J2ME Specifications of Mobile Devices

is there any List that show me Specifications of all Mobile Devices.
I need to create some List with Mobile Devices that supports
- TCP (Socket) and Datagramm Connection
- Jpeg Support
Because i tested so much Mobile Devices and some don't work
For example the Sony Ericsson M600i should support Socket but it only supports Datagramm... (funny???)
I need some List where i can Lookup which Mobile Devices supports the given Specifications.
Thanks and Greets,

This is the best one I know of. Check the appropriate "Additional columns to show" and hopefully you'll find what you need.

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    I can't get itunes 10.5 to download this is the most common error that I seem to get any help you can give would be greatly appreciated

    Log into the computer as an Administrator, then download and install iTunes.
    If you can get it to download with your current Windows account, you should also be able to right-click on the itunes.exe file and select "Run as Administrator".

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    1 and 2 i do not know right now.
    You can transfer MIDlets to J2ME compatible devices only ,atleast for now. To do this , you must use a serial cable and download it directly to your cell phone or pager.
    The CLDC has been designed to suit applications that run low on memory ( from 160 kb to 512 kb)
    good luck

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    I haven't tried this but I don't see why not. Disco Viewer is just HTML pages and if you need to you can configure the look and feel of the pages specifically for mobile devices by changing the UIX files.
    Rod West

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    I'm sorry for the amount of time it took me to get back. Derby is an open source database written entirely in Java. I do not know if it can support resource constrained devices like MIDP compliant, but may work okay with CLDC.
    But outside of Derby being a solution, let me give you a few ideas off the top of my head.
    Set up a database server in a separate thread. This server will really be your controller for RMS access.
    Since RMS is just a big sequential 'pipe' you will have to think of data as 'frames' - (starttable) (tableID) (tablename) (data) (tablename) (data).....(endtable).
    When you need to write additional data, just append it to the end of the RMS object.
    When you need to retrieve data, thing are more complex.
    1. Read in all data, looking for your particular tableID. This may be made much easier using RMS filters - (I'm not sure, I've never used them)
    2. Once start of table of interest is found, stick the data elements in either a java vector or array until you reach the table end identifier. I think vector will be a better choice - trust me. (I think its available in J2ME...)
    3. Package this into a do while loop until the element you are searching for is read. If you need to do some sorts on the data or something else that requires the all the data to be present then you need all the data for that particular table. One thing will always be clear. The first data you grab will always be some start table identifier and the last data you grab will be an end table identifier. We just don't know which table because of how we put stuff in the RMS resource.
    This provides you a few positives as well as negatives:
    1. Fast data writes, no need to search for a particular table before accessing it, nor do you need to search for an index in that table.
    2. When looking for data, data may* be found without searching through the entire table. This is accomplished with RMS filters or logic test within the RMS read loop.
    1. Slow when all data of a table is needed (i.e. compute sums or averages of entries). The entire RMS database must be read to ensure all the entries are searched. An example of how this is a problem is as follows: You have 5000 entries in you RMS database resource and you are looking to compute the average of a value in some table. When you first wrote the data to the table, it was done sequentially and no other data for that table exist. But we can't tell if that's the case, so we have to read through all 5000 entries to make sure we looked for every piece of data.
    Beacuse of this issue, this database structure, performance may be fine for 50K - 100K entries (depending on table element size), if the reading requirements don't force full data reads. Otherwise, 25K may be an upper limit.
    I hope this helps.
    Edited by: estarkey on Mar 17, 2009 9:15 PM
    Edited by: estarkey on Mar 17, 2009 10:01 PM

  • Persistence of data in J2ME mobile device using RMS

    Hi. Just want to ensure that RMS can let us store some values in the mobile device. I'm using emulator to try this out. Everytime i close the emulator, the data stored in the RecordStore's gone. How about in real mobile device?
    For some reasons, my jad and jar can't be installed in my Nokia 6210. It keeps giving me "Invalid Jar file" error.
    So, my main question is whether RMS really stores the value in the mobile device and can be retrieved everytime that MIDlet app's run again.
    The other question is why is it that my jar can't be installed in my Nokia 6210? I just built it with NetBean with J2ME and it could be run on the emulator perfectly.
    Thanks a lot.

    Hi. For the installation to my phone, i have solved it by changing my app's MIDP version 2.1 to 2.0.
    For the persistence of data part, i changed the Storage->"Storage Root Directory" to "\save" in Preferences of SJWTK and re-run my app on the emulator and my phone. However, it seems that the record store's data is not persisted. So, i assume it has something to do with my code. My code is as below. Can anyone give me some clues on what i have done wrong? Thanks.
    public TheConstructor(MIDlet midlet, Form form, int partnerId){
          // The second parameter indicates that the record store
          // should be created if it does not exist
            rs = RecordStore.openRecordStore(REC_STORE_NAME, true );
            if (rs.getNumRecords() == 0) {
                RecordIdParam = getAdsParam();
                if (clientIdParam.length > 0) {
                    clientId = RecordIdParam;
                    closeRecStore();  // Close record sto
            else {
                closeRecStore();  // Close
         catch (Exception e)
    private void db(String str)
        System.err.println("Msg: " + str);
      public void closeRecStore()
        catch (Exception e)
       public void writeRecord(String str)
        byte[] rec = str.getBytes();
          rs.addRecord(rec, 0, rec.length);
        catch (Exception e)
      public void readRecords()
          // Intentionally make this too small to test code below
          byte[] recData = new byte[5];
          int len;
          System.out.println("num of records is " + rs.getNumRecords());
          for (int i = 1; i <= rs.getNumRecords(); i++)
            if (rs.getRecordSize(i) > recData.length)
              recData = new byte[rs.getRecordSize(i)];
            len = rs.getRecord(i, recData, 0);
            RecordIdParam = recData;
        catch (Exception e)

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    Hi, please help,
    I have problem in this area also,
    am intending to stream audio and video data to mobile phone using j2me for my bs project.,
    is that true, midlets can only 'plays back' one file at time specified by url?
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    is this possible?
    How can i call file stored beyond path of WTK ?
    can i store audio/ video file in ms- access?
    Please, please help !
    thanks in advance.
    Message was edited by:

  • Can i create a file in Mobile Device?

    Hello Guyz,
    I need a small help over here..I need to know wheather i can create or is there any provision to create a file or a folder using J2ME tool kit in a mobile device...
    The file is of small capacity only..
    Thank You

    Hi Gokul,
    JSR-75 introduced the FileConnection API. The FileConnection API can be used for opening, creating, deleting and accessing files. It can also be used for creating directories and retrieving the free diskspace.
    However, to be able to use the FileConnection API, you must be sure that your device and your emulation environment supports JSR-75.
    Otherwise, you're not able to create files or folders on a certain disk or within a certain directory. Then, you can only use manufacturer specific API calls or try using RMS (record management system) for storing byte information in a MIDlet suite. RMS is frequently used for maintaining highscores or saving certain program settings.
    Cheers for now,

  • Creating a site for mobile devices

    Good morning,
    I have a number of questions relating to the creation of a
    site for mobile devices. My client has given me the assignment to
    re-design his current website, and to also create a sub-site
    suitable for mobiles. I have spent a number of hours looking around
    on the Internet and trying to gain a better understanding of these
    issues. Still, a number of questions remain. if you can give me any
    additional understanding, that would be great.
    Question 1:
    Is my understanding correct: I basically need to create two
    sites, one for the wide-screen browser, and one for the mobile
    browser? I can direct visitors to the mobile site using a CSS or
    javascript link - if their browser identifies them as a mobile
    Question 2
    Mobile devices come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and
    versions. PDA\s and iPhone's have different screensizes and
    resolutions that smart--phones, which in turn are different again
    from older and simpler phones. Should I design a site for a number
    of different types of phones? That would a huge amount of work...
    Question 3
    I also own Device Central, an App which I should think is
    very useful in this situation. But I fail to understand it! OK, so
    I can see what my photo or website or flash file looks like on my
    Nokia N73 - but I am not designing specifically for that phone. I
    also want my design to look good on all the other phones! My client
    needs a website that is not tailored to one phone, but to all
    Question 4
    And why does Device Central not have profiles for the iPhone?
    I would think it is popular enough to warrant its own profile... (I
    post this from the Netherlands, where the iPhone is not carried
    yet, and so I have only ever held one in my hand). Is this because
    the iphone can see regular sites just fine?
    Question 5
    How does Dreamweaver help me build a mobile site?
    Question 6
    My client wants to show video on his website. In fact, that's
    what this website is all about: showing sports-videos from high
    profile sporting events. Which video-formats are most suitable?
    Question 7
    Do all mobile phones support flash? Or only a few? Or none?
    It seems to me that a flash website would allow for more creativity
    in the design.
    Thanks for any help you can give. Any resources you could
    point me to are also very welcome...
    Rogier Bos
    Rotterdam, The Netherlands

    Macnimation wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I'm experimenting with creating a small site off a
    standard site, for mobile
    > phone/devices.
    > Basically, I want to load a basic list page, which has
    links to pages that
    > will display and run flash movies.
    > The flash movies, in FLV format are already at 640 x 480
    which run fine in the
    > main site.
    > Is it simply to resize the movies to fit the mobile
    content size , or will
    > they "auto" resize?
    > Do I have to chnage the webserver configuration in
    anyway, its a standard IIS
    > site at the moment, but MySQL with apache is also an
    > Would standard html do or would the pages have to be
    done using xhtml or wml?
    > I would like if possible to get this infomration first
    before starting it, so
    > I can possibly reduce delays.
    > Any help or pointers to tutorials would be grateful
    I'd like to check out the PDA scene some day soon, too. In
    the meantime,
    there's a recent discussion of this topic here:
    www.geobop.org - Family Websites
    www.invisible-republic.org - Adult political websites (Mature
    adults only)

  • Unable to install iTunes on Windows 8. I get Service "Apple Mobile Device" (Apple Mobile Device failed to start.  Verify that you have sufficent privileges to start system services.  I am trying to install this on my desktop not a mobile device.

    Unable to install iTunes on windows 8.  I get
    Service "Apple mobile Device) failed to start. 
    Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services.
    I am trying to install it on my desktop.  I am also in Administrator mode.  My iTunes stopped working when I was notified that there was a new version of iTunes and would I like to download it. I said yes as always and it was unable to finish the update because of a
    runtime Error!
    Program: C:\program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunes.exe
    An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.
    Please contace the application's suport team for more information.
    My iTunes stopped working at this time.  I thought I could delete iTunes and start over. This tactic did not work.
    Can anyone make sense of what I am saying and help me to get my iTunes back again?

    Try a more recent version of my advice. The "for older video cards version" may work when the default version doesn't.
    For general advice see Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    The steps in the second box are a guide to removing everything related to iTunes and then rebuilding it which is often a good starting point unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach. Review the other boxes and the list of support documents further down the page in case one of them applies.
    The further information area has direct links to the current and recent builds in case you have problems downloading, need to revert to an older version or want to try the iTunes for Windows (64-bit - for older video cards) release as a workaround for installation or performance issues, or compatibility with QuickTime or third party software.
    Your library should be unaffected by these steps but there are also links to backup and recovery advice should it be needed.

  • Vista itunes not installed correctly.  Error 7.  Windows error 998.  Itunes helper not installed correctly.  Service Apple Mobile Device failed to start.  Insufficient privileges.

    OK, spent about 25 frustrating hours so far this weekend doing everything recommended on numerous threads here -- uninstalling and reinstalling itunes and all Apple items.  Help?
    I am using Windows Vista home premium.  After the last iTunes update to 12, it suddenly would not work.  I followed, to a T, all instructions to uninstall all Apples software, in the correct order, reboot, download the latest iTunes, run as administrator, plug in the iPhone 5S, let the driver install, and then finish.
    Along the way, I received the error that "Service 'Apple Mobile Device' (Apple Mobile Device) failed to start.  Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services."  I am the administrator and have privileges.  (I previously followed instructions from anther thread to change the read-only privileges for Apple folders, but to no avail.  I also deleted every file with the word Apple in it after I uninstalled everything.)  I did a retry and then an ignore during installation of the AMD error, which I have received 10 times.
    The other error I keep getting is:  "iTunesHelper was not installed correctly.  Please reinstall iTunes.  Error 7."  I have done that 20 times.
    Other frequent error:  "iTunes was not installed correctly.  Please reinstall iTunes.  Error 7 (Windows error 998)."
    I followed other threads suggestions to install Windows .NET versions 3.5 and 4.0.  No help.  I also looked for various specific Apple files in various folders for DLLs, etc.  Not present.  I have rebooted 50 times and tried different users on my home account as well.  Nothing.
    I also followed instructions to Manage my computer under "services."  Under Apple Mobile Device, the setting is for "automatic."  When I try to get it to "start," the error I receive is "Windows could not start the Apple Mobile Device on Local Computer.  Error 1053:  The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion."  (I followed previous thread instructions to use the CMD prompt to stop it.  That caused problems because the status was then "stopped," but I was able to restart it later once I figured that out -- but with the 1053 error again.)
    I think I've tried every suggestion in every thread for the four errors I keep getting (AMD failed to start; iTunesHelper Error 7; Windows error 998; and AMD Error 1053.)  I am fresh out of ideas and very frustrated.  I mostly want to make sure I don't lose my music and photos, which I was about to sync.
    The only other thing I see that is strange on my computer (which I discovered along the way) is that I cannot receive automatic windows updates and have not had an update since 2012.  My iTunes worked a month ago, so that was obviously not a show-stopper in the past, but perhaps there is a Vista update I need for iTunes 12?  I have service pack 2 for Vista.  I have followed all threads to try to set my windows to automatic update, but no joy there either.  It checks for updates and then fails.  I followed instructions and did run an installation to install windows automatic updates, but that doesn't work either.  I tried 10 times.  It runs and takes a while, but is never able to successfully update windows.  It says "checking for updates" for a while.  Then it dies.  My last update was 6/19/12 (failed) and it says the most recent check was 6/22/12, but I have tried 20 times on 10/31/14 and 11/1/14.
    When asked to "Install new Windows Update software" to check for updates, I have done so 10 times.  It downloads and installs, but never works.
    It's an old Dell desktop computer from 2006, and I'm using an iPhone 5S.  I am fresh out of ideas.  Anyone really smart here?

    Upon latest reboot, I also received this error message:  "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000005).  Click OK to terminate the application."
    Then I got the iTunesHelper not installed correctly error again.
    Then the "Windows can't check for updates" error message.
    Then "Apple Push has stopped working."  Then a quick DEP error message that disappeared but said something about Apple Push being closed.
    I'm also getting denials of service logged by McAffee.  Not sure if I'm getting a virus/attack or not.
    Not sure if it's a problem with my old desktop machine, my Windows Vista updates, or iTunes, but I'm very frustrated and out of ideas to try.
    Thank you for your help!

  • Service 'Apple Mobile Device' (Apple Mobile Device) failed to start.  Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services. and 'iTunes was not installed correctly. Please reinstall iTunes. Error 7 (Windows error 193)

    So i think i closed the wrong service at some point a few weeks back (apple mobile device) but iTunes remained working after that for another week. I then updated iTunes and i get the same  "Service ‘Apple Mobile Device’ (Apple Mobile Device) failed to start.  Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services." every time. If i click ignore, just so i can access iTunes with out syncing my iPod (touch 2nd gen) i then get 'iTunes was not installed correctly. Please re-install iTunes. Error 7 (Windows error 193)" when it has all installed. I don't understand what the problem is anymore as I have looked at other questions on the apple website, carried out the advice and it hasn't work. Any of them.
    Tings I have done:
    - Wiped all iTunes and Apple data from my computer (if you search for 'iTunes' or 'Apple' nothing comes up apart from applets from system code.
    - Attached iPod before iTunes install and updated drivers.
    - Installed iTunes as 'Run as administrator'
    - Uninstalled and re-installed the software nearly 20 times now and rebooted the computer in between everytime.
    Please someone help because i really need to get music on my ipod and i enjoy the ease of use of iTunes compared to spotify or Windows Media Player.

    For general advice see Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    The steps in the second box are a guide to removing everything related to iTunes and then rebuilding it which is often a good starting point unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach. Review the other boxes and the list of support documents further down the page in case one of them applies.
    The further information area has direct links to the current and recent builds in case you have problems downloading, need to revert to an older version or want to try the iTunes for Windows (64-bit - for older video cards) release as a workaround for performance issues or compatibility with QuickTime or third party software.
    Your library should be unaffected by these steps but there are also links to backup and recovery advice should it be needed.
    Regarding AMDS failures there is a hint in another thread that disabling the Windows Firewall before attempting to reinstall may help, otherwise take a look at the steps outlined in this post. Re: Can't install iTunes 12.1 on Windows 7 64-bit. I know they look a little daunting, but the process of generating the logs themselves isn't that hard to do. Extracting useful information from them is still a challenge but maybe something will leap out. If you want to post the log for the failed components for me to have a look at here or in the other thread please edit out any personal information, particularly your email address, first.

  • Question about bluetooth communication between PC and mobile device

    I am a newbie of bluetooth communication. This time I need to have connumication between PC and mobile device (mainly mobile phone) by sending strings. PC is acted as server and mobile device act as client.
    For using bluetooth in PC, I use bluecove 2.0.1
    I have already connected them successfully.
    When I want to send strings between them, it is found that it can only do one cycle of communication (client -> server -> client).
    For my design, they can communicate multiple times.
    I simulate the core class of the system, the performance is fine.
    Cound anyone help me to watch the code and give me some advices?
    Server Side - ServerBox.java
    public class ServerBox implements Runnable {
       LocalDevice localDevice;
       StreamConnectionNotifier notifier;
       ServiceRecord record;
       boolean isClosed;
       ClientProcessor processor;
       CMDProcessor cmd;
       MainInterface midlet;
       private static final UUID ECHO_SERVER_UUID = new UUID(
               "F0E0D0C0B0A000908070605040302010", false);
       public ServerBox(MainInterface midlet) {
           this.midlet = midlet;
       public void run() {
           boolean isBTReady = false;
           try {
               localDevice = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice();
               if (!localDevice.setDiscoverable(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC)) {
                   midlet.showInfo("Cannot set to discoverable");
               // prepare a URL to create a notifier
               StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer("btspp://");
               url.append(";name=Echo Server");
               // create notifier now
               notifier = (StreamConnectionNotifier) Connector.open(url.toString());
               record = localDevice.getRecord(notifier);
               isBTReady = true;
           } catch (Exception e) {
           // nothing to do if no bluetooth available
           if (isBTReady) {
               midlet.showInfo("Initalization complete. Waiting for connection");
           } else {
               midlet.showInfo("Initalization fail. Exit.");
           // produce client processor
           processor = new ClientProcessor();
           cmd = new CMDProcessor();
           // start accepting connections then
           while (!isClosed) {
               StreamConnection conn = null;
               try {
                   conn = notifier.acceptAndOpen();
               } catch (IOException e) {
                   // wrong client or interrupted - continue anyway
       // activate the set up of process
       public void publish() {
           isClosed = false;
           new Thread(this).start();
       // stop the service
       public void cancelService() {
           isClosed = true;
           midlet.showInfo("Service Terminate.");
       // inner private class for handling connection and activate connection handling
       private class ClientProcessor implements Runnable {
           private Thread processorThread;
           private Vector queue = new Vector();
           private boolean isOk = true;
           ClientProcessor() {
               processorThread = new Thread(this);
           public void run() {
               while (!isClosed) {
                   synchronized (this) {
                       if (queue.size() == 0) {
                           try {
                               // wait for new client
                           } catch (InterruptedException e) { }
                   StreamConnection conn;
                   synchronized (this) {
                       if (isClosed) {
                       conn = (StreamConnection) queue.firstElement();
           // add stream connection and notify the thread
           void addConnection(StreamConnection conn) {
               synchronized (this) {
                   midlet.showInfo("A connection is added.");
                   notify();    // for wait() command in run()
       // receive string
       private String readInputString(StreamConnection conn) {
           String inputString = null;
           try {
               DataInputStream dis = conn.openDataInputStream();
               inputString = dis.readUTF();
           } catch (Exception e) {
           return inputString;
       private void sendOutputData(String outputData, StreamConnection conn) {
           try {
               DataOutputStream dos = conn.openDataOutputStream();
           } catch (IOException e) {
       // process connecion
       private void processConnection(StreamConnection conn) {
           String inputString = readInputString(conn);
           String outputString = cmd.reactionToCMD(inputString);
           sendOutputData(outputString, conn);
    /*       try {
           } catch (IOException e) {}*/
           midlet.showInfo("Client input: " + inputString + ", successfully received.");
    }For "CMDProcessor" , it is the class of message processing before feedback to client.
    Client side - ClientBox.java
    public class ClientBox implements Runnable, CommandListener{
        StringItem result = new StringItem("","");
        private DiscoveryAgent discoveryAgent;
        private String connString;
        private boolean isClosed = false;
        private boolean boxReady = false;
        StreamConnection conn;
        private static final UUID ECHO_SERVER_UUID = new UUID( "F0E0D0C0B0A000908070605040302010", false);
        Form process = new Form("Process");
        ClientInterface midlet;
        public ClientBox(ClientInterface mid){
            this.midlet = mid;
            process.addCommand(new Command("Cancel",Command.CANCEL,1));
            new Thread(this).start();
        public void commandAction(Command arg0, Displayable arg1) {    
                isClosed = true;
        public synchronized void run() {
            LocalDevice localDevice = null;
            boolean isBTReady = false;
            /* Process Gauge screen */
            Gauge g=new Gauge(null,false,Gauge.INDEFINITE,Gauge.CONTINUOUS_RUNNING);
            try {
                localDevice = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice();
                discoveryAgent = localDevice.getDiscoveryAgent();
                isBTReady = true;
            } catch (Exception e) {
            if (!isBTReady) {
                showInfo("Bluetooth is not avaliable. Please check the device.");
                try {
                    connString = discoveryAgent.selectService(ECHO_SERVER_UUID, ServiceRecord.NOAUTHENTICATE_NOENCRYPT, false);
                } catch (BluetoothStateException ex) {
            else return;
            if (connString == null) {
                showInfo("Cannot Find Server. Please check the device.");
            else showInfo("Can Find Server, stand by for request.");
            boxReady = true;
        /* True if the clientbox is ready */
        public boolean getBoxReady(){
            return boxReady;
        /* True if the clientbox is closed in run() */
        public boolean getIsClosed(){
            return isClosed;
        public String accessService(String input) {
            String output = null;
            try {
                /* Connect to server */
                StreamConnection conn = (StreamConnection) Connector.open(connString);
                /* send string */
                DataOutputStream dos = conn.openDataOutputStream();
                /* receive string */
                DataInputStream dis = conn.openDataInputStream();
                output = dis.readUTF();
            } catch (IOException ex){
                showInfo("Fail connect to connect to server.");
            return output;
        private void showInfo(String s){
            StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(result.getText());
            if(sb.length()>0){ sb.append("\n"); }
    }Client side - ClientInterface.java
    public class ClientInterface extends MIDlet implements Runnable, CommandListener{
        private ClientBox cb = new ClientBox(this);
        private Form temp = new Form("Temp");
        private Command select = new Command("Select", Command.OK, 1);
        private Command back = new Command("Back", Command.BACK, 1);
        Alert alert;
        String[] element;
        String out;
        List list;
        public void run(){
            /* Send message and get reply */
            out = cb.accessService("Proglist");
            element = split(out,",");
            /* Use the reply to make list */
            list = createList(element[0], List.IMPLICIT, out);
        public void startApp() {
            waitForBoxSetUp(); /* Recursively check for clientbox status */
            new Thread(this).start();
        public void pauseApp() {
        public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {
        public void displayPage(Displayable d){
        private void waitForBoxSetUp(){
        public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d){
            if (c.getCommandType() == Command.OK){
                if (d == list){
                    /* Send the choice to server */
                    out = cb.accessService(list.getString(list.getSelectedIndex()));
                    alert = new Alert("Output", "selected = "+out, null, AlertType.ALARM);
            if (c.getCommandType() == Command.BACK){
        public void showWarning(String title, String content){
            alert = new Alert("Output", "selected = "+list.getString(list.getSelectedIndex()), null, AlertType.ALARM);
        private List createList(String name, int type, String message){
            List temp;
            String[] source = split(message,",") ;
            temp = new List(name, type, source, null);
            return temp;
        private static String[] split(String original,String regex)
            int startIndex = 0;
            Vector v = new Vector();
            String[] str = null;
            int index = 0;
            startIndex = original.indexOf(regex);
            while(startIndex < original.length() && startIndex != -1)
                String temp = original.substring(index,startIndex);
                index = startIndex + regex.length();
                startIndex = original.indexOf(regex,startIndex + regex.length());
            v.addElement(original.substring(index + 1 - regex.length()));
            str = new String[v.size()];
            for(int i=0;i<v.size();i++)
                str[i] = (String)v.elementAt(i);
            return str;

    i haven't worked with devices but only with the toolkit emulators;
    it definitely is possible...
    u have to send the image as a bytestream and receive the image at the jsp end...
    and then reconstruct the image.
    the Stream classes in J2ME AND J2SE are all u will require.
    also the Image class.
    i have not done this but i have successfully sent an image frm a jsp and displayed it on the emulator.

  • Microsoft Intune was unable to set the desired mobile device policy for one or more users due to the following error: A2CE0100

    We have fatal or critical error message on Microsoft Intune Portal but all agents are working just fine. Before opening support ticket we would like to hear comments from the experts on this forum. We would also like to fix this error before starting to
    manage mobile devices with Intune.
    Error message on Intune Portal:
    "Microsoft Intune was unable to set the desired mobile device policy for one or more users due to the following error: A2CE0100"
    Repeated: 19 times.
    Class: (System) Policy
    Random Fatal error message on C:\Program Files\Microsoft\OnlineManagement\Logs\PolicyAgent.log found from one Windows 8.1 client:
    2015-02-21 08:49:20:704 2852 1ab0 FATAL: DocumentProvider::IndicateToConsumer/pp->ProcessPolicies(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) failed with error 0x800704d5.
    That said, we are not facing any specific problem but we would like to find symptom of this repeating error message on Intune Portal . We would appreciate to get any thoughts about this case.

    Hi Jukka,
    Mobile policy doesn't apply to clients using the Full Client download.  Please open a support case so the team can assist in further troubleshooting.
    Jon L. - MSFT - This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.

  • Questions on mobile device management

    Hi All,
    I'm not sure where to post this question since I couldn't find a forum specific to Afaria, so thought someone here might be able to help.
    1. Afaria mobile device management solution claims that data and content is backed up and can be deleted if a device is stolen or lost. Can this deletion be done if the mobile is switched off of the SIM card has been removed? What is the mechanism of the data deletion process when the device is either ON/OFF?
    2. How does Afaria handle online and offline user authentication? If a mobile app is opened, can Afaria be configured to force the user to enter credentials for authentication? Or should there be a separate login page as a part of the mobile app? (The user's credentials are needed to find his role from LDAP and the rest of the app to work properly, which is y the question).
    Thanks & Regards,

    This forum is fine for Afaria discussions and questions, no worries. 
    1.  If mobile device is switched off or not network connected then Afaria is not able to do anything with that device.  The content though would be secured, encrypted etc. so that there should be no risk as long as the device is switched off.  The "kill device" command that can be sent from Afaria will work if device is turned on and connected to a network.
    2.  Afaria can force quite a lot of things and one of them is regarding the device itself, forcing a password/pin type of unlocking.  The mobile app normally has it's own mechanism for authentication, user name and password.  That is a SUP function and has little to do with Afaria, I don't believe Afaria can force that part of authentication. 
    You can get a good overview of the technical part of Afaria here:  [Afaria Technical White paper|http://www.sybase.com/files/White_Papers/Afaria-Technical-WP.pdf]

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