Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError in Linux when I execute my class

I don't know to happen but I tried all things.
I compile well my .java but I have problems when I want to execute my class
the console send me the next error
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError : renco
1. unset CLASSPATH.
2. define my CLASSPATH again with jars that I need you
java renco
the console send me this error
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
well, this error I managed with try-catch-finally
3. compile with:
java -classpath /directory/myjar.jar
the console send mi this:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError : renco
Other hand, when i use forte for java by execute my class, it execute well. I want to know what commands the IDE used.

this mi code
* Created on 22 de agosto de 2003, 8:59
* @author mloayza
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
public class renco {
/** Creates a new instance of reniec */
public String sqlNoticia;
public String sqlCodigoNoticia;
public String sqlComunicado;
public String pathInc;
private Connection cn;
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
renco RN = new renco();
int estado = RN.proceso();
public renco() throws IOException{
sqlComunicado= " SELECT TO_CHAR(fecha,'dd/mm/yyyy') fecha, "+
" resumen resumen, "+
" id_comunicado codigo "+
" FROM intranet.int_comunicado "+
" id_comunicado = (SELECT max(id_comunicado) FROM intranet.int_comunicado) ";
sqlCodigoNoticia = "SELECT MAX(codigo_nota) codigo "+
" FROM intranet.nota_prensa ";
sqlNoticia = " SELECT codigo_nota codigo, "+
" titulo_nota titulo, TO_CHAR(fecha_nota,'dd/mm/yyyy') fecha "+
" FROM intranet.nota_prensa "+
" WHERE "+
" codigo_nota > ( ? - 4) "+
" ORDER BY codigo_nota DESC";
//pathInc = this.LeeParametro("PathInc");
cn = this.getCn();
this.pathInc = "/das/por/";
public Connection getCn() {
String URL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@";
String USER = "qweqwe";
String PASS = "qweqwe";
cn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL,USER,PASS);
catch(Exception sqle){
cn = null;
return cn;
public void closeCn(Connection cn) throws SQLException {;
cn= null;
public int proceso(){
ResultSet rs = null;
StringBuffer textoComunicado = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer textoNoticia = new StringBuffer();
int codigo = 0;
int estado = 0;
String URL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@";
String USER = "qweqwe";
String PASS = "qweqwe";
textoNoticia.append("<Script Language='JavaScript1.2'>");textoNoticia.append((char)13);
textoNoticia.append("aj_scroller = new AJScroller();");textoNoticia.append((char)13);
textoNoticia.append("aj_scroller.width = 439;");textoNoticia.append((char)13);
textoNoticia.append("aj_scroller.height = 55;");textoNoticia.append((char)13);
textoNoticia.append("aj_scroller.scrollspeed = 50;");textoNoticia.append((char)13);
textoNoticia.append("aj_scroller.pausedelay = 2000;");textoNoticia.append((char)13);
textoNoticia.append("aj_scroller.pausemouseover = true;");textoNoticia.append((char)13);
try {
cn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL,USER,PASS);
cn = getCn();
FileOutputStream fosCom = new FileOutputStream(pathInc+""); //archivo Comunicado
DataOutputStream dosCom = new DataOutputStream(fosCom);
FileOutputStream fosNot = new FileOutputStream(pathInc+""); //archivo Comunicado
DataOutputStream dosNot = new DataOutputStream(fosNot);
//Generacion de cadena para comunicados
PreparedStatement psc = cn.prepareStatement(sqlComunicado);
rs = psc.executeQuery();;
textoComunicado.append("<font size='1' color='#505050'><b>)");textoComunicado.append((char)13);
textoComunicado.append("("+ rs.getString("fecha") +") .- "+ rs.getString("resumen")+" ");textoComunicado.append((char)13);
textoComunicado.append("</b></font><font size='1' color='orange'><b><br>");textoComunicado.append((char)13);
textoComunicado.append("     <a href='/portal/s/portal.PIComunicado?codigo="+ rs.getString("codigo")+"'>M&aacute;s Detalles >></a>");textoComunicado.append((char)13);
rs = null;
//Generacion de cadena para comunicados
//Obtencion del codigo de la ultima noticia
PreparedStatement pscn = cn.prepareStatement(sqlCodigoNoticia);
rs = pscn.executeQuery();;
codigo = rs.getInt("codigo");
rs = null;
PreparedStatement psn = cn.prepareStatement(sqlNoticia);
rs = psn.executeQuery();
textoNoticia.append("aj_scroller.add('<table ><tr><td class=rojo><font face=\"Webdings, Wingdings\">4</font></td><td class=rojo><font size=1 color=\"#143E7B\"><p align=\"justify\"><b>"+ rs.getString("Titulo") +" ("+ rs.getString("fecha") +")</b></font></td></table>');");textoNoticia.append((char)13);
fosCom.close();fosCom = null;
fosNot.close();fosNot= null;
}catch(IOException ioe){
estado = 0;
catch(SQLException sqle){
estado = 0;
catch(ClassNotFoundException nfce){
estado = 0;
return estado;
public String LeeParametro(String parametro) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException
     String path = System.getProperty("java.home");
          parametro = parametro.trim().toUpperCase();
          String valor = "";
     String s;
          BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path.trim().replace('\\','/')+"/Homepage.conf"));
               while ((s = br.readLine())!= null) {
                    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, "=");
                    while (st.hasMoreTokens()){
                         String word = st.nextToken();
                         if (word.startsWith(parametro)) {
                         valor = st.nextToken().trim();
          catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
               throw new FileNotFoundException ("Archivo no encontrado " path"/Homepage.conf");     }
          catch (IOException e) {
               throw new IOException ("Error al leer "+path+"/Homepage.conf");     }
          return valor;

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  • Exception in thread "Main Thread" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: start

    I am Migrating my app from weblogic 8.1 to 10.3 . I am trying to run the file its failing with below error .Please suggest me am unable to resolve
    * To start WebLogic Server, use a username and *
    * password assigned to an admin-level user. For *
    * server administration, use the WebLogic Server *
    * console at http://hostname:port/console *
    starting weblogic with Java version:
    java version "1.6.0_14"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_14-b08)
    BEA JRockit(R) (build R27.6.5-32_o-121899-1.6.0_14-20091001-2113-linux-x86_64, compiled mode)
    Starting WLS with line:
    /opt/bea/jrockit_160_14/bin/java -jrockit -Xms256m -Xmx512m -Xverify:none -da -Dplatform.home=/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3 -Dwls.home=/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server -Dweblogic.home=/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server -Dwlw.iterativeDev= -Dwlw.testConsole= -Dwlw.logErrorsToConsole= -Dweblogic.ext.dirs=/opt/bea/patch_wlw1030/profiles/default/sysext_manifest_classpath:/opt/bea/patch_wls1030/profiles/default/sysext_manifest_classpath:/opt/bea/patch_cie660/profiles/default/sysext_manifest_classpath -Dweblogic.Name=quoting start weblogic.Server
    Exception in thread "Main Thread" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: start
    Could not find the main class: start. Program will exit.
    am attaching my sh file aslo below
    # WARNING: This file is created by the Configuration Wizard.
    # Any changes to this script may be lost when adding extensions to this configuration.
    # --- Start Functions ---
         # We separate the stop commands into a function so we are able to use the trap command in Unix (calling a function) to stop these services
         if [ "X${ALREADY_STOPPED}" != "X" ] ; then
         # STOP POINTBASE (only if we started it)
         if [ "${POINTBASE_FLAG}" = "true" ] ; then
              echo "Stopping PointBase server..."
              ${WL_HOME}/common/bin/ -port=${POINTBASE_PORT} -name=${POINTBASE_DBNAME} >"${DOMAIN_HOME}/pointbaseShutdown.log" 2>&1
              echo "PointBase server stopped."
         # Restore IP configuration the node manager starts IP Migration
         if [ "${SERVER_IP}" != "" ] ; then
              ${WL_HOME}/common/bin/ -removeif "${IFNAME}" "${SERVER_IP}"
    # --- End Functions ---
    # This script is used to start WebLogic Server for this domain.
    # To create your own start script for your domain, you can initialize the
    # environment by calling @USERDOMAINHOME/setDomainEnv.
    # setDomainEnv initializes or calls commEnv to initialize the following variables:
    # BEA_HOME - The BEA home directory of your WebLogic installation.
    # JAVA_HOME - Location of the version of Java used to start WebLogic
    # Server.
    # JAVA_VENDOR - Vendor of the JVM (i.e. BEA, HP, IBM, Sun, etc.)
    # PATH - JDK and WebLogic directories are added to system path.
    # - Classpath needed to start WebLogic Server.
    # PATCH_CLASSPATH - Classpath used for patches
    # PATCH_LIBPATH - Library path used for patches
    # PATCH_PATH - Path used for patches
    # WEBLOGIC_EXTENSION_DIRS - Extension dirs for WebLogic classpath patch
    # JAVA_VM - The java arg specifying the VM to run. (i.e.
    # - server, -hotspot, etc.)
    # USER_MEM_ARGS - The variable to override the standard memory arguments
    # passed to java.
    # PRODUCTION_MODE - The variable that determines whether Weblogic Server is started in production mode.
    # POINTBASE_HOME - Point Base home directory.
    # - Classpath needed to start PointBase.
    # Other variables used in this script include:
    # SERVER_NAME - Name of the weblogic server.
    # JAVA_OPTIONS - Java command-line options for running the server. (These
    # will be tagged on to the end of the JAVA_VM and
    # MEM_ARGS)
    # For additional information, refer to the WebLogic Server Administration
    # Console Online Help(
    # Call setDomainEnv here.
    . ${DOMAIN_HOME}/bin/ $*
    # Start PointBase
    if [ "${POINTBASE_FLAG}" = "true" ] ; then
         ${WL_HOME}/common/bin/ -port=${POINTBASE_PORT} -debug=${PB_DEBUG_LEVEL} -console=false -background=true -ini=${DOMAIN_HOME}/pointbase.ini >"${DOMAIN_HOME}/pointbase.log" 2>&1
    trap 'stopAll' 1 2 3 15
    if [ "${PRODUCTION_MODE}" = "true" ] ; then
    if [ "${WLS_USER}" != "" ] ; then
    if [ "${WLS_PW}" != "" ] ; then
    echo "."
    echo "."
    echo "JAVA Memory arguments: ${MEM_ARGS}"
    echo "."
    echo "WLS Start Mode=${WLS_DISPLAY_MODE}"
    echo "."
    echo "."
    echo "PATH=${PATH}"
    echo "."
    echo "***************************************************"
    echo "* To start WebLogic Server, use a username and *"
    echo "* password assigned to an admin-level user. For *"
    echo "* server administration, use the WebLogic Server *"
    echo "* console at http://hostname:port/console *"
    echo "***************************************************"
    # Set up IP Migration related variables.
    # Set interface name.
    if [ "${Interface}" != "" ] ; then
    # Set IP Mask.
    if [ "${NetMask}" != "" ] ; then
    # Perform IP Migration if SERVER_IP is set by node manager.
    if [ "${SERVER_IP}" != "" ] ; then
         ${WL_HOME}/common/bin/ -addif "${IFNAME}" "${SERVER_IP}" "${IPMASK}"
    echo "starting weblogic with Java version:"
    ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ${JAVA_VM} -version
    if [ "${WLS_REDIRECT_LOG}" = "" ] ; then
         echo "Starting WLS with line:"
         echo "${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ${JAVA_VM} ${MEM_ARGS} ${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Dweblogic.Name=${SERVER_NAME}${WL_HOME}/server/lib/weblogic.policy ${PROXY_SETTINGS} ${SERVER_CLASS}"
         ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ${JAVA_VM} ${MEM_ARGS} ${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Dweblogic.Name=${SERVER_NAME}${WL_HOME}/server/lib/weblogic.policy ${PROXY_SETTINGS} ${SERVER_CLASS}
         echo "Redirecting output from WLS window to ${WLS_REDIRECT_LOG}"
         ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ${JAVA_VM} ${MEM_ARGS} ${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Dweblogic.Name=${SERVER_NAME}${WL_HOME}/server/lib/weblogic.policy ${PROXY_SETTINGS} ${SERVER_CLASS} >"${WLS_REDIRECT_LOG}" 2>&1
    # Exit this script only if we have been told to exit.
    if [ "${doExitFlag}" = "true" ] ; then

    I can not see main class weblogic.jar file in your class path.
    Under MW_HOME there is a file by name configure.cmd/sh, run it to set acl and class path. Then try to start weblogic server. U can edit the so that every time it will execute after calling file.

  • Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: weblogic/Server

    Dear Sir/Madam
    I downloaded the Weblogic610 server five times, and when I install it on my Linux
    box (RedHat 7.1), I always met the exception like:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: weblogic/Server
    When I check with lib directory, there is weblogic.jar here, but the file looks
    was damaged, the file size is ok, but I can't open it by use jar tool or other
    Some packeage is very strange, after my downloaded, and install, there are only
    a few files in lib directory and some subdirectory and weblogic.jar is missing,
    but the download is normal.
    So, I hope who guy have similar experience, please let me know.
    Thank you

    Hi Raj,
    Could you provide more information from the log; is there a full
    traceback. A first step may be to use the latest service pack [1].
    Also you might try your question in the management newsgroup [2] or
    contact our outsanding support group [3].
    Hope this is of some value,
    http://[email protected]
    Raj wrote:
    Hello All,
    I have installed wls 8.1 and created domain. I have manged server running at other location.I am getting the following Log,When i tried to start managed server from admin server
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: weblogic/Server Exception in thread "main"
    and on admin side
    The request to start the server ecgNode01 of domain CQ6UIDomain failed because the node manager did not hear from the managed server in the configured timeout period. Despite this, if the managed server has not failed, it will come up and the node manager will start monitoring it. To adjust this timeout so that the task does not fail prematurely, please refer to the node manager property ScavangerDelaySeconds (Default value : 180 seconds. Current value : 180 seconds
    can anyone tell me where i went wrong

  • JAR:Exeption in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

    Hello !
    I desperatly tried for the last two month to Jar my files.
    I used JBuilder and JCreator to build and run those programme.
    And it works !
    But when I trie to use the jar tools, the jar is created...but if I click twince on it, it says that it can not find the main function:
    "Exeption in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError".
    And when I try to run the .class or .java file, with the java tools, it says the same thing : it can not find the main classe.
    I suspected that my manifest was not good, but then, why doesn't it work with the tools (and it works properly with Jbuilder!)...
    I'm lost, if some one could help me, and give me good information and the way to do it, step by step, with an example, I'll be so thanksfull !
    import java.*;
    class Hello{
    public Hello(){
    public static void main(String args[]) {     
    System.out.println("Hello World!");
    }Thanks !

    You have to tell where the main class is.
    prepare a text file mainclass.txt and write the following line.
    Main-Class: classname
    follow the same as i wrote above. leave a blanl after colon and a blank line after the first line like above.
    after that execute the command.
    jar umf mainclass.txt jar-file-you-created
    then run you jar file as
    java -jar jar-file-you-crated

  • Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError in  JavaEmbedding Activity

    Hi All,
    Jdev, SOA_Suite- 10g
    While Executing Below portion of the code in the Java Embedding Activity,(BPEL Process), getting below error,
    <bpelx:exec name="TraceLog_BeginABCS" language="java" version="1.3">
    java.lang.String TraceLogMessage = null; 
         java.lang.Boolean tracelogenabled; 
    tracelogenabled ="INFO","{}SyncCustomerPartyReqABCSImpl");
    setVariableData("TraceLogEnabled", tracelogenabled);
    if (tracelogenabled.booleanValue())
    TraceLogMessage = "Starting " + serviceName + " Instance: " + instanceID + title; ;"INFO", null ,TraceLogMessage);
    <runtimeFault xmlns="">
    -<part name="code">
    -<part name="summary">
    -<part name="detail">
         at bpel.synccustomerpartyohpreqabcsimpl.ExecLetBxExe11.execute(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ext.wmp.BPELXExecWMP.__executeStatements(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ext.wmp.BPELActivityWMP.perform(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.CubeEngine.performActivity(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.CubeEngine.handleWorkItem(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.message.instance.PerformMessageHandler.handleLocal(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.DispatchHelper.handleLocalMessage(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.DispatchHelper.sendMemory(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.CubeEngine.endRequest(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.CubeEngine.createAndInvoke(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ejb.impl.CubeDeliveryBean.handleInvoke(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.joinpoint.EJBJoinPointImpl.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.JAASInterceptor$
         at com.evermind.server.ThreadState.runAs(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.JAASInterceptor.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.TxRequiredInterceptor.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.InvocationContextPool.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.StatelessSessionEJBObject.OC4J_invokeMethod(
         at CubeDeliveryBean_LocalProxy_4bin6i8.handleInvoke(Unknown Source)
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.message.invoke.InvokeInstanceMessageHandler.handle(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.DispatchHelper.handleMessage(
         at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
         at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
    Can anybody help me to resolve this issue.
    Thanks in Advance,
    Santosh M E

    Hello Santosh,
    Are you importing the used java classes using <bpelx:exec import="classname"/>

  • Portal Service - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

    Hi all,
    I've a Web Dynpro project which uses a portal service we wrote.
    I added the service's name to the "Sharing References" of the project and the project runs.
    However, after each restart to the server I get 'java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError' for the portal service. Redeploying the service solves the problem until next restart...
    After doing a lot of checking I've came to the conclusion that the problem is in the initialization of the service in the component controller.
    The component controller has 3 methods. In each of this methods the service is called
    ISqlService sqlservice = (ISqlService)WDPortalUtils.getServiceReference(ISqlService.KEY);
    After commenting this lines and moving the initialization line to "begin others" segment the problem seems to be solved (I've done some restarts to the server and the application ran without a problem)
    My question is: if none of the methods of the controller is called on application startup then why do I get the java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError?
    Also, when does the Web Dynpro framework load the portal service? isn't it supposed to be first time the service is called?

    Hi Umesh,
    Try declaring a runtime reference for the service you are using in the project properties.
    Please explore the options:
    Project properties -> WebDynpro References -> Service References & Sharing References
    For ex:In my application, i use KM functionality.Even though Ive KM jars in the classpath (as external lib DCs), I mentioned a runtime reference in "Sharing References" as
    Similarly, I remember seeing somewhere mentioning the service you're trying to access as a Service Reference in the DC properties.
    something like:
    A common portal service that is used in WebDynpro DCs is URLGenerator service. Probably if you search on it, you might find a clue.
    Rajit Srinivas

  • Petstore java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError on glassfish v2 workaround

    When the Petstore 2.0 application is deployed on some builds of glassfish v2 a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError is thrown when the index.jsp page is accessed.
    The exception looks like:
    "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/jsp/index_jsp$1"
    This is a bug in glassfish v2 that occurs when the application is deployed with the --precompilejsp option set.  I have already filed an issue on glassfish
    To workaround this problem:
    - Edit the deployment ant script in .../javapetstore-2.0-ea4.5/bp-project/app-server-ant.xml file and remove the "<arg line=" --precompilejsp "/>" at line 388.
    - From the petstore main directory (javapetstore-2.0-ea4.5) run "ant deploy"
    Now when you access the page through http://localhost:8080/petstore/faces/index.jsp and the error should be gone.
    Hope this helps...
    Thanks - Mark

    This issue has been fixed in the beta release.
    Hope this helps - Thanks - Mark

  • MDB java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

    I am receiving the following error when sending a message to a queue
    <MessageDrivenBean threw an Exception in onMessage(). The exception was: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: .....
    The class in question is in a jar inside my ear file.
    The MDB is in a jar in the same ear.
    When the exception occurs, WebLogic goes haywire...I think beacuse it continually tries to process the message
    I am using WebLogic 8.1.
    Is this a classloading problem?
    Any suggestions will be most appreciated.

    Here is a partial stacktrace (sorry I can't provide the full trace):
    ####<Jul 17, 2006 9:48:53 AM EDT> <Warning> <EJB> <WPUSD2014295> <myserver> <ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default'> <<anonymous>> <> <BEA-010065> <MessageDrivenBean threw an Exception in onMessage(). The exception was:
    The MDB is in a jar with other ejb's and project classes inside of an ear. The class that is not found is in another jar inside the same ear.
    The class that is not found is actually not directly referenced by the MDB. The MDB has an association (in the onMessage() method) to a processing class. The processing class has an association to another class, and that class has an association to the class that is not being found.
    I believe the class in the jar file is in the expected package directory structure, because I can bypass the MDB and run a JUnit test through Eclipse.
    I'm not sure about APP-INF/lib. I don't know where to look for that. This app is running for now in my development environment, on the default myserver/mydomain. The ear is sitting on my local drive, not anywhere in the Bea folders.
    I checked the class and it is valid.
    By the way, the jar in question is part of a code generated web service client that I build locally and then just add the jar to the ear via the overall build process. I was thinking instead that I might add the Java files to my project instead and build them along with the rest of the app, instead of separately, so that they end up in the same jar as the MDB.
    Thanks very much,

  • Another java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError problem

    C:\tinyos\cygwin\opt\tinyos-1.x\contrib\cotsbots\tools>java -jar RobotCmdGUI.jar
    RobotCmdGUI: Using group ID 125
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: RobotCmd/RobotCmdGUI$
    at RobotCmd.RobotCmdGUI.initComponents(
    at RobotCmd.RobotCmdGUI.<init>(
    at RobotCmd.RobotCmdGUI.main(
    My main-class is RobotCmdGUI which I have included in my manifest as -
    Main-Class: RobotCmd.RobotCmdGUI
    The directory to my main class file is as follows:
    I wonder what else could be the problem and why there's a $1 in "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: RobotCmd/RobotCmdGUI$1" since my main class file is RobotCmdGUI
    Thanks again

    I wonder what else could be the problem and why
    there's a $1 in "Exception in thread "main"
    RobotCmd/RobotCmdGUI$1" since my main class file is
    The RobotCmd/RobotCmdGUI$1 represents an annonymous class inside the RobotCmdGUI class - probably a listener of some sort. This must be present inside the jar - it sounds like you did not put it in the jar. You can check the contents of the jar using "jar tf RobtCmdGUI.jar"

  • Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when compile class in Weblogic Linux Env.

    I'm trying jay article ( ) for send message
    to JMS, it works great in windows but in Linux is failed.
    I’m facing the issue when compile QueueSend class linux environment,
    but windows it works great.
    in windows I compile the class like this :
    C:\bea\user_projects\domains\MyDomain>java QueueSend t3://localhost:7001
    JMS Message Sent: Test Message Body with counter = 0
    JMS Message Sent: Test Message Body with counter = 1
    in Linux :
    after ./setDomainEnv,
    $bea\…\MYDOMAIN\bin >java QueueSend t3://localhost:7001
    Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/jms/Message
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.jms.Message
    at$ Source)
    at Method)
    at Source)
    I think it cannot find the java_home or classpath properly, how to solve this issue?
    Really thanks in advance.
    Edited by: muhkah on 09-Apr-2010 19:58

    Hi Muhkah,
    Please add the *"<BEA_HOME>\modules\javax.jms_1.1.1.jar"* file also in the Client ClassPath.
    But the Best thing i will suggest it to Just add the "wlfullClient.jar" file in the client ClassPath...this is a very useful Jar file which solves many many issues. There is a very simple way to create this JAR file:
    The advantage of using *"wlfullclient.jar"* is Just Make it once and then reuse this single Jar in any client Application which is going to interact with WebLogic. This Powerful Jar contains almost all the Classes which is needed by a Client.
    Now you can run your Client Program like this :
    java    -classpath    /app/bea10.3/wl_server/server/lib/wlfullclient.jar    QueueSend t3://localhost:7001
    Jay SenSharma

  • Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when executing JAVA code

    Hy everyone,
    Trying to execute some java code through forms I got this error when running my program : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError : simple (where simple is a java class I developped).
    These are the steps I followed:
    1- Devopping a simple JAVA class ( and compiling in JDK 1.4 (for compatibilty with forms
    2- Creating the JAR file
    3- Copying the JAR file in <ORACLE_HOME>\forms\java
    4- Adding the adress of the JAR file in CLASSPATH (environment variable of the server)
    5- Adding the adress of the JAR file in CLASSPATH (environmental file of OAS default.env)
    6- Importing the JAVA class trought forms builder (program>>import java class)
    7- Invoking the JAVA class via the PL/SQL packages created by forms builder
    8- Running the program
    Thanks for your help.

    In most cases, you should not have to stop and restart OC4J_BI_FORMS to pick such changes. However, since you are having problems, I would ensure that all frmweb processes have been stopped, then stop and restart OC4J_BI_FORMS and retest. If that doesn't work, you should review how you imported the java into your app. Look closely at the Importer options you used and ensure that you have not change the file name at any point. Because you are working with Java, case sensitivity is critical.
    Also, where are you seeing the error message? Client java console or in a server side log? If server side, exactly which log file is reporting the problem? I would suggest you post the first 4 ro 5 lines of the error and not just the NoClassDefFound part.

  • Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when compile SQLJ source file

    Always got error message java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/io/CharToByteConverter
    when using sqlj to compile SQLJ source file.
    The CLASSPATH (partial) .:$ORACLE_HOME/sqlj/lib/$ORACLE_HOME/sqlj/lib/
    I am able to compile the demo and but not TestInstallSQLJ.sqlj in the same directory.
    I am using Oracle 8.1.6 R2 client in Linux Intel on Red Hat 6.0. Can anyone explain why this happened ?

    From the forthcoming new version of the SQLJ FAQ:
    "NoClassDefFoundError: sun/io/CharToByteConverter"
    (This is likely a general configuration issue, not something specific to your code.)
    Running sqlj results in the following error message.
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/io/CharToByteConverter
    This happens if you are running under a JRE environment, and not a full JDK environment. You need to download and install a full JDK environment. Note that the Oracle
    database installation will only set up a Java Runtime Environment. Oracle does not distribute the Java Development Kit - you have to get it from
    If that did not help, you'd need to give us a fuller picture of your environmnet (JDK versions, PATH, CLASSPATH settings, etc.).

  • When starting oem Agent ir error out with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: o

    Hi ,
    Facing below error when starting oem agent with comand

    ./emctl start oms
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 4 Grid Control
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2007 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    opmnctl: opmn is already running
    An exception occurred while constructing the OracleAS Repository API, a DCM dependent component.
    This exception may be occurring because the file is misconfigured.
    Check the exception thrown by the OracleAS Repository API for any additional resolution information.
    Base Exception:
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/security/jazn/util/JAZNSecurityManager
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.persistence.SeedDbAccess.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.persistence.SeedDbAccess.getDbAccess(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.persistence.SeedDbAccess.getDbAccess(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.clustermanagement.ComponentTypeFactory.init(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.InstanceManager.sysInit(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.InstanceManager.init(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.cmdline.DcmCmdLine.checkInit(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.cmdline.DcmCmdLine.execute(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.cmdline.DcmCmdLine.main(Unknown Source)
    Starting HTTP Server ...
    Starting Oracle Management Server ...
    Checking Oracle Management Server Status ...
    Oracle Management Server is Down.

  • 'java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError' when displaying ESS webdynpro iviews

    We are running ECC5 backend & EP6 SP9. I have done the following :
    (1) Applied via SDM the XSS components & ESS 60.2 Business Package in EP6
    (2) Configured SLD
    (3) Create/Maintain necessary Jco Destinations
    (4) Create necessary System landscape (SAP_Webdynpro_XSS and etc)
    (5) Activated integrated ITS 640 in ECC5
    When I try to access any ESS webdynpro iviews from the Portal, for eg the Address iview :
    I received the following error :
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sap/tc/webdynpro/progmodel/api/IWDEventId
         at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(
         at java.lang.Class.getConstructors(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at Method)
    Any idea what went wrong ? Appreciate your help.

    Hi Joanna,
    You can find information abt ESS from the following links

  • Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: rep.jar in linux

    I am new to java and am trying to deploy a code on linux red hat 4.I have 5 files namely:
    first the is used to generate the class files for the two java files and then it creates a jar file
    rep.jar file.
    export PATH=/app/oradshome/jdk/bin:/app/oradshome:$PATH
    echo "Compiling"
    javac -verbose
    echo "Creating jar from manifest file"
    jar -cvfm rep.jar manifest ClassReportGenerator.class ClassScheduler.class
    echo "Executing"
    At the end it calls the file
    which sets some path and class paths and then takes some user inputs and fires the command
    paths being set---
    export CLASSPATH=/dit/reports/rep.jar:$CLASSPATH
    export PATH=/app/oradshome/jdk/bin:/app/oracle/OraHome/bin:$PATH
    command being fired
    java -jar rep.jar $userid $password $schema $scheduleafter firing the last lines it throws the error :
    Warning: -jar not understood. Ignoring.
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: rep.jar
    at (/usr/lib/
    at JvThreadRun(java.lang.Thread) (/usr/lib/
    at JvRunMain(java.lang.Class, byte const, int, byte const, boolean) (/usr/lib/
    at __gcj_personality_v0 (/dit/reports/java.version=1.4.2)
    at __libc_start_main (/lib/tls/
    at JvRegisterClasses (/dit/reports/java.version=1.4.2)
    Plaese help me in this regard.The Code is running fine on IBM AIX.
    Thanks & Regards
    Ankit Goel

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