. So that help page never really says which version of the SDK to use - with or without the compiler. But other forum posts have implied its suppose to be the one with the compiler.
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    with different instructions.
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    Thanks in advance.

    If you are not using Flash Builder go here:
    At the bottom it says:
    Note : Flex users will need to download the original AIR SDK without the new compiler. Mac Windows.
    Download the proper one for your OS and then extract it over your existing Flex SDK directory.
    EDIT: Just read your post again and noticed you mentioned Flash Builder. In that case you want to follow these directions: and grab the version with the compiler at

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    I've found this whole SDK overlay business a mess and very confusing. I've found this document
    which states
    'The distribution of the AIR SDK with ASC 2.0 is for pure ActionScript development only. It should not be combined with an existing Flex SDK. 
    To support Flex application development with newer versions of the AIR SDK, an AIR SDK overlay distribution that does not include ASC 2.0 needs to be overlaid over the Flex SDK bundled with Flash Builder 4.7.'
    So if you are doing pure AS3 development there is no longer any need to do any 'overlaying' of one SDK Folder onto another.  You just need to get the latest AIR SDK with complier ( )
    You should then update the AIR SDK if using Flash Builder via ( ) (Note it still uses the term 'overlay' but you are not really overlaying but replacing).
    Can someone from Adobe confirm please ?

    You must use Flex 2.0.1 Hotfix 3.  No later version of Flex works.  This means you must use Flex Builder 3 (with Flex 2.0.1 runtime for your project) and you cannot use Flash Builder 4.5.
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    We think we fall into the same issue as but for the 4.5 DSK.
    On Linux it used to work with the following environment (env1):
    - Ubuntu 10.10
    - Java Sun 1.6.0_24
    - Flex SDK + Adobe Air SDK 2.5.0
    It stops to work when we upgrade to the new Flex SDK (env2):
    - Ubuntu 10.10
    - Java Sun 1.6.0_24
    - Flex SDK (with the default embeded Adobe Air SDK 2.6)
    The faut message is "Invalid AIR file" and nothing is logged in the log file (/home/<username>/.appdata/Adobe/AIR/Logs/Install.log).
    1) The .air file is installing correctly on env2 (without the support of the NativeProcess as expected)
    2) We also tried to compile the project directly on env2 :
    amxml app.mxml
    adt -package -storetype pkcs12 -keystore cert.p12 app.air app-app.xml air.swf
    The .air file is installing fine but the packaging into a native process fails in the same way...
    3) We tried to package a native installer of our .air file on env1 and it works!!! (the installed application seems to work fine also on env2!!!)
    Are we missing something or does it seems to be a bug of the Flex SDK 4.5?
    Are there some restrictions to package a native installer with the Flex SDK 4.1 a air app build with the Flex SDK 4.5 ?
    Thanks in advance,

    Finally we figure out how to solve the issue.
    The packaging into native .deb installer fails as explain above because with the hole Flex SDK 4.5 (adt -version told
    The packaging is successfull if only Air SDK 2.6 is install.
    What is strange that both adt seems to be the same "" (found with "adt -version").
    Can someone from the Adobe dev team explain it?
    I suppose as the Flex SDK is not available for the Linux platform, the download only contains the Air SDK for Windows and Mac OS as opposed to the specific download of the Air SDK for te Linux platform...

  • Tracing references in the Flex SDK

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    By tracing references in the SDK I mean working with the files accompanying the compiled Flex SDK (ie. C:\sdk_location\framework\projects\project\src\).
    Any ideas how I can make Flash Builder help me browsing the SDK again?
    My project compiles with both
    Apache Flex SDK 4.11.0
    Flex SDK 4.6.0
    I can use Find references in my own project.
    I can use Find references in Flex SDK 4.6.0.
    I can't use Find references in Apache Flex SDK 4.11.0.

    Change to the Flex bin directory and use mxmlc like this:
    mxmlc path/to/my/App.mxml
    This should create a SWF file that you can then run. If you
    plan on posting the app somewhere, you'll probably want to create
    an HTML wrapper. You can use the wrappers in the html-templates
    For more info on using mxmlc, see the online help (type
    "mxmlc -help list") or look in the Compilers chapter of the
    Building and Deploying book. For more on using the wrappers, look
    in the wrappers chapter of the same book.
    matt horn
    flex docs

  • For pure AS3 development do we still need to overlay the FLEX SDK?

    Hi Guys
    I've found this whole SDK overlay business a mess and very confusing. I've found this document
    which states
    "The distribution of the AIR SDK with ASC 2.0 is for pure ActionScript development only. It should not be combined with an existing Flex SDK.
    To support Flex application development with newer versions of the AIR SDK, an AIR SDK overlay distribution that does not include ASC 2.0 needs to be overlaid over the Flex SDK bundled with Flash Builder 4.7."
    So if we are doing pure AS3 development there is no longer any need to do any 'overlaying' of one SDK Folder onto another.  We just need to get the latest AIR SDK with complier ( )
    We should then update the AIR SDK if using Flash Builder via ( html ) (Note it still uses the term 'overlay' but you are not really overlaying but replacing).
    Is this conclusion correct.  Do we just need the SDK with the new compilier and nothing else ?
    Can someone from Adobe confirm please ?
    PS - I've asked this question on the Flash Builder Forom but there's been no response.

    Yes, that's correct, for pure AS3 development you need not use the Flex SDK overlay. For this you should use asc2 compiler available at . Also below are step to overlay your AIR SDK with Flash builder 4.7
    1. Exit Flash Builder. 
    2. Back up the AIR SDK availabe at Application/FB4.7/eclipse/plugins/com.adobe.flash.compiler_4.7.0.349722/ by copying the entire directory and rename it to something AIRSDKversion. Now, you have two folder AIRSDK(default one) and AIRSDKversion(copied one).
    3. Download the appropriate AIR SDK file for your operating system e.g. unzip and save it on your MAC OS X.
    4. On Terminal, run the below command
    sudo ditto /path/air3-8_sdk_sa_mac /Applications/Adobe\ Flash\ Builder\ 4.7/eclipse/plugins/com.adobe.flash.compiler_4.7.0.349722/AIRSDK
    /path/air3-8_sdk_sa_mac -> path where you downloaded the AIR SDK
    /Applications/Adobe\ Flash\ Builder\ 4.7/eclipse/plugins/com.adobe.flash.compiler_4.7.0.349722/AIRSDK -> path where you overlay the new AIR SDK
    5. (Optional) To access the new AIR 3.8 APIs, update your application descriptor file to the 3.8 namespace.
    To update the namespace, change the xmlns attribute in your application descriptor to: <application xmlns="">
    6. (Optional) To ensure that the output SWF file targets SWF version 21, pass an additional compiler argument: -swf-version=21.
    Hope this will help.

  • Can we use Flash Player 11 abilities through Flex SDK 4.5.1?

    Hi All
    As you know BitmapData has some limitation for image size and resolution in Flash Player 10 (maximum resolution is 8192) and for Flash Player version 11 and later, Adobe fixed this limitation and depends on OS we can have all type of huge resolutions in BitmapData.
    But my problem is now I'm using Flex SDK 4.5.1 which base Flash Player is
    So is there any possibility to use this benefit of Flash Player 11 with my current Flex SDK with implementing a restriction based on Flash version with something like Capabilities.version or not?
    Thanks in advance

    Tanx, But I must keep my current version of Flash Player and I'm not able to change swf-version or target-player through compiler settings arguments or etc... I just need these feature for BitmapData.
    Can I use something like this to check if my object has new methods of Flash Player or not:
    if(myInstance.hasOwnProperty("newMethodInFlashEleven")) myInstance[newMethodInFlashEleven]();
    Is there any new method for BitmpaData class in Flash player 11, to check it based on that?!

  • Installing Flex SDK

    Hello All,
    Please excuse my ignorance; however, I am new to development.
    After talking to a friend I decided to have a go at building flash into my websites.  As a skint student I opted to download the Flex SDK open source package.
    I have downloaded FlexSDK from the Adobe site, unzipped the folder and saved it to my c:programes folder.  When I looked for an execuatble file to launch the application - nothing.  I continued to research which led me to install the plugins from the runtime folder after first unistalling my current version of flash.
    As there was no joy launching an application I did further research into the open source Flex SDK; pretty much every review mentions developing within an IDE /your chosen IDE.
    Please help:
    - What am I missing please?
    - How do I get to work with flash using Flex SDK?
    - How do I unintall Flex and the plugins and get back to how I was, as I cannot find any uninstall information? (without restoring windows as I have just installed a load of new software)
    There must be a way to make use of these files in an IDE; I must be launching it wrongly.

    Hey, give this a try. I successfully installed "Flex Builder"
    on Slackware Linux 11 (2.6.15 kernel).

  • Upgraded to Mac OSX Lion, have an issue with Flash Builder 4.5.1 and Flex SDK 3.2

    Howdy, I upgraded my mac yesterday to 10.7, and have run into an interesting problem.
    I was using Flex Builder 3 before, using Flex SDK 3.2. After upgrading, I found that Flex Builder 3 is not compatible with Lion anymore, so I had to upgrade to Flash Builder 4.5.
    This is fine, I just figured I would add the Flex 3.2 sdk, which I did. However, after adding my project to the workbench for Flash Builder 4.5, I see the following error:
    However, as far as I can tell, the following two screenshots mean I have installed the Flex 3.2 sdk:
    Does anyone know if this is even possible to do? I need to get back into development ASAP. If I can get Flex 3.2 SDK working in this environment, I am pretty sure I will be good to go.
    Thanks so much!

    I can't help you with your problem, but maybe this is a good start:
    ..... About that... have you encountered any other issue when using FB 4.5.1 with OS X 10.7.0?

  • Flex RSL issue with SDK version change?

    Hi Friends!
         I am facing very crucial common problem when using Flex RSL feature.
    Problem:  My Custom component library is compiled with Flex 3.0 and more than 50 applications are using it. Now some of our new applications needs to use the features from Flex 3.2 SDK(like increased control width and height) and those controls should also be in same library.
    So, the library should be common for application which are using 3.0 as well as 3.2.
    My requirement is
    "Without recompiling all Flex 3.0 applications, I need to run both Flex 3.0 and 3.2 applications using library compiled in Flex 3.2"
    now I am getting some errors like,
         Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on mx.core::CrossDomainRSLItem()  -- from systemmanager
         VerifyError: Error #1053 -- mx.managers.SystemManagerProxy.
         ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable _*_mx_managers_SystemManager
    Is it possible to win this?
    I hope flex is having backward compatibility.
    Please help me on this.

    The only cross-version compatibility is called the Marshall Plan.  It is described on the open source wiki and on my blog.
    Alex Harui
    Flex SDK Developer
    Adobe Systems Inc.

  • Issues with file upload in flex mobile application (sharepoint as backend)

    I am working on flex mobile application for android platform for which we are having sharepoint as a backend.
    (Flex SDK 4.6 and AIR 3.9)
    Issue which we are facing is as follows:
    We are communicating with the backend server using webservices: example:
    <s:WebService id="kWebService" wsdl="" >
                <s:operation name="AddPost"
                             fault="postsfaulterr(event)" />
    Above services are working fine but we are facing issue with one service which is related to file upload.
    File upload for <10 MB is working fine but when we try to upload larger file on server it fails to process.
    We are sending bytearray to the backend and backend code is writing those bytearray into file.
    We have tried many ways to overcome from this situation. like we have checked configuration for file upload size on server , we have tried wcf services as well. Please help us on this criticle point as soon as possible

    Prashant8809 wrote:
    > I have already gone through the video by Thomas Jung for multiple file upload but it saves the contents in server and not in >transparent table. So please suggest me alternative solutions.
    > Regards
    > Prashant Chauhan
    What do you mean that my video saves the contents int he server and not in transparent table?  I save the data into a temporary database table so it can be accessed by the parent WDA session. From there the WDA session can do whatever it wants with it.  What do you mean by transparent table - that would be a database table. Do you actually mean internal table?  if so, just read the data from the temporary database table into memory.

  • Flex SDK 3.2 : Unmarshalling issue : SOAP objects are not deserialized completely

    Hi everybody !
    I have a strange problem with SOAP deserialization in flex 3.2, and I thought this forum will be the best place to get answers ...
    When I try to fetch some objects (like the ones shown below), the XMLDecoder does not deserialize all the properties.
    In this case, it stops at the property named "rating". After it, all other data are lost.
    I've used the flex builder debugger to locate the problem, and this lead me to the following method in the XMLDecoder class :
    getApplicableValues(parent:*, valueElements:XMLList, name:QName,context:DecodingContext, maxOccurs:uint):XMLList:
    State of the variables, before the "bug" :
    The strange behavior appears after the five first properties had been deserialized correctly.
    At this step : startIndex = 5, and the next property to unmarshall is "user" (according to the MExpertNotes object mapping)
    the valueElement's list contains the following elements :
    to simplify the notation, I will write only the position in the list and the xml tag name (see the complete soap response for more details at the end of this post)
    (position, fieldName)
    (0, ID) -> inherited from MotocycletteObjectImpl
    (2, noteValidation) (a Bean, never returned by our service -> set to null)
    (5,timeOfCreation) -> inherited from MotocycletteObjectImpl
    (6,user) (a Bean, never returned by our service -> set to null)
    (7,userExpert) (a Bean, never returned by our service -> set to null)
    (10,version) -> inherited from MotocycletteObjectImpl
    when it enters the for loop, at the first iteration the valueElements[i].name is equals to "timeOfCreation" and the name parameter is equal to "user".
    so this test : if (name == null || valueElements[i].name() == name
    || ((name.uri == "" || name.uri == null)
    && name.localName == valueElements[i].name().localName))
    returns false. The skipAhead variable is set to false (and i don't understand why). It stops iterating over the valueElementList, and so, skips all other properties.
    Is this a bug ? Does a workaround exists ?
    This affects many of our objects.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Best regards,
    Jules Pajot
    R&D engineer for Mikros Image
    [EDIT] : My Message was too long, so I put the complete message here :
    PS : I apologize for my english wich is far from perfect :)
    As a reminder , the XMLDecoder class method ( line 2204 ):

    <div class=Section1><br /><br /><p class=MsoNormal><span style='font-size:11.0pt;font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif";<br />color:#1F497D'>The holidays are starting here.  The experts in the area may<br />already be away.  Please file a bug.  It might help if you can simplify your<br />test case to use an XML file that is local so we don&#8217;t need your server<br />connection.<o:p></o:p></span></p><br /><br /><p class=MsoNormal><span style='font-size:11.0pt;font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif";<br />color:#1F497D'><o:p> </o:p></span></p><br /><br /><div style='border:none;border-top:solid #B5C4DF 1.0pt;padding:3.0pt 0in 0in 0in'><br /><br /><p class=MsoNormal><b><span style='font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Tahoma","sans-serif"'>From:</span></b><span<br />style='font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Tahoma","sans-serif"'> Jules Pajot<br />[mailto:[email protected]] <br><br /><b>Sent:</b> Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:05 AM<br><br /><b>To:</b> [email protected]<br><br /><b>Subject:</b> Re: Flex SDK 3.2 : Unmarshalling issue : SOAP objects are not<br />deserialized completely<o:p></o:p></span></p><br /><br /></div><br /><br /><p class=MsoNormal><o:p> </o:p></p><br /><br /><p class=MsoNormal style='margin-bottom:12.0pt'>A new message was posted by<br />Jules Pajot in <br><br /><br><br /><b>Developers</b> --<br><br />  Flex SDK 3.2 : Unmarshalling issue : SOAP objects are not<br />deserialized completely<br><br /><br><br />Nobody has an idea about my problem ? <o:p></o:p></p><br /><br /><div class=MsoNormal><br /><br /><hr size=2 width=200 style='width:150.0pt' align=left><br /><br /></div><br /><br /><p class=MsoNormal style='margin-bottom:12.0pt'>View/reply at <a<br />href="">Flex SDK 3.2 :<br />Unmarshalling issue : SOAP objects are not deserialized completely</a><br><br />Replies by email are OK.<br><br />Use the <a<br />href="!folder=.3c060fa3">unsubscribe</a>< br />form to cancel your email subscription.<o:p></o:p></p><br /><br /></div>

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  • SAP Workflow RFC WebDynPro

    Hi, I have to set the values of input_container of sap_wapi_start_workflow and then execute the RFC. This I have to do it through web dynpro. Please help me. Regards, Srinivas

  • OS X Mavericks Manual - Why state it is available when it is not?

    In the OS X Mavericks site, Why indicate a link to OS manual, when there are none for the "Mavericks"?


    VAT/CST -I need to give my abaper table and field names to pick up this data for invoice output ...plsss give me detailed info ...thnking u for ur time regards Maddy