JSF controls not refreshing

I have a very strange problem. I have some JSF <h:inputText> controls on my form and the problem is that when I refresh bean (myForm.field1 = "new Value";) that those controls are attached to (#{pc_MyPage.myForm.field1}), those controls doesn't display new values when my page (re)opens. The strangest thing is that read only JSF <h:inputText> controls does get refreshed (new values), but editable (non read only) controls doesn't. If I set some control to be read only it works OK. Where the problem is?

I have tried to change from request scope to session scope, but I got IllegalStateException. Then I have found this post:
and I fixed IllegalStateException, but that didn't resolved my problem. JSF <h:inputText> controls still does get refreshed.
I'd like to add to my previous post that <hx:dataTableEx> do get refreshed when bean scope is request, but I don't know why this happen, because both, <h:inputText> and <hx:dataTableEx>, are connected to the same variable and inside <hx:dataTableEx> colmuns are <h:inputText>. :(
1. Doesn't work
<h:inputText value="#{pc_myPage.myForm.array1[0].field1}">
2. Works
<hx:dataTableEx value="#{pc_myPage.myForm.array1}" var="var1"><hx:columnEx><h:inputText value="#{var1.field1}"...It seems that "var=" part forces pc_myPage.myForm.array1 to be read. Perhaps I could wrap my <h:inputText> controls into some similar JSF controls (like <hx:dataTableEx...) and it could work?
I'm really really lost...

Similar Messages

  • SSRS 2008 R2 Calendar Control not working and report not refreshing on pressing enter in Chrome.

    SSRS 2008 R2 Calendar Control not working and report not refreshing on pressing enter in Chrome.

    SSRS reports are always best viewed in IE and the report result what you see in IE always will not be same and consistent in thirdy party browswers.
    So consider using IE as workaround.
    Also please refer:
    Workaround here:
    -Vaibhav Chaudhari

  • Grod Control - Performance graph is not refreshing

    I'm using the GC with DB There are some databases have dignostics and tuning pack. The performance graph is using the Adobe Flash in under performance --> top activity. This graph will not refresh even when we set auto refresh for every 15 minutes and also no correlation between the graph and the top SQL. However, it provides the correct information the very first when we login. But, the graph will not be refreshed afterwards. I used GC and and had no issues with those patchsets.
    Did someone notice the same issue?. Is it a bug or any IE settings required?. I have not installed the PSU. Does the PSU resolve the issue?. Your inputs are appreciated.

    Hello I am running OEM GC and IE 7 and everything works fine.
    When open page Top Activity for a database, you must however pay attention on the following:
    The performance graph contains a grey colour control that you drag horizontally through the graph in time.
    When the Page gets refreshed, say after 15 seconds, the control remains it’s original position. So if you want to see the Top SQL being synchronized you need to drag the control back to the most right position in the graph.
    Works fine to me.
    For more info on OEM GC you might want to check http://oemgc.wordpress.com

  • Can not refresh page after save properly(When not saving master record)

    I am using jdeveloper 11g R2 ( JSF Facelet
    In some use case I have Address as master table and Person as detail table
    For some business reason I need to don't save same addresses
    If +1 Test St+ is in database already and new user coming and adding this address with new person
    I need to use the row in database not creating a new address
    I do saving in doDML method of Address with some hashing algorithm and it is fine
    My problem is that I can not refresh page after save properly
    User coming to page think Adding a new address and a new person but in fact no new
    address added because of business I describe above
    Any ideas how I can implement this?
    Appreciate that

    from your description it is not clear why the page doesn't refresh. It could be a problem in your implementation code - who knows. What if you perform the address check on a command button that actually submits the new address? If the check returns true (address exists) you would call row.refresh(forget new row); and re-query the view object so the address coming from the database is displayed. If you wanted to use the doDML then yuou need to be aware that doDML doesn't help removing the row the user created. It just ignores the database update but the entity is still around, which in my suggested solution wont be the case.

  • Not Refresh Value After Add New Record used with RPC Component

    This is my code in the class Users.as
    package inthanous
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;
    import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
    import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
    public class Users
    private var service:HTTPService;
    public var xmllist_user:XMLList;
    public function Users(){
    service = new HTTPService();
    service.method = "POST";
    service.useProxy = false
    service.resultFormat = "e4x";
    public function listUser():void{
    service.url = "/user/get_all_user_group_name";
    service.addEventListener("result", httpResultListUser);
    service.addEventListener("fault", httpFaultListUser);
    xmllist_user = new XMLList();
    private function httpResultListUser(event:ResultEvent):void{
    service.removeEventListener("result", httpResultListUser);
    service.removeEventListener("fault", httpFaultListUser);
    xmllist_user = new XMLList(service.lastResult.children());
    private function httpFaultListUser(event:FaultEvent):void{
    var faulstring:String = event.fault.message;
    service.removeEventListener("result", httpResultListUser);
    service.removeEventListener("fault", httpFaultListUser);
    public function createUser(_xml:XML):void{
    service.url = "/user/create_user";
    service.addEventListener("result", httpResultCreateUser);
    service.addEventListener("fault", httpFaultCreateUser);
    service.send({firstName: _xml.firstName,
    lastName: _xml.lastName,
    gender: _xml.gender,
    login: _xml.login,
    pwd: _xml.pwd,
    dtBirth: _xml.dtBirth,
    telephone: _xml.telephone,
    idGroup: _xml.idGroup
    private function
    service.removeEventListener("result", httpResultCreateUser);
    service.removeEventListener("fault", httpFaultCreateUser);
    private function httpFaultCreateUser(event:FaultEvent):void{
    var faulstring:String = event.fault.message;
    service.removeEventListener("result", httpResultCreateUser);
    service.removeEventListener("fault", httpFaultCreateUser);
    This code i used with Ruby on Rail to connect with MySQL.
    When i used with FireFox browse after i create new user
    success it refresh the new record in Datagrid. But for the Internet
    Explorer Datagrid not refresh it because of it display the old
    recode before create.
    So i don't know it problem by Internet Explorer or my script.
    i hope someone can help me the solve this problem.

    If you restrict the selection, a record value outside of that selection is not acceptable and will give you this error. This is how BPS works.
    You need to restrict on some other char so BASIC1 doesn't come in, but this value should be part of any selection on ZSEGMENT field for it to be accepted back.

  • Hyperlinked JSP Page does not refresh contents

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    In my application whenever I call a jsp page using hyperlink without any querystring attached to it the page called does not refresh. However when I press refresh on the browser it does refresh the contents. Basically in this page I am using some session variables to fetch data. So I do not call the page by passing querystring instead set the attributes of session variables and then the page is called as a hyperlink.
    However if I call the same page using submit the values are refreshed.
    Help on this urgently will be appreciated.

    Just set 'no-cache' option for the jsp page and test it. It should work. only you need to do is
         if(request.getProtocol().equals("HTTP/1.1")) {
    have fun!!

  • Upgraded ZENworks Primary Server Will Not Refresh

    Good Afternoon,
    I recently upgraded our primary server from ZENworks 11.2-11.3a.
    The upgrade procedure completed with no errors. However, the server will not refresh it's status in the ZENworks Control Center. Control Center continues to report the server as The UI of the Control Center is upgraded. The agent continues to push back the next contact with server time without updating the last contact with server time
    Things I have tried:
    -doing a manual refresh through control center gives a "Connection Failed" error
    -doing a manual refresh with zac ref completes successfully but does not update anything
    -cleared the agent cache using zac cc
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thank you very much!

    Try the solution you find in this thread:
    W. Prindl
    wpico wrote:
    >CRAIGDWILSON;2331318 Wrote:
    >> This is because the Agent Service (Servers have an agent too)
    >>cannot talk to the zone.
    >> Normally the only time this is noticed is during a "System Update",
    >> since this is one of the few times the failure would be noted.
    >> However, the 11.3.0 Upgrade would not have relied on the agent
    >>server and since you upgraded from 11.2.0, another ISO install, it
    >>is quite possible there were always some issues there.
    >> "zac retr" might help, but it also may be wise to open an SR so
    >>they can
    >> see what is wrong and not just have you poking and prodding your
    >>only primary.
    >> On 8/28/2014 4:46 PM, wpico wrote:
    >> >
    >> > nop1983;2331309 Wrote:
    >> >> wpico wrote:
    >> >>
    >> >>>
    >> >>> Good Afternoon,
    >> >>>
    >> >>> I recently upgraded our primary server from ZENworks
    >>11.2-11.3a. >>>
    >> >>> The upgrade procedure completed with no errors. However, the
    >> server
    >> >>> will not refresh it's status in the ZENworks Control Center.
    >> Control
    >> >>> Center continues to report the server as The UI of
    >>the >>> Control Center is upgraded. The agent continues to push
    >>back the next
    >> >>> contact with server time without updating the last contact with
    >> server
    >> >>> time
    >> >>>
    >> >>> Things I have tried:
    >> >>> -doing a manual refresh through control center gives a
    >>"Connection >>> Failed" error
    >> >>> -doing a manual refresh with zac ref completes successfully but
    >> does
    >> >>> not update anything
    >> >>> -cleared the agent cache using zac cc
    >> >>>
    >> >>> Any help would be appreciated.
    >> >>>
    >> >>> Thank you very much!
    >> >>
    >> >> Only one server?
    >> >> Sounds like the agent could have lost the trust, somehow... The
    >> update
    >> >> went fine?
    >> >>
    >> >> --
    >> >> Niels
    >> >> I have always liked... Cowabunga!
    >> >>
    >> >> If you find this post helpful, please show your appreciation by
    >> clicking
    >> >> on the star below.
    >> >> A member must be logged in before s/he can assign reputation
    >>points. >
    >> > Completed with no errors, The log file was all green.
    >> >
    >> >
    >> --
    >> Going to Brainshare 2014?
    >> http://www.brainshare.com
    >> Use Registration Code "nvlcwilson" for $300 off!
    >> Craig Wilson - MCNE, MCSE, CCNA
    >> Novell Technical Support Engineer
    >> Novell does not officially monitor these forums.
    >> Suggestions/Opinions/Statements made by me are solely my own.
    >> These thoughts may not be shared by either Novell or any rational
    >When I run zac retr I get, "Failed to re-establish trust with zone"

  • How to render a JSP page dynamically with JSF controls ??

    Hi All,
    I am new to JAVA and JSF. I am recently started doing a web project. First we started using plain JSP and servlets and now we are going to use JSF.
    Now I am facing one problem with JSF. In a JSP page, I am having a combobox and a div and when i am selecting a value from the combo box, the div should be filled with some controls(like text boxes and comboboxes, buttons, etc) according to the selection.
    I have done this in plain JSP with the help of XML/XSLT, AJAX and JavaScript. i.e. XML contains the details of the controls and XSLT transformer will give me controls in a string format in the server, AJAX helps to retrieve it and I have to simply set the div.innerHTML property to that string. It is working fine.
    Now with JSF, I need to add JSF controls into my XML file, and it inturn returns the corresponding string having JSF controls easily, but i could not set it directly to div's innerHTML as the String contains JSF controls (Moreover, these JSF controls are linked with JAVA beans).
    Is there any provision to add JSF controls to a running page dynamically or is there any provision to convert the above mentioned string of JSF controls to normal HTML controls like the JSF taglibraries doing.??
    thanks in advance
    Edited by: naash007 on Apr 20, 2009 4:17 AM
    Edited by: naash007 on Apr 20, 2009 5:45 AM

    That's simply asking for trouble. Do not suggest to use JSTL in combination with JSF.
    JSF already provides almost everything which the JSTL flow control tags provides in flavour of the 'rendered' attribute.

  • Attribute binding value not refreshed after transaction rollback

    Using ADF Faces/Trinidad + ADF Data Bindings + ADF Business Components.
    I was experimenting with task flows vs transaction control vs form validation and met the following problem.
    First, here's a little intro to my application design. A page template defines the layout. There's only one page in the application using a dynamic region to show a dynamic task flow. The template defines a menu containing navigation items; each item action changes the current dynamic task flow id.
    One of the flow starts with a data bound table listing users. Each row has an edit button to navigate to an edit form. The edit form is in a separate task flow as I want the automatic rollback triggered when a flow is abandoned.
    The problem occurs when I quit the form clicking a menu item AFTER a validation error occurred. Transaction is rollbacked as expected, however when I go back to the form (whatever row I choose), the invalid value that failed the previous validation is shown.
    It seems the attribute binding is not refreshed. To validate this hypothesis, I added a button that explicitly calls refreshControl on the attribute binding as shown below. When the button is clicked, the form shows the correct value.
        // In a managed bean
        public void refreshFirstName(ActionEvent evt)
        }I working on a possible workaround, but I've not succeeded yet. I'm looking into using the finalizer of the task flow (or possibly the initializer) to force a refresh of the control bindings.
    Any ideas?

    I am experiencing similar strange behaviour, it sounds like it could be related, i am not using task flows though.
    I have a read only table, and when a user double-clicks on a row an af:popup is displayed which displays an edit form (contentDelivery is set to "lazyUncached" in the popup). Pressing the cancel button on the edit form executes a rollback and hides the popup. However, after this has occurred, whenever another row (or the same row) is selected in the read only table, the edit form will display data from the old record that was rolled back. I've noticed that the old data is only displayed in editable fields, while the correct data is displayed in read-only fields. I'm pretty sure the rollback works properly, and the iterator is on the correct row, just it is displaying incorrect data in the editable text fields. I've tried implementing cancel functionality with both a rollback action and refreshing the row using REFRESH_WITH_DB_FORGET_CHANGES, but the same issue exists regardless of which method is used. I've also noticed that the application starts behaving correctly again if the commit button is pressed.
    Has anyone come up with a workaround for this issue?
    By the way, is there any way we can keep track of the bug numbers that are mentioned in this forum?

  • ADF Controls not working throught Portlet Bridge

    I have a JSF/ADF Faces very simple application, when I expose this application using Portlet Faces Bridge, JSF controls are working but ADF controls are not working.
    I am using:
    OC4J Standalone with PDK
    Portal 10.1.4.
    Controls work fine in application running outside portal as standard J2EE App.
    Please if someone can provide quick help.

    Do you mean the content is not rendered correctly? Have you configured resource proxying? See Re: WSRP examples - no display chart for the details.
    Kind Regards,
    Andre Jochems

  • SALV in Split Screen - not refreshing

    I have a Report based program with Selection Screen
    Upon entering valid Inputs program calls screen 100.
    On Screen 100, I placed following elements
      Docking Container
           Splitter Container with 2 rows with Docking container as Parent
                  Placed a Toolbar object on the Top container of the split. Toolbar has 2 buttons BSID & BSAD
                  If user clicks BSID, then I have to show a SALV report in Lower Split
                  If user clicks BSAD, then I have to show a bit different data SALV report in same Lower Split
    I tried several methods to refresh the data in SALV( I used 1 SALV)
    Data is not refreshing in the second split...
    I see that Lower Split container has children attribute set.. I tried to free() the lower container, but it deletes cmplete container itself, what can I do to refresh the data without completely redoing all the container stuff?
    Also Children attribute in Split container is Read-only, how can I change this one ?
    Valid answers would receive points...

    PROGRAM  yvtest3 LINE-SIZE 512.
           lcl_event DEFINITION DEFERRED.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_kna1,           " Customer Info
            kunnr TYPE kna1-kunnr,
            name1 TYPE kna1-name1,
           END OF t_kna1.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_lfa1,           " Vendor Info
            lifnr TYPE lfa1-kunnr,
            name1 TYPE lfa1-name1,
           END OF t_lfa1.
    DATA: o_tlbar TYPE REF TO cl_gui_toolbar,
          o_split TYPE REF TO cl_gui_splitter_container,
          o_dock  TYPE REF TO cl_gui_docking_container,
          o_main  TYPE REF TO lcl_main,
          o_event TYPE REF TO lcl_event,
          o_top   TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container,
          o_down  TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container.
                                 INTERNAL TABLES
    DATA: i_kna1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_kna1,
          i_lfa1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_lfa1.
    PARAMETERS: p_dbcnt TYPE sy-dbcnt DEFAULT '500'.
          CLASS lcl_event DEFINITION
          Events Definition
    CLASS lcl_event DEFINITION.
        METHODS: on_click FOR EVENT function_selected OF cl_gui_toolbar
                           IMPORTING fcode.
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_event DEFINITION
          CLASS lcl_main DEFINITION
          Main Definition
    CLASS lcl_main DEFINITION.
        METHODS: constructor.
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_main DEFINITION
                                    GET DATA
    Get Customers
      SELECT kunnr name1
          FROM kna1
          INTO TABLE i_kna1
          UP TO p_dbcnt ROWS.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        SORT i_kna1 BY kunnr.
    Get Customers
      SELECT kunnr name1
          FROM kna1
          INTO TABLE i_kna1
          UP TO p_dbcnt ROWS.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        SORT i_lfa1 BY lifnr.
      IF i_kna1 IS NOT INITIAL OR i_lfa1 IS NOT INITIAL.
        CALL SCREEN '0100'.
        MESSAGE 'No data exists for entry criteria'(001) TYPE 'I'.
          CLASS lcl_event IMPLEMENTATION
           Events Implementation
      METHOD on_click.
        CASE fcode.
          WHEN 'KNA1'.
                CALL METHOD cl_salv_table=>factory
                    r_container = o_down
                    t_table     = i_kna1.
              CATCH cx_salv_msg.
                MESSAGE 'SALV - error'(007) TYPE 'I'.
          WHEN 'LFA1'.
                CALL METHOD cl_salv_table=>factory
                    r_container = o_down
                    t_table     = i_lfa1.
              CATCH cx_salv_msg.
                MESSAGE 'SALV - error'(007) TYPE 'I'.
          WHEN 'EXIT'.
            LEAVE TO SCREEN 0.
        cl_gui_cfw=>flush( ).
      ENDMETHOD.                    "on_click
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_event IMPLEMENTATION
          CLASS lcl_main IMPLEMENTATION
          Main Implementation
      METHOD constructor.
        DATA: lw_evnt  TYPE cntl_simple_event.       " Events
        DATA: li_evnt  TYPE cntl_simple_events.      " Events
    Create Docking Container
        FREE o_dock.
        CREATE OBJECT o_dock
            repid                       = sy-cprog
            dynnr                       = '0100'
            side                        = 1            " dock_at_left
            extension                   = 400
            lifetime                    = 1            " Dynpro
            cntl_error                  = 1
            cntl_system_error           = 2
            create_error                = 3
            lifetime_error              = 4
            lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5
            OTHERS                      = 6.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE 'Error creating Docking Container'(002) TYPE 'I'.
    Create Split Screen
        FREE: o_split,o_top,o_down.
        CREATE OBJECT o_split
            parent            = o_dock
            rows              = 2
            columns           = 1
            cntl_error        = 1
            cntl_system_error = 2
            OTHERS            = 3.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE 'Error creating Splitter Container'(003) TYPE 'I'.
    Set Sash Invisible
        o_split->set_row_sash( id    = 1
                              type  = o_split->type_sashvisible
                              value = o_split->false ).
    Set Row Height of 1st Container to fit Buttons
        o_split->set_row_height( id = 1 height = 5 ).
        o_top  = o_split->get_container( row = 1 column = 1 ).
        o_down = o_split->get_container( row = 2 column = 1 ).
    Create Toolbar
        CREATE OBJECT o_tlbar
            parent             = o_top
            lifetime           = 1
            cntl_install_error = 1
            cntl_error         = 2
            cntb_wrong_version = 3
            OTHERS             = 4.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE 'Error creating Toolbar'(004) TYPE 'I'.
    Add Buttons to the Toolbar
        CALL METHOD o_tlbar->add_button
            fcode            = 'KNA1'
            icon             = ' '
            butn_type        = 0
            text             = 'KNA1'
            cntl_error       = 1
            cntb_btype_error = 2
            cntb_error_fcode = 3
            OTHERS           = 4.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE 'Error creating Button on Toolbar'(005) TYPE 'I'.
        CALL METHOD o_tlbar->add_button
            fcode            = 'LFA1'
            icon             = ' '
            butn_type        = 0
            text             = 'LFA1'
            cntl_error       = 1
            cntb_btype_error = 2
            cntb_error_fcode = 3
            OTHERS           = 4.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE 'Error creating Button on Toolbar'(005) TYPE 'I'.
        CALL METHOD o_tlbar->add_button
            fcode            = 'EXIT'
            icon             = ' '
            butn_type        = 0
            text             = 'Exit'
            cntl_error       = 1
            cntb_btype_error = 2
            cntb_error_fcode = 3
            OTHERS           = 4.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE 'Error creating Button on Toolbar'(005) TYPE 'I'.
    Add Events
    register events for toolbar-control
        lw_evnt-eventid = o_tlbar->m_id_function_selected.
        APPEND lw_evnt TO li_evnt.
        o_tlbar->set_registered_events( li_evnt ).
    Create Event Handler
        CREATE OBJECT o_event.
        SET HANDLER o_event->on_click FOR o_tlbar.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "constructor
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_main IMPLEMENTATION
    *&      Module  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
          Screen 100 Init
    MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
      IF o_main IS NOT BOUND.
        CREATE OBJECT o_main.
    ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT

  • ADF table data not refresh

    i am create a adf table using data control. value of adf table depend on view object. where i bind a variable in where clause.
    now i am giving the value of whereClauseParam using using view object instance in backing bean method.
    when i pressed command button method run properly but adf table not refresh and not showing data.
    thanks in Advance

    public void callData(ActionEvent ae) {
    String amDef = "com.jagran.in.model.view.updatable.AppModule";
    String config = "AppModuleLocal";
    ApplicationModuleHandle handle = null;
    ApplicationModule am;
    try {
    handle = Configuration.createRootApplicationModuleHandle
    (amDef, config);
    //am = Configuration.createRootApplicationModule(amDef,config);
    // ApplicationModule sam = handle.useApplicationModule();
    ViewObject svo = am.findViewObject("BindView1");
    ((ViewObjectImpl)svo).refreshCollection(null, false, false);
    while (svo.hasNext()) {
    Row r = svo.next();
    System.out.println( (String)r.getAttribute(1));
    } catch(Exception e)
    finally {
    if (handle != null)
    Configuration.releaseRootApplicationModuleHandle(handle, false);

  • Could not Refresh  Popup  Iterators located in region by using TP3

    Hi i have the following problem which appears when i switched to TP3:
    I have a create form, which i included as a region in a page.
    I create a new row in a caller page by using createInsert operation.
    The problem is that when i open the popup, create form is not refreshed with a newly created row as it expected. The form is positioned on the last selected row (before execute create) in a caller page
    As it seems region iterator is not refreshed and the newly created row is not inserted inside the iterator.
    Is it necessary programmatically to do region iterators refresh and how ?
    If not programmatic iterators refresh is needed as i mean it should be , where is the problem?
    In TP2 that was working.
    Message was edited by:

    HI Frank , actually the problem is more general:
    It consists of inability of synchronizing different regions iterators.
    For example , if i have a search form placed in a region, and an edit or summary form for example, placed in another region (which points to the same view object),
    <af:region value="#{bindings.staffSearchDR.regionModel}"
    <af:region value="#{bindings.staffSummaryDR.regionModel}"
    id="staffSummaryDR" partialTriggers="staffSearchDR"/>
    the iterators in different regions are not getting synchronized (That was working in TP2). I tried to synchronize the iterators on the following way:
    BindingContainer bc = ADFFacesUtils.findBindingContainer(pageDefName);
    DCIteratorBinding iter = (DCIteratorBinding)bc.get(iteratorName);
    And that is working , but i cannot refresh JSF Components, even by using partialTriggers or AdfFacesContext.addPartialTarget() method
    Can you help me with this?

  • Servlet does not refresh in browser

    If I change a Servlet code, re-compile it and Refresh the browser (Firefox), it does not refresh. I can only get it to refresh if I re-start Tomcat (v 5.5.4).
    Is there a workaround for this please?
    I put the lines:
    response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
    response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
    response.setDateHeader("max-age", 0);
    response.setDateHeader("Expires", 0);
    at the top of my doGet method and this does not work.

    For classes, you can set the reloadable parameter in your application configuration file (in the $CATALINA_HOME/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/ directory)
    Set it to true if you want Catalina to monitor classes in /WEB-INF/classes/ and /WEB-INF/lib for changes, and automatically reload the web application if a change is detected. This feature is very useful during application development, but it requires significant runtime overhead and is not recommended for use on deployed production applications. That's why the default setting for this attribute is false. You can use the Manager web application, however, to trigger reloads of deployed applications on demand.
    For JSPs, you can configure Jasper (in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/web.xml file) and use the reloading parameter.

  • Can not refresh server manager Error:0x8007045b

    OS: Windows 2012 R2 Core
    Services: Hyper V
    I was trying to remote reboot and the session hung. No worries I decided I could just reboot the next morning. So I rebooted the next day but when I go into server manager I get
    an errror can not refresh server manager Error:0x8007045b. Did some research found suggestions to fix it using a DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth.
    But then I get an error 1115 A system Shutdown is in progress. I attempt to fix this issue using pskill winlogon but the issue pursistest. I have restarted the server several times now. Not sure how to fix this.
    Thanks in advance,

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