Issues with iOS 7 on 32 Bit iDevices

iOS 7 efficiently supports only 64Bit processor based iDevices. At the other side, Devices with 32Bit processors getting hanged or working slow resulting in Disappointment of the user. If it is possible to relaunch iOS 7 supporting 32Bit processor, it may result in Decrease Customer Disappointment and all previos models of iDevices can be enjoyed with the current updates of iOS 7 or later.
Suggestions & views invited.....
Manish Joshi

Manish Joshi wrote:
I didn't got my point.. It's just my suggestion to apple that they should launch new version of iOS 7 with 32 bit just like we are using two versions of iTunes.. 1 is 32 bit & another is 64 bit...
There's no point, because it runs both 32 & 64 bit apps without creating 2 separate IOS versions.
And there are many millions Apple devices out there. IOS only runs on Apple devices so Apple should know.
32 Bit: iPhone 4, 4S, 5, 5c
64 Bit: iPhone 5s
iTunes runs on 2 separated OS that's why you have 32 & 64 Bit versions
Windows: 32 & 64 Bit iTunes versions
Mac: only 64 Bit iTunes version

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    Did you download the 64bit version of iTunes? I have Win7 Pro 64 bit and iTunes works on my pc. Just keep in mind that when you upgrade your OS, that doesn't mean that your programs automatically switch to 64 bit too, you may need to do a lot of re-installing of some of your programs

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    Does the iOS device connect to other networks? If yes that tends to indicate a problem with your network.
    Does the iOS device see the network?
    Any error messages?
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    Did the iOS device connect before?
    Try the following to rule out a software problem:                
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
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    - Power off and then back on your router
    .- Reset network settings: Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings
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    - iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    - Restore from backup. See:
    iOS: How to back up
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    If still problem and it does not connect to any networks make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    Important Notice
    iOS Devices
    Apple has made a change to the PushMagic or UnlockToken values in that they may differ in size to previous values. This can cause issues with iOS devices being able to connect to the Afaria server as the current database field size is not adequate to facilitate the variable length of this value.
    Apple has made a change to the PushMagic or UnlockToken values in that they may differ in size to previous values. This can cause issues with iOS devices being able to connect to the Afaria server as the current database field size is not adequate to facilitate the variable length of this value.
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    This issue is resolved in Service Pack 3 Hot Fix 39 and Service Pack 4 Hot Fix 3. Available now.

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  • Performance Issues with Photoshop CS6 64-Bit

    Hello -
    Issue at hand: over the course of the last few weeks, I have noticed significant issues with performance since the last update to PS CS6 via the Adobe Application Manager, ranging from unexpected shut downs to bringing my workstation to a crawl (literally, my cursor seems to crawl across my displays). I'm curious as to if anyone else is experiencing these issues, or if there is a solution I have not yet tried. Here is a list of actions that result in these performance issues - there are likely more that I have either not experienced due to my frustration, or have not documented as occuring multiple times:
    Opening files - results in hanging process, takes 3-10 seconds to resolve
    Pasting from clipboard - results in hanging process, takes 3-10 seconds to resolve
    Saving files - takes 3-10 seconds to open the dialog, another 3-10 seconds to return to normal window (saving a compressed PNG)
    Eyedropper tool - will either crash Photoshop to desktop, or take 5-15 seconds to load
    Attempting to navigate any menu - will either crash Photoshop to desktop, or take 5-15 seconds to load
    Attempts I've taken to resolve this matter, which have failed:
    Uninstalled all fonts that I have added since the last update (this was a pain in the ***, thank you Windows explorer for being glitchy)
    Uninstall application and reinstall application
    Use 32-bit edition
    Changing process priority to Above Normal
    Confirm process affinity to all available CPU cores
    Change configuration of Photoshop performance options
    61% of memory is available to Photoshop to use (8969 MB)
    History states: 20; Cache levels: 6; Cache tile size: 1024K
    Scratch disks: active on production SSD, ~10GB space available
    Dedicated graphics processor is selected (2x nVidia cards in SLI)
    System Information:
    Intel i7 2600K @ 3.40GHz
    16GB DDR3, Dual Channel RAM
    2x nVidia GeForce GTS 450 cards, 1GB each
    Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
    Adobe Creative Cloud
    This issue is costing me time I could be working every day, and I'm about ready to begin searching for alternatives and cancel my membership if I can't get this resolved.

    Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00) x64
    Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
    Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
    System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:7 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading
    Physical processor count: 4
    Logical processor count: 8
    Processor speed: 3392 MHz
    Built-in memory: 16350 MB
    Free memory: 12070 MB
    Memory available to Photoshop: 14688 MB
    Memory used by Photoshop: 61 %
    Image tile size: 1024K
    Image cache levels: 6
    OpenGL Drawing: Enabled.
    OpenGL Drawing Mode: Basic
    OpenGL Allow Normal Mode: True.
    OpenGL Allow Advanced Mode: True.
    OpenGL Allow Old GPUs: Not Detected.
    OpenCL Version: 1.1 CUDA 4.2.1
    OpenGL Version: 3.0
    Video Rect Texture Size: 16384
    OpenGL Memory: 1024 MB
    Video Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    Video Card Renderer: GeForce GTS 450/PCIe/SSE2
    Display: 2
    Display Bounds: top=0, left=1920, bottom=1080, right=3840
    Display: 1
    Display Bounds: top=0, left=0, bottom=1080, right=1920
    Video Card Number: 3
    Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450
    Driver Version:
    Driver Date: 20130118000000.000000-000
    Video Card Driver: nvd3dumx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um
    Video Mode:
    Video Card Caption: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450
    Video Card Memory: 1024 MB
    Video Card Number: 2
    Video Card: LogMeIn Mirror Driver
    Driver Version: 7.1.542.0
    Driver Date: 20060522000000.000000-000
    Video Card Driver:
    Video Mode: 1920 x 1080 x 4294967296 colors
    Video Card Caption: LogMeIn Mirror Driver
    Video Card Memory: 0 MB
    Video Card Number: 1
    Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450
    Driver Version:
    Driver Date: 20130118000000.000000-000
    Video Card Driver: nvd3dumx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um
    Video Mode: 1920 x 1080 x 4294967296 colors
    Video Card Caption: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450
    Video Card Memory: 1024 MB
    Serial number: 90970233273769828003
    Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\
    Temporary file path: C:\Users\ANDREW~1\AppData\Local\Temp\
    Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled
    Scratch volume(s):
      C:\, 111.8G, 7.68G free
    Required Plug-ins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\Required\
    Primary Plug-ins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\Plug-ins\
    Additional Plug-ins folder: not set
    Installed components:
       ACE.dll   ACE 2012/06/05-15:16:32   66.507768   66.507768
       adbeape.dll   Adobe APE 2012/01/25-10:04:55   66.1025012   66.1025012
       AdobeLinguistic.dll   Adobe Linguisitc Library   6.0.0  
       AdobeOwl.dll   Adobe Owl 2012/09/10-12:31:21   5.0.4   79.517869
       AdobePDFL.dll   PDFL 2011/12/12-16:12:37   66.419471   66.419471
       AdobePIP.dll   Adobe Product Improvement Program  
       AdobeXMP.dll   Adobe XMP Core 2012/02/06-14:56:27   66.145661   66.145661
       AdobeXMPFiles.dll   Adobe XMP Files 2012/02/06-14:56:27   66.145661   66.145661
       AdobeXMPScript.dll   Adobe XMP Script 2012/02/06-14:56:27   66.145661   66.145661
       adobe_caps.dll   Adobe CAPS   6,0,29,0  
       AGM.dll   AGM 2012/06/05-15:16:32   66.507768   66.507768
       ahclient.dll    AdobeHelp Dynamic Link Library   1,7,0,56  
       aif_core.dll   AIF   3.0   62.490293
       aif_ocl.dll   AIF   3.0   62.490293
       aif_ogl.dll   AIF   3.0   62.490293
       amtlib.dll   AMTLib (64 Bit) (BuildVersion: 6.0; BuildDate: Mon Jan 16 2012 18:00:00)   1.000000
       ARE.dll   ARE 2012/06/05-15:16:32   66.507768   66.507768
       AXE8SharedExpat.dll   AXE8SharedExpat 2011/12/16-15:10:49   66.26830   66.26830
       AXEDOMCore.dll   AXEDOMCore 2011/12/16-15:10:49   66.26830   66.26830
       Bib.dll   BIB 2012/06/05-15:16:32   66.507768   66.507768
       BIBUtils.dll   BIBUtils 2012/06/05-15:16:32   66.507768   66.507768
       boost_date_time.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       boost_signals.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       boost_system.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       boost_threads.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       cg.dll   NVIDIA Cg Runtime   3.0.00007  
       cgGL.dll   NVIDIA Cg Runtime   3.0.00007  
       CIT.dll   Adobe CIT
       CoolType.dll   CoolType 2012/06/05-15:16:32   66.507768   66.507768
       data_flow.dll   AIF   3.0   62.490293
       dvaaudiodevice.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       dvacore.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       dvamarshal.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       dvamediatypes.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       dvaplayer.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       dvatransport.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       dvaunittesting.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       dynamiclink.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       ExtendScript.dll   ExtendScript 2011/12/14-15:08:46   66.490082   66.490082
       FileInfo.dll   Adobe XMP FileInfo 2012/01/17-15:11:19   66.145433   66.145433
       filter_graph.dll   AIF   3.0   62.490293
       hydra_filters.dll   AIF   3.0   62.490293
       icucnv40.dll   International Components for Unicode 2011/11/15-16:30:22    Build gtlib_3.0.16615  
       icudt40.dll   International Components for Unicode 2011/11/15-16:30:22    Build gtlib_3.0.16615  
       image_compiler.dll   AIF   3.0   62.490293
       image_flow.dll   AIF   3.0   62.490293
       image_runtime.dll   AIF   3.0   62.490293
       JP2KLib.dll   JP2KLib 2011/12/12-16:12:37   66.236923   66.236923
       libifcoremd.dll   Intel(r) Visual Fortran Compiler   10.0 (Update A)  
       libmmd.dll   Intel(r) C Compiler, Intel(r) C++ Compiler, Intel(r) Fortran Compiler   12.0  
       LogSession.dll   LogSession  
       mediacoreif.dll   DVA Product   6.0.0  
       MPS.dll   MPS 2012/02/03-10:33:13   66.495174   66.495174
       msvcm80.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005   8.00.50727.6195  
       msvcm90.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008   9.00.30729.1  
       msvcp100.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010   10.00.40219.1  
       msvcp80.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005   8.00.50727.6195  
       msvcp90.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008   9.00.30729.1  
       msvcr100.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010   10.00.40219.1  
       msvcr80.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005   8.00.50727.6195  
       msvcr90.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008   9.00.30729.1  
       pdfsettings.dll   Adobe PDFSettings   1.04  
       Photoshop.dll   Adobe Photoshop CS6   CS6  
       Plugin.dll   Adobe Photoshop CS6   CS6  
       PlugPlug.dll   Adobe(R) CSXS PlugPlug Standard Dll (64 bit)  
       PSArt.dll   Adobe Photoshop CS6   CS6  
       PSViews.dll   Adobe Photoshop CS6   CS6  
       SCCore.dll   ScCore 2011/12/14-15:08:46   66.490082   66.490082
       ScriptUIFlex.dll   ScriptUIFlex 2011/12/14-15:08:46   66.490082   66.490082
       svml_dispmd.dll   Intel(r) C Compiler, Intel(r) C++ Compiler, Intel(r) Fortran Compiler   12.0  
       tbb.dll   Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks for Windows   3, 0, 2010, 0406  
       tbbmalloc.dll   Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks for Windows   3, 0, 2010, 0406  
       updaternotifications.dll   Adobe Updater Notifications Library (BuildVersion: 1.0; BuildDate: BUILDDATETIME)
       WRServices.dll   WRServices Friday January 27 2012 13:22:12   Build 0.17112   0.17112
    Required plug-ins:
       3D Studio 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00)
       Accented Edges 13.0
       Adaptive Wide Angle 13.0
       Angled Strokes 13.0
       Average 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00)
       Bas Relief 13.0
       BMP 13.0
       Camera Raw 8.1
       Camera Raw Filter 8.1
       Chalk & Charcoal 13.0
       Charcoal 13.0
       Chrome 13.0
       Cineon 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00)
       Clouds 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00)
       Collada 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00)
       Color Halftone 13.0
       Colored Pencil 13.0
       CompuServe GIF 13.0
       Conté Crayon 13.0
       Craquelure 13.0
       Crop and Straighten Photos 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00)
       Crop and Straighten Photos Filter 13.0
       Crosshatch 13.0
       Crystallize 13.0
       Cutout 13.0
       Dark Strokes 13.0
       De-Interlace 13.0
       Dicom 13.0
       Difference Clouds 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00)
       Diffuse Glow 13.0
       Displace 13.0
       Dry Brush 13.0
       Eazel Acquire 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00)
       Embed Watermark 4.0
       Entropy 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00)
       Extrude 13.0
       FastCore Routines 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00)
       Fibers 13.0
       Film Grain 13.0
       Filter Gallery 13.0
       Flash 3D 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00)
       Fresco 13.0
       Glass 13.0
       Glowing Edges 13.0
       Google Earth 4 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00)
       Grain 13.0
       Graphic Pen 13.0
       Halftone Pattern 13.0
       HDRMergeUI 13.0
       IFF Format 13.0
       Ink Outlines 13.0
       JPEG 2000 13.0
       Kurtosis 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00)
       Lens Blur 13.0
       Lens Correction 13.0
       Lens Flare 13.0
       Liquify 13.0
       Matlab Operation 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00)
       Maximum 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00)
       Mean 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00)
       Measurement Core 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00)
       Median 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00)
       Mezzotint 13.0
       Minimum 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00)
       MMXCore Routines 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00)
       Mosaic Tiles 13.0
       Multiprocessor Support 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00)
       Neon Glow 13.0
       Note Paper 13.0
       NTSC Colors 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00)
       Ocean Ripple 13.0
       Oil Paint 13.0
       OpenEXR 13.0
       Paint Daubs 13.0
       Palette Knife 13.0
       Patchwork 13.0
       Paths to Illustrator 13.0
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       Mini Bridge
    Installed TWAIN devices: NONE

  • SSL VPN (WebVPN) issues with IOS 15.0(1)M1

    Hello everyone... I need your help!
    I am having some weird issues with webvpn/anyconnect, please find the relevant information below;
    - AnyConnect Client prompts users with the following error:
    "The secure gateway has rejected the agent's VPN connect or reconnect request. A new connection requires re-authentication and must be started manually. Please contact your network administrator if this problem persists."
    Mar  5 13:09:45:
    Mar  5 13:09:45: WV-TUNL: Tunnel CSTP Version recv  use 1
    Mar  5 13:09:45: WV-TUNL: Allocating tunl_info
    Mar  5 13:09:45: WV-TUNL: Allocating stc_config
    Mar  5 13:09:45: Inserting static route: SSLVPN-VIF36 to routing table
    Mar  5 13:09:45: WV-TUNL: Use frame IP addr ( netmask (
    Mar  5 13:09:45: WV-TUNL: Tunnel entry create failed:IP= vrf=77 session=0x67234340
    Mar  5 13:09:45: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    Mar  5 13:09:45:
    Mar  5 13:09:45:
    Mar  5 13:09:45:
    Mar  5 13:09:45: Deleting static route: SSLVPN-VIF36 from routing table
    Mar  5 13:09:45: WV-TUNL: Failed to install (addr, table_id 77) to TCP
    Mar  5 13:09:45: WV-TUNL*: Received server IP packet 0x6692EB08:
    Mar  5 13:09:45: WV-TUNL: CSTP Message frame received from user usr-test (
    WV-TUNL:      Severity ERROR Type USER_LOGOUT
    WV-TUNL:      Text: HTTP response contained an HTTP error code.
    Mar  5 13:09:45: WV-TUNL: Call user logout function
    Mar  5 13:09:45: WV-TUNL: Clean-up tunnel session (usr-test)
    When the error occurs, the "SVCIP install TCP failed" counter increments:
    VPN-Router1#  show webvpn stats detail context CUSTOMER-VPN
    Tunnel Statistics:
        Active connections       : 1       
        Peak connections         : 3          Peak time                : 19:09:04
        Connect succeed          : 9          Connect failed           : 5       
        Reconnect succeed        : 0          Reconnect failed         : 0       
        SVCIP install IOS succeed: 14         SVCIP install IOS failed : 0       
        SVCIP clear IOS succeed  : 18         SVCIP clear IOS failed   : 0       
        SVCIP install TCP succeed: 9          SVCIP install TCP failed : 5       
        DPD timeout              : 0        
    IOS Version Details:
    Cisco IOS Software, 7200 Software (C7200-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 15.0(1)M1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    System image file is "disk2:c7200-advipservicesk9-mz.150-1.M1.bin"
    The router also runs IPSEC remote access VPN in addition to the webvpn/anyconnect scheme.
    webvpn context CUSTOMER-VPN
    title "SSL VPN for Customer"
    ssl authenticate verify all
    login-message "Enter username and passcode"
    policy group CUSTOMER-VPN
       functions svc-required
       svc keep-client-installed
       svc split include
       svc split include
    vrf-name CUSTOMER-VPN
    default-group-policy CUSTOMER-VPN
    aaa authentication list AAA-LIST
    aaa authentication auto
    aaa accounting list AAA-LIST
    gateway vpn virtual-host
    logging enable
    The error happens sporadically, at least once a week, and on different contexts. Does anyone have any clue on what can cause this issue? Any help is appreciated!

    Have you seen my post ?
    At that point in time we were running with local pool definition.
    As the http 401 rc happens very sporadically we still gathering incident reports internally.
    Will open a case if you did not yet.
    cheers, Andy

  • Issues with ios 8.3 update on iPhone 5

    After updating my iPhone 5 to ios 8.3, I am unable to stream purchased music and videos from iTunes or any podcasts. I also can not stream videos on YouTube, Netflix, or Safari. Nothing works on both Wi-Fi and my normal data. If I could I would try to turn off the phone and restart but unfortunately my iPhone 5 is one of the ones that has the faulty lock button that needs to be repaired. But besides that, has anybody else been having issues with streaming music and videos?

    i'm looking for people with problems on iphone 5 with 8.3 because i'm still on ios7 and considering to upgrade
    but if you have problem with turning off the phone,
    you can set up "assistive touch" from setting > general > accessibility > assistive touch (down the bottom)
    you can also set this on the accessibility shortcut for the triple click on the home button to show/hide the assitive touch
    you'll see a black circle floating on the screen somewhere. you can move this thing around if it blocks what you want to see/tap
    now to turn off your phone you can tap the assistive touch button > device > tap and hold the 'lock screen' icon until the power off slider comes up.
    so you don't really have to fix the lock button

  • ITunes issues with Windows 7 64 bit

    SO i upgraded to Windows 7 64 bit and I see 10s of thousands of posts lamenting the fact that iTunes does not work with Wondows 7 64 bit.  This is an Apple issue not a Microsoft issue.  I expect more from Apple.  I am now hostage to the many many $$ and time I've invested in Apple TV and programs, iTunes music, etc. . .  Apple has dropped the ball and I want to know when they will fix this debacle?

    Did you download the 64bit version of iTunes? I have Win7 Pro 64 bit and iTunes works on my pc. Just keep in mind that when you upgrade your OS, that doesn't mean that your programs automatically switch to 64 bit too, you may need to do a lot of re-installing of some of your programs

  • Why are there no answers to the wifi issues with iOS 7.0.4

    Why isn't Apple addressing the issues with wifi connectivity, or lack there of, with iOS 7.0.4? Everyone is complaining, but no one is answering. Don't tell me about turning on and off of wifi and router...been there. Come on apple...give us some help here. And why will my iPad 2 connect to Apple but absolutely no where else?

    Why isn't Apple addressing the issues with wifi connectivity, or lack there of, with iOS 7.0.4? Everyone is complaining, but no one is answering. Don't tell me about turning on and off of wifi and router...been there. Come on apple...give us some help here. And why will my iPad 2 connect to Apple but absolutely no where else?

  • Labview 2012 Installer builder issues with Windows 7 64 bit

    I have a clients project application program I am working on and am having a lot of trouble getting installed applications to work on Windows 7 properly. The Labview Installer sets the default installation directory to "c:\Program Files\" on Windows Xp and on Windows 7 64bit this defaults to "C:\Program Files (x86). When I install the application on Windows 7 and run it, because Windows 7 64 bit unreasonably protects this directory and every folder under it, if you try to write file to any subdirectory under it (like a reports directory), windows 7 will not let the file write to the directory and the file(s) disappear and you get permission errors. This has been difficult to address. Even logging in as administrator, I have difficulty changing the folder permissions. In addition, when I am in the file write process, if the default directory is coded to come up in the file Open/Save dialog, will not properly
    go to and display these protected directories. So thinking that OK, I'll just chage the install directory to something direct to the C: drive and not the Program Files (x86) directory, so I have better control of the folder permissions. Now the Installer build gives errors. It built, but the install fails. Looks like National did not test this for Windows 7 very well. I have run into just about every issue possible with Windows 7 and Labview. Clearly Labview was not very well tested with Windows 7 6 bit. I do not have the Internet toolkit added to the application, only the VISA 5.2 driver. Anyone else having application issues with Labview and Windows 7 and have ideas how to work around this?? 
    BuildErrors.txt ‏11 KB

    It's no NI's fault and has nothing to do with 64 Bit either. It is something MS changed starting with Vista, namely tightening security of the whole system to a similar level as was usual on more professional OSes like Unix 20 years earlier. A user has not rights anymore to write into the location where applications are installed. This is for one reason to protect installed applications from being modified by malicious code.
    Instead every application should write its runtime data in one of the user writable loacations such as the user's Documents directory for data files, or in the user's or the machine's configuration directory for configuration settings. For single installations you could always set the directory which your application got installed into to be user writable by changing the rights of that directory afterwards but for applications that get installed on normal user computers this is a VERY hacky and discouraged move. Same about installing your application into the root of your system drive. I think it was an oversight by MS to not protect that directory too from user modifications, but was most likely unavoidable to allow DOS application installations to still work.
    LabVIEW has functions to retrieve a whole bunch of those preconfigured and user writeable locations and you really should change your application to make use of those locations, instead of trying to write into the installation directory or installing the application into the root location of the system drive, if you want to be compatible with Windows Vista/7/8.
    Windows 7 also requires for a number of actions such as installing programs or drivers so called elevated rights. This means that even if you are logged in as administrator you have to explicitedly provide the admin password again to be able to perform the action. This can be done by starting the program as administrator, when this is available in the right click pop-up menu, and is also sometimes done automatically for applications that Windows determines to need those rights such as setup programs for installations.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • Battery issue with iOS 8.2

    i have ipad 4 with retina display. Since my upgrade to newer version today to IOS 8.2 .
    I Have notice this more than anything my BATTERY IS DRAINING TOO MUCH FASTER NOW, n heating up faster too.
    before that I did had issue with battery since upgrade to IOS 8, but now typing this msg 1% is gone. Same for when playing games, watching movies n other work. The drawing time have increased a lot. And I am using my iPad without my cooler master cover too.
    please have this fix ASAP. And where is the health app ?

    Same here, i have a similar issue..
    My iPhone 32Gb 5s (ios 8.1.3) facing this issue too, the battery precentage jumps when using at 61%-59%, 55%-53%, 31%-29%.
    I also facing this issue too when it was 8.1.2..
    When the precentage shows 59% on the iPhone, i charges it to the iTunes on my MBP, then precentage on the itunes for a while shows yea, it is true 59%.,
    I'm waiting for about 3min, the battery precentage on iPhone shows it STILL at 59%, BUT the precentage showed on iTunes is 60% !! And the next 3 minute, the battery precentage on iTunes shows the battery up into 61%, AND when i look the battery precentage on the iPhone, it was JUMPS from 59% directly to 61% !! (that's not showing 60% on iphone)
    I assuming it just an iOS wrong battery precentage. (the battery actually isn't broke)
    Because when the iPhone unplugged and the battery precentage on the iPhone shows 61% for a while, ACTUALLY at the moment, the battery precentage is JUST PASS THROUGH 60% first, before it turn to 59%. And yea, there's the main trouble, the 60% battery precentage isn't show on the iPhone.
    I already do a hard restart the iPhone, calibrate the battery, and even restore the iPhone but it doesn't work.
    i Hope in the next 8.2, this issues can be solved.

  • Issues with IOS 8.0.2 on iPhone 6

    Hello  Users and Apple What is going on with IOS 8 and IOS 8.0.2 my iPhone 6 with the latest update my device while I am using apps my iphone does not respond also battery dies quicker. I aready follow troubleshooting articles from Apple Support but no resolution. Please Apple respond I went thru a lot rush and big lines for me to get a get a device the does not work properly. I think you guys had enough time to realease a Perfect iPhone after all that waiting and crazy lines on apple store. Please respond!!!!!!

    My wife and I are also experiencing intermittent issues with our new iPhone 6s. We both recently upgraded, she had an iPhone 4S and I had an iPhone 5 both of which worked very well and reliably. So far, in the week that we’ve had the 6s, we’ve experienced more app crashes and issues with iPhone remaining connected to our home and work networks. The wifi issues are occurring on both of our phones even after updating to iOS 8.0.2 so those issues have not been fully resolved. The app crashes we experienced initially seem to have been fixed after updating but, it’s only been a day. I’ve only owned iPhones as my last three cell phones (3G, 4S and a 5) and the 6 so far has the most issues. iOS 8 is also the buggiest OS to date in my experience using iOS. Not a great sign for the direction Apple is going in. The reason I’ve always preferred an iPhone to other available phones is that they’ve always worked exactly as promised and whatever few issues may have existed either with the OS or the device, they were fixed quickly. Unless another iOS update is forthcoming that truly corrects the remaining OS issues, for the first time since first owning an iPhone, I’m going to really begin to lose a little faith in Apple products. Between my wife and I, five iPhones, two Apple TVs and two Macbook Pros. As an example of the wifi issue I’m talking about, last night my wife was watching a show on HBO GO on her iPhone while she was preparing dinner in the kitchen. Her iPhone was connected to our home network as usual and as it always was with our previous iPhones. While watching the show, she gets a message stating that using 3G to stream shows could affect her data bill. Meanwhile, the wifi symbol was still showing on the top of her phone as if it was still connected to our home network but apparently, the phone was actually using our cell network to stream HBO GO. That obviously shouldn’t be happening and is definitely going to affect our cell bill big time. Neither of us have ever experienced these issues on our old iPhones. Very disappointing.

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