JNDI NamingException: No location specified and no suitable instance

I'm trying to deply an application (an EAR file) and I'm getting the following error:
javax.naming.NamingException: Error instantiating web-app JNDI-context: No location specified and no suitable instance of the type 'com.foo.shell.CommandShellLocal' found for the ejb-local-ref CommandShell
So... "no location" and "no suitable instance".
The instance (meaning, the com.foo.shell.CommandShellLocal class) does exist in the JAR file included in my EAR file. Is the error referring to something else when it says 'instance'?
What about "no location"? What location is the error message referring to? Am I missing env:java/CommandShell or some such?
What I have in my web.xml is this:
The error message is referring to something in the above definition being wrong. I can't spot an error.... am I doing something wrong?
I also have this in my ejb-jar.xml:
<description>Command Shell</description>
Am I doing something wrong? Missing something? Aaaany help would be muuuuch appreciated. I am trying to migrate from JBoss to OAS.

Does anyone have any ideas about the above? Where should I start looking? Could anyone from Oracle help out? We are trying to migrate from JBoss to OAS. I've been stuck on this for a few days now...and we want to migrate... yesterday. :(

Similar Messages

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    I'm trying to deploy an application (an EAR file) and I'm getting the following error:
    javax.naming.NamingException: Error instantiating web-app JNDI-context: No location specified and no suitable instance of the type 'com.foo.shell.CommandShellLocal' found for the ejb-local-ref CommandShell
    The issue is that I'm not sure what exactly this error message is saying is missing from my descriptors.
    It mentions "no location" and "no suitable instance".
    The instance (meaning, the com.foo.shell.CommandShellLocal class) does exist in the JAR file included in my EAR file. Is the error referring to something else when it says "no suitable instance"?
    What about "no location"? What location is the error message referring to? Am I missing env:java/CommandShell or some such?
    What I have in my web.xml is this:
    The error message is referring to something in the above definition being wrong. I can't spot an error.... am I doing something wrong?
    I also have this in my ejb-jar.xml:
    <description>Command Shell</description>
    Am I doing something wrong? Missing something? Aaaany help would be muuuuch appreciated. I am trying to migrate from JBoss to OAS and I've been stuck on this for a few days already. :(

    Is it possible that something is wrong with my JNDI setup?
    The only JNDI reference I see in j2ee/home/config is in file called jndi.properties:
    However, I don't think there is JNDI listening on that 23791 port:
    $ telnet localhost 23791
    telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
    Furthermore, I am using OC4J in the OAS context that includes an Admin app. In this app I can see the list of ports that the instance is listening to, but there is no port 23791 and there is nothing labeled as JNDI.
    I have a feeling that my EJB cannot be looked up simply because JNDI is not up.
    Could anyone help with that? How do I make sure JNDI is up?

  • Migrating from 903 to 904: what changed in JNDI calls to EJB's and topics

    Hello all,
    First of all this all works fine in 903, the problem is occuring when I try to deploy our appliction on 904.
    My problem is that the web tier can't find references to ejb's and my MDB fails at deployment because the reference to the topic fails.
    Here are the error messages:
    Error loading package at file:/C:/Oracle/904Prod/j2ee/home/applications/sdr/ejb/SDRSysAlertMDB/, Error deploying file:/C:/Oracle/904Prod/j2ee/home/applications/sdr/ejb/SDRSysAlertMDB/ homes: No location set for Topic resource MessageDrivenBean SDRSysAlertMDB
    Error instantiating web-app JNDI-context: No location specified and no suitable instance of the type 'ControllerEJB' found for the ejb-ref ejb/ControllerEJB
    And ideas of where to look would be appreciated.

    Steve, thanks for your quick response. I have 2 problems here.
    What we are covering is the MDB problem below. I'll start with that one first and then work on the web tier referencing the EJB failing problem later.
    Short answer is yes I have those attributes. Here are my (edited)config files.
              <message-driven-deployment max-instances="1"
    <topic-connection-factory name="SysAlertTopicConnectionFactory" location="jms/SysAlertTopicConnectionFactory" host="*******" port = "*******" username = "******" password = "********"/>
         <topic name="SysAlertTopic" location="jms/SysAlertTopic"/>
    The error:
    Auto-deploying - compiling and loading...
    Error deploying file:/***SysAlertMDBBean*****/ homes: No location set for Topic resource MessageDrivenBean SysAlertMDB Error in application sdr: Error loading package at file:/***SysAlertMDBBean*****/ , Error deploying file:/***SysAlertMDBBean*****/ / homes: No location set for Topic resource MessageDrivenBean SysAlertMDB
    04/03/22 12:48:47 done.
    04/03/22 12:48:47 Error instantiating application 'sdr' at file:/********/: Error initializing ejb-module; Exception Error in application sdr: Error loading package at file:/***SysAlertMDBBean*****/ /, Error deploying file:/***SysAlertMDBBean*****/ / homes: No location set for Topic resource MessageDrivenBean SysAlertMDB

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    Hey jemerritt,
    Thanks for the question. I understand you are experiencing issues with iTunes for Windows. The following resources may help to resolve your issue:
    iTunes 11.1.4 for Windows: Unable to install or open
    Issues installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows
    Matt M.

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    we are working on server to server APIs that will allow you to fetch data (items) from node.
    when that is available you'll be able to get the user list from the UserManager node.

  • ORA-22275: invalid LOB locator specified

    I use Oracle APEX 4.2.2... Listener 2.0.3 .... Glassfish server 4.0.
    When I run this procedure ( that is used in this tutorial )
    I get ORA-22275: invalid LOB locator specified.
    The error persists over Glass fish 3.0.2, Listener 2.0.1 and 2.0.2.
    Also, I installed this patch 16803775, but to not avail.
            v_mime  VARCHAR2(48);
            v_length  NUMBER;
            v_file_name VARCHAR2(2000);
            Lob_loc  BLOB;
            SELECT MIMETYPE, CONTENT, filename,DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(content)
                    INTO v_mime,lob_loc,v_file_name,v_length
                    FROM image
                    WHERE id = 70;
                  -- set up HTTP header
                        -- use an NVL around the mime type and
                        -- if it is a null set it to application/octect
                        -- application/octect may launch a download window from windows
                        owa_util.mime_header( nvl(v_mime,'application/octet'), FALSE );
                    -- set the size so the browser knows how much to download
                    htp.p('Content-length: ' || v_length);
                    -- the filename will be used by the browser if the users does a save as
                    htp.p('Content-Disposition:  attachment; filename="'||replace(replace(substr(v_file_name,instr(v_file_name,'/')+1),chr(10),null),chr(13),null)|| '"');
                    -- close the headers  
                    -- download the BLOB
                    wpg_docload.download_file( Lob_loc );
    end  ;
    Any help pls, in getting that procedure works ?

    replace this statement
    select empty_clob() into c_xml from dual for update;
    dbms_lob.createtemporary(c_xml, TRUE);

  • ORA-22275 :invalid LOB locator specified error while loading BLOBs/CLOBS.

    Hello All,
    I am trying to load BLOB/CLOB data from a client oracle DB to the oracle db on our side,we are using ODI version,which reportedly has the issue of loading BLOB/CLOBS solved.I am using
    The extraction fails in the loading stage when inserting data into the C$ table with the following error.
    "22275:99999 :java.sql.BatchUpdateException:ORA-22275:Invalid LOB locator specified".
    Kindly let me know how I can resolve this issue as the requirement to load this data is very urgent.

    One alternate way can be done out of ODI as ODI is still not able to resolve this issue. You can trim these fields (CLOB/BLOB) and push this data as separate fields into ODI and at the reporting end you can again concatenate them.
    May be this may solve your problem ....it solved mine.

  • ORA-22275: invalid LOB locator specified on trigger

    I have a trigger which copies a blob on insert to one table to another.
    discriminator TO_TSWCRUL.BTC_DIS%TYPE;
    insert into .....
    If using after insert this triggerworks, but if the trigger fails for any reason, the client does not recieve the error.
    If using before insert this fails:
    insert into table, use before insert trigger
    ORA-22275: invalid LOB locator specified
    ORA-06512: at "SWZTPRO.TSWTMPI_BEFORE_INSERT", line 108
    ORA-22275: invalid LOB locator specified
    ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SWZTPRO.TSWTMPI_BEFORE_INSERT'
    Any help would be appreciated

    I have also used a varaiation tirgger to do an instead of on insert on a view and I get the following error:
    ORA-25008: no implicit conversion to LOB datatype in instead-of trigger

  • DBMS_LOB.CONVERTTOBLOB invalid LOB locator specified: ORA-22275

    Hi all,
    the following code has been working great on 11g (and apex.oracle.com)
    now when I try to use this function under 10g XE
    I get following error :
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: invalid LOB locator specified: ORA-22275
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOB", line 696
    ORA-06512: at "RIGHTSHOP.C2B", line 14line 14 being the line with DBMS_LOB.CONVERTTOBLOB
    any ideas ?
          RETURN BLOB
      temp_blob   BLOB;
      dest_offset NUMBER  := 1;
      src_offset  NUMBER  := 1;
      amount      INTEGER := dbms_lob.lobmaxsize;
      blob_csid   NUMBER  := dbms_lob.default_csid;
      lang_ctx    INTEGER := dbms_lob.default_lang_ctx;
      warning     INTEGER;
    DBMS_LOB.CREATETEMPORARY(lob_loc=>temp_blob, cache=>TRUE);
      DBMS_LOB.CONVERTTOBLOB(temp_blob, p_clob,amount,dest_offset,src_offset,blob_csid,lang_ctx,warning);
      return temp_blob;

    Can't reproduce
    temp_blob BLOB;
    dest_offset NUMBER := 1;
    src_offset NUMBER := 1;
    amount INTEGER := dbms_lob.lobmaxsize;
    blob_csid NUMBER := dbms_lob.default_csid;
    lang_ctx INTEGER := dbms_lob.default_lang_ctx;
    warning INTEGER;
    DBMS_LOB.CREATETEMPORARY(lob_loc=>temp_blob, cache=>TRUE);
    DBMS_LOB.CONVERTTOBLOB(temp_blob, p_clob,amount,dest_offset,src_offset,blob_csid,lang_ctx,warning);
    return temp_blob;
    END;  2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16 
    17  /
    Function created.
    SQL> declare
      2     b blob;
      3     c clob;
      4  begin
      5     c := 'x';
      6     b := c2b (c);
      7  end;
      8  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> and my version (also XE)
    SQL> select *
      2    from v$version
      3  /
    Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Product
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE     Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production

  • Cannot compile Library project in Flash builder 4: Unable to locate specified base class

    I am migrating from Flex builder 3 to Flash builder 4, during that process I found that Flash builder could'nt compile Flex Library projects which contains components in the form of mxml files. Compiler throws "Unable to locate specified base class".
    I have narrowed it down to by creating a flex library project named test library, below its screenshot with its package structure
    ControlA is based on componentA
    when i compile this project, mxml compiler throws this error
    Unable to locate specified base class 'components.componentA' for component class 'ControlA'.
    I cannot upload project code because file uploads are disabled on this forum so I am going to paste the code for both componentA and controlA
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:local="*" width="400" height="300">
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <components:componentA xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:components="components.*" width="400" height="300">
    To further test it, I have made another library project with same package structure using pure AS3, and it compiled without errors

    It might be this happens and other errors if you forget to Run Flash Builder 4.5 Buritto and startup the other version FB4.
    It uses the same project listings and that can be confusing since you're not expecting the old version to be aware of new Buritto (MobileApplications) projects you added (thinking) only to the BETA version installed elseware no doubt.
    Well it might not be your problem but worthy of noting for other's I'm sure.
    Otherwise you've double checked you're using SDK 4.5 Hero with it too! right?

  • This browser no longer exists at the location specified in the preview in browser preferences

    I am creating a new website using Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014. I tried to preview it in Chrome and I received an error message saying, "This browser no longer exists at the location specified in the Preview in Browser preferences." It previews fine in IE. I use Chrome as my default, but I personally have not gone in and reset anything so I don't understand why this is happening since I created my last Dreamweaver site. Any ideas how I can fix this?

    Okay, thank you. Inside Dreamweaver, I selected Edit Browser List and then it opened to show Chrome F12 and Internet Explorer. I chose Chrome F12 and I got the following responses in the screenshots below. I don't know what to do about the final image error message.

  • Unable to locate specified base class 'resources.style1.HelpButtonIcon' for component class

    I have a Flex (4.1.0) project, which has many skinnable custom components. The application allows a user to choose another style which changes these skins via loading a new compiled CSS. These non-default skins are in a separate Flex project.  I've not had a problem with this method until now.
    The custom component I am skinning contains several icons which are defined in the component like this:
    [SkinPart(required="true", type="mx.core.IVisualElement")]
    public var componentIconHelp:IFactory;
    then I use the iconRendererFunction to return the appropriate component part:
    private function iconRendererFunction(item:Object):IFactory
         //truncated method    
         return componentIconHelp;
    Within the skin for "style1", I then have
    <s:Skin xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
    <!-- host component -->
         <fx:Component id="componentIconHelp">
              <style1:HelpButtonIcon />
    When I try to compile this, I get the "Unable to locate specified base class 'resources.style1.HelpButtonIcon' for component class 'resources.style1.ButtonComponentSkinInnerClass0'" error.
    If I remove the HelpButtonIcon from the <fx:Component> declaration, and just put it in the main body of the skin, it compiles and renders, but I need it to be a component (there's multiple components I have to choose from to display, similar to the ButtonBar skin).
    Any ideas why it's not compiling and what I need to do to achive this?

    Thanks, one step closer (or further away :-)
    I tried adding the airspark.swc to the library path for the project and it made no difference so I added:
    -external-library-path /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.0.0/frameworks/libs/air/airspark.swc
    to the external tools configuration and now get the error:
    command line: Error: unable to open 'Flash'
    The project itself runs fine, it's only the ASDocs that's causing problems.

  • "There is no report location specified for this project". Please see your C

    Using Primavera Contract Management Application in Production environment, when users selected the option “E-Mail Form” from “Select an action” dropdown it's throwing the below error.
    "There is no report location specified for this project". Please see your Contract Management Administrator.
    This is happening all of a sudden without any recent changes in Applicaiton / Share point.
    Primavera Contract Management version 14 SP1.
    Windows 2003 32bit
    Edited by: user13401519 on 18/04/2012 20:00

    We just came across this as a bug. 1st question is can you click Print Preview while you have the document open? If yes, then have you modified the description of the document (in Document Steup)? If yes to that too, then you've found the bug that can be reproduced.
    Please report this to Oracle (and everyone else who comes across this) to get it more attention.

  • Applescript Type Location Specifier error number -1700 help

    I'm hoping to get some help with this Applescript (see below.) The process should be to:
    1. Start at a folder full of jpg, odt, txt, and xls files
    2. Create folders (within the initial folder) based on a string in the various file names
    3. Sort the jpgs with a matching string into their respective matching folders, within a subfolder called "Scans"
    4. Sort the odt, txt, and xls files with a matching string into their respective matching folders
    So far, the script creates the first folder and the subfolder "Scans". But, when it reaches "move thisFile to targetFolder & "/Scans"", I get this error:
    error System Events got an error: Can’t make \"/Users/hbll-diteam/Desktop/VMSS76_S1/VMSS76_S1_SS2_B1_F22_I1/Scans\" into type location specifier."number -1700 from "/Users/hbll-diteam/Desktop/VMSS76_S1/VMSS76_S1_SS2_B1_F22_I1/Scans" to location specifier"
    checkForFolder seems to work well, it's just sortThingsOut that is having a problem. Any suggestions? I'm happy to answer clarifying questions. Thanks in advance for any help!
    set workFolder to "Users/hbll-diteam/Desktop/VMSS76_S1"
    tell application "System Events"
    -- do folders first
              set foldersToProcess to folders of folder workFolder whose visible is true
              repeat with thisFolder in foldersToProcess
      -- create subfolders, if needed
                        repeat with thisSubfolderName in {"Scans"}
                                  my checkForFolder({parentFolder:POSIX path of thisFolder, folderName:thisSubfolderName})
                        end repeat
      -- sort files already in folders but not yet subfoldered
                        set partiallySortedFiles to files of thisFolder
                        repeat with thisFile in partiallySortedFiles
                                  my sortThingsOut(POSIX path of thisFolder, thisFile)
                        end repeat
              end repeat
    -- work on files in main folder
              set filesToProcess to files of folder workFolder whose visible is true
              repeat with thisFile in filesToProcess
                        set {fileName, fileExt} to {name, name extension} of thisFile
      -- get name of file without extension
                        set rootName to text 1 thru -((length of fileExt) + 7) of fileName
      -- make sure a correctly named folder exists
                        set targetFolder to my checkForFolder({parentFolder:workFolder, folderName:rootName})
      -- create subfolders, if needed
                        repeat with thisSubfolderName in {"Scans"}
                                  my checkForFolder({parentFolder:targetFolder, folderName:thisSubfolderName})
                        end repeat
      --sort files in main folder
                        my sortThingsOut(targetFolder, thisFile)
              end repeat
    end tell
    to sortThingsOut(targetFolder, thisFile)
              tell application "System Events"
                        set {fileName, fileExt} to {name, name extension} of thisFile
                        tell application "Finder"
                                  if fileExt is "jpg" then
      move thisFile to targetFolder & "/Scans"
                                  else if fileExt is "odt" or fileExt is "xls" or fileExt is "txt" then
      move thisFile to targetFolder
      -- skip unknown file extensions
                                  end if
                        end tell
              end tell
    end sortThingsOut
    to checkForFolder({parentFolder:fParent, folderName:fName})
    -- find or create a folder
              tell application "System Events"
                        if not (exists folder fName of folder fParent) then
                                  set output to POSIX path of (make new folder at end of folder fParent with properties {name:fName})
                                  set output to (POSIX path of (folder fName of folder fParent))
                        end if
              end tell
    -- returns a POSIX path
              return output
    end checkForFolder

    Found a solution. Mavericks likes to require that files be aliases and use a particular syntax. Working script as follows:
    set workFolder to POSIX path of (choose folder)
    tell application "System Events"
    -- do folders first
              set foldersToProcess to folders of folder workFolder whose visible is true
              repeat with thisFolder in foldersToProcess
      -- sort files already in folders but not yet subfoldered
                        set partiallySortedFiles to files of thisFolder
                        repeat with thisFile in partiallySortedFiles
                                  my sortThingsOut(POSIX path of thisFolder, thisFile)
                        end repeat
              end repeat
    -- work on files in main folder
              set filesToProcess to files of folder workFolder whose visible is true
              repeat with thisFile in filesToProcess
                        set {fileName, fileExt} to {name, name extension} of thisFile
      -- get name of file without extension
                        if fileExt is "jpg" then
                                  set rootName to text 1 thru -((length of fileExt) + 7) of fileName
                        else if fileExt is "ods" or fileExt is "xlsx" or fileExt is "xls" or fileExt is "txt" then
                                  set rootName to text 1 thru -((length of fileExt) + 2) of fileName
                        end if
      -- make sure a correctly named folder exists
                        set targetFolder to my checkForFolder({parentFolder:workFolder as text, folderName:rootName}) as text
      -- create subfolders, if needed
                        repeat with thisSubfolderName in {"Scans"}
                                  my checkForFolder({parentFolder:targetFolder, folderName:thisSubfolderName})
                        end repeat
                        set finalTarget to (POSIX file targetFolder) as alias as string
      --sort files in main folder
                        my sortThingsOut(finalTarget, thisFile)
              end repeat
    end tell
    to sortThingsOut(finalTarget, thisFile)
              tell application "System Events"
                        set {fileName, fileExt} to {name, name extension} of thisFile
                        if fileExt is "jpg" then
                                  set thisFile to thisFile as alias
                                  tell application "Finder" to move thisFile to the folder (finalTarget & "Scans")
                        else if fileExt is "ods" or fileExt is "xlsx" or fileExt is "xls" or fileExt is "txt" then
                                  set thisFile to thisFile as alias
                                            tell application "Finder" to move thisFile to the folder (finalTarget)
                                  end try
      -- skip unknown file extensions
                        end if
              end tell
    end sortThingsOut
    to checkForFolder({parentFolder:fParent, folderName:fName})
    -- find or create a folder
              tell application "System Events"
                        if not (exists folder fName of folder fParent) then
                                  set output to POSIX path of (make new folder at end of folder fParent with properties {name:fName})
                                  set output to (POSIX path of (folder fName of folder fParent))
                        end if
              end tell
    -- returns a POSIX path
              return output
    end checkForFolder

Maybe you are looking for