Java Portlet

I have application with jsp portlets I am trying to add java portlets to the same
it throws following error
<Feb 25, 2004 11:32:20 AM CST> <Error> <HTTP> <BEA-101020> <[ServletContext(id=1
2663724,name=sales,context-path=/sales)] Servlet failed with Exception
at com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.portlet.JavaPortlet.getPortletInfo(J
at com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.portlet.JavaPortlet.init(JavaPortlet

I got that working. My web.xml file is missing some elements.
"Satish" <[email protected]> wrote:
Were you able to get it working ? If so, could you please share it.
Anyone else knows how to get through this.
"Ajit Dangal" <[email protected]> wrote:
I have application with jsp portlets I am trying to add java portlets
to the same
it throws following error
<Feb 25, 2004 11:32:20 AM CST> <Error> <HTTP> <BEA-101020> <[ServletContext(id=1
2663724,name=sales,context-path=/sales)] Servlet failed with Exception
at com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.portlet.JavaPortlet.getPortletInfo(J
at com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.portlet.JavaPortlet.init(JavaPortlet

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    Hi all,
    We implemented java portlet with environment Oracle Application server 10.1.2 and Portal 10.1.4
    At present we are picking the database username and password and connect string in properties and our
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    I think this is a no-go, since you cannot retrieve a cleartext password from the OID if I'm correct.

  • Deploying  Jave portlet on Oracle Application Server 10g

    I have installed Oracle 10g Application server, donwloaded and installed JDevleoper and the latest Java Portal Development and as well as the JDeveloper portlet-addin. Now, I followed the instructions from the
    On using JDeveloper addin wizrd to create a java portlet and so far so good. However, I am stuff on the last bit on deployment. It document says "# Now use the URL provided in the log page at the bottom of JDeveloper to get part of your URL (e.g. and complete the URL.
    Now use this URL to register your portlet with OracleAS Portal.
    But when i deploy my application (just a test thing), from the deployment tab I get:
    ---- Deployment started. ---- 22-Mar-2005 14:11:27
    Target platform is Oracle Application Server 10g (hotseatConnection).
    Wrote WAR file to C:\work\oracle\MyProject\MyPortlet\deploy\hotseat.war
    Wrote EAR file to C:\work\oracle\MyProject\MyPortlet\deploy\hotseat.ear
    Invoking DCM servlet client...
    C:\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_03\jre\bin\javaw.exe -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=HTTPClient -jar C:\Java\JDeveloper9.0.5.1\jdev\lib\oc4j_remote_deploy.jar ias_admin **** redeploy /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/oraMid_904 C:\work\oracle\MyProject\MyPortlet\deploy\hotseat.ear hotseat
    Initializing log
    Servlet interface for OC4J DCM commands
    Command timeout defined at 600 seconds
    Executing DCM command...
    Executing command redeploy /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/oraMid_904 C:\work\oracle\MyProject\MyPortlet\deploy\hotseat.ear hotseat UNDEFINED
    Command = REDEPLOY
    Reading application's ear file
    Ear file was successfully read
    Opening connection to Oc4jDcmServlet
    Setting userName to ias_admin
    Sending command to DCM servlet
    HTTP response code = 200, HTTP response msg = OK
    Command was successfully sent to Oc4jDcmServlet
    Receiving session id from servlet to check command status
    Session id = c253297271317c3f930003c405ea91ff598582f0be0
    Please, wait for command to finish...
    Checking command status...
    Setting userName to ias_admin
    Setting Cookie to JSESSIONID=c253297271317c3f930003c405ea91ff598582f0be0
    Checking command status
    HTTP response code = 200, HTTP response msg = OK
    Command has not finished yet
    Checking command status...
    Setting userName to ias_admin
    Setting Cookie to JSESSIONID=c253297271317c3f930003c405ea91ff598582f0be0
    Checking command status
    HTTP response code = 200, HTTP response msg = OK
    Command has not finished yet
    Checking command status...
    Setting userName to ias_admin
    Setting Cookie to JSESSIONID=c253297271317c3f930003c405ea91ff598582f0be0
    Checking command status
    HTTP response code = 200, HTTP response msg = OK
    Command has not finished yet
    Checking command status...
    Setting userName to ias_admin
    Setting Cookie to JSESSIONID=c253297271317c3f930003c405ea91ff598582f0be0
    Checking command status
    HTTP response code = 200, HTTP response msg = OK
    Command has not finished yet
    Checking command status...
    Setting userName to ias_admin
    Setting Cookie to JSESSIONID=c253297271317c3f930003c405ea91ff598582f0be0
    Checking command status
    HTTP response code = 200, HTTP response msg = OK
    Command has not finished yet
    Checking command status...
    Setting userName to ias_admin
    Setting Cookie to JSESSIONID=c253297271317c3f930003c405ea91ff598582f0be0
    Checking command status
    HTTP response code = 200, HTTP response msg = OK
    Command has not finished yet
    Checking command status...
    Setting userName to ias_admin
    Setting Cookie to JSESSIONID=c253297271317c3f930003c405ea91ff598582f0be0
    Checking command status
    HTTP response code = 200, HTTP response msg = OK
    Command has not finished yet
    Checking command status...
    Setting userName to ias_admin
    Setting Cookie to JSESSIONID=c253297271317c3f930003c405ea91ff598582f0be0
    Checking command status
    HTTP response code = 200, HTTP response msg = OK
    Command has not finished yet
    Checking command status...
    Setting userName to ias_admin
    Setting Cookie to JSESSIONID=c253297271317c3f930003c405ea91ff598582f0be0
    Checking command status
    HTTP response code = 200, HTTP response msg = OK
    Command has not finished yet
    Checking command status...
    Setting userName to ias_admin
    Setting Cookie to JSESSIONID=c253297271317c3f930003c405ea91ff598582f0be0
    Checking command status
    HTTP response code = 200, HTTP response msg = OK
    Command has finished
    Receiving command exit value
    Receiving command output
    **** No output was received from command
    Closing connection to Oc4jDcmServlet
    DCM command completed successfully.
    Exit status of DCM servlet client: 0
    Elapsed time for deployment: 1 minute, 45 seconds
    ---- Deployment finished. ---- 22-Mar-2005 14:13:12
    My question is, HOW DO I ACCESS the deployed application, since it didn't specify the URL where it's deployed????
    Many thanks
    I have tried:
    http://{myserver}:8888/{my-portlet}/portlets?WSDL but that doesn't work

    Hi FormsEleven,
    When you say you can do this or you have done for demo then considering following directory structure if I have two forms having common form names how it will be resolved?
    Or how the url to access these forms will be?
    As shown in the following structure consider we have Form1 in sub directory1 as well as in sub-directory2 then how the link to access these forms will be?
    - Hosting Directory (formsweb.cfg entry)
      - Sub Directory1
          - Form1
          - Form2 
      - Sub Directory2
          - Form1
          - Form4
      - Sub Directory3
          - Form5
          - Form6

  • Passing value to a dynamic page from a pdk-java portlet

    Hi everyone.
    I'm quite new to portlets, so I'll try to present my problem as well as I can:
    I have a PDK-java portlet in which I read some information (like name, location) about user.It works ok.Now I want to use that infomation in another portlet, which is build as a Dynamic Page ( with portletbuilder). How can I do this? I was thinck at session variables, but....
    Thanks a lot

    have you ever got any response??
    i'm facing the same problem.

  • Java Portlets not able to read portlet.xml

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    I am having weblogic 8.1 sp2

    Is the file valid (per the schema)? What kind of exception/error are you
    said the following on 02/25/2004 12:47 PM:
    while invoking java portlets context fails to read portlet.xml , any idea
    I am having weblogic 8.1 sp2

  • How to retrieve which user-agent in a java portlet?

    Is there a way to get http user-agent info about which browser requested a page with a portlet from within the java portlet?
    It seems like the request.getHeader() always returns the same value no matter what browser we use.
    Have also tried portletRenderRequest.getOriginalHeader() but this method also returns the same result.
    Does the PPE replace these headers or what..?
    Per A Jorgensen

    Hi Per A Jorgensen,
    I see what you mean. I just deployed a simple portlet which displays the user-agent header property.
    Here are my observations:
    1. If you access the page as user1 from Mozilla, I see the following:
    Browser Agent:      Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511 RPT-HTTPClient/0.3-3 RPT-HTTPClient/0.3-3
    2. If I now access this page from IE, as user1, then I still see my browser agent as:
    Browser Agent:      Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511 RPT-HTTPClient/0.3-3 RPT-HTTPClient/0.3-3
    3. If I now access this page from IE, as user2, then i see the following details:
    Browser Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) RPT-HTTPClient/0.3-3 RPT-HTTPClient/0.3-3
    4. Now I access the same page from Mozilla (after logging out of user1) as user2, I see the following:
    Browser Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) RPT-HTTPClient/0.3-3 RPT-HTTPClient/0.3-3
    Hmm.. interesting.. it looks like, whoever access the provider first, fixes the user-agent. I need to investigate more into it to find out information as to why this is happening.
    In the mean-time, you can be rest assured that as long as you dont have multiple user's accessing the portlet as the same user, you will get the correct information.

  • Passing parameters to a java portlet from pl/sql proc

    hi !
    I try to build a link with a pl/sql procedure to a portal page which contains a java portlet. this link should pass a non qualified parameter to the page ... I try to get this parameter doing so : pr.getParameter("myparam") but nothing's work ...
    Can someone help me??

    not exactly what you wanted but ingredients can be found at
    - JPublisher's docuemntation (especially "Type Mapping Support Through PL/SQL Conversion Functions")
    - (Best Hotels PL/SQL Sample )
    hope this helps
    I have a Java Stored procedure which takes an instance of a different java object as its parameter.
    I need to do this from a pl/sql package - can anyone point me to a sample etc (looked on the website but don't see one) ?

  • Passing Parameters between Java Portlets

    i hava java portlet and it does a search... the search result appears within the portlet region.... but i want to be able to click on the search button and take it to another portal page and have a portlet that contains the result of the porltet... how is that acheivable...

    Well i've done this with java pdk portlets, but I guess the principle is the same everywhere.
    Where are 2 types of parameters, qualified and unqualified ones. In your case you have to
    use unqualified ones, so that your other portlet can read a parameter which is set by your search portlet.
    Also add <passAllUrlParams>true</passAllUrlParams> to your provider.xml, inside a portlet tagof the result portlet, so yo are able to read unqualified params aswell.
    Othee options are using sessions or a persistant datastore, eg database

  • URGENT:How to pass parameter to page from java portlet

    All i need to do is to pass a parameter from my custom java portlet to an omniportlet. Is it achievable? If so, please point me direction!

    Hmm yeah or else you could use s) to encode it automatically.
    ( s) decodes btw)

  • Question: How can I convert Java portlets into iViews? ...

    Hi David,
    Thank you for reading this post.  Currently, I have java portlets and have
    some questions converting them to iViews.  I have the iView conditions
    listed below with my questions:
    <u><b>iView Conditions:</b></u>
    <b>1. Usage of Correct Naming Conventions:</b>  If possible, can you show me a sample of
    the correct naming conventions?
    <b>2. Single Sign On:</b>  If possible, can you please elaborate more on this and possibly provide
    an example?
    <b>3. Session State (During the entire usage of an iView, session state
    and transaction integrity must be maintained)</b>. If possible, can you please elaborate more on this and possibly provide an example?
    <b>4.  Browser Independence (An iView must work with all supported versions of at least one browser type supported by Enterprise Portal).</b>  If possible, can you list supported versions?
    <b>5.  Look and Feel (The iView must present data in the Enterprise Portal
    look and feel and allow for the different personalization options that
    are possible with the SAP Enterprise Portal).</b>  If possible, can you please elaborate more on this and possibly provide an example?
    <b>6. Error Messages (The iView must be implemented in a way that provides
    default/ relevant/ meaningful error messages)</b> If possible, can you please elaborate more on this and possibly provide
    an example?
    <b>7. No Hard-Coded Paths </b> I understand this but just to make sure, can
    you possibly provide an example?
    <b>8. Special Characters (iViews must be able to depict reserved HTML
    If possible, can you please elaborate more on this and possibly provide
    an example?
    Thank you so much for your time and look forward to your
    Thank you,

    Hi, this question is addressed to anyone who could help, my apologies for any confusion.
    Thank you,

  • Drag And Drop Java Portlets

    How can we develop Drag and Drop (DnD) Portlets. Does Oracle Portlet provide such functionality.Can someone guide me or have any documentation on how to create Java Portlets that can be dragged arround i.e. just like on google site I am using Thanks

    Is there any kind of documentation available as how to build this kind of functionality. What API's to use. Lifefray and StringBeans Portal provides DnD functionality so curious if it's also doable using Oracle Portal and if so how to start on it. I am more interesetd in docs. and API's to use for building our own.

  • Creating a web provider for java portlets

    Hi all,
    i'm using
    - Oracle Database Server 8i (Rel3 -
    - Oracle 9i Application Server (Rel2 -
    - Oracle Portal
    I'm trying to crate a web provider in order to use java portlets, but there's a problem with:
    "An unexpected error occurred: ORA-29531: no method getPortletList in class oracle/webdb/provider/web/HttpProviderDispatcher"
    Does anyone know why?
    I've searched for the class mentioned above but I can't find it..
    thanks for the reply,
    Alessio ([email protected])

    The problem is probably caused by prohttp.jar becoming invalid or corrupt inside the database. The file is found in <IAS_HOME>/portal/lib (or jlib). Use the following command to reload.
    loadjava -resolve <portal user>/<portal pass> <file path>/prohttp.jar

  • Java Portlet (JSR 168) development with Portal

    We have been trying to dive back into Portal development lately. The release of 9.0.4 with support for standards-based portlets has convinced us to begin looking at 9iAS Portal as a practical portal product. We have a development environment setup with a workin 9.0.4 portal.
    Digging through the available docs on the portal studio site, I have come across a couple documents alluding to the installation of a portlet-container. Now, I have already downloaded the JSR 168 framework files. It seems that a good portion of this 'portlet container' consists of these files.
    The problem is that the documentation that is available is nothing more than a step by step set of instructions for setting up an OC4J instance with this 'portlet container', configuring an Oracle database for portlet customizations, and deploying a sample ear into the OC4J instance.
    This does nothing for me.
    What I want is documentation that indicates the requirements necessary to make a JSR-168 compliant portlet (even a 'hello world') exposed through portal with the least amount of effort, and with no references to proprietary tools. I would like to see instructions that are tailored towards a generic J2EE provider, not an OC4J one. I already have a very functional set of tools that should be able to accomodate a JSR-168 producer. We have had many problems with OC4J leading us to try to avoid it at all costs.
    Any ideas?

    I am probably not clear.
    In the OracleAS Portal architecture Java portlet are remote from the portal middle tier.
    In the non standard world (JPDK Portlet), the Portal Middlet tier use SOAP over HTTP to call the portlets.
    In the Standard world (JSR-168), the Portal Middle Tier will use WSRP (Web Service Remote Portlet) to call the portlets. When you use the Oracle JSR-168 container inside OC4J, these portlets are automatically accessible over remotely using WSRP.
    So, as you can see the Portal Middle Tier needs to support WSRP to be able to use JSR-168 portlet. And OracleAS 10g 904 does not currently support WSRP registration. It is why we have the "OracleAS Portal Verification Service for WSRP", to allow you to test your portlet.
    To be able to use JSR-168 (with WSRP) portlet on you internal Portal you'll have to install the OracleAS Portal Standard Developer Preview that will be available soon.
    Hope that clarify my previous statements.
    Tugdual Grall

  • Multiple JSPs with JSR 168-compliant Java portlet

    I have an application with multiple JSPs that I'm trying to run in a portlet. Looks like a JSR 168 Java Portlet is the best way to do that. I want to avoid using proprietary PDK Portlet route.
    A few questions:
    1. Is there any sample of that available with multiple JSPs?
    2. More specifically, if I have a form element in one jsp, can I specify another JSP in the action element, or do I have to use an actionURL or renderURL?
    3. Also, how can I can debug my Java portlet from JDeveloper?
    - Anupam

    I'm building a JSR 168 Java portlet. I've been trying to pass params from my JSP using actionURL in my jsp, like so:<br><br>
    <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="<portlet:renderURL/>">
    <TD ALIGN="right">
    <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="-1 ">User Name:</FONT>
    <INPUT NAME="userName" SIZE="12" MAXLENGTH="32">
    <INPUT NAME="action" SIZE="12" TYPE="hidden" value="Login">
    I find that in my processAction, I can see value of "action" parameter but not the value the user enters in the portlet for "userName".<br><br>
    Any idea why? I must be doing sthing wrong, dunno what.<br><br>
    Also, if I use renderURL instead of actionURL, I don't even see "action" getting passed. Is that expected?<br><br>

  • Character conversion error when installing Java Portlet Container Preview

    I'm trying to tets out JSR 168 portlets on our Oracle 10g server. I'm following the instructions at
    I download and try to install the "Java Portlet Container Preview Release 2", and I get the following error:
    [oracle@jupiter home]$ java -jar ~/wsrp-install.jar ~/jwsdp-1.3
    File "/home/oracle/jupiter_mid/j2ee/home/config/global-web-application.xml" modified successfully
    oracle.webdb.utils.PortalExceptionImpl: Error transforming file "config/server.xml"
    at oracle.portal.PortalException.<init>(
    at oracle.webdb.wsrp.server.install.InstallException.<init>(
    at oracle.webdb.wsrp.server.install.Main.applyTransformation(
    at oracle.webdb.wsrp.server.install.Main.install(
    at oracle.webdb.wsrp.server.install.Main.main(
    Caused by: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Character conversion error: "Unconvertible UTF-8 character beginning with 0x92" (line number may be too low).
    at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.fatalError(
    at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.transform(
    at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.transform(
    at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.transform(
    at oracle.webdb.wsrp.server.install.Main.applyTransformation(
    ... 2 more
    caused by: ; SystemID:; Line#: 1; Column#: -1
    javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Character conversion error: "Unconvertible UTF-8 character beginning with 0x92" (line number may be too low).
    at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.fatalError(
    at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.transform(
    at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.transform(
    at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.transform(
    at oracle.webdb.wsrp.server.install.Main.applyTransformation(
    at oracle.webdb.wsrp.server.install.Main.install(
    at oracle.webdb.wsrp.server.install.Main.main(
    [oracle@jupiter home]$
    This is what the server.xml looks like:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <!DOCTYPE application-server PUBLIC "-//Oracle//DTD OC4J Application-server 9.04//EN" "">
    <application-server localhostIsAdmin="true"
    <rmi-config path="./rmi.xml" />
    <sep-config path="./internal-settings.xml" />
    <jms-config path="./jms.xml" />
    <javacache-config path="../../../javacache/admin/javacache.xml" />
    <file path="../log/server.log" />
    <transaction-config timeout="30000" />
    <java-compiler name="javac" in-process="false" extdirs="/home/oracle/jupiter_mid/jdk/jre/lib/ext" />
    <global-application name="default" path="application.xml" />
    <application name="BC4J" path="../applications/BC4J.ear" auto-start="true" />
    <application name="BC4JManager" path="../applications/BC4JManager.ear" auto-start="true" />
    <application name="IsWebCacheWorking" path="../applications/IsWebCacheWorking.ear" auto-start="true" />
    <application name="jdev_test2" path="../applications/jdev_test2.ear" auto-start="true" />
    <global-web-app-config path="global-web-application.xml" />
    <web-site default="true" path="./default-web-site.xml" />
    <cluster id="1214162165" />
    server.xml looks ok, and I've tried tweaking it to no avail. Anyone know what could cause this?

    Could you make sure you don't have any extra Apache libraries hanging around in your global classpath, i.e. ensure there is nothing extra in <J2SE Home>/jre/lib/extThere's a xercesImp.jar under mid/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/applications/jpdk/jpdk/WEB-INF/lib/xercesImpl.jar, but there's also one under jwsdp-1.2/jaxp/lib/endorsed/xercesImpl.jar. Is that supposed to be in there?
    Neither of these are getting loaded, though; running java -verbose shows that all of org.apache.xalan.* is being loaded from mid/jdk/jre/lib/rt.jar
    FWIW, ../../lib/xmlparserv2.jar does exist, but doesn't look like it's being loaded. :-\

  • BEA 8.1 SP3 / Java Portlets replaceDynamicMarkup() Javascript error

    I have been using BEA Portal SP2 for a while and have swapped over to SP3 but I am now seeing a Javascript error in the BEA portal page within a javascript method replaceDynamicMarkup(). This occurs when I have multiple Java Portlets on a page (can be the same portlet multiple times) and you maximise the portlet either programmatically or via the maximise button.
    The problem appears to be that when you maximise the portlet, the contents of the replaceDynamicMarkup do not change and try to access html associated with portlets not being displayed on the page. For example, the method with one portlet maximized and with 2+ portlets in normal mode is the same.
    With one portlet maximised, so only one visible:
    function replaceDynamicMarkup()
    {  var elem = document.getElementById("0_32");
    elem.innerHTML = "<span id='0_32'>SP3Test</span>";
    var elem = document.getElementById("0_38");
    elem.innerHTML = "<span id='0_38'>SP3Test</span>";
    because the other portlet isnt present both netscape 7 and IE 6 throw a "null" Javascript errors. As there is no check to ensure that the element is actually retrieved from the dom. Is there a workaround / fix for this?

    I am not sure whether i am identifying the problem correctly or not, but we have seen this behavior with the portlets, as when we have two instances of a portlet on the same page and both are using same JavaScript function ,since all the portles are included in the same page we need to use Encode namespace for the java script functions so that a portlet Instance can identify its Java script function correctly
    While writing javascript function use
    function <portlet:nameSpace/>doSubmit()
    alert("good Morning ");
    While calling Javascript function use
    <input type=button value="Sumbit" onClick="javascript:<portlet:nameSpace/>doSubmit()"/>
    See if this can solve your Java Script problem.

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