Java Nio and http proxy

I would send a http request through a http proxy with a Nio Client. So I wrote by hand the
http request :
buffer.append("Content-type: text/xml\n");
Then I send this request with a Nio Client but the request doesn't pass.
Can you help me ?

I use tcp to send my request with a nio Client. The header of my http request :
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append("POST ");
String path = "/";
buffer.append(path + " ");
buffer.append("Content-type: text/xml\r\n");
buffer.append("Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2\r\n");
buffer.append("Connection: keep-alive\r\n");
buffer.append("Content-Length: 0\r\n");

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    Socket socket = new Socket(new Proxy(......));
    socket.connect(serverAddress); now i want to set a http proxy to SocketChannel, but i found it's impossiable to construct a SocketChannel from a pre exist socket.
    how to use proxy in nio.
    thanks all.

    I use tcp to send my request with a nio Client. The header of my http request :
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    buffer.append("POST ");
    String path = "/";
    buffer.append(path + " ");
    buffer.append("Content-type: text/xml\r\n");
    buffer.append("Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2\r\n");
    buffer.append("Connection: keep-alive\r\n");
    buffer.append("Content-Length: 0\r\n");

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    Thanks a lot

    ChuckBing, i'm connected with database trough JDBC yet and i can retrieve data meaning my connection is OK.
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    Thanks for your reply

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    Anyone have any thoughts about this?

    The code in the bug report is incorrect. The key will of course always be writable if you do not write anything to the socket! And since it is writable the readable part of the code will never be executed (its in an else-statement). When you are not interested in the OP_WRITE, change the ops on the selection key.

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    best regards

    Still nothing about it. I've also posted to another threads with similar problems:
    As I said before, while I've had OS 1.1.4, everything was normal. It began when I upgraded to 2.0.2 and after to 2.1. I also double checked if the TI here changed the policies, and they assured me they don't.
    Several other users with 2.x are also reporting the same trouble. As far as now, I've came across a post suggesting me to install a local http proxy on the phone, but I don't think it's gonna work.
    Let's keep this thread alive!

  • Announcement: Java NIO Framework

    Hi all,
    After reading Ron Hitchen's book "Java NIO" and watching his presentation "How to Build a Scalable Multiplexed Server With NIO" at the 2006 JavaOne Conference, I implemented a framework based on his ideas.
    Here is the website:
    I would be very glad if you could take a look and tell me what you think about it.
    Regards and thanks for your input!
    Ronny Standtke
    PS: I will add dukes to this topic and spend it for contributors (found bugs, hints, ...).

    Finally I found the time to write some benchmark programs for the NIO Framework and take a look at the MINA API.
    If you download the latest NIO Framework release you can run the plaintext benchmark as follows:
    Start the benchmark server (this is just the echo server without any session debugging output or logging) with the following command:
    java -cp nio_framework-0.9.3_all.jar ch.unifr.nio.framework.examples.BenchmarkServer 8080
    Then start the benchmark client with the follwing command:
    java -cp nio_framework-0.9.3_all.jar ch.unifr.nio.framework.examples.BenchmarkClient localhost 8080
    On my machine the resulting bandwidth is around 80 MB/s.
    And now to MINA:
    I used the very simple echo server example from the MINA project and just removed the logger from the chain. You may download this package from here (it includes all relevant source code):
    You can start this server with the following command:
    java -jar mina_echo_server.jar
    If I run my BenchmarkClient against the MINA echo server the resulting bandwidth is only around 20 KB/s!? That is about 4000 times slower.
    Is MINA really THAT slow? I seriously doubt that. Are there any stops that I have to pull to get a higher bandwidth with MINA?

  • Help "ascending" to Java NIO

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    I've been using Java for quite some time, but the few really networked client/server applications I have used, have used and Now, even I have heard the rumours about Java NIO, and I am curious. I have tried reading up and down the API on java.nio.* , but I must say I am still kind of confused.
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    Ok, I am asking alot perhaps.. I just wonder if anyone could offer links to example source-code, write something to show me, or basically just try to explain to me how this all works.
    I would be very very grateful if anyone stepped up to the plate.

    Take a look at my thread Taming the NIO Circus. It starts with simple examples of a single thread echo server and a swing client.

  • Http Proxy and Java Web Start 1.4.2_08

    Hi All,
    I'm confused as to how Java Web Start is supposed to work with an HTTP proxy. I'm testing an application in an environment which has an http proxy.
    Our application starts successfully with Web Start but the application is failing to connect to URLs. I have dumped the properties right when the app starts and proxyHost, proxyPort, http.proxyHost, http.ProxyPort are all set correctly. But every attempt to connect to URLs timeout.
    Note that running under 1.5, I get the value of the
    javaplugin.proxy.config.list property and use it to set the properties http.proxyHost and http.proxyPort. Then I am able to connect successfully to the same URLs which failed in 1.4.2_08 ( also fails
    with 1.4.2_03).
    Can someone please help me understand what's wrong here?
    Many thanks,

    Actually, what I observed, in 1.4.2_08, is that the https.proxy* properties are being set. The http.proxy* properties are not set.
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    javaplugin.proxy.config.list, which I use to set http.proxyHost and http.proxyPort.

  • Java NIO locking and NTFS network resources

    Hi all - just ran into a really nasty situation and I was wondering if anyone else has hit it and might have some suggestions.
    Platform: JRE 1.4_02 on a Win XP machine
    The following test code locks a file, then copies it to another location using NIO.
    When I run it with source path on my local drives (C), it works fine. If I run it with source path on a network shared resource, it fails with an IOException with description 'Error performing inpage operation'.
    If I disable the lock immediately before the copy operation, it works fine.
    My conclusion is that there is something about the NIO locking implementation that prevents it from working properly with NTFS volumes on other hosts. Can this be right? I've found the following bug report:
    but this seems like a huge problem that would prevent folks from using NIO in many, many applications. Maybe I'm wrong on something here...
    Anyway, here's the test code:
    import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
    import java.nio.channels.FileLock;
    * Created on May 28, 2004
    * (c) 2004 Trumpet, Inc.
    * @author kevin
    public class test {
         private void createFile(File f) throws IOException{
              FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(f);
              for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
         public test() {
              boolean testWithReleasingLockPriorToCopy = false;
              final File f1= new File("w:/temp/test2.lok");
              final File f2 = new File("w:/temp/test.lok");
              try {
                   RandomAccessFile raf1 = new RandomAccessFile(f1, "rw");
                   RandomAccessFile raf2 = new RandomAccessFile(f1, "rw");
                   FileChannel ch1 = raf1.getChannel();
                   FileChannel ch2 = raf2.getChannel();
                   FileLock flock1 = ch1.lock();
                  if (!f2.getParentFile().exists() && !f2.getParentFile().mkdirs())
                       throw new IOException("Unable to create directories for destination file '" + f2 + "'");
                  if (testWithReleasingLockPriorToCopy)
                   ch1.transferTo(0, raf1.length(), ch2);
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              test t = new test();
    }Does anyone have any pointers here? I need to be able to exclusively lock a file on a network drive (preventing any other applications from opening it), then make a copy of it. I can't use regular stream operations, because the lock prevents them from working properly (it appears that, once you grab a file lock using NIO, the only way your application can use the file is via the NIO operations - using stream operations fails...).
    Thanks in advance for any help!
    - Kevin

    i've run into the same problem recently, channels working fine for local file locking, but when you turn to the network, they fail to accurately handle locks.
    i ended up writing a jni utility to ship with my java application that locks files using native windows calls.
    my .c file ends up looking something like this:
    JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_Mapper_NativeUtils_LockFile
    (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring filename)
    const char* ntvFilename = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, filename, 0);
    int retVal = (int)CreateFile
    , 0
    , 0
    //add code to throw java exceptions based on retVal
    if (retVal == (int)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    return retVal;
    (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, filename, ntvFilename);
    return retVal;
    JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_Mapper_NativeUtils_UnlockFile
    (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint handle)
         CloseHandle((void *)handle);
    return 1;
    it's a little shy on the error checking side, but it provides support for network file locking that java seems to lack.

  • About Java mapping and java proxy

    Iam new to Xi and basically iam an ABAPER.When iam dooing mappinps or proxies i cant able to understand the java pari cant (javamapping and java proxies) .I need some notes on java mapping and java proxy which is easy to do.And why do we use this java mapping or java proxy particularly when we r having abap mappipng and abap proxy.
    thanks in advance

    Java Mapping
    SAP Network Blog: Java Mapping (Part I)
    Java Mapping in XI
    Runtime Environment (Java Mappings) (SAP Library - Partner Connectivity Kit)
    Java Mapping (SAP Library - Partner Connectivity Kit)
    SAP Network Blog: Testing and Debugging Java Mapping
    SAP Network Blog: Implementing a Java Mapping in SAP PI
    "JAVA MAPPING", an alternate way of reading a CSV file
    SAP Network Blog: XI Java Mapping Helper (DOM)
    Java Proxy
    Java Proxy Objects (SAP Library - SAP Exchange Infrastructure)
    Accessing Active Directory through Java Proxy on SAP Exchange Infrastructure 3.0

  • Java and abap proxy ganeration

    hi all,
    i am new to proxies,i need the complete scenarios for java proxy generation and abap proxy generation.

    help yourself;
    Client Proxy (Sender Proxy)- /people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/03/14/abap-proxies-in-xiclient-proxy
    Server Proxy (Receiver Proxy)- /people/siva.maranani/blog/2005/04/03/abap-server-proxies

  • Java Proxy and ABAP Proxy

    can any one send me some documents on Java Proxy and ABBAP Proxy

    Proxies are nothing but a mechanism to shift the application logic from the XI server onto the sender or reciever system so as to reduce the effort on the side of XI.Depending upon where the proxies are generated ,it is differentiated as client proxy ( sender ) and server proxy ( receiver ) .In R3 system having WAS 6.2 and above its already has an inbuilt small IE so the proxy generation is favoured and possilbe,for more on this please go thru the following links
    Proxies: are interfaces which will get executed in the application system. They can be created only in the system from message interfaces using the proxy generation functions.
    The biggest advantage of the proxy is that it always by passes the Adapter Engine and will directly interact with the application system and Integration engine - so it will and should give us a better performance.
    The literal definition of a proxy is an object / process authorized to act for another; an agent or a substitute. In simpler terms, proxies in the XI context are objects used to encapsulate the creation (from a sender system) or parsing of XML (at a receiver system) as well as the communication with the relevant runtime components required to send or receive those messages. The Proxy Runtime controls these objects / processes, and can itself be controlled by the applications it communicates with.
    The Proxy currently has the following components available:
    1. ABAP Proxy – Communication using XI or Web Services
    2. Java Proxy– Communication using XI (J2EE)
    For further reference, visit the following sites,
    To test a connection - /people/vijaya.kumari2/blog/2006/01/26/how-do-you-activate-abap-proxies
    Client Proxy - /people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/03/14/abap-proxies-in-xiclient-proxy
    Server Proxy - /people/siva.maranani/blog/2005/04/03/abap-server-proxies
    Testing proxy - /people/stefan.grube/blog/2006/07/28/xi-debug-your-inbound-abap-proxy-implementation
    JAVA Proxies:
    ABAP Proxies:

  • J2ME and java.nio

    I'm not sure which forum this should go in so applogies if I got it wrong.
    I would like to use the java.nio package from JDK1.4 with the J2ME. Is this possible in any way?

    I'm not sure which forum this should go in so
    applogies if I got it wrong.
    I would like to use the java.nio package from JDK1.4
    with the J2ME. Is this possible in any way?this topic should be post at
    CLDC and MIDP
    K Virtual Machine (KVM)
    CLDC 1.0 and MIDP 1.0 doesn't include java.nio
    please go to
    two documents will be useful
    CLDC Specification, V1.0
    MIDP 1.0 Specification, Final (JSR 37)

  • HTTPS and a Proxy server?

    Does the plugin-in still not work with HTTPS and a proxy server?
    From plug-in docs -
    "Java Plug-in supports http, ftp, gopher and SOCKS v4 protocols through the proxy server. Currently, Java Plug-in does not support https (SSL). "

    I am making HTTPS calls from within my applet code and this works fine using the basic Java Plug-in support for HTTPS.
    This means my code basically does:
    URL url = new URL("");
    URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
    We are using Java 1.4.2. I've read in the "How HTTPS Works in Java Plug-in" for 1.3, that the plugin uses the browsers API for making HTTPS connections. Is this still the case for 1.4?
    My basic problem is that it all works fine if the browser is NOT configured to use a proxy server. If a proxy server is configured we get the following Exception in the client: Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request ( The data is invalid. )"
    I have read that "Sun's Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) library allows you to access a secure Web server from behind a firewall via proxy tunnelling. However, JSSE expects the proxy's reply to the tunnelling request to begin with "HTTP 1.0"; otherwise, it throws an IOException" (
    The article talks about using the JSSE library but it seems to be assuming the client is an application not an applet.
    How do I use JSSE from within an applet if all the proxy information I seem to need to set in the JSSE code is held by the browser?
    Will JSSE support proxies returning responses beginning HTTP 1.1 in the future?
    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
    Many thanks

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