JFileChooser and Drop

What is the reason for not enabling a dnd drop in a JFilechooser...???
Is there a way around it...???

I think that has to do with the fact that a JFileChooser is meant to be a means to choose files (but I may be wrong, those class names are sometimes a bit cryptic).

Similar Messages

  • How to drag and drop files between two JFileChooser

    Sir i want to drag and drop files between two JFileChooser i don't know how to do that. So is there any reference code for that so that i can able to do it. I have enabled setDragEnabled(true) for both the jfilechooser now i don't now how to drop files in them means drag file from one jfilechooser and drop it to another JFileChooser,.
    Plz help me this is the requirement in my project.

    Note: This thread was originally posted in the [New To Java|http://forums.sun.com/forum.jspa?forumID=54] forum, but moved to this forum for closer topic alignment.

  • Drag and drop problem On Mac OS

    Hi guys,
    I have a java applet code running well on windows and Linux.it consists of dragging files from a JFileChooser and dropping them to a JTable.
    But the drag and drop feature doesn't work on Mac OS platforms.I don't get any errors log .simply files don't get dropped to JTable.
    In my code i simply use a TableTransferHandler registered on JTable and then setDragEnabled() for JFileChooser.
    What can i do to make my code run correctly on Mac OS ?
    thanks for helping

    For those interested, I got drag and drop working on the Mac. I got some help on the Apple-Dev forums, but basically, if you want to do your own drag and drop on the Mac OSX, you must have your transfer handler support StringFlavor. If it doesn't, it will not work.

  • How can I use Drap and Drop in Linux system?

    I try to use DnD in a item from "explorer" in Linux into my application, but it does atually not work. The same version is work well on Windows. Below is code (3 separated files):
    * FileAndTextTransferHandler.java is used by the 1.4
    * DragFileDemo.java example.
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.datatransfer.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    class FileAndTextTransferHandler extends TransferHandler {
        private DataFlavor fileFlavor, stringFlavor;
        private TabbedPaneController tpc;
        private JTextArea source;
        private boolean shouldRemove;
        protected String newline = "\n";
        //Start and end position in the source text.
        //We need this information when performing a MOVE
        //in order to remove the dragged text from the source.
        Position p0 = null, p1 = null;
        FileAndTextTransferHandler(TabbedPaneController t) {
           tpc = t;
           fileFlavor = DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor;
           stringFlavor = DataFlavor.stringFlavor;
        public boolean importData(JComponent c, Transferable t) {
            JTextArea tc;
            if (!canImport(c, t.getTransferDataFlavors())) {
                return false;
            //A real application would load the file in another
            //thread in order to not block the UI.  This step
            //was omitted here to simplify the code.
            try {
                if (hasFileFlavor(t.getTransferDataFlavors())) {
                    String str = null;
                    java.util.List files =
                    for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
                        File file = (File)files.get(i);
                        //Tell the tabbedpane controller to add
                        //a new tab with the name of this file
                        //on the tab.  The text area that will
                        //display the contents of the file is returned.
                        tc = tpc.addTab(file.toString());
                        BufferedReader in = null;
                        try {
                            in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
                            while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) {
                                tc.append(str + newline);
                        } catch (IOException ioe) {
                              "importData: Unable to read from file " +
                        } finally {
                            if (in != null) {
                                try {
                                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                                      "importData: Unable to close file " +
                    return true;
                } else if (hasStringFlavor(t.getTransferDataFlavors())) {
                    tc = (JTextArea)c;
                    if (tc.equals(source) && (tc.getCaretPosition() >= p0.getOffset()) &&
                                             (tc.getCaretPosition() <= p1.getOffset())) {
                        shouldRemove = false;
                        return true;
                    String str = (String)t.getTransferData(stringFlavor);
                    return true;
            } catch (UnsupportedFlavorException ufe) {
                System.out.println("importData: unsupported data flavor");
            } catch (IOException ieo) {
                System.out.println("importData: I/O exception");
            return false;
        protected Transferable createTransferable(JComponent c) {
            source = (JTextArea)c;
            int start = source.getSelectionStart();
            int end = source.getSelectionEnd();
            Document doc = source.getDocument();
            if (start == end) {
                return null;
            try {
                p0 = doc.createPosition(start);
                p1 = doc.createPosition(end);
            } catch (BadLocationException e) {
                  "Can't create position - unable to remove text from source.");
            shouldRemove = true;
            String data = source.getSelectedText();
            return new StringSelection(data);
        public int getSourceActions(JComponent c) {
            return COPY_OR_MOVE;
        //Remove the old text if the action is a MOVE.
        //However, we do not allow dropping on top of the selected text,
        //so in that case do nothing.
        protected void exportDone(JComponent c, Transferable data, int action) {
            if (shouldRemove && (action == MOVE)) {
                if ((p0 != null) && (p1 != null) &&
                    (p0.getOffset() != p1.getOffset())) {
                    try {
                        JTextComponent tc = (JTextComponent)c;
                           p0.getOffset(), p1.getOffset() - p0.getOffset());
                    } catch (BadLocationException e) {
                        System.out.println("Can't remove text from source.");
            source = null;
        public boolean canImport(JComponent c, DataFlavor[] flavors) {
            if (hasFileFlavor(flavors))   { return true; }
            if (hasStringFlavor(flavors)) { return true; }
            return false;
        private boolean hasFileFlavor(DataFlavor[] flavors) {
            for (int i = 0; i < flavors.length; i++) {
                if (fileFlavor.equals(flavors)) {
    return true;
    return false;
    private boolean hasStringFlavor(DataFlavor[] flavors) {
    for (int i = 0; i < flavors.length; i++) {
    if (stringFlavor.equals(flavors[i])) {
    return true;
    return false;
    * TabbedPaneController.java is used by the 1.4
    * DragFileDemo.java example.
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    * Class that manages area where the contents of
    * files are displayed.  When no files are present,
    * there is a simple JTextArea instructing users
    * to drop a file.  As soon as a file is dropped,
    * a JTabbedPane is placed into the window and
    * each file is displayed under its own tab.
    * When all the files are removed, the JTabbedPane
    * is removed from the window and the simple
    * JTextArea is again displayed.
    public class TabbedPaneController {
        JPanel tabbedPanel = null;
        JTabbedPane tabbedPane;
        JPanel emptyFilePanel = null;
        JTextArea emptyFileArea = null;
        FileAndTextTransferHandler transferHandler;
        boolean noFiles = true;
        String fileSeparator;
        public TabbedPaneController(JTabbedPane tb, JPanel tp) {
            tabbedPane = tb;
            tabbedPanel = tp;
            transferHandler = new FileAndTextTransferHandler(this);
            fileSeparator = System.getProperty("file.separator");
            //The split method in the String class uses
            //regular expressions to define the text used for
            //the split.  The forward slash "\" is a special
            //character and must be escaped.  Some look and feels,
            //such as Microsoft Windows, use the forward slash to
            //delimit the path.
            if ("\\".equals(fileSeparator)) {
                fileSeparator = "\\\\";
        public JTextArea addTab(String filename) {
            if (noFiles) {
                tabbedPanel.add(tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
                noFiles = false;
            String[] str = filename.split(fileSeparator);
            return makeTextPanel(str[str.length-1], filename);
        //Remove all tabs and their components, then put the default
        //file area back.
        public void clearAll() {
            if (noFiles == false) {
        private void init() {
            String defaultText =
                "Select one or more files from the file chooser and drop here...";
            noFiles = true;
            if (emptyFilePanel == null) {
                emptyFileArea = new JTextArea(20,15);
                emptyFileArea.setMargin(new Insets(5,5,5,5));
                JScrollPane fileScrollPane = new JScrollPane(emptyFileArea);
                emptyFilePanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(), false);
                emptyFilePanel.add(fileScrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            tabbedPanel.add(emptyFilePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        protected JTextArea makeTextPanel(String name, String toolTip) {
            JTextArea fileArea = new JTextArea(20,15);
            fileArea.setMargin(new Insets(5,5,5,5));
            JScrollPane fileScrollPane = new JScrollPane(fileArea);
            tabbedPane.addTab(name, null, (Component)fileScrollPane, toolTip);
            return fileArea;
    * DragFileDemo.java is a 1.4 example that
    * requires the following file:
    *    FileAndTextTransferHandler.java
    *    TabbedPaneController.java
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class DragFileDemo extends JPanel
                              implements ActionListener {
        JTextArea fileArea;
        JFileChooser fc;
        JButton clear;
        TabbedPaneController tpc;
        public DragFileDemo() {
            super(new BorderLayout());
            fc = new JFileChooser();;
            JPanel fcPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
            fcPanel.add(fc, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            clear = new JButton("Clear All");
            JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
            buttonPanel.add(clear, BorderLayout.LINE_END);
            JPanel upperPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
            upperPanel.add(fcPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            upperPanel.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.PAGE_END);
            //The TabbedPaneController manages the panel that
            //contains the tabbed pane.  When there are no files
            //the panel contains a plain text area.  Then, as
            //files are dropped onto the area, the tabbed panel
            //replaces the file area.
            JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
            JPanel tabPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
            tpc = new TabbedPaneController(tabbedPane, tabPanel);
            JSplitPane splitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT,
                upperPanel, tabPanel);
            splitPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(530, 650));
            add(splitPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        public void setDefaultButton() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            if (e.getSource() == clear) {
         * Create the GUI and show it.  For thread safety,
         * this method should be invoked from the
         * event-dispatching thread.
        private static void createAndShowGUI() {
            //Make sure we have nice window decorations.
            //Create and set up the window.
            JFrame frame = new JFrame("DragFileDemo");
            //Create and set up the menu bar and content pane.
            DragFileDemo demo = new DragFileDemo();
            demo.setOpaque(true); //content panes must be opaque
            //Display the window.
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            //Schedule a job for the event-dispatching thread:
            //creating and showing this application's GUI.
            javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {

    I'm currently using Linux Fedora system.
    Doesn't matter. There's no standard way for D&D on Linux, no single API.
    Every application has its own mechanism which may or may not be compatible with any other.
    Gnome and KDE groups are doing some work to provide a common standard but as you know the Linux zealots are completely opposed to anyone telling them what to do (such as creating standards) and won't in general follow them.

  • Drag and drop images from document in pages 5.5

    Hey guys,
    So prior to updating my OS to Yosemite and my pages application to 5.5, i used to be able to select an image, hit the format button to the top right -> image tab and see the image file, then i could just drag and drop that file to my desktop (or wherever). Now i don't have that option? To get around this i've been renaming my file to a .zip and extracting it, but this is just a pain in the butt! Am i missing something, can i still do this and i just can't find it?

    To be more precise, you can setup a JComponent or JPanel on top of your JavaFX nodes that has a TransferHandler that can convert the (AWT/Swing) images dragged to the app to JavaFX image and then insert it into the underlying node.
    As for the file chooser itselft: ListView and the JavaFX composer can allow you to create one quite easily. TreeView can aslso be used to a lesser extend (still a big buggy). For both of these, there are small bugs in the Cell API that may (or may not) prevent from displaying a proper thumbnail in the cells.
    You can also use a regular JFileChooser if you do not mind the dialog box having a different LnF from the rest of your application.

  • Drag and drop images from the OS or select images over filebrowser

    I want to create an image upload tool in JavaFX with similar functionality like Jumploader (http://jumploader.com/). The users should be able to select images from the filesystem that will be resized and uploaded to their website, similar as in Facebook. The difference is that I want users to be able to crop images directly in my application. This is something, other upload tools do not offer.
    I was searching weeks on the web trying to find a sample on how to drag and drop images in to a JavaFX 1.3.1 app or also to create a file browser. I have found many examples but they seem to be outdated. Is it to early yet to try and start projects like these with JavaFX as JavaFX is still under development? Or can anybody lead me in to the right direction?

    To be more precise, you can setup a JComponent or JPanel on top of your JavaFX nodes that has a TransferHandler that can convert the (AWT/Swing) images dragged to the app to JavaFX image and then insert it into the underlying node.
    As for the file chooser itselft: ListView and the JavaFX composer can allow you to create one quite easily. TreeView can aslso be used to a lesser extend (still a big buggy). For both of these, there are small bugs in the Cell API that may (or may not) prevent from displaying a proper thumbnail in the cells.
    You can also use a regular JFileChooser if you do not mind the dialog box having a different LnF from the rest of your application.

  • I used to be able to copy or drag and drop links from the address window. Now with the update, only the address is copied or dragged not the link. (Says something about not giving site information). I want to be able to drag and drop or copy links.

    I used to be able to copy or drag and drop links from the address window. Now with the update, only the address is copied or dragged not the link. (Says something about not giving site information). I want to be able to drag and drop or copy links.

    To be more precise, you can setup a JComponent or JPanel on top of your JavaFX nodes that has a TransferHandler that can convert the (AWT/Swing) images dragged to the app to JavaFX image and then insert it into the underlying node.
    As for the file chooser itselft: ListView and the JavaFX composer can allow you to create one quite easily. TreeView can aslso be used to a lesser extend (still a big buggy). For both of these, there are small bugs in the Cell API that may (or may not) prevent from displaying a proper thumbnail in the cells.
    You can also use a regular JFileChooser if you do not mind the dialog box having a different LnF from the rest of your application.

  • JFilechooser and droptarget

    I've managed to be able to drop files into a jfilechooser (using droptarget), but the drop somehow targets the wrong part of jfilechooser
    new DropTarget( jFileChooser, this);
    When I try the above, the drop only works on the scrollbar of jFileChooser (I can drop stuff on the scrollbar, but not in the file window). Do I need to target a sub-component of jFileChooser with DropTarget, if so how?

    Don't know if it is the best way, but since I couldn't tell which sub-component of JFilechooser to use, I iterated through the JFilechooser and attached drop targets to all components within. Looks like it solved the problem.

  • I want to Sync my iPhone 4 to iTunes however I get an error message from iTunes each time I connect the phone to the PC saying that I should restore to factory settings. Frustrating because it's already annoying enough that I can't drag and drop mp3's!!!

    I have never been so frustrated before in my life with any phone. I find it obnoxious as it is that I cannot simply drag and drop files (especially MP3's) straight from my PC directly into my phone, which I have been used to doing up until now. Everyone who convinced me to get the iPhone has instructed me that my frustration can be fixed by downloading iTunes and syncing it all up via that program (which I have never used before). So, I downloaded the program successfully, however when I connect the iPhone 4 to the PC and iTunes is open, I get an error message that 'iTunes cannot read the content of the iPhone "iPhone" and that I should go to the Preferences tab of the iPhone and select 'restore' to restore this phone to factory settings. First of all, I don't understand why I need to do that. I have already downloaded apps and other important things in the 2 days that I have the phone. I am also scared that it will erase my contacts. This is such a headache. Music is very imporatant to me, but I am getting so frustrated that I don't have freedom over the phone which I thought was supposed to be one of the best out there. I would really appreciate help in this matter. I am sure the phone is great but I am on the verge of taking it back and getting something else.

    Hey joshuafromisr,
    If you resintall iTunes, it should fix the issue. The following document will go over how to remove iTunes fully and then reinstall. Depending on what version of Windows you're running you'll either follow the directions here:
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
    or here:
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7

  • When I drag and drop an icon from the address bar to the desktop is does creat the shortcut but will not display the website icon, only the firefox icon, how can I display website icons?

    When I drag and drop a website icon from the Forefox address bar to the desk top, the short cut is created but the icon that appears is the firefox Icon. I want to disply the icon from the website that the short cut refers to. I have checked all I can think of in my computer to no avail.

    You have to assign the favicon yourself to the desktop shortcut (right-click the shortcut: Properties) after you have dragged the link to the desktop.
    You can usually find the favicon in Tools >Page Info > Media and save the icon there.
    Otherwise use the main domain of the website and add favicon.ico (e.g. mozilla.com/favicon.ico ) to display the favicon in a tab and save that image to a folder.

  • Is there any way of dragging and dropping an iCal event showing in week view across to a date in the left sidebar monthly calendar?

    Hi, Im not a frequent forum poster, as most of my questions can be found already answered on them!
    This is a question Ive had for a long time and it amazes me that no-one else seems to ask it. I check at each OS upgrade but its never there...
    Is there any way of dragging and dropping an iCal event showing in week view across to a date in the left sidebar monthly calendar?
    I was able to do this years ago in MS Outlook, and utilized it all the time when I needed to push things back, now I have to open the event and select an new date in the drop-down calendar for each & every event I want to move to a new month at the end of the month.
    If its definitely not possible, how to you ask apple to consider including it - it doesnt seem like a particularly difficult task.

    Is there any way of dragging and dropping an iCal event showing in week view across to a date in the left sidebar monthly calendar?
    No, but you can use cut/paste. Cut (⌘X) the event, then click on the week where you want to move the event, and Paste (⌘V).
    If you have a suggestion for Apple to change that method use: Apple - Mac OS X - Feedback.

  • Why does not drag and drop work?!

    I am trying to implent a drag and drop from a table to an icon representing a trash.
    The drop handler fails in converting the selected rows to a list:
    com.sun.el.MethodExpressionImpl@87d9c00d javax.el.ELException: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.List
    Could you help me to understand why? Below are the details.
    This is the af:table:
    <af:table var="row" rowBandingInterval="0" id="t1"
    verticalGridVisible="false" fetchSize="-1"
    autoHeightRows="6" width="190"
    <af:column sortable="true" headerText="Entry" id="c1"
    <af:outputText value="#{row.Description}" id="ot1"/>
    <af:dragSource actions="MOVE" defaultAction="MOVE"
    This is the drop area:
    <af:image source="Images/empty_trash_32.png" id="i2">
    <af:dropTarget dropListener="#{backingBeanScope.DropHandlerBean.dropHandler}"
    <af:dataFlavor flavorClass="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet"
    This is the failing listener listener (the failing point is bold):
    public DnDAction dropHandler(DropEvent dropEvent) {
    DnDAction dnda = DnDAction.NONE;
    if (dropEvent.getProposedAction() == DnDAction.MOVE) { // delete
    RichTable table = (RichTable)dropEvent.getDragComponent();
    //determine the rows that are dragged over
    Transferable t = dropEvent.getTransferable();
    //when looking for data, use the same discriminator as defined
    //on the drag source
    DataFlavor<RowKeySet> df =
    DataFlavor.getDataFlavor(RowKeySet.class, "delete");
    RowKeySet rks = t.getData(df);
    if (rks == null) {
    return DnDAction.NONE;
    Iterator iter = rks.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
    //get next selected row key
    System.out.println(rks.toArray().length); // the number of selected rows is ok
    List key = (List)iter.next(); // here gives: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.List
    //make row current so we can access it
    //the table model represents its row by the ADF binding class,
    //which is JUCtrlHierNodeBinding
    JUCtrlHierNodeBinding rowBinding =
    Row row = (Row)rowBinding.getRow();
    //delete row;
    //activate animation
    dnda = DnDAction.MOVE;
    return dnda;

    I did try, I obtained this:
    Why NullPointerException?
    I don't know if this helps, but consider that the collection model comes from a ViewObject built on three EOs with many fields, although the table only shows one column.
    This is the Iterator in my pageDef:
    <table IterBinding="MyView1Iterator" id="MyView1">
    <Item Value="Cod1"/>
    <Item Value="Cod2"/>
    <Item Value="Cod3"/>
    <Item Value="Cod4"/>
    <Item Value="Description"/>
    <Item Value="Cod5"/>
    Any idea?
    I will see the Key content with the debugger.

  • Did my first back up today using external hard drive and time machine now i can't drag and drop

    Hi, i did my first back up today using time machine it all went onto my external hard drive fine. Now i cant drag and drop anyhting. I assume ive cahnged some settings in time machine but cant figure it out what to do can some one help ?

    Brandbasher wrote:
    Thanks Pondini but i have closed time machine, removed external hard drive.
    Did you eject it first?
    Now i cant drag and drop anything on my desk top, or mail or any other application. Ive tried moving folders, documents none of it works. Even moving around documents within a folder, it wont let me chnage the position of files.
    That shouldn't be related to Time Machine (especially if the backups aren't mounted).
    What happens when you try those things?  Do you get any messages?  Anything you can post a screenshot of?
    Have you tried a Restart?
    Does it happen in another user account?  (If you don't have one, create one via System Prefs > Users & Groups.)

  • Drag and Drop (re-order) Thumbnails in Organizer

    I am using Photoshop Elements version 5.0.2
    I would like to re-order pictures in an order that will make sense for me in my business. I suppose I can go through each pix and change the time on them, so I can then sort by time stamp.
    Is there an easier way to do this? I was hopeful that I could drag and drop them in Thumbnail view - but I cannot.
    Thank you,

    >Is there anyway to delete the photos in the main well, without losing them from my collection?
    As I understand the design, the main well is intended to be all the photos that you are managing with Photoshop Elements.
    Collections are used to display a specific group of those photos in your chosen sequence for any given activity.
    I suspect that since you are using a consumer product such as Photoshop Elements for your business purpose, you may need to make some compromises like having a default (the main photo well) display sequence which you see first when starting PSE that is not what you would choose.
    This is not bad if PSE does what you want - just additional steps to switch to the Collection view and also to maintain (drag and drop) the sequencing of the collection when you add additional photo files to a Collection.

  • Problems with ListViews Drag and Drop

    I'm surprised that there isn't an Active X control that can do this more
    easily? Would
    be curious to find out if there is - although we aren't really embracing the
    use of
    them within Forte because it locks you into the Microsoft arena.
    ---------------------- Forwarded by Peggy Lynn Adrian/AM/LLY on 02/03/98 01:33
    PM ---------------------------
    "Stokesbary, Michael" <[email protected]> on 02/03/98 12:19:52 PM
    Please respond to "Stokesbary, Michael" <[email protected]>
    To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
    Subject: Problems with ListViews Drag and Drop
    I am just curious as to other people's experiences with the ListView
    widget when elements in it are set to be draggable. In particular, I am
    currently trying to design an interface that looks a lot like Windows
    Explorer where a TreeView resides on the left side of the window and a
    ListView resides on the right side. Upon double clicking on the
    ListView, if the current node that was clicked on was a folder, then the
    TreeView expands this folder and the contents are then displayed in the
    ListView, otherwise, it was a file and it is brought up in Microsoft
    Word. All this works great if I don't have the elements in the ListView
    widget set to be draggable. If they are set to be draggable, then I am
    finding that the DoubleClick event seems to get registered twice along
    with the ObjectDrop event. This is not good because if I double click
    and the current node is a folder, then it will expand this folder in the
    TreeView, display the contents in the ListView, grab the node that is
    now displayed where that node used to be displayed and run the events
    for that as well. What this means, is that if this is a file, then Word
    is just launched and no big deal. Unfortunately, if this happens to be
    another directory, then the previous directory is dropped into this
    current directory and a recursive copy gets performed, giving me one
    heck of a deep directory tree for that folder.
    Has anybody else seen this, or am I the only lucky one to experience.
    If need be, I do have this exported in a .pex file if anybody needs to
    look at it more closely.
    Thanks in advance.
    Michael Stokesbary
    Software Engineer
    GTE Government Systems Corporation
    tel: (650) 966-2975
    e-mail: [email protected]

    here is the required code....
    private static class TreeDragGestureListener implements DragGestureListener {
         public void dragGestureRecognized(DragGestureEvent dragGestureEvent) {
         // Can only drag leafs
         JTree tree = (JTree) dragGestureEvent.getComponent();
         TreePath path = tree.getSelectionPath();
         if (path == null) {
              // Nothing selected, nothing to drag
              System.out.println("Nothing selected - beep");
         } else {
              DefaultMutableTreeNode selection = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) path
              if (selection.isLeaf()) {
              TransferableTreeNode node = new TransferableTreeNode(
                   node, new MyDragSourceListener());
              } else {
              System.out.println("Not a leaf - beep");

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