JSF View Error

Requirement is like that first it will go to another servlet ,will do some processing like session id ,security and then it will generate JSF view.
When I am forwarding from my login servlet to JSF page ,
i am getting this error
Missing Error javax.faces.FactoryFinder
Depended Class Com.LoginServlet
Can anybody help me.
Thanks In advance...

make sure you don't perform a server side forward to the JSF JSP page but a redirect to theJSF URL that includes the "faces" path.

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    at com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.application.AdvancedReportSource.readExternal(SourceFile:131)
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    Well, according to the tutorials I have seen on the internet, I believe CrystalReport was successfully implemented and tested with jsp, to have it working with Facelets, we need to do a little bit of work around. We need to make a new JSF custom component and assign it to an external renderer. then we can use it to view the report
    please follow these and it should work after then,
    1- bring the following jars into your libs
    2- bring the folder "crystalreportviewers115" right under the "WebContent".
    3- implement the custom FacesComponent and make it extend the "UIReportPageViewer" as follows;
    import packagename.CustomReportRenderer;
    @FacesComponent ("packagename.newReportViewer")
    public class UIReportViewer extends com.crystaldecisions.report.web.jsf.UIReportPageViewer implements Serializable{
        public UIReportViewer () {
    4- implement the renderer and make it extend the "ViewerHtmlRenderer" as follows;
    @FacesRenderer(componentFamily="CrystalReports.DHTMLViewer", rendererType="packagename.CustomReportRenderer")
    public class CustomReportRenderer extends com.crystaldecisions.report.web.jsf.ViewerHtmlRenderer implements Serializable {
    5- make a new tag library xml file next to the web.xml so the application can find the tag configurations. name it "taglib.xml" and add the following inside it;
    <facelet-taglib xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
    6- configure the web.xml with the following
            State saving method: 'client' or 'server' (=default). See JSF Specification 2.5.2</description>
    7- implement the reportViewer.xhtml and make sure you have the following;
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    - add the new reportViewer component
    <crystalnmcps:ReportViewer reportSource="#{youController.reportSource}"  displayToolbarLogo="false" parameterFields="#{youController.parameterFields}"  allowParameterPrompting="false" />
    Now run your app.
    I hope this helps. good luck

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    Is this for homework/test?

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    Thank you for your input.
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    Thanks in advance.
    Best regards,
    Pedro Mariano

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    Unable to display tree view; Error when parsing an XML document (Premature end of file.)

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    this is my java-programm-code:
    import java.io.FileInputStream;
    import java.io.FileOutputStream;
    import com.sap.aii.mapping.api.StreamTransformation;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.Map;
    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    import org.xml.sax.*;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
    /*IMPORT statement imports the specified classes and its methods into the program */
    /Every Java mapping program must implement the interface StreamTransformation and its methods execute() and setParameter() and extend the class DefaultHandler./
    public class Mapping extends DefaultHandler implements StreamTransformation {
    Below is the declaration for all the variables we are going to use in the
    subsequent methods.
         private Map map;
         private OutputStream out;
         private boolean input1 = false;
         private boolean input2 = false;
         private int number1;
         private int number2;
         private int addvalue;
         private int mulvalue;
         private int subvalue;
         String lineEnd = System.getProperty("line.separator");
    setParamater() method is used to store the mapping object in the variable
         public void setParameter(Map param) {
              map = param;
         public void execute(InputStream in, OutputStream out)
                   throws com.sap.aii.mapping.api.StreamTransformationException {
              DefaultHandler handler = this;
              SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
              try {
                   SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser();
                   this.out = out;
                   saxParser.parse(in, handler);
              } catch (Throwable t) {
    As seen above execute() method has two parameters "in" of type
    InputStream and "out" of type OutputStream. First we get a new instance
    of SAXParserFactory and from this one we create a new Instance of
    SAXParser. To the Parse Method of SaxParser, we pass two parameters,
    inputstream "in" and the class variable "handler".
    Method "write" is a user defined method, which is used to write the
    string "s" to the outpurstream "out".
         private void write(String s) throws SAXException {
              try {
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   throw new SAXException("I/O error", e);
         public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
         public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
              try {
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   throw new SAXException("I/O error", e);
         public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String sName, String qName,
                   Attributes attrs) throws SAXException {
              String eName = sName;
              if ("".equals(eName))
                   eName = qName;
              if (eName.equals("NUMBER1"))
                   input1 = true;
              if (eName.equals("NUMBER2"))
                   input2 = true;
         public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String sName, String qName)
                   throws SAXException {
              String eName = sName;
              if ("".equals(eName))
                   eName = qName;
              if (eName.equals("NUMBER1"))
                   input1 = false;
              if (eName.equals("NUMBER2"))
                   input2 = false;
         public void characters(char[] chars, int startIndex, int endIndex)
                   throws SAXException {
              String dataString = new String(chars, startIndex, endIndex).trim();
              if (input1) {
                   try {
                        number1 = Integer.parseInt(dataString);
                   } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
              if (input2) {
                   number2 = Integer.parseInt(dataString);
              if (input2 == true) {
                   addvalue = number1 + number2;
                   mulvalue = number1 * number2;
                   subvalue = number1 - number2;
                   write("" + addvalue + "");
                   write("" + mulvalue + "");
                   write("" + subvalue + "");
    in developer studio 7.1 i dont get error.
    this happens by testing the mapping-programm in ESR.
    can somebody help me please?

    Make sure that the xml created out after the java mapping is a valid xml with only one root node.

  • For loop in JSF View Pages

    Hi ALL,
    How can I work with iteration operation in JSF View Class as JSP scriptlets won't work in it

    Hi Sudhakar,
    Thank you for explaining your requirement so clearly.
    The task you are trying to achieve is not possible in the jsp source. The reason being that Creator has a page backing bean where the component declarations are done. Hence adding components via the jsp source would not work as the page backing bean is essential for the working of the application.
    The solution for your problem would be something like this:
    Create an integer property named counter in your session bean and initialise it to 0.
    Add a gridpanel to your page.
    In your page backing bean (Page1.java) constructor add the following code
    for(int i=0; i<array.length;i++){
    SessionBean1 sb = getSessionBean1();
    int ctr = sb.getCounter();
    UIComponent parent = gridPanel1;
    HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox chkBx = new HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox();
    chkBx.setId("checkBox" + ctr);
    The above code just uses one for loop. You could extend it to mak use of nested loops.
    I hope this helps
    Giri :-)
    Creator Team

  • Refresh Order Management Materialized Views errors out in R12.1.3

    Hi All -
    Refresh Order Management Materialized Views errors out in R12.1.3 when submitted with blank parameters. Please find below error details ..
    OEXITORDMV module: Refresh Order Management Materialized Views
    Current system time is 15-OCT-2012 11:30:29
    **Starts**15-OCT-2012 11:30:29
    ORACLE error 12008 in FDPSTP
    Cause: FDPSTP failed due to ORA-12008: error in materialized view refresh path
    ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 4 with name "_SYSSMU4_3768336236$" too small
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT", line 2566
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    End of log messages from FND_FILE

    Cause: FDPSTP failed due to ORA-12008: error in materialized view refresh path
    ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 4 with name "_SYSSMU4_3768336236$" too small
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT", line 2566Please see old threads for the ORA-015555 docs you need to refer to.

  • Smart View Error: Requested Operation Failed. Error: Java.lang.NullPointerE

    Hi All,
    I get the below error when i refresh a report from smartview.
    Small reports works fine but if the report is huge i get this error
    Smart View Error: Requested Operation Failed. Error: Java.lang.NullPointerE
    Smart View 11.1.2 MS OFFICE 2007 SP3
    Essbase 11.1.2
    Any pointers.

    you mean i have to set below in essbase.properties of aps
    SET JAVA_OPTIONS=–Xms128m –Xmx1024m

  • Event Viewer errors and warnings

    How do I clear Event Viewer errors and warnings?

    This one may help.
    Regards, Dave Patrick ....
    Microsoft Certified Professional
    Microsoft MVP [Windows]
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.

  • Smart View error when opening Powerpoint files read-only

    Users are experiencing the following error when they open a Powerpoint file as read only. Using MS Office 2007 with Hyperion Doesn't happen in edit mode. Error reappears every time user pages down to next slide. Quite annoying!
    Shape. Tags : Invalid request. Presentations cannot be modified.
    Has anyone experienced this issue and resolved it?

    Source: My oracle support
    Applies to:
    Hyperion Planning - Version: and later [Release: 11.1 and later ]
    Information in this document applies to any platform.
    In Smart View Version, when attempting to open a PowerPoint document that is already open by other user the following error occurs:
    ERROR : Shape.Tags: Invalid Request. Presentation cannot be modified.
    This issue has been verified as Unpublished Bug 12418027: SMART VIEW ERROR : SHAPE.TAGS : INVALID REQUEST. PRESENTATION CANNOT BE MODIFIED
    The cause of the problem is that when a presentation is edited by another user, an exception will be thrown while trying to query the tags in the presentation from a different process.
    This issue has been fixed in the Oracle Hyperion Smart View for Office, Release Patch Set 1 (PS1): Release.
    This patch is available via My Oracle Support:
    1. Log into the My Oracle Support portal.
    2. Choose the Patches & Updates tab.
    3. Enter the Patch Name or Number from the drop-down box.
    4. Perform a search for Patch:12968304 for your corresponding OS platform.
    5. The patch file includes both installers and the readme.
    Additional Information:
    Please refer to the patch readme for system requirements, dependencies, and installation instructions.

  • Problem overriding default JSF conversion error messages

    Hello !
    I have a problem to override default JSF conversation error message. I have an inputText which is binded to BigDecimal attribute, so when I enter a character in that field I get this error message: "- Conversion failed."
    I think I need to register the message bundle in my faces config, and put the key of this error message to my properties file.. am I right ?
    Can somebody help me with this ? Which key I need to put into the properties file ?

    Get [Sun's Java EE tutorial |https://www.sun.com/offers/details/JavaEETutorial.xml?cid=20090723ZA_TACO_JVEE_0004] and read the relevant section so you don't have to guess what you need to do.

  • Event Viewer Error Reports

    How do I send all my event viewer error reports from 3/1/15 to the manufacturer of my computer? IN the event viewer window there seems to be a lock on opening submenu to perform a copy and paste or a SEND option available. I have a WINDOWS 8.1

    You should be able to right click on each indivudual log "App, Sec, Setup, System, etc" and click on Save all events as.

  • Event in "view error log"

    I am using sun web proxy server 4.0.3 for windows (windows 2000). I used 4.0.2 but I have got some problems with cpu usage (process usage 100 %...).
    We are using Etrust Antivirus and recently I have got some problems when I am downloading new signature. Sometimes I can download new signature sometimes not.
    In Server status, view error log, I have severals :
    "[08/Sep/2006:12:34:53] info ( 3520): CORE3282: stdout: gc channel: ftpav.ca.com anonymous:sunproxy@ "
    ftpav.ca.com is from where i'm downloading new signature.
    Anyone can help me to understand these messages ?
    PS: sorry for my english.

    I have the same problem with ftp. If I try to download the same file several times with help of ftp proxy, after third or fourth retry proxy rejects my connections.
    It writes the same line in error log, and file is not accessible anymore.

Maybe you are looking for