Java Swing Tutorials

Hello Everyone,
Can anyone suggest me some good online tutorials for java swing and beans.As i am new to this swing concept, i need to learn them as quickly as possible as part of my next project.
Thank you,

i just went through a interview in company who provide online tutorials in all concepts..ELEMENTK
check out this website for more details

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    You find examples and code by searching the internet, not by using forums.
    Start with The Java Tutorials - it has trails for the bulk of the Java functionality.
    See the trail 'How to Write an Undoable Edit Listener'
    You learn by DOING - not by reading. Actually DO the tutorial example and try to understand WHAT it does and HOW it does it.
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    u might have seen this logic in many applicationThis isn't orkut(I hate it) where people send you scraps. All discussions take place in the forum and no one's going to send you any code. Give it a shot and produce your ideas and the forum members would be there to help.
    Here's the swing tutorials
    And this is the tutorials on event listeners

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    Thank a lot in advance.

    797957 wrote:
    Does java provides a better compression than C#?no idea, i don't do c# programming. and, your question is most likely really: "does java default to a higher compression level than c#".
    Btw what is faster compression vs. better compression?meaning, does the code spend more time/effort trying to compress the data (slower but better compression) or less time/effort trying to compress the data (faster but worse compression). most compression algorithms allow you to control this tradeoff depending on whether you care more about cpu time or disk/memory space.

  • PL/SQL and Java Swing interface

    Everybody in this forum knows that Oracle is the best database around
    with many functionalities, stability, performance, etc. We also know
    that PL/SQL is a great language to manipulate information directly
    in the database with many built in functions, OOP capability,
    transaction control, among other features. Today an application that
    manipulates information, which needs user interface, requires components
    to be developed using different technologies and normally running in
    different servers or machines. For example, the interface is done using
    a dynamic HTML generator like JSP, PHP, PL/SQL Web Toolkit, etc.
    This page is executed in an application server like Oracle iAS or
    Tomcat, just to name two, which in turn access a database like Oracle to
    build the HTML. Also rich clients like Java applets require an intermediate
    server to access the database (through servlets for example) although
    it is possible to access the database directly but with security issues.
    Another problem with this is that complexity increases a lot, many
    technologies, skills and places to maintain code which leads to a greater
    failure probability. Also, an application is constantly evolving, new
    calculations are added, new tables, changed columns. If you have an
    application with product code for example and you need to increase its
    size, you need to change it in the database, search for all occurrences
    of it in the middle-tier code and perhaps adjust interfaces. Normally
    there is no direct dependency among the tier components. On another
    issue, many application interfaces today are based on HTML which doesn't
    have interactive capabilities like rich-client interfaces. Although it
    is possible to simulate many GUI widgets with JavaScript and DHTML, it is
    far from the interactive level we can accomplish in rich clients like
    Java Swing, Flash MX, Win32, etc. HTML is also a "tag-based" language
    originally created to publish documents so even small pages require
    many bytes to be transmitted, far beyond of what we see on the screen.
    Even in fast networks you have a delay time to wait the page to be
    loaded. Another issue, the database is in general the central location
    for all kinds of data. Most applications relies on it for security,
    transaction and availability. My proposal is to use Oracle as the
    central location for interface, processing and data. With this approach
    we can create not only the data manipulation procedures in the database,
    but procedures that also control and manage user interfaces. Having
    a Oracle database as the central location for all components has many
    - Unique point of maintenance, backup and restore
    - Integrated database security
    - One language for everything, PL/SQL or Java (even both if desired)
    - Inherited database cache, transaction and processing optimizations
    - Direct access to the database dictionary
    - Application runs on Oracle which has support for many platforms.
    - Transparent use of parallel processing, clusters and future
    background technologies
    Regarding the interface, I already created a Java applet renderer
    which receives instructions from the database on how to create GUI
    objects and how to respond to events. The applet is only 8kb and can
    render any Swing or AWT object/event. The communication is done
    through HTTP or HTTPS using Oracles's MOD_PLSQL included in the Apache
    HTTP server which comes with the database or application server (iAS).
    I am also creating a database framework and APIs in PL/SQL to
    create and manipulate the client interface. The applet startup is
    very fast because it is very small, you don't need to download large
    classes with the client interface. Execution is done "on-demand"
    according to instructions received from the database. The instructions
    are very optimized in terms of network bandwidth and based on preliminary
    tests it can be up to 1/10 of a similar HTML screen. Less network usage
    means faster response and means that even low speed connections will
    have a good performance (a future development can be to use this in
    wireless devices like PDAs e even cell phones, just an idea for now).
    The applet can also be executed standalone by using Java Web Start.
    With this approach no business code, except the interface, is executed
    on the client. This means that alterations in the application are
    dynamically reflected in the client, no need to "re-download" the
    application. Events are transmitted when required only so network
    usage is minimized. It is also possible to establish triggering
    events to further reduce network usage. Since the protocol used is
    HTTP (which is stateless), the database framework I am creating will
    be responsible to maintain the state of connections, variables, locks
    and session information, so the developer don't need to worry about it.
    The framework will have many layers, from communication up to
    application so there will be pre-built functions to handle queries,
    pagination, lock, mail, log, etc. The final objective is to have a
    rich client application integrated into the database with minimum
    programming and maintenance requirements, not forgetting customization
    capabilities. Below is a very small example of what can de done. A
    desktop with two windows, each window with two fields, a button with an
    image to switch the values, and events to convert the typed text when
    leaving the field or double-clicking it. The "leave" event also has an
    optimization to only be triggered when the text changes. I am still
    developing the framework and adjusting the renderer but I think that all
    technical barriers were transposed by now. The framework is still in
    the early stages, my guess is that only 5% is done so far. As a future
    development even an IDE can be created so we have a graphical environment
    do develop applications. I am willing to share this with the PL/SQL
    community and listen to ideas and comments.
    create or replace procedure demo1 (
    jre_version in varchar2 := '1.4.2_01',
    debug_info in varchar2 := 'false',
    compress_buffer in varchar2 := 'false',
    optimize_buffer in varchar2 := 'true'
    ) as
    interface.initialize('demo1_init','JGR Demo 1',jre_version,debug_info,compress_buffer,optimize_buffer);
    create or replace procedure demo1_init as
    toolkit.create_internal_frame('frame1','Frame 1',50,50,300,136);
    toolkit.create_label('frame1label1','frame1',10,10,50,20,'Field 1');
    toolkit.create_label('frame1label2','frame1',10,40,50,20,'Field 2');
    toolkit.create_text_field('frame1field1','frame1',50,10,230,20,'Field 1','Field 1',focus_event=>true,mouse_event=>true);
    toolkit.create_text_field('frame1field2','frame1',50,40,230,20,'Field 2','Field 2',focus_event=>true,mouse_event=>true);
    toolkit.set_text_field_event('frame1field1',toolkit.focus_lost_event,'demo1_set_upper',toolkit.get_text_method,'FIELD 1','false');
    toolkit.set_text_field_event('frame1field2',toolkit.focus_lost_event,'demo1_set_upper',toolkit.get_text_method,'FIELD 2','false');
    toolkit.set_text_field_event('frame1field1',toolkit.mouse_double_clicked_event,'demo1_set_lower',toolkit.get_text_method,'field 1','false');
    toolkit.set_text_field_event('frame1field2',toolkit.mouse_double_clicked_event,'demo1_set_lower',toolkit.get_text_method,'field 2','false');
    toolkit.create_button('button1','frame1',10,70,100,25,'Switch','Switch the values of "Field 1" and "Field 2"','S','icon');
    toolkit.create_internal_frame('frame2','Frame 2',100,100,300,136);
    toolkit.create_label('frame2label1','frame2',10,10,50,20,'Field 1');
    toolkit.create_label('frame2label2','frame2',10,40,50,20,'Field 2');
    toolkit.create_text_field('frame2field1','frame2',50,10,230,20,'Field 1','Field 1',focus_event=>true,mouse_event=>true);
    toolkit.create_text_field('frame2field2','frame2',50,40,230,20,'Field 2','Field 2',focus_event=>true,mouse_event=>true);
    toolkit.set_text_field_event('frame2field1',toolkit.focus_lost_event,'demo1_set_upper',toolkit.get_text_method,'FIELD 1','false');
    toolkit.set_text_field_event('frame2field2',toolkit.focus_lost_event,'demo1_set_upper',toolkit.get_text_method,'FIELD 2','false');
    toolkit.set_text_field_event('frame2field1',toolkit.mouse_double_clicked_event,'demo1_set_lower',toolkit.get_text_method,'field 1','false');
    toolkit.set_text_field_event('frame2field2',toolkit.mouse_double_clicked_event,'demo1_set_lower',toolkit.get_text_method,'field 2','false');
    toolkit.create_button('button2','frame2',10,70,100,25,'Switch','Switch the values of "Field 1" and "Field 2"','S','icon');
    create or replace procedure demo1_set_upper as
    create or replace procedure demo1_set_lower as
    create or replace procedure demo1_switch_fields (
    field1 in varchar2,
    field2 in varchar2
    ) as

    Is it sound like Oracle Portal?
    But you want to save a layer 9iAS.
    Basically, that was the WebDB.(Oracle changed the name to Portal when version 3.0)
    Over all, I agree with you.
    >>Having a Oracle database as the central location for all components has many
    >>- Unique point of maintenance, backup and restore
    >>- Integrated database security
    >>- One language for everything, PL/SQL or Java (even both if desired)
    >>- Inherited database cache, transaction and processing optimizations
    >>- Direct access to the database dictionary
    >>- Application runs on Oracle which has support for many platforms.
    >>- Transparent use of parallel processing, clusters and future
    >>background technologies
    I would like to build 'ZOPE' inside Oracle DB as a back-end
    Using Flash MX as front-end.
    Thomas Ku.

  • Problem with java swing button and loop

    Problem with java swing button and loop
    I�m using VAJ 4.0. and I�m doing normal GUI application. I have next problem.
    I have in the same class two jswing buttons named start (ivjGStart) and stop (ivjGStop) and private static int field named Status where initial value is 0. This buttons should work something like this:
    When I click on start button it must do next:
    Start button must set disenabled and Stop button must set enabled and selected. Field status is set to 1, because this is a condition in next procedure in some loop. And then procedure named IzvajajNeprekinjeno() is invoked.
    And when I click on stop button it must do next:
    Start button must set enabled and selected and Stop button must set disenabled.
    Field status is set to 0.
    This works everything fine without loop �do .. while� inside the procedure IzvajajNeprekinjeno(). But when used this loop the start button all the time stay (like) pressed. And this means that a can�t stop my loop.
    There is java code, so you can get better picture:
    /** start button */
    public void gStart_ActionEvents() {
    try {
    getJTextPane1().setText("Program is running ...");
    Status = 1;
    } catch (Exception e) {}
    /** stop button */
    public void gStop_ActionEvents() {
    try {
    getJTextPane1().setText("Program is NOT running ...");
    Status = 0;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    /** procedure IzvajajNeprekinjeno() */
    public void IzvajajNeprekinjeno() {  //RunLoop
    try {
    int zamik = 2000; //delay
    do {
    PreberiDat(); //procedure
    } while (Status == 1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    So, I'm asking what I have to do, that start button will not all the time stay pressed? Or some other aspect of solving this problem.
    Any help will be appreciated.
    Best regards,

    This is a multi thread problem. When you start the gui, it is running in one thread. Lets call that GUI_Thread so we know what we are talking about.
    Since java is task-based this will happen if you do like this:
    1. Button "Start" is pressed. Thread running: GUI_Thread
    2. Event gStart_ActionEvents() called. Thread running: GUI_Thread
    3. Method IzvajajNeprekinjeno() called. Thread running: GUI_Thread
    4. Sleep in method IzvajajNeprekinjeno() on thread GUI_Thread
    5. Call PreberiDat(). Thread running: GUI_Thread
    6. Check status. If == 1, go tho 4. Thread running: GUI_Thread.
    Since the method IzvajajNeprekinjeno() (what does that mean?) and the GUI is running in the same thread and the event that the Start button has thrown isn't done yet, the program will go on in the IzvajajNeprekinjeno() method forever and never let you press the Stop-button.
    What you have to do is do put either the GUI in a thread of its own or start a new thread that will do the task of the IzvajajNeprekinjeno() method.
    This tutorial explains how to build a multi threaded gui.

  • Certificate support in Java Swing application

    Hi There,
    I am new to this Certificate thing and running into issues! Would appreciate for all the help and please ignore for any stupid questions.
    Here is my scenario.
    1. I do have a client server application and client is a java swing application which connects to a Server application (Using Jetty 4.2.22 as embedded server)
    2. Initially, it had a self signed certificate but goal is to support third party certificate (i.e import in the server and then show warning to the client during login)
    If somebody has already done this or point me to some example (using Jetty APIs) that would be great help. If not, here is what I am trying to do and some questions.
    1. I tried to get some free SSL certificate from the web and imported into the server's KeyStore.
    If I do a list from the server using Keystore, this is what it looks like
    keytool -list -keystore /tmp/keystore -storepass genview
    Keystore type: JKS
    Keystore provider: SUN
    Your keystore contains 2 entries
    self, Dec 3, 2008, PrivateKeyEntry,
    Certificate fingerprint (MD5): 0D:58:E8:77:89:09:F8:2B:37:64:37:D5:03:AD:C9:0B
    rapid, Jan 6, 2009, trustedCertEntry,
    Certificate fingerprint (MD5): 64:9C:EF:2E:44:FC:C6:8F:52:07:D0:51:73:8F:CB:3
    QUESTION 1 : why the third party certificate's entry as "trustedCertEntry"? Is it always like this? Do I need to have only one certificate at a time? (If so, just remove the self signed and have 3rd party one)
    My Jetty server comes up but when I connect from Client Swing App, the "getServerCertificates()" method only returns one entry i.e self signed one but not the third party one.
    I am using like this
    URL url = new URL("");
    HttpsURLConnection conn = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();
    Certificate[] certs = conn.getServerCertificates();
    Is not this API supposed to return all the server's certificate?
    Please guide me or instruct me what to do.

    Crossposted and answered.

  • How to create the digital clock in java swing application ?

    I want to create the running digital clock in my java swing application. Can someone throw some light on this how to do this ? Or If someone has done it then can someone pl. paste the code ?

    hi prah_Rich,
    I have created a digital clock you can use. You will most likely have to change some things to use it in another app although that shouldn't be too hard. A least it can give you some ideas on how to create one of your own. There are three classes.One that creates the numbers. a gui class and frame class.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    public class DigitalClock extends Panel{
              BasicStroke stroke = new BasicStroke(4,BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND,
              String hour1, hour2;
              String minute1, minute2;
              String second1, second2;
              String mill1, mill2, mill3;
              int hr1, hr2;
              int min1, min2;
              int sec1, sec2;
              int mll1, mll2,mll3;       
        public void update(Graphics g){
         public void paint(Graphics g){
              Graphics2D g2D = (Graphics2D)g;
              DigitalNumber num = new DigitalNumber(10,10,20,Color.cyan,;     
              GregorianCalendar c = new GregorianCalendar();
              String hour = String.valueOf(c.get(Calendar.HOUR));
              String minute = String.valueOf(c.get(Calendar.MINUTE));
              String second = String.valueOf(c.get(Calendar.SECOND));
              String milliSecond = String.valueOf(c.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND));
                   hour1 = hour.substring(0,1);
                   hour2 = hour.substring(1,2);
                   hour1 = "0";
                   hour2 = hour.substring(0,1);
                   minute1 = minute.substring(0,1);
                   minute2 = minute.substring(1,2);
                   minute1 = "0";
                   minute2 = minute.substring(0,1);
                   second1 = second.substring(0,1);
                   second2 = second.substring(1,2);
                   second1 = "0";
                   second2 = second.substring(0,1);
                   mill1 = milliSecond.substring(0,1);
                   mill2 = milliSecond.substring(1,2);
                   mill3 = milliSecond.substring(2,3);
              }else if(milliSecond.length()==2){
                   mill1 = "0";
                   mill2 = milliSecond.substring(0,1);
                   mill3 = milliSecond.substring(1,2);
                   mill1 = "0";
                   mill2 = "0";
                   mill3 = milliSecond.substring(0,1);
              hr1  = Integer.parseInt(hour1);     
              hr2  = Integer.parseInt(hour2);
              min1 = Integer.parseInt(minute1);
              min2 = Integer.parseInt(minute2);
              sec1 = Integer.parseInt(second1);
              sec2 = Integer.parseInt(second2);
              mll1 = Integer.parseInt(mill1);
              mll2 = Integer.parseInt(mill2);
                   if(!(hr1 == 0)){     
         String dayOfweek = "";     
                   dayOfweek = "Sunday, ";
                   dayOfweek = "Monday, ";
                   dayOfweek = "Tuesday, ";
                   dayOfweek = "Wednesday, ";
                   dayOfweek = "Thursday, ";
                   dayOfweek = "Friday, ";
                   dayOfweek = "Saturday, ";
         String month = "";     
                   month = "January ";
                   month = "February ";
                   month = "March ";
                   month = "April ";
                   month = "May ";
                   month = "June ";
                   month = "July ";
                   month = "August ";
                   month = "September ";
                   month = "October ";
                   month = "November ";
                   month = "December ";
         int day = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
         int year = c.get(Calendar.YEAR);
         Font font = new Font("serif",Font.PLAIN,24);
         g2D.drawString(dayOfweek+month+day+", "+year,10,80);
         public static void main(String args[]){
              AppFrame aframe = new AppFrame("Digital Clock");
              Container cpane = aframe.getContentPane();
              final DigitalClock dc = new DigitalClock();
              class Task extends TimerTask {
                 public void run() {
              java.util.Timer timer = new java.util.Timer();
             timer.schedule(new Task(),0L,250L);
    class DigitalNumber {
         private float x=0;
         private float y=0;
         private float size=5;
         private int number;
         private Shape s;
         private float space = 0;
         public static final int DOTS = 10;
         private Color on,off;
         DigitalNumber(float x,float y, float size,Color on,Color off){
              this.x = x;
              this.y = y;
              this.size = size;
              this.on = on;
     = off;
         public void drawNumber(int number,Graphics2D g){
              int flag = 0;
                        flag = 125;
                        flag = 96;
                        flag = 55;
                        flag = 103;
                        flag = 106;
                        flag = 79;
                        flag = 94;
                        flag = 97;
                        flag = 127;
                        flag = 107;
                        GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath();
              if((flag & 1) == 1){
              GeneralPath Top = new GeneralPath();
              Top.moveTo(x + space, y);
              Top.lineTo(x + size - space, y);
              if((flag & 2) == 2){
              GeneralPath Middle = new GeneralPath();
              Middle.moveTo(x + space, y + size); 
              Middle.lineTo(x + size - space,y + size);     
              if((flag & 4) == 4){
              GeneralPath Bottom = new GeneralPath();
              Bottom.moveTo(x + space, y + (size * 2));  
              Bottom.lineTo(x + size - space, y + (size * 2));
              if((flag & 8) == 8){
              GeneralPath TopLeft = new GeneralPath();     
              TopLeft.moveTo(x, y + space);
              TopLeft.lineTo(x, y + size - space);          
              if((flag & 16) == 16){
              GeneralPath BottomLeft = new GeneralPath();     
              BottomLeft.moveTo(x, y + size + space);
              BottomLeft.lineTo(x, y + (size * 2) - space);
              if((flag & 32) == 32){
              GeneralPath TopRight = new GeneralPath();     
              TopRight.moveTo(x + size, y + space);
              TopRight.lineTo(x + size, y + size - space);
              if((flag & 64) == 64){
              GeneralPath BottomRight = new GeneralPath();     
              BottomRight.moveTo(x + size, y + size + space);
              BottomRight.lineTo(x + size, y + (size * 2) - space);
         public void setSpacing(boolean spacingOn){
              if(spacingOn == false){
                   space = 0;
         public void setSpacing(boolean spacingOn,float gap){
                   gap = 2;
              if(spacingOn == true){
                   space = size/gap;
         public void setLocation(float x,float y){
              this.x = x;
              this.y = y;
         public void setSize(float size){
              this.size = size;
    class AppFrame extends JFrame{
              this("Demo Frame");
         AppFrame(String title){

  • How to print a JTable  in Java Swing ?

    I have an application written in java swing.Now I want to write a print module that prints some details.The details includes the JTextArea and JTable that changes in size dynamically.One solution i found is to put them in a panel and print that panel.But it is static.The size of JTable and JTextArea changes, according to the given input.Please give me a solution for this.

    Printing is a bit of a nightmare, actually. Most of the trouble is layout. Basically a Printable is passed a page number and a graphics context and has to work out what components go on that page and where. It can't depend on the pages being requested in sequence.
    You can call getPrintable from a JTable, and you can call that through your own Printable in order to add extra pages. However you can't ask a Printable how many pages it's going to produce, you just have to invoke it and see if it returns a code to say that the page is out of range.
    And the Printable JTable generates is very limited, the table has to occupy full pages, you can't tell it to start in a different place on the first page, or find out how much space it's used on the last page. The headers and footers generate JTable's own idea of a page number, not yours.
    You can call print() on most Swing components, but you'll need to set their size and location first, and/or mess with the transformation in the graphics context.

  • Loading large files in Java Swing GUI

    Hello Everyone!
    I am trying to load large files(more then 70 MB of xml text) in a Java Swing GUI. I tried several approaches,
    1)Byte based loading whith a loop similar to
                 InputStream file_reader = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream
                 int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;
                 byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
                 int bytesRead;
                 String line;
                 while ((bytesRead =, 0, BUFFER_SIZE)) != -1)
                      line = new String(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
                 }But this is gives me unacceptable response times for large files and runs out of Java Heap memory.
    2) I read in several places that I could load only small chunks of the file at a time and when the user scrolls upwards or downwards the next/previous chunk is loaded , to achieve this I am guessing extensive manipulation for the ScrollBar in the JScrollPane will be needed or adding an external JScrollBar perhaps? Can anyone provide sample code for that approach? (Putting in mind that I am writting code for an editor so I will be needing to interact via clicks and mouse wheel roatation and keyboard buttons and so on...)
    If anyone can help me, post sample code or point me to useful links that deal with this issue or with writting code for editors in general I would be very grateful.
    Thank you in advance.

    I'm replying to your question from another thread.
    To handle large files I used the new IO libary. I'm trying to remember off the top of my head but the classes involved were the RandomAccessFile, FileChannel and MappedByteBuffer. The MappedByteBuffer was the best way for me to read and write to the file.
    When opening the file I had to scan through the contents of the file using a swing worker thread and progress monitor. Whilst doing this I indexed the file into managable chunks. I also created a cache to further optimise file access.
    In all it worked really well and I was suprised by the performance of the new IO libraries. I remember loading 1GB files and whilst having to wait a few seconds to perform the indexing you wouldn't know that the data for the JList was being retrieved from a file whilst the application was running.
    Good Luck,

  • Java swing dynamic forms (in a loop)

    Hi All,
    Is it possible to dynamically create forms using java swing? What I mean to ask is that if I have the necessary information in a table, like the label and a corresponding text field, I can loop through and create the required number of fields. If I do it this way and when the users add text, will I not lose the ability to access each JTextField through its own variable? Is this possible? Basically, I need to be able to access each field through its own variable to do some additional validations on the text entered, etc. Please let me know, if it is possible through java swing.
    Any help in this regard is greatly appreciated.

    mrbean1975 wrote:
    ..Is it possible to dynamically create forms using java swing? If by java swing you mean Java Swing, then yes.

  • Session in java swing??

    Hi friends,
    I need to create session in java swing...
    I have a client running in swing and can access resources in multi-threaded server. I need to validate user using session. But i don't know how to use session.
    User has to login with username & password (authentication verified at server using socket communication).
    If successful the login frame vanishes and other options are displayed. user has a feature that he can send files to other
    user. so i need to use session for security purpose.
    Anyone help me with code
    Edited by: sathya_vn on Apr 20, 2008 5:41 PM

    Anyone help me with the code-----> u got tat wrong..
    I need to know how to use session with java swing. I requested if anyone has such code....
    This is a part of my project .
    Am using MySQL Database to store username and password.
    Cleint side interface has a frame (first frame--frame1) requesting client to provide login information. The login details <username and password> are sent to server. server validates whether the login info are correct or not and return true or false .
    If false the frame1 will show a JOptionPane ... message stating that wrong username or password specified.
    If true i need to create a session and other operations are done after session validation. I am using ssl socket.
    If u want the code then i have post around 300 or more lines..

  • Writing Urdu in java swing component

    Hi firiends,
    I am searching out how to write urdu as input in java swing JTextField. I have searched a lot but still i am unable to get right information. So plz guys help me how i do use urdu on java swing JTextField. i will be higly thankful to you..
    i am waiting your good reponses .

    This forum is exclusively for Sun Java Studio Creator. Please post your queries on appropriate forums to have better discussions :
    Swing Forum :
    Here are some helpful URLs :
    How to Use Text Areas

  • Problem in printing a java swing form

    Could anyone help me on how to set the page margings while I print a java swing form since it is taking a lot of space as margins in the top right top and bottom how do i do that. or is it that java can only print in the printable area or is there any way i can increase the scope of the printable area

    I used PrintRequestAttributeSet and set the margins to 0.5 on all four sides by creating an instance of MediaPrintableArea. By default, the margins on all sides comes up as 1.0 inch. Default paper size is LETTER (8.5 x 11).
    PrintRequestAttributeSet aset = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
    aset.add(new MediaPrintableArea(0.5f,0.5f,7.5f,10.0f,MediaPrintableArea.INCH);
    PrinterJob printJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
    hope it helps.

  • Invoking a Java swing application via its process id

    I have a Java swing application. What i am trying to do here is that when the user double-clicks the jar file to open it, if the Swing application is already open and is minimized, I need to maximize the open window and make it active.
    I tried using 'jps -l' command in my new instance, and with the help of Runtime.exec() am able to detect whether the application is already running or not, and if running, am able to get the process id and am displaying a message to user indicating the window is already open.
    But how do i maximize the window of an already running application? Is it possible?

    user13333704 wrote:
    I have a Java swing application. What i am trying to do here is that when the user double-clicks the jar file to open it, if the Swing application is already open and is minimized, I need to maximize the open window and make it active. That's not hard to do, but your proposed solution is hard to do. The usual way to have only one instance of a Java application running is this:
    Have the application open a SocketServer on a certain port number. Since only one process can listen on a port, the second instance of the application will fail when it tries to open the SocketServer. When that happens, the second instance should terminate instead of displaying its own GUI. Whether it terminates silently or whether it displays a dialog is up to you.
    If you want the second instance to communicate with the first instance, that's easy because the first instance is listening on the port. So the second instance could connect to that port and send a message to it. In your case the first instance would respond to that message by maximizing its GUI.

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