Jsf reportPageViewer shows report data in "View page source", but not on webpage

Using JSF 2.2.5, a remote crystal report application server 2011.
I got around a problem with the parameter prompts where the OK button wouldn't do anything by setting the parameters in the code like so:
This, and entering in database logon info manually or in code got me to the point where the report viewer is displayed, but the 'page' appears blank, like so:
Yet if one views the page source, the report data is there:
  report viewer goes here:
<form id="reportviewer" name="reportviewer" method="post" action="/Janus/reports.xhtml" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
<input type="hidden" name="reportviewer" value="reportviewer" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="crystalreportviewers/js/crviewer/images/style.css">
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
crv_config = {"lang":"en","needFallback":true,"useAsync":true}
<script language="JavaScript" src="crystalreportviewers/js/crviewer/crv.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
if (typeof bobj == 'undefined') {
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  '</STYLE>' +
  '<table class=\"crExceptionBorder\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 border=0>' +
  ' <tr><td class=\"crExceptionHeader\">The viewer was unable to find the resources required to render the report.</td></tr>' +
  ' <tr><td>' +
  ' <table width=\"100%\" border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>' +
  ' <tr><td class=\"crExceptionElement\">' +
  ' <table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>' +
  ' <tr><td><span class=\"crExceptionText\">Please check the following to resolve the issue.<br>1. Verify that crystalreportviewers/ is accessible to your WebApp and is the correct path to the viewer resources.<br>2. You may customize this location by altering the crystal_image_uri and crystal_image_use_relative properties in the web.xml.<br>3. Validate that the file crv.js exists at crystalreportviewers/js/crviewer/crv.js.</span></td></tr>' +
  ' </table>' +
  ' </td></tr>' +
  ' </table>' +
  ' </td></tr>' +
  '</table>' )
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xsi:type=\"CrystalReports.ParameterFieldDiscreteValue\" id=\"8\"><Value xsi:type=\"dateTime\">2014-7-1T0:0:0.0<\/Value><\/Value><IsNoValue>false<\/IsNoValue><\/CurrentValues><ParameterType>ReportParameter<\/ParameterType><AllowCustomCurrentValues>true<\/AllowCustomCurrentValues><AllowNullValue>false<\/AllowNullValue><DefaultValueSortOrder>NoSort<\/DefaultValueSortOrder><DefaultValueSortMethod>BasedOnValue<\/DefaultValueSortMethod><ValueRangeKind>Discrete<\/ValueRangeKind><Usage>DataFetching,InUse<\/Usage><DefaultValueDisplayType>DescriptionAndValue<\/DefaultValueDisplayType><IsOptionalPrompt>false<\/IsOptionalPrompt><\/Field><Field xsi:type=\"CrystalReports.ParameterField\" id=\"9\"><Name>To_Date<\/Name><Description><\/Description><Type>xsd:date<\/Type><Length>0<\/Length><Attributes xsi:type=\"CrystalReports.PropertyBag\" id=\"10\"><Property><Name>IsDCP<\/Name><Value VariantType=\"Boolean\">false<\/Value><\/Property><\/Attributes><AllowMultiValue>false<\/AllowMultiValue><CurrentValues xsi:type=\"CrystalReports.Values\" id=\"11\"><Value xsi:type=\"CrystalReports.ParameterFieldDiscreteValue\" id=\"12\"><Value xsi:type=\"dateTime\">2014-7-1T0:0:0.0<\/Value><\/Value><IsNoValue>false<\/IsNoValue><\/CurrentValues><ParameterType>ReportParameter<\/ParameterType><AllowCustomCurrentValues>true<\/AllowCustomCurrentValues><AllowNullValue>false<\/AllowNullValue><DefaultValueSortOrder>NoSort<\/DefaultValueSortOrder><DefaultValueSortMethod>BasedOnValue<\/DefaultValueSortMethod><ValueRangeKind>Discrete<\/ValueRangeKind><Usage>DataFetching,InUse<\/Usage><DefaultValueDisplayType>DescriptionAndValue<\/DefaultValueDisplayType><IsOptionalPrompt>false<\/IsOptionalPrompt><\/Field><\/CrystalReports.Fields>"},"reportSourceSessionID":"com.crystaldecisions.report.web.viewer.RPT_SRC:CrystalViewer1484296940","toolPanelWidth":200,"toolPanelWidthUnit":"px"},"curViewId":"1"});
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
new bobj.crv.ViewerListener('CrystalViewer', new bobj.crv.FacesAdapter('reportviewer', 'CrystalReportViewerHandler'));
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There are two things to check :
1.  Check the driver which you are using in BO ( If you are try to connect using ODBC try to change the drivers and check)
2.  Viewer--In infoview go in preferences and try to change the viewer.  If your report is using DHTL, try to change it to Java or Web viewer and check.

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    You should see them via these methods:
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  • Report Viewer shows incorrect data when viewing pages from last to first

    Post Author: Fmorales
    CA Forum: .NET
    I've made a huge report with Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005, and sometimes the Report Viewer show data with errors.
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    which is being increasing or decreasing along the group:
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    if {PresupPeriodifMesesAux_DS.TIPO} = 'PAGOS' then         CurrencyVar margenActual:=margenActual-CurrentFieldValueelse    CurrencyVar margenActual:=margenActual+CurrentFieldValue;
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    In the inner section I reset the actual value (this value always go fine):
    CurrencyVar actual:=0; 
    Before end of year I reset the margenActual value:
    CurrencyVar margenActual:=0; 
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    Any idea?
    Thanks a lot

    Originally posted by:
    If you were previously using <mxXML> you WERE using
    So remove that tag, create an instance variable of the same
    name, typed as xml, and in your result handler, do as VarioPegged
    suggests, though I would cast/convert to xml first:
    companies = XML(event.result);
    trace(companies.toXMLString()); to look at your xml
    var xlCompanies:XMLList = xmlCompanies..company; //all such
    expressions return XMLList, never XML
    trace(xmlCompanies.length()); //
    Ok so the ID of the mxXML was being interpreted as an E4X
    variable at compile time?
    I tried changing the name of the ID of the HTTPService call
    from "marketData" to "MDATA" and assigning the variable marketData
    to the result of the HTTPService query, which if I understand you
    correctly should basically make everything work as it was before,
    but it seems to be a problem.
    when I try to run it puts an exclamation point on this line
    <toolbox:TreeMap id="treeMap" width="1200" height="800"
    labelField="@cname" weightField="@amount"
    That code refers to a SWC file. Apparently it wants
    marketData to be a data provider. If I change the dataProvider
    reference above to "MDATA" (the ID of the HTTPService) the App
    compiles, but I get two errors at runtime:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of
    a null object reference.
    ReferenceError: Error #1081: Property @age1 not found on
    mx.rpc.http.mxml.HTTPService and there is no default value.
    What should I change this reference to? It won't compile if I
    use the variable I made for the e4x results and it is reading
    gibberish if I have it read directly from the

  • 20.0.1 Update: right-click on page shows ALL menu options, many (all?) don't work, no "view page source", no "open in new tab"

    after update to 20.0.1 a few hours ago, right click shows ALL menu options, many (all?) don't work, like "view page source", "open in new tab" etc. etc.

    I'm having the same issue on Firebug 1.11.3....The "more robust" right click menu does return when I disable the extension. Would you recommend downgrading Firebug to 1.11.2? Hate to have to turn off Firebug "except when I'm working" but either option seems to have both pros/cons.
    This behavior happens on both PC and Mac (although the above information was tested on my PC - I'll have to check the Mac later and see if Firebug is doing the same thing there. I believe I have the most recent Firebug there, too)
    The PC is on Firefox 20.0.1, Mac should be as well.

  • Data grid view adding check box not able to check state

     i have make window search a city name result show on data grid view and i have added the check box when i am checking the check box and other search  of keyword that same row i am un checking the chek box when search it remain check how to making
    it check for al type of keyword

     i have make window search a city name result show on data grid view and i have added the check box when i am checking the check box and other search  of keyword that same row i am un checking the chek box when search it remain check how
    to making it check for al type of keyword
    It's not clear what the issue is, you could be more specific by sharing some screenshots and code.
    In addition, it will be more clear if you could separate the description into multiple sentences.
    Which control did you want to get help about? The checkbox or datagridview?
    If it is checkbox, did you want to keep checked or keep it uncheck?
    If it is datagridview, whether you are talking about checkbox column?
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Data is in the repository, but not showing on the EPM workspace

    Hi All,
    Recently we have migrated from Hyperion8.5 to Hyperion11.1.1. Migration went on well no errors, after migration I see some folders missing and when I queried on the repositories all the folder data and reports are there in the repository but not showing up in the EPM workspace. It is weird. Did any one encountered this type of error. Is there any work around to this.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated

    Check BI+ security in shared services. Set someone to BI+ Administrator and have them look in Workspace for the reports. In Workspace, check the Permissions of each folder.

  • How to view page source

    Safari used to have an option in the view menu to see the page source code. Does anyone know where that's gone?

    Safari preferences / Advanced tab. Check the box to show Develop menu in menu bar.
    Right click on a page to "Inspect Element" or "View Page Source".

  • In the "View"-- "Page Source" window: why can't I select a portion of a URL like I used to in previous versions? If I try, the source text behaves as an active hyperlink instead. This makes copying and editing HTML a pain!

    In want to copy a portion of a URL from the "View" --> "Page Source" window and paste it in my favorite text editor. This used to be a simple action with my mouse (mark portion with left mouse button, dump copy into editor window with middle mouse button). In Firefox 3.6.9, it is not plain text in the "Page Source" window but active hyperlinks (cursor shape changes) and takes me to the website of that URL, which I don't want. How can I get the original behavior (plain text page source) back?

    The code taht you have shown is not the template, it is a document that has been created from a template and renamed with a dwt extension.
    If you load the document into DW then go to menu item Modify->Templates->Detach from Template and save the file, you will have your original template called index.dwt and located in the Templates subdirectory.

  • USF on iTunes U collections such as Sustainability and iteach Initiative are not displaying new items even days after they are uploaded to the collections. The items show in the Preview of the collections but not Live view. not displaying

    USF on iTunes U collections such as Sustainability and iteach Initiative are not displaying new items even days after they are uploaded to the collections. The items show in the Preview of the collections but not Live view. not displaying

    This seems to an ongoing issue (see related discussion link).  We've been experiencing the same update lag since last Friday.  The new additions to the Collection appear and are accessible in both the iPad and iPhone applications, but even though they additions appear in "Quick View", the material doesn't appear in the Collection itself.  Apple is aware of the issue and is investigating.  All the best...
    Syd Rodocker
    Tennessee State Department of Education

  • I cant paste add scene code in fiore fox view page source

    i am created an account in google add scene but i cant paste my code in fire fox html view page souce plz reply me on my e mail as soon as posible

    karenhetzer wrote:
    ...can I change or add code by actually going to my site online, then View>page source? Would that work?
    Karen ~ No, sorry, +View > View Source+ is just for viewing. The only way to change or add code to your iWeb '06 site is...
    • If publishing to .Mac, edit the published HTML files in your iDisk > Web > Sites folder.
    • Or, if publishing to a host other than .Mac, edit the published HTML files before FTP-ing to your host server.

  • Data appears in the tree but not in the display

    Post Author: TheBig1980s
    CA Forum: General
    When I print data for one month, data appears in both the Preview tree and the Preview display.  When I print the data for another month, the data does show in the Preview tree but not in the Preview display.
    Forgetting the tables the report is pulling from, forgetting which month is which, etc., why (in any case) would Crystal show data in the Preview tree but not show that same data in the Preview display?  That makes no sense.  I wish I could just take my mouse and just drag the tree onto the displayu2026..
    I have nothing suppressed.  This is Crystal 9.

    Post Author: SKodidine
    CA Forum: General
    I encounter this in CR XI once in a while.  What I found from my research, if I have a group and then I have certain conditions to either display or eliminate the data selected for whatever reason then the group tree will show the group and since the data is eliminated by either the select criteria or another way there is no data displayed.
    Try this.  In the second month where you see the data in the tree but on the report, see if you can narrow it down further by day and see if you can find the reason why.

  • When I look up the creation date for files on my Macbook I get the date and month in brackets, but not the year.  Why is this and how can I look up the year?

    When I look up the creation date for files on my Macbook (using "get info", or the information window in Iphoto) I get the date and month in brackets, but not the year.  Why is this and how can I look up the year? 

    Does the Date Modified column in a window set to List view show the date correctly, or does it also display it incorrectly?
    To add additional columns to a Finder (folder) window, with that window open and active open the View Options for it. You can do that by pressing Command-J or by selecting View Options from the View menu in the main menubar.

  • I started to learn HTML, and I'm using text edit and everything is going fine, when I save the file with a .html extension and open it with safari I only view the code and not the webpage that was supposed to be created.

    I started to learn HTML, and I'm using text edit and everything is going fine, when I save the file with a .html extension and open it with safari I only view the code and not the webpage that was supposed to be created.

    That is because you don't have a web server configured and running to serve the html page. In order to see the page in a browser you need to access it using a url similar to http://localhost/~yourUserName if you are serving the page from your user account.
    Prior to Mountain Lion you could go into web sharing and turn on the web server. With Mountain Lion there is no option, other than using terminal, to turn on the web server. The web sharing menu item has been removed in Mountain Lion. Apache is still on your computer but it will take a little searching these forums or the Internet to find how to turn it on.
    If you want a graphic user interface to turn on/off the Apache server you could download and install a server application like xampp, http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html. I use this and it works well.

  • HT201272 How do I download previously purchased albums from iTunes when the album has either disappeared from my computer or the tunes are not playable?  The album shows as purchased on the iTunes store, but not available to download to my authorized devi

    How do I download previously purchased albums from iTunes when the album has either disappeared from my computer or the tunes are not playable?  The albums show as purchased on the iTunes store, but not available to download to my authorized device.  I also have albums that appear in my library, but are not able to be added to my iPod from my computer

    When you download something from the iCloud, it is a brand new licensed copy. Your iCloud account just contains a notation that you have this app. It isn't storing an actual copy of the app from your Mac.

  • Adobe form-Able to post  data using Adobe Reader 9 but not with Adobe Proff

    Hello Guru's
    I am facing one problem with adobe forms.
    We have develoed a adobe form using adobe reader 9.
    Now when user are posting the purchase requistion using the form,they are able to post the data using
    Adobe Reader 9 but not with Adobe Reader professional.
    Can anyone please advice me what can be the problem here.

    Adobe Reader 9 can't save the old FDA forms. FDA must update their forms.

Maybe you are looking for

  • How do I move a file in the Creative Cloud website?

    I have some of my assets organized into collections (folders), and now I want to move an item into one of the folders.  How do i do that?

  • Windows Vista 64bit and Zen, Video Convertsion

    We just updated out computer to one with Windows Vista 64bit. Everything was fine until we tried to convert a .mov file to place it on the Zen. First it said we needed Quicktime ver 7 (which apparently the original video was created with). Tried to i

  • Can't get client and server to communicate

    hiya For some reason I can?t get server and client to exchange any messages ( server does receive a message from client only when I terminate the client process ). At first I thought that firewall was somehow preventing the two from communicating, bu

  • Create a tree with recursive call for sub-rows

    Hello, I would like to create a generated menu dynamically created from values returned by sql. Structure is as follow : Menu   |   +-- MenuItem <--+          |        |          +--------+I can't know the maximum depth of the menu. How can I create

  • BI : Invoice number in Purchase Order

    Hi Experts, I am doing Standard extraction for having purchase order related data in BI. we are using the below data sources : 2LIS_02_itm, 2lis_02_cgr,2lis_02_scn & 2lis_02_sgr. Our requirement is we want to have the invoice number(XBLNR,REBZG)  in