Java related error while installing on Radhat Linux 5

Hi ,
I am getting below error while running on Radhat Linux 5.
Help is much appreciated.
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/lib/fonts/LucidaBrightItalic.ttf
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/lib/fonts/LucidaBrightRegular.ttf
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/lib/fonts/LucidaSansDemiBold.ttf
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/lib/fonts/LucidaSansDemiOblique.ttf
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/lib/fonts/LucidaSansOblique.ttf
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/lib/fonts/LucidaSansRegular.ttf
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/lib/fonts/LucidaTypewriterBold.ttf
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/lib/fonts/LucidaTypewriterBoldOblique.ttf
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/lib/fonts/LucidaTypewriterOblique.ttf
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/lib/fonts/LucidaTypewriterRegular.ttf
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/lib/fonts/fonts.dir
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/lib/audio/
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/lib/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/
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Archive: ../stage/Components/oracle.swd.jre/
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/bin/ControlPanel
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/bin/java
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/bin/java_vm
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/bin/keytool
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/bin/kinit
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/bin/klist
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/bin/ktab
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/bin/orbd
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/bin/policytool
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/bin/rmid
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Archive: ../stage/Components/oracle.swd.jre/
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/CHANGES
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/COPYRIGHT
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/Welcome.html
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/README
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/LICENSE
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.txt
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/ControlPanel.html
Archive: ../stage/Components/oracle.swd.jre/
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inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/plugin/desktop/sun_java.desktop
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5 archives were successfully processed.
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inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/bin/lsnodes
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/bin/runInstaller
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inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/jlib/jewt4-nls.jar
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/jlib/help4.jar
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/jlib/help4-nls.jar
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/jlib/InstHelp.jar
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/jlib/InstHelp_de.jar
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inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/jlib/InstHelp_pt_BR.jar
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/jlib/InstHelp_zh_CN.jar
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/jlib/InstHelp_zh_TW.jar
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/jlib/InstImages.jar
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/jlib/oracle_ice.jar
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/jlib/swingaccess.jar
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/jlib/ewt3-swingaccess.jar
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/jlib/classes12.jar
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/jlib/OraPrereq.jar
Archive: ../stage/Components/oracle.swd.oui/
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/bin/
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Archive: ../stage/Components/oracle.swd.oui/
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/guide/1_oui_intro.htm
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/guide/2_oui_using.htm
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/guide/3_oui_oracle_homes.htm
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/guide/4_oui_response_files.htm
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/guide/5_oui_cluster_installs.htm
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/guide/6_oui_translations.htm
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/guide/A_oui_troubleshooting.htm
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/guide/B_oui_sample_files.htm
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inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/guide/rarrow.gif
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/guide/rcf.htm
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inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/guide/title.htm
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inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/guide/toc.htm
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inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/guide/uarrow.gif
Archive: ../stage/Components/oracle.swd.oui/
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11 archives were successfully processed.
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inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/jlib/orai18n-collation.jar
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/jlib/orai18n-mapping.jar
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/jlib/ojmisc.jar
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/jlib/xmlparserv2.jar
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/jlib/srvm.jar
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/jlib/OraInstaller.jar
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/jlib/OraInstallerNet.jar
inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/jlib/share.jar
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inflating: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/oui/lib/linux/
3 archives were successfully processed.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable :
Total args: 24
Command line argument array elements ...
Arg:7:-Doracle.installer.prereqConfigLoc=/tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/prereq :
Initializing Java Virtual Machine from /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/bin/java. Please wait...
[oracle@localhost database]$ Oracle Universal Installer, Version Production
Copyright (C) 1999, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Exception java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/lib/i386/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory occurred..
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /tmp/OraInstall2009-09-30_06-23-57PM/jre/1.4.2/lib/i386/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Method)
at sun.awt.NativeLibLoader.loadLibraries(Unknown Source)
at sun.awt.DebugHelper.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifm.OiifmGraphicInterfaceManager.<init>(
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicSessionInterfaceManager.createInterfaceManager(
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicSessionInterfaceManager.getInterfaceManager(
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstaller.getInterfaceManager(
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstaller.runInstaller(
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstaller.main(
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifm.OiifmGraphicInterfaceManager.<init>(
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicSessionInterfaceManager.createInterfaceManager(
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicSessionInterfaceManager.getInterfaceManager(
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifm.OiifmAlert.<clinit>(
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstaller.runInstaller(
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstaller.main(

May be you can check the Redhat FTP site.
CentOS 4.6, 32-bit
CentOS 4.6, 64-bit
CentOS 5.1, 32-bit
CentOS 5.1, 64-bit
Mudhalvan M.M

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    Running Oracle 11g script...
    The following environment variables are set as:
    ORACLE_OWNER= oracle
    ORACLE_HOME= /opt/oracle/app/11.2.0/grid
    Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [usr/local/bin]:
    The file "dbhome" already exists in /usr/local/bin. Overwrite it? (y/n) [n]:
    The file "oraenv" already exists in /usr/local/bin. Overwrite it? (y/n) [n]:
    The file "coraenv" already exists in /usr/local/bin. Overwrite it? (y/n) [n]:
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    Finished running generic part of script.
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    2010-04-23 15:09:28: Checking for super user privileges
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    Using configuration parameter file: /opt/oracle/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params
    Creating trace directory
    stty: : Not a typewriter
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    Operation successful.
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    root wallet cert
    root cert export
    peer wallet
    profile reader wallet
    pa wallet
    peer wallet keys
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    peer cert request
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    peer cert
    pa cert
    peer root cert TP
    profile reader root cert TP
    pa root cert TP
    peer pa cert TP
    pa peer cert TP
    profile reader pa cert TP
    profile reader peer cert TP
    peer user cert
    pa user cert
    Adding daemon to inittab
    CRS-4123: Oracle High Availability Services has been started.
    ohasd is starting
    CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.gipcd' on 'bmblade-91'
    CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.mdnsd' on 'bmblade-91'
    CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.gipcd' on 'bmblade-91' succeeded
    CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.mdnsd' on 'bmblade-91' succeeded
    CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.gpnpd' on 'bmblade-91'
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    CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.diskmon' on 'bmblade-91'
    CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.diskmon' on 'bmblade-91' succeeded
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    CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.ctssd' on 'bmblade-91'
    CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.ctssd' on 'bmblade-91' succeeded
    Error occurred during initialization of VM
    java.lang.Error: Permission denied
    sh: 10154 Abort
    Configuration of ASM failed, see logs for details
    Did not succssfully configure and start ASM
    CRS-2500: Cannot stop resource 'ora.crsd' as it is not running
    CRS-4000: Command Stop failed, or completed with errors.
    Command return code of 1 (256) from command: /opt/oracle/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctl stop resource ora.crsd -init
    Stop of resource "ora.crsd -init" failed
    Failed to stop CRSD
    CRS-2500: Cannot stop resource 'ora.asm' as it is not running
    CRS-4000: Command Stop failed, or completed with errors.
    Command return code of 1 (256) from command: /opt/oracle/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctl stop resource ora.asm -init
    Stop of resource "ora.asm -init" failed
    Failed to stop ASM
    CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.ctssd' on 'bmblade-91'
    CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.ctssd' on 'bmblade-91' succeeded
    CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.cssdmonitor' on 'bmblade-91'
    CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.cssdmonitor' on 'bmblade-91' succeeded
    CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.cssd' on 'bmblade-91'
    CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.cssd' on 'bmblade-91' succeeded
    CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.gpnpd' on 'bmblade-91'
    CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.gpnpd' on 'bmblade-91' succeeded
    CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.gipcd' on 'bmblade-91'
    CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.gipcd' on 'bmblade-91' succeeded
    CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.mdnsd' on 'bmblade-91'
    CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.mdnsd' on 'bmblade-91' succeeded
    Initial cluster configuration failed.
    Do anybody came accross this issue? I had 11gR2 Grid Infrastructure installed on this server, but for demostration to other team members, I removed the earlier installation using Metalink Note :942166.1. I will appreciate your input.

    One of the recommended solution for this issue by Oracle.
    Have the DISPLAY variable set when running This is the th recommendation by oracle to a SR opened by another vendor for this issue.

  • Java.Lang Error while installing SMC on Solaris 8 x86

    I am sukrut and I am facing one problem during installation of Solaris Management Console.
    When I am executing the installlation script by #sh Solaris_Management_Console.shar then
    in my system is showing following error at console.
    Stack trace failed with exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
    SIGSEGV 11* segmentation violation
    si_signo [11]: SIGSEGV 11* segmentation violation
    si_errno [0]: Error 0
    si_code [1]: SEGV_MAPERR [addr: 0x20]
    Inconsistent thread : best efforts attempt (may fail)
    "AWT-EventQueue-0" (TID:0x832b978, sys_thread_t:0x832b8c8, state:R, thread_t: t@8, threadID:0xdb2c0d68, stack_bottom:0xdb2c0d68, stack_size:0x1fd68) prio=6 current thread
    [1] java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEvent(
    [2] java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    Inconsistent thread : best efforts attempt (may fail)
    <null>./installer[186]: 662 Segmentation Fault(coredump)
    Removing temporary files...

    Thanks Thiru.
    It was a trivial issue. The file was not executed properly and that was causing all the issues. Thanks for your reply. Issue has been resolved on this server.
    But on another server I am getting a different error while trying to configure the gateway server. Please if anybody has faced this issue before kindly provide the solution.
    Running InstallShield Wizard...
    Loading Configuration wizard File,
    "/siebel/install_ini/" with configuration wizard
    "<NULL>" failed.
    [Press Enter to close Siebel Configuration Wizard]

  • Install Java Engine Error while installing the SM7

    Hi all
    Error message as followings: Exception java.lang.OutOfMemoryError, .. Out of swap space. May I change the path when install file.?
    Error as following
    Exception java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: requested 16000 bytes for GrET* in D:/BUILD_AREA/jdk142-update/ws/fcs/hotspot\src\share\vm\utilities\growableArray.cpp. Out of swap space?
    ERROR 2009-06-12 04:45:38.156
    MUT-02041  SDM call of deploy ends with returncode 1
    WARNING[E] 2009-06-12 04:45:38.156
    MUT-03025  Caught ESAPinstException in Modulecall: SDM call of deploy ends with returncode 1.

    Hi Kevin,
    I've not the expert of Java Engine. But based on your error here, there should be the issue of swap space.
    So, how about your memory space and swap space setup? I think swap space need 3 or 4 times as the physical memory.
    Hope that helps.
    Thanks, Jett

  • Opmn related error while installing SOA suite

    I am trying to install SOA suite on Linux RHEL AS4.
    rapidwiz shows the following error
    launching /u01/oracle/product/ startproc
    opmnctl: starting opmn managed processes...===============================================================================
    2 of 3 processes started.
    --> Process (index=1,uid=10495449,pid=12555)
    time out while waiting for a managed process to start
    Configuration assistant "Oracle Process Management and Notification Configuration Assistant" failed
    I have restarted opmn services, disabled the firewall also, but couldnot get rid of the problem. when i checked status through "/.opmnctl status" command, ASG was down...should i have to bring it up?
    how do i trobleshoot?

    Do an opmnctl startall and an opmnctl status afterwards.
    It happens for me to when I install it on VMware images but these are slower. I usually don't stop the installation but retry the configuration assistant.

  • Java.exe error While installing Oracle Lite 10g

    Am getting "Java.exe has encountered a problem and needs to be close"
    Error singature
    AppName: javaw.exe Appver: ModName:ig4dev32.dll.
    Here my env variables
    JAVA_HOME:C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_17
    PATH :C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_17\bin;
    CLASSPATH :C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_17\lib;
    Please help me out.

    it seems that you dont have java installed correctly check
    for the java prereq.

  • [SOLVED] Error while installing the RVL200 Virtual Passage on Debian Linux

    When running the install applet in Firefox on a Debian machine, there is an error:
    File Permissions not set.
    Needed permissions couldn't be set on some files.
    "Root" privileges required for setting permissions.
    This is caused by the /vpclient/ script. Its last line is "exit" instead of "exit 0"; this (in my case) returns the exit code of "modprobe -q n_hdlc" which is non-0 (this module is compiled into the kernel). Thus the installer fails for no reason.
    The solution was to modify the script and turn "exit" into "exit 0". It now works perfectly.

    When running the install applet in Firefox on a Debian machine, there is an error:
    File Permissions not set.
    Needed permissions couldn't be set on some files.
    "Root" privileges required for setting permissions.
    This is caused by the /vpclient/ script. Its last line is "exit" instead of "exit 0"; this (in my case) returns the exit code of "modprobe -q n_hdlc" which is non-0 (this module is compiled into the kernel). Thus the installer fails for no reason.
    The solution was to modify the script and turn "exit" into "exit 0". It now works perfectly.

  • Error while installing OBIEE on Linux

    I am trying to do OBIEE Enterprise install on a Linux server. When I run the installer, after specifying install location, when I configure the components(Select BI Enterprise Edition, BI Publisher) I get error as ORACLE_HOME variable is already set and I should remove it first and run the installer again.
    It already has Oracle 11g DB installed and the ORACLE_HOME variable points to that location. How to solve this?

    You could try using unset just before you run the installer:
    unset ORACLE_HOME

  • Error while installing 10g on oracle unbreakable linux

    hi all
    oracle unbreakable linux
    I got the following error while installing oracle database 10g on oracle unbreakable linux
    when my installer peforming product specific prerequiste check i got the warning
    checking operating system requrement
    checking for gcc-3.2; found not found Failed<<<<<<
    I tried to search gcc-3.2 on my linux cd but its not there
    can anyone please tell me from where can i install this?

    Which gcc is in your CD? List them all.
    And yes, they are there. Unless someone gave you a rescue disk or stripped down live CD, in which case you need to thank the person who gave you that appropriately.
    You need to search the CD/DVD and you need to learn how to install RPMs. Both can be learned by intelligent internet searches.
    Edited by: Hans Forbrich on Sep 19, 2009 10:37 AM

  • A strange Java related error occured when I tried to install a software

    When I tried to install Maple 12 on my PC, I got a Java-related error as follow:
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class javax.swing.UIManager
         at javax.swing.JPanel.updateUI(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.JPanel.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.JPanel.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.JPanel.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.JRootPane.createGlassPane(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.JRootPane.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.JFrame.createRootPane(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.JFrame.frameInit(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.JFrame.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at com.zerog.ia.installer.LifeCycleManager.g(DashoA10*..)
         at com.zerog.ia.installer.LifeCycleManager.h(DashoA10*..)
         at com.zerog.ia.installer.LifeCycleManager.a(DashoA10*..)
         at com.zerog.ia.installer.Main.main(DashoA10*..)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at com.zerog.lax.LAX.launch(DashoA10*..)
         at com.zerog.lax.LAX.main(DashoA10*..)
    My OS is Windows XP Professional with SP3. However, I managed to install this version on a virtual machine (which also runs Windows XP SP3) therefore the problem does not come from the installer.
    What can I do now to install Maple 12? I really need this software...
    Edited by: uhobasa on Sep 28, 2008 6:41 PM

    Did you find the solution for this problem? I am experiencing the same behavior trying to run Freemind.

  • Error while installing SAP Netweaver 7.1 CE Java Trial - MaxDB problem

    Hi All,
    I am getting following error while installing SAP Netweaver 7.1 CE Java Trial.
    Execute Command : C:\sapdb\programs\pgm\dbmcli.exe -n psi-001 -d CE1 -u CONTROL,******** db_state
    Execute Session Command : exit
    > Subprocess stops at 20080509161037
    > Subprocess call failed
    -24961,ERR_STATE: The operational state of the database instance could not be determined
    -24994,ERR_RTE: Runtime environment error
    > Subprocess starts at 20080509164614
    Execute Command : C:\sapdb\programs\pgm\dbmcli.exe -n psi-001 -d CE1 -u CONTROL,******** db_start
    Execute Session Command : exit
    > Subprocess stops at 20080509164614
    > Subprocess call failed
    -24783,ERR_WRONGDBSTATE: Operational state UNDEFINED of the database instance is unsuitable.
    -24782,ERR_DBSTATENEEDED1: Database instance must be in operational state OFFLINE.
    > Subprocess starts at 20080509164943
    Execute Command : C:\sapdb\programs\pgm\dbmcli.exe -n psi-001 -d CE1 -u CONTROL,******** db_start
    Execute Session Command : exit
    > Subprocess stops at 20080509164944
    > Subprocess call failed
    -24783,ERR_WRONGDBSTATE: Operational state UNDEFINED of the database instance is unsuitable.
    -24782,ERR_DBSTATENEEDED1: Database instance must be in operational state OFFLINE.

    Hello Alpesh,
    Please see the thread Max-DB cannot determine current db state (NW2004s install)
    were the same issue was reported.
    Thank you & best regards, Natalia Khlopina

  • Errors while installing database instance  of Java add-in

    I encountered these errors while installing the database instance of Java add-in for ABAP using SAP NetWeaver 2004s SR1.</b>
    ERROR 2007-02-28 14:33:33
    <b>CJS-30049</b>  Execution of JLoad tool 'C:\j2sdk1.4.2_13\bin\java.exe -classpath "C:\Program
    -showversion -Xmx512m
    Files/sapinst_instdir/NW04S/LM/AS JAVA/ADDIN/ORA/CENTRAL/DB/install/sharedlib/tc_sec_secstor
    efs.jar;C:\usr\sap\AP1\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\ojdbc14.jar" -sec
    p05/sapmnt/AP1/SYS/global/security/data/SecStore.key -dataDir
    C:/tmp/INSTALL/51031693\JAVA_EXPORT\JDMP -job "C:\Program
    Files\sapinst_instdir\NW04S\LM\AS-JAVA\ADDIN\ORA\CENTRAL\DB\IMPORT.XML" -log jload.log'
    aborts with return code 1.<br>SOLUTION: Check 'jload.log' and 'C:/Program
    Files/sapinst_instdir/NW04S/LM/AS-JAVA/ADDIN/ORA/CENTRAL/DB/' for more
    ERROR 2007-02-28 14:33:33
    <b>FCO-00011</b>  The step importJavaDump with step key
    |NW_Addin_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|7|0|NW_Jload|ind|ind|ind|ind|9|0|importJavaDump was executed with status ERROR .
    <b>Second error is easy, but I have no idea on how to resolve the first one.  Please help!</b>

    what does jload.log and say ?

  • Error while installing OWB

    Error while installing OWB
    after 50% install.. it says
    "Error in writing to file c:\oracle\ora9201\bin\oci.dll
    The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process"
    Apparently I have restarted the workstation and closed all oracle related services in services and no other program is running expect the installer.
    Can any one help in resolving the issue. Or can I hit the ignore button and continue installing?

    Always install OWB into a new ORACLE_HOME unless the Installation and Configuration Guide states otherwise. This has only happened twice. OWB was the last version to allow installation into an existing ORACLE_HOME. Another thing you can do is go to and download the utility LISTDLLs. It is great. From a command prompt, start it with the syntax: listdlls >log.txt
    This will output the DLLs in use and which executable is using it. Search for the DLL in the log.txt and scroll up until the double line. The executable name locking the DLL will be above the double line. If you have the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Service running on the client, it will lock Oracle DLLs. This has been a common issue in the past, going back to the days of Data Mart Suite. This was documented in the Release Notes for it and may still be in the system in a note somewhere. It is in: DMS: Unable To Install; Filesopen/Service Running On Compaq Server Doc ID: Note:1080977.6 and Certain Files which need to be Reinstalled are Being Used Doc ID: Note:117672.1
    The first note I wrote back before 2000.

  • Error while installing gateway please help soon

    Error while installing gateway in
    Microsoft Windows Server 2003.
    error while installing gateway
    E:\idm\gateway>gateway -i
    10/02/2008 [4972] (../../../../src/wps/agent/logging/WSTrace.cpp
    ,150): trace active, level: 4, file: E:\\IDMLOGS\\gateway.log, maxSize: 10240 KB
    10/02/2008 [4972] (../../../../src/wps/agent/logging/WSTrace.cpp
    ,108): In WSTrace::init()
    10/02/2008 [4972] (../../../../src/wps/agent/logging/WSTrace.cpp
    ,109): Gateway version: 'Sun Java System Identity Manager 7.1'
    10/02/2008 [4972] (../../../../src/wps/agent/logging/WSTrace.cpp
    ,110): OS version: 'Windows Server 2003 Family Service Pack 1 (Build 3790)'
    An error occured when trying to install the service: No error

    Use that MS installer cleanup to get rid of iTunes first, then QuickTime.
    Actually, I should back up. Go to the article I link below, and scroll down to the section
    *General Installation Troubleshooting*
    Important: A majority of customers experience successful iTunes installation after completing these troubleshooting procedures. If one does not help, proceed to the next.
    -Completely Remove iTunes and QuickTime (Click to show)
    -Empty your Temp directory and restart (Click for more)
    -Clean up iTunes installer files on the computer (Click for more)
    -Download QuickTime Standalone Installer (Click for more)
    -Disable other conflicting software (Click for more)
    -Make sure your folder names don't contain strange characters (Click for more)

  • Error while installing Sneak preview Netweaver 2004 --SP15 on WindowsXP+SP1

    hi, i'm getting a error while installing the Sneak preview NetWeaver 2004-SP15 on Windows XP + SP1.
    error message: Corrupt GZip trailer
    JDK version: 1.4.2_08 and 1.4.2_09
    i searched this error on google and i found it's a bug of jdk1.4.2_08.(see this page:<a href=""></a>) it said this version can't run when the uncompressed file is 2GB or larger. and this bug was fixed after <b>jdk1.5</b>. but i noted that Sneak preview was not tested on jdk1.5.Ignore it, i uninstalled jdk1.4.2_08 and Sneak preview,then i installed jdk1.5 and reinstalled Sneak preview.Unfortunated, i got another error.The error code is <b>3018</b>.
    could anyone please help me?

    I faced this problem while I was installation.
    Following are my installation's step, is there any problem?
    1.I have a new system just for installation, it is WindowsXP + SP1(2.5G memory and 2 CPU); JDk 1.4.2_09 from and installed it; Sneak preview Netweaver2004SP15 from There are 3 files total.
      Two are NW04SneakPreviewSP15.rar, the other is DeveloperStudioSP15.rar;
    4.uncompressed NW04SneakPreviewSP15.rar. I used winrar, it's OK.
    5.start install NW04SneakPreviewSP15.rar step by step according to the installation guid. this step 'SAP J2EE Engine Server Core', all are right;
    7.error in the step 'Load Java Database Content';
    Following are part of the log file '':
    java version "1.4.2_09"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_09-b05)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_09-b05, mixed mode)
    2006-3-22 18:26:37 main
    ÐÅÏ¢: Jload -sec J2E,jdbc/pool/J2E,C:usrsapJ2ESYSglobal/security/data/,C:usrsapJ2ESYSglobal/security/data/SecStore.key -dataDir C:/backup/NW04SneakPreviewSP15/NWSneakPreviewSP15/SAP_NetWeaver_04_SR_1_Installation_MasterIM01_NT_I386....SneakPreviewContentJDMP -job C:Program Filessapinst_instdirNW04SR1WEBAS_COPYONE_HOST/IMPORT.XML -log C:Program Filessapinst_instdirNW04SR1WEBAS_COPYONE_HOST/jload.log
    2006-3-22 18:26:40 connectViaSecureStore
    ÐÅÏ¢: connected to J2E on jdbc/pool/J2E
    2006-3-22 18:26:41 readStatus
    ÐÅÏ¢: trying to read status file C:usrsapJ2EJC00j2eesltoolsIMPORT.sta
    2006-3-22 18:26:41 readStatus
    ÐÅÏ¢: status file IMPORT.sta doesn't exist - no restart
    2006-3-22 18:26:41 dbImport
    ÐÅÏ¢: trying to create table ADS_LICENSED_FORMS
    2006-3-22 18:26:42 dbImport
    ÐÅÏ¢: table ADS_LICENSED_FORMS created
    2006-3-22 18:26:42 dbImport
    ÐÅÏ¢: ADS_LICENSED_FORMS loaded (2 rows)
    2006-3-22 18:48:58 dbImport
    ÐÅÏ¢: trying to create table J2EE_CONFIGENTRY
    2006-3-22 18:48:58 dbImport
    ÐÅÏ¢: table J2EE_CONFIGENTRY created
    2006-3-22 19:07:53 logStackTrace
    ÑÏÖØ: Corrupt GZIP trailer
    2006-3-22 19:07:53 disconnect
    ÐÅÏ¢: disconnected
    I also tried jdk1.4.2_08 and I also installed in Windows2000+SP4. But I faced the same problem too.
    From, I know this error is a bug of jdk. They explained that this version can't run OK
    when zip-file is larger than 2G. Then I found here's a file
    (name is 'NW04SneakPreviewSP15NWSneakPreviewSP15SneakPreviewContentSDMSDMKIT.JAR'). It's size
    is 2.08G. I suppose installation can't manage it.
    I tried unzip this file and renamed unziped folder to 'SDMKIT.JAR'.
    Then I found another large file in the unziped folder(name is 'F:NW04SneakPreviewSP15NWSneakPreviewSP15SneakPreviewContentSDMSDMKIT.JARpackpackedRoot.jar')
    , so I also unzip this file and renamed unziped folder to 'packedRoot.jar'.
    Then I reinstalled, of course, It's no work.
    Unexpectedly, I found this download link is not available on the this page:
    It say that 'We apologize that this version is currently not available to download.'.
    I guess there are any problem in this version, are there?
    So, now I think I must download another version to install.
    Message was edited by: bo zeng

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