J'ai perdu mon ipod

Bonjour. J'ai perdu mon ipod, mais quand j'ouvre itunes sur la gauche la ligne de l'ipod apparait comme si il se trouvait autour grace au wifi???
Quelqu'un peut-il me dire si il est possible qu'il se trouve autour pour m'aider dans ma recherche? Merci

Google translate:
Good morning. I lost my ipod, but when I open itunes on the left of the line ipodappears as if he was around thanks to wifi??
Can anyone tell me if it is possible that he is around to help me in my search? thank you
See my response to your english post.

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    Google translate:
    I lost my ipod and people find it but how to deal with the location and everything, I really want! Iphone with my brother, can I succeed?
    No app is required.                                               
    - If you previously turned on FIndMyiPod on the iPod in Settings>iCloud and wifi is on and connected go to iCloud: Find My iPhone, sign in and go to FIndMyiPhone. If the iPod has been restored it will never show up.
    - You can also wipe/erase the iPod and have the iPod play a sound via iCloud.
    - If not shown, then you will have to use the old fashioned way, like if you lost a wallet or purse.
    - Change the passwords for all accounts used on the iPod and report to police
    - There is no way to prevent someone from restoring the iPod (it erases it) using it.
    - Apple will do nothing without a court order                         
    Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product                                        
      - iOS: How to find the serial number, IMEI, MEID, CDN, and ICCID number

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    bonsoir j'ai perdu mon iPod et j'ai l'app "localiser" dessus sachant que je n'ai q'un PC comment puis-je le retrouver?

    Bonjour Laurent,
    premièrement vous pouvez utiliser: http://helpx.adobe.com/fr/x-productkb/global/find-serial-number.html et éventuellement là
    http://helpx.adobe.com/fr/x-productkb/global/find-serial-number.html#a dobeproductdownload
    Aussi possible également de contacter Adobe à la page suivante:
    http://helpx.adobe.com/fr/support.html > Aide de photoshop > Choisissez un sujet ... > ... (J'avais choisi Utilisation ...) > Je encore besoin d'aide ... > Chat
    Veuillez utiliser le chat (si un agent est disponible), j'ai eu les meilleures expériences.
    Peut-être que vous avez obtenu un "numéro de série" d'Amazon (ou similaire). Ce n'est pas un numéro de série, seul un code avec lequel vous pouvez demander un numéro de série à partir d'Adobe. Ici, vous devez passer par "Adobe Store", et recherchez le bouton "Serial Demande de numéro". Remplissez le formulaire et, après un certain temps, vous obtiendrez un numéro de série "réel".
    Il pourrait être nécessaire d'activer/désactiver s'il vous plaît jeter un oeil là:
    Vous pouvez également utiliser le Forum Francophone: Forums en français

  • Bonjour, j'ai perdu mon ipod, que dois-je faire?? merci

    Bonjour, j'ai perdu mon ipod, que dois-je faire?? merci d'avance

    If you have lost your iPod you could locate it using iCloud, if you did install "Find My iPhone" before.
    Otherwise there is not much you can do, besides this:
    Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product
    iCloud: Troubleshooting Find My iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac
    Translated by google:
    Si vous avez perdu votre iPod, vous pouvez le localiser à l'aide d'icloud, si vous avez installé "Find My iPhone" avant.
    Sinon il n'ya pas beaucoup que vous pouvez faire, en plus de celle-ci:
    Signalement de la perte ou du vol d’un produit Apple

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    J'Aimerais Vraiment Retrouver mon IPod MAIS je Vois sur Tous Les forums et Apple que si la localisation n'est pas activer il n'y a auccun chance de la retouver c'est vraie?

    Google translate:
    I Would Really Find my Ipod BUT I See All on Apple forums and if the location is not enabled there is auccun chance to retouver this is true?
    Yes, it is true
    No app on the iPod is required.                           
    - If you previously turned on FIndMyiPod on the iPod in Settings>iCloud and wifi is on and connected, on a computer browser go to iCloud: Find My iPhone, sign in and go to FIndMyiPhone. If the iPod has been restored it will never show up or conbtinue to show off-line.
    - You can also wipe/erase the iPod and have the iPod play a sound via iCloud.
    iCloud: Erase your device
    iCloud: Use Lost Mode
    - If not shown, then you will have to use the old fashioned way, like if you lost a wallet or purse.
    - Change the passwords for all accounts used on the iPod and report to police
    - There is no way to prevent someone from restoring the iPod (it erases it) using it unless you had iOS 7 on the device. With iOS 7, one has to enter the Apple ID and password to restore the device.
    - Apple will do nothing without a court order                                               
    Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product                                              
    - iOS: How to find the serial number, IMEI, MEID, CDN, and ICCID number

  • QUELQU UN peut t il m aider a retrouver mon ipod avec l apllication trouver mes amis merci, QUELQU UN peut t il m aider a retrouver mon ipod avec l apllication trouver mes amis merci


    Bonjour du Canada!
    Pour répondre à ta question concernant Balance, ton entreprise doit être parti d'une solution Entreprise pour activer cet service.
    J'espère que ça t'aides.
    (Excuse mon français, je suis Anglophone.)
    - If my response has helped you, please click "Options" beside my post and mark it as solved. Clicking the "thumbs up" icon near the bottom of my response would also be appreciated.

  • J'ai perdu mon mot de passe iPod touch g5 que faire ?

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    Google translate:
    I lost my password iPod touch g5 what?
    Forgotten Screen-Lock Passcode
    Connect the iOS device to your computer and try to make a backup
    iOS: How to back up
    Then restore via iTunes. The iOS device will be erased. Place the iOS device in Recovery Mode if necessary to allow the restore.
    If recovery mode does not work try DFU mode.
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    For how to restore:
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software
    To restore from backup see:
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes
    If you restore from iCloud backup the apps will be automatically downloaded. If you restore from iTunes backup the apps and music have to be in the iTunes library since synced media like apps and music are not included in the backup of the iOS device that iTunes makes.
    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store   
    If problem what happens or does not happen and when in the instructions? When you successfully get the iPod in recovery mode and connect to computer iTunes should say it found an iPod in recovery mode.
    iOS : code oublié ou appareil désactivé suite à la saisie d’un code incorrect

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    Essayez de réinitialiser:
    Maintenez les deux boutons d'alimentation de la maison et en même temps jusqu'à ce que le logo de démarrage Apple apparaisse. Aucune donnée ne sera perdue.
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    Google translate:
    I Would Really Find my Ipod BUT I See All on Apple forums and if the location is not enabled there is auccun chance to retouver this is true?
    Yes, it is true
    No app on the iPod is required.                           
    - If you previously turned on FIndMyiPod on the iPod in Settings>iCloud and wifi is on and connected, on a computer browser go to iCloud: Find My iPhone, sign in and go to FIndMyiPhone. If the iPod has been restored it will never show up or conbtinue to show off-line.
    - You can also wipe/erase the iPod and have the iPod play a sound via iCloud.
    iCloud: Erase your device
    iCloud: Use Lost Mode
    - If not shown, then you will have to use the old fashioned way, like if you lost a wallet or purse.
    - Change the passwords for all accounts used on the iPod and report to police
    - There is no way to prevent someone from restoring the iPod (it erases it) using it unless you had iOS 7 on the device. With iOS 7, one has to enter the Apple ID and password to restore the device.
    - Apple will do nothing without a court order                                               
    Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product                                              
    - iOS: How to find the serial number, IMEI, MEID, CDN, and ICCID number

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    Au redémarrage mon projet video à disparu.

    Google translate:
    I Would Really Find my Ipod BUT I See All on Apple forums and if the location is not enabled there is auccun chance to retouver this is true?
    Yes, it is true
    No app on the iPod is required.                           
    - If you previously turned on FIndMyiPod on the iPod in Settings>iCloud and wifi is on and connected, on a computer browser go to iCloud: Find My iPhone, sign in and go to FIndMyiPhone. If the iPod has been restored it will never show up or conbtinue to show off-line.
    - You can also wipe/erase the iPod and have the iPod play a sound via iCloud.
    iCloud: Erase your device
    iCloud: Use Lost Mode
    - If not shown, then you will have to use the old fashioned way, like if you lost a wallet or purse.
    - Change the passwords for all accounts used on the iPod and report to police
    - There is no way to prevent someone from restoring the iPod (it erases it) using it unless you had iOS 7 on the device. With iOS 7, one has to enter the Apple ID and password to restore the device.
    - Apple will do nothing without a court order                                               
    Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product                                              
    - iOS: How to find the serial number, IMEI, MEID, CDN, and ICCID number

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    Google translate:
    I lost my ipod and people find it but how to deal with the location and everything, I really want! Iphone with my brother, can I succeed?
    No app is required.                                               
    - If you previously turned on FIndMyiPod on the iPod in Settings>iCloud and wifi is on and connected go to iCloud: Find My iPhone, sign in and go to FIndMyiPhone. If the iPod has been restored it will never show up.
    - You can also wipe/erase the iPod and have the iPod play a sound via iCloud.
    - If not shown, then you will have to use the old fashioned way, like if you lost a wallet or purse.
    - Change the passwords for all accounts used on the iPod and report to police
    - There is no way to prevent someone from restoring the iPod (it erases it) using it.
    - Apple will do nothing without a court order                         
    Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product                                        
      - iOS: How to find the serial number, IMEI, MEID, CDN, and ICCID number

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    Google translate:
    I lost the code for my ipod and This now I can not access them then how can I find my code please?!
    Assuming you mean the passcode used to unlock the screen:
    Yu need to place the iPod in recovery mode and then restore you iPod via iTunes on your computer.  Restoring from backup is OK and will not results in the unknown passcode being restored.  For recovery mode see:
    iPhone and iPod touch: Unable to update or restore

  • HT201210 Bonjours , j'ai mon ipod touch desactivé , et quand je me connecte a Itune et que je mets restaurais il me mets Erreur 1161 que faire ?

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    ENGLISH :  Hello, I have an ipod touch off because I lost my code specified safety.
    and when I plug it maffiche Itune error 1611
    Help me

    Error 1611
    This error typically occur when security software interferes with the restore and update process. FollowTroubleshooting security software issues to resolve this issue. In rare cases, this error may be a hardware issue. If the errors persist on another computer, the device may need service.
    The "device may need service" means a hardware problem. In that case make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.

  • Mettre a jour mon ipod et reprendre mon ancienne bibliothèquee

    Bonjour j'ai changé de pc cette semaine et comme je ne me souviens plus de user name et de mon mots de passe je ne pouvait pas synchroniser mon ipod nano 5 .  J'ai tous perdu ma musique.
    Je voudrais récupérer ma bibliothèque et mettre a jour mon compte

    Est-ce les données du graphiques que tu veux sauvegarder ou bien l'image du graphique ? Quand tu parles de "lien" sur la face avant, est-ce que tu parles d'un bouton qui t'ouvrirait une fenêtre de sauvegarde? Je ne vois pas ce que labview 7 a de plus que 6.1 pour faire cela. Envoi-nous un exemple .

  • J'ai perdu mon mot de passe restrictions comment faire?, j'ai perdu mon mot de passe restrictions comment faire?

    J'ai perdu  mon mot de passe restriction comment faire ?

    Mot RESTRICTIONS code d'accès
    - Restauration à partir d'une sauvegarde qui a été faire avant vous avez ajouté le mot de passe Restrictions. Si vous restaurez à partir d'une sauvegarde effectuée avec les restrictions mot de passe du Restrictions mot de passe est également restaurée. Placez l'appareil iOS en mode de récupération si nécessaire pour permettre la restauration.
    - Restaurer les paramètres d'usine / nouvel iPod. . Placez l'appareil iOS en mode de récupération si nécessaire pour permettre la restauration.
    Pour placer en mode de récupération, voir:

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