Item render in datagrid

Hi everyone
I have a datagrid and a combobox in one of the column so i am
using item render for that but i am unable to populate data
dynamically into that rendered combobox
how can i do that, plz find me some solution

Where is the data for the combo box?

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            TblStudentMission smm = new TblStudentMission();
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    Is it possible to get some sample code and/or a short movie showing the behavior you've described?  I just tried building an AIR app with the SimpleDataGrid.mxml example in the DataGrid documentation, and the drag/drop behavior over the DataGrid's scrollbar appeared to work correctly.  Please feel free to post here or email me at [email protected]

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    var listUnitMovement:XMLList=null;                      
    In a function call
    public function init(event:ResultEvent):void
         <mx:DataGrid id="dg_country"
                                                <mx:CheckBox selectedField="CHECK_PATH"  />
                                    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Latitude" dataField="NEW_LAT" visible="false"/>
                                    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Longitude" dataField="NEW_LONG" visible="false"/>
                                                <mx:Button label="Details"/>

    Do you want to just check/uncheck the checkboxes based on the CHECK_PATH field.
    Do you want something like this...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><mx:Application  xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
     import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;[
    private var listUnitMovement:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([{CHECK_PATH:true,NEW_LAT:109.233,NEW_LONG:232.22},{CHECK_PATH:true,NEW_LAT:109.233,NEW_LONG:232.22},{CHECK_PATH:false,NEW_LAT:133.233,NEW_LONG:702.22}]);]]>
     <mx:DataGrid dataProvider="{listUnitMovement}">
     <mx:CheckBox selectedField="CHECK_PATH" change="data.CHECK_PATH=selected" />
     <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="NEW_LAT"/>
     <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="NEW_LONG"/>
    Please let me know clearly what's your problem...Do you want to just bind the check box based on XmlList or something else..?
    Bhasker Chari.S

  • PrintDataGrid's DataGridColumn - Embedded image not printing when you use TextFlow in the item rende

    I'm printing a datagrid using something like  this...
    TitlePrintRenderer.mxml has s:RichText component. I use  RichText's textFlow property to render the text. The approach is working fine  except that if the textFlow has embedded images (<img source=... />), the  images are not printed!
    Is this a bug? Is it a limitation? Has anyone come  across this issue?
    I'm using Flex SDK 4.5.1

    After struggling for 4+ days on using timer / events for printing PrintDataGrid with embedded images in RichText's textFlow, I tried your other suggestion... to convert <img> tags to InlineGraphicElement and give it Bitmap from image loaded from a .gif file. The approach works but the printout skips images in a few rows!
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    I would very much appreciate it if you could create small project from my following code and verify this behavior. I'm at my wit's end in getting this printing to work.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
                paddingLeft="20" paddingRight="20"
                paddingTop="20" paddingBottom="20"
                import flash.utils.setTimeout;
                import flashx.textLayout.elements.InlineGraphicElement;
                import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
                import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
                import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import mx.printing.*;
                import mx.utils.OnDemandEventDispatcher;
                public var contentData:ArrayCollection;
                private var embeddedImages:ArrayCollection;
                private var numberOfImagesLoaded:int;
                public var printJob:FlexPrintJob;
                public var thePrintView:FormPrintView;
                public var lastPage:Boolean;
                private var textFlowNS:Namespace = new Namespace("");
                public function initData():void {
                    contentData = new ArrayCollection();
                    var page:int = 0;
                    for (var z:int=0; z<20; z++)    {
                        var content:Object = new Object();
                        content.srNo = z+1;
                        content.contentText =
                        "<TextFlow whiteSpaceCollapse='preserve' xmlns=''>" +
                        "<span>some text</span>" +
                        "<img width='53' height='49' source='assets/images/formula.gif'/>" +
                public function printClickHandler():void {
                private function convertToTextFlow():void {
                    embeddedImages = new ArrayCollection();
                    numberOfImagesLoaded = 0;
                    for each (var contentElement:Object in contentData) {
                    if (embeddedImages.length > 0) {
                    } else {
                private function extractImageInfo(contentText:String):void {
                    var textXml:XML = new XML(contentText);
                    var imageList:XMLList = textXml.textFlowNS::img;
                    for each (var img:XML in imageList) {
                        var embeddedImage:Object = new Object();
                        embeddedImage.source = String(img.@source);
                        embeddedImage.width = parseInt(img.@width);
                        embeddedImage.height = parseInt(img.@height);
                private function loadImage(imageSource:String):void {
                    var loader:Loader = new Loader();
                    var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(imageSource);
                    loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaded);
                private function imageLoaded(e:Event):void {
                    embeddedImages.getItemAt(numberOfImagesLoaded).bitmap = (Bitmap)(;
                    embeddedImages.getItemAt(numberOfImagesLoaded).width = ((Bitmap)(;
                    embeddedImages.getItemAt(numberOfImagesLoaded).height = ((Bitmap)(;
                    if (numberOfImagesLoaded < embeddedImages.length) {
                    } else {
                        // all the images have been loaded... convert to textflow
                private function buildContent():void {
                    var contentIndex:int = 0;
                    for each (var contentElement:Object in contentData) {
                        if (hasImage(contentElement.contentText)) {
                            buildTextFlow(contentElement, contentIndex);
                private function buildTextFlow(content:Object, contentIndex:int):void {
                    var textXml:XML = new XML(content.contentText);
                    var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
                    for each(var child:XML in textXml.children()) {
                        switch (child.localName()) {
                            case "span":
                                var span:SpanElement;
                                span = new SpanElement();
                                span.text = child;
                                span.fontSize = 10;
                            case "img":
                                var image:InlineGraphicElement;
                                image = new InlineGraphicElement();
                                image.source = embeddedImages.getItemAt(contentIndex).bitmap;
                                image.width = embeddedImages.getItemAt(contentIndex).width;
                                image.height = embeddedImages.getItemAt(contentIndex).height;
                    content.textFlow = new TextFlow();
                private function hasImage(contentText:String):Boolean {
                    var textXml:XML = new XML(contentText);
                    var imageList:XMLList = textXml.textFlowNS::img;
                    if (imageList.length() > 0) {
                        return true;
                    } else {
                        return false;
                private function printData():void {
                    printJob = new FlexPrintJob();
                    lastPage = false;
                    if (printJob.start()) {
                        thePrintView = new FormPrintView();
                        thePrintView.printDataGrid.dataProvider = contentData;
                        if(!thePrintView.printDataGrid.validNextPage) {
                        } else {
                            while (true) {
                                if(!thePrintView.printDataGrid.validNextPage) {
                                } else {
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        paddingTop="50" paddingBottom="50" paddingLeft="50"
                import mx.core.*
                    public function showPage(pageType:String):void {
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <s:State name="normal" />
            <s:State name="hovered" />
            <s:State name="selected" />
                import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
                private var myTextFlow:TextFlow;
                override public function set data(value:Object) : void {
                    if (value != null) {
               = value;
                        myTextFlow = data.textFlow;

  • Previous Values of Selected Items in a Datagrid

    I have a datagrid which the dataprovider is bound to an ArrayCollection of Value Objects from a web service.
    One other thing which is important to point out.   The Value Objects are created automatically for the Data/Service and so if I change the files, they will just be overwritten the next time I make a change to the service.
    The grid displays Inventory Items.    Lets say that Item 1 has a qty of 20.   Item 5 has a Qty of 10.
    The list in this grid is based upon the selection of a Location tree.   So it lists the inventory items for a certain location.
    I also have a second tree and grid for the to location inventory items.
    Between the two grids, there is a button which when clicked it iterates thru the selected items and creates a new item in the to list with qty 1 and saves it.  then decreases the current qty in the from list by one.
    So lets say I selected items 1 and 5 and then clicked the button.   A new copy of Items 1 and 5 are created in the to list with a qty of 1 and then saved.   Then the qty in the from list is decreased by 1 and saved and so the vales for 1 is now 19 and for 5 is 9.
    I would like to be able to change the qty in the from list to the qty I want to move.   So when the button is clicked the new item in the to list reflects the new qty and is saved.   Then the previous value of the current qty is decreased by the qty which is displayed in the grid
    So lets say I changed item 1 to 2 and Item 5 to 3 and then selected items 1 and 5 and then clicked the button.   A new copy of Items 1 and 5 are created in the to list with a qty of 2 for item 1 and 3 for item 5 and then saved.   Then the qty in the from list is decreased for Item 1 by 2 and item 5 by 3 and so now Item 1s qty is now 18 and items 5 qty is now 7.
    My first thought was if I had the previous values stored then no big deal.  But I put a break point at the point where the SelectedItems list is being iterated through and the previous values are not stored anywhere. 
    Any suggestions for this? the mean time, this should be enough
    win.pnl.list1.onChange = function() {
         alert(this.selection.index); // for this to work set, multiselect:false
    I guess you already tried and the result is "undefined", the reason is you have this property
    in that case, selection returns an array,
    would give you the first selected item, even if you only have one item selected, to get all selected items loop thru all items in the selection array.
    not sure if Peter's wonderful guide explains this (it is explained in the Tools Guide), but you should read it too, it has tons of great info.

  • Item renderer in datagrid with actionscript

    I want to implement a datagrid similar to the one given int
    the starting flex examples but in actionscript. I am having a
    problem with the itemRenderer. I can't figure it out how I cam
    create a imagerender in a datagridcolumn.
    My code is:
    var dataG:DataGrid = new DataGrid();
    dataG.dataProvider = xmlList;
    var coluna:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn();
    var coluna2:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn();
    var imagem:Image = new Image();
    imagem.height = 75;
    imagem.source = "../tb/"+instrumentos.thumbnail+".jpg";
    coluna2.itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(imagem);
    var lalala:Array = new Array();
    dataG.columns = lalala;
    thanks in advance

    "jahh_drum" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ghcs5u$p2d$[email protected]..
    > Hi
    > I want to implement a datagrid similar to the one given
    int the starting
    > flex
    > examples but in actionscript. I am having a problem with
    the itemRenderer.
    > I
    > can't figure it out how I cam create a imagerender in a
    > My code is:
    > var dataG:DataGrid = new DataGrid();
    > dataG.dataProvider = xmlList;
    > var coluna:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn();
    > coluna.dataField="nome";
    > coluna.headerText="Title";
    > var coluna2:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn();
    > coluna2.dataField="thumbnail";
    > coluna2.headerText="Title";
    > var imagem:Image = new Image();
    > imagem.height = 75;
    > imagem.source = "../tb/"+instrumentos.thumbnail+".jpg";
    > coluna2.itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(imagem);
    > var lalala:Array = new Array();
    > lalala.push(coluna);
    > lalala.push(coluna2);
    > dataG.columns = lalala;
    ClassFactory takes a class, not an instance.
    Try something like:
    foo:ClassFactory = new ClassFactory(Image) {height=75,
    coluna2.itemRenderer = foo;
    Note that using a ClassFactory this way will give you the
    same image in
    every renderer to start out with. However, I believe that
    itemRenderers by default will take their source from the data
    property when
    that gets set.

  • Item Renderer for DataGrid

    I have a button component as a Item renderer in the column of
    the datagrid .
    I am not able to access the Itemrenderer component(which I
    declared in other mxml file in the datagrid)
    This is the data grid where I have the Itemrenderer:
    <mx:DataGrid id="dgCondition1"
    variableRowHeight="true" width="100%" height="150"
    verticalScrollPolicy="auto" editable="true"
    dataProvider="{initDataGrid_Create}" >
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="" dataField="conditi"
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Condition"
    dataField="syntax" width="300" />
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="1" dataField="value"
    width="80" editable="false" itemRenderer="buttonRenderer"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="value" headerText="2"
    itemRenderer="buttonRenderer" />
    I created a new mxml component for this button component
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:VBox xmlns:mx=""
    width="400" height="300">
    <mx:Script source="" />
    <mx:Button id="col1" label="" width="75"
    click="getDetail(event,col1)" />
    The Problem is I am not able to access the buttonRenderer in
    the datagrid itemRenderer tag .
    It says "Access of Undefined Property buttonRenderer".

    "nash99" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g7alc5$nkd$[email protected]..
    > So
    > Is it that I can Use this ItemRenderer tag in the
    Application Tags only
    > Is there any other way I can use them in mxml components
    because I am
    > using
    > the same button in 16 datagrid columns , I dont wan't to
    make the code
    > look
    > redundant.

  • Item renderer on DataGrid (not DataGridColumn)

    It seems that all the published examples of using an item renderer on a DataGrid use the itemRenderer property of DataGridColumn.
    I don't think I can do this because my columns are created at run time, depending on the contents of the data provider.
    I have therefore tried to assign my item renderer (a subclass of Canvas) directly to the DataGrid.
    1. This works in MXML when the renderer is inline.
    2. It sees to work when the renderer is an Actionscript class assigned to the DataGrid's itemRenderer property.
    3. It does NOT work when the renderer is Flex component assigned to the DataGrid's itemRenderer property. This compiler error is reported: Initializer for 'itemRenderer': cannot parse value of type mx.core.IFactory from text 'comp:CellRenderer'.
    I prefer to use the last method. Is there a way to fix this error?
    If not, is it possible to attach the item renderer to each DataGridColumn as it is created? DataGrid does not seem to have a suitable event that reports when a column is created.
    Aplogies if this is elementary stuff. I am a real Flex newbie. I am using Flex Builder 3.0
    Andy Kirkham

    A code example would be helpful here, but from your error message it
    looks like you may be doing the following
    <mx:DataGrid itemRenderer="comp:CellRenderer"/>
    Instead of  this, you need to use the fully qualified class name of
    CellRenderer, eg.
    Look at the definition of 'comp' towards the top of your MXML file, it
    will be something like:
    Your itemRenderer property should then be set to:

  • List as item in spark datagrid

    Does anyone know how I make a spark datagrid display a list as an item?
    The columns need to be dynamicly made as wel as the content of the cells.
    How do I do this? Anyone?

    use itemrenderer to display the listbox or combobox

  • Multi-Use Item Renderer for DataGrid Column

    I have a dataGrid where the first column of the grid displays
    an icon for the 'type' of item in the row. I created a custom
    itemRenderer component which I reference in its own namespace, and
    everything works great. Since this is a pretty common concept, I'd
    thought that I'd be able to re-use that itemRenderer throughout the
    application, but everytime I try to call the itemRenderer in
    another dataGrid, I get 2 errors saying "the inlineComponent could
    not be found" and then because of that "Access of undefined
    It doesn't make sense for an itemRenderer to be only good for
    one use, so I'm obviously missing some fundamental issue. Can
    someone enlighten me?

    Hah, found it. It is an mxml example, and implements
    IDropInListItemRenderer. It for an image renderer, but you will be
    able to see what to do.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:VBox xmlns:mx=""
    horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"
    width="16" height="16"
    import mx.controls.listClasses.IDropInListItemRenderer;
    import mx.controls.listClasses.BaseListData;
    import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridListData;
    import mx.controls.DataGrid;
    private var source:String;
    private var _listData:BaseListData;
    public function get listData():BaseListData
    return _listData;
    public function set listData(value:BaseListData):void
    _listData = value;
    override protected function commitProperties():void
    if (_listData is DataGridListData)
    var dgld:DataGridListData = _listData as DataGridListData;
    source =
    <mx:Image source="{source}"/>

  • Option / Menu items render smaller 12 points in Chinese font problem

    Doesn't anyone experience when JVM SWING render Chinese Font smaller than
    12 points (say 9 points) very ugly in label, ...etc. Just not similar to Windows' one.
    How to config it to work properly?
    I find that menu items / option items both are rendered ugly in Star office
    application / OpenOffice.

    unfortunatly you cannot change the properties of Action object as you would do with JavaBeans. Instead you have to use the 'put' method.
    myAction.put(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(...));IMHO this was a bad decision, because it's not like the JavaBeans standard and you loose static type information. :-/
    Message was edited by:

  • If I edit an item in a datagrid is it possible to add an effect to that entire row?

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    If you are using the mail app - Tap and hold down on the attachment icon in the email and that should bring up a window that says Open In. Do you not get that? Then you can select Pages from that window - assuming that you have Pages on the iPad.
    The attachment should open when you tap on it anyway, even if you don't have Pages.

Maybe you are looking for

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