JJ Form - Mat Document

Hi Friends,
I've created a JJ Form(Smartform) and it's to be called by material document number thru tcode MB02 or MB90.
For this, My MM consulatnat has also created a new output type in ME-inventory management with my calling print output program 'RLE_DELNOTE' and my form name.
But when calling the output thru Tcode MB02/MB90, the Form is not coming out and it saying output could not be found....and also in log, it says,
Note: Log not from current processing run
Processing log for program RLE_DELNOTE routine ENTRY
There were no deliveries that matched the criteria you specified.
If i assign my inventroy management calling program, it says the output could not be found and Processing routine  in program ZMMSS0002 does not exist.
(my smartform working fine while executing thru FM)
Pls advise me, where i did the mistake and how to assing my calling print program and form routine.
thanks & regards

please help for above mentioned material JJ FROM printout

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    Integrated into WD application means -> Interactive form generated in SFP transaction is used in abap webdynpro application.
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      <MANDT />
      <REQ_NUM />
      <REQ_DESC>blah blah blah</REQ_DESC>
      <MOD_TYPE>SAP Note manual changes</MOD_TYPE>
      <TECH_SCRIPT />
      <REASON />
      <REG_STATUS />
      <REJ_REASON />
      <APP_DATE />
      <REJ_DATE />
      <APPROVER />
      <REG_DATE />
      <MANDT />
      <REQ_NUM />
      <ACCESSKEY />
      <MANDT />
      <REQ_NUM />
      <ACCESSKEY />

    I have solved this one with the help of another collegue.
    To simplify, we changed the XML to be as follows:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
      <MANDT />
      <REQ_NUM />
      <REQ_DESC>Key required for pricing routines</REQ_DESC>
      <MOD_TYPE>SAP Note: Manual Changes</MOD_TYPE>
      <TECH_SCRIPT>TS-2498 Pricing Routines</TECH_SCRIPT>
      <REASON>New pricing routines required</REASON>
      <REG_STATUS />
      <REJ_REASON />
      <APP_DATE />
      <REJ_DATE />
      <APPROVER />
      <REG_DATE />
      <MANDT />
      <REQ_NUM />
      <ACCESSKEY />
      <MANDT />
      <REQ_NUM />
      <ACCESSKEY />
    This maps directly to 1 dictionary structure that exists within our system containing all of the same components. PIM_REQUEST has a corresponding SAP dictionary structure Y_REQUEST_HDR which is a deep structure and has within it a structure REQ_HDR and a table KEY_DETAILS.
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    <?sap.transform simple?>
    <tt:transform xmlns:tt="http://www.sap.com/transformation-templates">
      <tt:root name="root"/>
            <tt:copy ref="root"/>
    Alternatively the following 2 options also work:
    Option 2:
    <?sap.transform simple?>
    <tt:transform xmlns:tt="http://www.sap.com/transformation-templates">
      <tt:root name="root"/>
              <tt:copy ref="root.REQ_HDR"/>
              <tt:loop name="KEY_DETAILS" ref="root.KEY_DETAILS">
                  <tt:copy ref="$KEY_DETAILS"/>
    Option 3:
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    <tt:transform xmlns:tt="http://www.sap.com/transformation-templates">
      <tt:root name="root"/>
              <MANDT tt:value-ref="root.REQ_HDR.MANDT"/>
              <REQ_NUM tt:value-ref="root.REQ_HDR.REQ_NUM"/>
              <REQ_DESC tt:value-ref="root.REQ_HDR.REQ_DESC"/>
              <PROC_AREA tt:value-ref="root.REQ_HDR.PROC_AREA"/>
              <REQUESTED tt:value-ref="root.REQ_HDR.REQUESTED"/>
              <REQUIRED tt:value-ref="root.REQ_HDR.REQUIRED"/>
              <REQUESTOR tt:value-ref="root.REQ_HDR.REQUESTOR"/>
              <MOD_TYPE tt:value-ref="root.REQ_HDR.MOD_TYPE"/>
              <SAPNOTE_NUM tt:value-ref="root.REQ_HDR.SAPNOTE_NUM"/>
              <SAPMSG_NUM tt:value-ref="root.REQ_HDR.SAPMSG_NUM"/>
              <TECH_SCRIPT tt:value-ref="root.REQ_HDR.TECH_SCRIPT"/>
              <REASON tt:value-ref="root.REQ_HDR.REASON"/>
              <DEV_ENV tt:value-ref="root.REQ_HDR.DEV_ENV"/>
              <INSTALL_NO tt:value-ref="root.REQ_HDR.INSTALL_NO"/>
              <BASIS_REL tt:value-ref="root.REQ_HDR.BASIS_REL"/>
              <REG_STATUS tt:value-ref="root.REQ_HDR.REG_STATUS"/>
              <REJ_REASON tt:value-ref="root.REQ_HDR.REJ_REASON"/>
              <APP_DATE tt:value-ref="root.REQ_HDR.APP_DATE"/>
              <REJ_DATE tt:value-ref="root.REQ_HDR.REJ_DATE"/>
              <APPROVER tt:value-ref="root.REQ_HDR.APPROVER"/>
              <REGISTRATOR tt:value-ref="root.REQ_HDR.REGISTRATOR"/>
              <REG_DATE tt:value-ref="root.REQ_HDR.REG_DATE"/>
              <tt:loop ref="root.KEY_DETAILS" name="KEY_DETAILS">
                  <MANDT tt:value-ref="$KEY_DETAILS.MANDT"/>
                  <REQ_NUM tt:value-ref="$KEY_DETAILS.REQ_NUM"/>
                  <PGMID tt:value-ref="$KEY_DETAILS.PGMID"/>
                  <OBJECT tt:value-ref="$KEY_DETAILS.OBJECT"/>
                  <OBJ_NAME tt:value-ref="$KEY_DETAILS.OBJ_NAME"/>
                  <ACCESSKEY tt:value-ref="$KEY_DETAILS.ACCESSKEY"/>

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    For Forms, you can check the Forms Upgrade Center on OTN at http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/forms/htdocs/upgrade/index.html.

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    Any ideas?

    I believe you mean a document level JavaScript, Entering Document Level Scripts, since a Folder level script would require the placing of the code into one of the Acrobat Application's JavaScript folder on the user machine, Entering Folder Level Scripts. Placing the JS code as a Document Level Sept will clear the form when the form is opened. One could also use the Page Open action if additional code is added to prevent re clearing the form if part of a multi page document and one navigates back to the original page.
    You should also consider turning off auto complete and auto caching of form data.
    Minimizing Exposure of Personal Information on Public Computers

  • Acrobat 9 Pro Forms - Limited Document Editing Features

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    Hope somebody can help.
    Thanks in anticipation

    Many thanks for your response. However, it appears by way of trial and error the features which I referred in my post are not available in 'Form Editing' mode in Acrobat 9 pro.Once this application environment is closed the full rage of Document-Sub menu features become available.  So my post this was down to lack of experience using the new application - but wasnt clear in the'How To' book I purchased!  Nevertheless, thanks for your help.  I am now self learning Life Cycle Designer as a way of creating 'E-Worksheets' for my learners (I am in the education sector).  The original problem related to an examination paper (in PDF format) I was converting for similar use but needed to delete superflous pages.

  • Setting "Filling of Form Fields" document property to "Not allowed"

    I am using Adobe LiveCycle Forms, and I want to set the property "Filling of Form Fields" as "not allowed" in the pdf documents it renders (that property
    can be found in the "Document Properties" window of Adobe Reader, under the Security Tab).
    Is there any way to set it , in the server (using the EJBClient class that renders the form) or
    in the client (via javascript)?.

    [email protected] wrote:
    > I am using Adobe LiveCycle Forms, and I want to set the property "Filling of Form Fields" as "not allowed" in the pdf documents it renders (that property
    > can be found in the "Document Properties" window of Adobe Reader, under the Security Tab).
    > Is there any way to set it , in the server (using the EJBClient class that renders the form) or
    > in the client (via javascript)?.
    > Thanks
    You should be able to set this on your XDP file from within Designer. Go to File-->Form Properties
    and you'll see a PDF security tab there with the same options you have in Reader.
    Justin Klei
    Cardinal Solutions Group

  • Send PDF form IPad document doesnt appear in email.

    I use the Ipad for sending PDF's to clients and internal coworkers
    the emial looks like it makes it out looking at the sent mail from the ipad
    but the attachment is compromized - outlook user says "no attachment"
    If I save a draft of the email first often the sent PDF file will make it thorugh - but not always.
    This was the last issue
    - This is what I see in my "out box" in outlook on the PC
    On the Ipad - every thing looks great.
    What is the problem - ibooks - email on  Ipad.- What are your sugestions.

    My final solution was to post the form and offer a link to dowload/install Adobe Reader and to also offer a link for Chrome users.
    * I will continue to look for a better solution, but at least the above is functioning.
    **I also set my bUI to true.
    Many thanks, Tim
    P.S.  I did report this to Google Chrome, heard nothing yet.  Also if you think of a better solution let me know.  I'm not familiar with javascript........I have a better understanding of HTML.......if this were HTML I would have done the below.
    <script type="text/javascript">
    alert("this is an alert");
    function go() {
                    var location = document.getElementById("location").value;
                    //console.println("location: = " + location);
                    var email = "";
                    email = "[email protected]";
                    if (location == "Select a location")
                                                    alert("You need to select a location first");
                    else if (location == "Other")
                                    email = "[email protected]";
                    if (email != "")
                                    //this.mailDoc({bUI:true,cTo:email,cSubject:location,cMsg:"Completed Employee Appointment Request Attached"});
                                                    window.open('mailto:' + email + '?subject=' + encodeURIComponent(location));
                    This is a test
                    <input type="text" id="location" value="Select a location">
                    <input type="button" value="submit" onclick="go()">

Maybe you are looking for