Issue with to_char in sql

I am trying to execute below statment which gives me error:
ELSE to_char(ABS(BAL),'fm9999999999999999990.90')
Error: inconsitent datatypes: expected NUMBER got CHAR
It works fine when I do not use to_char function. But gives value as '0' instead of '0.00'.
To get value 0.00, I am trying to_char with fm format which is giving above error. Can anyone let me know if I'm giving something wrong here.
Thanks in advance

998158 wrote:
I am trying to execute below statment which gives me error:
ELSE to_char(ABS(BAL),'fm9999999999999999990.90')
Error: inconsitent datatypes: expected NUMBER got CHAR
It works fine when I do not use to_char function. But gives value as '0' instead of '0.00'.
To get value 0.00, I am trying to_char with fm format which is giving above error. Can anyone let me know if I'm giving something wrong here.
Thanks in advance
If it works fine when you don't use TO_CHAR, then why use TO_CHAR?
What are you trying to do? Post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for different numbers) and the exact results you want from that data.
Above, you're saying "bal <= 0", menaing "do the same thing if bal is less than 0, or if bal is exaclty 0".  If you want it to do one thing when bal is less than 0, and something else when bal is exactly 0, then use "<' instead of "<=".  For example:
    WHEN  bal < 0     -- NOT <=
    THEN  '0'         -- This is a VARCHAR2, to match what the ELSE branch returns
    ELSE  TO_CHAR (bal, 'fm'fm9999999999999999990.90')
The 1st part of the CASE expression takes care of all negative numbers, which is the only situation in which bal <> ABS (bal).  If control gets as far as the ELSE clause, then bal is the same as ABS (bal), so there's no need to call ABS.

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    This forum is to discuss issues, your issue is mainly regarding Azure SQL Database, I found that you have posted another thread in that forum
    I would recommend you focus on that thread to get help.
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    /* Student Contact Database GUI
    * Phillip Wells
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;     
    // imports java class. All import class statements tell the compiler to use a class that is defined in the Java API.
    // Borderlayout is a layout manager that assists GUI layout.
    import javax.swing.*;               // imports java class. Swing enables the use of a GUI.
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;     // imports java class. JOptionPane displays messages in a dialog box as opposed to a console window.
    import javax.swing.JPanel;          // imports java class. A component of a GUI.
    import javax.swing.JFrame;          // imports java class. A component of a GUI.
    import javax.swing.JButton;          // imports java class. A component of a GUI.
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;     // imports java class. A component of a GUI.
    import javax.swing.JTable;          // imports java class. A component of a GUI.
    import java.awt.*;               // imports java class. Similar to Swing but with different components and functions.
    import java.awt.event.*;          // imports java class. Deals with events.
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;     // imports java class. Deals with events.
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;     // imports java class. Deals with events.
    import java.sql.*;               // imports java class. Provides API for accessing and processing data stored in a data source.
    import java.util.*;               // imports java class. Contains miscellaneous utility classes such as strings.
    public class studentContact extends JFrame {     // public class declaration. The �public� statement enables class availability to other java elements. 
        private JPanel jContentPane;    // initialises content pane
        private JButton snam, id, fname, exit;     // initialises Jbuttons
        String firstname = "firstname"; //initialises String firstname
         String secondname = "secondname"; //initialises String
        public studentContact() {
            Vector columnNames = new Vector();      // creates new vector object. Vectors are arrays that are expandable.
            Vector data = new Vector();
            try {
                // Connect to the Database
                String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; // connect to JDBC driver
                String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/Studentprofiles"; //location of Database
                String userid = "root"; //user logon information for MySQL server
                String password = "";     //logon password for above
                Class.forName(driver); //reference to JDBC connector
                Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userid,
                        password);     // initiates connection
                // Read data from a table
                String sql = "Select * from studentprofile order by "+ firstname;
                //SQL query sent to database, orders results by firstname.
                Statement stmt = connection.createStatement
                (ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
                //statement to create connection.
                //Scroll sensitive allows movement forth and back through results.
                //Concur updatable allows updating of database.
                ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); // executes SQL query stated above and sets the results in a table
                ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData();     // used to get the properties of the columns in a ResultSet object.
                int columns = md.getColumnCount(); //
                for (int i = 1; i <= columns; i++) {
                    columnNames.addElement(md.getColumnName(i));     // Get column names
                while ( {
                    Vector row = new Vector(columns);          // vectors data from table
                    for (int i = 1; i <= columns; i++) {     
                        row.addElement(rs.getObject(i));     // Get row data
                    data.addElement(row);     // adds row data
            } catch (Exception e) {     // catches exceptions
                System.out.println(e);     // prints exception message
            JTable table = new JTable(data, columnNames) {     //constructs JTable
                public Class getColumnClass(int column) {     
                    for (int row = 0; row < getRowCount(); row++) {
                        Object o = getValueAt(row, column);
                        if (o != null) {
                            return o.getClass();
                    return Object.class;
            JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( table );          // constructs scrollpane 'table'
            getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(table), BorderLayout.SOUTH);   //adds table to a scrollpane
        private void initialize() {
            this.setTitle("Student Contact Database");     // sets title of table
            ButtonListener b1 = new ButtonListener();     // constructs button listener
            snam = new JButton ("Sort by surname");      // constructs Jbutton
            snam.addActionListener(b1);     // adds action listener
            jContentPane.add(snam);          //adds button to pane
            id = new JButton ("Sort by ID");      // constructs Jbutton
            id.addActionListener(b1);     // adds action listener
            jContentPane.add(id);          //adds button to pane
            fname = new JButton ("Sort by first name");      // constructs Jbutton
            fname.addActionListener(b1);     // adds action listener
            jContentPane.add(fname);          //adds button to pane
            exit = new JButton ("Exit");     // constructs Jbutton
            exit.addActionListener(b1);     // adds action listener
            jContentPane.add(exit);          //adds button to pane
        private JPanel getJContentPane() {
            if (jContentPane == null) {
                jContentPane = new JPanel();          // constructs new panel
                jContentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout());     // sets new layout manager
            return jContentPane;     // returns Jcontentpane
        private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener {     // create inner class button listener that uses action listener
            public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
                if (e.getSource () == exit)     // adds listener to button exit.
                   System.exit(0);     // exits the GUI
                if (e.getSource () == snam)
                if (e.getSource () == id)
                if (e.getSource () == fname)
        public static void main(String[] args) {     // declaration of main method
            studentContact frame = new studentContact();     // constructs new frame
            frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE);     //exits frame on closing
            frame.setSize(600, 300);          // set size of frame
            frame.setVisible(true);     // displays frame
    }p.s. sorry about the untidy comments!

    OK, so you've got this code here:
    private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener {
      public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
        if (e.getSource () == exit) {
          System.exit(0); // exits the GUI
        if (e.getSource () == snam) {
        if (e.getSource () == id) {
    }Perfect fine way to do this; although I think creating anonymous would be a bit cleaner:
    snam.addActionListener(new actionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
    });But I think that the real question you have is "what do I put for logic when the JButtons are hit?", right?
    I would answer that you want to dynamically build your SQL statement changing your ordering based on the button.
    So you'd have a method that builds the SQL based on what you pass in - so it takes one argument perhaps?
    private static final int NAME = 1;
                             ID = 2;
    /* ... some code ... */
    snam.addActionListener(new actionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
    /* ... some code ... */
    private void buildSQL(int type) {
      if ( type == NAME ) {
    /* ... build SQL by name ... */
      else if ( type == ID ) {
    /* ... build SQL by id ... */
    }That kind of thing.
    Or you might choose to have several build methods with no parameter type; each building the SQL differently, and calling whichever one you need. I did not read your entire pgm, so I don't know how you'd want to organize it. You need to ask more specific questions at that point.

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    /* Student Contact Database GUI
    * Phillip Wells
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;     
    // imports java class. All import class statements tell the compiler to use a class that is defined in the Java API.
    // Borderlayout is a layout manager that assists GUI layout.
    import javax.swing.*;               // imports java class. Swing enables the use of a GUI.
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;     // imports java class. JOptionPane displays messages in a dialog box as opposed to a console window.
    import javax.swing.JPanel;          // imports java class. A component of a GUI.
    import javax.swing.JFrame;          // imports java class. A component of a GUI.
    import javax.swing.JButton;          // imports java class. A component of a GUI.
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;     // imports java class. A component of a GUI.
    import javax.swing.JTable;          // imports java class. A component of a GUI.
    import java.awt.*;               // imports java class. Similar to Swing but with different components and functions.
    import java.awt.event.*;          // imports java class. Deals with events.
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;     // imports java class. Deals with events.
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;     // imports java class. Deals with events.
    import java.sql.*;               // imports java class. Provides API for accessing and processing data stored in a data source.
    import java.util.*;               // imports java class. Contains miscellaneous utility classes such as strings.
    public class studentContact extends JFrame {     // public class declaration. The �public� statement enables class availability to other java elements. 
    private JPanel jContentPane; // initialises content pane
    private JButton snam, id, fname, exit; // initialises Jbuttons
    String firstname = "firstname"; //initialises String firstname
    String secondname = "secondname"; //initialises String
    public studentContact() {
    Vector columnNames = new Vector();      // creates new vector object. Vectors are arrays that are expandable.
    Vector data = new Vector();
    try {
    // Connect to the Database
    String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; // connect to JDBC driver
    String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/Studentprofiles"; //location of Database
    String userid = "root"; //user logon information for MySQL server
    String password = "";     //logon password for above
    Class.forName(driver); //reference to JDBC connector
    Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userid,
    password);     // initiates connection
    // Read data from a table
    String sql = "Select * from studentprofile order by "+ firstname;
    //SQL query sent to database, orders results by firstname.
    Statement stmt = connection.createStatement
    //statement to create connection.
    //Scroll sensitive allows movement forth and back through results.
    //Concur updatable allows updating of database.
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); // executes SQL query stated above and sets the results in a table
    ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData();     // used to get the properties of the columns in a ResultSet object.
    int columns = md.getColumnCount(); //
    for (int i = 1; i <= columns; i++) {
    columnNames.addElement(md.getColumnName(i));     // Get column names
    while ( {
    Vector row = new Vector(columns);          // vectors data from table
    for (int i = 1; i <= columns; i++) {     
    row.addElement(rs.getObject(i));     // Get row data
    data.addElement(row);     // adds row data
    } catch (Exception e) {     // catches exceptions
    System.out.println(e);     // prints exception message
    JTable table = new JTable(data, columnNames) {     //constructs JTable
    public Class getColumnClass(int column) {     
    for (int row = 0; row < getRowCount(); row++) {
    Object o = getValueAt(row, column);
    if (o != null) {
    return o.getClass();
    return Object.class;
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( table ); // constructs scrollpane 'table'
    getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(table), BorderLayout.SOUTH); //adds table to a scrollpane
    private void initialize() {
    this.setTitle("Student Contact Database");     // sets title of table
    ButtonListener b1 = new ButtonListener();     // constructs button listener
    snam = new JButton ("Sort by surname");     // constructs Jbutton
    snam.addActionListener(b1);     // adds action listener
    jContentPane.add(snam);          //adds button to pane
    id = new JButton ("Sort by ID");     // constructs Jbutton
    id.addActionListener(b1);     // adds action listener
    jContentPane.add(id);          //adds button to pane
    fname = new JButton ("Sort by first name");     // constructs Jbutton
    fname.addActionListener(b1);     // adds action listener
    jContentPane.add(fname);          //adds button to pane
    exit = new JButton ("Exit");     // constructs Jbutton
    exit.addActionListener(b1);     // adds action listener
    jContentPane.add(exit);          //adds button to pane
    private JPanel getJContentPane() {
    if (jContentPane == null) {
    jContentPane = new JPanel();          // constructs new panel
    jContentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout());     // sets new layout manager
    return jContentPane;     // returns Jcontentpane
    private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener {     // create inner class button listener that uses action listener
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
    if (e.getSource () == exit)     // adds listener to button exit.
    System.exit(0);     // exits the GUI
    if (e.getSource () == snam)
    if (e.getSource () == id)
    if (e.getSource () == fname)
    public static void main(String[] args) {     // declaration of main method
    studentContact frame = new studentContact();     // constructs new frame
    frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE);     //exits frame on closing
    frame.setSize(600, 300);          // set size of frame
    frame.setVisible(true);     // displays frame

    OK, so you've got this code here:
    private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener {
      public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
        if (e.getSource () == exit) {
          System.exit(0); // exits the GUI
        if (e.getSource () == snam) {
        if (e.getSource () == id) {
    }Perfect fine way to do this; although I think creating anonymous would be a bit cleaner:
    snam.addActionListener(new actionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
    });But I think that the real question you have is "what do I put for logic when the JButtons are hit?", right?
    I would answer that you want to dynamically build your SQL statement changing your ordering based on the button.
    So you'd have a method that builds the SQL based on what you pass in - so it takes one argument perhaps?
    private static final int NAME = 1;
                             ID = 2;
    /* ... some code ... */
    snam.addActionListener(new actionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
    /* ... some code ... */
    private void buildSQL(int type) {
      if ( type == NAME ) {
    /* ... build SQL by name ... */
      else if ( type == ID ) {
    /* ... build SQL by id ... */
    }That kind of thing.
    Or you might choose to have several build methods with no parameter type; each building the SQL differently, and calling whichever one you need. I did not read your entire pgm, so I don't know how you'd want to organize it. You need to ask more specific questions at that point.

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    What do you mean by 'we are unable to import tables using the database connection'
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    I notice that it's very slow for the report region page to show up. In my PL/SQL function body, there are only 3 steps, first update all the 10 rows of varchar2 fields to null,then insert values to those fields, then select all from the table to show report results. It takes more than 5 minitues for the page to load up, how ever, if i run those steps in SQL*Plus, it only takes a couple of seconds to finish. Any suggestions?

    Sergio, the codes are as followed,
    q varchar2(32767); -- query
    q := 'select "ID",'||
    '"ENTRY NAME","TOTAL","#CM","%CM","#CA",'||
    '"%CA", from Info_table';
    update info_table
    set "TOTAL" = '',
    "#CM" = '',
    "%CM" = '',
    "#CA" ='',
    where "ID"<=10;
    // set all data in column Total to null,there is only 10 rows in the table
    update info_Table set Total = vTotal,
    "#CM" = vCM
    (those variables hold user key-in Text filed value)
    where ID = 1;
    return q;

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    Closed the thread regarding:
    Using the elevated mode fixed the problem.
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    the filter I tried with AND T116391.ORG_HIER11_NAME                             = 'IT Hosting Services'
    /* Dim_WC_TLNT_EMPLOYEE_D */
    W_POSITION_DH T116081
    /* Dim_W_POSITION_DH_Position_Hierarchy */
    W_EMPLOYEE_D T115519
    /* Dim_W_EMPLOYEE_D_Supervisor */
    W_JOB_D T95865
    /* Dim_W_JOB_D */
    W_EMPLOYEE_D T68497
    /* Dim_W_EMPLOYEE_D */
    W_DAY_D T66755
    /* Dim_W_DAY_D_Common */
    W_INT_ORG_D T111939
    /* Dim_W_INT_ORG_D_Employee_Org */
    WC_TLNT_F T308187
    /* Fact_WC_TLNT_F */
    W_PAY_GRADE_D T95908
    /* Dim_W_PAY_GRADE_D */
    WC_ORG_LIST_D T304800
    /* Dim_WC_ORG_LIST_D_OrgSecurity */
    W_INT_ORG_DH T116391
    /* Dim_W_INT_ORG_DH_Employee_Org */
    WHERE ( T308187.LOSS_IMPACT_WID = T308236.ROW_WID
    AND T116081.ROW_WID = T308187.EMP_POSTN_DH_WID
    AND T115519.ROW_WID = T308187.SUPERVISOR_WID
    AND T95865.ROW_WID = T308187.JOB_WID
    AND T68497.ROW_WID = T308187.EMPLOYEE_WID
    AND T68497.X_PAY_GRADE_WID = T95908.ROW_WID
    AND T95908.ROW_WID = T308187.PAY_GRADE_WID
    AND T111939.ROW_WID = T308187.HR_ORG_WID
    AND T116391.ORG_WID = T308187.HR_ORG_WID
    AND T66755.DAY_DT = TO_DATE('2012-07-10 00:00:00' , 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
    AND T116391.ORG_HIER11_NAME                             = 'IT Hosting Services'
    AND T308187.READINESS_WID = T310261.ROW_WID
    AND T308263.RESULTS_POTENTIAL = 'Strong Potential'
    AND T310120.ALLOWED = 'Y'
    AND T310120.ROW_Secuirty_GROUP = 'Corporate Full Data Access'
    AND CAST(T66755.X_REVIEW_YEAR_WID AS CHARACTER ( 30 ) ) = '2012'
    AND CAST(T308187.REVIEW_YEAR_WID AS CHARACTER ( 30 ) ) = '2012'
    AND (T111939.HR_ORG_FLG IN ('U', 'Y'))
    AND (T116391.ROW_WID IN (0)
    AND (T116391.ROW_WID IN (0)
    OR T116391.HR_ORG_FLG IN ('Y'))
    AND (T116391.ROW_WID IN (0)
    AND (T111939.HR_ORG_FLG IN ('Y')
    AND (T116391.ROW_WID IN (0)
    AND (T116081.CURRENT_LVL1ANC_LOGIN IN ('N0004404')
    OR T116081.CURRENT_LVL2ANC_LOGIN IN ('N0004404')
    OR T116081.CURRENT_LVL3ANC_LOGIN IN ('N0004404')
    OR T116081.CURRENT_LVL4ANC_LOGIN IN ('N0004404')
    OR T116081.CURRENT_LVL5ANC_LOGIN IN ('N0004404')
    OR T116081.CURRENT_LVL6ANC_LOGIN IN ('N0004404')
    OR T116081.CURRENT_LVL7ANC_LOGIN IN ('N0004404')
    OR T116081.CURRENT_LVL8ANC_LOGIN IN ('N0004404')
    OR T116081.CURRENT_TOP_LVL_LOGIN IN ('N0004404')
    OR T116081.CURRENT_LVL15ANC_LOGIN IN ('N0004404')
    OR T116081.CURRENT_LVL14ANC_LOGIN IN ('N0004404')
    OR T116081.CURRENT_LVL9ANC_LOGIN IN ('N0004404')
    OR T116081.CURRENT_LVL16ANC_LOGIN IN ('N0004404')
    OR T116081.CURRENT_LVL11ANC_LOGIN IN ('N0004404')
    OR T116081.CURRENT_LVL10ANC_LOGIN IN ('N0004404')
    OR T116081.CURRENT_LVL13ANC_LOGIN IN ('N0004404')
    OR T116081.CURRENT_LVL12ANC_LOGIN IN ('N0004404')) )
    order by T116391.ORG_HIER11_NAME desc
    Edited by: Jay on Jul 10, 2012 7:51 AM

    How to ask question
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    Handle:     Jay
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    Total Posts:     350
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  • Issue with Microsoft SQL Server, according to SAP (LMB)

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    First, you are running SAPJVM1.4 and for a 1.4 environment the 1.2
    version of the Microsoft SQL Server driver must be used.
    So how can I find the version number for our Microsoft SQL Server driver ??   Thanks, Jim Wells  

    That is a difficult topic.  Some articles:
    Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect
    IPAD SELECT Query Video Tutorial 3.5 Hours
    New Book / Kindle: Exam 70-461 Bootcamp: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012

  • Graphics issue with Jdev and Ubuntu Maverick

    I just upgraded one machine Dell Optiplex 755 to Ubuntu Maverick 10.10 with Java and Oracle JDeveloper 11g Since then, my Jdev is not working properly from a graphic point of view. When you start it , it doesn't show all the icons in the console. You have to pass the mouse over them to be shown, and as soon as you minimize/maximize the window, those are hidden again. It's like Java or Jdev are not sending the correct commands to repaint the screen.
    I don't have any similar graphic issue with any other application like openOffice or Oracle SQL datamodeler. But I do have the same issue with the Oracle SQL developer application, the icons are not shown unless you pass the mouse over them and they disappear if you minimize/maximize the window. Jdev and SQL Developer have a similar interface so I think is related with Java and these specific interfaces.
    The drivers of the graphic card, ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT, are up to date and I already tried with different tweakings in the graphical properties.
    Does any of you have any suggestion/solution?
    This didn't happen with an Ubuntu 9.10 and old versions of java and Jdev installed in the same machine.
    Greetings and thank you.
    Edited by: user13698736 on Feb 14, 2011 2:26 AM

    I have changed my graphic card. i mean, replace ATI Radeon by Gforce.

  • Performance issues with dynamic action (PL/SQL)

    I'm having perfomance issues with a dynamic action that is triggered on a button click.
    I have 5 drop down lists to select columns which the users want to filter, 5 drop down lists to select an operation and 5 boxes to input values.
    After that, there is a filter button that just submits the page based on the selected filters.
    This part works fine, the data is filtered almost instantaneously.
    After this, I have 3 column selectors and 3 boxes where users put values they wish to update the filtered rows to,
    There is an update button that calls the dynamic action (procedure that is written below).
    It should be straight out, the only performance issue could be the decode section, because I need to cover cases when user wants to set a value to null (@) and when he doesn't want update 3 columns, but less (he leaves '').
    Hence P99_X_UC1 || ' = decode('  || P99_X_UV1 ||','''','|| P99_X_UC1  ||',''@'',null,'|| P99_X_UV1  ||')
    However when I finally click the update button, my browser freezes and nothing happens on the table.
    Can anyone help me solve this and improve the speed of the update?
    P.S. The code for the procedure is below:
    create or replace
    (P99_X_UC1 in VARCHAR2,
    P99_X_UV1 in VARCHAR2,
    P99_X_UC2 in VARCHAR2,
    P99_X_UV2 in VARCHAR2,
    P99_X_UC3 in VARCHAR2,
    P99_X_UV3 in VARCHAR2,
    P99_X_COL in VARCHAR2,
    P99_X_O in VARCHAR2,
    P99_X_V in VARCHAR2,
    P99_X_COL2 in VARCHAR2,
    P99_X_O2 in VARCHAR2,
    P99_X_V2 in VARCHAR2,
    P99_X_COL3 in VARCHAR2,
    P99_X_O3 in VARCHAR2,
    P99_X_V3 in VARCHAR2,
    P99_X_COL4 in VARCHAR2,
    P99_X_O4 in VARCHAR2,
    P99_X_V4 in VARCHAR2,
    P99_X_COL5 in VARCHAR2,
    P99_X_O5 in VARCHAR2,
    P99_X_V5 in VARCHAR2,
    P99_X_CD in VARCHAR2,
    P99_X_VD in VARCHAR2
    ) IS
    l_sql_stmt varchar2(32600);
    p_table_name varchar2(30) := 'DWP.IZV_SLOG_DET'; 
    l_sql_stmt := 'update ' || p_table_name || ' set '
    || P99_X_UC1 || ' = decode('  || P99_X_UV1 ||','''','|| P99_X_UC1  ||',''@'',null,'|| P99_X_UV1  ||'),'
    || P99_X_UC2 || ' = decode('  || P99_X_UV2 ||','''','|| P99_X_UC2  ||',''@'',null,'|| P99_X_UV2  ||'),'
    || P99_X_UC3 || ' = decode('  || P99_X_UV3 ||','''','|| P99_X_UC3  ||',''@'',null,'|| P99_X_UV3  ||') where '||
    P99_X_COL  ||' '|| P99_X_O  ||' ' || P99_X_V  || ' and ' ||
    P99_X_COL2 ||' '|| P99_X_O2 ||' ' || P99_X_V2 || ' and ' ||
    P99_X_COL3 ||' '|| P99_X_O3 ||' ' || P99_X_V3 || ' and ' ||
    P99_X_COL4 ||' '|| P99_X_O4 ||' ' || P99_X_V4 || ' and ' ||
    P99_X_COL5 ||' '|| P99_X_O5 ||' ' || P99_X_V5 || ' and ' ||
    P99_X_CD   ||       ' = '         || P99_X_VD ;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql_stmt;

    Hi Ivan,
    I do not think that the decode is performance relevant. Maybe the update hangs because some other transaction has uncommitted changes to one of the affected rows or the where clause is not selective enough and needs to update a huge amount of records.
    Besides that - and I might be wrong, because I only know some part of your app - the code here looks like you have a huge sql injection vulnerability here. Maybe you should consider re-writing your logic in static sql. If that is not possible, you should make sure that the user input only contains allowed values, e.g. by white-listing P99_X_On (i.e. make sure they only contain known values like '=', '<', ...), and by using dbms_assert.enquote_name/enquote_literal on the other P99_X_nnn parameters.

  • Issue With Report Builder After Installing SP3 for SQL 2008 R2

    Hello.  We are experiencing an issue with Report Builder 3.0 since installing SP3 for SQL 2008 R2 over the weekend.  You can no longer launch Report Builder from the Reporting Services URL (http://dicomweb/ReportServer/ReportBuilder/ReportBuilder_3_0_0_0.application
          Server  : Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
          X-AspNet-Version: 2.0.50727
     Application url   :
          Server  : Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
          X-AspNet-Version: 2.0.50727
     Deployment Identity  : ReportBuilder_3_0_0_0.application, Version=10.50.6000.34, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c3bce3770c238a49, processorArchitecture=x86
     Application Identity  : MSReportBuilder.exe, Version=10.50.6000.34, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c3bce3770c238a49, processorArchitecture=x86, type=win32
     * Online only application.
     * Trust url parameter is set.
     Below is a summary of the errors, details of these errors are listed later in the log.
     * Activation of
    http://dicomweb/ReportServer/ReportBuilder/ReportBuilder_3_0_0_0.application resulted in exception. Following failure messages were detected:
      + File, Microsoft.ReportingServices.ComponentLibrary.Controls.dll, has a different computed hash than specified in manifest.
     No transaction error was detected.
     There were no warnings during this operation.
     * [10/15/2014 9:35:56 AM] : Activation of
    http://dicomweb/ReportServer/ReportBuilder/ReportBuilder_3_0_0_0.application has started.
     * [10/15/2014 9:36:29 AM] : Processing of deployment manifest has successfully completed.
     * [10/15/2014 9:36:29 AM] : Installation of the application has started.
     * [10/15/2014 9:36:31 AM] : Processing of application manifest has successfully completed.
     * [10/15/2014 9:36:35 AM] : Found compatible runtime version 2.0.50727.
     * [10/15/2014 9:36:35 AM] : Detecting dependent assembly Sentinel.v3.5Client, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, processorArchitecture=msil using Sentinel.v3.5Client, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a,
     * [10/15/2014 9:36:35 AM] : Detecting dependent assembly System.Data.Entity, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089, processorArchitecture=msil using System.Data.Entity, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089,
     * [10/15/2014 9:36:35 AM] : Request of trust and detection of platform is complete.
     Following errors were detected during this operation.
     * [10/15/2014 9:36:43 AM] System.Deployment.Application.InvalidDeploymentException (HashValidation)
      - File, Microsoft.ReportingServices.ComponentLibrary.Controls.dll, has a different computed hash than specified in manifest.
      - Source: System.Deployment
      - Stack trace:
       at System.Deployment.Application.ComponentVerifier.VerifyFileHash(String filePath, Hash hash)
       at System.Deployment.Application.ComponentVerifier.VerifyFileHash(String filePath, HashCollection hashCollection)
       at System.Deployment.Application.ComponentVerifier.VerifyComponents()
       at System.Deployment.Application.DownloadManager.DownloadDependencies(SubscriptionState subState, AssemblyManifest deployManifest, AssemblyManifest appManifest, Uri sourceUriBase, String targetDirectory, String group, IDownloadNotification
    notification, DownloadOptions options)
       at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.DownloadApplication(SubscriptionState subState, ActivationDescription actDesc, Int64 transactionId, TempDirectory& downloadTemp)
       at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.InstallApplication(SubscriptionState& subState, ActivationDescription actDesc)
       at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.PerformDeploymentActivation(Uri activationUri, Boolean isShortcut, String textualSubId, String deploymentProviderUrlFromExtension, BrowserSettings browserSettings, String& errorPageUrl)
       at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.ActivateDeploymentWorker(Object state)
     No transaction information is available.

    Hi DMcGarveyt,
    This is an known issue in SSRS 2008 R2 SP3. For this issue, Microsoft has published an article addressing this issue. It is not planning to release a fix for this defect. But there's workarounds for this issue. Please refer to the link below:
    Report Builder of SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 3 does not launch.
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

  • Issue with SQL Query with Presentation Variable as Data Source in BI Publisher

    Hello All
    I have an issue with creating BIP report based on OBIEE reports which is done using direct SQL. There is this one report in OBIEE dashboard, which is written using direct SQL. To create the pixel perfect version of this report, I am creating BIP data model using SQL Query as data source. The physical query that is used to create OBIEE report has several presentation variables in its where clause.
    select TILE4,max(APPTS), 'Top Count' from
    SELECT c5 as division,nvl(DECODE (C2,0,0,(c1/c2)*100),0) AS APPTS,NTILE (4) OVER ( ORDER BY nvl(DECODE (C2,0,0,(c1/c2)*100),0))  AS TILE4,
    c4 as dept,c6 as month FROM 
    select sum(case  when T6736.TYPE = 'ATM' then T7608.COUNT end ) as c1,
         sum(case  when T6736.TYPE in ('Call Center', 'LSM') then T7608.CONFIRMED_COUNT end ) as c2,
         T802.NAME_LEVEL_6 as c3,
         T802.NAME_LEVEL_1 as c4,
         T802.DEPT_CODE as c7
         DW_date_DIM T6736 /* z_dim_date */ ,
         DW_MONTH_DIM T6172 /* z_dim_month */ ,
         DW_GEOS_DIM T802 /* z_dim_dept_geo_hierarchy */ ,
         DW_Count_MONTH_AGG T7608 /* z_fact_Count_month_agg */
    where  ( T802.DEpt_CODE = T7608.DEPT_CODE and T802.NAME_LEVEL_1 =  '@{PV_D}{RSD}' 
    and T6172.MONTH_KEY = T7608.MONTH_KEY and T6736.DATE_KEY = T7608.DATE_KEY
    and (T6172.CALENDARMONTHNUMBERINYEAR between substr('@{Month_Start}',0,6)  and substr('@{Month_END}',8,13))
    and (T6736.TYPE in ('Call Center', 'LSM')) )
    order by c4, c3, c6, c7, c5
    ))where tile4=3 group by tile4
    When I try to view data after creating the data set, I get the following error:
    Failed to load XML
    XML Parsing Error: mismatched tag. Expected: . Location: Line Number 2, Column 580:
    Now when I remove those Presention variables (@{PV1}, @{PV2}) in the query with some hard coded values, it is working fine.
    So I know it is the PV that's causing this error.
    How can I work around it?
    There is no way to create equivalent report without using the direct sql..
    Thanks in advance

    I have found a solution to this problem after some more investigation. PowerQuery does not support to use SQL statement as source for Teradata (possibly same for other sources as well). This is "by design" according to Microsoft. Hence the problem
    is not because different PowerQuery versions as mentioned above. When designing the query in PowerQuery in Excel make sure to use the interface/navigation to create the query/select tables and NOT a SQL statement. The SQL statement as source works fine on
    a client machine but not when scheduling it in Power BI in the cloud. I would like to see that the functionality within PowerQuery and Excel should be the same as in Power BI in the cloud. And at least when there is a difference it would be nice with documentation
    or more descriptive errors.

  • Issue with migration DB from SQL Server 2005 to Oracle 11.2 using SQL Developer Migration workbench

    We face an issue while migrating an SQL Server 2005 DB to Oracle 11.2.  It fails during the process.  I hope someone on the forum has seen this before and can give us some advice.
    I use the latest version of SQL Developer with JRE included (  The JDBC driver to connect to SQL Server 2005 is 1.2.0
    Here are the steps we take in the Migration Workbench wizard:
    I made an online extract of the SQL Server database.
    Using the workbench in SQL Developer I created a migration repository in schema PDM_MIGRATION.
    Next I start the migration, it captures the tables fine, but immediately after the start of the conversion I get a failed message without further explanations.
    This is the content of the error xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" standalone="no"?>
      <message>Ongeldig naampatroon.: PDM_MIGRATION .MIGR_FILTER</message>
        <message>oracle.dbtools.migration.convert.ConvertException: Ongeldig naampatroon.: PDM_MIGRATION .MIGR_FILTER</message>
      <message>Ongeldig naampatroon.: PDM_MIGRATION .MIGR_FILTER</message>
        <message>oracle.dbtools.migration.convert.ConvertException: Ongeldig naampatroon.: PDM_MIGRATION .MIGR_FILTER</message>
      <message>Building converted model: FAILED : Database Migration : FAILED</message>
    Does anybody know what this error means and what steps we should take to continue the migration?
    I see the PDM_MIGRATION.MIGR_FILTER is a type.
    Many thanks in advance,

    Hi Wolfgang,
    Thanks for your reply.
    This is how the type MIGR_FILTER looks like:
    create or replace
    I think the repository user has the correct privileges.  This is the overview of privileges it has:
    SQL> select * from dba_sys_privs where GRANTEE in ('PDM_MIGRATION') order by GRANTEE;
    SQL> select * from dba_role_privs where GRANTEE in ('PDM_MIGRATION') order by GRANTEE;
    Best regards,

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