Iterative and Recursive algorithms

I am fairly new to Java and am currently looking into Data structures, algorithms etc...
I have designed a very basic ADT (Abstract Data Type) class called Loan which contains the following private instance variables 'loanNo, copyNo, membershipNo, dateDueBack, totalFines'.
Basically I am trying to devise an iterative and also a recursive algorithm for calculating fines for loans not returned over a given duration. For instance if I was to assume a fixed rate of say 1% for every day the book is overdue how would I go about writing the 2 algorithms.
Both the algorithm and elements of the java code would be appreciated or any useful articles or websites that can help me to further my limited understanding of this topic.
All help is greatly appreciated.

I am very far from being an expert here, but:
Two important things come to mind;
1. Try to keep your calculations in one file/class it is tempting to have something like the following:
class BookTypeA
  float calculateFine()
     loanRate = 2%;
     // stuff
// and then in another file...
class BookTypeB
  float calculateFine()
     loanRate = 0.5%;
     // stuff
}Every time you update the algorithm for calculating the fines, you have to change both files, trust me, someone will notice if your calculations bend a penny one way or another.
You solve this problem by having a Visitor, there is lots of stuff on the web about the Visitor pattern. Basically:
class Calculator implements Visitor
   public int calculate( Book book  )
      //stuff here
class BookTypeA extends Book
   void calculateFine(  Visitor v )
      v.visit( this );
for(  Book bk : myBooks  )
    bk.calculateFine( calculator );
// etc.2. Separate your calculations into discreet functions, notice the difference in the following two "calculators"...
class Calculator
   float getFine( int daysoverdue )
      if(  !senior )
          float result = daysoverdue * 0.01f;
          result += ( int tax = result * 0.08f );
          result += ( previousFines );
          result -= ( float seniorsdiscount = result * 0.10f );
       //etc, etc.
// The WAY BETTER version
class Calculator
   float getFine( int daysoverdue )
      if(  !senior )
          float baseAmount = calculateBaseFines( daysoverdue );
          float taxAmount = calculateTax( baseAmount );
          float previousFines = addPreviousFines(  );
           float subTotal = baseAmount + taxAmount + previousFines;
          float seniorsDiscount = applySeniorsDiscount(  subTotal );
       //etc, etc.
      // one calculation per function
      float calculateTax(  float baseamount )
          taxRate = 0.08;
          return baseAmount * taxRate;
      // rest of the functions
} In short be really explicit. Really clear. Chasing tax rates through program headers, global definitions, main classes is really rough. Put the tax rate right next to the calculation. Perform one calculation per function, stuff like this; int rate += ( amount * tax ) + zot; is impossible to debug.
Hope that helps some.

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    Not to be confused with dominition.You mean when Sue gets out her whip and stiletto
    heels?I think it refers to a control structure I once suggested. The traditional definition of recursion doesn't hold under concurrency! It's always implied that the caller waits for the recursive call to return. If it doesn't it's not true recursion. This happens when the recursive calls are spawned off in their own threads instead of beeing pushed onto a call stack.
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    then I think it'll work.Almost. Your algorithm is flawed in this section:
          // After everything else, come back.
           backtrace.push(reverse(c));What happens when c is the reverse direction? You add to the stack the reverse of the reverse. This means you will continually go back and forth in an infinite loop. I took what you started with and worked it into a working solution:
    private void cleanAll() {
              //imitate the call stack
              Stack<Stack<Direction>> call = new Stack<Stack<Direction>>();
              //holds all the reverse directions     
             Stack<Direction> backtrack = new Stack<Direction>();
             //starting stack
             Stack<Direction> start = new Stack<Direction>();
             //load the starting stack
             for (Direction d : Direction.values())
                  if(canMove(d) && !haveBeen(d))
             while (!call.isEmpty()) {
                  Stack<Direction> s = call.pop();
                       Direction c = s.pop();
                      move(c); //clean in this direction
                      backtrack.push(reverse(c)); //record the reverse
                      Stack<Direction> temp = new Stack<Direction>();
                      call.push(s); //stop the current path
                      //load the new stack
                      for (Direction d : Direction.values())
                         if (canMove(d) && !haveBeen(d))
                          s = temp; //make temp the current stack
                  move(backtrack.pop());// After everything else, come back.
        }The problem with your solution is that you use 1 stack for the entire process. In this case, it does not differentiate between moves, so it doesn't KNOW what is a reverse. You need to seperate the reverse directions and treat the different in the special case. In order to do that, you need to know WHEN to reverse. Well you reverse when you have completed a cleaning "path".
    My algorithm implements that "path" as another stack. And adds it to a stack of stacks. What this does is it allows me to know when to reverse. I pop off a stack from the call stack, and then after I am done with that stack I have to reverse, as shown in the code I posted.
    Thank you so much for enhancing my knowledge of Stacks. You have helped emensely. I will be sure to tell my professor that i implemented a iterative solution in about 50 lines of code (extremely lower than the 2000 he hypothosized)

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    2. Scale length of r(subscript n) to 1.0 by:
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    3. Improve estimate of u(subscript n) for this run by:
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    4. Imprve estimate of tee(subscript n) by:
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         return array[0];
    double [] next=new double[array.length-1];
    return Math.max(array[0],maxRecursive(next));
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    try this exact code, and see the output (System.out.prints). That will explain you the logic.
    public double maxRecursive(double [] array, int pos) {
         if (array.length - 1==pos) {
              System.out.println("So, I read all the elements, Final Value is :"+array[pos]+"\n");
              return array[pos];
         double recMax = maxRecursive(array, pos+1);
         System.out.println("Now I am at "+pos+" Position !!!\n");
         System.out.println("Till now my maximum value is : "+recMax+"\n");
         if(array[pos] > recMax) {
              System.out.println("My previous element is "+array[pos]+" since it is greater than my max value, here onwards, this will be my max value\n");
              return array[pos];
         else {
              System.out.println("My Previous element is "+array[pos]+" since it is less than my max value, my max value will not change\n");
              return recMax;

  • Dominition - neither iteration nor recursion?

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    public class Print extends Thread {
        private int n;
        Print (int n) {
            this.n = n;
        public void run() {
            System.out.println("Hello World");
            if (n<100)
                new Print(n+1).start();
    }It looks like recursion but I'd say it's not. The instantiation of the new Print within Print isn't completed when the call returns and this disqualifies it as a recursive call, both in the mathematical and in the programming sense.
    I'd say the call within Print to itself is a dominition call, not a recursive call! What do you say?

    import java.util.*;
    public class HelloWorld100 {
      public static int i = 0 ;
      public static void main ( String[] argv ) {
        TimerTask tt = new TimerTask() {
          public void run ( ) {
            if ( i++ >= 100 ) System.exit(0) ;
            System.out.println("Hello World: " + i) ;
        Timer t = new Timer() ;
        t.schedule(tt, 0, 1) ;

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                  I dont understand the actual difference between Iterator and Collection Wrapper. I observed both are used for the same purpose. Could any one please let me know when to use Collection Wrapper and when to use Iterator??

    L_Kiryl is right.
    Collections support global iteration (through collection->get_next( )) and local iteration (through iterator->get_next( )).
    Each collection has a focus object. Initially, the first object has the focus.
    Any global iteration moves the focus, which is published by the event FOCUS_CHANGED of the collection.
    If you want to iterate on the collection without moving the focus (and without triggering timeconsuming follow-up processes) you can use local iteration. To do so, request an iterator object from the collection and use this to iterate.
    And one more advantage of using iterator: it takes care of deleted entities. If you use global iteration then when you reach deleted entity it will be an exception. But there is no exception with iterator in the same situation.

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    Please give me an example about Approximate operator and recursive call function in abap
    thanks so much

    About Approximate operator, you can go to tcode 'ABAPDOCU', searching CO,CN,CA etc...each of them have example there.
    And recursive function,
    Say here is a FM,
    FUNCTION recursive_get_number.
    *import im_num type i.
    *export ex_num type i.
    ex_num = im_num + 1.
    IF ex_num GE 100.
       CALL FUNCTION recursive_get_number
               im_num = ex_num
               ex_num = ex_num.
    When you call this function from outside with importing parameter '1',  then will return you 100.

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    Hi there,
    I have a jspx with a creation form created as usual draging and droping the data control. In same page, I inserted a commandButton which ActionListener executes a method in a managed bean called validate(). Through such a method what Im trying to do is to fill the form with data from specified entry of the database if certain condition is true. I know it is kinda twisted but unfortunately is the requirement for the page.
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    // execute a Rollback (included in Page Definition) in order to cancel the previous auto-invoked "Create".
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    Application app = context.getApplication();
    BindingContainer bindings =(BindingContainer)app.getVariableResolver().resolveVariable(context,"bindings");
    OperationBinding opBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("Rollback");
    opBinding .execute();
    //get the iterator and asociated VO from the binding container
    ValueBinding vb = app.createValueBinding("#{bindings.AccountsVOIterator}");
    DCIteratorBinding dciter = (DCIteratorBinding) vb.getValue(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance());
    ViewObject view = dciter.getViewObject();
    //and set the current row with the specified entry I have mentioned above.
    Object keyValues[] = new Object[2];
    keyValues[0] = "1"; keyValues[1] = "98543";
    Row[] row = view.findByKey(new Key(keyValues),1);
    AccountsVpnVORowImpl client = (AccountsVpnVORowImpl)row[0];
    opBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("Execute");
    All this works perfectly when I debbug it but I cannot see the changes in the page(even refreshing browser). I need that when such a condition is met, the creation form turns into a modify-specific entry form, filling all fields with the specific data in order user can modify it, and all in the same page.
    Any clue?
    Thanks so much in advance for your time.

    I could see the problem with call to executeQuery and execute methods at the end of your method which re-sets the current row.
    Once you set the current row you should not call execute or executequery methods. Try removing those calls and also make sure that you have added partialTriggers property on the table is set to commandbutton id and partialSubmit property is set to true on commandButton to refresh the table partially on click of a button

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    I have enabled FIPS compliant algorithms,including encryption, hashing and signing algorithms in (Windows server 2012 R2 ), after enabling. My SSIS package is not working and i am not able open my SSRS also.
    So can any one assist in this.
    Regards, Surendran.G

    in latest security recommendation guides it is no longer recommended to use this setting (because it breaks a lot of stuff...).
    Consider turning it off if  you do not have strict resuirements for it.
    otherwise, You will have to investigate you code. SQL server forums would be the appropirate place to get help in troublesooting your code.

  • How to clear rows from iterator and re-fetch fresh data from the table ?

    I am using JDev
    I have generated JPA Service Facade and by using it, I have created Data Control which finally I have dragged & dropped on my .jsff file.
    In viewObject, there is a method clearCache() to clear the viewObject data.
    Iterator has also one method clear() but when it invoked, ADF framework throws StackOverFlow error.
    So, I want to clear my iterator before calling executeQuery() method.
    How Can I clear it ?
    Because In my case if I run executeQuery() method on DCIteratorBinding, it is not getting updated with the lates value from DB table.
    So I want to clear all the rows from iterator and then want to call executeQuery() method to updated latest data from DB tables.
    I have also tried below peace of code to refresh iterator but still iterator getting updated with two same rows () while in DB it is proper.
    FacesContext fctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ValueBinding dcb =
    DCBindingContainer iteratorbindings =
    DCIteratorBinding dciter =

    Have you try to drag and drop to your refresh or query button an "Execute" operation from the Data Control Pallete?
    We are using JPA/ EJB Session Beans and that works for us.

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    In my view, all divide and conquer algorithms have O(n log n) . But is there anyway to have a divide and conquer algorithm without the O(log n) factor?
    Do reply..

    Welcome to the forum. Please don't post the same question more than once.
    I'm locking this thread now. The discussion can continue at

  • Difference between af:iterator and af:foreach

    whats the difference between af:iterator and af:foreach ?

    The documentation for af:iterator describes the differences:
    While the <af:forEach> will be sufficient for most user's needs, it does not work with a JSF DataModel, or CollectionModel. It also cannot be bound to EL expressions that use component-managed EL variables (such as the >"var" variable on an <af:table>). The <af:iterator> tag was created to address these issues. Thanks,

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    your recommended second option that i could add true/false case.
    this true/false case must be inside the for loop or outside the for loop?if this case is inside the for
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    more over do you have any example for this please?

    You can execute a fixed number of iterations using a while loop by comparing the iteration count to the number of iterations you want and wiring the output of that comparison (e.g. Less Than or Equal To) to the continue (or stop) terminal of your while loop. Which comparison you use depends on personal preference, where you wire the desired count and the interation count, and whether you're using the while loop as Continue if True or Stop if True.
    Ben gave you step-by-step instructions in response to your previous question. Look here for Ben's response.
    Ben's response looks pretty good and detailed to me. It certa
    inly deserved better than a 1-star rating.

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            public void visitAll(HeapItem hi) {
                HeapItem refs[] = hi.getReferences();
                HeapItem item;
                int i;
                hi.visited = true;
                for (i = 0; i < refs.length; ++i) {
                    item = refs;
    if (item != null && !item.visited)

    You should do something like this...
    public void visitAll(HeapItem hi) {
                HeapItem refs[] = hi.getReferences();
                HeapItem item;
                int i;
                if(refs.length == 0) return;
                hi.visited = true;
                for (i = 0; i < refs.length; ++i) {
                    item = refs;
    if (item != null && !item.visited)

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