IWeb changed site text to image

As I began to work on SEO for an iWeb site, I discovered that most of the text had been changed to image. I was told that this meant that search engines will not be able to read the text. Is that true? If so, what's the fix? Searching for the site on Mac or PC; IE, Safari, or Foxfire, the site downloads and looks good.

One the Process page make sure the text box is in front of the background image jpeg. The Concept page is configured similarly and the text box didn't get converted. Check for any differences between those two pages and text boxes and, as Wyodor suggested, made sure there are no enhancements to the text or text box.
On the Assessments page I can only click and drag the background image from one edge. On the other pages I can click and drag anywhere on the image.
How did you apply that image to the page background, via the Inspector/Page/Layout pane? If you added it manually to each page try using the Page Layout pane and see if that will make a difference.
Many of the text boxes, like on the Outcomes page, have a lot of blank space above the text and thru overlaps the jpg background image. You can remove that empty space, make the box smaller and position it below the image. That might do it. This seems to be the case with most of the text boxes. The concept page seems to be the exception in this case.

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    Go into outline view. If you can see the outlines of the letterforms, you can't just change the text. If the letterforms are solid black, take the type tool, select the text and type yours.
    Anyway you can just select the letters, take the type tool and type new text.
    Working with the type tool is a basic. Please see the manual for details

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    I believe you are using System fonts for the text in the site. I would suggest you to use either Web safe fonts or use self hosted font options.
    Please refer to the links below to understand how to work with them.
    Add self-hosted web fonts | Adobe Muse CC tutorials

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    As you now know iWeb and iDVD have been discontinued by Apple. This is evidenced by the fact that new Macs are shipping with iLife 11 installed but without iWeb and iDVD.
    On June 30, 2012 MobileMe will be shutdown. HOWEVER, iWeb will still continue to work but without the following:
    Features No Longer Available Once MobileMe is Discontinued:
    ◼ Password protection
    ◼ Blog and photo comments
    ◼ Blog search
    ◼ Hit counter
    ◼ MobileMe Gallery
    All of these features can be replaced with 3rd party options.
    Currently if the site is published directly from iWeb to the 3rd party server the RSS feed and slideshow subscription features will work. However, if the site is first published to a folder on the hard drive and then uploaded to the sever with a 3rd party FTP client those two features will be broken.
    There's another problem and that's with iWeb's popup slideshows.  Once the MMe servers are no longer online the popup slideshow buttons will not display their images.
    Click to view full size
    However, Roddy McKay and I have figured out a way to modify existing sites with those slideshows and iWeb itself so that those images will display as expected once MobileMe servers are gone.  How to is described in this tutorial: iW14 - Modify iWeb So Popup Slideshows Will Work After MobileMe is Discontinued.
    NOTE: the iLife 11 boxed version Is no longer available at the online Apple Store.  To get a copy you'll have to try Amazon.com or eBay.com.
    This may be of interest to you: Life After MobileMe.

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    OK Thanks Brad.
    I could use Tockify of course, but wanted to create the same things on an existing site.
    I do not know how to copy the code and get it onto Muse, but that’s OK for now. I will work something else out.

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    In order to change iTunes to a different feed (and as you've found changing the site name in iWeb changes the feed URL by changing its name) you have to add a special tag to the feed:
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    Try adding title = "Lookup Person name" to the Image Attributes of your icon or button.

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    Go into outline view. If you can see the outlines of the letterforms, you can't just change the text. If the letterforms are solid black, take the type tool, select the text and type yours.
    Anyway you can just select the letters, take the type tool and type new text.
    Working with the type tool is a basic. Please see the manual for details

  • Changing Text AND Image

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    text (maybe in a text box) at the same time. Both events need to be
    triggered by the same text link rather than an image.
    Changing the image is no problem but I don't know if it is
    possible to change related text or how to do it.
    Any pointers would be very gratefully received.

    Search this forum for a subject of "Rollover text question".
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "PlutoNash" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fgqa18$i6t$[email protected]..
    > Hi, please could you help?
    > Using remote rollovers, I need to change an image and
    related text (maybe
    > in a
    > text box) at the same time. Both events need to be
    triggered by the same
    > text
    > link rather than an image.
    > Changing the image is no problem but I don't know if it
    is possible to
    > change
    > related text or how to do it.
    > Any pointers would be very gratefully received.
    > Thanks
    > Mike

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    Hi Rohit,
    If you have questions about the Accessibility features of Mavericks, you may find the following article helpful:
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    - Brenden

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    Merci de votre aide

    Merci pour l'aide. J'ai eu ce problème seulement avec ce document, sur les blocs images et en changeant du texte.
    Il manquait certains liens mais ça le faisait sur toutes les images. J'avais déjà essayé l'assemblage sans résultat.
    J'ai finalement réussi en ouvrant un nouveau document et en faisant un copié-collé de chaque page de l'ancien vers le nouveau document.
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  • Urgent Deadline to Fix PC Mess Displaying iWeb Created Site -- Please Help!

    IWeb 08 and web-design-savvy Mac users, I really need your help... and I'm on a tight deadline.
    I've designed the website promoting our group's big event by using iWeb 08; I was very troubled when I discovered tonight that there are major display problems in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 on Windows PCs. This website is essential to promoting the event and I can't afford to lose traffic because of display issues.
    Here's the site.
    Can anyone walk me through the best fixes for the following problems?
    On a PC in Internet Explorer:
    1) The home page display chokes up during scrolling; there's a sort of "stuttering" effect in rendering of simple images that slows down the PC and gums things up.
    2) The layout of the center-justified text is trashed by Explorer's insertion of large blocks of blank spaces and a line return in an area where I change the color of the text for emphasis.
    On my web pages that display the iWeb-generated navigation links:
    3) The label for the final navigation link drops down to a second row, creating a ragged, poorly formatted look.
    4) If you click on the navigation link for the current page, it takes you to the home page instead of keeping you on the current page.
    None of these problems happen in Safari for Windows.
    In Firefox for Windows, I believe that only problem 3 happens.
    Explorer 7 for Windows appears to fix only problem 2.
    -Will an "optimizer" program fix any or all of these problems?
    -Can I open the iWeb-created html files in Netscape Composer, SeaMonkey, TextEdit, or any other application, change the html code to fix any of this, and save the repaired result?
    -Is there any change in the formating within iWeb that I should try that will put things right on a PC?
    Thanks for any help you can offer. I have to fix this somehow this weekend.

    Thank you. I will definitely build my own navigation menu, as you described to solve problems 3 and 4.
    I'm still struggling with the decision of how to deal with issues 1 and 2 On a PC in Internet Explorer. (See below.)
    I did already update to iWeb 2.0.3 before I created the site.
    1) The home page display chokes up during scrolling; there's a sort of "stuttering" effect in rendering of simple images that slows down the PC and gums things up.
    2) The layout of the center-justified text is trashed by Explorer's insertion of large blocks of blank spaces and a line return in an area where I change the color of the text for emphasis.
    Here are options I'm considering.
    One is to take screenshots of the site's current iWeb-generated graphics, turn them into jpegs, and reinsert them into the page as jpegs. My thinking is that it would eliminate any Explorer problems with rendering png images and effects.
    Another option is to rebuild the entire site in another program, trying to imitate the look of my current iWeb-created site. The problem is, I don't know if I have to skills to properly create my PayPal online registration section, which is essential. If I do try to redo the entire site, I haven't decided to use Netscape Composer (my old method), SeaMonkey (its successor), or some other application with which I have no experience. If I do recreate the entire site, I'm going to have to be careful to exactly duplicate the individual page names, so that I don't break the links for anyone who has linked to the current pages.

  • Iweb 08 loosing fonts and images

    I built my website and uploaded (published) from my laptop. I have begun to lose fonts and images associated with the website as each page comes up with these error messages. A search reveals that the files are still on my computer. Is there a logical explanation for this. Better yet, is there a fix?
    Please advise.

    The original iWeb turned all of your text into graphic images. That had the advantage that the person viewing the site did not need to have any of the fancy fonts you used to make an attractive web page. It also had the disadvantage of making your site a lot bigger and slower loading, and a lot less adaptable to different screen sizes.
    The new iWeb 08 still uses graphic images if you make a shape with the shape tool and type your text into it. But if you use a text box it now puts real text on your site. As a result my site is now about a tenth as big as it used to be, and my friends who still have dial-up internet can use it. (If you want a really small site, avoid the themes that use an image for the background.)
    The down side is exactly what you discovered. If you view the site from a computer that is missing a font you used in iWeb, the browser will substitute some other font that is a completely different size, and you end up with text overlapping other text and other ugliness.
    My solution was to change all my fonts to either Verdana or Comic Sans MS. Every Windows computer has them, and so do most Macs. Text spacing for Mac and PC is close enough that if you leave a little space inside and around your text boxes they look fine.
    I'm surprised that there was font substitution if you were running Mac Firefox on the same computer where you used Safari. Of course if it's a different computer it's doing exactly what I would expect.

  • Get Rid of the Text-as-Image Export

    For the life of me I can't figure out why Adobe would add such an irritating feature and not allow it to be toggled.
    Come on Adobe developers, exercise some intelligence here.
    I am aware there are potential licensing issues but let's review:
    You cannot use system fonts that are not considered 'web safe' without them exporting as image, even though 99% of Windows users will have them and Mac users will have no trouble with them being substituted.
    It makes manual CSS font stacks useless since Muse abandons this possibility when it goes the image route.
    There are plenty of TypeKit fonts available through Creative Cloud that are accessible when synced, yet many of them are not in Muse's library so will also force image export. If it synced through CC and is licensed for web use then there are no licensing issues. Export as text and let the user drop in their TypeKit code.
    Many users will use Google/Typekit web fonts perfectly fine but downloading and self-hosting the font files just to use them in Muse is a waste of time and not necessarily possible.
    The workaround is to use a completely different font, thus upsetting the page layout, just so that it exports as text and a simple find and replace can be used to change font-family.
    I can't even use Open Sans without it exporting as an image. Seriously? Likely the most widespread web font in existence and you force an image export. That's just bad.
    Please get rid of this... allow users to turn image exports off and handle font styling ourselves or remove it entirely.
    It was fine beforehand when you could use any font installed locally, including CC synced Typekit fonts, with only the Muse fonts triggering placing of a Muse Typekit code.
    This resulted in users having to intervene post-export to have web fonts render properly if they weren't available through Muse which was perfectly reasonable.

    Feature Requests
    1. Provide access to the complete Typekit font offering.
    2. Provide the ability to define and use your own font fallback stacks (aka Web Safe font definitions)
    Possible Misconceptions
    1. Open Sans isn't readily available as a Web Font in Muse
    2. We've changed something in the generated code that makes it more difficult to manually edit the output.
    You're correct. The paid Typekit library is not currently easily available from within Muse. We continue to lobby the Typekit team for changes required to enable paid Typekit in a seamless UI within Muse, but thus far we have yet to reach the top of their development team's priority list.
    If you're familiar with font stacks you're aware there are very few truly "web safe" fonts. In most cases using a "web safe" font means settling for one of a handful of fonts depending on the OS or device being used to view your site. That font variation means variations in the line breaks within text frames and thus changes to text frame heights which are likely to result in changes to the overall layout of your pages. In most cases a Web Font is a much better choice if the visual fidelity of your design is an important part of your site. It's unlikely Muse will provide the ability to define arbitrary font stacks. Given the target market of Muse and our small development team, future additional font support will likely continue to be in the area of Web Fonts.
    If you select "Add Web Fonts" in the Web Fonts section of the Fonts menu you can browser a library of 500+ font families that are provided for free and hosted on Adobe's Typekit service. This set of free fonts is marketed as "Edge Web Fonts." The Edge Web Fonts offering started as the set of public domain fonts hosted by Google with a small number removed due to quality issues and a small number added from the set of fonts Adobe wholly owns. The majority of the ~650 web fonts now hosted by Google are part of the 500+ web fonts readily available within Muse.
    Open Sans is one of the font families in the Edge Web Fonts library. Go to "Add Web Fonts" in the Fonts menu, type "open" in the search field of the Web Fonts dialog, click on Open Sans and it will be added to the Web Fonts section of your Muse Font menu for easy future use. On your site the font will be provided via Typekit without any page view limits or requirement to be a Creative Cloud subscriber.
    To my knowledge there have not been any changes in Muse output that should impact your ability to use a Web Safe font in Design view, then alter the generated code to replace that font with a font from some other source (i.e. paid Typekit, Fonts.com hosting, etc.). It's never been possible to use a System Font in Muse and then alter the output code to replace the font, since the output for a text frame that uses a System Font has always been an image.
    Thank you for taking the time to voice your opinions and provide feature requests.

  • Publish Text as Image or lock font

    I am new to dreamweaver, I use to use yahoo sitebuilder and
    one of my favorite features was called "publish text as image" it
    let you put text in any font and it would make it an image so even
    if someone looking at the site didn't have the font it would stay
    the same. Is there any sort of feature like this in dreamweaver? I
    want to use Stoen Saris font Thanks

    > like so if i go into photoshop and change the text it'll
    update in
    > dreamweaver?
    Only if you save or export or whatever from photoshop and
    change the actual
    image file that's in the Site's local site folder.
    If you used Fireworks, yes it does have a much tighter
    After placing the image, later on you could select the image
    in the page in
    dreamweaver, click "edit in fireworks" and it would open and
    you could make
    changed in fireworks. Then press a "done" button and
    dreamweaver comes up
    showing the modified image.
    question- this is just for headlines and short bits of text,
    You don't want to put paragraphs or entire pages of text into
    image text
    Adobe Community Expert, dreamweaver

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